SECTION BRIEF The financial stability of the Water and Sewer System is reflected through various documents to include: information regarding revenues, expenditures, quarterly cash position, bond history, bond rating factors and cash reserve. In addition, a historical perspective of water/sewer revenues, general fund revenues and the transfer out of water/sewer is reflected on a chart for review and discussion during the upcoming presentation. BUDGET OVERVIEW & HISTORY City of Columbia Water/Sewer Summary ‐ Revenue & Expenditures ‐ Current to Prior Year Variance As of 01/31/2015 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT TO PRIOR % ANNUAL FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 THRU JAN 2014 THRU JAN 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET REVENUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 116,146,428 125,928,595 69,827,018 72,357,166 2,530,148 338,734 300,000 208,156 188,843 (19,313) 62.9% 13,558 10,000 3,511 17,684 14,173 176.8% INTEREST REVENUES 972,514 1,206,500 31,028 116,394 85,366 9.6% RENTS & SALE OF PROPERTY 453,031 140,000 149,464 213,151 63,687 152.3% CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 57.5% CONTRIBUTIONS 5,431,910 0 0 0 0 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE 123,356,175 127,585,095 70,219,177 72,893,238 2,674,061 57.1% 1,550 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 618,097 0 0 0 0.0% 1,550 618,097 0 0 0 0.0% 123,357,725 128,203,192 70,219,177 72,893,238 2,674,061 56.9% TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS TOTAL TRANSFERS IN TOTAL WATER/SEWER REV & TRF EXPENDITURES ‐ DEPARTMENTS CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 675 0 (5,000) 0 5,000 0.0% FINANCE 3,572,750 6,444,339 1,758,579 1,960,318 201,739 30.4% ECONOMIC & COMM DEV 2,432,631 2,811,011 1,505,836 1,642,436 136,600 58.4% POLICE 527,357 659,258 291,463 297,504 6,041 45.1% FIRE 463,973 472,442 259,365 197,238 (62,127) 41.7% PUBLIC WORKS 887,957 1,677,136 596,015 701,327 105,312 41.8% 1,442,937 1,945,672 781,387 820,130 38,743 42.2% GENERAL SRVCS/SUPPORT SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING:ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING:GENERAL SERVICES 374,755 503,293 184,734 212,059 27,325 42.1% 1,368,720 1,387,677 768,395 784,241 15,846 56.5% 654,976 1,735,179 352,980 534,774 181,794 30.8% WATER CUSTOMER SERVICE 3,110,846 3,325,548 1,831,229 1,740,574 (90,655) 52.3% WATER DISTRIBUTION & MAINTENANCE 9,016,134 11,318,814 5,692,817 5,455,279 (237,538) 48.2% WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE 7,136,649 13,555,849 3,773,104 5,514,558 1,741,454 40.7% COLUMBIA CANAL WTP 5,291,336 6,464,601 2,905,324 2,800,167 (105,157) 43.3% LAKE MURRAY WTP 5,602,466 6,152,232 2,956,719 2,897,035 (59,684) 47.1% 11,980,817 17,969,778 6,294,315 6,550,880 256,565 36.5% WATER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 1,378,729 0 661,761 206,618 (455,143) 0.0% SEWER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 2,522,966 0 2,400,289 20,760 (2,379,529) 0.0% WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,822,198 2,118,577 1,065,608 1,205,682 140,074 56.9% WASTEWATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,248,127 1,508,747 708,804 513,315 (195,489) 34.0% 214,319 228,948 118,500 176,018 57,518 76.9% METRO WWTP REAL ESTATE WATER REAL ESTATE WASTE 204,882 218,091 115,043 78,436 (36,607) 36.0% 2,390,625 63,646,825 0 80,497,192 0 35,017,267 0 34,309,349 0 (707,918) 0.0% 42.6% DEBT SERVICE 11,016,246 29,008,192 9,499,641 11,463,121 1,963,480 39.5% DEPRECIATION 23,665,647 0 0 0 0 14,648 35,000 6,606 4,438 434,987 286,467 261,902 50,000 50,000 0 153,500 103,500 103,500 WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ‐ NON‐DEPARTMENTAL & MISC. TUITION REIMBURSEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONTINGENCY EMPLOYEE TRAINING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS RESERVE 0.0% (2,168) 12.7% 305,718 43,816 106.7% 25,000 25,000 50.0% 103,500 0 100.0% 0.0% 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 370,038 750,000 409 9,480 9,071 1.3% TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL 35,705,066 31,233,159 9,872,058 11,911,257 2,039,199 38.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 99,351,891 111,730,351 44,889,325 46,220,606 1,331,281 41.4% 6,520,000 4,000,000 3,803,333 3,657,500 (145,833) 91.4% 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 58.3% 58.3% NON‐DEPARTMENTAL BAD DEBT TRANSFERS OUT TO GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 11,518,109 TO RISK MANAGEMENT 500,000 TO GENERAL TORT 220,874 TO GEN ADM INFO TECH TO PURCHASING TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL WATER/SEWER EXP & TRF TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0.0% 500,000 291,667 291,667 325,890 454,733 190,103 265,261 75,158 383,033 0 210,800 167,325 (43,475) 0.0% 8,059,797 16,472,842 4,495,903 4,381,753 (114,150) 26.6% 107,411,688 128,203,193 49,385,228 50,602,359 20,833,949 22,290,879 15,946,037 0 (1) 1,217,131 39.5% City of Columbia Water/Sewer Summary ‐ Revenue & Expenditures ‐ Actual to Budget Variance As of 01/31/2015 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL TO BUDGET PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR VARIANCE % ANNUAL ENCUMBRANCES OPEN FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 THRU JAN 2015 THRU JAN 2015 THRU JAN 2015 BUDGET THRU JAN 2015 REVENUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE INTEREST REVENUES RENTS & SALE OF PROPERTY 126,598,385 125,928,595 73,458,593 72,357,166 (1,101,427) 57.5% 250,000 300,000 175,001 188,843 13,842 62.9% 176.8% 10,000 10,000 5,833 17,684 11,851 1,250,000 1,206,500 703,794 116,394 (587,400) 9.6% 100,000 140,000 81,667 213,151 131,484 152.3% CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE 128,208,385 127,585,095 74,424,888 72,893,238 0 (1,531,650) 0.0% 57.1% TRANSFERS IN 0 0 0 0 0 UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 811,381 618,097 360,558 0 (360,558) 0.0% TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 811,381 618,097 360,558 0 (360,558) 0.0% 129,019,766 128,203,192 74,785,446 72,893,238 (1,892,208) 56.9% FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL WATER/SEWER REV & TRF 0.0% EXPENDITURES ‐ DEPARTMENTS CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 0 0 0 0 FINANCE 6,324,398 6,444,339 3,759,216 1,960,318 ECONOMIC & COMM DEV 0 (1,798,898) 0.0% 0 30.4% 515,117 41,437 2,634,513 2,811,011 1,639,758 1,642,436 2,678 58.4% POLICE 579,904 659,258 384,570 297,504 (87,066) 45.1% 0 FIRE 476,999 472,442 275,592 197,238 (78,354) 41.7% 0 PUBLIC WORKS 1,566,432 1,677,136 978,332 701,327 (277,005) 41.8% 281,544 GENERAL SRVCS/SUPPORT SERVICES 1,779,978 1,945,672 1,134,979 820,130 (314,849) 42.2% 158,878 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 645,699 503,293 293,589 212,059 (81,530) 42.1% 2,498 1,384,083 1,387,677 809,482 784,241 (25,241) 56.5% (1,243) ENGINEERING:GENERAL SERVICES 1,502,957 1,735,179 1,012,195 534,774 (477,421) 30.8% 610,974 WATER CUSTOMER SERVICE 3,316,423 3,325,548 1,939,909 1,740,574 (199,335) 52.3% 95,249 WATER DISTRIBUTION & MAINTENANCE 10,664,872 11,318,814 6,602,664 5,455,279 (1,147,385) 48.2% 1,517,660 WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE 2,291,600 ENGINEERING:ADMINISTRATION 13,712,773 13,555,849 7,907,602 5,514,558 (2,393,044) 40.7% COLUMBIA CANAL WTP 6,190,184 6,464,601 3,771,032 2,800,167 (970,865) 43.3% 979,984 LAKE MURRAY WTP 5,931,907 6,152,232 3,588,816 2,897,035 (691,781) 47.1% 985,527 (3,931,522) 36.5% 5,271,486 METRO WWTP 14,187,768 17,969,778 10,482,402 6,550,880 WATER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 7,066,798 0 0 206,618 206,618 0.0% 575,465 SEWER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 3,460,000 0 0 20,760 20,760 0.0% 641,345 WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 2,051,171 2,118,577 1,235,842 1,205,682 (30,160) 56.9% 119,429 WASTEWATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,382,548 1,508,747 880,104 513,315 (366,789) 34.0% 1,300 REAL ESTATE WATER 229,327 228,948 133,555 176,018 42,463 76.9% 119 REAL ESTATE WASTE 219,658 218,091 127,220 78,436 (48,784) 36.0% 25 0 85,308,392 0 80,497,192 0 46,956,859 0 34,309,349 0 (12,647,510) 0.0% 42.6% 14,088,395 30,027,050 29,008,192 16,921,502 11,463,121 (5,458,381) 39.5% 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0 WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ‐ NON‐DEPARTMENTAL & MISC. DEBT SERVICE DEPRECIATION TUITION REIMBURSEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONTINGENCY EMPLOYEE TRAINING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS RESERVE NON‐DEPARTMENTAL BAD DEBT TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 35,000 35,000 20,417 4,438 (15,979) 12.7% 0 873,206 286,467 167,106 305,718 138,612 106.7% 37,224 50,000 50,000 29,167 25,000 (4,167) 50.0% 25,000 153,500 103,500 60,375 103,500 43,125 100.0% 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 583,335 0 (583,335) 0.0% 0 750,000 750,000 437,501 9,480 (428,021) 1.3% 0 32,888,756 31,233,159 18,219,403 11,911,257 (6,308,146) 38.1% 62,224 118,197,148 111,730,351 65,176,262 46,220,606 (18,955,656) 41.4% 14,150,618 4,250,000 4,000,000 2,333,333 3,657,500 1,324,167 91.4% 70,000 0 0 0 0 0.0% 5,676,728 11,518,109 6,718,897 0 (6,718,897) 0.0% 500,000 500,000 291,667 291,667 0 58.3% 0 0 0 0 0.0% 325,890 454,733 265,261 265,261 0 58.3% TRANSFERS OUT TO GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO RISK MANAGEMENT TO GENERAL TORT TO GEN ADM INFO TECH TO PURCHASING TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL WATER/SEWER EXP & TRF TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0 0 0 167,325 167,325 0.0% 10,822,618 16,472,842 9,609,158 4,381,753 (5,227,405) 26.6% 129,019,766 128,203,193 74,785,420 50,602,359 (24,183,061) 39.5% 0 (1) 26 22,290,879 14,150,618 City of Columbia Water/Sewer Summary ‐ Revenue & Expenditures ‐ Current to Prior Year Variance As of 06/30/2014 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT TO PRIOR % ANNUAL FY 2012/13 FY 2013/14 THRU JUNE 2013 THRU JUNE 2014 VARIANCE BUDGET REVENUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE INTEREST REVENUES RENTS & SALE OF PROPERTY 200,749 0 200,749 0 (200,749) 0.0% 121,059,282 126,598,385 121,059,282 116,146,428 (4,912,854) 91.7% 326,796 250,000 326,796 338,734 11,938 135.5% (1,252) 10,000 (1,252) 13,558 14,810 135.6% 149,876 1,250,000 149,876 972,514 822,638 77.8% 11,118,519 100,000 11,118,519 453,031 (10,665,488) 453.0% CONTRIBUTIONS 5,831,240 0 5,831,240 5,431,910 (399,330) 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE 138,685,210 128,208,385 138,685,210 123,356,175 (15,329,035) 96.2% 1,386,862 0 1,386,862 1,550 (1,385,312) 0 811,381 0 0 1,386,862 811,381 1,386,862 1,550 (1,385,312) 0.2% 140,072,072 129,019,766 140,072,072 123,357,725 (16,714,347) 95.6% TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS TOTAL TRANSFERS IN TOTAL WATER/SEWER REV & TRF 0 0.0% 0.0% EXPENDITURES ‐ DEPARTMENTS CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 46,955 0 46,955 675 (46,280) 0.0% FINANCE 3,393,618 6,324,398 3,393,618 3,572,750 179,132 56.5% ECONOMIC & COMM DEV 2,267,212 2,634,513 2,267,212 2,432,631 165,419 92.3% POLICE 568,510 579,904 568,510 527,357 (41,153) 90.9% FIRE 436,946 476,999 436,946 463,973 27,027 97.3% PUBLIC WORKS 961,844 1,566,432 961,844 887,957 (73,887) 56.7% 1,338,120 1,779,978 1,338,120 1,442,937 104,817 81.1% (131,329) 58.0% 57,734 98.9% GENERAL SRVCS/SUPPORT SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 506,084 645,699 506,084 374,755 1,310,986 1,384,083 1,310,986 1,368,720 ENGINEERING:GENERAL SERVICES 3,455,755 1,502,957 3,455,755 654,976 (2,800,779) 43.6% WATER CUSTOMER SERVICE 3,071,907 3,316,423 3,071,907 3,110,846 38,939 93.8% WATER DISTRIBUTION & MAINTENANCE 9,169,029 10,664,872 9,169,029 9,016,134 (152,895) 84.5% WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE 7,060,605 13,712,773 7,060,605 7,136,649 76,044 52.0% COLUMBIA CANAL WTP 5,344,243 6,190,184 5,344,243 5,291,336 (52,907) 85.5% 94.4% ENGINEERING:ADMINISTRATION LAKE MURRAY WTP 5,697,696 5,931,907 5,697,696 5,602,466 (95,230) 10,584,267 14,187,768 10,584,267 11,980,817 1,396,550 84.4% WATER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 1,835,699 7,066,798 1,835,699 1,378,729 (456,970) 19.5% SEWER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 10,631,374 3,460,000 10,631,374 2,522,966 (8,108,408) 72.9% WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,692,572 