City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATI 01/05/2015 250.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP GORDON ALEXANDER Employee Training & Prof Dev. AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATI 01/05/2015 250.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP JONATHAN SHERER Employee Training & Prof Dev. LINK2GOV CORPORATION 01/05/2015 90.50 Collections Bank Service Charges Bank Service Charges LINK2GOV CORPORATION 01/05/2015 29.90 Collections Bank Service Charges Bank Service Charges MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 4IMPRINT INCORPORATED 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 21.40 809.07 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt ACCT 6300592550 1000 ROLL DECAL Electricity And Gas Printing And Office Supplies ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC 01/05/2015 92.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Septage Station Metals Special Contracts ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 92.00 92.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Septage Station Metals Septage Station Metals Special Contracts Special Contracts ACE HARDWARE OF CAYCE LLC 01/05/2015 119.80 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Cleaning And Sanitation Supply ADVANCED DOOR SYSTEMS INC 01/05/2015 1,578.80 Animal Shelter/Holding Act PURCHASE DOORS FOR SHELTER Electricity And Gas AIRCOR SERVICES LLC 01/05/2015 267.50 General Support Services HVAC Parts and Labor for City Building Maintenance & Repair ALL AMERICAN TROPHY COMPANY IN ANOTHER PRINTER INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 171.83 1,593.00 Police Administrative Services Business Licenses PO for Department-wide plaques 25,000 window security enveloo Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies BEARING DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/05/2015 57.20 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op Small Hand Tools / Other Equip BEARING DISTRIBUTORS INC BESSINGER INVESTMENTS INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 82.20 94.07 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Streets-Storm Drains Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op 2 Plaques Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Printing And Office Supplies BRADSHAW CONSULTING SERVICES I 01/05/2015 3,615.00 Police Operations MARVLIS - Client Computer License BRIDGEWAY SOLUTIONS INC 01/05/2015 1,092.72 Police Administrative Services CR 80 30 mil 60/40 PVC/PET Com Special Departmental Supplies CABLE AND CONNECTIONS INC 01/05/2015 321.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply CABLE AND CONNECTIONS INC CAROLINA FIRE SAFETY APPLIANCE 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 85.59 49.19 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Support Services Public Buildg PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B FIRE EXTINGISHER INSPECTIONS/S Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Special Projects CAROLINA FIRE SAFETY APPLIANCE 01/05/2015 2,367.42 Parking Facilities Inspection & Recharges of Fire Maintenance & Service Contract CDW GOVERNMENT LLC CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 59.40 2,913.86 Emergency Communications/311 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Belkin 12FT Coil Handset Cord WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Radio And Electronic Supplies Chemicals CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/05/2015 2,924.73 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/05/2015 2,826.17 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/05/2015 346.21 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Special Departmental Supplies CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 753.81 43.44 Police Administrative Services Traffic Operations Blanket PO for Electric Suppli ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply Electrical And Lighting Supply CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/05/2015 293.55 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for Electric Suppli Electrical And Lighting Supply CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 125.83 733.52 Traffic Operations Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply Special Departmental Supplies CLAY-KING.COM 01/05/2015 63.60 Parks - Ceramic Camp 2EA RELAY FOR SKUTT KILN @ $30 Special Departmental Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/05/2015 132.30 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Blanket for Concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/05/2015 1,322.46 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 609.12 532.44 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR CONCRETE BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Paving And Asphalt Supplies Paving And Asphalt Supplies COOL CARE INC 01/05/2015 350.00 General Support Services HVAC Repair Work Building Maintenance & Repair DAPARAK INC DLT SOLUTIONS LLC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 3,941.62 1,051.75 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Geographic Information System ROTOR #129-0049 Quote: 4402689 Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Maintenance & Service Contract EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/05/2015 783.91 Leesburg Station 31 R159486 Heating gas delivered Heating Fuel ELECTRIC MOTOR & REPAIR INC 01/05/2015 301.32 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl EMERGENCY OF MOTORS, PUMPS, ET Equipmt Repair/Service Supply EQUIFAX INFORMATION SERVICES L 01/05/2015 48.60 Loans-General Fund Loan Poole Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 480.76 113.12 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair General Support Services Temp. Office Assistant TEMP FOR SUPPORT SERVICES STAR Part-Time Pay (Outside) Regular Salaries EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/05/2015 530.25 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Temp. Office Assistant Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 411.84 1,021.84 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Personnel Services, Temporary Personnel Services, Temporary Part-Time Pay (Outside) Regular Salaries EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/05/2015 873.36 Engineering temp hire cont'd: Timika Beave Regular Salaries Page: 1 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/05/2015 509.04 FASTENAL COMPANY FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 69.38 1,310.78 FORTILINE INC 01/05/2015 FORTILINE INC 01/05/2015 FOUNDATION & MATERIALS ENG INC 01/05/2015 FOUNDATION & MATERIALS ENG INC GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Temp. Office Assistant Part-Time Pay (Outside) Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl SCCOL135011 09 050 284 DIAMOND PACK DI CAR Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Laboratory Supplies 66.94 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc 995.48 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc 14,800.00 HOSPITALITY BOND PROJECT Preliminary Geotechnical Servi Capital Project Costs 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 34,200.00 97.58 HOSPITALITY BOND PROJECT General Support Services Site Specific Ground Motion Re Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Capital Project Costs Building Maintenance & Repair GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/05/2015 26.43 General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 11.87 585.00 General Support Services Support Services Public Buildg Misc Elecrtrical Supplies PEST CONTROL CITY BUILDINGS Building Maintenance & Repair Maintenance & Service Contract GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC 01/05/2015 85.00 Support Services Public Buildg PEST CONTROL CITY BUILDINGS Maintenance & Service Contract HACH COMPANY 01/05/2015 336.23 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR Laboratory Supplies HACH COMPANY 01/05/2015 3,769.37 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt AMMONIA TNT HR Laboratory Supplies HILL, ALMA C HIRE QUEST LLC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 1,001.13 1,080.00 Fire Administration - County Code Enforcement Unit equipment markers Blanket PO for Employment serv Special Departmental Supplies Part-Time Pay (Outside) INDESIGN FIRM INC 01/05/2015 2,421.35 Public Relations DNS Management - Professional Services JEFFERS-MCGILL LLC JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 1,574.64 647.58 Fire Suppression Utilities Wastewater Maint GE 230 Volt Electronic Heat/Co 3"X36" TIGER TAIL Miscellaneous Other Supplies Special Departmental Supplies JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/05/2015 4,051.39 Utilities Wastewater Maint 8" JET SCOOP, ALUMINUM Special Departmental Supplies KEY CHEMICAL INC 01/05/2015 9,857.23 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/05/2015 67.00 Parking Facilities HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS Hardware And Building Material KEY SHOP INC, THE L&M ALL BATTERY SALES 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 53.46 148.58 Fire Logistics Parks - Buildings & Grounds R159034 Repair parts for door OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR REPLAC Special Departmental Supplies Special Departmental Supplies L&M ALL BATTERY SALES 01/05/2015 91.76 Parks - Buildings & Grounds INV 1901302008130 Special Departmental Supplies LAKE MURRAY HARDWARE & OUTDOOR MR SYSTEMS INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 41.48 180.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Columbi Canal WTP PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B WIRELESS DATA PLAN FOR IPAD OP Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Special Contracts MR SYSTEMS INC 01/05/2015 204.40 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Seagate ST2000NC000 Hard Drive Computer Equipment / Hardware NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSION 01/05/2015 301.00 Engineering membership dues, michael sheu Membership And Dues NORIX GROUP INC 01/05/2015 3,815.78 Fire Suppression Titan Bunkable Spring Deck Bed Small Office Furniture OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 29.58 45.35 Community Development Public Relations 744745391001 744983486001 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies PALMETTO PRECAST INC 01/05/2015 252.72 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 2,675.00 8,052.82 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals Chemicals RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/05/2015 51.12 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR TOOLS Hardware And Building Material RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/05/2015 65.50 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR TOOLS Hardware And Building Material RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/05/2015 344.66 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 37.12 29.44 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Traffic Operations HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-mis Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Special Departmental Supplies RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/05/2015 30.73 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR TOOLS Hardware And Building Material ROBERTS ENTERPRISES SAFE AIR SYSTEMS INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 302.00 142.56 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Fire Suppression Trophies, Plaques, Awards, Cer Upper door arm for 100A spaces Miscellaneous Other Supplies Special Departmental Supplies SHEALY ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS 01/05/2015 36.95 Support Services Public Buildg ELECTRICAL FOR CITY BUILDINGS Special Projects SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 01/05/2015 210.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Fecal Coliform Testing for Special Contracts SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC 01/05/2015 3,000.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt ADVERTSING Advertising SMITH RUBBER STAMPS & SEALS IN STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIA 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 8.64 340.59 Development Services Engineering DECALS AND STAMPS q1338a toner cartridge Special Departmental Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/05/2015 6.73 Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966666 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/05/2015 6.17 Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966669 Printing And Office Supplies Page: 2 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount STAR REPORTER CORPORATION 01/05/2015 82.50 STAR REPORTER CORPORATION TENCARVA MACHINERY COMPANY 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 THOMPSON SERVICES UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Development Services Advertisements Advertising 195.00 417.46 Development Services Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Advertisements FLAPPER VALVE Advertising Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc 01/05/2015 162.39 Fire Training R159274 Rental of porta-jons t Professional Services 01/05/2015 12.09 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP 2160902730 Equipmt Repair/Service Supply UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/05/2015 292.56 Emergency Communications/311 2160903308 Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 90.38 67.46 Development Services Drew Wellness Center 2160903310 2160903312 Uniforms And Clothing Uniforms And Clothing UNIVAR USA INC 01/05/2015 3,953.79 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES INC VELVETEX INC 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 100.00 588.60 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Traffic Ops-Sign Shop Education and Training - Waste SIGNS, SIGN MATERIALS, SIGN MA Employee Training & Prof Dev. Signs VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/05/2015 466.63 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl 8059788821 Laboratory Supplies VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/05/2015 62.94 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 8059811871 Laboratory Supplies WALMART COMPANY 01/05/2015 84.08 Animal Shelter/Holding Act VARIOUS SUPPLIES FOR SHELTER V Special Departmental Supplies PETTY CASH - COLLECTIONS DEPT SC DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 711.60 3,360.00 Restricted-General Loan Fund Fire Training Special Projects P/U FIRE MOTOR VEHICLE RECORDS Special Projects Professional Services A.S.K ASSOCIATES INC 01/08/2015 550.00 Economic Development RYAN COLEMAN Employee Training & Prof Dev. A.S.K ASSOCIATES INC ALBERT, DELOREN E. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 550.00 30.00 Economic Development Municipal Court Administration CECIL HANNIBAL Jury Duty Employee Training & Prof Dev. Jury Duty ARAMBULA, BLAKE E. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty AT&T 01/08/2015 50.00 Parks & Recreation Admin Internet Internet BANE III., JOHN G. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty BANK OF NEW YORK BANK OF NEW YORK 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 750.00 3,275.00 2014 Parking Debt Service Debt Service Parking 05 AB 2521831096 2521831823 Commission to Paying Agents Commission to Paying Agents BAXTER, JOHN K. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty BETHEA JR., ERNEST BORRERO, FERMIN 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty CANNON, WANDA H. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty CAROLINA, ALFELIA D. 01/08/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty CARREE, SHARON R. 01/08/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty CHERRY, CYNTHIA D. CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 15.00 74.92 Municipal Court Administration Lower Richland Station 22 Jury Duty ACCT 01-63100005-1115576-6 Jury Duty Water And Sewage CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/08/2015 190.01 Crane Creek Station 18 ACCT 01-52405416-1067271-6 Water And Sewage CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RES 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 154.77 750.00 Capital View Station 30 Human Resources ACCT 01-62701199-1114293-1 Annual membership dues for: P Water And Sewage Membership And Dues CUNNINGHAM JR., WILLIE C. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty DIBBLE, JIMMIE R. 01/08/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty FEDERAL EXPRESS 01/08/2015 22.68 Police Administrative Services Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery GADSDEN, JAMECIA R. HARMON, LUREATHA J. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty HILL, JOHN A. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty HOLMES, REBECCA S. JOHNSON, DORIS F. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 15.00 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty JOHNSON, EARL 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty JOYNER, ISHA 01/08/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty KHERLOPIAN, MARGARET W. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty MARIGLIANO, REBECCA C. MCCABE, JOSEPH F. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 30.00 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty MCCLURE, STANLEY L. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 01/08/2015 805.55 White Rock Station 21 ACCT 6500963101 Electricity And Gas Page: 3 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 01/08/2015 823.62 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl ACCT 6501004201 Electricity And Gas MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 27.75 1,442.29 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Ballentine Station 20 ACCT 6801233521 ACCT 6801347803 Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas MIDDENDORF, BARBARA A. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/08/2015 15.00 Council Support Services SCHINIKIA NICOLE DANIELS Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/08/2015 50.00 Community Development Control DEBORAH LIVINGSTON Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 20.00 20.00 Information Technology Geographic Information System Membership Dues Mark Johnson, Membership Dues SungJun Kim Membership And Dues Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/08/2015 45.00 Council Support Services ERIKA D MOORE Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 20.00 30.00 Information Technology Information Technology Membership Michael Vukovich Membership Sylvia White Membership And Dues Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/08/2015 20.00 Information Technology Membership Steve Whitefield Membership And Dues NILES, CHERYL L. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty ONEAL, ANGEL Y. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty PITTMAN, JAMIE D. POUNCEY, DEMETIRICE A. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 15.00 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty RAMBO, KEVIN M. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE ROBERTS, ANGELA M. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 207.26 30.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Municipal Court Administration Miscellaneous Other Services Jury Duty Miscellaneous Other Services Jury Duty SC ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY 01/08/2015 41,333.48 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl ACCT 6-1898-0002-2575 Electricity And Gas SCHMAUS, DAVID W. 01/08/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty STANLEY, CRAIG R. