M E E T I N G M...

Academic Technology Committee
Attending: Amanda Sagun, Fred Lokken, Thomas Kearns, Tammy Johnson, Bo Murdock, Crystal Swank and Shannon Van
Not Attending: Thomas Dobbert (excused), Brandy Scarnati (excused), John Fitzsimmons, Teje Clark, Lance Bowen
Welcome & Introductions
Shannon Van Kirk was introduced – she is the new library director. She served on a similar committee at Blue
Mountain Community College in Pendleton, Oregon and has joined the AT Committee
Fred asked if it would work for everyone if future meetings were shifted to a starting time of 1:30 p.m. All in
attendance indicated that would work; Fred will seek feedback from remaining committee members.
Tentatively: the next meeting of the AT Committee will start at 1:30 p.m. on October 22nd
DocSoft – Amanda provided an update – have received the appliance to test for three weeks. The hope is that this
will make captioning easier for all video. It appears that final editing will still be required for each video but will
involve less time than before. Crystal asked about using YouTube videos (and similar). Thomas indicated that if it
is a one-time only/no one in the class is DRC-designated, then likely ok. If there is a recurring use, it should be
captioned. Amanda indicated we couldn’t do that with videos like YouTube as it isn’t ours.
WNC Shared Services Agreement – Fred reported that the service agreement is underway. Training sessions were
provided to WNC faculty in preparation for Fall start-up and eight colleagues from WNC joined TMCC in August for
the annual WebCollege Summer Institute Day.
Lecture-Capture/Tegrity – Amana reported that last year was needed to identify technical problems to overcome
and equipment that would interface with our rooms and Tegrity.
Currently have a room working – will now use
that as a prototype for all other rooms – plan to set up a total of eight rooms with Tegrity and needed equipment.
Have some faculty volunteers/looking for more
Quality Matters – Fred provided an update – major launch of QM at TMCC this year. We are required (in our
campus strategic plan as a measurable) that we have 10-12 classes go through the QM process by FY15. Have
had one go through to date/working on a few new ones and working to identify remaining list of classes for this
year. We have nearly 40 faculty who have done the first certification training. Cathy House is our coordinator for
the project and has “master” evaluator status with QM so she is doing a second tier training for several of our
faculty this fall.
Student Evaluations – just a reminder that all student evaluations are now conducted electronically. The Academic
Support Center is coordinating with assistance from WebCollege. Soliciting suggestions of just how to increase the
number of student completions – will likely hold a campus forum in October to get more suggestions from the
campus community.
Page 1 of 2; Meeting Minutes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 11/20/2014; Rev: 11/20/2014
Media Services – Tammy reported that the main campus is “almost” done. Some contracted wiring to complete
and then Pixies can be installed in remaining rooms. Should all be done within a month on the Dandini campus.
Satellite campus locations will take longer/doing wiring with existing staff/no out-sourcing. Still need to determine
the small classroom platform standard and the funding to purchase and deploy.
IT – Bo reported a head’s up – many IT services will be done during the Holiday break for maintenance.
They are
meeting to determine what needs there may be to accommodate where possible. The question of the Wintermester
classes possibly starting right after the end of the Fall term was raised – needs to be included in any decision
Satisfaction Survey Project – Fred indicated this is a big project for the AT Committee this year – but it has no
value until the smart classroom project is completed – have not conducted a faculty/staff satisfaction survey for
academic and campus technologies since 2006.
Also, Fred asked if we have ever conducted a student satisfaction
survey – the committee was doubtful. We will use the next meeting to discuss this and determine an appropriate
The survey will ask questions about the smart classroom equipment, set-up and training, academic (and
student) computer labs, the wireless network, and ???
Will need to discuss…
DRC – Thomas reported that the DRC has received a significant grant to support vocational rehabilitation.
Library – Shannon reported that she is hoping to purchase pathfinder software – which can create instruction cheat
sheets and course/library guides – and with additional features, also do library analytics. This is a national
standard now and will be of great benefit to our students. She also hopes to have informational monitors installed
in the library – will work with Media Services and Steve Nelson to determine location, number and overall cost.
Funding will need to be found. The monitors will need to be tied into the campus network of monitors so as to
support emergency messaging as needed.
The meeting ended at 2:00 pm.
Page 2 of 2; How to View Instructor Comments on Essay Assignments
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 11/20/2014