2,051,171 1,692,572 1,822,198 129,626 88.8% WASTEWATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS METRO WWTP 1,124,039 1,382,548 1,124,039 1,248,127 124,088 90.3% REAL ESTATE WATER 208,772 229,327 208,772 214,319 5,547 93.5% REAL ESTATE WASTE 197,587 219,658 197,587 204,882 7,295 93.3% 6,000 70,909,820 0 85,308,392 6,000 70,909,820 2,390,625 63,646,825 2,384,625 (7,262,995) 0.0% 74.6% DEBT SERVICE 9,923,548 30,027,050 9,923,548 11,016,246 1,092,698 36.7% DEPRECIATION 22,438,145 0 22,438,145 23,665,647 1,227,502 0.0% 19,669 35,000 19,669 14,648 (5,021) 41.9% 656,181 873,206 656,181 434,987 (221,194) 49.8% 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.0% 223,500 153,500 223,500 153,500 (70,000) 100.0% 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,871,186 750,000 1,871,186 370,038 35,182,229 32,888,756 35,182,229 35,705,066 106,092,049 118,197,148 106,092,049 99,351,891 6,770,000 4,250,000 6,770,000 6,520,000 (250,000) 153.4% 346,000 70,000 346,000 110,000 (236,000) 157.1% WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ‐ NON‐DEPARTMENTAL & MISC. TUITION REIMBURSEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONTINGENCY EMPLOYEE TRAINING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS RESERVE NON‐DEPARTMENTAL BAD DEBT TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 (1,501,148) 522,837 (6,740,158) 0.0% 49.3% 108.6% 84.1% TRANSFERS OUT TO GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 5,676,728 0 0 0 0.0% 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 100.0% TO GENERAL TORT 174,570 0 174,570 220,874 TO SEWER TORT 618,526 TO RISK MANAGEMENT 0.0% 618,526 TO GEN ADM INFO TECH 319,500 325,890 319,500 325,890 6,390 TO PURCHASING 309,218 0 309,218 383,033 73,815 0.0% 9,037,814 10,822,618 9,037,814 8,059,797 (405,795) 74.5% 115,129,863 129,019,766 115,129,863 107,411,688 (7,145,953) 83.3% 24,942,209 0 24,942,209 15,946,037 TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL WATER/SEWER EXP & TRF TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 100.0% City of Columbia Water/Sewer Summary ‐ Revenue & Expenditures ‐ Actual to Budget Variance As of 06/30/2014 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL TO BUDGET PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR VARIANCE % ANNUAL ENCUMBRANCES OPEN FY 2012/13 FY 2013/14 THRU JUNE 2014 THRU JUNE 2014 THRU JUNE 2014 BUDGET THRU JUNE 2014 REVENUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE INTEREST REVENUES RENTS & SALE OF PROPERTY 0 120,565,279 0 0 0 126,598,385 126,598,385 116,146,428 (10,451,957) 200,000 250,000 250,000 338,734 88,734 135.5% 10,000 10,000 10,000 13,558 3,558 135.6% 1,193,700 1,250,000 1,250,000 972,514 (277,486) 77.8% 85,000 100,000 100,000 453,031 353,031 453.0% CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 0 5,431,910 TOTAL REVENUE 122,053,979 128,208,385 128,208,385 123,356,175 0 0.0% 91.7% 5,431,910 0.0% (4,852,210) 96.2% TRANSFERS IN 0 0 0 1,550 1,550 UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 1,919,007 811,381 811,381 0 (811,381) 0.0% TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 1,919,007 811,381 811,381 1,550 (809,831) 0.2% 123,972,986 129,019,766 129,019,766 123,357,725 (5,662,041) 95.6% FROM OTHER FUNDS TOTAL WATER/SEWER REV & TRF 0.0% EXPENDITURES ‐ DEPARTMENTS 47,142 0 0 675 675 0.0% 0 FINANCE 6,246,890 6,324,398 6,324,398 3,572,750 (2,751,648) 56.5% 59,322 ECONOMIC & COMM DEV CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 2,322,000 2,634,513 2,634,513 2,432,631 (201,882) 92.3% 20,741 POLICE 581,841 579,904 579,904 527,357 (52,547) 90.9% 0 FIRE 476,689 476,999 476,999 463,973 (13,026) 97.3% 0 PUBLIC WORKS 1,222,327 1,566,432 1,566,432 887,957 (678,475) 56.7% 184,716 GENERAL SRVCS/SUPPORT SERVICES 1,618,530 1,779,978 1,779,978 1,442,937 (337,041) 81.1% 97,990 701,771 645,699 645,699 374,755 (270,944) 58.0% 875 1,329,759 1,384,083 1,384,083 1,368,720 (15,363) 98.9% 0 753,230 1,502,957 1,502,957 654,976 (847,981) 43.6% 121,171 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING:ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING:GENERAL SERVICES 3,144,436 3,316,423 3,316,423 3,110,846 (205,577) 93.8% 161 10,677,435 10,664,872 10,664,872 9,016,134 (1,648,738) 84.5% 511,174 WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE 8,198,798 13,712,773 13,712,773 7,136,649 (6,576,124) 52.0% 2,278,654 COLUMBIA CANAL WTP 6,177,069 6,190,184 6,190,184 5,291,336 (898,848) 85.5% 581,698 LAKE MURRAY WTP 5,903,096 5,931,907 5,931,907 5,602,466 (329,441) 94.4% 322,585 13,900,817 14,187,768 14,187,768 11,980,817 (2,206,951) 84.4% 1,606,510 WATER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 878,117 7,066,798 7,066,798 1,378,729 (5,688,069) 19.5% 3,293,423 SEWER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 878,116 3,460,000 3,460,000 2,522,966 (937,034) 72.9% 3,965,135 WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 2,276,015 2,051,171 2,051,171 1,822,198 (228,973) 88.8% 374 WASTEWATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,467,956 1,382,548 1,382,548 1,248,127 (134,421) 90.3% 24,277 REAL ESTATE WATER 227,647 229,327 229,327 214,319 (15,008) 93.5% 0 REAL ESTATE WASTE 217,704 219,658 219,658 204,882 (14,776) 93.3% 0 20,000,000 89,247,385 0 0 2,390,625 85,308,392 85,308,392 63,646,825 2,390,625 (21,661,567) 0.0% 74.6% 13,068,808 27,362,601 30,027,050 30,027,050 11,016,246 (19,010,804) 36.7% 0 0 0 0 23,665,647 23,665,647 0.0% 0 35,000 35,000 35,000 14,648 (20,352) 41.9% 0 500,000 873,206 873,206 434,987 (438,219) 49.8% 176,133 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.0% 0 288,500 153,500 153,500 153,500 0 100.0% 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 (1,000,000) 0.0% 0 0 750,000 750,000 370,038 (379,962) 49.3% 0 29,236,101 32,888,756 32,888,756 35,705,066 2,816,310 108.6% 176,133 118,483,486 118,197,148 118,197,148 99,351,891 (18,845,257) 84.1% 13,244,940 4,500,000 4,250,000 4,250,000 6,520,000 2,270,000 153.4% 170,000 70,000 70,000 110,000 40,000 157.1% 0 5,676,728 5,676,728 0 (5,676,728) 0.0% 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 100.0% WATER CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER DISTRIBUTION & MAINTENANCE METRO WWTP WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ‐ NON‐DEPARTMENTAL & MISC. DEBT SERVICE DEPRECIATION TUITION REIMBURSEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONTINGENCY EMPLOYEE TRAINING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS RESERVE NON‐DEPARTMENTAL BAD DEBT TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS OUT TO GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO RISK MANAGEMENT TO GENERAL TORT 0 0 0 220,874 220,874 0.0% TO SEWER TORT 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 319,500 325,890 325,890 325,890 0 100.0% 0 0 0 383,033 383,033 0.0% 5,489,500 10,822,618 10,822,618 8,059,797 (2,762,821) 74.5% 123,972,986 129,019,766 129,019,766 107,411,688 (21,608,078) 83.3% 0 0 0 15,946,037 TO GEN ADM INFO TECH TO PURCHASING TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL WATER/SEWER EXP & TRF TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 13,244,940 City of Columbia Water/Sewer Summary ‐ Revenue & Expenditures ‐ Current to Prior Year Variance As of 06/30/2013 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT TO PRIOR % ANNUAL FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 THRU JUNE 2012 THRU JUNE 2013 VARIANCE BUDGET REVENUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 0 0 0 200,749 200,749 0.0% 112,339,649 120,565,279 112,339,649 121,059,282 8,719,633 100.4% 278,747 200,000 278,747 326,796 48,049 163.4% 9,220 10,000 9,220 (10,472) ‐12.5% INTEREST REVENUES 2,520,679 1,193,700 2,520,679 RENTS & SALE OF PROPERTY (1,261,187) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 85,000 (1,261,187) (1,252) 149,876 11,118,519 (2,370,803) 12,379,706 12.6% 13080.6% CONTRIBUTIONS 4,066,060 0 4,066,060 5,831,240 1,765,180 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE 117,953,168 122,053,979 117,953,168 138,685,210 20,732,042 113.6% 0 0 0 1,386,862 1,386,862 943,879 0 943,879 0 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS FROM SEWER TORT UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS TOTAL TRANSFERS IN TOTAL WATER/SEWER REV & TRF (943,879) 0.0% 0.0% 0 1,919,007 0 0 0 0.0% 943,879 1,919,007 943,879 1,386,862 442,983 72.3% 118,897,047 123,972,986 118,897,047 140,072,072 21,175,025 113.0% EXPENDITURES ‐ DEPARTMENTS CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 22,467 47,142 22,467 46,955 24,488 99.6% FINANCE 2,950,981 6,246,890 2,950,981 3,393,618 442,637 54.3% ECONOMIC & COMM DEV 97.6% 2,750,481 2,322,000 2,750,481 2,267,212 (483,269) POLICE 609,761 581,841 609,761 568,510 (41,251) 97.7% FIRE 465,901 476,689 465,901 436,946 (28,955) 91.7% (104,470) 78.7% 130,296 82.7% 56,004 72.1% PUBLIC WORKS 1,066,314 1,222,327 1,066,314 961,844 GENERAL SRVCS/SUPPORT SERVICES 1,207,824 1,618,530 1,207,824 1,338,120 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 450,080 701,771 450,080 506,084 ENGINEERING:ADMINISTRATION 1,462,181 1,329,759 1,462,181 1,310,986 ENGINEERING:GENERAL SERVICES 1,050,769 753,230 1,050,769 3,455,755 WATER CUSTOMER SERVICE 3,093,285 3,144,436 3,093,285 3,071,907 (21,378) WATER DISTRIBUTION & MAINTENANCE 9,558,977 10,677,435 9,558,977 9,169,029 (389,948) 85.9% WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE 7,617,289 8,198,798 7,617,289 7,060,605 (556,684) 86.1% (151,195) 2,404,986 98.6% 458.8% 97.7% COLUMBIA CANAL WTP 5,585,666 6,177,069 5,585,666 5,344,243 (241,423) 86.5% LAKE MURRAY WTP 5,172,839 5,903,096 5,172,839 5,697,696 524,857 96.5% METRO WWTP 9,393,682 13,900,817 9,393,682 10,584,267 1,190,585 76.1% WATER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 7,065,885 878,117 7,065,885 1,835,699 (5,230,186) 209.0% SEWER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 15,851,977 878,116 15,851,977 10,631,374 (5,220,603) 1210.7% WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,810,356 2,276,015 1,810,356 1,692,572 (117,784) 74.4% WASTEWATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,691,853 1,467,956 1,691,853 1,124,039 (567,814) 76.6% REAL ESTATE WATER 186,727 227,647 186,727 208,772 22,045 91.7% REAL ESTATE WASTE 180,445 217,704 180,445 197,587 17,142 90.8% 0 79,245,740 20,000,000 89,247,385 0 79,245,740 6,000 70,909,820 6,000 (8,335,920) 0.0% 79.5% DEBT SERVICE 4,830,741 27,362,601 4,830,741 9,923,548 5,092,807 36.3% DEPRECIATION 21,563,025 0 21,563,025 22,438,145 875,120 0.0% TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 31,002 35,000 31,002 19,669 (11,333) 56.2% TECHNOLOGY CONTINGENCY 53,386 500,000 53,386 656,181 602,795 131.2% 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 100.0% 190,960 288,500 190,960 223,500 32,540 77.5% 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0.0% 542,641 0 542,641 1,871,186 1,328,545 0.0% 27,211,755 29,236,101 27,211,755 35,182,229 7,970,474 120.3% 106,457,495 118,483,486 106,457,495 106,092,049 6,770,000 4,500,000 6,770,000 6,770,000 384,772 170,000 384,772 346,000 0 0 0 0 0.0% 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 100.0% 0.0% WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ‐ NON‐DEPARTMENTAL & MISC. EMPLOYEE TRAINING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS RESERVE NON‐DEPARTMENTAL BAD DEBT TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES (365,446) 89.5% TRANSFERS OUT TO GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO RISK MANAGEMENT TO GENERAL TORT TO SEWER TORT TO GEN ADM INFO TECH TO PURCHASING TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL WATER/SEWER EXP & TRF TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0 (38,772) 150.4% 203.5% 0 0 0 174,570 174,570 18,343 0 18,343 618,526 600,183 0.0% 319,500 319,500 319,500 319,500 0 100.0% 382,929 0 382,929 309,218 8,375,544 5,489,500 8,375,544 9,037,814 662,270 (73,711) 164.6% 0.0% 114,833,039 123,972,986 114,833,039 115,129,863 296,824 92.9% 4,064,008 0 4,064,008 24,942,209 City of Columbia Water/Sewer Summary ‐ Revenue & Expenditures ‐ Actual to Budget Variance As of 06/30/2013 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL TO BUDGET PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR VARIANCE % ANNUAL ENCUMBRANCES OPEN FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 THRU JUNE 2013 THRU JUNE 2013 THRU JUNE 2013 BUDGET THRU JUNE 2013 REVENUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITURES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE INTEREST REVENUES RENTS & SALE OF PROPERTY 0 0 0 200,749 200,749 0.0% 108,483,999 120,565,279 120,565,279 121,059,282 494,003 100.4% 200,000 200,000 200,000 326,796 126,796 163.4% 10,000 10,000 10,000 (11,252) ‐12.5% 1,606,500 1,193,700 1,193,700 149,876 100,000 85,000 85,000 11,118,519 (1,252) (1,043,824) 11,033,519 12.6% 13080.6% CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 0 5,831,240 5,831,240 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE 110,400,499 122,053,979 122,053,979 138,685,210 16,631,231 113.6% 0.0% TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 0 0 0 1,386,862 1,386,862 FROM SEWER TORT 0 0 0 0 0 UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS 126,668 1,919,007 1,919,007 0 (1,919,007) 0.0% TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 126,668 1,919,007 1,919,007 1,386,862 (532,145) 72.3% 110,527,167 123,972,986 123,972,986 140,072,072 TOTAL WATER/SEWER REV & TRF 16,099,086 0.0% 113.0% EXPENDITURES ‐ DEPARTMENTS 47,142 47,142 47,142 46,955 (187) 99.6% FINANCE 5,658,912 6,246,890 6,246,890 3,393,618 (2,853,272) 54.3% 145,081 ECONOMIC & COMM DEV CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (128) 2,708,280 2,322,000 2,322,000 2,267,212 (54,788) 97.6% 726 POLICE 756,736 581,841 581,841 568,510 (13,331) 97.7% 0 FIRE 478,626 476,689 476,689 436,946 (39,743) 91.7% 0 PUBLIC WORKS 1,211,758 1,222,327 1,222,327 961,844 (260,483) 78.7% 32,481 GENERAL SRVCS/SUPPORT SERVICES 1,754,533 1,618,530 1,618,530 1,338,120 (280,410) 82.7% 63,927 726,868 701,771 701,771 506,084 (195,687) 72.1% 42,687 1,314,245 1,329,759 1,329,759 1,310,986 412,413 753,230 753,230 3,455,755 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING:ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING:GENERAL SERVICES (18,773) 2,702,525 98.6% 0 458.8% 10,025 3,118,954 3,144,436 3,144,436 3,071,907 (72,529) 97.7% 5,551 10,497,749 10,677,435 10,677,435 9,169,029 (1,508,406) 85.9% 306,213 WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE 8,076,077 8,198,798 8,198,798 7,060,605 (1,138,193) 86.1% 375,470 COLUMBIA CANAL WTP 6,140,221 6,177,069 6,177,069 5,344,243 (832,826) 86.5% 511,835 LAKE MURRAY WTP 6,001,461 5,903,096 5,903,096 5,697,696 (205,400) 96.5% 321,444 14,249,999 13,900,817 13,900,817 10,584,267 (3,316,550) 76.1% 1,743,958 WATER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 0 878,117 878,117 1,835,699 957,582 209.0% 3,382,987 SEWER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 0 878,116 878,116 10,631,374 9,753,258 1210.7% 15,255,864 WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 2,106,618 2,276,015 2,276,015 1,692,572 (583,443) 74.4% 10,615 WASTEWATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 1,908,912 1,467,956 1,467,956 1,124,039 (343,917) 76.6% 396 REAL ESTATE WATER 199,731 227,647 227,647 208,772 (18,875) 91.7% 0 REAL ESTATE WASTE 195,543 217,704 217,704 197,587 (20,117) 90.8% 0 2,160,526 69,725,304 20,000,000 6,000 89,247,385 20,000,000 89,247,385 70,909,820 (19,994,000) (18,337,565) 0.0% 79.5% 22,209,132 31,715,082 27,362,601 27,362,601 9,923,548 (17,439,053) 36.3% 0 0 0 0 22,438,145 22,438,145 0.0% 0 WATER CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER DISTRIBUTION & MAINTENANCE METRO WWTP WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ‐ NON‐DEPARTMENTAL & MISC. DEBT SERVICE DEPRECIATION TUITION REIMBURSEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONTINGENCY EMPLOYEE TRAINING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS RESERVE NON‐DEPARTMENTAL BAD DEBT TOTAL NON‐DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 35,000 35,000 35,000 19,669 (15,331) 56.2% 0 1,500,000 500,000 500,000 656,181 156,181 131.2% 551,508 0 100.0% 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 267,500 288,500 288,500 223,500 (65,000) 77.5% 0 1,863,789 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 (1,000,000) 0.0% 0 0 0 0 1,871,186 1,871,186 0.0% 0 35,431,371 29,236,101 29,236,101 35,182,229 5,946,128 120.3% 551,508 105,156,675 118,483,486 118,483,486 106,092,049 (12,391,437) 89.5% 22,760,640 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 6,770,000 2,270,000 150.4% 50,994 170,000 170,000 346,000 176,000 203.5% TRANSFERS OUT TO GENERAL FUND TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 100.0% TO GENERAL TORT 0 0 0 174,570 174,570 0.0% TO SEWER TORT 0 0 0 618,526 618,526 0.0% 319,500 319,500 319,500 319,500 0 100.0% TO WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO RISK MANAGEMENT TO GEN ADM INFO TECH TO PURCHASING TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL WATER/SEWER EXP & TRF TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0 0 0 309,218 309,218 0.0% 5,370,494 5,489,500 5,489,500 9,037,814 3,548,314 164.6% 110,527,169 123,972,986 123,972,986 115,129,863 (8,843,123) 92.9% 0 0 24,942,209 (2) 22,760,640 CASH RESERVES Series 2009 Series 2010 Series 2011 Series 2012 Series 2013 less pending draws available bond balance as of 12/31/2014 as of 09/30/2014 as of 06/30/2014 as of 03/31/2014 as of 12/31/2013 as of 09/30/2013 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 63,943,168.99 (4,591,629.81) 59,351,539.18 ‐ ‐ 65.09 ‐ 77,013,046.60 (2,705,785.38) 74,307,326.31 ‐ ‐ 12,805,953.73 28,608.97 80,031,952.44 (15,826,139.32) 77,040,375.82 ‐ ‐ 26,188,497.52 28,608.97 80,030,737.58 (5,240,178.63) 101,007,665.44 ‐ ‐ 36,922,520.62 28,608.97 ‐ (3,751,648.97) 33,199,480.62 ‐ ‐ 42,278,866.40 28,608.97 ‐ (3,378,035.78) 38,929,439.59 Fund 552 Equity in Pooled Cash 136,281,064.33 150,957,186.93 186,987,679.18 73,173,027.35 49,009,128.66 32,845,975.47 less Wastewater Encumbrances (53,170,708.50) (56,016,084.82) (53,259,834.27) (46,330,648.28) (20,419,891.90) (25,841,388.83) less Water encumbrances (66,183,805.46) (64,527,459.13) (70,302,683.66) (25,875,031.14) (19,563,793.86) (20,816,618.93) 16,926,550.37 30,413,642.98 63,425,161.25 967,347.93 9,025,442.90 (13,812,032.29) Fund 551 Equity in Pooled Cash 92,350,978.38 70,991,099.75 19,316,910.56 128,553,134.45 160,891,577.35 171,811,802.94 less encumbrances (15,582,658.77) (16,880,773.01) (13,244,940.41) (17,058,533.90) (20,769,142.15) (16,089,664.01) 76,768,319.61 54,110,326.74 6,071,970.15 111,494,600.55 140,122,435.20 155,722,138.93 All Resources 287,983,581.89 296,255,612.99 283,344,965.56 302,733,827.24 243,100,186.63 243,587,218.00 Cash & Investments Available Bond Balance 228,632,042.71 59,351,539.18 287,983,581.89 221,948,286.68 74,307,326.31 296,255,612.99 206,304,589.74 77,040,375.82 283,344,965.56 201,726,161.80 101,007,665.44 302,733,827.24 209,900,706.01 33,199,480.62 243,100,186.63 204,657,778.41 38,929,439.59 243,587,218.00 Cash Reserve O&M Encumbrances Water Encumbrances Wastewater Encumbrances Remaining in CIP Budget 117,925,050.69 15,582,658.77 66,183,805.46 53,170,708.50 35,121,358.47 287,983,581.89 117,632,829.52 16,880,773.01 64,527,459.13 56,016,084.82 41,198,466.51 296,255,612.99 144,403,731.52 13,244,940.41 70,302,683.66 53,259,834.27 2,133,775.70 283,344,965.56 205,606,408.72 17,058,533.90 25,875,031.14 46,330,648.28 7,863,205.20 302,733,827.24 182,347,358.72 20,769,142.15 19,563,793.86 20,419,891.90 180,839,546.23 16,089,664.01 20,816,618.93 25,841,388.83 243,100,186.63 243,587,218.00 Series 2009 Series 2010 Series 2011 Series 2012 Series 2013 less pending draws available bond balance as of 06/30/2013 as of 03/31/2013 as of 12/31/2012 as of 09/30/2012 as of 06/30/2012 as of 03/31/2012 ‐ ‐ 55,485,818.79 28,608.97 ‐ (8,747,853.61) 46,766,574.15 264.05 ‐ 73,210,516.27 28,608.97 ‐ (5,319,250.54) 67,920,138.75 264.05 ‐ 90,599,241.69 28,608.97 ‐ (6,876,706.35) 83,751,408.36 10,330,921.78 39.47 106,161,324.38 28,608.97 ‐ (7,246,673.95) 109,274,220.65 24,375,363.83 ‐ 106,145,587.67 28,608.97 ‐ (11,530,869.56) 119,018,690.91 28,959,965.05 16,634,435.26 ‐ ‐ ‐ (4,749,468.81) 40,844,931.50 Fund 552 Equity in Pooled Cash 39,182,732.04 39,206,692.00 47,775,956.40 67,379,590.41 78,843,963.91 47,323,620.94 less Wastewater Encumbrances (23,026,361.85) (40,438,756.55) (46,663,924.08) (49,716,387.39) (28,281,451.66) (33,471,624.47) less Water encumbrances (18,477,909.04) (19,111,370.99) (20,830,545.19) (16,611,240.24) (13,422,670.63) (18,369,531.27) (2,321,538.85) (20,343,435.54) (19,718,512.87) 1,051,962.78 37,139,841.62 (4,517,534.80) Fund 551 Equity in Pooled Cash 156,262,877.06 133,637,237.85 124,886,231.63 96,425,066.25 67,965,716.51 92,051,569.60 less encumbrances (22,760,640.12) (26,348,940.95) (31,419,717.61) (28,746,100.64) (26,324,182.65) (26,325,937.56) 133,502,236.94 107,288,296.90 93,466,514.02 67,678,965.61 41,641,533.86 65,725,632.04 All Resources 242,212,183.25 240,764,068.60 256,413,596.39 273,078,877.31 265,828,371.33 180,220,122.04 Cash & Investments Available Bond Balance 195,445,609.10 46,766,574.15 242,212,183.25 172,843,929.85 67,920,138.75 240,764,068.60 172,662,188.03 83,751,408.36 256,413,596.39 163,804,656.66 109,274,220.65 273,078,877.31 146,809,680.42 119,018,690.91 265,828,371.33 139,375,190.54 40,844,931.50 180,220,122.04 Cash Reserve O&M Encumbrances Water Encumbrances Wastewater Encumbrances Remaining in CIP Budget 177,947,272.24 22,760,640.12 18,477,909.04 23,026,361.85 154,865,000.11 26,348,940.95 19,111,370.99 40,438,756.55 157,499,409.51 31,419,717.61 20,830,545.19 46,663,924.08 178,005,149.04 28,746,100.64 16,611,240.24 49,716,387.39 197,800,066.39 26,324,182.65 13,422,670.63 28,281,451.66 102,053,028.74 26,325,937.56 18,369,531.27 33,471,624.47 242,212,183.25 240,764,068.60 256,413,596.39 273,078,877.31 265,828,371.33 180,220,122.04 Cash Reserves for Previous Four Quarters Cash Reserve O&M Encumbrances Water Encumbrances Wastewater Encumbrances Remaining in CIP Budget $320 M 7,863,205 $300 M 2,133,776 $280 M $260 M 35,121,358 41,198,467 $240 M $220 M $200 M 46,330,648 53,259,834 53,170,709 25,875,031 17,058,534 56,016,085 $180 M 70,302,684 $160 M 13,244,940 $140 M 66,183,805 64,527,459 $120 M 15,582,659 16,880,773 117,925,051 117,632,830 144,403,732 205,606,409 Dec 31, 2014 Sep 30, 2014 Jun 30, 2014 Mar 31, 2014 $100 M $80 M $60 M $40 M $20 M $0 M Status As Of Date DEBT SERVICE City of Columbia Water and Sewer System Targeted Liquidity Liquidity: Unrestricted cash and investments divided by "Total O&M Expenses". Total O&M Expenses: Includes all recurring expenditure items, such as salaries, supplies and maintenance expenses. O&M does not include any depreciation, amortization, or interest expense, nor does it include one‐time charges such as capital investment or loss/gain on disposal of assets. Current Aa1 Mean: 138% Fiscal Year Expenses FY 2013 (Audited) FY 2014 (Audited) FY 2015 (Projection) FY 2016 (Budget) 74,400,435 66,189,697 70,423,651 78,749,645 Practice based on Moodys Municipal Financial Ratio Analysis. Note that prior year was 145%. Targeted Liquidity % 145% 145% 138% 138% Resulting Targeted Liquidity 107,880,631 95,975,061 97,184,638 108,674,510 City of Columbia Water and Sewer System Calculation of Net Revenues Available for Debt Service ‐ Coverage Calculation Target ‐ 2.0x Projected Coverage Based on Audited 2014 Fiscal Year Revenues Charges for Services Other Operating Revenue Investment Income/(Loss) Other Non‐Operating Revenue Gain/(Loss) from Sale of Assets Total Expenses Personnel Services Materials and Supplies Other Services and Charges Heat, Light and Power Bad Debt Expense Net Revenues Available for DS Audited 2014 116,146,448 352,272 972,514 149,203 303,828 117,924,265 30,183,595 8,759,851 19,739,467 7,127,184 379,600 66,189,697 51,734,568 FY End June 30 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 Existing Aggregate Debt Service 26,753,259 29,008,192 29,006,859 29,005,906 29,009,417 29,005,067 29,008,284 29,012,256 29,016,756 29,019,251 29,020,950 29,019,190 29,024,805 29,022,011 29,023,667 29,025,099 29,033,419 29,324,165 29,353,450 29,372,579 29,392,361 29,414,647 29,447,226 29,470,913 29,499,359 29,522,500 29,516,750 29,523,500 4,829,000 4,830,000 n/a n/a n/a Coverage Exisiting Bonds 1.93x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.78x 1.76x 1.76x 1.76x 1.76x 1.76x 1.76x 1.76x 1.75x 1.75x 1.75x 1.75x 10.71x 10.71x n/a n/a n/a OUTSTANDING BOND ISSUES Water and Sewer Fund as of 6/30/2014: $81,860,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009 Payable from revenues derived from the City's water and sewer system Proceeds for: Cost of improvements to the System Annual principal installments of $525,000 to $10,840,000 through Feb. 1, 2038 Interest rate: 3.6 to 5.0% Outstanding principal $ 81,860,000 $105,000,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 Payable