M E E T I N G M... Attendees:

Technology Committee
M E E T I N G M I N U T E S – 11 / 2 / 2 0 1 2
Cal Anderson, Lee Anderson, Wade Hampton, Peter Miller, Ted Plaggemeyer, Amanda Sagan, Chris Winslow
Guests: Travis Souza for Fred Lokken, John Molt
1. Jeff Wallace has joined us as a new faculty representative replacing Ted Lambert and Wade Hampton has joined as
a new faculty representative replacing Brad Summerhill.
Lecture capture and video management system - Travis Souza
• Kaltura – video management system. Will replace the Windows media server which limits access for those
using other platforms (i.e., iPhone/iPad, etc.). Kaltura - - individuals can upload media content
(video/audio); Kaltura will convert the content to a version optimized for the platform being used to view
the content (i.e., Flash or Quicktime, Windows-based, Apple, Android, etc.). Kaltura is also the embedded
video system within Canvas for recording media.
• Panopto – Lecture capture system. Allows multiple sources of material (Powerpoint, audio, video) that is
synchronized along a time-line. Searchable by students and can be annotated with notes. Cloud-based
service and easy install. Requires a web cam at a minimum. Currently available for TMCC as a project.
Tegrity is a cloud-based system that is in use by some TMCC faculty and will be reviewed by a faculty
committee. The NSHE college e-Learning consortium is also investigating the use of the Sonic Foundry
platform which is in use by GBC and WNC. The key is to eventually standardize on a single platform to
ease training and use for faculty and students. There is also overlap with web conferencing (i.e., Adobe
Connect). Knowledge retention for students using lecture capture show improved grade movement;
tracking and metrics are also available.
For the Technology Committee, it will be important to guide discussions to support movement toward one platform
for video management and lecture capture so that support, training and use for faculty and students is seamless.
Resource Allocation Program (RAP) demonstration - John Molt
• For requesting new budgetary, technology, people, or facilities resources, the new RAP process must be
used. Requests must tie into the core themes. For the Technology committee, RAP requests which would
be funded by the Tech Fee would be routed through the Academic Technologies committee to the Tech
Committee for final review. Lifecycle replacement items will not go through the RAP.
TMCC web site redesign and Content Management System – Cal Anderson
• Web Services has been reviewing various Content management systems over the past year. Currently, all
web pages are individually coded. We’ve grown to over 10,000 pages. User expectations and technology
is changing all the time. Most web services time is spent updating content on the current site. New CMS
was chosen: Terminal Four’s ‘Site Manager’ project. Migration process will occur starting with vendor
meetings that are now occurring.
• Site redesign will be incorporated into the CMS; the redesign/refresh/facelift is occurring to keep TMCC
current and competitive. Planning for an early Spring (Feb/Mar 2013) launch date. Reference the latest
web service newsletter. Highlights:
a. Workflow available for content update approvals
b. WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing
c. Wider layout
d. Accordion drop downs
e. Mega menus
f. More complex layout options (multiple columns, etc.)
g. All forms will be redone
h. Updated photos
i. Sync with social media sites
Academic Technologies update:
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Rev.: 11/5/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
Status of Canvas migration/Canvas consortium: 1/3 of the way through actual migration; 175 faculty have
been trained. On track to have most moved over by Spring 2013. Still working on the PeopleSoft/Canvas
integration. Data reporting for Canvas is being developed for departments and Student Services.
a. Wade asked about empirical data related to what goes on within Canvas. The data reporting being
developed should assist with that.
• Status of DE Consultant (draft report to state steering committee November 13th): Chancellor Klaich sent a
letter discussing the future of online learning. A consultant has been hired and results should be out before the
Legislature. New methods (i.e., MOOCs – Massive Open Online Course) are being considered. How the new
methodologies being considered will impact current instruction in online learning is unknown.
• online course sharing continues with GBC/currently working out joint offerings for Spring 2013: Canvas.net
has been released to share MOOCs; this should help with sharing of classes not only within NSHE but beyond.
Each school that shares a course hosts it on their on Canvas instance. A separate instance for shared NSHE
Canvas courses is being investigated.
• QM consortium: Quality Matters – the other Canvas schools in NSHE are coming on; they are sending more
faculty to training to become QM peer reviewers within the consortium (TMCC, GBC, WNC, NSC, CSN)
• OEC on campus - recommends an ADA station (adjustable table) for each of our computer labs
IT Restructure is under planning by VP Solemsaas - - results should be announced before faculty leave for Winter
Known Issues within Google +
• No ability to immediately re-enable user accounts of those who have locked their accounts due to making a
mistake entering their DoB when signing up for +. Must send request to Google which can take up to 5 days
to complete.
• Accounts with incorrect birthdays that are not resolved within 30 days are automatically deleted by Google.
If a person is unwilling to verify their age with Google due to privacy concerns, unfortunately there isn't any
other recourse. It is required for all Google+ users to enter their birthdate to ensure they are eligible to sue
Google+ (the age limit is 13 in compliance with CIPA/COPPA).
• Google+ is still subject to the consumer terms of service and not the NSHE Google contract.
o Google+ is still not released to the Higher Education market; it is expected in 2013
o Proposed cell phone policy change will require smartphones connected to TMCC to have passwords
enabled; this will be centrally enforced - - users may need to install an app to their phone to facilitate
o Reminder that we are on rapid release schedule as agreed upon by the Technology Committee a year ago.
As a result we get new features as Google releases them:
• Google has released the opt-in capability to a new compose and reply experience in GMail for Rapid
release domains. New compose allows you to write messages in a cleaner, simpler experience that
puts the focus on your message itself, not all the features around it. Here are some of the
• Fast: Compose messages right from your inbox.
• Simple: Redesigned with a clean, streamlined look.
• Powerful: Check emails as you're typing, minimize drafts for later, and even compose two
messages at once.
• Opt-in period FAQ:
• Can users opt-in now? Rapid release users can opt-in now. Scheduled release users will
get the opt-in capability two weeks later.
• Can users opt-out now? Users can switch back to the old experience at any time.
Steps to opt-out from the new compose experience:
1. Click Compose
2. At the bottom corner of the message pane, click the More menu icon next to the
Discard button.
3. Select "Switch back to old compose."
Can users opt-out permanently? No. The new compose experience will become the
only compose and reply experience in Gmail after the initial opt-in phase. We will be
gathering feedback from users who have chosen to use the feature in the opt-in phase
to improve the feature over the next few months, and then, in early 2013, the opt-out
option will be removed.
Will this new compose be available to IE8 or basic HTML users? No. The new compose
experience will not rollout to users on IE8 or using the basic HTML view.
Page 2 of 3; Technology Committee Meeting Minutes 11/2/2012
Rev.: 11/5/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
There will be an overlay when users first opt in to the new Compoass that shows where
are some of the key features in compose and in reply but users may not take notice.
The HC article details how to find these features.
Google indicates they are working hard to add all features available in the “standard”
compose to the new experience soon. Users that find difficulties can switch back to the
classic compose/reply experience.
Next Meeting: Dec 7, 2012, SIER 201
Focus on Administrative Computing topics – namely RAP results, IT restructure, and future of document
Page 3 of 3; Technology Committee Meeting Minutes 11/2/2012
Rev.: 11/5/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.