Bylaws Article I The Classified Council

Classified Council
11/2/98, Revision – (approved 5-10-2006)
Article I
The Classified Council
Section 1: Definition
The Classified Council is an autonomous organization of persons who are State of Nevada Classified Employees at
Truckee Meadows Community College.
Section 2: Constitution and Bylaw Preparation
A. The Classified Executive Board shall give a duly authenticated copy of its Constitution and Bylaws, and each
amendment as adopted, to the President of Truckee Meadows Community College, Classified Council, be posted
on the Web, and be archived in the Library.
B. The Classified Council provisions of self-government shall not conflict with the policies of Truckee Meadows
Community College or the enactment or policies of the Board of Regents and the State of Nevada Employees
regulations and to the extent that such provisions be in conflict with any of these, it shall be void.
Article II
Classified Council
Section 1:
The Classified Council Board will consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Hospitality Officer and any
classified employee.
Section 2: Administration
The Classified Council Executive Board serves in an advisory capacity for the Classified Council to assure the objectives of
classified employees.
Section 3: Authority
To formulate the program and administer the affairs of the Classified employees. The Council shall have all authority
expressly granted by the Constitution and Bylaws and also general authority that does not violate
existing policies
and procedures.
Section 4: Responsibility
The Classified Executive Board will conduct the affairs of the Classified Council in accordance with the provisions of the
Classified Council Constitution and Bylaws. All members of the Classified Council, in attendance, will have a vote on all
matters presented to it. The Board will conduct the affairs of the Council in a professional and ethical manner.
Section 5:
Representatives are designated from each area as listed in Article III, Section 4.
A. A Representative may serve as many terms as his/her area designates.
B. A representative may resign by informing the Classified Council Vice-President and his/her area in writing. A new
representative must be designated by the area at that time.
C. A representative shall attend all Classified Council meetings unless there is a valid reason for his/her absence or
sends a substitute representative.
D. Representative not attending three (3) meetings or sending a representative in their place will be replaced on the
Classified Council Bylaws
Representatives shall conduct all affairs of the Classified Council in a professional and ethical manner.
The areas being represented are:
Student Services
Academic Services
College Services
Central Services
Police Department
Redfield Campus
Facilities Services
Section 6: Meetings
The Classified Council shall meet at least every two months or as deemed necessary. Special meetings may be called as
per Article IV, Section 2.
Section 7: Quorum
Five (5) of the Classified Employees and five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for all regular
and special Classified Council business meetings, Article IV, Sect. 3.
Article III
Duties of Officers
Section 1: Duties of the President
The President shall:
A. Preside at all Classified Council meetings
B. Call special Classified Council Meetings as she/he deems necessary.
C. Recommend members to all standing committees and other committees as she/he deems necessary.
D. Serve as an ex-officio member on college committees.
Signature authority on all accounts and authorization for checks.
Perform all duties specifically or implied that are required of the office.
G. Represent classified at all college functions or send a representative as necessary.
H. Assist other board members as needed.
Section 2: Duties of the Vice-President
The Vice-President shall:
A. Serve one year as Vice-President and automatically assume the position of the President in the second year.
B. Assist the President in the performance of her/his duties and such other duties as the President may direct.
C. Act in the place of the President in the latter’s absence.
D. Should office of the President become vacant, automatically progress to the Presidency.
Hold special election for a replacement VP.
Signature authority on all accounts.
G. Responsible for administering the Employee of the Month and Employee of the Year program.
H. Maintain the Classified Council Web site.
Section 3: Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
A. Maintain accurate record of expenditures for the fiscal year.
Classified Council Bylaws
B. Signature authority on all accounts. (Any paperwork which would authorize a payment must be verified for
available funding and contain at least two officer’s signatures.)
C. Responsible for reconciliation of each account every month.
D. Responsible for reporting the balance of all accounts at each stated Classified Council meeting.
Responsible for providing the Classified Council Secretary with a hard copy of the report each month.
Section 4: Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall:
A. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all regular and special Classified Council meetings.
B. responsible for updating area representation list and monitoring attendance to the classified meetings
C. Keep a copy of all formal reports of the Classified Council officers and committees.
D. Maintain the official file of the Classified Council.
Signature authority on all accounts.
Post minutes, agenda and notifications of meetings on email, prior to the next meeting date.
Section 5: Duties of the Hospitality Officer
The Hospitality Officer shall:
A. Send flowers, plants, or cards to the TMCC staff and faculty.
B. Fill out DPO-Host form and give proper backup to the Treasurer.
C. Keep accurate records of activities for reporting.
D. Signature authority on all accounts.
Order employee recognition plaques and trophies for classified EOY ceremony.
Assist Vice President with Employee of the Month presentations.
G. Assist Community Services with the Administrative Professionals Conference for prizes.
Article IV
Vacancies and Removal of Officers
Section 1: Vacancy
The President, with the approval of the Classified Executive Board, shall appoint an eligible employee to fill an officer’s
vacancy until a special election can be held. Upon the vacancy of the Treasurer, a review of the books will be done by the
Executive Board.
Section 2: Removal from office shall be accomplished as follows:
A. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive Classified Council meetings constitutes an automatic resignation from the
elected position, except such absences as approved by the Classified Executive Board.
B. A written petition signed by ten (10%) percent of the total classified employees and presented at a regular
Classified Council meeting.
C. The written petition will be reviewed by the Executive Board and carried forward for action at the next classified
council meeting. A 2/3 majority vote of the classified employees present will be required for removal from office.