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty STROUD, ALICIA B. SULLIVAN, BETTY J. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 15.00 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICA 01/08/2015 330.00 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act DR REBECCA KESLER LASTER Maintenance & Service Contract THOMPSON, DERRICK L. WILLIAMS, QUARTIKA A. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 30.00 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty WILSON, SHARON T. 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty WOODLEY, RICK L. 01/08/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty WU, MINLIN 01/08/2015 30.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty A AND R POWER AND CONTROLS LLC A AND R POWER AND CONTROLS LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 741.00 2,260.00 Parking Imp Project Control Parking Imp Project Control For electrical work on camera Installation of Exterior signa Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs ABLE SOUTH CAROLINA 01/08/2015 75.00 Police Administrative Services Training need for recert - Spe Professional Services ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC ACE GLASS COMPANY INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 92.00 289.20 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Support Services Public Buildg Septage Station Metals PARTS AND MATERIALS FOR CITY B Special Contracts Special Projects ACTION INDUSTRIAL GROUP LLC 01/08/2015 150.66 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-SMA Small Hand Tools / Other Equip ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION CORP 01/08/2015 509.88 General Capital Projects Vinyl to cover existing etched Capital Project Costs ALTA PLANNING + DESIGN, INC. 01/08/2015 16,875.29 General Capital Projects Vista Greenway Phase II Prof Svcs for Capital Projects AMSAN LLC ANIMAL MISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 229.13 45.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Police Administrative Services NABC BOWL CLEANER Blanket PO for vet services as Cleaning And Sanitation Supply Animal Shelter Supplies B W CLARK INC 01/08/2015 751.76 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PHASE MONITOR #SLA-440-ALE Equipmt Repair/Service Supply BCT SOUTH CAROLINA BCT SOUTH CAROLINA 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 54.06 54.06 Utilities- Wtr Maint Cust Srvc Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRACY SQUIR Printing Services - Business C Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies BLANCHARD MACHINERY COMPANY 01/08/2015 7,708.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt QUATERLY INSPECTION AND SERVIC Maintenance & Service Contract BRADSHAW CONSULTING SERVICES I 01/08/2015 28,825.00 Police Administrative Services ESRI Runtimes Qty. 75 Reg. ori Maintenance & Service Contract CAMDEN FIRE EXTINGUISHER SALES 01/08/2015 89.75 Fire Suppression R158982 Servicing, hydro-testi Chemicals CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 54.38 25.92 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Support Services Public Buildg OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR BUILDI PARTS AND MATERIALS FOR CITY B Hardware And Building Material Special Projects CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/08/2015 53.19 Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR BUILDI Hardware And Building Material CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/08/2015 55.24 Parks - Buildings & Grounds BREAKER FOR BALLFIELD LIGHTS A Electrical And Lighting Supply Page: 4 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount CAROLINA FIRE SAFETY APPLIANCE 01/08/2015 163.18 CARUS CORPORATION CARUS CORPORATION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 CENTRAL SOUTH CAROLINA ALLIANC CHAO AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Parking Facilities Inspection & Recharges of fire Maintenance & Service Contract 1,485.00 21,935.69 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SLS10036751 SLS10037702 Chemicals Chemicals 01/08/2015 30,125.00 Economic Development Quarterly Appropriation for Ce Professional Services 01/08/2015 10,705.00 Water Maintenance Projects WM4167(3)-Engineering Services Professional Services CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 01/08/2015 185.61 Drew Wellness Center Towel Service and Sanitizer Di Professional Services CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 197.87 269.23 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Traffic Operations OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply Special Departmental Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/08/2015 230.04 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Blanket for Concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL SANITARY SUPPLY COMPAN 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 623.16 231.96 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Drew Wellness Center Blanket for Concrete General Upkeep of Drew Wellnes Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. Cleaning And Sanitation Supply COLUMBIA FLAG AND SIGN LLC 01/08/2015 96.12 Police Administrative Services Department wide use for US, St Special Departmental Supplies COLUMBIA FLAG AND SIGN LLC 01/08/2015 96.12 Police Administrative Services Department wide use for US, St Special Departmental Supplies COLUMBIA FLAG AND SIGN LLC 01/08/2015 183.55 Police Administrative Services Department wide use for US, St Special Departmental Supplies COMPANION PROPERTY & CASUALTY COMPUCOM SYSTEM INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 1,343.20 473,375.60 Parking Facilities Information Technology INSURANCE for Arsenal Hill Gar Quote: 11261657 Maintenance & Service Contract Maintenance & Service Contract CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/08/2015 1,105.44 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 274.72 85.60 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for concrete Blanket for concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. CONSOLIDATED MAILING SERVICES 01/08/2015 13,135.37 Customer Service Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery CONSTAN GERVAIS STREET CAR WAS 01/08/2015 75.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP DETAILING SERVICES FOR 5 CITY Miscellaneous Other Services CRAWFORD AND VON KELLER LLC 01/08/2015 90.00 Community Development Control Professional Services Professional Services CUSTOM CANINE UNLIMITED LLC DADE PAPER AND BAG COMPANY 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,000.00 1,012.61 Police K-9 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Remaining balance on K9 2 PLY TOILET TISSUE Machinery & Equipment -Capital Cleaning And Sanitation Supply DIMERY, TONYA K 01/08/2015 520.00 Support Services Public Buildg DRAFTING FOR CITY BUILDINGS. Maintenance & Service Contract EQUIFAX INFORMATION SERVICES L EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 1,815.36 750.00 Customer Service Utilities Columbi Canal WTP IDENTIFICATION VERIFICATION SE SAMPLE TESTING - MIB/GEOSMIN Special Contracts Special Contracts EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/08/2015 343.39 Drew Wellness Center TWO TEMPORARY CUSTODIAL EMPLOY Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/08/2015 589.74 Drew Wellness Center TWO TEMPORARY CUSTODIAL EMPLOY Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/08/2015 628.16 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Personnel Services, Temporary Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 800.74 318.15 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Personnel Services, Temporary Temp. Office Assistant Regular Salaries Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/08/2015 403.52 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Personnel Services, Temporary Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC FARMER CONSTRUCTION LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 311.08 105.00 Human Resources Support Services Public Buildg Open purchase order for tempor ELECTRICAL WORK AND MATERIAL F Employee Training & Prof Dev. Special Projects FASTENAL COMPANY 01/08/2015 1,032.89 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SCCOL135094 Special Departmental Supplies FASTENAL COMPANY 01/08/2015 202.06 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SCCOL135095 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 01/08/2015 154.63 General Support Services PLUMBING FOR ALL CITY BUILDING Building Maintenance & Repair FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 98.66 225.07 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt PIPE AND TUBING FITTINGS, BALL PIPE AND TUBING FITTINGS-VARIO Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Small Hand Tools / Other Equip FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/08/2015 101.68 Information Technology OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC FORTILINE INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 58.07 915.84 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Bic Micro Point Roller Pen PIPE AND TUBING FITTINGS-PIPES Printing And Office Supplies Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc FOUNDATION & MATERIALS ENG INC 01/08/2015 30,127.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS6954 - Engineering Services Prof Svcs for Capital Projects GATEWAY SUPPLY CO INC. 01/08/2015 16.94 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt S3457915003 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip GATEWAY SUPPLY CO INC. 01/08/2015 37.43 Parks - Buildings & Grounds S3472138001 Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc GE MONEY BANK GE MONEY BANK 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 320.68 500.76 Fire Suppression Fire Suppression #440894 Stacking Chairs Television, #27199 PHLPS49LEDT Small Office Furniture Miscellaneous Other Supplies GE MONEY BANK 01/08/2015 294.61 Recreation Programs Miscellaneous Other Supplies Miscellaneous Other Supplies GEAR MEDIX LLC 01/08/2015 889.00 Fire Suppression R161757 Bunker gear cleaning a Safety Clothing And Supplies Page: 5 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category GEAR MEDIX LLC 01/08/2015 935.00 Fire Suppression R161757 Bunker gear cleaning a Safety Clothing And Supplies GEAR MEDIX LLC GEAR MEDIX LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 984.00 392.50 Fire Suppression Fire Suppression R161757 Bunker gear cleaning a R161757 Bunker gear cleaning a Safety Clothing And Supplies Safety Clothing And Supplies GEL GROUP INC, THE 01/08/2015 2,500.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP GROSS ALPHA, BETA CANAL SOURCE Laboratory Supplies GLEATON, BRUCE B 01/08/2015 1,111.30 General Support Services Clean Tile and Grout Floors at Maintenance & Service Contract GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/08/2015 312.13 Parks - Buildings & Grounds PVC 12X12X6 JCT BOX W/CVR Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 1,581.07 718.84 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Parks - Buildings & Grounds EAGVGF20V, GFI SYLM11000/U/BT37 Electrical And Lighting Supply Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/08/2015 413.35 Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 28.74 78.68 Parks - Buildings & Grounds General Support Services OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Electrical And Lighting Supply Building Maintenance & Repair GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/08/2015 45.46 General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC 01/08/2015 45.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds MONTHLY SERVICE FEE FOR PEST C Maintenance & Service Contract GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC 01/08/2015 60.00 Support Services Public Buildg PEST CONTROL CITY BUILDINGS Maintenance & Service Contract GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC GWENDOLYN SINGLETARY 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 550.00 400.00 Support Services Public Buildg Office of Business Opportunity PEST CONTROL CITY BUILDINGS Instructor's fees for conducti Maintenance & Service Contract Professional Services H&E EQUIPMENT SERVICES INC 01/08/2015 842.72 Parks - Buildings & Grounds EXTRA LARGE HARNESS Safety Clothing And Supplies HACH COMPANY HAYES INSTRUMENT COMPANY INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 898.55 1,127.52 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Engineering - Water Sys Improv LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR ##229 pink paint Laboratory Supplies Special Departmental Supplies HAYES PIPE SUPPLY INC 01/08/2015 259.20 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR PIPING Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HD SUPPLY ELECTRICAL LTD 01/08/2015 92.03 Recreation Programs OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Special Projects - Ice Rink HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 01/08/2015 421.20 Utilities Wastewater Maint PIPE, FITTINGS, HYDRANTS, INC Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD HIGHWATER CLAYS INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 32.40 748.42 Utilities Wastewater Maint Parks - Ceramic Camp PIPE, FITTINGS, HYDRANTS, INC 400LBS LITTLE LOAFERS CONE 5-6 Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Special Departmental Supplies INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC 01/08/2015 2,337.66 Police Operations INV 1100398251 Computer Equipment / Hardware INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC INTERNATIONAL DIOXCIDE INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 230.85 21,741.23 Police Operations Utilities Columbi Canal WTP INV 1100398444 WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Computer Equipment / Hardware Chemicals INTERNATIONAL DIOXCIDE INC 01/08/2015 21,531.26 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals IPSWITCH INC 01/08/2015 2,399.25 Information Technology Quote ID: 2014-150920 Maintenance & Service Contract JACKSON ELDERS STEEL CO INC 01/08/2015 2,052.00 General Support Services Repair back stairs at Metro Po Building Maintenance & Repair JDJ ENTERPRISES JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 286.20 275.13 Development Services Utilities Wastewater Maint 11x17 Posters White 1 Side BLANKET FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR Printing And Office Supplies Equipmt Repair/Service Supply JOE HENRY COMPANY INC 01/08/2015 337.50 Engineering - Water Sys Improv l525 ladies polo shirts Uniforms And Clothing KEY SHOP INC, THE KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2.70 6,454.50 Support Services Public Buildg Water & Sewer Capital Projects KEY FOR CITY BUILDINGS 0123540021114 Special Projects Prof Svcs for Capital Projects KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/08/2015 6,454.50 Water & Sewer Capital Projects 0123540031114 Prof Svcs for Capital Projects KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/08/2015 6,467.59 Water & Sewer Capital Projects 0123540041114 Prof Svcs for Capital Projects KRJ CONSULTING LLC 01/08/2015 194.40 Community Development Control BOOKS FOR FINANCIAL LITERACY C Periodicals, Books, Other Publ LANSING MELBOURNE GROUP LLC LASER PRINT PLUS INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 13,300.00 15,533.67 Parking Imp Project Control Customer Service RFP to Update Parking Master P PRINTING SERVICES Professional Services Special Contracts LASER PRINT PLUS INC 01/08/2015 142.11 Parking Operations Folding/Inserting/Sealing Mach Outside Data Processing LASER PRINT PLUS INC LORICK OFFICE PRODUCTS 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 206.81 188.99 Parking Operations Drew Wellness Center Folding/Inserting/Sealing Mach Toner Cartridge/ 1 HEW CE 390A Outside Data Processing Printing And Office Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 142.64 Traffic Operations misc supplies for the Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 118.48 Grants Control PLANTS AND GARDEN SUPPLIES Lawn And Grounds Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 399.66 Recreation Programs OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR MISCEL Special Projects - Ice Rink LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 144.49 17.17 Utilities Wastewater Maint Drew Wellness Center BLANKET for supplies as needed Building Supplies for Drew Wel Hardware And Building Material Small Hand Tools / Other Equip LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 165.80 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET for supplies as needed Hardware And Building Material LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 225.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds PERFORM VARIOU PROJECTS AT ST Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Page: 6 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Solid Waste Trash Coll HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS Special Departmental Supplies 189.42 341.49 Traffic Operations Parks - Buildings & Grounds misc supplies for the PERFORM VARIOU PROJECTS AT ST Special Departmental Supplies Small Hand Tools / Other Equip 01/08/2015 511.75 Fire Administration - County Husq backpack blowers (Station Lawn And Grounds Supplies 01/08/2015 490.27 Fire Administration - County Husq backpack blowers (Station Lawn And Grounds Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 301.46 Recreation Programs OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR MISCEL Special Projects - Ice Rink LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LYON AND ASSOCIATES LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 333.94 3,835.00 Fire Administration - County General Capital Projects Miscellaneous Other Supplies ROOF MAINTENANCE DESIGN PACKAG Miscellaneous Other Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair MAILROOM AT PARKLAND INC 01/08/2015 57.60 Collections Special Contracts Special Contracts MD TECHNOLOGIES LLC MD TECHNOLOGIES LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,447.44 588.00 Support Services Public Buildg Support Services Public Buildg Voice and Data Cabling Service Voice and Data Cabling Service Wiring Charges Wiring Charges MEETZE PLUMBING CO, INC 01/08/2015 225.00 General Support Services Plumbing Maintenance and Repai Building Maintenance & Repair MERCHANT CAPITAL LLC 01/08/2015 50,000.00 Finance Water Administration Professional Services Professional Services MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES I 01/08/2015 47,365.00 Fire Training management services Employee Training & Prof Dev. MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY INC MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 680.56 722.03 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act Animal Shelter/Adoption Act VARIOUS DRUGS & MEDICAL SUPPLI VARIOUS DRUGS & MEDICAL SUPPLI Animal Shelter Supplies Animal Shelter Supplies MY OFFICE PRODUCTS INC. 01/08/2015 417.66 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl OE22054671 Printing And Office Supplies NAPA AUTO PARTS INC NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 34.24 75.55 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Drew Wellness Center PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR CO2 TA Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Chemicals NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/08/2015 225.22 Drew Wellness Center OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR CO2 TA Chemicals NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/08/2015 4.57 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 9033517499 Special Departmental Supplies OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/08/2015 22.74 Accounting 745333174001 Printing And Office Supplies OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 4.30 119.19 Parks & Recreation Admin Parks & Recreation Admin 1737487988 1739855242 Special Departmental Supplies Special Departmental Supplies OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/08/2015 38.82 Parks & Recreation Admin 1739855243 Special Departmental Supplies OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 142.59 53.72 Community Development Control Public Relations 742802431001 744985889001 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/08/2015 33.40 Parks & Recreation Admin 742209866001 Special Departmental Supplies OLDCASTLE NEW FRONTIERS INC 01/08/2015 1,663.42 Parks - Buildings & Grounds CYPRESS CHIPS, SOFT LANDING Lawn And Grounds Supplies OLDCASTLE NEW FRONTIERS INC 01/08/2015 2,103.84 Parks - Buildings & Grounds CYPRESS CHIPS, SOFT LANDING Lawn And Grounds Supplies OLDCASTLE NEW FRONTIERS INC P&S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,103.84 860.