17 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or usually known as ASEAN was recognized on 8 August 19671. At that time, ASEAN countries were in state of trouble with many problems occurred among them. In Indonesia, there are total changes when communist failed to coup it and in the end, they brought to undeclared confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia and this situation also known as „Konfrontasi‟2. The first Association of Southeast Asian Nations Declaration was signed on 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand. It is also known as Bangkok Declaration. It consists of five original members of ASEAN which are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. During that time, one of the aims of ASEAN was: “To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter.” On 7 January 1984, Brunei Darussalam united with the other five members of ASEAN which have been mentioned earlier and it was then, followed by Vietnam on 28 July 1995. The eighth and ninth countries that joined ASEAN are Laos and Myanmar on 23 July 1997 and the last country which became ASEAN member was Cambodia on 30 April 1999. 1 2 Rodolfo C.Severino, ASEAN – “Southeast Asia Background Series No. 10”, Singapore, 2008, p. 1-9 Walter Woon, “Dispute Settlement in ASEAN”, Singapore, 2011. 18 In the context of the construction industry, ASEAN have their Vision 2020 to be accomplished and has been mentioned as follow: “a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies”. With reference to the Vision 2020 above, ASEAN countries tried to be more organized in the development of the countries together with the cooperation from the planning department, programme implementation for the whole ASEAN countries. From this Vision 2020, we know that the construction industry is one of the key factors in achieving sustainable development in ASEAN. For example, Vietnam‟s economic sector has grown to seven percent every year. It means that Vietnam has the fastest growth rate in terms of gross domestic product (GDP)3. It happened in terms due to infrastructure development and new construction projects such as airport and ports. This development makes construction industry in Vietnam become more advanced and popular, nonetheless the contractual disputes in the projects can also be increased. Furthermore, according to Stephen4, he found a set of statistics which showed the economic growth experience of ASEAN. In the year of 1967, ASEAN‟s overall trade was worth US$10 billion and three years later, it grew up to US$13.703 billion. In 1980 it became US$134.115 billion and after ten years (1990), it quickly reached US$ 301.706 billion. In year 1995, the total trade reached US$ 620.202 billion. According to the statistic above, the total ASEAN trade increased year by year with encouraging value. In the rapid development of ASEAN, conflicts may occur among the countries. There are many legal traditions and not all countries use the same legal principles especially in the ASEAN countries which consist of ten countries with different background. For example, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam they are following the common legal tradition while Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Laos follow the civil law tradition. On the other hand, Vietnam is the only one 3 Neuyen Duy Long, Stephen Ogunlana, Truong Quang, Ka Chi Lam, Large Construction Projects in Developing Countries: AA case study from Vietnam, Elsevier Ltd, 2004. 4 Stephen Leong, ASEAN Towards 2020 – Strategic Goals and Future Directions, ISIS Malaysia, 1998. 19 that uses the different tradition which is Socialist tradition of law 5. It is very essential to the ASEAN countries to use the legal tradition because it can be more consensual and less confrontational approach in dispute resolution. Besides that, ASEAN countries also use dispute resolution in the construction industry. It is used to solve disputes in and among the countries. The term dispute resolution can be defined as procedures for settling by means other than litigation 6 while by Brown and Marriot (1999) defined it as a process of resolving a dispute „susceptible to common legal process by agreement rather than by commanding a binding decision‟7. The dispute resolution processes are alternative to traditional court proceeding which frequently referred to as alternative dispute resolution 8. On the other hand, according to the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, dispute resolution definition is “all processes that are used to resolve disputes, whether within or outside court proceedings. Dispute resolution processes may be facilitative, advisory or determinative. Dispute resolution processes other than judicial determination are often referred to as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)”9. The uses of ADR methods outside the court system are created to solve complex problems. It is better to meet the needs of disputants and their communities with the same time to reduce reliance on the legal system and others. 