CITY OF COLUMBIA DESIGN / DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMISSION FEBRUARY 19, 2014 Special Meeting – 4:00 PM Minutes City Hall Second Floor - Mayor’s Conference Room • 1737 Main Street • Columbia, SC Members Present: LaToya Grate, Ashby Gressette, Harris Cohn, Dale Marshall, John Powell, Beronica Whisnant, Robert Wynn Out: Doris Hildebrand, Bowen Horger Staff: Amy Moore and John Fellows The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dale Marshall at 4:00 PM, Roll Call – Quorum established, swearing in of applicants and public speakers, points of order. Amy Moore, Preservation Planner, noted changes to the Agenda since publication. She proceeded with review of the Consent Agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER II. CONSENT AGENDA URBAN HISTORIC III. REGULAR AGENDA Mr. Gressette recused himself from items 1, 2, 3, and 4, as his firm is involved in civil engineering, and architectural engineering, and design. Mr. Fellows stated the site plan and design for 611 Park Street, 701 Park Street & E/S Lincoln Street would be presented together, however a separate motion would be needed for 1) site plan approval and 2) request for Certificate of Design Approval. Mr. Fellows read an email statement as requested by Derek Gruner, University of South Carolina Director of Facilities Planning and Programming and University Architect: The West Campus Project, for the public record, that whether or not the project proceeds, is contingent upon State approvals at the JBRC (Joint Board Review Commission) and the B&CB (Budget and Control Board) which occur in the future. URBAN 1. 611 Park Street, 701 Park Street & E/S Lincoln Street (TMS#08915-09-01, 08915-1001and 08914-18-01) Request for site plan approval for private student dormitory structures. Innovista Design District John R. Holder, Holder properties, represented the applicant. Motion by Mr. Powell to approve the request for site plan approval for private student dormitory structures at 611 Park Street, 701 Park Street & E/S Lincoln Street with the requirements and February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 1 conditions of staff and other city officials; and with the additional request that further study be made on the bridge element and the possible integration into the building at that point. Motion seconded by Mr. Wynn. Motion approved 6-0. 2. 611 Park Street, 701 Park Street & E/S Lincoln Street (TMS#08915-09-01, 08915-1001and 08914-18-01) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for private student dormitory structures. Innovista Design District Motion by Ms. Grate to approve the request for Certificate of Design Approval for private student dormitory structures at 611 Park Street, 701 Park Street & E/S Lincoln Street with conditions noted as items 1 through 22: 1. A detailed landscaping plan with species, foundation plantings, hedges, seasonal plantings, ground cover, and turf areas shall be provided at the time of plan submittal. Plans shall be submitted for both private property and public right-of-ways. 2. Encroachment Permits will need to be applied for, and granted by, SCDOT and the City of Columbia for all items requiring such approvals. Details to be deferred to staff. 3. Per section 1.2.9 of the guidelines. Lighting for the parking structure shall be screened, architecturally or otherwise, with details to be deferred to staff. 4. An irrigation plan showing general how irrigation will be provided internally to all landscaped areas will need to be provided, details to be deferred to staff. 5. An irrigation plan for all landscaping within the right-of-way will need to be provided, details to be deferred to staff. 6. Staff recommends that details related to the Foundation Square be deferred to staff to assure that the plaza is designed in conjunction with future Greene Street plans to assure that the space is a shared-surface multi-modal street and plaza 7. Details of masonry screen walls will need to be provided, details to be deferred to staff. 8. Details of building bases were grade changes occur along public rights-of-ways will need to be provided, details to be deferred to staff. 9. HVAC screening along public rights of way shall be screened with both solid screening devises and when space permits year round landscaping. 10. Details and profiles and depth from the main façade of windows shall be deferred to staff. 11. Awnings/canopy details shall be deferred to staff. 12. HVAC units shall be screened, details to be deferred to staff. 13. Cornice details of all materials shall be deferred to staff. 14. Signage for the buildings shall be approved under a separate Certificate of Design Approval with details to be deferred to staff. 15. Details regarding the final design, lighting landscaping, etc. of both garages be deferred to staff as the design team has indicated that some design elements are still under review. 16. Parking garage setbacks shall not exceed the maximum setback of 10 feet unless a green wall, additional landscaping (exceeding basic zoning regulations) or solid screening walls for loading areas is provided. 17. Exterior bike rack design, layout and locations shall be deferred to staff. 18. Modifications to provide for a breezeway connecting from the courtyard to Blossom Street shall be deferred to staff. 19. Details of all right-of-way improvements shall be deferred to staff. 