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 100 YARDS CYPRESS CHIPS Misc. Confined Space Entry Wor Miscellaneous Other Supplies Maintenance & Service Contract PALMETTO WILDLIFE EXTRACTORS L 01/08/2015 3,562.50 General Support Services To remediate bat infestation a Maintenance & Service Contract PAPER PRO INC PATTERSON VETERINARY SUPPLY IN 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 4,121.28 103.58 Fire Suppression Animal Shelter/Adoption Act SAME AS ABOVE in the following 8713077588 Uniforms And Clothing Animal Shelter Supplies PETERS, RICHARD M 01/08/2015 84.27 Legislative Lapel Pins Council Expense - Runyan PHILADELPHIA INDUSTRIAL DEVELO 01/08/2015 875.00 Community Development Control Annual Portfol support fees fo Professional Services POLYTEC INCORPORATED 01/08/2015 1,992.35 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals POLYTEC INCORPORATED POLYTEC INCORPORATED 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,082.50 1,945.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATINGWATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals Chemicals POLYTEC INCORPORATED 01/08/2015 2,087.50 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals POLYTEC INCORPORATED PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,035.00 138.33 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATINGWELDING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Chemicals Special Departmental Supplies PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC. 01/08/2015 20.64 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WELDING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Special Departmental Supplies PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC 01/08/2015 6,794.50 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals PRINT HOUSE PLUS INC 01/08/2015 814.20 Business Licenses 10,134 2015 City of Columbia B Printing And Office Supplies RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 485.22 36.57 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint BLANKET FOR TOOLS HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S Hardware And Building Material Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/08/2015 86.24 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS- SM Small Hand Tools / Other Equip ROCKHURST UNIVERSITY CONTINUIN 01/08/2015 199.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint MANAGING INVENTORIES & CYCLE C Employee Training & Prof Dev. LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 86.96 LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA Page: 7 Budget Category City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 01/08/2015 5.00 Police Administrative Services BEATTIE, WILLIAM N Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY SEASE, ANDREW TIMOTHY 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 20.00 450.00 Police Administrative Services Support Services Public Buildg CALBY, ROBERT C Maintenance on clock at Washin Employee Training & Prof Dev. Maintenance & Service Contract SHRED-IT 01/08/2015 65.00 Drew Wellness Center 9404513625 Special Departmental Supplies SHUMAN OWENS SUPPLY CO 01/08/2015 503.45 Parks - Buildings & Grounds 2X10X12' TREATED LUMBER FOR SO Hardware And Building Material SLOAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 01/08/2015 218.83 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for asphalt Paving And Asphalt Supplies SLOAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC SOFTMART GOVERNMENT SERVICES I 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 148.98 49.03 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Engineering - Water Sys Improv Blanket for asphalt ARINV578332 Paving And Asphalt Supplies Computer Equipment / Hardware SOFTMART GOVERNMENT SERVICES I 01/08/2015 111.95 Engineering - Water Sys Improv ARINV578508 Computer Equipment / Hardware SOFTMART GOVERNMENT SERVICES I SOFTMART GOVERNMENT SERVICES I 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 120.66 106.54 Engineering - Water Sys Improv Engineering - Water Sys Improv ARINV579153 ARINV580353 Computer Equipment / Hardware Computer Equipment / Hardware SOMETHING SPECIAL FLORIST INC 01/08/2015 37.80 Economic Development Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services SONITROL SECURITY SYSTEMS OF T 01/08/2015 92.70 Parking Facilities Alarm Services Maintenance & Service Contract SOUTH CAROLINA FLUID SYSTEMS T 01/08/2015 19.01 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt VARIOUS MACHINE PARTS Small Hand Tools / Other Equip SOUTHEASTERN PAPER GROUP INC SOUTHEASTERN PAPER GROUP INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 1,025.78 1,139.83 Drew Wellness Center Parks - Buildings & Grounds 2 PLY Center Pull Towels @$15. HARDWOUND ROLL TOWELS Cleaning And Sanitation Supply Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SOUTHERN IONICS INCORPORATED 01/08/2015 5,224.50 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Bisulfite Chemicals SPORT SUPPLY GROUP INC STANDARD DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,362.44 857.52 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Solid Waste Rollcarts PMCE PADDING BLACK FOR BASKETB RAKES 14486 SPRING BACK 48" HA Safety Clothing And Supplies Miscellaneous Other Supplies STAPLES INC 01/08/2015 1,103.49 Parking Operations INV 3249966725 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/08/2015 35.73 Parking Operations INV 3249966732 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/08/2015 332.63 Parking Operations INV 3249966734 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 12.72 7.01 Parking Operations Parking Operations INV 3249966737 INV 3249966740 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies SUBURBAN PROPANE 01/08/2015 506.40 General Support Services INV 1053-033138 Building Maintenance & Repair SUBURBAN PROPANE SUPER SOD INC. 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 815.20 120.96 General Support Services Parks - Buildings & Grounds INV 1053-131727 BERMUDA 419 Building Maintenance & Repair Lawn And Grounds Supplies TESSCO TECHNOLOGIES 01/08/2015 118.19 Fire Suppression R159037 Radio supplies, equipm Radio Equipment THE BROSSARD GROUP INC DBA FAS 01/08/2015 4,873.82 Support Services Public Buildg OFFICE SIGNS FOR CITY HALL THR Special Projects TOMES, WILLIAM E. 01/08/2015 1,100.00 Fire Administration - County Conduct assessment preparation Professional Services TRUCK SUPPLY CO INC UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 653.99 15.76 Fire Logistics Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr R159042 - Pick up small hand t 2160903880 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Special Departmental Supplies UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/08/2015 80.55 Recreation Programs 2160903970 Uniforms And Clothing UNIVAR USA INC URS CORPORATION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 3,997.82 8,420.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Water & Sewer Capital Projects Sodium Hypochlorite Professional Services (Not Oth Chemicals Prof Svcs for Capital Projects URS CORPORATION 01/08/2015 3,574.90 Water & Sewer Capital Projects WM4140 - ENGINEERING SERVICES Prof Svcs for Capital Projects VALLEY SPRING WATER AND COFFEE 01/08/2015 70.20 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for water TRU/RECOR Professional Services VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/08/2015 1,183.71 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 8059802843 Laboratory Supplies VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 351.54 216.10 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 8059806778 8059806779 Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/08/2015 14.50 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 8059810808 Laboratory Supplies VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC W C ROUSE HOLDINGS INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 388.20 306.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Animal Shelter/Holding Act 8059820638 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES Laboratory Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair WASTE MANAGEMENT 01/08/2015 88.44 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl 417018200804 Maintenance & Service Contract WEBQA INC 01/08/2015 7,920.00 Customer Service WEBQA online service Special Contracts WP LAW INC 01/08/2015 63.67 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply WRIGHT JOHNSTON UNIFORMS INC XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 4,050.44 4,361.67 Code Enforcement Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Code Enforcement Uniforms 3556810880 Uniforms And Clothing Small Hand Tools / Other Equip XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC 01/08/2015 2,473.75 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 3556812191 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC 01/08/2015 14,052.07 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Pumps and Pump Accessories Mai Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Page: 8 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC 01/08/2015 2,268.00 BARRY D SPAIN DUSTIN L OVERHOLSER 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 KEARNEY, SYNTHIA S MARTIN WHITSON 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 3556820502 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip 526.24 454.18 Fire Training Fire Training P/U FIRE P/U FIRE Professional Services Professional Services 01/08/2015 399.58 Fire Administration - County P/U FIRE Professional Services 01/08/2015 371.38 Fire Training P/U FIRE Professional Services MARTIN, DEBRA LYNN 01/08/2015 569.72 Fire Administration - County P/U FIRE Professional Services RICHLAND COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRIC SHAW WILLIAMS JR 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 350.00 361.87 Restricted-General Loan Fund Fire Training SUSAN RYAN P/U FIRE Special Projects Professional Services STERLING P JONES 01/08/2015 538.87 Fire Administration - County P/U FIRE Professional Services TD BANK NA WILKES, JR, JACKIE 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2,062.50 348.97 Debt Service Project Drew Park Fire Training P/U GINGER PAGE P/U FIRE Bank Service Charges Professional Services RIVER ALLIANCE, THE 01/08/2015 25,000.00 Admin-Sr. Assistant City Mngr CONSULTING SERVICES - GOVERNME Special Contracts KAY, ZACHARY P 01/08/2015 300.00 General Fund P/U PAYROLL Payroll Stale Dated Checks SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 12.50 Parking Facilities 28' Big Guy Surface Cleaner Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 0.55 19.74 Engineering- Real Estate Water Homeland Security GrantControl Uniforms: scarves polyester f of Wetshoes and Rescue gloves Uniforms And Clothing Safety & Rescue Equipment SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 132.23 Federal Equitable Sharing GSR Evidence Collecton Kit, It Laboratory Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 99.40 1.14 Utilities Wastewater Maint Support Services Public Buildg 8" PIPE DIAMETER 4' KIT PARTS AND MATERIALS FOR CITY B Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Special Projects SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 141.80 Police Administrative Services Custom Challegne Coin, 1.75", Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 65.54 Recreation Programs ROLLER REFUGE ALUMINUM HOUSING Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 65.79 Fire Suppression RightPunch Hybrid for Kronos: Computer Equipment / Hardware SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 6.74 0.29 Legislative Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Lapel Pins JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Council Expense - Runyan Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 1.12 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 3.19 3.41 Recreation Programs Water & Sewer Capital Projects OFFICE MACHINES, EQUIPMENT, AN 1160 lf OF 8" AND 200 lf OF 6" Special Projects - Ice Rink Capital Project Costs SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 1.25 General Support Services HAMMER STRENGTH WORKOUT EQUIPM Maintenance & Service Contract SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 4.98 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 5.20 Recreation Programs CABLE, ADAPTOR, FREIGHT Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 8.60 0.35 Police Administrative Services Support Services Public Buildg CPD Stand up to Bullying Brace ELECTRICAL FOR CITY BUILDINGS Awards And Trophies Special Projects SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 5.62 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 12.10 62.67 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act General Support Services VARIOUSE MEDS FOR SHELTER USE DOORS AND SUPPLIES FOR ALL CIT Animal Shelter Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.60 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 3.80 Forestry Horticulture Locksmith Services-CUT OFF KEY Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 2.35 Utilities Wastewater Maint (2)9'12 PAQUE (C1) FOREMAN OF Awards And Trophies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 213.14 40.16 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Fire Suppression PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AGREEME R158975 - Lare and small engin Maintenance & Service Contract Vehicle Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 142.44 Human Resources Order for 2015 Employee Servic Awards And Trophies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 8.87 1.47 Parks - Buildings & Grounds General Support Services 150 WATT SODIUM BULBS Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Electrical And Lighting Supply Building Maintenance & Repair SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.91 General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.25 General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.11 General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 0.74 0.42 General Support Services General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair Building Maintenance & Repair SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 4.51 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS/MATERIALS FOR CITY BUILD Special Projects SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 2.76 Parking Facilities Fleece Beanie-Navy Special Departmental Supplies Page: 9 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 438.30 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Bisulfite Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 418.32 419.22 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Bisulfite Sodium Bisulfite Chemicals Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 52.09 Animal Shelter/Holding Act VARIOUS BAGS DOG/CAT FOOD FOR Animal Shelter Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 3.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.80 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 2.32 1.94 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Streets - Water & Sewer Repair 1411658780 Blanket for concrete Cleaning And Sanitation Supply Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 1.20 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Blanket for Concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 3.20 202.76 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Recreation Programs Blanket for Concrete RE-ORDERING 10,000 KEY FOBS FO Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 12.05 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-SMA Small Hand Tools / Other Equip SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 7.43 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 123.58 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SAMPLE CONTAINER Laboratory Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 3.80 4.40 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt FEED, BEDDING, VITAMINS AND SU UTILITY TRAY Animal Shelter Supplies Laboratory Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 620.60 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 671.96 631.90 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 72.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Chemical Feed System Fees Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 671.96 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 214.