Campus Turnaround Plan

Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Scarborough High School
Campus Number:
Date of Board
Consecutive School Years Rated Academically Unacceptable/Improvement Required:
Grades Served:
Grades 9-12
3rd Year IR
Professionals Responsible for Campus Turnaround Plan Development:
Dr. Diego Linares
Dr. Kristin Craft
School Support Officer
Shery Green, Erica Deakins
Gwen Tompkins, Omari Issa, Lee Mashburn, J. McWilliams
J. Williams, A. Munoz, J. Gardiner, A. Busch, N. Strohl, A. Smart,
R. Wilson, B. Young, W. Allen, M. Rodriguez, S. Nicole, A.
M. Gonzales, S. Bartusiak, R. Cavazos, S. Cunningham, R. Nuber Department Chairs
Esther McMillan, Alyssa Blanchette
Community Member, Campus Registrar
Turnaround Plan Attestation Statements
By checking the box, we attest assistance was requested from parents and community members in developing the campus
turnaround plan, per Texas Education Code (TEC) 39.107(a-2)(2). In addition, the request and input have been recorded and are
available upon request.
By checking the box, we attest the campus site-based decision making committee (if applicable), parents, teachers, and
community members had an opportunity to review the plan before it was submitted for approval to the board of trustees, per TEC
39.107(b). The comments must be submitted in the ISAM portal.
By checking the box, the superintendent and board of trustees attest this plan provides clear focus and urgency to effectively
move the turnaround initiative(s) forward. The district confirms its commitment to support the school in the successful
implementation of this plan.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Scarborough High School
Campus Number:
Historical Narrative (Optional Response)
Include a historical narrative that succinctly describes the history of the campus that has led to under performance.
Limit the narrative to big picture issues and the challenges of the campus. Do not exceed 3000 characters.
Located in Houston ISD, Scarborough High School opened its doors for the 1966-1967 school year. As a comprehensive high school, 770 students are served in
grades 9 - 12 with 44 teachers. The student population is 71% Hispanic, 24% African American, 4% White, 18% English language learners, 17% special education, and
80% economically disadvantaged. The average daily attendance rate is 93.6%. Violations of the HISD Code of Student Conduct decreased drastically in the past two
years, from 669 incidents during the 2013-14 school year to 119 incidents in 2014-2015. There are 361 students zoned to attend Scarborough who chose to attend
another high school and 73 students transfered in to Scarborough. Students are afforded the opportunity to enroll in Linked Learning e-tail/retail, HVAC pathways,
or the Futures Academy of Network Computer Administration and earn an associate's degree from the Houston Community College. During the 2014-15 school
year, 27 seniors graduated with an associate’s degree.
The Texas accountability rating for Scarborough has been “Improvement Required” for three consecutive school years. The current principal was hired in July 2014
and a new administrative team was in place by November 2014. At the end of the 2014-15 school year, 35% of the teachers were exited from the campus. During
the 2014-15 school year, 44% of the students met standards on STAAR EOC English I & II exams and 55% of the students met standards on STAAR EOC Algebra I
exam; less than 1% of the students scored at the “advanced” level. The percent of students considered “college ready” as measured by PSAT was 5.1%. The
enrollment of students in Advanced Placement (AP) courses was 32.5%, but only 2.2% passed their respective AP course exam. In January 2016, 66% of all students
were reading below their grade level, and at least 50% of all students were reading at the elementary level, as measured by the Scholastic Reading Inventory.
Needs Summary and Turnaround Plan
Systemic Root Cause: Describe the systemic root cause that has led to low student performance.
Scarborough High School is not maximizing the use of data to improve first time instruction. The campus lacks an effective system of interventions for students who
struggle and enrichment for students who excel. An instructional pattern has emerged in which teachers predominantly deliver whole group instruction with no
differentiation. Additionally, campus culture and structures do not support a committed cycle for Professional Learning Community (PLC) that meets every day.
Currently, PLC meetings lack protocols to analyze teaching and learning, model instructional strategies, and monitor PLC effectiveness. Previous initiatives were not
supported or monitored consistently for fidelity; initiatives then became optional, which led to the good-intentioned initiatives fading away.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Houston ISD
Campus Name:
Scarborough High School
Turnaround Initiative: Describe your systemic approach for
turning around the campus.
