Spontaneous Segregation of Self-Propelled Particles with Dierent Motilities: Supplemental Information Samuel R. McCandlish, Aparna Baskaran, and Michael F. Hagan Martin A. Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, 02454 (Dated: October 13, 2011) In this supplemental material, we rst provide further information about the clustering behavior of the rods, (Fig. S3), the herds of passive rods are most evident. 4. Relationship Between Clustering and Segregation: including cluster size distributions and our method for The enhanced local alignment due to rod propulsion gives identifying clusters. We also explain the relationship be- rise to collective motion of polar clusters. tween the segregation parameter σ̂ and the mean clus- ter size discussed in the main text. Then we present in the same cluster if their representative line segments snapshots from simulations of various parameters to dis- are within play the behavior of the mixed system as a function of less than motile fraction. of clusters. Finally, we present various pair corre- We dene a cluster as in [1, 2]. Two active rods are considered to be 3σ π/6. of each other, and their relative angle is Traversing these connections yields a set A single unconnected rod is counted as a lation functions that illustrate the anatomies of clusters cluster of size one. We do not consider passive rods when and can be measured in experiments [1]. identifying clusters in this way. 1. Clustering and swarming: Various representative cluster size distributions are shown in Fig. S1. To measure the degree of segregation within clusters, Due to we also implemented an alternative algorithm that iden- a lack of statistics at large cluster sizes, the cluster size ties clusters in a manner independent of rod species. In 0.1 this algorithm, two rods are connected if their average distributions are shown averaged over bins of width log n. in For low φ, L, fa , and Pe, the distributions follow a power law with an exponential cuto. Increasing φ, L, fa , and Pe yields distributions that `pile up' relative velocity over a time value vmax . τ is smaller than a threshold The size of clusters chosen by this method was sensitive to the parameters τ and vmax , but the cal- at large cluster sizes, with the most extreme example culation conrmed that clusters with a motile fraction (L between = 21, φ = 0.8, Pe = 120) exhibiting system-sized clusters. The forms of these cluster size distributions are qualitatively similar to those observed by [2]. We nd 0.2 and 0.8 are rare. Typically clusters contain at least 99% active rods. As noted in the main text, there is a close relationship that segregation occurs even for parameters well below between the mean cluster size the threshold at which this plateau develops in the clus- parameter ter size distribution. for which clusters are nearly pure and there is a one- 2. Determination of the Segregation Order Parameter: σ̂ . hnC i and the segregation This relationship holds under conditions to-one mapping between the mean cluster size and the The method for determining the segregation parameter cluster size distribution. σa (b) as described in the main text is shown in Fig. S2 well within the interior of a cluster are almost entirely as a function of the discretization box size b. In order σa (b) at zero Péclet number, we subtract the same function σ0 (b), computed for a system with the same parameter values except Pe = 0. This function is a nonmonotonic function of the box size b. Then, we dene the segregation order parameter σ̂ to be the maximum value of σa (b) − σ0 (b) over all b. surrounded by other rods of the same species and are to account for the nonzero value of thus segregated, while rods at cluster interfaces have a 3. Snapshots from Simulations: We display in Figs. S3,S4,S5,S6 snapshots from