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 676.24 644.23 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 27.80 General Support Services TO REUPHOLSTER CITY EMPLOYEE G Maintenance & Service Contract SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 199.72 1.75 Fire Suppression Accounting HeartStart SMART Pads II 743608002001 Drugs And Medical Supplies Printing And Office Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.55 Accounting 743608844001 Printing And Office Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 21.20 Parks - Buildings & Grounds 38 OZ. DAWN LIQUID DETERGENT Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 34.79 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 10.43 1.44 Recreation Programs Fire Suppression EQUIPMENT FOR FIRST AID SUPPLI #118656 Fender skirts Special Projects - Ice Rink Vehicle Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 44.04 Traffic Operations ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, COMPONEN Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 1.20 30.88 Parks - Ceramic Camp Fire Suppression 2EA RELAY FOR SKUTT KILN @ $30 Multi-Rae Lite Pump Assemblies Special Departmental Supplies Equipmt Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.63 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP CP35S-BL ACRYLIC Awards And Trophies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 1.26 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP CP35S-BL ACRYLIC Awards And Trophies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 1.48 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS SUPPLIES AND MATERAIL FO Special Projects SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 0.25 517.38 Support Services Public Buildg Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt PARTS SUPPLIES AND MATERAIL FO 95% Magnesium Hydroxide, liqui Special Projects Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 516.36 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 95% Magnesium Hydroxide, liqui Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 536.89 1.17 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 95% Magnesium Hydroxide, liqui STEELFLEX HOSE Chemicals Small Hand Tools / Other Equip SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 3,614.40 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt LIQUID POLYMER Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 7.32 Recreation Programs TACHIKARA SV5WSC VOLLEYBALLS Miscellaneous Other Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 0.55 Accounting 743967839001 Printing And Office Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 9.46 239.78 Fire Suppression Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt R159037 Radio supplies, equipm WOIC0351717 Radio Equipment Equipmt Repair/Service Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 344.00 Fire Suppression Annual License to (D4H) Equipm Computer Equipment / Hardware SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 65.07 Drew Wellness Center 50"Rescue Tube Color: Navy Special Departmental Supplies Page: 10 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 123.32 SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Forestry Hazard Elimination 27532 THROWLINE, 14852 CANVAS Special Departmental Supplies 2.18 0.82 Support Services Public Buildg Support Services Public Buildg PARTS/MATERIALS/SUPPLIES FOR C PARTS/MATERIALS/SUPPLIES FOR C Special Projects Special Projects 01/08/2015 1.38 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS/MATERIALS/SUPPLIES FOR C Special Projects 01/08/2015 150.19 County Emergency Communication Symantec Backup Exec 2014 - Es Maintenance & Service Contract SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 37.67 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 36.95 36.92 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Hypochlorite Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 37.32 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Hypochlorite Chemicals SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 37.36 0.58 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Parks - Buildings & Grounds Sodium Hypochlorite BALLAST FLUORESCENT LAMPS Chemicals Electrical And Lighting Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 2.95 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 3.24 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Special Departmental Supplies SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 7.05 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for Electric Suppli Electrical And Lighting Supply SC TAX COMMISSION SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 0.41 2.74 Traffic Operations Police Administrative Services ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Blanket PO for Electric Suppli Electrical And Lighting Supply Electrical And Lighting Supply SC TAX COMMISSION 01/08/2015 1.18 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply SC TAX COMMISSION CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/08/2015 01/12/2015 6.86 6.80 Traffic Operations Parks & Recreation Admin ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL ACCT 01-30003525-1012641-4 Special Departmental Supplies Miscellaneous Other Supplies CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/12/2015 489.60 CDC Compress Building ACCT 01-17118035-1119746-0 Buildings And Fixed Equipment CLEMSON UNIVERSITY 01/12/2015 125.00 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair VICTOR ATLAS Professional Services CLEMSON UNIVERSITY 01/12/2015 125.00 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair DESTIN GOINS Professional Services EAST RICHLAND CTY PUB SER DIST EAST RICHLAND CTY PUB SER DIST 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 23.00 23.00 Sandhill Station 24 Dentsville Station 14 Water And Sewage Water And Sewage Water And Sewage Water And Sewage EAST RICHLAND CTY PUB SER DIST 01/12/2015 23.00 Spring Valley Station 32 Water And Sewage Water And Sewage EAST RICHLAND CTY PUB SER DIST FISERV 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 48.88 141.47 Gill's Creek Station 33 Collections Water And Sewage Bank Service Charges Water And Sewage Bank Service Charges MOTOROLA INC 01/12/2015 516.60 Parks - Buildings & Grounds INV 1180831172014 Radio Service / Central Stores MOTOROLA INC 01/12/2015 -284.85 Parks - Buildings & Grounds REBATE FOR INV 1180831172014 Radio Service / Central Stores RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE 01/12/2015 310.90 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services SC SECTION AMERICAN WATERWORKS SCASM/MASC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 1,200.00 175.00 Engineering Engineering Water Utility Council annual s Dana Higgins Membership And Dues Membership And Dues SCASM/MASC 01/12/2015 175.00 Engineering TRACY MITCHELL Membership And Dues ABLE SOUTH CAROLINA ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 75.00 136.00 Police Administrative Services Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Training need for recert - Spe Wastewater Surcharge Program Professional Services Special Contracts ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC 01/12/2015 92.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Septage Station Metals Special Contracts ADI 01/12/2015 276.47 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Special Projects ADVANCED AUTOMATION CONSULTING 01/12/2015 4,777.50 Information Technology 122914COC1 Professional Services ADVANCED AUTOMATION CONSULTING ALL AMERICAN TROPHY COMPANY IN 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 6,483.75 370.84 Technology Contingency Police Administrative Services 122914COC3 PO for Department-wide plaques Prof Svcs for Capital Projects Printing And Office Supplies ALLEN, JAMES P 01/12/2015 70.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services ALLSOURCE ENTERPRISES LLC AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY MATERI 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 4,428.00 237.90 Fire Administration - County Traffic Operations Delivery charges SIGNS, SIGN MATERIALS, SIGN MA Special Departmental Supplies Signs BEARING DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/12/2015 261.20 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply BLANCHARD MACHINERY COMPANY 01/12/2015 6,395.70 Parks - Buildings & Grounds T-5DT Trailer with LED Lights, Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital BLANCHARD MACHINERY COMPANY 01/12/2015 2,950.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SETUP AND TEAR DOWN OF GENSET Equipmt Repair/Service Supply BOLDEN, WARREN M BOLDEN, WARREN M 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 658.00 590.00 Recreation Programs Recreation Programs BOOKING FOR YOUTH AND ADULT SP BOOKING FOR YOUTH AND ADULT SP Professional Services Professional Services BRANDENBURG, HEATHER A 01/12/2015 20.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services BRANHAM, TARA 01/12/2015 63.71 Water and Sewer Operating 92921761026371 Water- Credit Balance Refund Page: 11 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category BUNN, LAURIE 01/12/2015 39.79 Water and Sewer Operating 49371370-1049222 Water- Credit Balance Refund CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 12.85 74.76 Support Services Public Buildg Parks - Buildings & Grounds PARTS AND MATERIALS FOR CITY B 3/8 DRILL BIT MASON Special Projects Hardware And Building Material CAROLINA FRESH FARMS 01/12/2015 540.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR TREES AND ETC Lawn And Grounds Supplies CATOE'S POWER EQUIPMENT 01/12/2015 2,034.39 Forestry Hazard Elimination STIHL HAND BLOWER 27.2CC Small Hand Tools / Other Equip CDW GOVERNMENT LLC 01/12/2015 655.56 Information Technology QUOTE: FTJH651 Computer Equipment / Hardware CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 2,739.97 2,823.46 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATINGWATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals Chemicals CHEROKEE INC 01/12/2015 30,746.25 General Capital Projects PK001203 - Woodland Park Tenni Capital Project Costs CITY ELECTRIC REPAIR INC CITY ELECTRIC REPAIR INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 158.34 26.32 Support Services Public Buildg Support Services Public Buildg PARTS SUPPLIES AND MATERAIL FO PARTS SUPPLIES AND MATERAIL FO Special Projects Special Projects CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/12/2015 114.00 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply CMM REALTY INC 01/12/2015 19.20 Water and Sewer Operating 16268007-1100060 Water- Credit Balance Refund COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 60.48 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 916.92 246.24 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 125.28 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 241.92 1,477.98 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Streets - Water & Sewer Repair CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Blanket for Concrete Paving And Asphalt Supplies Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 875.88 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 185.76 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 216.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 516.24 322.92 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Utilities Water Dist & Maint Blanket for Concrete CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 479.80 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 479.80 89.64 Utilities Wastewater Maint Streets-Storm Drains BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Blanket for concrete Paving And Asphalt Supplies Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 104.76 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 132.30 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 131.76 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 217.62 412.56 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Utilities Wastewater Maint Blanket for Concrete BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 209.52 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 132.30 185.76 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies Paving And Asphalt Supplies COLUMBIA SILICA SAND INC 01/12/2015 210.46 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COLUMBIA SILICA SAND INC 01/12/2015 254.31 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COLUMBIA SILICA SAND INC 01/12/2015 223.98 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COOK, LETITIA MITCHELL COTE,RAYMOND 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 44.00 375.09 Drew Wellness Center Water and Sewer Operating Professional Services 93418831114033 Professional Services Water- Credit Balance Refund DESIGN LAB INC 01/12/2015 1,479.60 Fire Suppression Men's Propper Navy Tactical Pa Uniforms And Clothing DOORS UNLIMITED INC EQUIFAX INFORMATION SERVICES L 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 370.00 197.76 General Support Services Community Development Control Misc door repairs at City Buil Miscellaneous Other Services Building Maintenance & Repair Miscellaneous Other Services EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/12/2015 942.48 Utilities Wastewater Maint SS7304-GIS Technician (Personn Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/12/2015 582.27 Drew Wellness Center TWO TEMPORARY CUSTODIAL EMPLOY Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/12/2015 1,108.80 Utilities Wastewater Maint SS7304-GIS Technician (Personn Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC FASTENAL COMPANY 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 554.40 25.23 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SS7304-GIS Technician (Personn SCCOL135261 Part-Time Pay (Outside) Small Hand Tools / Other Equip FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 01/12/2015 172.65 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LLC 01/12/2015 596.70 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt DRYBATH Laboratory Supplies Page: 12 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/12/2015 6.97 FORTILINE INC FORTILINE INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 FORTILINE INC FORTILINE INC 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Information Technology OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies 856.44 670.68 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc 01/12/2015 670.68 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc 01/12/2015 963.36 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc FORTILINE INC 01/12/2015 644.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc FORTILINE INC FORTILINE INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 644.00 388.80 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc FORTILINE INC 01/12/2015 23.50 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc FORTILINE INC FRALEY & QUATTLEBAUM REFRIGERA 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 510.35 475.82 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Support Services Public Buildg BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU PARTS/MATERIAL/SUPPLIES FOR AP Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Special Projects FRALEY & QUATTLEBAUM REFRIGERA 01/12/2015 282.36 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS/MATERIAL/SUPPLIES FOR AP Special Projects G H SMITH CONSTRUCTION CO INC 01/12/2015 129,672.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects WM3804(2)/SS7242 - 12" and 6" Capital Project Costs GATEWAY SUPPLY CO INC. 01/12/2015 123.89 Support Services Public Buildg S3472520001 Special Projects GOLDIE & ASSOCIATES GOLDIE & ASSOCIATES 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 210.00 210.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES-SOFTWAR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES-SOFTWAR Maintenance & Service Contract Maintenance & Service Contract GRAHAM, JESSICA 01/12/2015 17.98 Water and Sewer Operating 9270063-1040334 Water- Credit Balance Refund GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 649.45 117.49 Traffic Operations Parks - Buildings & Grounds ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAINGER INC, W W 01/12/2015 1,004.29 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 9619444616 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip GRAINGER INC, W W 01/12/2015 1,001.98 Parking Facilities 9620958240 Maintenance & Service Contract GREATER COLUMBIA COMMUNITY REL 01/12/2015 2,708.70 Community Development Control Professional Services Professional Services GREGORY LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC GUNTER, JESSICA 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 6,435.00 100.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Public Relations -GROUND MAINTENANCE-MILL CREEK CONSULTING SERVICES -(Creative Maintenance & Service Contract Professional Services GUNTER, JESSICA 01/12/2015 115.00 Public Relations including photography, grap Professional Services HAM JR, WILLIS C HAYES PIPE SUPPLY INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 20.00 3,281.06 Drew Wellness Center Water & Sewer Capital Projects Professional Services SS7311-Sewer Main Replaceemnt Professional Services Capital Project Costs HAZEN AND SAWYER PC 01/12/2015 1,566.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Engineering Services to Provid Prof Svcs for Capital Projects HAZEN AND SAWYER PC 01/12/2015 46,705.30 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Engineering Services for Model Prof Svcs for Capital Projects HAZEN AND SAWYER PC 01/12/2015 17,668.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Metro WWTP New 150 MGD Influen Prof Svcs for Capital Projects HAZEN AND SAWYER PC HB ENGINEERING INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 135,214.08 28,050.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7253 - Engineering Services WM3870 - Engineering Services Prof Svcs for Capital Projects Capital Project Costs HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 01/12/2015 11,113.20 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CAST IRON METER BOXES, PIPE AN Meters, Parts, And Supplies HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD HILL, ALMA C 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 949.74 1,302.50 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Fire Suppression BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Labor to layout, custom cut, p Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Special Departmental Supplies HILTON, RONALD LLOYD 01/12/2015 1,295.86 Solid Waste Street Sweeping STW BR600 BACKPACK BLOWER Special Departmental Supplies HIRE QUEST LLC 01/12/2015 375.00 Forestry Hazard Elimination TROJAN LABOR Part-Time Pay (Outside) HIRE QUEST LLC 01/12/2015 550.00 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Temp. Custodian Part-Time Pay (Outside) HIRE QUEST LLC HOWROYD-WRIGHT EMPLOYMENT AGEN 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 300.00 643.60 Forestry Hazard Elimination Solid Waste Trash Coll TROJAN LABOR Personnel Services, Temporary Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) HOWROYD-WRIGHT EMPLOYMENT AGEN 01/12/2015 643.60 Solid Waste Trash Coll Personnel Services, Temporary Part-Time Pay (Outside) HUMPHRIES, DANNY G IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 1,124.28 612.76 Animal Shelter/Holding Act Water & Sewer Capital Projects 9 FORMS SINGLE SIDED,BLK INK PROJECT BID OUT WM4312 Printing And Office Supplies Capital Project Costs IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES 01/12/2015 2,486.53 Water & Sewer Capital Projects PROJECT BID OUT Capital Project Costs INDEPENDENT WATER WORKS 01/12/2015 62.10 Utilities Water Dist & Maint ANNUAL ORDER LOTS 4,5,9,13,15 Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc INDEPENDENT WATER WORKS 01/12/2015 3,207.60 Utilities Water Dist & Maint ANNUAL ORDER LOTS 4,5,9,13,15 Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc INDEPENDENT WATER WORKS INDUSTRIAL SIGN & GRAPHICS INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 504.47 923.40 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Police Operations ANNUAL ORDER LOTS 4,5,9,13,15 Decals - Caprices Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Vehicle Repair/Service Supply INTEGRATED SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 01/12/2015 497.55 Police Administrative Services File On Q - Evidence software Maintenance & Service Contract INTERSTATE UTILITY SALES 01/12/2015 343.46 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SENSOR Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Page: 13 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount IRON MOUNTAIN INTELLECTUAL PRO 01/12/2015 788.92 J BRANDT COMPANY INC JDJ ENTERPRISES 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 1,780.50 699.30 KAHN CONSTRUCTION CO INC, M.B. 01/12/2015 KAHN CONSTRUCTION CO INC, M.B. 01/12/2015 KAHN, MOHANMED 01/12/2015 95.43 KEEP THE MIDLANDS BEAUTIFUL KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 5,250.00 8.64 KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/12/2015 KEY SHOP INC, THE KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 KEY SHOP INC, THE KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for Iron Mountain S Professional Services Human Resources Homeland Security GrantControl Order for 2015 Employee Servic of 3,500 Flyers: Become a Volu Awards And Trophies Printing And Office Supplies 192,967.46 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7182 - Improvements to the M Capital Project Costs 166,685.20 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7182 - Improvements to the M Capital Project Costs Water and Sewer Operating 9165191-1100390 Water- Credit Balance Refund Solid Waste Street Sweeping Utilities Water Dist & Maint ADVERTISING FOR "KEEP THE MIDL HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS, TO Professional Services Small Hand Tools / Other Equip 16.73 Animal Shelter/Holding Act MASTER LOCKS - MISCELLANEOUS S Special Departmental Supplies 25.92 35.10 Support Services Public Buildg Parking Facilities KEY FOR CITY BUILDINGS Keys & Locks for all Parking G Special Projects Special Departmental Supplies 01/12/2015 73.92 Support Services Public Buildg KEY FOR CITY BUILDINGS Special Projects 01/12/2015 4,523.93 Water & Sewer Capital Projects 0123540021014 Prof Svcs for Capital Projects KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/12/2015 4,640.78 Water & Sewer Capital Projects 0123540031014 Prof Svcs for Capital Projects KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 6,773.14 103,500.