20. Additional glazing along Blossom Street shall be provided. Possible exploration of removing the lower portion of the windows and bring the glass to grade while still keeping the punched opening design should be considered. The percentage of glazing should be at 50% or more. February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 2 21. Additional study and analysis of the relationship of the tower structure, one story structure and Foundation Square shall be required. The proportion of square to building height needs to be considered. Details to be deferred to staff. 22. All remaining details to be deferred to staff Motion seconded by Ms. Whisnant. Motion approved 6-0. 23. 550 Assembly Street, 507-19 Main Street (TMS# R11303-11-01 and R11303-11-05) Request for site plan approval for and Office Building. City Center Design Development District Motion by Ms. Whisnant to grant approval for the request for Site Plan Approval for 550 Assembly Street, 507-19 Main Street as presented subject to recommendations and comments of staff and other city officials. Motion seconded by Mr. Cohn. Motion approved 6-0. 24. 550 Assembly Street, 507-19 Main Street (TMS# R11303-11-01 and R11303-11-05) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for an Office Building. City Center Design Development District Motion by Mr. Powell to grant a Certificate of Design Approval for 550 Assembly Street, 507-19 Main Street for an office building with the following conditions: 1. Screening and screen walls shall be deferred to staff. 2. Glass samples shall be provided to staff and details regarding glass to be deferred to staff. 3. Details with regard to this construction of the plaza/courtyard/ open space shall be deferred to staff. 4. Future renovations and design to the entire plaza/courtyard and open space shall be deferred to staff for review. 5. The Assembly Street Façade be deemed acceptable as designed, with the additional item that spandrel glass below desk level be considered as an option in replace of glazing, specifically for the purpose of interior treatment, and that exterior view of that use not be a negative view for the pedestrian. The Blossom Street façade be studied with the intent of raising the window open areas, with the percentage deferred to staff. The purpose of that based primarily on the drastic change in grade of the total site being approximately 18’ to 20’ which makes glazing along that line very difficult, from a construction standpoint and from a use standpoint, also with pedestrians experience of the building; with further details deferred to staff. 6. An encroachment permit for off-site improvements within the right-of-ways shall be required. 7. All other details to be deferred to staff. Motion seconded by Mr. Cohn. Motion approved 6-0. 25. 1213 Lady Street (TMS# R09013-06-08) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for exterior changes and site improvements. Pending Individual Landmark/City Center Mr. Cohn recused himself from this project. Request received recommendation for landmark status from Planning Commission on February 3, 2013. It will be heard at the City Council Zoning Public Hearing on March 18, 2014 for first reading, on April 1, 2014 for second reading, and present at the April D/DRC meeting for preliminary certification of the Bailey Bill. February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 3 Scott Garvin, agent, presented on the request. Motion by Mr. Gressette to approve the request for Certificate of Design Approval for 1213 Lady Street for exterior change and site improvements based on the following conditions: • Based on the presentation; • A permit encroachment for work within the right-of-way will be required; and • All details deferred to staff Motion seconded by Ms. Whisnant. Motion approved 6-0. HISTORIC 1. 1230 Sumter (TMS# 11401-03-01) (Keenan Building) Request for recommendation to landmark building. Pending Individual Landmark Housekeeping - Ms. Richey noted this request was legally advertised as two different addresses in package originally. The correct address is 1230 Sumter Street (Keenan Building). Rick Patel, property owner, spoke on the request. Motion by Mr. Wynn to approve the request for recommendation to landmark building as staff finds that the 1922 and 1951 buildings comprising 1230 Sumter Street, also known as 1310 Lady Street or the Keenan Building, at Tax Map parcel #11401-03-01, meet more than one criteria for listing as a Group II landmark under Section 17-691(c) of the City Ordinance, and notes that the c.1980’s building on the south side of the tax parcel shared by these buildings is not included in this recommendation. Motion seconded by Mr. Gressette. Motion approved 7-0. 2. 4035 Ensor Avenue (TMS#09211-10-03) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for exterior changes. Seminary Ridge Architectural Conservation District Ms. Grate recused herself from this request to refrain from the appearance of being biased as she is a resident, as well as the neighborhood president, in Seminary Ridge. Vermell Seibels, homeowner, presented on the request to replace original windows in the home. Staci Richey, city planner, finds the proposal does not meet Section 7-3 of the guidelines and recommends denial. Motion by Mr. Gressette to deny the Request for Certificate of Design Approval for exterior changes at 4035 Ensor Avenue based on staff recommendation, and the applicant work with staff to find an appropriate solution that would fall within City guidelines. Motion seconded by Ms. Whisnant. Motion to deny request approved 6-0. 3. 907 Senate Street (TMS# 08916-02-02) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for DEFERRED exterior changes and site improvements. W. Gervais Street Historic Commercial District 4. 