1.2 Problem statement It is important to develop the dispute resolutions method profiling adopted in the construction industry in the ASEAN countries in order to know and get information on the various elements. Many construction disputes occur in the industry and there are many ways to resolve it. With reference to Oon Chee Kheng, there are ten mechanisms of dispute resolution in construction industry which are 5 RICS, The construction and building research conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (COBRA 2008), Dublin Institute, 2008. 6 Dispute resolution definition - Available at http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com [Accessed on 11 March 2012] 7 Henry J.Brown & Arthur L. Marriott, ADR Principles and Practice, Sweet & Maxwell, 1999. 8 Tania Sourdin, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sydney, 2005. 9 National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, DISPUTE RESOLUTION TERMS The use of terms in (alternative) dispute resolution, 2003 20 negotiation, litigation, arbitration, mediation, adjudication, expert determination, mini-trial, hybrid ADR, dispute review board and dispute resolution advisor 10. Profiling has been chosen as the mode to highlight the different nature of dispute resolution in ASEAN countries. The definition of profile in the Dictionary of Marketing Terms is a “short description of a person, publication, broadcast station, or group in terms of a number of relevant parameters”11. Other definitions, profiling can be defined as a formal review of data, often can be seen in graph or table representing the features or characteristic 12. The profiling elements will be done based on the method, statute, professional bodies involved, procedure and rules. All the elements need to be profiled because of the differences of all the ASEAN countries for each element and we also can know and get information easily about the dispute resolutions in construction industry. On the other hand, two previous studies had been done on profiling which consist of profiling of construction payment dispute13 and profiling of construction dispute14. In these two studies, the discussion was on the disputes that occur in the construction industry in terms of common dispute and payment dispute. With the various parties involve in the same project and construction, it is not a surprise that dispute can occur among them. The disputes occur because of the actions or inaction, entitlement of extension of time and quantification, certification of interim payments and many others from the Employer, the contractor and other consultants that will give implication to their contractual position. Thus, this study has developed a profile of the disputes resolutions mechanism in construction industry. In addition, the dispute resolution is also well known as the mechanisms that give benefits to the parties who are using it such as fast, cost-effective and flexible. In each country, there are many dispute resolutions that have been used to settle the dispute in construction industry. Dispute in construction can be solved in many ways such as arbitration, mediation, conciliation, adjudication and others. Thus, it is important to develop a profiling of dispute resolution mechanism and to identify the common dispute resolution modes in construction industry in ASEAN countries. 10 Oon Chee Kheng, Resolution of Construction Industry Disputes – An Overview, The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, 2003. 11 Dictionary of Marketing Terms. Business Glossary, Available at http://www.allbusiness.com/glossaries/profile/4949065-1.html [Accessed on 15 March 2012] 12 The Free Dictionary, available at http://www.thefreedictionary.com [Accessed on 17 March 2012] 13 Ooi Poh Poh, Profile of Construction Payment Dispute, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2010. 14 Asniah Abidin, Profile of Construction Dispute, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2007. 21 1.3 Objective The objective for this study is to develop a profile of dispute resolution mechanism in ASEAN countries. 1.4 Scope of study The scopes of this study will focus on dispute resolution methods in the construction industry in ASEAN countries and to identify the common dispute resolution mode in term of elements which are the methods of dispute resolution, professional bodies involved, statute, rules and procedure. It is also based on the secondary data such as articles, journals, books, conference and other resources. 1.5 Significant of study From the research finding, we will know the ordinary method of dispute resolution in ASEAN countries. It will show the general information about all the dispute resolution and the best way to resolve the problem in construction industry because different countries have their own method to use. Besides that, the findings also give important and relevant information to the public to learn and know more about dispute resolution in ASEAN countries. It includes the statute involved, professional body in charge of the dispute resolution and procedure in the dispute resolution. It is also significant for students, workers who want to work in other country, party that involves in construction industry and others to know about it. It will help them to identify the best and poor mechanism in dispute resolution in construction industry. On the other hand, we also can know about dispute resolution in other countries and how they use it in their construction industry to settle the dispute between them. 22 1.6 Research Methodology Research methodology is a research process and is also known as a research design. In simple words, research methodology can be defined as a plan, structure and strategy of investigation to obtain answer for research problem that have been stated earlier 15. It means to accomplish the objective; the data collection and techniques to analyse must be clearly and systematically planned from the beginning of the research. 