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects General Capital Projects 0123540041014 0644664011114 Prof Svcs for Capital Projects Capital Project Costs LASER PRINT PLUS INC 01/12/2015 5,000.00 Parking Operations Parking Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery LASER PRINT PLUS INC LAYNE INLINER LLC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 50.55 89,756.37 Parking Operations Water & Sewer Capital Projects Folding/Inserting/Sealing Mach SS7207-Sanitary Sewer Rehabili Outside Data Processing Capital Project Costs LESESNE INDUSTRIES INC 01/12/2015 58.74 Engineering- Real Estate Water Uniforms: scarves polyester f Uniforms And Clothing LIZARDS THICKET INC 01/12/2015 106.58 Legislative Council Expense - Newman Council Expense - Newman LORICK OFFICE PRODUCTS 01/12/2015 214.90 Municipal Court Violations HAM 103341, 8 1/2 x 11 yellow Printing And Office Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 210.02 100.42 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Utilities Columbi Canal WTP PERFORM VARIOU PROJECTS AT ST PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Equipmt Repair/Service Supply LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 163.13 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 507.18 22.39 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Parks - Buildings & Grounds 2"X6"X8" TREATED LUMBER #30906 MATERIAL TO REPAIR PARK FACILI Building Maintenance & Repair Small Hand Tools / Other Equip LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 10.04 Support Services Public Buildg SUPPLIES/TOOLS/MATERIALS AND P Special Projects LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 134.21 Parks - Buildings & Grounds PERFORM VARIOU PROJECTS AT ST Small Hand Tools / Other Equip LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 50.39 General Support Services Materials, Parts, Supplies for Maintenance & Service Contract LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 408.67 5.51 Fire Suppression Support Services Public Buildg R161555 CITY - Misc. supplies SUPPLIES/TOOLS/MATERIALS AND P Special Departmental Supplies Special Projects MCCRACKEN, DYANA 01/12/2015 327.74 Water and Sewer Operating 9228737-1023130 Water- Credit Balance Refund MD TECHNOLOGIES LLC MILLER, BRITTANY 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 1,974.00 158.45 Police Administrative Services Water and Sewer Operating Blanket PO for work to be done 9215359-1004721 Professional Services Water- Credit Balance Refund MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS C 01/12/2015 2,340.25 Fire Suppression R162787 Bunker gear cleaning a Safety Clothing And Supplies MINERVA BUNKER GEAR CLEANERS C 01/12/2015 1,237.00 Fire Suppression R163294 Bunker gear cleaning a Safety Clothing And Supplies MOORE MEDICAL LLC 01/12/2015 517.11 Fire Suppression Respirator Particulate Masks, Drugs And Medical Supplies MOORE MEDICAL LLC NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 517.11 468.86 Fire Suppression Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Respirator Particulate Masks, 9034604528 Drugs And Medical Supplies Special Departmental Supplies NATIONAL WOOD SOURCING LLC 01/12/2015 1,486.65 Forestry Right of Way Maint. NW00783913 Lawn And Grounds Supplies NEROES, SONJA PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 142.56 798.45 Water and Sewer Operating Animal Shelter/Holding Act 92202372029798 VARIOUS BAGS DOG/CAT FOOD FOR Water- Credit Balance Refund Animal Shelter Supplies PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE INC 01/12/2015 535.75 Animal Shelter/Holding Act DOG/CAT FOOD FOR SHELTER ANIMA Animal Shelter Supplies POM INCORPORATED 01/12/2015 9,236.22 Parking Facilities # cfg-apme-0018639-001 Meters, Parts, And Supplies PRECISION FIRE SOLUTIONS LLC 01/12/2015 348.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds ALARM SERVICES ANNUAL MONITOR Maintenance & Service Contract PRESTON HOWARD CATOE PRO MAX COMPLIANCE INCORPORATE 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 60.00 10,885.00 Drew Wellness Center Engineering Storm Water Imp Professional Services Annual Maintenance Fee Sept 1, Professional Services Computer License REAL ESTATE HEADQUARTERS 01/12/2015 11.29 Water and Sewer Operating 9220200-2025968 Water- Credit Balance Refund REAL ESTATE HEADQUARTERS 01/12/2015 6.21 Water and Sewer Operating 9216793-1094957 Water- Credit Balance Refund Page: 14 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/12/2015 261.01 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 8.25 119.55 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Traffic Operations HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS- SM HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-mis Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Signs RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/12/2015 53.22 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS- SM Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/12/2015 253.71 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/12/2015 14.73 Traffic Operations HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-mis Special Departmental Supplies RICHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT ONE ROBINSON, STANLEY 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 232.00 934.36 General Fund Water and Sewer Operating Ice Skating Rink 57302500-1085011 Ice Skating Rink Water- Credit Balance Refund ROE, PHYLLIS 01/12/2015 54.35 Water and Sewer Operating 92686171042360 Water- Credit Balance Refund SAFETY PLUS INC SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 422.17 147.33 Engineering - Water Sys Improv Utilities Water Dist & Maint Deerskin Gloves sz large 06-1 FOR GLOVES, HARD HATS, VESTS, Safety Clothing And Supplies Safety Clothing And Supplies SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 01/12/2015 50.00 Police Administrative Services NAREWSKI, STEPHAN T Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC.GOV 01/12/2015 8,743.62 Collections On-Line Payment Charges On-Line Payment Charges SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 421.12 Fire Training process. Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 421.12 526.40 Fire Training Fire Training process. process. Professional Services Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 526.40 Fire Training process. Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 526.40 526.40 Fire Training Fire Training process. process. Professional Services Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 526.40 Fire Training process. Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 526.40 Fire Training process. Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/12/2015 526.40 Fire Training process. Professional Services SHEALY ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS SHERRILL INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 601.66 1,541.50 Traffic Operations Forestry Hazard Elimination ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL 27532 THROWLINE, 14852 CANVAS Special Departmental Supplies Special Departmental Supplies SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 01/12/2015 91.14 Fire Suppression Kingston - Flash memory card - Computer Equipment / Hardware SHUMAN OWENS SUPPLY CO SISTERCARE INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 470.47 4,250.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Comm Prom/Accommodations Tax 4X4X8 TREATED LUMBER FOR RIVER Sistercare Inc. Hardware And Building Material Sistercare Inc. SLOAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 01/12/2015 3,106.39 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Blanket for Asphalt Paving And Asphalt Supplies SMITH & JONES JANITORIAL SUPPL 01/12/2015 237.20 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AS NEEDED Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SMITH & JONES JANITORIAL SUPPL 01/12/2015 48.60 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AS NEEDED Cleaning And Sanitation Supply SMITH & JONES JANITORIAL SUPPL SMITH RUBBER STAMPS & SEALS IN 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 217.90 25.92 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Development Services JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AS NEEDED DECALS AND STAMPS Cleaning And Sanitation Supply Special Departmental Supplies SMITH RUBBER STAMPS & SEALS IN 01/12/2015 64.26 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for nameplates, sta Special Departmental Supplies SOFTMART GOVERNMENT SERVICES I SOUTHERN PUMP & TANK COMPNAY 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 41.94 125.12 Fire Suppression Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt ARINV578866 STEELFLEX HOSE Computer Equipment / Hardware Small Hand Tools / Other Equip STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIA 01/12/2015 157.70 Utilities Wastewater Maint #83780 SUSTAINABLE EARCH REMAN Xerox Copy And Supplies STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/12/2015 5.00 Fire Training 2012092030038 Employee Training & Prof Dev. TANNER INDUSTRIES 01/12/2015 4,154.56 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals TEMPLE INC TROPHY AND GIFT SHOP, THE 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 340.20 134.82 Traffic Operations Utilities Columbi Canal WTP INV0137400 CP35S-BL ACRYLIC Special Departmental Supplies Awards And Trophies TUBELITE COMPANY INC 01/12/2015 501.97 Fire Suppression R158975 - Lare and small engin Vehicle Repair/Service Supply UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 19.11 288.36 Solid Waste Rollcarts Emergency Communications/311 2160904914 2160905108 Uniforms And Clothing Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/12/2015 90.38 Development Services 2160905110 Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/12/2015 73.80 Drew Wellness Center 2160905112 Uniforms And Clothing UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 01/12/2015 13.36 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNIVAR USA INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 36.21 3,993.43 Support Services Public Buildg Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 4508621500 Sodium Hypochlorite Special Projects Chemicals USA LEASE INC 01/12/2015 338.40 Homeless Services Laundry detergent, bodywash/sh Spc Contracts-Winter Shelter VALLEY SPRING WATER AND COFFEE 01/12/2015 42.12 Police Investigations MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES - Pleas Miscellaneous Other Services Page: 15 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category VALLEY SPRING WATER AND COFFEE 01/12/2015 21.06 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for water TRU/RECOR Professional Services VERMONT SYSTEMS INC VIC BAILEY FORD INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 2,534.50 20,833.00 Recreation Programs Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr SHIPPING Add: Special Departmental Supplies Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital VILLADSDEN, BENTE 01/12/2015 111.60 Water and Sewer Operating 9209159-1052713 Water- Credit Balance Refund VIRK, CHARANJEET 01/12/2015 96.21 Water and Sewer Operating 9207239-1087513 Water- Credit Balance Refund VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/12/2015 486.97 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP 8059847187 Laboratory Supplies VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC W.K. DICKSON & COMPANY INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 1,384.07 30,870.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sewer Maintenance Projects 8059883593 Engineering Services for the S Laboratory Supplies Professional Services W.K. DICKSON & COMPANY INC 01/12/2015 9,034.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Evaluation of Design & Constru Prof Svcs for Capital Projects WALMART COMPANY WASHINGTON, GERALDINE B 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 455.26 175.00 Emergency Communications/311 Drew Wellness Center Food,drinks and supplies for " Professional Services Special Departmental Supplies Professional Services WASTE MANAGEMENT 01/12/2015 47.93 Utilities Water Dist & Maint 417018300802 Special Departmental Supplies WASTE MANAGEMENT 01/12/2015 46.42 Utilities Water Dist & Maint 417018400800 Special Departmental Supplies WEBSTER ROGERS LLP 01/12/2015 10,000.00 Accounting FINANCIAL SERVICES Audit Costs WOODLEY'S GARDEN CENTER WP LAW INC 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 54.00 157.53 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl NURSERY STOCK, PLANT AND TREES PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Lawn And Grounds Supplies Equipmt Repair/Service Supply ZAP PRO CLEANING SERVICES LLC 01/12/2015 7,578.00 General Support Services Janitorial Services for Main F Maintenance & Service Contract ZAP PRO CLEANING SERVICES LLC EAU CLAIRE COMMUNITY COUNCIL 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 7,578.00 100.00 General Support Services Legislative Janitorial Services for Bus Sh LIBBY GOBER Maintenance & Service Contract Council Expense - Runyan HOCUTT, KENDALL T 01/12/2015 531.13 Fire Administration - County PU FIRE Professional Services LORETTA COLEMAN MINISTRIES 01/12/2015 100.00 Legislative P/U LIBBY GOBER Council Expense - Runyan FAIRTUDOR, SUZANN 01/12/2015 75.00 Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC Professional Services JOHNSON, KIMBERLY N MILLEDGE, LAMIEKA 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 60.00 75.00 Drew Wellness Center Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC P/U PARKS REC Professional Services Professional Services PEREZ, KELLIN J 01/12/2015 125.00 Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC Professional Services PLOTKIN, KAARINA ROCHE, PATRICIA N 01/12/2015 01/12/2015 30.00 60.00 Drew Wellness Center Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC P/U PARKS REC Professional Services Professional Services THOMPSON, CAROLYN B 01/12/2015 88.00 Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC Professional Services VENYAH, MARY GOODWIN 01/12/2015 40.00 Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC Professional Services WARDEN, MARY C 01/12/2015 198.00 Drew Wellness Center P/U PARKS REC Professional Services AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION BANK OF NEW YORK 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 190.00 500.00 Development Services 2014 Parking Debt Service 298222141005 DAVID EISENBRAUN 2521837423 Membership And Dues Commission to Paying Agents CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/15/2015 40.80 Gill's Creek Station 33 ACCT 01-16956010-1104024-3 Water And Sewage CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 121.63 205.39 Millwood/Congaree Run 29 Gill's Creek Station 33 ACCT 01-59710131-1103244-7 ACCT 01-16956009-1104024-7 Water And Sewage Water And Sewage GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS 01/15/2015 100.00 Budget & Program Mgmnt Office 1680 MELISSA CAUGHMAN Membership And Dues MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 01/15/2015 58.18 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl ACCT 5800494801 Electricity And Gas MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 01/15/2015 21.40 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl ACCT 5800514003 Electricity And Gas MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT RICHLAND COUNTY FINANCE 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 520.48 133.62 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Ballentine Station 20 ACCT 5800514020 Water And Sewage Electricity And Gas Water And Sewage SC ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY 01/15/2015 148,464.85 General Support Services Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas SC ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY SC NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN. 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 226,168.96 150.00 Public Works Administration Parks - Buildings & Grounds Electricity And Gas GREG ANDERSON Electricity And Gas Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN. 01/15/2015 150.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds VINCENT DAVIS Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN. 01/15/2015 150.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds MATTHEW RAY Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN. 01/15/2015 150.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds GRAHAM TAYLOR Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN. SOUTH CAROLINA POLICE CHIEF AS 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 150.00 75.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Police Administrative Services RAYMOND WILLIAMS Membership fee for DC Kelly Employee Training & Prof Dev. Membership And Dues THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH 01/15/2015 264.50 Development Services 2008933475 JOHN FELLOWS Membership And Dues THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH 01/15/2015 264.50 Development Services 2008933545 M K PUCKETT Membership And Dues Page: 16 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 01/15/2015 60.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint BYRON JONES B3930 Employee Training & Prof Dev. WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 60.00 60.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint ALMONDO OREE B3885 CARLTON SHORT B4003 Employee Training & Prof Dev. Employee Training & Prof Dev. A DIVISION OF THE LANE CONSTRU 01/15/2015 744.19 Water & Sewer Capital Projects 1160 lf OF 8" AND 200 lf OF 6" Capital Project Costs ACCO BRANDS USA LLC 01/15/2015 335.66 Engineering Administration maintenance contract #10075471 Maintenance & Service Contract ACE HARDWARE OF CAYCE LLC 01/15/2015 245.19 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Cleaning And Sanitation Supply ACTION INDUSTRIAL GROUP LLC ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 188.82 420.