from revenues derived from the City's water and sewer system Proceeds for: Cost of improvements to the System Annual principal installments of $1,090,000 to $17,855,000 through Feb. 1, 2040 Interest rate: 3.0 to 5.0% Outstanding principal 102,795,000 $100,000,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A Payable from revenues from the City's water and sewer system Proceeds for: Cost of improvements to the System Annual principal installments of $1,815,000 to $23,520,000 through Feb. 1, 2041 Interest rate: 2.0 to 5.0% Outstanding principal 96,045,000 $27,265,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2011B Payable from revenues from the City's water and sewer system Proceeds for: Refunding portion of Series 2001 ($30,345,000) Annual principal installments of $3,420,000 to $4,455,000 through Feb. 1, 2019 Interest rate: 4.0 to 5.0% Outstanding principal 20,290,000 $58,055,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 Payable from revenues from the City's water and sewer system Proceeds for: Refunding portion of Series 2005 ($60,000,000) Annual principal installments of $4,560,000 to $6,115,000 through Feb. 1, 2030 Interest rate: 3.5 to 5.0% Outstanding principal 58,055,000 $75,305,000 Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 Payable from revenues from the City's water and sewer system Proceeds for: Cost of improvements to the System Annual principal installments of $1,205,000 to $4,600,000 through Feb. 1, 2043 Interest rate: 1.0 to 5.0% Outstanding principal 73,165,000 Columbia, SC Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds Debt Service - Current Outstanding Bonds = Existing Actual Bonds (New Money) = Existing Actual Bonds (Advance Refunding) = Existing Actual Bonds (Current Refunding) (a) (b) (c) (d) Advance refunding of Series 2005 Bonds Current refunding of Series 2001 Bonds Assumes (i) synthetic fixed rate of 4.354%, (ii) LOC at 2012 renewal cost of 0.55%, (iii) remarketing of 0.125%, and (iv) ongoing annual expenses of $12K 2009 LOC expired on August 31, 2012. As this occurred during FY 2012-2013, debt service figure for this fiscal year will be slightly off due to lower LOC cost negotiated by the City beginning on or about August 31, 2012. Series 2013 Ongoing VRDB Costs Debt Service 1,475,176 584,739 2,059,915 - 7,012,730 796,391 7,809,120 - 9,485,857 797,310 10,283,167 Bond Year Ending Fiscal Year Ending 2/1/2010 6/30/2010 - 2/1/2011 6/30/2011 2/1/2012 6/30/2012 Principal Interest 2/1/2013 6/30/2013 6,465,000 16,866,509 571,171 23,902,681 2/1/2014 6/30/2014 8,810,000 17,371,451 571,808 26,753,259 2/1/2015 6/30/2015 8,095,000 20,341,384 571,808 29,008,192 2/1/2016 6/30/2016 8,385,000 20,049,434 572,425 29,006,859 2/1/2017 6/30/2017 8,750,000 19,684,734 571,171 29,005,906 2/1/2018 6/30/2018 9,145,000 19,292,609 571,808 29,009,417 2/1/2019 6/30/2019 9,540,000 18,893,259 571,808 29,005,067 2/1/2020 6/30/2020 9,960,000 18,475,859 572,425 29,008,284 2/1/2021 6/30/2021 10,370,000 18,071,084 571,171 29,012,256 2/1/2022 6/30/2022 10,850,000 17,596,134 570,622 29,016,756 2/1/2023 6/30/2023 11,330,000 17,122,276 566,975 29,019,251 2/1/2024 6/30/2024 11,830,000 16,627,179 563,771 29,020,950 2/1/2025 6/30/2025 12,400,000 16,060,611 558,579 29,019,190 2/1/2026 6/30/2026 13,015,000 15,454,762 555,043 29,024,805 2/1/2027 6/30/2027 13,650,000 14,821,175 550,837 29,022,011 2/1/2028 6/30/2028 14,325,000 14,152,518 546,149 29,023,667 2/1/2029 6/30/2029 15,030,000 13,457,936 537,163 29,025,099 2/1/2030 6/30/2030 15,770,000 12,733,826 529,593 29,033,419 2/1/2031 6/30/2031 16,855,000 11,963,304 505,860 29,324,165 2/1/2032 6/30/2032 17,720,000 11,182,684 450,765 29,353,450 2/1/2033 6/30/2033 18,630,000 10,350,658 391,922 29,372,579 2/1/2034 6/30/2034 19,585,000 9,475,521 331,840 29,392,361 2/1/2035 6/30/2035 20,560,000 8,586,022 268,625 29,414,647 2/1/2036 6/30/2036 21,625,000 7,619,489 202,737 29,447,226 2/1/2037 6/30/2037 22,735,000 6,602,419 133,494 29,470,913 2/1/2038 6/30/2038 23,905,000 5,532,724 61,635 29,499,359 2/1/2039 6/30/2039 25,115,000 4,407,500 - 29,522,500 2/1/2040 6/30/2040 26,365,000 3,151,750 - 29,516,750 2/1/2041 6/30/2041 27,690,000 1,833,500 - 29,523,500 2/1/2042 6/30/2042 4,380,000 449,000 - 4,829,000 2/1/2043 6/30/2043 4,600,000 230,000 - 4,830,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 Principal Coupon 2,140,000 1.000% 1,205,000 4.000% 1,255,000 4.000% 1,305,000 4.000% 1,360,000 5.000% 1,425,000 5.000% 1,495,000 5.000% 1,570,000 5.000% 1,650,000 5.000% 1,735,000 5.000% 1,820,000 5.000% 1,910,000 5.000% 2,005,000 5.000% 2,105,000 5.000% 2,210,000 5.000% 2,320,000 5.000% 2,440,000 5.000% 2,560,000 5.000% 2,690,000 5.000% 2,825,000 5.000% 2,965,000 5.000% 3,110,000 5.000% 3,270,000 5.000% 3,430,000 5.000% 3,600,000 5.000% 3,785,000 5.000% 3,970,000 5.000% 4,170,000 5.000% 4,380,000 5.000% 4,600,000 5.000% Interest 435,017 1,810,300 1,810,300 1,786,200 1,786,200 1,761,100 1,761,100 1,735,000 1,735,000 1,701,000 1,701,000 1,665,375 1,665,375 1,628,000 1,628,000 1,588,750 1,588,750 1,547,500 1,547,500 1,504,125 1,504,125 1,458,625 1,458,625 1,410,875 1,410,875 1,360,750 1,360,750 1,308,125 1,308,125 1,252,875 1,252,875 1,194,875 1,194,875 1,133,875 1,133,875 1,069,875 1,069,875 1,002,625 1,002,625 932,000 932,000 857,875 857,875 780,125 780,125 698,375 698,375 612,625 612,625 522,625 522,625 428,000 428,000 328,750 328,750 224,500 224,500 115,000 115,000 Series 2012 (a) Debt Service Annual Semiannual 2,575,017 1,810,300 3,015,300 1,786,200 3,041,200 1,761,100 3,066,100 1,735,000 3,095,000 1,701,000 3,126,000 1,665,375 3,160,375 1,628,000 3,198,000 1,588,750 3,238,750 1,547,500 3,282,500 1,504,125 3,324,125 1,458,625 3,368,625 1,410,875 3,415,875 1,360,750 3,465,750 1,308,125 3,518,125 1,252,875 3,572,875 1,194,875 3,634,875 1,133,875 3,693,875 1,069,875 3,759,875 1,002,625 3,827,625 932,000 3,897,000 857,875 3,967,875 780,125 4,050,125 698,375 4,128,375 612,625 4,212,625 522,625 4,307,625 428,000 4,398,000 328,750 4,498,750 224,500 4,604,500 115,000 4,715,000 2,575,017 4,825,600 4,827,400 4,827,200 4,830,000 4,827,000 4,825,750 4,826,000 4,827,500 4,830,000 4,828,250 4,827,250 4,826,750 4,826,500 4,826,250 4,825,750 4,829,750 4,827,750 4,829,750 4,830,250 4,829,000 4,825,750 4,830,250 4,826,750 4,825,250 4,830,250 4,826,000 4,827,500 4,829,000 4,830,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 Principal Coupon 5,005,000 3.500% 4,930,000 4.500% 4,560,000 4.000% 4,745,000 4.000% 4,935,000 5.000% 5,180,000 5.000% 5,440,000 5.000% 5,765,000 5.000% 5,555,000 5.000% 5,825,000 5.000% 6,115,000 5.000% Interest 1,076,462 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,267,400 1,267,400 1,156,475 1,156,475 1,065,275 1,065,275 970,375 970,375 847,000 847,000 717,500 717,500 581,500 581,500 437,375 437,375 298,500 298,500 152,875 152,875 Series 2011B (b) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 1,076,462 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 6,359,988 1,267,400 6,197,400 1,156,475 5,716,475 1,065,275 5,810,275 970,375 5,905,375 847,000 6,027,000 717,500 6,157,500 581,500 6,346,500 437,375 5,992,375 298,500 6,123,500 152,875 6,267,875 2,431,450 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 7,714,975 7,464,800 6,872,950 6,875,550 6,875,750 6,874,000 6,875,000 6,928,000 6,429,750 6,422,000 6,420,750 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 Principal Coupon 3,420,000 4.000% 3,555,000 4.000% 3,705,000 4.000% 3,845,000 5.000% 4,040,000 5.000% 4,245,000 5.000% 4,455,000 5.000% Interest 184,977 628,225 628,225 559,825 559,825 488,725 488,725 414,625 414,625 318,500 318,500 217,500 217,500 111,375 111,375 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 184,977 628,225 4,048,225 559,825 4,114,825 488,725 4,193,725 414,625 4,259,625 318,500 4,358,500 217,500 4,462,500 111,375 4,566,375 184,977 4,676,450 4,674,650 4,682,450 4,674,250 4,677,000 4,680,000 4,677,750 Series 2011A Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 Principal Bifurcated Coupon 1,955,000 2.000% 2,000,000 2.000% 2,040,000 3.000% 2,100,000 3.000% 2,155,000 3.500% 2,235,000 3.000% 2,300,000 3.000% 1,815,000 4.000% 1,890,000 4.000% 1,965,000 4.000% 2,040,000 4.000% 2,125,000 4.000% 2,205,000 5.000% 2,320,000 5.000% 2,435,000 5.000% 2,555,000 5.000% Bifurcated 1,730,000 955,000 5.000% 4.000% 1,810,000 1,000,000 5.000% 4.000% 1,895,000 1,045,000 5.000% 4.000% 3,080,000 5.000% 3,230,000 5.000% 3,390,000 5.000% 3,560,000 5.000% 3,740,000 5.000% 3,925,000 5.000% 4,120,000 5.000% 4,325,000 5.000% 4,540,000 5.000% 23,520,000 5.000% Series 2010 Interest 669,445 2,273,588 2,273,588 2,254,038 2,254,038 2,234,038 2,234,038 2,203,438 2,203,438 2,171,938 2,171,938 2,134,225 2,134,225 2,100,700 2,100,700 2,066,200 2,066,200 2,029,900 2,029,900 1,992,100 1,992,100 1,952,800 1,952,800 1,912,000 1,912,000 1,869,500 1,869,500 1,814,375 1,814,375 1,756,375 1,756,375 1,695,500 1,695,500 1,631,625 1,631,625 1,569,275 1,569,275 1,504,025 1,504,025 1,435,750 1,435,750 1,358,750 1,358,750 1,278,000 1,278,000 1,193,250 1,193,250 1,104,250 1,104,250 1,010,750 1,010,750 912,625 912,625 809,625 809,625 701,500 701,500 588,000 588,000 - Debt Service Annual Semiannual 669,445 2,273,588 4,228,588 2,254,038 4,254,038 2,234,038 4,274,038 2,203,438 4,303,438 2,171,938 4,326,938 2,134,225 4,369,225 2,100,700 4,400,700 2,066,200 3,881,200 2,029,900 3,919,900 1,992,100 3,957,100 1,952,800 3,992,800 1,912,000 4,037,000 1,869,500 4,074,500 1,814,375 4,134,375 1,756,375 4,191,375 1,695,500 4,250,500 1,631,625 4,316,625 1,569,275 4,379,275 1,504,025 4,444,025 1,435,750 4,515,750 1,358,750 4,588,750 1,278,000 4,668,000 1,193,250 4,753,250 1,104,250 4,844,250 1,010,750 4,935,750 912,625 5,032,625 809,625 5,134,625 701,500 5,241,500 588,000 24,108,000 - Date 669,445 6,502,175 6,508,075 6,508,075 6,506,875 6,498,875 6,503,450 6,501,400 5,947,400 5,949,800 5,949,200 5,945,600 5,949,000 5,944,000 5,948,750 5,947,750 5,946,000 5,948,250 5,948,550 5,948,050 5,951,500 5,947,500 5,946,000 5,946,500 5,948,500 5,946,500 5,945,250 5,944,250 5,943,000 24,696,000 - 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 Principal Bifurcated Coupon 1,090,000 3.000% 1,115,000 3.000% 1,145,000 3.000% 1,185,000 5.000% 1,250,000 5.000% 660,000 645,000 3.000% 1,360,000 4.000% 1,645,000 5.000% 1,980,000 5.000% 2,150,000 5.000% 2,260,000 5.000% 2,380,000 5.000% 450,000 2,055,000 2,625,000 1,000,000 5.000% 4.500% 4.500% 1,750,000 2,880,000 2,000,000 5.000% Bifurcated 4.000% 5.000% 4.500% 1,025,000 5.000% 4.000% 3,170,000 5.000% 3,355,000 5.000% 3,595,000 5.000% 3,850,000 5.000% 4,120,000 4.250% 4,375,000 5.000% 4,680,000 5.000% 5,000,000 5.000% 5,345,000 5.000% 17,005,000 5.000% 0.000% 17,855,000 5.000% 0.000% Series 2009 (c) (d) Interest 914,920 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,517,275 2,517,275 2,500,550 2,500,550 2,483,375 2,483,375 2,453,750 2,453,750 2,422,500 2,422,500 2,396,475 2,396,475 2,369,275 2,369,275 2,328,150 2,328,150 2,278,650 2,278,650 2,224,900 2,224,900 2,168,400 2,168,400 2,108,900 2,108,900 2,051,413 2,051,413 1,992,350 1,992,350 1,928,600 1,928,600 1,863,800 1,863,800 1,793,300 1,793,300 1,714,050 1,714,050 1,630,175 1,630,175 1,540,300 1,540,300 1,444,050 1,444,050 1,356,500 1,356,500 1,247,125 1,247,125 1,130,125 1,130,125 1,005,125 1,005,125 871,500 871,500 446,375 446,375 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 914,920 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 3,623,625 2,517,275 3,632,275 2,500,550 3,645,550 2,483,375 3,668,375 2,453,750 3,703,750 2,422,500 3,727,500 2,396,475 3,756,475 2,369,275 4,014,275 2,328,150 4,308,150 2,278,650 4,428,650 2,224,900 4,484,900 2,168,400 4,548,400 2,108,900 4,613,900 2,051,413 4,676,413 1,992,350 4,742,350 1,928,600 4,808,600 1,863,800 4,888,800 1,793,300 4,963,300 1,714,050 5,069,050 1,630,175 5,225,175 1,540,300 5,390,300 1,444,050 5,564,050 1,356,500 5,731,500 1,247,125 5,927,125 1,130,125 6,130,125 1,005,125 6,350,125 871,500 17,876,500 446,375 18,301,375 Date Principal Interest Debt Service LOC Rmkt. Ratings/ Trustee Total Debt Service 6/30/2010 - 1,475,176 1,475,176 508,279 76,460 - 2,059,915 3,448,545 6/30/2011 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 682,066 102,325 12,000 4,360,575 5,067,250 6/30/2012 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 682,985 102,325 12,000 4,361,495 6,157,250 6/30/2013 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6,149,550 6/30/2014 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6,146,100 6/30/2015 