Article V
Eligibility Requirements
Section 1:
Any person may be elected to hold any elective office who is a permanent State Classified Employee and has been
employed for at least six (6) months prior to nomination.
Classified Council Bylaws
Section 2: Election Procedures
A. The Classified Executive Board shall be responsible for selecting a Nominating Committee which shall have two
(2) members from the classified employees. If a member of the Nominating Committee is nominated for a
position on the Classified Executive Board, and accepts, they must withdraw from the Nominating Committee.
B. The Nominating Committee will present its list of candidates for all vacancies in the month of April. Further
nominations that fulfill the requirements of these Bylaws may be made up to two days after the list is presented.
C. The Nominating Committee in conjunction with the TMCC webmaster will be responsible for the on-line ballot
preparation. Notification of the elected candidates shall be placed on email prior to the election. A ballot shall be
placed on the Classified Council Web page.
D. The Nominating Committee will notify classified employees of election days.
E. Ballot tabulation will be performed by the webmaster and forwarded to the nominating committee.
1. The nominating committee will notify the victorious candidates.
2. The nominating committee will announce the winners via email and the Classified Council Web site.
3. The nominating committee will recommend the election results be destroyed via the webmaster by the third
Classified Council meeting (in the new fiscal year.)
If necessary, a Recount Committee will be appointed by the Executive Board, which will be subject to the same
rules as the Nominating Committee. No nominating committee member may serve on the recount committee.
Section 3: Orientation
The Executive Board will hold a mandatory orientation with all incoming officers prior to leaving office.
Article VI
Section 1: Appointment
A. The President shall appoint the following standing committees at the meeting following his/her installation:
Book Grant
Constitution and Bylaws
Social/Fund Raiser
Emergency Loan
Classified Instructional
B. Other committees may be recommended/appointed by the President as deemed necessary.
C. Any classified member who wishes to serve on any committee may put their name forward. A chair will be
recommended and appointed by the president.
D. In the absence of the President, a member of the Board, or classified staff will be recommended to serve as
Section 2: Duties ~ Responsibilities
A. The Book Grant Committee
Each semester (fall and spring) all current, full-time classified employees can apply for a book grant provided by the
Classified Council. Eligibility requirements are listed on the book grant application. The number of book grants
awarded is based on available funds, which are generated by fund raisers put on by the Classified Council during the
B. The Fund Raiser/ Social Committee
The fundraising/social committee's goal is to raise money for social activities for classified employees.
Classified Council Bylaws
C. Emergency Loan Committee
This committee is charged with helping current TMCC classified with financial support. In the event a classified staff
member is in need of a little assistance, the chair of the committee will be notified and a written request for such
assistance will be submitted and brought forth to the committee. If the request is approved, the committee may
provide a check, a gift certificate for food or other items, or pay a bill directly. The staff member has one year to pay
the interest-free loan back. Staff may receive the loan up to twice a year if in good standing. This committee is highly
confidential in nature.
D. Classified Instructional Committee
Members of the instructional classified to share information, problem solve, increase communication. This committee
is inactive at this time.
E. Constitution – Bylaws Committee
This committee ensures conformity to the Classified Council Constitution and Bylaws and makes recommended
amendments as needed. The constitution has been updated and reflects the growing staff population at TMCC.
Amendments will be added to the bylaws on an as needed basis.
F. Employee of the Month/Year Committee
The Employee of the Month/Year (EOM/EOY) Committee meets once a month to review monthly nominations and
select an employee to receive one of these honors. The committee usually meets on the last Wednesday of the
month for one hour. The monthly nominees are scored based on specific criteria and the award is bestowed upon the
employee with the highest total score. The committee also meets once a year (usually in April) to review the
Employee of the Year Nominations and select a winner. The nominating procedure is a little different and a more in
depth process than what is used for EOM.
G. Nominating Committee
See Section 2: A - F
Article VII
Funds - Grievances
Section 1:
The Classified Council will not take any action which is incompatible with the objectives of Truckee Meadows Community
College or the State of Nevada Classified Employees’ rights and regulations.
Section 2:
The Classified Council shall not incur any debt that is in excess of the anticipated funds in the Classified Council account.
Section 3:
No member claiming to be aggrieved by any action of the Classified Council or of any Board, Officer, Committee, or other
unit thereof shall be denied a right to proclaim his/her grievance. It is recommended that all grievances be handled
informally at the lowest possible level.
A. Procedures for non-employment related issues
These grievances would be referred to the Classified Council President unless said grievance involves the Classified
Council President. In this case the issue would be referred to the President of the college.
B. Procedures for employment related issues
Any classified employee having an employment related grievance will be encouraged to use the State of Nevada
grievance procedure.
Article VIII
Amendment of Bylaws
Section 1:
Amendments to the Constitution and these Bylaws may be proposed by the Classified Council Board, or by petition signed
by ten percent (10%) of the total employee membership and presented at a regular Classified Council business meeting.
Classified Council Bylaws
A. The proposed amendment shall be voted on at the next regular Classified Council business meeting following its
presentation. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those Classified Council members present shall be required for
B. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Classified Council, that amend, alter, delete or augment this
constitution shall be automatically accomplished, at the direction of the Classified Council President, as soon as
C. The Executive Board notifies that total Classified Council membership that the amendment will be voted on at the
next regular business meeting and specifies the date of said meeting.
D. A copy of any amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws must be sent to the President of the College and
the archivist in the library.
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, disability,
national origin or sexual orientation in the programs or activities which it operates.