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Traffic Operations HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-SMA Personnel Services, Temporary- Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 560.00 Traffic Operations Personnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 700.00 700.00 Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Personnel Services, TemporaryPersonnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 560.00 Traffic Operations Personnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 700.00 Traffic Operations Personnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 700.00 Traffic Operations Personnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 420.00 420.00 Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Personnel Services, TemporaryPersonnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 01/15/2015 120.00 General Fund Customer Deposits Parks Customer Deposits Parks AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION APPLIED CONCEPTS INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 35.00 84.80 Development Services Police Administrative Services 298222141005 DAVID EISENBRAUN Blanket PO to repair radars Membership And Dues Special Departmental Supplies ATLANTIC FITNESS LLC 01/15/2015 311.00 Drew Wellness Center Repair work for fitness & stre Building Maintenance & Repair ATLANTIC FITNESS LLC 01/15/2015 292.48 Drew Wellness Center Repair work for fitness & stre Building Maintenance & Repair BAKER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 01/15/2015 153.05 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS/MATERIALS/SUPPLIES FOR C Special Projects BUILDERS SPECIALTIES INC BUILDERS SPECIALTIES INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 9,895.70 150.00 Public Works Administration Public Works Administration Installation and Repair--Based additional repair needed Building Maintenance & Repair Building Maintenance & Repair CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/15/2015 23.44 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES AS NEEDED Hardware And Building Material CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 27.86 14.58 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES AS NEEDED BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES AS NEEDED Hardware And Building Material Hardware And Building Material CAROLINA SCREEN PRINTERS 01/15/2015 264.38 Drew Wellness Center Request to purchase Men's and Special Departmental Supplies CAROLINA TRUCKING AND DEMOLITI 01/15/2015 1,500.00 Code Enforcement Demolition of 704 Buckingham R Special Contracts-Demolitions CELEBRATIONS OF COLUMBIA LLC 01/15/2015 307.85 Parks & Recreation Spcl Events 90X156 Miscellaneous Other Services CHAO AND ASSOCIATES INC CHAO AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 4,140.00 5,175.00 Engineering Engineering WM4251(15) / SS7221(15) - Gene WM4251(15) / SS7221(15) - Gene Spc Contracts - W/S, SW Spc Contracts - W/S, SW CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/15/2015 2,825.64 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 2,893.11 2,867.67 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATINGWATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals Chemicals CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 01/15/2015 185.61 Drew Wellness Center Open purchase order for towel Professional Services CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 01/15/2015 185.61 Drew Wellness Center Open purchase order for towel Professional Services CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 01/15/2015 185.61 Drew Wellness Center Open purchase order for towel Professional Services CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. CLARION ASSOCIATES 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 383.00 8,008.76 Traffic Operations Development Services ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Land Use Plan Update, Zoning O Special Departmental Supplies Professional Services CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO 01/15/2015 1,100.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt INV 1009502419 Advertising COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 314.28 127.44 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Utilities Water Dist & Maint Blanket for Concrete CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. Paving And Asphalt Supplies COLLINS PUMP AND CONTROLS 01/15/2015 1,421.04 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SHIPPING Building Maintenance & Repair COLUMBIA CLASSICAL BALLET 01/15/2015 52,181.00 Hospitality Tax Columbia Classic Ballet Columbia Classic Ballet COLUMBIA ROTARY CLUB 01/15/2015 168.00 Police Administrative Services Pre-paid meals for Chief Holbr Membership And Dues COLUMBIA ROTARY CLUB CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 110.00 266.43 Police Administrative Services Utilities Water Dist & Maint Semi-Annual Dues - Chief Holbr Concrete, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE F Membership And Dues Paving And Asphalt Supplies DEAFINITELY TAKING REQUEST 01/15/2015 130.00 Municipal Court Administration SeguraPayment for services ren Professional Services DICK SMITH FORD INC 01/15/2015 32,242.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint F250 Super Cab Truck Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital Page: 17 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category DICK SMITH FORD INC 01/15/2015 32,242.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint F250 Super Cab Truck Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital DICK SMITH FORD INC EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 32,242.00 556.04 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Bear Creek Crossing Station 25 F250 Super Cab Truck Heating gas delivered by vendo Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital Heating Fuel EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/15/2015 731.61 Blythewood Station 26 R159481 Heating gas delivered Heating Fuel EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/15/2015 658.83 Hopkins Station 23 Heating gas delivered by vendo Heating Fuel ELECTRIC CONTROL & SUPPLY INC 01/15/2015 43.92 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SMALL ELECTRICAL Electrical And Lighting Supply ELECTRIC CONTROL & SUPPLY INC ELECTRIC CONTROL & SUPPLY INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 22.50 -77.60 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Columbi Canal WTP SMALL ELECTRICAL Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Electrical And Lighting Supply Equipmt Repair/Service Supply ELECTRIC CONTROL & SUPPLY INC 01/15/2015 141.91 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 11572235001 Electrical And Lighting Supply EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 210.00 1,050.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl HAA ANALYSIS THM ANALYSIS Special Contracts Special Contracts EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 01/15/2015 1,024.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt FLIGHT SPACERS Small Hand Tools / Other Equip EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/15/2015 519.65 Human Resources Open purchase order for tempor Employee Training & Prof Dev. EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/15/2015 501.97 Human Resources Open purchase order for tempor Employee Training & Prof Dev. FAITH LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER FARMER CONSTRUCTION LLC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 150.00 1,550.00 General Fund Fire Logistics Customer Deposits Parks for 2 window HVAC units on 2n Customer Deposits Parks Equipmt Repair/Service Supply FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 01/15/2015 9.29 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt PIPE AND TUBING FITTINGS-VARIO Small Hand Tools / Other Equip FORTILINE INC FUN EXPRESS LLC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 1,064.93 260.01 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Recreation Programs BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU 66931980301 Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Special Departmental Supplies GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/15/2015 214.24 Parks - Buildings & Grounds EMERGENCY LIGHT BALLAST Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAINGER INC, W W 01/15/2015 228.35 Support Services Public Buildg 9618572730 Special Projects GREGORY ELECTRIC COMPANY INC 01/15/2015 5,060.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint SS7313 - Rivermont Drive New S Maintenance & Service Contract HACH COMPANY HEALTHPORT TECHNOLOGIES LLC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 3,201.72 25.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Police Investigations TKN TNT INV 0160549943 Laboratory Supplies Miscellaneous Other Services HECKMAN, TINA M 01/15/2015 416.67 Animal Shelter/Holding Act DOG TRAINING SERVICES - MISCEL Maintenance & Service Contract HIRE QUEST LLC HIRE QUEST LLC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 437.50 255.00 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Temp. Custodian Temp. Custodian Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) HUMPHRIES, DANNY G 01/15/2015 44.28 Development Services Business Cards Printing And Office Supplies INTERIOR PLANTSCAPES LLC 01/15/2015 342.13 Support Services Public Buildg LEASE OF PLANTS AT 1136 WASHIN Maintenance & Service Contract J M GRACE CORPORATION 01/15/2015 161.27 Office of Business Opportunity Swingline stapler value pack ~ Printing And Office Supplies J M GRACE CORPORATION J M GRACE CORPORATION 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 17.49 253.00 Office of Business Opportunity Economic Development Journal dualview planner 2015 BRT1030 Typewriter Ribbon Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies J M GRACE CORPORATION 01/15/2015 526.53 Office of Business Opportunity Three hole punched canary yell Printing And Office Supplies J M GRACE CORPORATION J M GRACE CORPORATION 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 13.04 -41.97 Office of Business Opportunity Office of Business Opportunity Sortkwik (3 per pack). Jumbo paper clips. Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/15/2015 307,760.22 Utilities Wastewater Maint E350 2WD Dual Rear Wheel Gas R Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/15/2015 21.60 Support Services Public Buildg KEY FOR CITY BUILDINGS Special Projects KORMAN SIGNS INC. 01/15/2015 6,450.00 Traffic Ops-Sign Shop SIGNS, SIGN MATERIALS, SIGN MA Signs LAD CORPORATION OF WEST COLUMB LAD CORPORATION OF WEST COLUMB 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 174,431.00 115,000.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Water & Sewer Capital Projects WM4182(2) - 24" AND 6" WATER M WM4182(2) - 24" AND 6" WATER M Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs LANDSCAPE CREATIONS 01/15/2015 450.36 Forestry Hazard Elimination SMALL CHRISTMAS WREATHS Special Departmental Supplies LASER PRINT PLUS INC LAW ENFORCEMENT SEMINARS LLC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 112.54 1,600.00 Solid Waste Administration Police Administrative Services PRINTING SERVICES MARTIN FOLDING 84721419963667 Printing And Office Supplies Employee Training & Prof Dev. LEISURE FUN 01/15/2015 1,125.00 Hospitality Tax Access Leisure Access Leisure LIZARDS THICKET INC 01/15/2015 250.34 Council Support Services Food And Provisions Food And Provisions LORICK OFFICE PRODUCTS 01/15/2015 12,835.80 Police Administrative Services L Unit Desks - return, 2 file Small Office Furniture LOURIE LAW FIRM LLC LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 104.00 30.76 General Fund Utilities Wastewater Maint Criminal Court Fines BLANKET for supplies as needed Criminal Court Fines Hardware And Building Material LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/15/2015 215.40 Fire Suppression R159282 CITY - Appliances as n Miscellaneous Other Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/15/2015 260.69 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET for supplies as needed Hardware And Building Material Page: 18 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/15/2015 64.15 LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA METRO MACHINE WORKS INC 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Traffic Operations HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-mis Special Departmental Supplies 371.61 470.30 Fire Logistics Fire Logistics Small hand tools as needed for Small hand tools as needed for Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Small Hand Tools / Other Equip 01/15/2015 214.87 Fire Suppression R161555 CITY - Misc. supplies Special Departmental Supplies 01/15/2015 1,023.19 Utilities Water Dist & Maint FABRICATION, WELDING EQUIPMENT Special Departmental Supplies METRO MACHINE WORKS INC 01/15/2015 813.20 Utilities Water Dist & Maint FABRICATION, WELDING EQUIPMENT Special Departmental Supplies METRO MACHINE WORKS INC MS JOINT VENTURE 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 406.60 337.66 Forestry Horticulture Information Technology Locksmith Services-CUT OFF KEY Building Lease / Rental Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Building Lease / Rental MURPHY, CATRINA 01/15/2015 150.00 General Fund Customer Deposits Parks Customer Deposits Parks NAPA AUTO PARTS INC NAPA AUTO PARTS INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 6.79 101.12 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Utilities Columbi Canal WTP PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Equipmt Repair/Service Supply NEEL-SCHAFFER 01/15/2015 6,900.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects WM3049 - Engineering Services Prof Svcs for Capital Projects NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 01/15/2015 886.47 Code Enforcement ACCT 521452419-154 Cell Phones OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/15/2015 76.11 Recreation Programs 1735713922 Printing And Office Supplies OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 14.95 46.65 Finance Water Administration Finance Water Administration OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies PALMETTO AMUSEMENTS 01/15/2015 2,500.00 Recreation Programs Booking fee for mechanical and Professional Services PALMETTO OF RICHLAND COUNTY LL PALMETTO PIPES AND DRUMS 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 143.31 200.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Fire Training ACCT 101088854.00 98 Bagpiper to perform at the Rec Electricity And Gas Professional Services PALMETTO PRECAST INC 01/15/2015 591.84 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. PALMETTO UTILITIES INC 01/15/2015 144.00 Fire Suppression ACCT 150192797.00 98 Water And Sewage POLYDYNE INC 01/15/2015 44,800.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt LIQUID POLYMER Chemicals POLYDYNE INC POLYTEC INCORPORATED 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 45,180.00 1,977.50 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl LIQUID POLYMER WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals Chemicals POLYTEC INCORPORATED 01/15/2015 2,015.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals POLYTEC INCORPORATED PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC. 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 2,040.00 177.02 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATINGWELDING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Chemicals Special Departmental Supplies PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC. 01/15/2015 37.08 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WELDING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Special Departmental Supplies PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC 01/15/2015 7,924.42 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Magnesium Hydroxide Chemicals PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC 01/15/2015 900.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Chemical Feed System Fees Chemicals PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC PRINT HOUSE PLUS INC 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 7,460.04 179.04 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Fire Prevention Magnesium Hydroxide Printing as needed by Fire Pre Chemicals Printing And Office Supplies PUBLIC AGENCY TRAINING COUNCIL 01/15/2015 590.00 Police Administrative Services Registration for Gilliam and M Employee Training & Prof Dev. RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC SCHERING-PLOUGH ANIMAL HEALTH 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 129.56 2,497.50 Traffic Operations Animal Shelter/Holding Act HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-mis HOMEAGAIN MICHRCHIPS Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Animal Shelter Supplies SCHROEDERS TOWING INC 01/15/2015 160.00 Police Operations Vehicle Repair/Service Supply Vehicle Repair/Service Supply SEVEN 13 CHURCH 01/15/2015 100.00 General Fund Customer Deposits Parks Customer Deposits Parks SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 01/15/2015 70.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Fecal Coliform Testing for Special Contracts SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY, THE SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 1,831.95 225.48 Traffic Ops-Sign Shop Traffic Operations PAINT, PROTECTIVE COATINGS, VA 1 Adobe Acrobat XI Painting Supplies Computer License SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 01/15/2015 1,242.61 Police Operations Mobility for Windows - Netmoti Computer Equipment / Hardware SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION SMITH RUBBER STAMPS & SEALS IN 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 114.35 28.08 Police Administrative Services Fire Suppression Extended warranty for Asset P0 R158920 - Name tags, desk plat Professional Services Special Departmental Supplies SMITH RUBBER STAMPS & SEALS IN 01/15/2015 402.30 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for nameplates, sta Special Departmental Supplies SOFTMART GOVERNMENT SERVICES I 01/15/2015 847.83 Engineering - Water Sys Improv ARINV581119 Computer Equipment / Hardware SOUTH CAROLINA RESTURANT ASSOC 01/15/2015 25,961.00 Hospitality Tax Greater Cola Restaurant Assoc. Greater Cola Restaurant Assoc. SOUTH CAROLINA VETERINARY EMER SOUTHERN IONICS INCORPORATED 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 589.91 5,229.00 Police Administrative Services Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Emergency Vet visit for K9 Len Sodium Bisulfite Animal Shelter Supplies Chemicals STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES IN 01/15/2015 113,995.02 General Capital Projects Finlay Park Master Planning Pr Capital Project Costs STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES IN 01/15/2015 24,186.50 General Capital Projects Finlay Park Master Planning Pr Capital Project Costs Page: 19 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIA 01/15/2015 3,331.52 STATE MEDIA COMPANY, THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 560.00 35.00 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/15/2015 1,068.00 SYNNEX CORPORATION 01/15/2015 11,865.75 TAYLOR, ALLEN 01/15/2015 TAYLOR, MICHELLE TIME WARNER CABLE 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 TOWN OF EASTOVER 01/15/2015 54.00 TPM -COLUMBIA TRANSOX INCORPORATED 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 987.12 776.00 ULINE INC 01/15/2015 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/15/2015 UNIV OF NORTH FLORIDA TRAINING 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Customer Service HP78A BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE Printing And Office Supplies Animal Shelter/Adoption Act Fire Training 12/01/2014-12/28/2014 369539 2014123115990 Special Departmental Supplies Employee Training & Prof Dev. Police Administrative Services Traffic Summons Books Printing And Office Supplies Police Operations GETAC - Vehicle dock. Item 289 Computer Equipment / Hardware 350.00 Recreation Programs BARTENDING SERVICE FOR JULY 4T Professional Services 18.00 429.00 General Fund Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Ice Skating Rink See It Smell It Tell It & Tras Ice Skating Rink Advertising Eastover Station 28 Water And Sewage Water And Sewage Police Administrative Services Fire Suppression Marc Bric BannerUP Plus -81115 R159004 Monthly oxygen cylinde Special Departmental Supplies Equipent Lease / Rental 745.74 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for Department wide Safety Clothing And Supplies 15.76 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr 2160905688 Special Departmental Supplies 01/15/2015 495.00 Police Administrative Services 2/9-2/11 Employee Training & Prof Dev. UNIV OF NORTH FLORIDA TRAINING URS CORPORATION 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 695.00 1,172.04 Police Administrative Services Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Registration for Joseph Ross CONSULTANT FEE FOR SAFETY TRAI Employee Training & Prof Dev. Consultant Fees (Contract) US ISS AGENCY LLC 01/15/2015 8,510.11 Police Administrative Services PHASE 2 - Internal Affairs Con Professional Services WALLYS FIRE AND SAFETY EQUIPME WASTE MANAGEMENT 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 269.00 94,835.35 Fire Suppression Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Part, 5" Storz Locking Lever K 4171762-00802 Special Departmental Supplies Special Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT 01/15/2015 531.28 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 0032920-00829 Special Contracts WOODLEY'S GARDEN CENTER 01/15/2015 16.20 Utilities Water Dist & Maint NURSERY STOCK, PLANT AND TREES Lawn And Grounds Supplies AECOM 01/15/2015 2,500.