Technology Committee MEETING MINUTES – 01/17/14 Attending: Thomas Dobbert, Cal Anderson, Ted Plaggemeyer, Fred Lokken, Tammy Johnson, Peter Miller, Lee Anderson Not attending: Joel Fredrickson Agenda: 1. IT Updates (Thomas) - - Network Infrastructure Upgrade Update - informational item – pending Classroom images – have updated all of the images – making a few corrections new HelpDesk in the Student Center at the Welcome Desk – staffed beginning today Express Connect – will allow automatic connection to our wireless network. Lars found a free monitoring software to possibly replace Smart Link – IT is investigating and testing Smart Classrooms – progress continuing – SIER 101/102/103 have had the number of computers increased (maxed out each room – originally had planned to increase to 32) – rooms are ready to go. SIER 103 as the overflow computer lab – looks like it is booked 10-2 so should open it for classes 2. TechConnect Conference (CSN) Three IT staff members attended the one-day conference in Las Vegas.. The conference is a fund-raiser for their IT program. The tech support at CSN is based on a public-private partnership. 531 attendees. Large number of corporate sponsors. CSN campus monitors put out CNN 3. Tech Fee Requests – Ted requested the Tech Fee request form be resurrected for use by deans to receive requests from faculty – Fred made the request to Cal to update the form – and can send out an email letting faculty know they can make requests that will be routed to their deans for review. The deadline for submissions will be Friday, February 7, 2014. Deans will then have time to review before determining what can be submitted in the RAP by February 28, 2014 4. Upcoming 1st Annual Nevada Digital Learning Conference (April – UNLV) A rocky start for this conference – but we can offer to host at TMCC in the future. Tammy and Thomas indicated it would be great to explore hosting our own conference (not necessarily this one) 5. eLearning Taskforce – progress report Page 1 of 2; Meeting Minutes TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Created: 1/24/2014; Rev: 1/28/2014 The taskforce has been existence since September but is not accomplishing a great deal. All work must be completed by July – there is still much to do. 6. Electronic Student Evaluation project This project is well underway. The Evaluation Kit software has been purchased, installed, and was used to produce the WebCollege student evaluations this fall. It will be beta-tested for all classes during summer school and will officially launch for Fall 2014. There is a need to determine ways to promote student participation (expected to drop otherwise). It will be deployed using Canvas/every class will have an assisted web – for at least the evaluation. Faculty can do training and use the assisted web for additional class-related needs 7. Tegrity and Videography Growing interest – heavier demand. Tegrity will be distributed to all campus administrative computers later this spring. Faculty are responding very well. 8. Other - Cal – the Web Advisory Committee will meet in the next few weeks. - Peter – questions about the new calendar feature on the new TMCC webpage. Page 2 of 2; Meeting minutes TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 1/28/2014