804 Gervais Street (TMS# R08916-11-03) Request for preliminary certification for the Bailey Bill. W. Gervais Street Historic Commercial District February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 4 Wes Lyles, Studio2LR architect, spoke on the design of the building. Robert B. Lewis, agent, spoke on the project with regard to the Bailey Bill. Amy Moore, preservation planner, recommends a Certificate of Design Approval, however feels the project does not meet the requirements of the Bailey Bill as proposed. Motion by Mr. Gressette to grant a Certificate of Design Approval for 804 Gervais Street under conditions of further design and enhancement of the proposed front opening; further design and review with staff of the canopy on the west side, and proposed solution for the entry on the east side. Motion seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion approved 7-0. Motion by Mr. Powell to grant the request for preliminary certification for Bailey Bill Approval based on the following stipulations: - the opening in the west elevation be considered by staff and with the design team such that the design reflects a different time period or is not evident as part of the original design; - the justification for that allowance be limited in scope due to the limited character of that opening, as that opening is on a significant, but secondary elevation; - minor modifications be allowed; - further investigation be made in regard to the canopy and to other features that impact directly the facades of the building; and - all other concerns deferred to staff. Motion seconded by Mr. Gressette. Motion approved 6-1 with Ms. Grate in opposition. 5. 2225 Park Street (TMS#09012-12-06) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for site improvements. Elmwood Park Architectural Conservation District 2225 Park Street was moved to the end of the Agenda as Todd Kolb, property owner, was not in attendance. Jerre Threatt, city planner, presented the applicant’s proposal for an 11′ tall trellis on the right side property line. The request does not meet design criteria or zoning requirements; therefore staff recommends denial. Mr. Kolb was aware of staff’s recommendation for denial; however, he wished to appeal staff’s decision by bringing the case before the D/DRC. Motion by Mr. Gressette to deny the request for Certificate of Design Approval for 2225 Park Street because it does not meet the guidelines of the City Ordinances, and upon staff recommendation not to grant approval. Motion seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion approved 7-0. 6. 522 Lady Street (TMS#08912-05-01) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for exterior changes and preliminary certification for the Bailey Bill. W. Gervais Street Historic Commercial District Scott Lambert, architect/agent, presented on the request. Staff recommends approval for the request for Certificate of Design Approval for exterior changes and preliminary certification for the Baily Bill for 522 Lady Street. February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 5 Motion by Mr. Gressette to grant the request for Certificate of Design Approval for 522 Lady Street for exterior changes as proposed by the design team, with the further caveat of working with staff subject to recommendations listed. Motion seconded by Mr. Cohn. Motion approved 7-0. Motion by Mr. Wynn to grant approval for the design of 522 Lady Street, and grant preliminary certification for the Bailey Bill according to the West Gervais Street Historic Commercial District guidelines, referencing Section 17-695 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance; and subject to the condition that staff continue to work with the applicants regarding configurations of said property. Motion seconded by Ms. Whisnant. Motion approved 7-0. 7. 3220 Murray Street (TMS#13901-04-04) Request for Certificate of Design Approval for addition. Melrose Heights/Oak Lawn Architectural Conservation District Staci Richey, city planner, recommends approval with conditions. Alan Henderson, homeowner, presented on his request. Motion by Mr. Cohn to grant the request for Certificate of Design Approval for an addition for 3220 Murray Street in accordance with staff recommendations; and all details deferred to staff. Motion seconded by Mr. Gressette. Motion approved 7-0. IV. OTHER BUSINESS Consideration, Discussion, and Recommendation of support of the Tree and Appearance Committee regarding overhead power line removal proposal. Jack McKenzie, member of the Tree and Appearance Committee, and and Andy Whitfield, board chair, presented on the resolution to bury power lines in the City. Motion by Mr. Wynn to recommend the D/DRC recommend approval of the resolution for elimination of above ground utility cables. Motion seconded by Ms. Whisnant. Motion approved 7-0. Planning Updates: • Granby Grant update Mr. Threatt presented updates to the 2014 Granby Mill Village Stabilization Program. • • • West Gervais Plan Update Devine St. /Ft. Jackson Commercial Node Plan Update Bike Pedestrian Plan and Bike Feasibility Analysis Update Mr. Fellows presented updates on the West Gervais Plan, the Devine St./Ft. Jackson Commercial Node Plan, and the Bike Pedestrian Plan and Bike Feasibility Analysis Update. February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 6 V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January minutes Motion by Mr. Gressette to approve the January minutes, seconded by Ms. Whisnant. Motion approved 7-0. VI. ADJOURN There being no further business, Motion to adjourn by Mr. Gressette; seconded by Ms. Whisant. Motion approved 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM Chairperson Date Respectfully submitted Planning and Development Services Department February 19, 2014 – D/DRC Meeting Minutes Page 7