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SALATHIEL HAMMOND Capital Project Costs DARLINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOUNDATIO 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 800.00 500.00 Police Administrative Services Legislative C WILLIAMS P/U LIBBY GOBER Weapons & Firearms Council Expense - Baddourah SOUTHERN IONICS INCORPORATED 01/15/2015 5,224.50 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Bisulfite Chemicals WILLIAMS, SHARON DHEC ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 31.60 255.00 Water and Sewer Operating General Capital Projects 9155775-2000807 Application for permit - land Water- Credit Balance Refund Capital Project Costs DHEC ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 01/15/2015 2,113.00 General Capital Projects Application for a permit to co Capital Project Costs DHEC ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 01/15/2015 2,802.00 General Capital Projects Application for a permit to co Capital Project Costs DHEC ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 01/15/2015 1,713.50 General Capital Projects Application for a permit to co Capital Project Costs ADAMS, JENNIFER C. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANSCAPE A 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.00 425.00 Municipal Court Administration Forestry Horticulture Jury Duty DANIELLE RIFFENBURG Jury Duty Membership And Dues BROWN, JACINDA 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT DILLER, BARBARA A. 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 6.80 15.00 Parking Administration Municipal Court Administration ACCT 01-15452038-1001671-3 Jury Duty Water And Sewage Jury Duty DINKINS, JANICE D. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH 01/20/2015 450.00 Geographic Information System SUNG JUN KIM Employee Training & Prof Dev. FAIRFIELD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 01/20/2015 5,882.34 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas FAIRFIELD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE FAIRFIELD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 509.51 610.00 Cedar Creek Station 15 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas HARRIS, RENEE A. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty HENDERSON, MARK S. HENRY, SHIRLEY B. 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty HESTER, JOSETTA D. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty HIGGINS, EMILY B. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty HUMPHRIES, MICHAEL W. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty HUTCHINSON, JOHN S. JENKINS, MARY J. 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty MCCOTTRY, TREZURE M. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty MCNUTT, MOLLY J. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Page: 20 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category MID CAROLINA ELECTRIC COOPERAT 01/20/2015 484.46 Utilities Water Dist & Maint ACCT 5800514020 Electricity And Gas PALMETTO OF RICHLAND COUNTY LL PECK, LYZETTE S. 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 234.94 15.00 Elders Pond Station 34 Municipal Court Administration ACCT 102038427.00 98 Jury Duty Water And Sewage Jury Duty POPE, SYLVANA D. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty PORTEE, LILLY N. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty RISH, PEGGY C. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty ROBINSON, JAMES D. RODRIGUEZ, OLIVERO 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty RUFF SR., CEDRICK K. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty SLIFER, DOUGLAS B. SMITH, APRIL U. 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty SMITH, THADDINEUS T. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty STATEN, CHRISTY A. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty STRANGE, JOHN C. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty STROUD III., FREDERICK E. TIME WARNER CABLE 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.00 5,601.96 Municipal Court Administration Public Relations Jury Duty Internet Jury Duty Internet VAUSE JR., SAM P. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 35.00 35.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl MATTHEW JACOBS JR JACOB KINARD Membership And Dues Membership And Dues WATSON, LOTTIE L. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty YARBOROUGH, MARY L. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty ZLOGAR, KIMBERLEE D. 01/20/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 420.00 805.00 Traffic Operations Traffic Operations Personnel Services, TemporaryPersonnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) ADVANCED DOOR SYSTEMS INC 01/20/2015 783.34 General Support Services DOORS AND SUPPLIES FOR ALL CIT Building Maintenance & Repair ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP ADG IN ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP ADG IN 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 3,496.00 4,891.12 General Capital Projects General Capital Projects BUSBY STREET RESOURCE AND TRAI BUSBY STREET RESOURCE AND TRAI Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP ADG IN 01/20/2015 2,832.51 General Capital Projects BUSBY STREET RESOURCE AND TRAI Capital Project Costs ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP ADG IN 01/20/2015 2,866.15 General Capital Projects BUSBY STREET RESOURCE AND TRAI Capital Project Costs ARCHITECTS DESIGN GROUP ADG IN 01/20/2015 11,417.35 General Capital Projects BUSBY STREET RESOURCE AND TRAI Capital Project Costs AZTECA SYSTEMS INC B & T SAND COMPANY INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 65,990.00 360.99 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Annual Cityworks Maintenance a Sand Maintenance & Service Contract Lawn And Grounds Supplies BATES' BATTERIES 01/20/2015 58.21 Utilities Wastewater Maint CANON DIGITAL CAMERA UNIVERSAL Special Departmental Supplies BEARING DISTRIBUTORS INC BEARING DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 220.10 145.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Small Hand Tools / Other Equip BLACK & VEATCH CORP 01/20/2015 7,238.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Professional Services (Not Oth Prof Svcs for Capital Projects BROWN & CALDWELL 01/20/2015 443.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects WM4141 / WM4039 - ENGINEERING Prof Svcs for Capital Projects BROWN & CALDWELL 01/20/2015 21,313.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects WM4141 / WM4039 - ENGINEERING Prof Svcs for Capital Projects BUILDERS SPECIALTIES INC CARDNO INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 2,490.29 4,517.50 General Capital Projects Homeland Security GrantControl Install carpet in dorm room at Professional Services - Brownf Building Maintenance & Repair Professional Services CARDNO INC 01/20/2015 4,517.50 Homeland Security GrantControl Professional Services - Brownf Professional Services CAROLINA DELI CAROLINA FRESH FARMS 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 224.40 -24.00 Parks & Recreation Admin Utilities Wastewater Maint 24 Box Lunches @ $8.50 Lawn And Grounds Supplies Miscellaneous Other Supplies Lawn And Grounds Supplies CAROLINA FRESH FARMS 01/20/2015 140.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CENTIPEDE SOD, BERMUDA SOD, ZO Lawn And Grounds Supplies CARUS CORPORATION 01/20/2015 1,512.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SLS10038010 Chemicals CARUS CORPORATION 01/20/2015 5,000.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SLS10038011 Chemicals CATOE'S POWER EQUIPMENT CHAO AND ASSOCIATES INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 194.08 4,877.40 Parking Facilities Water & Sewer Capital Projects Dust Bags Engineering Services Required Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Prof Svcs for Capital Projects CITY ELECTRIC REPAIR INC 01/20/2015 16.44 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS SUPPLIES AND MATERAIL FO Special Projects CLARK POWELL ASSOCIATES INC 01/20/2015 120.00 Public Relations Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Page: 21 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRI 01/20/2015 515.81 Support Services Public Buildg 1140606912 Special Projects CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRI DEFENSIVE SOLUTIONS CORP. 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 15.61 4,182.00 Support Services Public Buildg Fire Suppression 1140607132 Fire Soaps Starter Kits with A Special Projects Cleaning And Sanitation Supply DPK ENTERPRISES LLP 01/20/2015 108.00 Development Services Individual Qualification Cards Printing And Office Supplies EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/20/2015 386.37 Gadsden Station 19 Heating gas delivered by vendo Heating Fuel ELLISON, KIMBERLY 01/20/2015 2,850.00 Parks & Recreation Admin Catering for Dr. Martin Luther Professional Services ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING CONSU EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 1,500.00 474.24 Engineering Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SS7076(3) - Consulting Service Personnel Services, Temporary Spc Contracts - W/S, SW Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/20/2015 887.04 Utilities Wastewater Maint SS7304-GIS Technician (Personn Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 146.48 1,112.80 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Wastewater Maint Personnel Services, Temporary SS7304-GIS Technician (Personn Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) FASTENAL COMPANY 01/20/2015 126.85 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SCCOL135373 Small Hand Tools / Other Equip FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 01/20/2015 215.60 General Support Services PLUMBING FOR ALL CITY BUILDING Building Maintenance & Repair GE MONEY BANK 01/20/2015 220.57 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act VARIOUS CLEANING SUPPLIES - JA Cleaning And Sanitation Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 190.54 151.52 Parks - Buildings & Grounds General Support Services OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Electrical And Lighting Supply Building Maintenance & Repair GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/20/2015 400.47 Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAINGER INC, W W GREGORY LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 144.91 6,435.00 Engineering Storm Water Imp Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 9625600359 -GROUND MAINTENANCE AT METRO Safety Clothing And Supplies Maintenance & Service Contract HEYWARD - CHARLOTTE INC 01/20/2015 180.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint BATTERY CHARGER Special Departmental Supplies HEYWARD - CHARLOTTE INC 01/20/2015 789.64 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP #MOD 6G IQT MAIN PCB FOR S/N B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply HIRE QUEST LLC 01/20/2015 1,080.00 Code Enforcement Blanket PO for Employment serv Part-Time Pay (Outside) HIRE QUEST LLC HIRE QUEST LLC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 720.00 480.00 Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Blanket PO for Employment serv Blanket PO for Employment serv Part-Time Pay (Outside) Part-Time Pay (Outside) KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/20/2015 8.64 Utilities Wastewater Maint REPLINISH SUPPLY Printing And Office Supplies KEY SHOP INC, THE KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 5.40 377.31 Support Services Public Buildg Police Administrative Services KEY FOR CITY BUILDINGS Blanket PO for Lidars and Rada Special Projects Equipmt Repair/Service Supply LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES INC 01/20/2015 19.41 Municipal Court Administration Payment to Language Line for s Professional Services LINE EQUIPMENT SALES CO INC 01/20/2015 886.29 Traffic Operations misc electrical Small Hand Tools / Other Equip LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/20/2015 124.31 Fire Suppression R161555 CITY - Misc. supplies Special Departmental Supplies MCCREARY/SNOW ARCHITECTS PA MICHEL, KYLE G 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 2,259.85 6,124.66 Congaree Vista Control Governmental Affairs Investigation of Water Leaks i 2014 - June 30, 2015, in the m Professional Services Special Contracts MIDLANDS TECHNICAL COLLEGE 01/20/2015 749.00 Engineering Storm Water Imp CEPIC-542-02 photography certi Employee Training & Prof Dev. MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY INC OFFICE DEPOT INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 14.33 44.97 Animal Shelter/Holding Act Community Development Control VARIOUS DRUGS & MEDICAL SUPPLI 746846259001 Animal Shelter Supplies Printing And Office Supplies OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED 01/20/2015 78.34 Finance Water Administration OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED 01/20/2015 73.83 Finance Water Administration OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies OLYMPIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT 01/20/2015 3,207.00 Water and Sewer Operating Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees PACIFIC & SOUTHERN COMPANY INC PALMETTO AIDS LIFE SUPPORTS SE 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 1,000.00 31,884.95 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Community Development Control See It Smell It Tell It and Tr Professional Services Advertising Professional Services PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE INC 01/20/2015 926.15 Animal Shelter/Holding Act VARIOUS BAGS DOG/CAT FOOD FOR Animal Shelter Supplies POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH FORU PREMIER MAGNESIA LLC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 475.00 7,811.00 Police Administrative Services Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 2015 Membership fee for Chief Magnesium Hydroxide Membership And Dues Chemicals RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/20/2015 163.88 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/20/2015 420.98 Engineering - Water Sys Improv 8230- xl driver gloves Meters, Parts, And Supplies RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/20/2015 -57.73 Engineering - Water Sys Improv 8230- xl driver gloves Meters, Parts, And Supplies RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 12,166.20 72.80 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Engineering - Water Sys Improv 1KALF X2458 KEYED ALIKE MASTER 2137hy-xl yellow glove Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Meters, Parts, And Supplies RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/20/2015 269.07 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS- SM Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/20/2015 18.32 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS- SM Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Page: 22 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category SCHOOL CUTS SCREENING & EMBROI 01/20/2015 168.20 Solid Waste Rollcarts NAVY MESH HATS WITH CITY OF CO Miscellaneous Other Supplies SECURITY PRO LLC SERVICE LAUNDRY MACHINERY INCO 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 824.00 15.45 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Fire Administration - County ALARM SERVICES FROM JANUAJRY 1 Washer / Dryer / Appliance rep Maintenance & Service Contract Equipmt Repair/Service Supply SHEALY ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS 01/20/2015 8.22 Support Services Public Buildg ELECTRICAL FOR CITY BUILDINGS Special Projects SHRED WITH US LLC 01/20/2015 60.00 Fire Suppression Pick up and shredding of confi Maintenance & Service Contract SPORT SUPPLY GROUP INC 01/20/2015 7,851.60 Recreation Programs YOUTH REV TANK W/LOGO AND #'S Uniforms And Clothing STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 2,647.60 1.18 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3247647195 INV 3249966600 Special Departmental Supplies Special Departmental Supplies STAPLES INC 01/20/2015 -48.31 Utilities Wastewater Maint CR FOR INV 3247647192 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 48.31 -3,141.47 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966709 CR FOR INV 3247647193 Printing And Office Supplies Special Departmental Supplies STAPLES INC 01/20/2015 863.98 Fire Suppression INV 3249966800 Radio And Electronic Supplies STAPLES INC 01/20/2015 222.05 Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966823 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/20/2015 12.02 Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966827 Printing And Office Supplies STAR REPORTER CORPORATION STAR REPORTER CORPORATION 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 75.00 172.50 Development Services Development Services Advertisements Advertisements Advertising Advertising STATE MEDIA COMPANY, THE 01/20/2015 1,258.40 Engineering Advertising-Harlem Heights Wat Advertising STURKIE JR, HUGO DEVAN TESSCO TECHNOLOGIES 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 185.00 147.33 Fire Administration - County Fire Suppression Repair Dryer at Station 27 - R R159037 Radio supplies, equipm Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Radio Equipment TESSCO TECHNOLOGIES 01/20/2015 120.12 Fire Suppression R159037 Radio supplies, equipm Radio Equipment TRANSOX INCORPORATED 01/20/2015 105.00 Fire Suppression R159007 Oxygen tank refills an Chemicals ULINE INC 01/20/2015 102.86 Information Technology Model#: S-15402 Printing And Office Supplies UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 19.11 288.36 Solid Waste Rollcarts Emergency Communications/311 2160906753 2160906949 Uniforms And Clothing Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/20/2015 90.38 Development Services 2160906951 Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIVAR USA INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 73.80 3,996.94 Drew Wellness Center Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 2160906953 Sodium Hypochlorite Uniforms And Clothing Chemicals US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 01/20/2015 1,375.00 Debt Service - W&S 2011B Commission to Paying Agents Commission to Paying Agents US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 01/20/2015 1,650.00 Debt Service - W&S 2011A Commission to Paying Agents Commission to Paying Agents UTILICOM SUPPLY ASSOCIATES LLC 01/20/2015 1,914.33 Traffic Operations ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Special Departmental Supplies VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC W.K. DICKSON & COMPANY INC 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 210.13 7,505.