Technology Committee Minutes Tuesday, December 20, 2007 1. Attendance: Fred Lokken, Ty Moore Perralina Palm, Steve Zideck, and Chris Winslow. 2. Approval of the Nov 20, 2007 Technology Committee minutes – done 3. Education on Academic Technologies Committee: Fred Lokken provided the following overview of the Academic Technologies Committee and also gave a handout titled “Academic Technologies Committee - Committee Structure” which is included at the end of these minutes. a. Previously the Academic Technologies Committee focused on Student Technology fee allocations. Currently the emphasis is to look at bringing educational technology into curriculum, services delivered online via WebCollege. Two new subcommittees have been formed: 1) SmartClassroom Subcommittee: Based on a second survey of TMCC faculty, there is a 75% satisfaction rate with how the SmartClassrooms are set up and used in the classroom. This committee is looking at addressing the concerns of the 25% that were not satisfied. Specifically looking at issues of classroom setup, training, and communications to faculty. 2) WebCollege Faculty Advisory Subcommittee: The academic deans have identified faculty to participate on this committee; they are using the Angel LMS Wiki to communicate with one another and address tasks. b. It should be noted that TMCC is the only NSHE institution to follow a highly inclusive and collaborative approach for planning the use of Student Technology fee disbursements; other NSHE institutions have placed final authority in with CIO/CTO. 4. Reviewed the FY08/FY09 Administrative Computing Committee Priorities and recommended approval for submittal to the President’s Cabinet. Chris Winslow will forward to the Interim President for discussion by the Cabinet. The Technology Committee recognizes the impact that budgetary concerns and the iNtegrate project may have on the ability to implement these projects. 5. Technology Metrics: Based on the college’s Strategic Plan for 2006-2012 (, technology metrics were developed to determine TMCC’s progress in achieving Technology Strategic Goals. 6. Other: Required training? This relates to the Technology Strategic goal of providing relevant technology training for faculty and staff. The question was raised, “do these metrics have relevancy?” The fact the current metrics have not had any context, benchmark, or target associated with them has contributed to the problem. Based on the strategic goal “to develop a technology infrastructure that provides faculty, staff, and students with the best practices of the industry”, we should be prepared to measure how ‘current’ is our technology. Further discussion looked at the selected “Objectives and Activities” for the Technology Strategic Goal. It was decided that four areas should be measured: a) Access to Technology (ACCESS) b) Curriculum use of Technology (CURRICULUM) c) Applications developed using Technology (APPLICATIONS) d) Infrastructure for Technology (INFRASTRUCTURE) Based on above, the attached 2007 Technology Matrix was partially modified to identify which metrics “fit” or matched up against a particular area. 7. Action Items prior to the January 2008 meeting: a) Each committee member should continue the review of technology metrics to determine if they fit the four criteria. b) Chris Winslow will investigate the EDUCAUSE Core Data Survey to see if benchmarks exist with similar higher education institutions (and possibly within NSHE) c) Steve Zideck will conduct a similar investigation for benchmarks that can be used to measure for the Applications criteria. d) Fred Lokken will conduct a similar investigation for benchmarks that can be used for curriculum/online learning, etc. 8. Meeting adjourned 9. Next meeting - - January 9, 2007, 2 p.m. in Sier 100. Meeting tasks: a) Review benchmarks and continue discussion of technology metrics to use b) Review the current draft IT Plan (see, determine modifications needs and make assignments for input Academic Technologies Committee Committee Structure Name: Academic Technologies Committee Description: The Academic Technologies Committee is charged with oversight of instructional technologies and their use at TMCC. The committee can discuss, explore, review and make recommendations. Any recommendation requiring Cabinet review/action will first be forwarded to the Technology Committee. Tasks: Technology Fee recommendations, annual review and update to Academic Technology Plan and Academic Master Plan, participation in updating relevant elements of the campus strategic plan, and assistance with the implementation of stated goals and objectives where needed. The committee provides input to and advice for: the TMCC WebCollege, library technologies, smart classrooms, academic computer labs, and academic technology support and professional development/training, and student access to related technologies. The AT Committee shall accomplish these tasks in cooperation with other relevant committees and organizations. Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees: When appropriate, the committee can create subcommittees and/or ad hoc committees to research and/or to work on special projects. Meeting Schedule: Normally, the committee meets the second Wednesday of each month during the academic calendar year (September – May). If necessary, the committee can meet more frequently or can cancel regular meetings for lack of agenda items or quorum. Leadership: the VPAA will determine the chair of the committee; the chair therefore serves at the discretion of the VPAA. The chair will be responsible for scheduling, conducting, and keeping notes for meetings. The chair will also be responsible for maintaining archival committee materials, and maintaining effective communication with the membership as well as with other technology committees and campus leadership. Membership: the intent of committee membership is to ensure strong representation of administrators and faculty from the academic divisions. In addition, the committee encourages membership from a cross-section of the campus including student services, classified staff, students, and technology services (ITO/ITS). This balanced membership will promote an open dialog and spirit of working together to confront challenges and advance the use and relevance of technologies in instruction. Academic Technologies Committee membership will include, at a minimum: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Administrator for TMCC WebCollege Academic Deans from all divisions Representative of chairs Library representation Faculty representation from all academic divisions Administrator for ITO Administrator for ITS Representative of classified staff Student representative(s) Representative of Student Services Media Services staff representative WebCollege staff representative Academic Labs staff representative Committee membership for the 2007-2008 academic year: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fred Lokken, chair John Adlish, dean Susan Hornshaw, dean Ted Plaggemeyer, dean Mike Rainey, dean Barbara Wright-Sanders, dean Jim New, associate dean Hugh Fraser, chairs Bill Doherty, faculty Karen Fontaine, faculty Debby Richter, faculty Neil Whitehurst, faculty Chris Winslow, ITO Steve Zideck, ITS Bo Murdock, academic labs Brandy Colby, classified staff Michelle Noel, library director Travis Souza, WebCollege Christine Hernandez, student services Thomas Kearns, student services Student representation - vacant