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6,151,750 6/30/2016 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 458,100 102,325 12,000 4,136,609 6,157,500 6/30/2017 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6,150,000 6/30/2018 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6,152,950 6/30/2019 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6,383,550 6/30/2020 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 458,100 102,325 12,000 4,136,609 6,636,300 6/30/2021 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6,707,300 6/30/2022 525,000 3,564,184 4,089,184 456,515 102,106 12,000 4,659,806 6,709,800 6/30/2023 550,000 3,541,326 4,091,326 453,535 101,440 12,000 4,658,301 6,716,800 6/30/2024 570,000 3,517,379 4,087,379 451,027 100,744 12,000 4,651,150 6,722,800 6/30/2025 600,000 3,492,561 4,092,561 446,560 100,019 12,000 4,651,140 6,727,825 6/30/2026 625,000 3,466,437 4,091,437 443,785 99,258 12,000 4,646,480 6,734,700 6/30/2027 595,000 3,439,225 4,034,225 440,347 98,490 12,000 4,585,061 6,737,200 6/30/2028 1,125,000 3,413,318 4,538,318 436,624 97,525 12,000 5,084,467 6,752,600 6/30/2029 1,175,000 3,364,336 4,539,336 429,065 96,098 12,000 5,076,499 6,756,600 6/30/2030 1,235,000 3,313,176 4,548,176 422,989 94,604 12,000 5,077,769 6,783,100 6/30/2031 8,000,000 3,259,404 11,259,404 403,619 90,242 12,000 11,765,265 6,855,350 6/30/2032 8,355,000 2,911,084 11,266,084 358,672 80,094 12,000 11,716,850 6,930,600 6/30/2033 8,725,000 2,547,308 11,272,308 310,426 69,496 12,000 11,664,229 7,008,100 6/30/2034 9,110,000 2,167,421 11,277,421 261,411 58,429 12,000 11,609,261 7,088,000 6/30/2035 9,515,000 1,770,772 11,285,772 209,752 46,873 12,000 11,554,397 7,174,250 6/30/2036 9,935,000 1,356,489 11,291,489 155,933 34,804 12,000 11,494,226 7,260,250 6/30/2037 10,380,000 923,919 11,303,919 99,294 22,200 12,000 11,437,413 7,355,250 6/30/2038 10,840,000 471,974 11,311,974 40,602 9,033 12,000 11,373,609 18,748,000 6/30/2039 18,747,750 6/30/2040 6/30/2041 6/30/2042 6/30/2043 Columbia, SC ‐ W&S Debt Profile (post issuance of 2013 Bonds ‐ i.e., status quo) 80,000,000 75,000,000 70,000,000 65,000,000 60,000,000 55,000,000 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Series 2009 Series 2010 Series 2011A Series 2011B Series 2012 Series 2013 Columbia, SC Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds Debt Service - Current and New Bond Issuance - 2.0x Debt Service Coverage Ratio (a) (b) (c) (d) = Existing Actual Bonds (New Money) = Existing Actual Bonds (Advance Refunding) = Existing Actual Bonds (Current Refunding) = Estimated. Project fund deposits per JMP email 19jan2015 and related OM/Capital Projections Excel workbook. Blue Font = Hard Input Advance refunding of Series 2005 Bonds Current refunding of Series 2001 Bonds Assumes (i) synthetic fixed rate of 4.354%, (ii) LOC at 2012 renewal cost of 0.55%, (iii) remarketing of 0.125%, and (iv) ongoing annual expenses of $12K 2009 LOC expired on August 31, 2012. As this occurred during FY 2012-2013, debt service figure for this fiscal year will be slightly off due to lower LOC cost negotiated by the City beginning on or about August 31, 2012. Series 2020 (Project Fund: $84,600,000) Bond Year Ending Fiscal Year Ending Principal Interest 2/1/2010 6/30/2010 10,970,000 7,801,879 Ongoing VRDB Costs Debt Service 584,739 19,356,617 2/1/2011 6/30/2011 11,580,000 12,724,467 796,391 25,100,858 2/1/2012 6/30/2012 12,150,000 13,873,882 797,310 26,821,192 2/1/2013 6/30/2013 6,465,000 16,866,509 571,171 23,902,681 2/1/2014 6/30/2014 8,810,000 17,371,451 571,808 26,753,259 2/1/2015 6/30/2015 8,095,000 20,341,384 571,808 29,008,192 2/1/2016 6/30/2016 8,385,000 20,049,434 572,425 29,006,859 2/1/2017 6/30/2017 8,750,000 23,887,234 571,171 33,208,406 2/1/2018 6/30/2018 9,145,000 28,429,609 571,808 38,146,417 2/1/2019 6/30/2019 9,540,000 32,778,759 571,808 42,890,567 2/1/2020 6/30/2020 11,500,000 36,880,859 572,425 48,953,284 2/1/2021 6/30/2021 13,790,000 40,679,084 571,171 55,040,256 2/1/2022 6/30/2022 16,180,000 40,033,134 570,622 56,783,756 2/1/2023 6/30/2023 18,580,000 39,292,776 566,975 58,439,751 2/1/2024 6/30/2024 21,005,000 38,435,179 563,771 60,003,950 2/1/2025 6/30/2025 22,035,000 37,409,861 558,579 60,003,440 2/1/2026 6/30/2026 23,130,000 36,322,262 555,043 60,007,305 2/1/2027 6/30/2027 24,275,000 35,182,925 550,837 60,008,761 2/1/2028 6/30/2028 25,480,000 33,983,018 546,149 60,009,167 2/1/2029 6/30/2029 26,740,000 32,730,686 537,163 60,007,849 2/1/2030 6/30/2030 28,065,000 31,421,076 529,593 60,015,669 2/1/2031 6/30/2031 29,770,000 30,035,804 505,860 60,311,665 2/1/2032 6/30/2032 31,275,000 28,609,434 450,765 60,335,200 2/1/2033 6/30/2033 32,865,000 27,099,658 391,922 60,356,579 2/1/2034 6/30/2034 34,535,000 25,512,771 331,840 60,379,611 2/1/2035 6/30/2035 36,255,000 23,875,772 268,625 60,399,397 2/1/2036 6/30/2036 38,100,000 22,124,489 202,737 60,427,226 2/1/2037 6/30/2037 40,035,000 20,283,669 133,494 60,452,163 2/1/2038 6/30/2038 42,070,000 18,348,974 61,635 60,480,609 2/1/2039 6/30/2039 44,190,000 16,315,500 - 60,505,500 2/1/2040 6/30/2040 46,395,000 14,106,000 - 60,501,000 2/1/2041 6/30/2041 48,725,000 11,786,250 - 60,511,250 2/1/2042 6/30/2042 26,465,000 9,350,000 - 35,815,000 2/1/2043 6/30/2043 27,780,000 8,026,750 - 35,806,750 2/1/2044 6/30/2044 24,345,000 6,637,750 - 30,982,750 2/1/2045 6/30/2045 25,555,000 5,420,500 - 30,975,500 2/1/2046 6/30/2046 26,840,000 4,142,750 - 30,982,750 2/1/2047 6/30/2047 22,445,000 2,800,750 - 25,245,750 2/1/2048 6/30/2048 16,825,000 1,678,500 - 18,503,500 2/1/2049 6/30/2049 11,180,000 837,250 - 12,017,250 2/1/2050 6/30/2050 5,565,000 278,250 - 5,843,250 2/1/2051 6/30/2051 - - - - 2/1/2052 6/30/2052 - - - - 2/1/2053 6/30/2053 - - - - Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,565,000 1,645,000 1,725,000 1,810,000 1,905,000 2,000,000 2,100,000 2,205,000 2,315,000 2,430,000 2,550,000 2,680,000 2,810,000 2,950,000 3,100,000 3,255,000 3,420,000 3,590,000 3,770,000 3,955,000 4,155,000 4,360,000 4,580,000 4,810,000 5,050,000 5,300,000 5,565,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,100,875 2,100,875 2,059,750 2,059,750 2,016,625 2,016,625 1,971,375 1,971,375 1,923,750 1,923,750 1,873,750 1,873,750 1,821,250 1,821,250 1,766,125 1,766,125 1,708,250 1,708,250 1,647,500 1,647,500 1,583,750 1,583,750 1,516,750 1,516,750 1,446,500 1,446,500 1,372,750 1,372,750 1,295,250 1,295,250 1,213,875 1,213,875 1,128,375 1,128,375 1,038,625 1,038,625 944,375 944,375 845,500 845,500 741,625 741,625 632,625 632,625 518,125 518,125 397,875 397,875 271,625 271,625 139,125 139,125 Series 2019 (Project Fund: $89,387,125) Debt Service Annual Semiannual 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 2,140,000 3,705,000 2,100,875 3,745,875 2,059,750 3,784,750 2,016,625 3,826,625 1,971,375 3,876,375 1,923,750 3,923,750 1,873,750 3,973,750 1,821,250 4,026,250 1,766,125 4,081,125 1,708,250 4,138,250 1,647,500 4,197,500 1,583,750 4,263,750 1,516,750 4,326,750 1,446,500 4,396,500 1,372,750 4,472,750 1,295,250 4,550,250 1,213,875 4,633,875 1,128,375 4,718,375 1,038,625 4,808,625 944,375 4,899,375 845,500 5,000,500 741,625 5,101,625 632,625 5,212,625 518,125 5,328,125 397,875 5,447,875 271,625 5,571,625 139,125 5,704,125 4,280,000 4,280,000 4,280,000 5,845,000 5,846,750 5,844,500 5,843,250 5,847,750 5,847,500 5,847,500 5,847,500 5,847,250 5,846,500 5,845,000 5,847,500 5,843,500 5,843,000 5,845,500 5,845,500 5,847,750 5,846,750 5,847,250 5,843,750 5,846,000 5,843,250 5,845,250 5,846,250 5,845,750 5,843,250 5,843,250 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,655,000 1,735,000 1,825,000 1,915,000 2,010,000 2,110,000 2,215,000 2,325,000 2,445,000 2,565,000 2,695,000 2,830,000 2,970,000 3,115,000 3,275,000 3,435,000 3,610,000 3,790,000 3,980,000 4,180,000 4,385,000 4,605,000 4,835,000 5,075,000 5,330,000 5,600,000 5,880,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,218,375 2,218,375 2,175,000 2,175,000 2,129,375 2,129,375 2,081,500 2,081,500 2,031,250 2,031,250 1,978,500 1,978,500 1,923,125 1,923,125 1,865,000 1,865,000 1,803,875 1,803,875 1,739,750 1,739,750 1,672,375 1,672,375 1,601,625 1,601,625 1,527,375 1,527,375 1,449,500 1,449,500 1,367,625 1,367,625 1,281,750 1,281,750 1,191,500 1,191,500 1,096,750 1,096,750 997,250 997,250 892,750 892,750 783,125 783,125 668,000 668,000 547,125 547,125 420,250 420,250 287,000 287,000 147,000 147,000 Series 2018 (Project Fund: $93,969,950) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 2,259,750 3,914,750 2,218,375 3,953,375 2,175,000 4,000,000 2,129,375 4,044,375 2,081,500 4,091,500 2,031,250 4,141,250 1,978,500 4,193,500 1,923,125 4,248,125 1,865,000 4,310,000 1,803,875 4,368,875 1,739,750 4,434,750 1,672,375 4,502,375 1,601,625 4,571,625 1,527,375 4,642,375 1,449,500 4,724,500 1,367,625 4,802,625 1,281,750 4,891,750 1,191,500 4,981,500 1,096,750 5,076,750 997,250 5,177,250 892,750 5,277,750 783,125 5,388,125 668,000 5,503,000 547,125 5,622,125 420,250 5,750,250 287,000 5,887,000 147,000 6,027,000 4,519,500 4,519,500 4,519,500 6,174,500 6,171,750 6,175,000 6,173,750 6,173,000 6,172,500 6,172,000 6,171,250 6,175,000 6,172,750 6,174,500 6,174,750 6,173,250 6,169,750 6,174,000 6,170,250 6,173,500 6,173,000 6,173,500 6,174,500 6,170,500 6,171,250 6,171,000 6,169,250 6,170,500 6,174,000 6,174,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,740,000 1,825,000 1,915,000 2,010,000 2,110,000 2,220,000 2,330,000 2,445,000 2,565,000 2,695,000 2,830,000 2,970,000 3,120,000 3,275,000 3,440,000 3,610,000 3,790,000 3,980,000 4,180,000 4,390,000 4,610,000 4,840,000 5,080,000 5,335,000 5,605,000 5,885,000 6,175,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,330,750 2,330,750 2,285,125 2,285,125 2,237,250 2,237,250 2,187,000 2,187,000 2,134,250 2,134,250 2,078,750 2,078,750 2,020,500 2,020,500 1,959,375 1,959,375 1,895,250 1,895,250 1,827,875 1,827,875 1,757,125 1,757,125 1,682,875 1,682,875 1,604,875 1,604,875 1,523,000 1,523,000 1,437,000 1,437,000 1,346,750 1,346,750 1,252,000 1,252,000 1,152,500 1,152,500 1,048,000 1,048,000 938,250 938,250 823,000 823,000 702,000 702,000 575,000 575,000 441,625 441,625 301,500 301,500 154,375 154,375 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 2,374,250 4,114,250 2,330,750 4,155,750 2,285,125 4,200,125 2,237,250 4,247,250 2,187,000 4,297,000 2,134,250 4,354,250 2,078,750 4,408,750 2,020,500 4,465,500 1,959,375 4,524,375 1,895,250 4,590,250 1,827,875 4,657,875 1,757,125 4,727,125 1,682,875 4,802,875 1,604,875 4,879,875 1,523,000 4,963,000 1,437,000 5,047,000 1,346,750 5,136,750 1,252,000 5,232,000 1,152,500 5,332,500 1,048,000 5,438,000 938,250 5,548,250 823,000 5,663,000 702,000 5,782,000 575,000 5,910,000 441,625 6,046,625 301,500 6,186,500 154,375 6,329,375 4,748,500 4,748,500 4,748,500 6,488,500 6,486,500 6,485,250 6,484,500 6,484,000 6,488,500 6,487,500 6,486,000 6,483,750 6,485,500 6,485,750 6,484,250 6,485,750 6,484,750 6,486,000 6,484,000 6,483,500 6,484,000 6,485,000 6,486,000 6,486,500 6,486,000 6,484,000 6,485,000 6,488,250 6,488,000 6,483,750 Series 2017 (Project Fund: $97,687,875) Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,805,000 1,895,000 1,990,000 2,090,000 2,195,000 2,305,000 2,420,000 2,540,000 2,665,000 2,800,000 2,940,000 3,085,000 3,240,000 3,405,000 3,575,000 3,755,000 3,940,000 4,140,000 4,345,000 4,560,000 4,790,000 5,030,000 5,280,000 5,545,000 5,820,000 6,115,000 6,420,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,422,125 2,422,125 2,374,750 2,374,750 2,325,000 2,325,000 2,272,750 2,272,750 2,217,875 2,217,875 2,160,250 2,160,250 2,099,750 2,099,750 2,036,250 2,036,250 1,969,625 1,969,625 1,899,625 1,899,625 1,826,125 1,826,125 1,749,000 1,749,000 1,668,000 1,668,000 1,582,875 1,582,875 1,493,500 1,493,500 1,399,625 1,399,625 1,301,125 1,301,125 1,197,625 1,197,625 1,089,000 1,089,000 975,000 975,000 855,250 855,250 729,500 729,500 597,500 597,500 458,875 458,875 313,375 313,375 160,500 160,500 Series 2016 (Project Fund: $83,045,676) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 2,467,250 4,272,250 2,422,125 4,317,125 2,374,750 4,364,750 2,325,000 4,415,000 2,272,750 4,467,750 2,217,875 4,522,875 2,160,250 4,580,250 2,099,750 4,639,750 2,036,250 4,701,250 1,969,625 4,769,625 1,899,625 4,839,625 1,826,125 4,911,125 1,749,000 4,989,000 1,668,000 5,073,000 1,582,875 5,157,875 1,493,500 5,248,500 1,399,625 5,339,625 1,301,125 5,441,125 1,197,625 5,542,625 1,089,000 5,649,000 975,000 5,765,000 855,250 5,885,250 729,500 6,009,500 597,500 6,142,500 458,875 6,278,875 313,375 6,428,375 160,500 6,580,500 