Scarborough High School will utilize a small group instructional model campus
wide. Data derived from common assessments and observations will guide the
creation of student groups and the content to be addressed within the small
groups. Staff will engage in daily, purposeful Professional Learning Community
(PLC) meetings with consistent protocols and products to deepen the content
knowledge of the teachers. Ongoing professional development will be at the
core of the PLC structure.
Number (CDN):
Campus Number:
Impacted Critical Success Factors (CSFs):
CSF 1 - Academic Performance (Curriculum & Instruction)
CSF 2 - Quality Data to Drive Instruction
CSF 3 - Leadership Effectiveness
CSF 4 - Increased Learning Time
CSF 5 - Family/Community Engagement
CSF 6 - School Climate
CSF 7 - Teacher Quality
Outcome: Describe how the turnaround initiative will resolve the identified systemic root cause.
Utilizing the PLC structure with a focus on small group instruction will ensure that differentiation is planned for and implemented such that each student makes
progress in each class. Teacher capacity will grow as teacher teams use data in meaningful ways to plan for first teach and re-teach instructional delivery. Common
PLC agendas, protocols, procedures, and time management strategies will create a consistent Scarborough PLC instructional cycle.
Processes/Procedures: What processes, procedures, and policies are needed to ensure that the turnaround initiative will be
implemented effectively?
A core instructional team will be selected to lead the PLC work in each department. Instructional leaders and administrators will attend training over the summer to
learn best practices in facilitating PLC meetings. School administrators will collaborate with the Office of Secondary Curriculum to coordinate staff development for
teachers during the summer and during PLC meetings throughout the year. Each department will determine their PLC cycle and calendar, which would include tasks
such as: data disaggregation, lesson planning, practice teaching, model lessons, book study, assessment writing, and staff development. During PLC meetings, teams
will ensure that a small group instructional model is embedded in weekly lesson plans. Data derived from common assessments and observations will be used to
guide the creation of student groups and the content that is addressed within the small groups. A tracking protocol will be followed in which teachers track which
students are participating in each group, the content being addressed, and student growth. In order to support teachers and monitor the implementation, a
modeling and feedback loop will be included in the PLC cycle. Time will be protected so that teachers and administrators are able to participate in every PLC
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Campus Name:
Campus Number:
Scarborough High School
Communications: How will you communicate a shared and clear vision for the turnaround initiative that results in a collaborative effort
toward student success?
In order to increase academic achievement of all students, classroom instruction at Scarborough High School requires teachers to differentiate using small group
instruction to target the needs of individual students. The shared vision of small group instruction to provide differentiation evolved during the Spring 2016
semester. Teachers and administrators visited a Houston ISD school serving grades K-8 to observe teachers implementing the small group instruction model. Upon
return to school, teams debriefed what they observed and what steps the team needed to take to implement at the high school level. The visioning work for what
small group instruction can look like has begun. Teachers who are the "early adopters" have been leading the work in PLC meetings and were recruited to serve as
key members of the Turnaround Team. The Turnaround Team will help communicate the expectation that small group instruction will take place 45 minutes daily in
each 90 minute instructional block of core content areas. The principal will meet regularly with the Turnaround Team to evaluate implementation.
During Spring 2016, staff members will be introduced to the organizational structure using PLCs for the upcoming school year. During Summer 2016,
communication will be prepared for students, parents, and teachers, stating the value, expectation, and processes regarding this initiative. During the school year,
expectations will be reinforced in PLC meetings, staff meetings, and the principal's weekly focus email. The Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC) will meet
quarterly and will communicate the progress on the turnaround initiatives to all stakeholders.
Organizational Structure: How will you eliminate barriers to improvement, redefine staff roles and responsibilities as necessary, and
empower staff to be responsive in support of the turnaround initiative?
In order to support effective PLC meetings, the master schedule will be revised to provide all core content teachers with 45 minutes of collaborative planning time
each day. The Turnaround Team consisting of key teachers and administrators will attend summer professional development and complete a summer book study to
gain common understanding of effective PLC practices. The team will will develop guiding documents, such as protocols for data analysis, peer modeling, and the
planning of units, assessments, and lessons. Training materials for small group instruction in each core content area will be developed aligned to the TEKS and
campus timelines. Department chairs and administrative staff will receive ongoing training and support in facilitating collaborative PLC meetings. The products of
PLC meetings will be submitted to a common server or an electronic dropbox as living documents for feedback and sharing purposes.