15 Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition Research Methodology : a step-by-step guide for beginners, SAGE Publication Ltd., 2005. 23 • Dispute resolution mechanism in ASEAN countries • Profile of dispute resolution Research Issue Literature Review • Dispute resolution mechanism • Elements to profile Research Analysis • Analysis of documents such as articles, journals, books, conference and other resources in term of elements selected to profile dispute resolutions • Conclusion & Recommendation Conclusion Table 1.1 Research process of the study 1.6.1 Identifying the research issue Identifying the research issue is the first stage of research process. The issue of the study can be recognized by reading the various sources such as cases, journals, articles, reports, books and others. In this stage, the writer also there need to discuss with the supervisor or lecturer about the research issue, objective of the research and the research title to make sure that the research can be continued successfully without any problem. 24 1.6.2 Literature review Second stage of research process is literature review. This stage involved the collection of documents from the secondary data such as books, articles, journals, reports, conferences, internet and others. In this study, the literature review focused on dispute resolutions in construction industry for the ASEAN countries based on the elements stated earlier and also the elements to be profiled. 1.6.3 Research Methodology Research methodology in this study is to know the steps to use in order to complete the study. Research methodology determined the ways to search the information for this study. 1.6.4 Research analysis This is the important stage of research methodology towards achieving the objective of research. In this stage, the writer had to determine whether the objective stated above has been reached or not. This stage also showed the findings of the research according to the elements stated. 25 1.6.5 Conclusion and recommendation The final stage of research methodology is conclusion and recommendation. It will show the findings of the research whether it achieves the objective or vice versa. The recommendation is a ways for other researchers to adopt and improve the research in the future. The outcome also can determine the best way of dispute resolution in construction industry in ASEAN countries. 1.7 Organisation of the thesis chapters This research consists of five chapters that are related to the dispute resolutions in construction industry in ASEAN countries. These five chapters are briefly explained as below: 1.7.1 Chapter 1 : Introduction This chapter will briefly describe in the proposal of the research which include the background, problem statement or issue, scope, significant, research methodology and organisation of the chapters. It is related why the dispute resolution in construction industry in ASEAN countries need to be profiled. It is because there might be having differences in those countries to solve their disputes. The elements profiled are the method, professional bodies involved, statute involved, rules existed in the dispute resolution and the procedure in the dispute resolution mechanism. All the process of this study explained summarily in this chapter. 1.7.2 Chapter 2 : Dispute Resolution Mechanism In ASEAN Countries In the Chapter Two, writer will study and examine the dispute resolution in ASEAN countries which focus on construction industry. It also involved the element to be profiled which is to be explained by the writer. The ten ASEAN countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei and Cambodia. 26 1.7.3 Chapter 3 : Profiling Methodology This chapter discussed about the concept of profiling in terms of definition, importance of it to the construction industry, data collection and data analysis. It is also highlighted and explained the elements stated for profiling which are method, professional bodies involved, statute involved in dispute resolution, rules in dispute resolution and the procedure in dispute resolution mechanism. 1.7.4 Chapter 4 : Profiling Of Dispute Resolution Mechanism In ASEAN Countries This chapter showed the analyses and findings based on the elements chosen for profiling information from the secondary data which stated in the Chapter Two. It profiled the dispute resolution mechanism in ASEAN countries and then, further determined the summary of profiling clearly. 27 1.7.5 Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter discussed about the conclusion of the research at the end of the study. It provides the summary of profiling dispute resolution and the recommendation for the future study in the area of dispute resolutions.