4,934,500 4,934,500 4,934,500 6,739,500 6,739,250 6,739,500 6,740,000 6,740,500 6,740,750 6,740,500 6,739,500 6,737,500 6,739,250 6,739,250 6,737,250 6,738,000 6,741,000 6,740,750 6,742,000 6,739,250 6,742,250 6,740,250 6,738,000 6,740,000 6,740,500 6,739,000 6,740,000 6,737,750 6,741,750 6,741,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 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5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,062,750 2,062,750 2,022,375 2,022,375 1,980,000 1,980,000 1,935,500 1,935,500 1,888,750 1,888,750 1,839,750 1,839,750 1,788,250 1,788,250 1,734,125 1,734,125 1,677,375 1,677,375 1,617,750 1,617,750 1,555,125 1,555,125 1,489,375 1,489,375 1,420,375 1,420,375 1,347,875 1,347,875 1,271,750 1,271,750 1,191,875 1,191,875 1,108,000 1,108,000 1,019,875 1,019,875 927,375 927,375 830,250 830,250 728,250 728,250 621,125 621,125 508,750 508,750 390,750 390,750 266,750 266,750 136,625 136,625 Series 2013 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 2,101,250 3,641,250 2,062,750 3,677,750 2,022,375 3,717,375 1,980,000 3,760,000 1,935,500 3,805,500 1,888,750 3,848,750 1,839,750 3,899,750 1,788,250 3,953,250 1,734,125 4,004,125 1,677,375 4,062,375 1,617,750 4,122,750 1,555,125 4,185,125 1,489,375 4,249,375 1,420,375 4,320,375 1,347,875 4,392,875 1,271,750 4,466,750 1,191,875 4,546,875 1,108,000 4,633,000 1,019,875 4,719,875 927,375 4,812,375 830,250 4,910,250 728,250 5,013,250 621,125 5,116,125 508,750 5,228,750 390,750 5,350,750 266,750 5,471,750 136,625 5,601,625 4,202,500 4,202,500 4,202,500 5,742,500 5,740,500 5,739,750 5,740,000 5,741,000 5,737,500 5,739,500 5,741,500 5,738,250 5,739,750 5,740,500 5,740,250 5,738,750 5,740,750 5,740,750 5,738,500 5,738,750 5,741,000 5,739,750 5,739,750 5,740,500 5,741,500 5,737,250 5,737,500 5,741,500 5,738,500 5,738,250 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 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1,810,300 1,786,200 1,786,200 1,761,100 1,761,100 1,735,000 1,735,000 1,701,000 1,701,000 1,665,375 1,665,375 1,628,000 1,628,000 1,588,750 1,588,750 1,547,500 1,547,500 1,504,125 1,504,125 1,458,625 1,458,625 1,410,875 1,410,875 1,360,750 1,360,750 1,308,125 1,308,125 1,252,875 1,252,875 1,194,875 1,194,875 1,133,875 1,133,875 1,069,875 1,069,875 1,002,625 1,002,625 932,000 932,000 857,875 857,875 780,125 780,125 698,375 698,375 612,625 612,625 522,625 522,625 428,000 428,000 328,750 328,750 224,500 224,500 115,000 115,000 Series 2012 (a) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,575,017 1,810,300 3,015,300 1,786,200 3,041,200 1,761,100 3,066,100 1,735,000 3,095,000 1,701,000 3,126,000 1,665,375 3,160,375 1,628,000 3,198,000 1,588,750 3,238,750 1,547,500 3,282,500 1,504,125 3,324,125 1,458,625 3,368,625 1,410,875 3,415,875 1,360,750 3,465,750 1,308,125 3,518,125 1,252,875 3,572,875 1,194,875 3,634,875 1,133,875 3,693,875 1,069,875 3,759,875 1,002,625 3,827,625 932,000 3,897,000 857,875 3,967,875 780,125 4,050,125 698,375 4,128,375 612,625 4,212,625 522,625 4,307,625 428,000 4,398,000 328,750 4,498,750 224,500 4,604,500 115,000 4,715,000 2,575,017 4,825,600 4,827,400 4,827,200 4,830,000 4,827,000 4,825,750 4,826,000 4,827,500 4,830,000 4,828,250 4,827,250 4,826,750 4,826,500 4,826,250 4,825,750 4,829,750 4,827,750 4,829,750 4,830,250 4,829,000 4,825,750 4,830,250 4,826,750 4,825,250 4,830,250 4,826,000 4,827,500 4,829,000 4,830,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal Coupon 5,005,000 3.500% 4,930,000 4.500% 4,560,000 4.000% 4,745,000 4.000% 4,935,000 5.000% 5,180,000 5.000% 5,440,000 5.000% 5,765,000 5.000% 5,555,000 5.000% 5,825,000 5.000% 6,115,000 5.000% Interest 1,076,462 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,267,400 1,267,400 1,156,475 1,156,475 1,065,275 1,065,275 970,375 970,375 847,000 847,000 717,500 717,500 581,500 581,500 437,375 437,375 298,500 298,500 152,875 152,875 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 1,076,462 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 1,354,988 6,359,988 1,267,400 6,197,400 1,156,475 5,716,475 1,065,275 5,810,275 970,375 5,905,375 847,000 6,027,000 717,500 6,157,500 581,500 6,346,500 437,375 5,992,375 298,500 6,123,500 152,875 6,267,875 2,431,450 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 7,714,975 7,464,800 6,872,950 6,875,550 6,875,750 6,874,000 6,875,000 6,928,000 6,429,750 6,422,000 6,420,750 Series 2011B (b) Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 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2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal Bifurcated Coupon 1,955,000 2.000% 2,000,000 2.000% 2,040,000 3.000% 2,100,000 3.000% 2,155,000 3.500% 2,235,000 3.000% 2,300,000 3.000% 1,815,000 4.000% 1,890,000 4.000% 1,965,000 4.000% 2,040,000 4.000% 2,125,000 4.000% 2,205,000 5.000% 2,320,000 5.000% 2,435,000 5.000% 2,555,000 5.000% Bifurcated 1,730,000 955,000 5.000% 4.000% 1,810,000 1,000,000 5.000% 4.000% 1,895,000 1,045,000 5.000% 4.000% 3,080,000 5.000% 3,230,000 5.000% 3,390,000 5.000% 3,560,000 5.000% 3,740,000 5.000% 3,925,000 5.000% 4,120,000 5.000% 4,325,000 5.000% 4,540,000 5.000% 23,520,000 5.000% Series 2010 Interest 669,445 2,273,588 2,273,588 2,254,038 2,254,038 2,234,038 2,234,038 2,203,438 2,203,438 2,171,938 2,171,938 2,134,225 2,134,225 2,100,700 2,100,700 2,066,200 2,066,200 2,029,900 2,029,900 1,992,100 1,992,100 1,952,800 1,952,800 1,912,000 1,912,000 1,869,500 1,869,500 1,814,375 1,814,375 1,756,375 1,756,375 1,695,500 1,695,500 1,631,625 1,631,625 1,569,275 1,569,275 1,504,025 1,504,025 1,435,750 1,435,750 1,358,750 1,358,750 1,278,000 1,278,000 1,193,250 1,193,250 1,104,250 1,104,250 1,010,750 1,010,750 912,625 912,625 809,625 809,625 701,500 701,500 588,000 588,000 - Debt Service Semiannual Annual 669,445 2,273,588 4,228,588 2,254,038 4,254,038 2,234,038 4,274,038 2,203,438 4,303,438 2,171,938 4,326,938 2,134,225 4,369,225 2,100,700 4,400,700 2,066,200 3,881,200 2,029,900 3,919,900 1,992,100 3,957,100 1,952,800 3,992,800 1,912,000 4,037,000 1,869,500 4,074,500 1,814,375 4,134,375 1,756,375 4,191,375 1,695,500 4,250,500 1,631,625 4,316,625 1,569,275 4,379,275 1,504,025 4,444,025 1,435,750 4,515,750 1,358,750 4,588,750 1,278,000 4,668,000 1,193,250 4,753,250 1,104,250 4,844,250 1,010,750 4,935,750 912,625 5,032,625 809,625 5,134,625 701,500 5,241,500 588,000 24,108,000 - 669,445 6,502,175 6,508,075 6,508,075 6,506,875 6,498,875 6,503,450 6,501,400 5,947,400 5,949,800 5,949,200 5,945,600 5,949,000 5,944,000 5,948,750 5,947,750 5,946,000 5,948,250 5,948,550 5,948,050 5,951,500 5,947,500 5,946,000 5,946,500 5,948,500 5,946,500 5,945,250 5,944,250 5,943,000 24,696,000 - Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal Bifurcated Coupon 1,090,000 3.000% 1,115,000 3.000% 1,145,000 3.000% 1,185,000 5.000% 1,250,000 660,000 5.000% 645,000 3.000% 1,360,000 4.000% 1,645,000 5.000% 1,980,000 5.000% 2,150,000 5.000% 2,260,000 5.000% 2,380,000 450,000 5.000% 4.500% 4.500% 1,750,000 2,880,000 2,000,000 5.000% 5.000% 2,055,000 2,625,000 1,000,000 Bifurcated 4.000% 5.000% 4.500% 1,025,000 5.000% 4.000% 3,170,000 5.000% 3,355,000 5.000% 3,595,000 5.000% 3,850,000 5.000% 4,120,000 4.250% 4,375,000 5.000% 4,680,000 5.000% 5,000,000 5.000% 5,345,000 5.000% 17,005,000 5.000% 0.000% 17,855,000 5.000% 0.000% Interest 914,920 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,517,275 2,517,275 2,500,550 2,500,550 2,483,375 2,483,375 2,453,750 2,453,750 2,422,500 2,422,500 2,396,475 2,396,475 2,369,275 2,369,275 2,328,150 2,328,150 2,278,650 2,278,650 2,224,900 2,224,900 2,168,400 2,168,400 2,108,900 2,108,900 2,051,413 2,051,413 1,992,350 1,992,350 1,928,600 1,928,600 1,863,800 1,863,800 1,793,300 1,793,300 1,714,050 1,714,050 1,630,175 1,630,175 1,540,300 1,540,300 1,444,050 1,444,050 1,356,500 1,356,500 1,247,125 1,247,125 1,130,125 1,130,125 1,005,125 1,005,125 871,500 871,500 446,375 446,375 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 914,920 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 3,623,625 2,517,275 3,632,275 2,500,550 3,645,550 2,483,375 3,668,375 2,453,750 3,703,750 2,422,500 3,727,500 2,396,475 3,756,475 2,369,275 4,014,275 2,328,150 4,308,150 2,278,650 4,428,650 2,224,900 4,484,900 2,168,400 4,548,400 2,108,900 4,613,900 2,051,413 4,676,413 1,992,350 4,742,350 1,928,600 4,808,600 1,863,800 4,888,800 1,793,300 4,963,300 1,714,050 5,069,050 1,630,175 5,225,175 1,540,300 5,390,300 1,444,050 5,564,050 1,356,500 5,731,500 1,247,125 5,927,125 1,130,125 6,130,125 1,005,125 6,350,125 871,500 17,876,500 446,375 18,301,375 3,448,545 5,067,250 6,157,250 6,149,550 6,146,100 6,151,750 6,157,500 6,150,000 6,152,950 6,383,550 6,636,300 6,707,300 6,709,800 6,716,800 6,722,800 6,727,825 6,734,700 6,737,200 6,752,600 6,756,600 6,783,100 6,855,350 6,930,600 7,008,100 7,088,000 7,174,250 7,260,250 7,355,250 18,748,000 18,747,750 Series 2009 (c) (d) Date Principal Interest Debt Service LOC Rmkt. Ratings/ Trustee Total Debt Service 6/30/2010 - 1,475,176 1,475,176 508,279 76,460 - 2,059,915 6/30/2011 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 682,066 102,325 12,000 4,360,575 6/30/2012 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 682,985 102,325 12,000 4,361,495 6/30/2013 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6/30/2014 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2015 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2016 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 458,100 102,325 12,000 4,136,609 6/30/2017 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6/30/2018 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2019 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2020 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 458,100 102,325 12,000 4,136,609 6/30/2021 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6/30/2022 525,000 3,564,184 4,089,184 456,515 102,106 12,000 4,659,806 6/30/2023 550,000 3,541,326 4,091,326 453,535 101,440 12,000 4,658,301 6/30/2024 570,000 3,517,379 4,087,379 451,027 100,744 12,000 4,651,150 6/30/2025 600,000 3,492,561 4,092,561 446,560 100,019 12,000 4,651,140 6/30/2026 625,000 3,466,437 4,091,437 443,785 99,258 12,000 4,646,480 6/30/2027 595,000 3,439,225 4,034,225 440,347 98,490 12,000 4,585,061 6/30/2028 1,125,000 3,413,318 4,538,318 436,624 97,525 12,000 5,084,467 6/30/2029 1,175,000 3,364,336 4,539,336 429,065 96,098 12,000 5,076,499 6/30/2030 1,235,000 3,313,176 4,548,176 422,989 94,604 12,000 5,077,769 6/30/2031 8,000,000 3,259,404 11,259,404 403,619 90,242 12,000 11,765,265 6/30/2032 8,355,000 2,911,084 11,266,084 358,672 80,094 12,000 11,716,850 6/30/2033 8,725,000 2,547,308 11,272,308 310,426 69,496 12,000 11,664,229 6/30/2034 9,110,000 2,167,421 11,277,421 261,411 58,429 12,000 11,609,261 6/30/2035 9,515,000 1,770,772 11,285,772 209,752 46,873 12,000 11,554,397 6/30/2036 9,935,000 1,356,489 11,291,489 155,933 34,804 12,000 11,494,226 6/30/2037 10,380,000 923,919 11,303,919 99,294 22,200 12,000 11,437,413 6/30/2038 10,840,000 471,974 11,311,974 40,602 9,033 12,000 11,373,609 6/30/2039 6/30/2040 6/30/2041 6/30/2042 6/30/2043 6/30/2044 6/30/2045 6/30/2046 6/30/2047 6/30/2048 6/30/2049 6/30/2050 6/30/2051 6/30/2052 6/30/2053 Columbia, SC ‐ W&S Debt Profile (post issuance of 2020 Bonds ‐ 2.0x Coverage Ratio) 80,000,000 75,000,000 70,000,000 65,000,000 60,000,000 55,000,000 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Series 2009 Series 2010 Series 2011A Series 2011B Series 2012 Series 2013 Series 2016 Series 2017 Series 2018 Series 2019 Series 2020 Columbia, SC Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds Debt Service - Current and New Bond Issuance - 1.75x Debt Service Coverage Ratio = Existing Actual Bonds (New Money) = Existing Actual Bonds (Advance Refunding) = Existing Actual Bonds (Current Refunding) = Estimated. Project fund deposits per JMP email 19jan2015 and related OM/Capital Projections Excel workbook. (a) (b) (c) (d) Advance refunding of Series 2005 Bonds Current refunding of Series 2001 Bonds Assumes (i) synthetic fixed rate of 4.354%, (ii) LOC at 2012 renewal cost of 0.55%, (iii) remarketing of 0.125%, and (iv) ongoing annual expenses of $12K 2009 LOC expired on August 31, 2012. As this occurred during FY 2012-2013, debt service figure for this fiscal year will be slightly off due to lower LOC cost negotiated by the City beginning on or about August 31, 2012. Series 2020 (Project Fund: $95,400,000) Bond Year Ending Fiscal Year Ending Principal Interest 2/1/2010 6/30/2010 10,970,000 7,801,879 Ongoing VRDB Costs Debt Service 