Barriers to improvement often revolve around a general lack of teacher buy in. The Turnaround Team members will lead the initiatives of PLC and small group
instruction because they collaborated to develop the turnaround initiatives. Department chairs, administration team, and instructional specialists will be tasked with
monitoring the planning for and implementation within PLC meetings and in the classroom. Administration team will ensure that small group instruction is a focal
point of classroom observations, walkthroughs, and coaching development sessions. Instructional Coaches, provided by the district, will deliver teacher training in
PLCs and model lessons in classrooms. Office of Secondary Literacy will provide ongoing training and support for small group instruction.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Scarborough High School
Campus Number:
Capacity and Resources: Describe the staff that are required to implement the plan. (Specify any new full time employees as a result of
the initiative. Describe how personnel resources are different from the previous school year.)
The small group instructional model will be a campus wide initiative involving all classroom teachers, department chairs, teacher specialists, and administrative
team. Two Teacher Specialists (11-month) will be hired to work with English and Math teachers. The Office of Secondary Curriculum & Development provides
Instructional Coaches who will deliver teacher training in PLCs and model lessons in classrooms. Office of Secondary Literacy will provide ongoing training and
support for small group instruction. The School Support Officer (SSO) will work closely with the principal on a consistent basis to monitor student performance,
professional development, progress, and goals.
How will you allocate campus and district funds for this initiative?
$249,600 ($124,800 x 2 years) Salary for two teacher specialists
Professional Development
$50,000 ($25,000 x 2 years) consultants and professional development registration
Supplies and Materials
$20,000 ($10,000 x 2 years) book study, general classroom supplies
Other Operating Cost
Capital Outlay
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Scarborough High School
Campus Number:
Systemic Root Cause: Describe the systemic root cause that has led to low student performance.
There is a culture of complacency at Scarborough High School among both the staff and students. Neither the staff nor the students possess a sense of community. A
sense of urgency to improve academic and cultural standards is not evident across the campus. The current new teacher mentoring program has been ineffective
because it lacked consistency, structures, and procedures to ensure new hires were successful. A large number of students are reading below grade level and need
one-on-one support to close their academic gaps and remain on track to graduate in four years.
Turnaround Initiative: Describe your systemic approach for
turning around the campus.
In the implementation of “The Spartan Way” initiative, the campus will create a
positive group identity throughout the entire Scarborough community,
leveraging the image of the Spartans as a community of selfless, hard-working,
excellence-seeking warriors. Student and adult achievements will be celebrated
in The Spartan Way. Upperclassmen will serve as tutors and mentors for
underclassmen through a Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAAL) program,
while new teachers will receive intensive support from a network of their
Impacted Critical Success Factors (CSFs):
CSF 1 - Academic Performance (Curriculum & Instruction)
CSF 2 - Quality Data to Drive Instruction
CSF 3 - Leadership Effectiveness
CSF 4 - Increased Learning Time
CSF 5 - Family/Community Engagement
CSF 6 - School Climate
CSF 7 - Teacher Quality
Outcome: Describe how the turnaround initiative will resolve the identified systemic root cause.
To build morale, Scarborough will implement consistent practices to recognize the accomplishments of staff and students, serving both to motivate individuals and
to reinforce positive campus culture.
The Scarborough Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAAL) program will combat the lack of urgency and complacency by creating buy-in and ownership from the
upperclassmen and a sense of belonging for the underclassmen. This program will improve campus culture by creating a familial atmosphere that builds a team
mentality to drive home the importance of academics as well as behavior.
A strong teacher onboarding system will ensure the new employees to the district and the campus feel accepted and valued, which will therefore maximize their
effectiveness. A quality mentoring system will also promote professional behavior, improve staff retention, foster loyalty and a sense of belonging as well as build
understanding of the school’s values, goals, cultures and The Spartan Way.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Campus Name:
Campus Number:
Scarborough High School
Processes/Procedures: What processes, procedures, and policies are needed to ensure that the turnaround initiative will be
implemented effectively?
The Spartan Way: A team of teachers, administrators, students, and staff will work together to develop a list of Spartan Way criteria and recognition strategies,
spanning academic, behavioral, athletic, artistic, and civic accomplishments. A system of checks and balances will be created to ensure that every student and staff
member is recognized at some point during the year. Adult and student members of the Spartan community will be empowered to recognize accomplishments in
the moment in order to capture the teachable moment as well as to reinforce established standards.
