Academic Technology MEETING MINUTES – 03/04/16 In Attendance: Brandy Scarnati, Thomas Dobbert, Thomas Kearns, Patrick Guiberson, Ed Corbett, Bo Murdock, Crystal Swank Approval of February 2016 Minutes – APPROVED IT Updates Phones Update • All phones and lines are now rolled over to the new VoIP. IT is discovering that department lines cannot be assigned to a single person, so employees are finding themselves not in the ShoreTel Directory. • Voicemail can still be accessed by dialing into 673-8200. The communicator can allow for virtual voicemail as ewll. • The IT Department is going to offer communicator training soon through the professional development office. It could still offer phone training to groups of 10 or more people through professional development as well. • Thomas is looking into the visual light on the phones for department voicemails. • Tips on the new phones: o o You can forward the phones through the communicator to a classroom phone when you’re out of the office. You can create your own contact group in communicator. If you frequently call certain people, you can add them to a customized contact group. Integrate 2 Update: • The go live date for Integrate 2 (which effects finances/accounting, and HR) has been changed. SCS did not release the date. More than likely will be pushed out. • • At the Board of Regents meeting, SCS is sitting on 3 choices for the Student Integration System o Renew the server for PeopleSoft – requires 7 year renewal o Lease the equipment. o Do nothing. Integrate 1 is a total of $225k/year and is charged to student at $1.50/student. Not sure how much Integrate 2 will cost. Media Services Updates: • Re-cabled and installed 2 new monitors to replace the two that were in the student services. Added one monitor above the elevator for presentation purposes. • SIER 105 and 100 are complete with Tegrity hardware and software. Other updates from IT: • 320 workstations located in RDMT and SIER campus will be replaced as part of the replacement plan – 20% of stations get replaced every 5 years. • Windows 10 and Office 2016 will be launched on classroom workstations starting Fall 2016. Page 1 of 2; Academic Technology Meeting Minutes TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Created: 4/8/2016; Rev: 4/8/2016 Academic Technology Meeting Minutes DRC Updates • There are 3 new forms under Documents/Forms o Student Complaint Form: After the form is received, the DRC committee will meet. After they meet they will forward it to the interested parties for resolutions. DRC will reach out to student after resolution to be sure their needs have been met. o Instructors: If instructors are looking for a new textbook from a publisher, there’s a yes/no form they can fill out to make sure the new book is compliant. DRC will also need the a book to convert it for students’ needs. This form is not required, but it’s helpful. o A form for anything purchased – this form will help you distinguish if the items being purchased are accessible or not. WebCollege Updates • We are beta testing a new video solution that Canvas is creating called Arc. We are satisfied with their program, but want and need more than what they can offer. • WebCollege has had webinars with other companies (Kaltura and Panopto). We are requesting a free trial access with Kaltura. The price is Kaltura is more expensive than what we’re currently paying for Mediacore. o Kaltura has a LMS integration, video management system, machine transcription and lecture/capture solution. If decided on Kaltura, we could eliminate all other programs we use for machine transcription and lecture/capture. o All solutions will be cloud – based. Other Updates • There is ongoing discussion about re-organizing all committees so committees aren’t duplicated. Brandy will have further communication about the Academic Technology committee when she knows more about the re-org. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting on Tuesday, April 5 in RDMT 315O. Page 2 of 2; Academic Technology Meeting Minutes TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See for more information. Rev.: 4/8/2016