Technology Committee – Feb 20, 2007 Present: Donna Clifford (Classified Council); Brandy Colby (Teaching Technologies); Debby Richter (Faculty); Stephen Zideck (Administrative Computing Committee/Applications Development); Ty Moore (Student Services); Chris Winslow – Co-Chair (IT Operations). Excused: Fred Lokken (Academic Technologies Committee) Not Present: Barbara Wright-Sanders (Academic Deans) I. Review of Key Issues in Technology Sub-committees: • Web Advisory Committee: o Reviewed eCard proposal by Cyndi Jakus of the Faculty Senate’s Social Activities and Professional Recognition Committee; they will use 3rd party initially to determine need before TMCC resources are used for this. o Student Services Online Orientation: will be released by the end of March in preparation for mandatory services; content still needs to be updated. o Listserv: President Ringle approved using the TMCC Listserv to replace “All Mailboxes”, etc. for sending email across TMCC sites. Other than the “all Mailboxes” type communications, individuals will have the option of unsubscribing/opt-out as well as opt in. Only certain individuals will have the ability to post to the All Mailboxes. All GroupWise distribution lists will be replaced by the Listserv lists. Targeting the Fall 2007 semester for full implementation. o Campus Tours: Camera hardware is already on hand; software purchase is pending. This will provide TMCC with the ability to create in-house 360 virtual tours of all TMCC centers. • Administrative Computing Committee: o My.TMCC Student portal: Changes to the student log in process have been made; migration to a new server has occurred. The new server is faster and able to handle processing load. Portal authentication changes in process. Applications Development, Teaching Technologies, and Student Services are looking to open up to entire student population, not just the current online students. o New Student Auto-Admit letter: Currently a manual process; an automated process for sending letters to new students will go live Feb 20, 2007; the first letter should go out on Friday pending any further modifications. o Nursing Clinical Database: First phase is completed which will allow tracking of nursing student clinical experience starting with the Fall 2007 semester. o Xerox paperless billing: Planned to be released Spring 2007. This will elimination paper bills from Central Services. o Online Orientation page: Student Services is exploring online services for student orientation; this will be a new project for Applications Development. In the meantime, a temporary web page is being created to provide rudimentary functionality. Page 1 of 3 o iNtegrate update: The Board of Regents passed a motion to accept the Council of President’s recommendation to implement the Student module first. Currently waiting to see what the Legislature will fund (if anything). NSHE has identified $15 million, the Governor has proposed an additional $10 million in the State budget, but the current estimate is that it will cost $50 million to implement the Student module. If NSHE cannot produce additional funds or if the Legislature does not provide enough funds to fund the entire Student module implementation cost, the Council of Presidents did recommend looking at implementing either the HR or Finance modules which are typically less expensive. o Server Room Relocation: As the college becomes more and more dependent on the use of technology to accomplish operational goals, the college’s primary server room has reached capacity. In addition, remote facilities have been used to the maximum effect possible by relocating some servers to minimize the amount of power required in the Dandini facility. IT Operations and Facilities Services have developed a plan and are now looking for funding to relocate the TMCC primary server room to a new location that provides sufficient air conditioning, power, and space for server and networking equipment. Ideally, the relocation will occur during the December 2007 Winter break. • Academic Technologies Committee: o Technology Fee Review. The FY2008 Technology Fee distribution was reviewed. A motion was made to approve without modification. All were in favor. o Microsoft Vista Deployment. Although available for consumers, TMCC will not deploy Vista until the summer of 2008. The primary reason is to have time to identify hardware and software compatibility issues. We don’t want anything that’s currently working to “break” due to a Vista deployment. o Microsoft Office 2007: MS Office 2007 will be installed in academic labs for the Fall 2007 semester. This is typically driven by the Computer Technologies department and the software they need to teach (also dependent on book publishers). MS Office 2007 will be available for installation in administrative offices on an as needed basis. One issue watch for is file compatibility between MS Office 2007 and previous versions. o Student Authentication: Students will be required to log in to the TMCC networks (academic, wireless, and student portal) with their own user name and password. Currently, the academic network uses a generic login and the wireless network does not require a login. o Reduction of paper waste: A lot of paper waste occurs in academic labs through unwarranted and unmonitored printing. With student authentication, the college would have the ability to assign paper quotas to students to curb unnecessary printing, have printing only occur by TMCC students, and reduce paper waste. o Student Email: Applications Development and IT Operations are exploring the possibility of migrating student emails to GMail, Yahoo, MSN or other similar free services. However, these are services specifically designed for higher education institutions. II. ListServ for Technology Committee: The committee will use the Listserv to model its use for the college, and access it for agendas, minutes as well as for group discussions on committee assignments and issues. Page 2 of 3 III. Review Strategic Plan Technology Goal, Selected Objectives and Activities, and Measurable Outcomes: The college’s 2006-2012 Strategic Plan contains a Technology section specifically detailing the goal, selected objectives and activities, and measurable outcomes. It is suggested that the committee focus on the measurable outcomes. In addition, be sure to review the entire strategic plan since the use of technology is embedded throughout the document. Assignment: for committee members to review the Technology section to determine what updates are needed; comments can be posted to the listserv. Full discussion will occur at the next committee meeting. IV. Board of Regents Data Security Policy and Inventory Requirement: The Board of Regents are requiring that institutions develop policies on data security and the inventory of where sensitive data is held (physical and electronic). Steve Zideck and Chris Winslow will be working with VP Sanford to draft policies. The college’s policy is due to the Chancellor’s office on May 1, 2007. Assignment: for committee members to comment on any draft policies provided by Steve Zideck and Chris Winslow. V. • FY08 Technology Committee Activities: The college’s Information Technology Plan has been on hold while waiting for completion of the Academic Master Plan. With the completion of the Academic Master Plan which also includes technology initiatives throughout the plan, it is time to revisit what was previously submitted at the college’s IT Plan and to update it. o Assignment: Become familiar with both the Academic Master Plan (specifically, the technology initiatives) and the previously submitted IT Plan draft - - check the listserv for attachments. • The college’s Disaster Recovery Plan was last updated in September 2005. With the myriad of technology implementations since that plan was last updated, it is incumbent upon the Technology Committee to review and participate in the update of this document. o Assignment: Become familiar with the current TMCC IT Disaster Recovery Plan and assist in the update of the plan. VI. • Communication: Committee members not only represent themselves, but their department, division, and specific constituency. Committee members are expected to communicate, yes, even evangelize technology issues throughout the college. • Membership and participation: Faculty membership has remained static ever since the committee was created. It was discovered that Faculty Senate does not appoint faculty members to any of the college’s technology committees. The VPAA and the deans will be contacted to appoint faculty to increase representation on the four committees and possibly on the Student Service Technology Committee (sub-committee of the Administrative Computing Committee). If committee members constantly do not participate, their Vice Presidents or deans will be contacted to appoint someone who will. Next meeting: March 20th, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Room location to be determined. Page 3 of 3