simulations at various parameters. In these snapshots, active rods are colored Under these conditions, rods mixture of neighbors and thus tend to be integrated. Therefore, the segregation parameter can be estimated by calculating the fraction of rods fint which are found in the interiors of clusters. To estimate fint we represent a cluster of size rectangle of width w 2w, and length tirelyp of of active rods with number density w= nC L/2. nC as a which consists en- L−1 , so that This approximation is based on the typi- red, and passive rods are colored blue. Figures S4,S5,S6 cal aspect ratio of clusters and the fact that clusters are are arranged identically to gures 3(b-d) in the main text close to 99% pure for conditions where the relationship to facilitate comparison with the segregation order pa- holds. The value of rameter σ̂ . Figure S3 displays the segregation behavior w is obtained from the distribution of cluster sizes for a given parameter set. The area of the in- at high area fraction. These snapshots display the vari- terior of a cluster ety of emergent behavior that occurs at various system that lies a distance of at least parameters. rectangle, where At low motile fraction fa , we nd active clusters in a passive gas, and the simple dependence of segregation on the cluster size distribution is clear. At higher fa , the passive rods form herds which also increase the degree of segregation. At high fa and high area fraction φ Aint b is dened as the area of the region b/2 from the edge of the is the box side length used to calcu- w < b then there is no Aint = (w − b)(2w − b). late the segregation parameter. If interior, Aint = 0, and otherwise Then, the interior fraction at a given set of parameters is dened from the cluster size distribution Π(n) for that parameter set as the total interior of all clusters divided 2 species can be either P (passive) or A (active). Similarly, by the total area of all clusters: fint the polar and nematic orientation correlation functions P∞ n=1 Π(n)Aint . = P ∞ n=1 Π(n)A are dened by CP,XY (x, y) = h(ŷi · ŷj )δ[xx̂i + y ŷi − (~ri − ~rj )]iij As shown in Fig. S7, comparing this parameter with the segregation parameter shows a strong correlation, which corresponds to the correlation between the mean cluster size and segregation parameter presented in the main text. 5. Pair Correlation Functions: correlation functions G(x, y) We compute pair between the dierent rod species as follows. For a given rod i, we dene a local coordinate system according to the reference frame of rod i, with x̂i as the unit vector in the direction perpendicular to the axis of rod i and ŷi as the unit vector parallel to the rod's axis. Then, the two dimensional pair interspecies correlation function is dened as GXY (x, y) = 1 ρ δ[xx̂i + y ŷi − (~ri − ~rj )] j6=i correlation functions GAA L = 21, φ = 0.2, Pe= 120.The and GPP indicate the cluster- ing of active and passive rods, and show the approximate shape and size of the clusters. Also, the region less than 1 near the origin of GAP and GPA indicates a deciency in the density of passive rods near active ones and vice verse, which is a consequence of segregation. The empty where the average is taken only over rods i GAP (x, y) as a deciency at y < 0. As a consequence, passive rods behind active clusters are i j These pair correlation functions are shown in Figs. S8, S9, S10 for parameters rods are seen clearly in + and the sum is only over rods CN,XY (x, y) = (2(ŷi · ŷj )2 − 1)δ[xx̂i + y ŷi − (~ri − ~rj )] ij regions behind active clusters which are devoid of passive * X and of species X, of species Y, and the [1] H. P. Zhang, A. Be'er, E.