584,739 19,356,617 2/1/2011 6/30/2011 11,580,000 12,724,467 796,391 25,100,858 2/1/2012 6/30/2012 12,150,000 13,873,882 797,310 26,821,192 2/1/2013 6/30/2013 6,465,000 16,866,509 571,171 23,902,681 2/1/2014 6/30/2014 8,810,000 17,371,451 571,808 26,753,259 2/1/2015 6/30/2015 8,095,000 20,341,384 571,808 29,008,192 2/1/2016 6/30/2016 8,385,000 20,049,434 572,425 29,006,859 2/1/2017 6/30/2017 8,750,000 24,237,234 571,171 33,558,406 2/1/2018 6/30/2018 9,145,000 29,194,609 571,808 38,911,417 2/1/2019 6/30/2019 9,540,000 33,988,759 571,808 44,100,567 2/1/2020 6/30/2020 11,625,000 38,585,859 572,425 50,783,284 2/1/2021 6/30/2021 14,075,000 42,917,834 571,171 57,564,006 2/1/2022 6/30/2022 16,640,000 42,257,634 570,622 59,468,256 2/1/2023 6/30/2023 19,250,000 41,494,276 566,975 61,311,251 2/1/2024 6/30/2024 21,905,000 40,603,179 563,771 63,071,950 2/1/2025 6/30/2025 22,980,000 39,532,861 558,579 63,071,440 2/1/2026 6/30/2026 24,125,000 38,398,012 555,043 63,078,055 2/1/2027 6/30/2027 25,315,000 37,208,925 550,837 63,074,761 2/1/2028 6/30/2028 26,570,000 35,957,018 546,149 63,073,167 2/1/2029 6/30/2029 27,890,000 34,650,186 537,163 63,077,349 2/1/2030 6/30/2030 29,270,000 33,283,076 529,593 63,082,669 2/1/2031 6/30/2031 31,035,000 31,837,554 505,860 63,378,415 2/1/2032 6/30/2032 32,600,000 30,347,934 450,765 63,398,700 2/1/2033 6/30/2033 34,260,000 28,771,908 391,922 63,423,829 2/1/2034 6/30/2034 36,000,000 27,115,271 331,840 63,447,111 2/1/2035 6/30/2035 37,790,000 25,405,022 268,625 63,463,647 2/1/2036 6/30/2036 39,715,000 23,576,989 202,737 63,494,726 2/1/2037 6/30/2037 41,725,000 21,655,419 133,494 63,513,913 2/1/2038 6/30/2038 43,850,000 19,636,224 61,635 63,547,859 2/1/2039 6/30/2039 46,060,000 17,513,750 - 63,573,750 2/1/2040 6/30/2040 48,355,000 15,210,750 - 63,565,750 2/1/2041 6/30/2041 50,780,000 12,793,000 - 63,573,000 2/1/2042 6/30/2042 28,620,000 10,254,000 - 38,874,000 2/1/2043 6/30/2043 30,055,000 8,823,000 - 38,878,000 2/1/2044 6/30/2044 26,730,000 7,320,250 - 34,050,250 2/1/2045 6/30/2045 28,065,000 5,983,750 - 34,048,750 2/1/2046 6/30/2046 29,470,000 4,580,500 - 34,050,500 2/1/2047 6/30/2047 24,725,000 3,107,000 - 27,832,000 2/1/2048 6/30/2048 18,650,000 1,870,750 - 20,520,750 2/1/2049 6/30/2049 12,495,000 938,250 - 13,433,250 2/1/2050 6/30/2050 6,270,000 313,500 - 6,583,500 2/1/2051 6/30/2051 - - - - 2/1/2052 6/30/2052 - - - - 2/1/2053 6/30/2053 - - - - Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,765,000 1,850,000 1,945,000 2,040,000 2,145,000 2,250,000 2,365,000 2,480,000 2,605,000 2,735,000 2,875,000 3,015,000 3,165,000 3,325,000 3,490,000 3,665,000 3,850,000 4,040,000 4,245,000 4,455,000 4,680,000 4,915,000 5,160,000 5,415,000 5,685,000 5,970,000 6,270,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,365,875 2,365,875 2,319,625 2,319,625 2,271,000 2,271,000 2,220,000 2,220,000 2,166,375 2,166,375 2,110,125 2,110,125 2,051,000 2,051,000 1,989,000 1,989,000 1,923,875 1,923,875 1,855,500 1,855,500 1,783,625 1,783,625 1,708,250 1,708,250 1,629,125 1,629,125 1,546,000 1,546,000 1,458,750 1,458,750 1,367,125 1,367,125 1,270,875 1,270,875 1,169,875 1,169,875 1,063,750 1,063,750 952,375 952,375 835,375 835,375 712,500 712,500 583,500 583,500 448,125 448,125 306,000 306,000 156,750 156,750 Series 2019 (Project Fund: $99,287,125) Debt Service Annual Semiannual 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 2,410,000 4,175,000 2,365,875 4,215,875 2,319,625 4,264,625 2,271,000 4,311,000 2,220,000 4,365,000 2,166,375 4,416,375 2,110,125 4,475,125 2,051,000 4,531,000 1,989,000 4,594,000 1,923,875 4,658,875 1,855,500 4,730,500 1,783,625 4,798,625 1,708,250 4,873,250 1,629,125 4,954,125 1,546,000 5,036,000 1,458,750 5,123,750 1,367,125 5,217,125 1,270,875 5,310,875 1,169,875 5,414,875 1,063,750 5,518,750 952,375 5,632,375 835,375 5,750,375 712,500 5,872,500 583,500 5,998,500 448,125 6,133,125 306,000 6,276,000 156,750 6,426,750 4,820,000 4,820,000 4,820,000 6,585,000 6,581,750 6,584,250 6,582,000 6,585,000 6,582,750 6,585,250 6,582,000 6,583,000 6,582,750 6,586,000 6,582,250 6,581,500 6,583,250 6,582,000 6,582,500 6,584,250 6,581,750 6,584,750 6,582,500 6,584,750 6,585,750 6,585,000 6,582,000 6,581,250 6,582,000 6,583,500 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,835,000 1,925,000 2,025,000 2,125,000 2,230,000 2,340,000 2,460,000 2,580,000 2,710,000 2,845,000 2,990,000 3,140,000 3,295,000 3,460,000 3,630,000 3,815,000 4,005,000 4,205,000 4,415,000 4,635,000 4,865,000 5,110,000 5,365,000 5,635,000 5,915,000 6,210,000 6,525,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,461,375 2,461,375 2,413,250 2,413,250 2,362,625 2,362,625 2,309,500 2,309,500 2,253,750 2,253,750 2,195,250 2,195,250 2,133,750 2,133,750 2,069,250 2,069,250 2,001,500 2,001,500 1,930,375 1,930,375 1,855,625 1,855,625 1,777,125 1,777,125 1,694,750 1,694,750 1,608,250 1,608,250 1,517,500 1,517,500 1,422,125 1,422,125 1,322,000 1,322,000 1,216,875 1,216,875 1,106,500 1,106,500 990,625 990,625 869,000 869,000 741,250 741,250 607,125 607,125 466,250 466,250 318,375 318,375 163,125 163,125 Series 2018 (Project Fund: $102,869,950) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 2,507,250 4,342,250 2,461,375 4,386,375 2,413,250 4,438,250 2,362,625 4,487,625 2,309,500 4,539,500 2,253,750 4,593,750 2,195,250 4,655,250 2,133,750 4,713,750 2,069,250 4,779,250 2,001,500 4,846,500 1,930,375 4,920,375 1,855,625 4,995,625 1,777,125 5,072,125 1,694,750 5,154,750 1,608,250 5,238,250 1,517,500 5,332,500 1,422,125 5,427,125 1,322,000 5,527,000 1,216,875 5,631,875 1,106,500 5,741,500 990,625 5,855,625 869,000 5,979,000 741,250 6,106,250 607,125 6,242,125 466,250 6,381,250 318,375 6,528,375 163,125 6,688,125 5,014,500 5,014,500 5,014,500 6,849,500 6,847,750 6,851,500 6,850,250 6,849,000 6,847,500 6,850,500 6,847,500 6,848,500 6,848,000 6,850,750 6,851,250 6,849,250 6,849,500 6,846,500 6,850,000 6,849,250 6,849,000 6,848,750 6,848,000 6,846,250 6,848,000 6,847,500 6,849,250 6,847,500 6,846,750 6,851,250 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,900,000 1,995,000 2,095,000 2,200,000 2,310,000 2,425,000 2,545,000 2,675,000 2,805,000 2,950,000 3,095,000 3,250,000 3,410,000 3,585,000 3,760,000 3,950,000 4,145,000 4,355,000 4,570,000 4,800,000 5,040,000 5,295,000 5,560,000 5,835,000 6,130,000 6,435,000 6,755,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,549,250 2,549,250 2,499,375 2,499,375 2,447,000 2,447,000 2,392,000 2,392,000 2,334,250 2,334,250 2,273,625 2,273,625 2,210,000 2,210,000 2,143,125 2,143,125 2,073,000 2,073,000 1,999,250 1,999,250 1,921,875 1,921,875 1,840,625 1,840,625 1,755,375 1,755,375 1,665,750 1,665,750 1,571,750 1,571,750 1,473,000 1,473,000 1,369,375 1,369,375 1,260,500 1,260,500 1,146,250 1,146,250 1,026,250 1,026,250 900,250 900,250 767,875 767,875 628,875 628,875 483,000 483,000 329,750 329,750 168,875 168,875 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 2,596,750 4,496,750 2,549,250 4,544,250 2,499,375 4,594,375 2,447,000 4,647,000 2,392,000 4,702,000 2,334,250 4,759,250 2,273,625 4,818,625 2,210,000 4,885,000 2,143,125 4,948,125 2,073,000 5,023,000 1,999,250 5,094,250 1,921,875 5,171,875 1,840,625 5,250,625 1,755,375 5,340,375 1,665,750 5,425,750 1,571,750 5,521,750 1,473,000 5,618,000 1,369,375 5,724,375 1,260,500 5,830,500 1,146,250 5,946,250 1,026,250 6,066,250 900,250 6,195,250 767,875 6,327,875 628,875 6,463,875 483,000 6,613,000 329,750 6,764,750 168,875 6,923,875 5,193,500 5,193,500 5,193,500 7,093,500 7,093,500 7,093,750 7,094,000 7,094,000 7,093,500 7,092,250 7,095,000 7,091,250 7,096,000 7,093,500 7,093,750 7,091,250 7,095,750 7,091,500 7,093,500 7,091,000 7,093,750 7,091,000 7,092,500 7,092,500 7,095,500 7,095,750 7,092,750 7,096,000 7,094,500 7,092,750 Series 2017 (Project Fund: $105,987,875) Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,955,000 2,055,000 2,160,000 2,265,000 2,380,000 2,500,000 2,625,000 2,755,000 2,890,000 3,035,000 3,190,000 3,345,000 3,515,000 3,690,000 3,875,000 4,070,000 4,270,000 4,485,000 4,710,000 4,945,000 5,195,000 5,450,000 5,725,000 6,010,000 6,310,000 6,625,000 6,960,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,625,875 2,625,875 2,574,500 2,574,500 2,520,500 2,520,500 2,463,875 2,463,875 2,404,375 2,404,375 2,341,875 2,341,875 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,207,375 2,207,375 2,135,125 2,135,125 2,059,250 2,059,250 1,979,500 1,979,500 1,895,875 1,895,875 1,808,000 1,808,000 1,715,750 1,715,750 1,618,875 1,618,875 1,517,125 1,517,125 1,410,375 1,410,375 1,298,250 1,298,250 1,180,500 1,180,500 1,056,875 1,056,875 927,000 927,000 790,750 790,750 647,625 647,625 497,375 497,375 339,625 339,625 174,000 174,000 Series 2016 (Project Fund: $90,045,676) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 2,674,750 4,629,750 2,625,875 4,680,875 2,574,500 4,734,500 2,520,500 4,785,500 2,463,875 4,843,875 2,404,375 4,904,375 2,341,875 4,966,875 2,276,250 5,031,250 2,207,375 5,097,375 2,135,125 5,170,125 2,059,250 5,249,250 1,979,500 5,324,500 1,895,875 5,410,875 1,808,000 5,498,000 1,715,750 5,590,750 1,618,875 5,688,875 1,517,125 5,787,125 1,410,375 5,895,375 1,298,250 6,008,250 1,180,500 6,125,500 1,056,875 6,251,875 927,000 6,377,000 790,750 6,515,750 647,625 6,657,625 497,375 6,807,375 339,625 6,964,625 174,000 7,134,000 5,349,500 5,349,500 5,349,500 7,304,500 7,306,750 7,309,000 7,306,000 7,307,750 7,308,750 7,308,750 7,307,500 7,304,750 7,305,250 7,308,500 7,304,000 7,306,750 7,306,000 7,306,500 7,307,750 7,304,250 7,305,750 7,306,500 7,306,000 7,308,750 7,304,000 7,306,500 7,305,250 7,304,750 7,304,250 7,308,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal 1,665,000 1,750,000 1,835,000 1,930,000 2,025,000 2,125,000 2,230,000 2,345,000 2,460,000 2,585,000 2,715,000 2,850,000 2,990,000 3,140,000 3,300,000 3,460,000 3,635,000 3,815,000 4,010,000 4,210,000 4,420,000 4,640,000 4,870,000 5,115,000 5,370,000 5,640,000 5,920,000 Coupon 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% 5.000% Interest 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,234,625 2,234,625 2,190,875 2,190,875 2,145,000 2,145,000 2,096,750 2,096,750 2,046,125 2,046,125 1,993,000 1,993,000 1,937,250 1,937,250 1,878,625 1,878,625 1,817,125 1,817,125 1,752,500 1,752,500 1,684,625 1,684,625 1,613,375 1,613,375 1,538,625 1,538,625 1,460,125 1,460,125 1,377,625 1,377,625 1,291,125 1,291,125 1,200,250 1,200,250 1,104,875 1,104,875 1,004,625 1,004,625 899,375 899,375 788,875 788,875 672,875 672,875 551,125 551,125 423,250 423,250 289,000 289,000 148,000 148,000 Series 2013 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 2,276,250 3,941,250 2,234,625 3,984,625 2,190,875 4,025,875 2,145,000 4,075,000 2,096,750 4,121,750 2,046,125 4,171,125 1,993,000 4,223,000 1,937,250 4,282,250 1,878,625 4,338,625 1,817,125 4,402,125 1,752,500 4,467,500 1,684,625 4,534,625 1,613,375 4,603,375 1,538,625 4,678,625 1,460,125 4,760,125 1,377,625 4,837,625 1,291,125 4,926,125 1,200,250 5,015,250 1,104,875 5,114,875 1,004,625 5,214,625 899,375 5,319,375 788,875 5,428,875 672,875 5,542,875 551,125 5,666,125 423,250 5,793,250 289,000 5,929,000 148,000 6,068,000 4,552,500 4,552,500 4,552,500 6,217,500 6,219,250 6,216,750 6,220,000 6,218,500 6,217,250 6,216,000 6,219,500 6,217,250 6,219,250 6,220,000 6,219,250 6,216,750 6,217,250 6,220,250 6,215,250 6,217,250 6,215,500 6,219,750 6,219,250 6,218,750 6,217,750 6,215,750 6,217,250 6,216,500 6,218,000 6,216,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 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435,017 1,810,300 1,810,300 1,786,200 1,786,200 1,761,100 1,761,100 1,735,000 1,735,000 1,701,000 1,701,000 1,665,375 1,665,375 1,628,000 1,628,000 1,588,750 1,588,750 1,547,500 1,547,500 1,504,125 1,504,125 1,458,625 1,458,625 1,410,875 1,410,875 1,360,750 1,360,750 1,308,125 1,308,125 1,252,875 1,252,875 1,194,875 1,194,875 1,133,875 1,133,875 1,069,875 1,069,875 1,002,625 1,002,625 932,000 932,000 857,875 857,875 780,125 780,125 698,375 698,375 612,625 612,625 522,625 522,625 428,000 428,000 328,750 328,750 224,500 224,500 115,000 115,000 Series 2012 (a) Debt Service Semiannual Annual 2,575,017 1,810,300 3,015,300 1,786,200 3,041,200 1,761,100 3,066,100 1,735,000 3,095,000 1,701,000 3,126,000 1,665,375 3,160,375 1,628,000 3,198,000 1,588,750 3,238,750 1,547,500 3,282,500 1,504,125 3,324,125 1,458,625 3,368,625 1,410,875 3,415,875 1,360,750 3,465,750 1,308,125 3,518,125 1,252,875 3,572,875 1,194,875 3,634,875 1,133,875 3,693,875 1,069,875 3,759,875 1,002,625 3,827,625 932,000 3,897,000 857,875 