Service and Community: During May 2016, upperclassmen will be recruited to apply for the Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAAL) program, where they will serve
the Spartan community as a mentor and tutor. The upperclassmen will be trained in tutoring and mentoring strategies and will be assigned to a teacher who will
coach and monitor them throughout the year. Students will be assigned mentors based on the recommendation of teachers, administrators, or parents. Students
will also be able to request support themselves. Local credit courses will be designed to accommodate the PAAL programs, so that upperclassmen have
opportunities to serve the Spartan community and develop their personal leadership skills.
New Teacher Onboarding: The process, procedures, and policies regarding teacher onboarding will ensure the process is not only formal, but fun. Teachers new to
the campus and the profession will receive intentional, consistent support throughout the year. The Scarborough mentoring program will incorporate an online
component, videos, classroom observation and other methods to blend new teacher learning. Experienced and highly effective teachers will be selected to serve as
mentors to new hires. A calendar of support will be aligned to the grading cycle. Finally, a process will be built in to provide feedback upon completion of the
onboarding process.
Communications: How will you communicate a shared and clear vision for the turnaround initiative that results in a collaborative effort
toward student success?
The Spartan Way will create a positive group identity throughout the Scarborough community, leveraging the image of the Spartans as a community of selfless, hardworking, excellence-seeking warriors. This vision will be introduced to staff during the 2016 spring campus professional development.
Details of the Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAAL) program and new teacher onboarding will be presented by the Turnaround Team to their peers. The student
and staff handbooks will be revised to incorporate the programs. Each quarter, grade-level assemblies will address student components. Student teachers and
mentors will be trained in effective strategies and program goals. A community-wide communication strategy of The Spartan Way will include call-outs, written
materials, online messaging, word-of-mouth, front office support, and other means to ensure that a unified message is carried throughout the community.
The principal will highlight staff and students using the weekly focus email, as well as at monthly staff meetings. The goal is for all aspects of campus life to be
saturated with a clear, visible, and vocal Spartan Way message.
Spartan families and the broader community will be informed and involved throughout the year in The Spartan Way initiative. Parents will be invited to participate in
supporting implementation and will be informed of their students' positive contributions to the campus. Submissions to the community newspaper, visits to
community organizations, and other forms of outreach will broadcast the positive news related to The Spartan Way vision.
Campus Turnaround Plan
District Name:
Campus Name:
Houston ISD
Number (CDN):
Scarborough High School
Campus Number:
Organizational Structure: How will you eliminate barriers to improvement, redefine staff roles and responsibilities as necessary, and
empower staff to be responsive in support of the turnaround initiative?
The Scarborough community will be asked to join a Spartan Way committee to further develop the scope of the program. Committees will develop specific
outcomes, strategies, schedules, and supporting materials for each program supporting the Spartan Way: Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAAL) and new teacher
onboarding. Committee members will be empowered to research and propose innovative solutions that reinforce The Spartan Way.
The master schedule will be adjusted to include Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAAL) course sections and a school administrator will serve as the PAAL
coordinator. Training will be provided for the teachers who will serve as the teacher of record for the PAAL class. The student application process will be developed
during May 2016. At established checkpoints, feedback from adults and students will be sought via surveys, interviews, and focus group meetings. Innovative
methods will be used to increase participation. Feedback will be analyzed by the administrative team and the Turnaround Team to ensure effective implementation,
continue to build commitment of stakeholders, and adjust course as needed.
Capacity and Resources: Describe the staff that are required to implement the plan. (Specify any new full time employees as a result of
the initiative. Describe how personnel resources are different from the previous school year.)
No new staff are required to implement The Spartan Way. Administrative staff will be responsible for leading the onboarding initiative, while mentor teachers will
receive compensation for their additional work with new teachers. Teacher leaders will be provided a stipend or extra-duty pay as well as additional planning time to
implement and coordinate the Peer Assistance and Leadership program. The assistant principal who oversees the master schedule will coordinate hand-scheduling
students who are approved to serve as a mentor.
How will you allocate campus and district funds for this initiative?
$8,000 ($25/hr over 2 years) extra duty pay for coordinating the Spartan Way programming
Professional Development n/a
Supplies and Materials
Other Operating Cost
Capital Outlay
$6,000 banners, posters, publicity and marketing items for “The Spartan Way”, student and staff recognition