-L. Florin, and H. L. Swinney, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 13626 (2010). aligned in the same direction as the cluster, as seen in CN,AP . The regions of aligned rods in CN,PA are due to the eect of clusters colliding with passive rods, pushing them into ordered regions. [2] Y. Yang, V. Marceau, and G. Gompper, Phys. Rev. E 82, 1 (2010). 3 L=4 fa = 1.0 0.1 0.001 PHnL 10 -5 10 -5 10 -7 10 -7 1 10 100 1000 1 10 0.1 1000 1 10 L = 10 fa = 0.5 10 -5 10 -7 100 1000 L = 21 fa = 0.5 Ê f=0.05 Pe=10 ‡ f=0.05 Pe=120 Ï f=0.8 Pe=10 Ú f=0.8 Pe=120 0.001 PHnL PHnL 10 -7 1000 0.1 0.001 10 -5 100 n 0.1 0.001 PHnL 100 n L=4 fa = 0.5 10 10 -5 10 -7 n 1 L = 21 fa = 1.0 0.1 0.001 PHnL 0.001 PHnL L = 10 fa = 1.0 0.1 10 -5 10 -7 1 10 n 100 n 1000 1 10 100 1000 n Figure S1. Cluster size distributions Π(n) compared across aspect ratio L, motile fraction f , area fraction φ, and Péclet number Pe. The top row corresponds to pure systems (f = 1) and the bottom row corresponds to mixed systems (f = 0.5). a a Segregation 1.0 0.8 Ê 0.6 ‡ 0.4 Ï 0 ‡ s0 Ê Ê ‡ 0.2 0.0 Ê sa Ï sa -s0 Ê Ê Ê ÊÊ ÊÊ ÊÊ ÏÏÏÏ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÏÏÏÏÏ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ‡ ÏÏÏÏÏÏ Ê Ê Ê ‡ ‡ ÏÏÏ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ÏÏÏÏ ÏÏ Ï ‡ 50 100 150 Box Edge Length Figure S2. Determination of the segregation parameter σ̂ for L = 10, φ = 0.2, Pe = 120. The parameters are calculated for varying box sizes in the mixed case (σa ) and the zero force case (σ0 ). The segregation parameter σ̂ is dened as the maximum dierence between σa and σ0 . a 4 Péclet Number (Pe) 120 80 40 10 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 Motile Fraction (fa) Figure S3. Snapshots from simulations of varying Pe, f with xed L = 10, φ = 0.8. a 0.9 5 Péclet Number (Pe) 120 80 40 10 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 Motile Fraction (fa) Figure S4. Snapshots from simulations of varying Pe, f with xed L = 10, φ = 0.4. a 0.9 6 Péclet Number (Pe) 120 80 40 10 0.02 0.2 0.4 Area Fraction (𝜙) 0.6 0.8 Figure S5. Snapshots from simulations of varying Pe, φ with xed L = 10, f = 0.5. a 7 Péclet Number (Pe) 120 80 40 10 0.02 0.2 0.4 Area Fraction (𝜙) 0.6 0.8 Figure S6. Snapshots from simulations of varying Pe, φ with xed L = 21, f = 0.5. The frames at Pe = 10, φ = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 display nematic lanes did not reach a steady segregation state within our simulation time, and the frames shown are from the end of the trajectory. a 8 Ê ‡ Segregation Hs̀L 0.4 Ï Ú Ù Á · Ì 0.3 Û ı Ê ‡ 0.2 ‡ ‡Ê ‡Ê Ê ı ‡ ıÊ Ì Ê ı Û · ÊÊ Û Û ‡ ‡ ı‡ ‡Ìıı Û Êı· Û ‡ ÌÊ· Ì Ì ·ÌÌÁ Pe = 0.25 Pe = 0.5 Pe = 1 Pe = 3 Pe = 10 Pe = 20 Pe = 30 Pe = 40 Pe = 60 Pe = 80 Pe = 100 Pe = 120 Û · ‡ ıÙÌ · Ê ·ÁÙ ‡Ê · Û ıÌ ‡ ı Ì Ú Ê Á ÛÌ· Ù Ê Û ·ÁÙ ‡ 0.1 ‡ · Ê ÙÌ ÁÛ 0.0 Ú Ú Ú ı ‡ Ì ·Ù ıÊ Û Á Ú Ù Á Ê · Û ÌÚ ı ÁÙ Ú Ï Ï Ú Ï ı Ù ‡ Ú · ‡ ‡ Á Ê ÛÌ Ù Ú Ï ‡ ‡ Ï Á ‡ Ê ‡ Ê Ï Ê · Ê Ï Ê Ù ‡ ‡ Ê Ú ı ‡ Ê Ï Ê ‡ Ú ÊÊ Ê Ú Ï Ï ‡ Ê ‡ ‡ Û Ê Ù Ï ‡ Ê Ì 0.0 Á Ù Ú Ù Ì · ı ‡Ì Ù·Ú ÊÛ Á Û Ê‡ı ‡ı ·Á ÁÁ ÁÙ ‡Ê ·Ì Ù · ÁÙ ıÌÛ ‡ıÛÛ Á ÌÁ Ù Ê 0.1 Ï 0.2 Ï 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Interior Fraction Figure S7. Comparison between the segregation parameter σ̂ and the interior fraction f for L = 10, f = 0.5 and b = 5.0. These parameters are highly correlated when clusters are suciently pure; the relationship does not hold for very low Pe, where the clusters identied are due only to number uctuations. int a 9 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure S8. Pair correlation functions: (a) G φ=0.2, Pe=120. AA (x, y), (b) GPP (x, y), (c) GAP (x, y), (d) GPA (x, y). Parameters are L=21, (a) Figure S9. Polar orientation correlation functions: (a) C (b) P,AA (x, y), (a) CP,PA (x, y). Parameters are L=21, φ=0.2, Pe=120. 10 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure S10. Nematic orientation correlation functions: (a) C Parameters are L=21, φ=0.2, Pe=120. N,AA (x, y), (b) CN,PP (x, y), (c) CN,AP (x, y), (d) CN,PA (x, y).