3,967,875 780,125 4,050,125 698,375 4,128,375 612,625 4,212,625 522,625 4,307,625 428,000 4,398,000 328,750 4,498,750 224,500 4,604,500 115,000 4,715,000 2,575,017 4,825,600 4,827,400 4,827,200 4,830,000 4,827,000 4,825,750 4,826,000 4,827,500 4,830,000 4,828,250 4,827,250 4,826,750 4,826,500 4,826,250 4,825,750 4,829,750 4,827,750 4,829,750 4,830,250 4,829,000 4,825,750 4,830,250 4,826,750 4,825,250 4,830,250 4,826,000 4,827,500 4,829,000 4,830,000 Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 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6,359,988 1,267,400 6,197,400 1,156,475 5,716,475 1,065,275 5,810,275 970,375 5,905,375 847,000 6,027,000 717,500 6,157,500 581,500 6,346,500 437,375 5,992,375 298,500 6,123,500 152,875 6,267,875 2,431,450 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 2,709,975 7,714,975 7,464,800 6,872,950 6,875,550 6,875,750 6,874,000 6,875,000 6,928,000 6,429,750 6,422,000 6,420,750 Series 2011B (b) Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 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2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal Bifurcated Coupon 1,955,000 2.000% 2,000,000 2.000% 2,040,000 3.000% 2,100,000 3.000% 2,155,000 3.500% 2,235,000 3.000% 2,300,000 3.000% 1,815,000 4.000% 1,890,000 4.000% 1,965,000 4.000% 2,040,000 4.000% 2,125,000 4.000% 2,205,000 5.000% 2,320,000 5.000% 2,435,000 5.000% 2,555,000 5.000% Bifurcated 1,730,000 955,000 5.000% 4.000% 1,810,000 1,000,000 5.000% 4.000% 1,895,000 1,045,000 5.000% 4.000% 3,080,000 5.000% 3,230,000 5.000% 3,390,000 5.000% 3,560,000 5.000% 3,740,000 5.000% 3,925,000 5.000% 4,120,000 5.000% 4,325,000 5.000% 4,540,000 5.000% 23,520,000 5.000% Series 2010 Interest 669,445 2,273,588 2,273,588 2,254,038 2,254,038 2,234,038 2,234,038 2,203,438 2,203,438 2,171,938 2,171,938 2,134,225 2,134,225 2,100,700 2,100,700 2,066,200 2,066,200 2,029,900 2,029,900 1,992,100 1,992,100 1,952,800 1,952,800 1,912,000 1,912,000 1,869,500 1,869,500 1,814,375 1,814,375 1,756,375 1,756,375 1,695,500 1,695,500 1,631,625 1,631,625 1,569,275 1,569,275 1,504,025 1,504,025 1,435,750 1,435,750 1,358,750 1,358,750 1,278,000 1,278,000 1,193,250 1,193,250 1,104,250 1,104,250 1,010,750 1,010,750 912,625 912,625 809,625 809,625 701,500 701,500 588,000 588,000 - Debt Service Semiannual Annual 669,445 2,273,588 4,228,588 2,254,038 4,254,038 2,234,038 4,274,038 2,203,438 4,303,438 2,171,938 4,326,938 2,134,225 4,369,225 2,100,700 4,400,700 2,066,200 3,881,200 2,029,900 3,919,900 1,992,100 3,957,100 1,952,800 3,992,800 1,912,000 4,037,000 1,869,500 4,074,500 1,814,375 4,134,375 1,756,375 4,191,375 1,695,500 4,250,500 1,631,625 4,316,625 1,569,275 4,379,275 1,504,025 4,444,025 1,435,750 4,515,750 1,358,750 4,588,750 1,278,000 4,668,000 1,193,250 4,753,250 1,104,250 4,844,250 1,010,750 4,935,750 912,625 5,032,625 809,625 5,134,625 701,500 5,241,500 588,000 24,108,000 - 669,445 6,502,175 6,508,075 6,508,075 6,506,875 6,498,875 6,503,450 6,501,400 5,947,400 5,949,800 5,949,200 5,945,600 5,949,000 5,944,000 5,948,750 5,947,750 5,946,000 5,948,250 5,948,550 5,948,050 5,951,500 5,947,500 5,946,000 5,946,500 5,948,500 5,946,500 5,945,250 5,944,250 5,943,000 24,696,000 - Date 8/1/2009 2/1/2010 8/1/2010 2/1/2011 8/1/2011 2/1/2012 8/1/2012 2/1/2013 8/1/2013 2/1/2014 8/1/2014 2/1/2015 8/1/2015 2/1/2016 8/1/2016 2/1/2017 8/1/2017 2/1/2018 8/1/2018 2/1/2019 8/1/2019 2/1/2020 8/1/2020 2/1/2021 8/1/2021 2/1/2022 8/1/2022 2/1/2023 8/1/2023 2/1/2024 8/1/2024 2/1/2025 8/1/2025 2/1/2026 8/1/2026 2/1/2027 8/1/2027 2/1/2028 8/1/2028 2/1/2029 8/1/2029 2/1/2030 8/1/2030 2/1/2031 8/1/2031 2/1/2032 8/1/2032 2/1/2033 8/1/2033 2/1/2034 8/1/2034 2/1/2035 8/1/2035 2/1/2036 8/1/2036 2/1/2037 8/1/2037 2/1/2038 8/1/2038 2/1/2039 8/1/2039 2/1/2040 8/1/2040 2/1/2041 8/1/2041 2/1/2042 8/1/2042 2/1/2043 8/1/2043 2/1/2044 8/1/2044 2/1/2045 8/1/2045 2/1/2046 8/1/2046 2/1/2047 8/1/2047 2/1/2048 8/1/2048 2/1/2049 8/1/2049 2/1/2050 8/1/2050 2/1/2051 8/1/2051 2/1/2052 8/1/2052 2/1/2053 Principal Bifurcated Coupon 1,090,000 3.000% 1,115,000 3.000% 1,145,000 3.000% 1,185,000 5.000% 1,250,000 5.000% 660,000 645,000 3.000% 1,360,000 4.000% 1,645,000 5.000% 1,980,000 5.000% 2,150,000 5.000% 2,260,000 5.000% 2,380,000 5.000% 450,000 2,055,000 2,625,000 1,000,000 5.000% 4.500% 4.500% 1,750,000 2,880,000 2,000,000 5.000% Bifurcated 4.000% 5.000% 4.500% 1,025,000 5.000% 4.000% 3,170,000 5.000% 3,355,000 5.000% 3,595,000 5.000% 3,850,000 5.000% 4,120,000 4.250% 4,375,000 5.000% 4,680,000 5.000% 5,000,000 5.000% 5,345,000 5.000% 17,005,000 5.000% 0.000% 17,855,000 5.000% 0.000% Interest 914,920 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,517,275 2,517,275 2,500,550 2,500,550 2,483,375 2,483,375 2,453,750 2,453,750 2,422,500 2,422,500 2,396,475 2,396,475 2,369,275 2,369,275 2,328,150 2,328,150 2,278,650 2,278,650 2,224,900 2,224,900 2,168,400 2,168,400 2,108,900 2,108,900 2,051,413 2,051,413 1,992,350 1,992,350 1,928,600 1,928,600 1,863,800 1,863,800 1,793,300 1,793,300 1,714,050 1,714,050 1,630,175 1,630,175 1,540,300 1,540,300 1,444,050 1,444,050 1,356,500 1,356,500 1,247,125 1,247,125 1,130,125 1,130,125 1,005,125 1,005,125 871,500 871,500 446,375 446,375 Debt Service Semiannual Annual 914,920 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 2,533,625 3,623,625 2,517,275 3,632,275 2,500,550 3,645,550 2,483,375 3,668,375 2,453,750 3,703,750 2,422,500 3,727,500 2,396,475 3,756,475 2,369,275 4,014,275 2,328,150 4,308,150 2,278,650 4,428,650 2,224,900 4,484,900 2,168,400 4,548,400 2,108,900 4,613,900 2,051,413 4,676,413 1,992,350 4,742,350 1,928,600 4,808,600 1,863,800 4,888,800 1,793,300 4,963,300 1,714,050 5,069,050 1,630,175 5,225,175 1,540,300 5,390,300 1,444,050 5,564,050 1,356,500 5,731,500 1,247,125 5,927,125 1,130,125 6,130,125 1,005,125 6,350,125 871,500 17,876,500 446,375 18,301,375 3,448,545 5,067,250 6,157,250 6,149,550 6,146,100 6,151,750 6,157,500 6,150,000 6,152,950 6,383,550 6,636,300 6,707,300 6,709,800 6,716,800 6,722,800 6,727,825 6,734,700 6,737,200 6,752,600 6,756,600 6,783,100 6,855,350 6,930,600 7,008,100 7,088,000 7,174,250 7,260,250 7,355,250 18,748,000 18,747,750 Series 2009 (c) (d) Date Principal Interest Debt Service LOC Rmkt. Ratings/ Trustee Total Debt Service 6/30/2010 - 1,475,176 1,475,176 508,279 76,460 - 2,059,915 6/30/2011 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 682,066 102,325 12,000 4,360,575 6/30/2012 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 682,985 102,325 12,000 4,361,495 6/30/2013 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6/30/2014 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2015 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2016 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 458,100 102,325 12,000 4,136,609 6/30/2017 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6/30/2018 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2019 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 457,483 102,325 12,000 4,135,992 6/30/2020 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 458,100 102,325 12,000 4,136,609 6/30/2021 - 3,564,184 3,564,184 456,846 102,325 12,000 4,135,356 6/30/2022 525,000 3,564,184 4,089,184 456,515 102,106 12,000 4,659,806 6/30/2023 550,000 3,541,326 4,091,326 453,535 101,440 12,000 4,658,301 6/30/2024 570,000 3,517,379 4,087,379 451,027 100,744 12,000 4,651,150 6/30/2025 600,000 3,492,561 4,092,561 446,560 100,019 12,000 4,651,140 6/30/2026 625,000 3,466,437 4,091,437 443,785 99,258 12,000 4,646,480 6/30/2027 595,000 3,439,225 4,034,225 440,347 98,490 12,000 4,585,061 6/30/2028 1,125,000 3,413,318 4,538,318 436,624 97,525 12,000 5,084,467 6/30/2029 1,175,000 3,364,336 4,539,336 429,065 96,098 12,000 5,076,499 6/30/2030 1,235,000 3,313,176 4,548,176 422,989 94,604 12,000 5,077,769 6/30/2031 8,000,000 3,259,404 11,259,404 403,619 90,242 12,000 11,765,265 6/30/2032 8,355,000 2,911,084 11,266,084 358,672 80,094 12,000 11,716,850 6/30/2033 8,725,000 2,547,308 11,272,308 310,426 69,496 12,000 11,664,229 6/30/2034 9,110,000 2,167,421 11,277,421 261,411 58,429 12,000 11,609,261 6/30/2035 9,515,000 1,770,772 11,285,772 209,752 46,873 12,000 11,554,397 6/30/2036 9,935,000 1,356,489 11,291,489 155,933 34,804 12,000 11,494,226 6/30/2037 10,380,000 923,919 11,303,919 99,294 22,200 12,000 11,437,413 6/30/2038 10,840,000 471,974 11,311,974 40,602 9,033 12,000 11,373,609 6/30/2039 6/30/2040 6/30/2041 6/30/2042 6/30/2043 6/30/2044 6/30/2045 6/30/2046 6/30/2047 6/30/2048 6/30/2049 6/30/2050 6/30/2051 6/30/2052 6/30/2053 Columbia, SC ‐ W&S Debt Profile (post issuance of 2020 Bonds ‐ 1.75x Coverage Ratio) 80,000,000 75,000,000 70,000,000 65,000,000 60,000,000 55,000,000 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Series 2009 Series 2010 Series 2011A Series 2011B Series 2012 Series 2013 Series 2016 Series 2017 Series 2018 Series 2019 Series 2020 TRANSFER HISTORY Water&SewerOperatingFundTransfersOut • The Water & Sewer Operating budget includes transfers out to other funds. • General Fund – direct transfer in support of general fund activities • Capital Improvement Program – budgeted cash for funding of the Water & Sewer CIP • Internal Service Funds – to fund city internal services that are provided to the Water & Sewer fund (purchasing, central stores, integrated systems) • Many cities that operate a utility have a transfer to their general fund and utilize different methods for calculation. Transfers from utility fund to the general fund is a common and accepted practice. • In 2013, City Council adopted a resolution that capped the transfer from Water & Sewer to the General Fund at 5% of the budgeted revenues. This resolution replaced a previous resolution that was adopted in 1993. Water&SewerTransfertotheGeneralFundas PercentofBudget Transfer: • FY 99/00-FY 12/13 • FY 13/14 • FY 14/15 8.0% $140 6.9% 7.0% $130 6.9% $120 6.2% 6.6% 6.0% 5.9% 6.4% 6.0% 5.9% 5.9% 5.8% 5.0% 5.9% $110 5.1% 5.6% 5.0% 5.4% $100 4.9% 4.6% 4.5% 4.4% 4.5% 4.0% $90 4.1% 4.7% 4.3% 4.2% 3.7% 4.2% 3.9% $80 3.4% 3.7% 3.2% $70 3.4% 3.0% 3.1% 2.0% $60 $50 FY99/00 FY00/01 FY01/02 FY02/03 FY03/04 FY04/05 FY05/06 FY06/07 FY07/08 FY08/09 FY09/10 FY10/11 FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 Water&SewerOper.Rev. GeneralFundRev %ofWater&SewerOper.Rev. %ofGeneralFundExp. Millions $4,500,000 $4,250,000 $4,000,000 BudgetExpenditureCategories • Operating Departments Ͳ Departments that provide a direct service to the water and sewer system. • Utilities and Engineering; Public Works Ͳ Street Division; Finance; GIS; General Services • NonͲOperating Departments Ͳ Departments or functions that are directly expensed from the Water & Sewer system (for the benefit of the system), but are not related to the operations of the system. • Economic development; Development Corporations; Office of Business Opportunities • Non Departmental Ͳ represents expenditures that are not associated with a specific department or function but are costs specific to the water and sewer system. • Debt services, bad debt expense • Transfers Out Ͳ Transfers from the Water & Sewer system to another fund. • General fund; capital improvement fund; internal service fund • Indirect Cost Allocation Ͳ reflects the W & S’s portion of shared expenses with the General Fund that are not directly charged to W&S. For reporting purposes, these costs are reflected with transfers out, but are budgeted in the Finance Water Admin budget • Executive management, Human Resources, Legal, Planning, Public Relations FY2014/2015Water&SewerOperating Budget EXPENDITURES OperatingDepartments FINANCE FIREHYDRANTMAINTENANCE POLICEͲ CSO/PUBLICSAFETY PUBLICWORKSͲSTREETREPAIR GENERALSERVICESPUBLICBLDGS. GISMANAGEMENT UTILITIES&ENGINEERING TOTALOPERATING NonͲOperatingDepartments OFFICEOFBUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES ECONOMICDEVDEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENTCORPORATIONS ECONOMICDEVSPECIALPROJECTS TOTALNONͲOPERATINGDEPARTMENTS 6,444,337 472,442 659,259 1,526,849 1,907,817 503,294 65,456,252 76,970,250 212,463 1,191,470 1,386,338 103,500 2,893,271 NonͲDepartmental DEBTSERVICE TECHNOLOGYREPLACEMENTS NONͲDEPARTMENTAL BADDEBT RESERVE TOTALNONͲDEPARTMENTALOPERATING 29,008,192 250,000 85,000 750,000 1,000,000 31,093,692 TRANSFERSOUT TOGENERALFUND TOWATER/SEWERCAPITALIMP. PROGRAM TOINTERNALSERVICEFUNDS TOTALTRANSFERS 4,000,000 11,673,149 954,733 16,627,882 FY14/15TOTALOPERATING BUDGET 127,585,095 FY14Ͳ15Water&SewerOperatingBudget $127,585,095 Total Operating 95% TotalNonͲ Operating 2% Transferto General Fund 3%