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Water & Sewer Capital Projects 8059919084 WM3872 / WM3635 - Engineering Laboratory Supplies Prof Svcs for Capital Projects WAPER INC. 01/20/2015 555.58 Streets-Storm Drains Symmetry Industrial Hand Clean Cleaning And Sanitation Supply WOOLPERT INC. ANIMAL MISSION 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 2,483.75 34.00 Engineering Storm Water Imp Animal Shelter/Holding Act SD8360 - Engineering Services MELISSA LIGHT Spc Contracts - W/S, SW Special Departmental Supplies C & S CONSULTING GROUP,INC. 01/20/2015 4,125.00 Engineering Storm Water Imp SALATHIEL HAMMOND Spc Contracts - W/S, SW COLUMBIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT C 01/20/2015 4,707.94 Loans-General Fund Loan Poole SUSAN RYAN Miscellaneous Other Services COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROVIDER 01/20/2015 9,101.25 Home Loan SUSAN RYAN Mortgage Rec Serviced by City GOOD SPORTS INC LEWIS, TE'ERICA R 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 260.08 150.00 Recreation Programs Legislative HATTIE BING CONNIE LUCIUS Miscellaneous Other Supplies Awards And Trophies MARTIN WHITSON 01/20/2015 51.00 Fire Training P/U FIRE Professional Services SC DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE SC DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 51.00 17.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr P/U ALEXANDER P/U ALEXANDER Vehicle Repair/Service Supply Vehicle Repair/Service Supply SC DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 01/20/2015 34.00 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair P/U ALEXANDER Vehicle Repair/Service Supply SC DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE 01/20/2015 17.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds P/U ALEXANDER Vehicle Repair/Service Supply WILKES, JR, JACKIE 01/20/2015 51.00 Fire Training P/U FIRE Professional Services SC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOCIATION 01/20/2015 01/22/2015 2,111.48 219.00 Recreation Programs Finance Water Administration P/U PARKS REC MARILYN DORLEY Special Projects - Ice Rink Membership And Dues AT&T 01/22/2015 870.54 Police Administrative Services ACCT 803M243655655 Internet BANK AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 01/22/2015 234.00 Collections Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Page: 23 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/22/2015 178.48 Killian Station 27 ACCT 01-53101035-1071818-5 Water And Sewage CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT DELI LLC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 301.87 312.50 Sandhill Station 24 Legislative Water And Sewage Food And Provisions Water And Sewage Food And Provisions FIFTH CIRCUIT SOLICITORS OFFIC 01/22/2015 19,840.25 Solicitor's Office Special Projects Special Projects FIFTH CIRCUIT SOLICITORS OFFIC 01/22/2015 34,114.00 Solicitor's Office Special Projects Special Projects FISERV 01/22/2015 150.56 Collections Bank Service Charges Bank Service Charges FIVE POINTS ASSOCIATION INC. IDEXX DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 2,676.75 701.66 Forestry Hazard Elimination Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Professional Services LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR Professional Services Laboratory Supplies IDEXX DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/22/2015 385.82 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR Laboratory Supplies IDEXX DISTRIBUTORS INC IDEXX DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 42.94 2,677.21 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR WP200I-18 COLILERT 18 Laboratory Supplies Laboratory Supplies MOTOROLA INC 01/22/2015 518.40 Fire Suppression INV 1193111282014 Maintenance & Service Contract MOTOROLA INC 01/22/2015 6,645.37 Fire Suppression INV 1189751282014 Maintenance & Service Contract MOTOROLA INC 01/22/2015 516.60 Parks - Buildings & Grounds INV 1189781282014 Radio Service / Central Stores MOTOROLA INC MOTOROLA INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 27.19 27.19 Solid Waste Administration Forestry Hazard Elimination INV 1189801282014 INV 1189811282014 Radio Service / Central Stores Maintenance & Service Contract MOTOROLA INC 01/22/2015 27.19 Animal Shelter/Holding Act INV 1189821282014 Other Lease / Rental MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIV 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 60.00 926.00 Finance Administration Gadsden Station 19 Membership Dues Janice Alonso Electricity And Gas Employee Training & Prof Dev. Electricity And Gas VERIZON WIRELESS 01/22/2015 529.53 Police Administrative Services INV 9738053540 Cell Phones ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/22/2015 647.50 Traffic Operations Personnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) ACTION LABOR OF THE CAROLINAS 01/22/2015 700.00 Traffic Operations Personnel Services, Temporary- Part-Time Pay (Outside) ALLEN, JAMES P AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 70.00 76.00 Drew Wellness Center Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Professional Services PUBLICATIONS, AUDIOVISUAL MATE Professional Services Periodicals, Books, Other Publ ANSWER CAROLINA INC 01/22/2015 760.00 Customer Service Utilities Call Center Answerin Special Contracts ARROW EXTERMINATORS ARROW EXTERMINATORS 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 1,147.00 1,147.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVIC OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVIC Special Projects Special Projects ARROW EXTERMINATORS 01/22/2015 1,147.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVIC Special Projects BOLDEN, WARREN M 01/22/2015 1,593.00 Recreation Programs BOOKING FOR YOUTH AND ADULT SP Professional Services CAMDEN FIRE EXTINGUISHER SALES 01/22/2015 12.95 Fire Administration - County R158982 Servicing, hydro-testi Chemicals CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC CATOE'S POWER EQUIPMENT 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 36.34 586.29 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Traffic Ops-Sign Shop OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR BUILDI HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS-Tri Hardware And Building Material Painting Supplies CHARLIES CREEK NURSERY INC 01/22/2015 6,830.00 Forestry Right of Way Maint. LOT 4 PHASE 1 TREE PLANTING Lawn And Grounds Supplies COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COLUMBIA SILICA SAND INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 250.56 242.89 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Utilities Wastewater Maint OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR CONCRE BLANKET for sand Paving And Asphalt Supplies Paving And Asphalt Supplies COMMISSION ON ACCREDIATION FOR 01/22/2015 14,775.00 Police Administrative Services CALEA/ DEPARTMENT ACCREDITATIO Membership And Dues COMPANION PROPERTY & CASUALTY 01/22/2015 671.60 Parking Facilities PM36024920501 Maintenance & Service Contract CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/22/2015 774.12 Congaree Vista Control 3000 PSI CONCRETE Capital Project Costs CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 363.80 85.60 Congaree Vista Control Congaree Vista Control 3000 PSI CONCRETE 3000 PSI CONCRETE Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/22/2015 856.00 Congaree Vista Control 3000 PSI CONCRETE Capital Project Costs CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC COOK, LETITIA MITCHELL 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 428.40 22.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint Drew Wellness Center BLANKET FOR CONCRETE Professional Services Paving And Asphalt Supplies Professional Services D R HORTON 01/22/2015 4,002.00 Water and Sewer Operating Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees DILLON SUPPLY CO. 01/22/2015 117.18 Utilities Wastewater Maint 05862000 BLACK PVC LINE GLOVES Safety Clothing And Supplies DIMERY, TONYA K 01/22/2015 1,040.00 Support Services Public Buildg DRAFTING FOR CITY BUILDINGS. Maintenance & Service Contract EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 386.94 1,143.08 Leesburg Station 31 Eastover Station 28 R159486 Heating gas delivered R159483 Heating gas delivered Heating Fuel Heating Fuel EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/22/2015 579.27 Millwood/Congaree Run 29 R159485 Heating gas delivered Heating Fuel EYES AND EARS INC 01/22/2015 71.29 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET Safety Clothing And Supplies Page: 24 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount FAIRTUDOR, SUZANN 01/22/2015 50.00 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 1,150.02 451.39 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE 01/22/2015 700.00 FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/22/2015 6.46 FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/22/2015 36.10 FORMS AND SUPPLY INC FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 FORMS AND SUPPLY INC FORMS AND SUPPLY INC GE MONEY BANK 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services Congaree Vista Control Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt WHOLE FRAME & COVER US668 PIPE AND TUBING FITTINGS-VARIO Capital Project Costs Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Fire Administration - County Periodicals, Books, Other Publ Periodicals, Books, Other Publ Drew Wellness Center Office Supplies for Drew Welln Printing And Office Supplies Drew Wellness Center Office Supplies for Drew Welln Printing And Office Supplies 453.06 89.90 Parks & Recreation Admin Utilities Water Dist & Maint LEGAL VERTICALE FILE FIVE DRAW PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL Small Office Furniture Printing And Office Supplies 01/22/2015 31.56 Utilities Water Dist & Maint PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL Printing And Office Supplies 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 -155.13 90.62 Community Development Control Recreation Programs Printing And Office Supplies REFRESHMENTS FOR WOMENS WEDNES Printing And Office Supplies Food And Provisions GMK ASSOCIATES INC 01/22/2015 2,565.00 General Support Services Engineering Services for Drew Maintenance & Service Contract GRAINGER INC, W W 01/22/2015 106.71 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 9627061444 Cleaning And Sanitation Supply GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC 01/22/2015 100.00 Support Services Public Buildg PEST CONTROL CITY BUILDINGS Maintenance & Service Contract GUNTER, JESSICA HACH COMPANY 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 220.00 381.79 Public Relations Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt CONSULTING SERVICES - services LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR Professional Services Laboratory Supplies HAM , WILLIS C 01/22/2015 20.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services HAYES PIPE SUPPLY INC HAYES PIPE SUPPLY INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 437.40 9,006.77 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR PIPING (WW-1500/05) FERNCO 4" PVC TO Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HAZEN AND SAWYER PC 01/22/2015 2,840.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7259 - Engineering Services Prof Svcs for Capital Projects HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 01/22/2015 353.10 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 01/22/2015 80.25 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 1,710.72 756.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint SPEEDY PLUG (WW-0300/41) BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 01/22/2015 583.20 Utilities Water Dist & Maint BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc HILL MANUFACTURING CO INC ICA ENGINEERING INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 279.64 4,375.00 Support Services Public Buildg Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt MATERIALS FOR CITY BUILDINGS SS7217(15)-Agreement for Engin Special Projects Spc Contracts - W/S, SW IDEXX DISTRIBUTORS INC 01/22/2015 828.97 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, ACCESSOR Laboratory Supplies JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/22/2015 210.55 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR Equipmt Repair/Service Supply JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/22/2015 1,076.53 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR Equipmt Repair/Service Supply JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 221.95 59.45 Utilities Wastewater Maint Parks - Buildings & Grounds BLANKET FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR Pre-emergent granular material Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Chemicals JOHNSON, KIMBERLY N 01/22/2015 40.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services KAHN CONSTRUCTION CO INC, M.B. KAMO MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 4,164.27 159.52 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Parks - Buildings & Grounds Wastewater Treatment Plant Mai 12.5 GALLON SEAL FLOOR SEALER Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Cleaning And Sanitation Supply KEEP THE MIDLANDS BEAUTIFUL 01/22/2015 5,250.00 Solid Waste Street Sweeping ADVERTISING FOR "KEEP THE MIDL Professional Services LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES INC 01/22/2015 411.20 Emergency Communications/311 Special Departmental Supplies Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/22/2015 147.03 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Equipmt Repair/Service Supply LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 22.45 399.30 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Parking Operations PARTS AS NEEDED ON AN URGENT B Blinds, Small Refrigrator ect. Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/22/2015 4.16 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS, HA Small Hand Tools / Other Equip LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWMAN, VIVIAN 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 6.44 200.00 Support Services Public Buildg General Fund SUPPLIES/TOOLS/MATERIALS AND P Customer Deposits Parks Special Projects Customer Deposits Parks MAILROOM AT PARKLAND INC 01/22/2015 79.60 Collections Special Contracts Special Contracts MANNA, ERIC ALEXANDER 01/22/2015 25.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services MILLEDGE, LAMIEKA 01/22/2015 50.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services NATIONAL INTERNAL AFFAIRS INV NET CONNECTION LLC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 50.00 52,621.96 Police Administrative Services General Capital Projects 2015NIADUES 27-0560835 FENCING MATERIALS Membership And Dues Prof Svcs for Capital Projects NORTH COLUMBIA MERCHANT ASSOCI 01/22/2015 22,700.00 Community Promotions Customer Deposits Parks Customer Deposits Parks OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED 01/22/2015 65.86 Finance Water Administration OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies Page: 25 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED 01/22/2015 26.88 Finance Water Administration OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies P&S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC PALMETTO PROCLEAN SERVICES LLC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 22,975.00 875.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Broad River Cleaning CLEANING AT LMWP - DECEMBER 20 Maintenance & Service Contract Special Contracts PEREZ, KELLIN J 01/22/2015 75.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services PETROLIANCE LLC 01/22/2015 239.84 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt FUEL, OIL, GREASE AND LUBRICAN Special Departmental Supplies PLOTKIN, KAARINA 01/22/2015 30.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services POST NO BILLS INC PRESTON HOWARD CATOE 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 2,500.00 40.00 Parks & Recreation Admin Drew Wellness Center Graphic Design for Dr. Martin Professional Services Advertising Professional Services RE MICHEL COMPANY INC 01/22/2015 34.18 Support Services Public Buildg HVAC MATERIALS FOR CITY BUILDI Special Projects ROBERTS ENTERPRISES ROCHE, PATRICIA N 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 59.39 80.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Drew Wellness Center Trophies, Plaques, Awards, Cer Professional Services Miscellaneous Other Supplies Professional Services SC ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS ASSOC 01/22/2015 300.00 Governmental Affairs PAYMENT FOR RAY GRAY TO ADDED Employee Training & Prof Dev. SENIOR RESOURCES INC 01/22/2015 4,278.00 Community Development Control Professional Services Professional Services SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 01/22/2015 463.32 Police Administrative Services scansnap scanner iX500 Computer Equipment / Hardware SIMONS, ERIKA SKILLPATH INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 25.00 139.00 Parking Operating Utilities Wastewater Maint Parking-Balance Refund REGISTRATION FEE - LEADERSHIP Parking-Balance Refund Employee Training & Prof Dev. SKILLPATH INC 01/22/2015 139.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint REGISTRATION FEE - DEXTER DIGG Employee Training & Prof Dev. SKILLPATH INC SKILLPATH INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 139.00 139.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint REGISTRATION FEE - DANIEL BRAN REGISTRATION FEE - JERRY LINDS Employee Training & Prof Dev. Employee Training & Prof Dev. SLOAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 01/22/2015 69,766.70 Street Resurfacing Capital Prj City of Columbia 2014 Street R Paving And Asphalt Supplies SOUTH CAROLINA AV INC 01/22/2015 790.60 Fire Training Basic Large LCD packages Professional Services SOUTHERN IONICS INCORPORATED 01/22/2015 5,233.50 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Sodium Bisulfite Chemicals SOUTHERN WAY INC SPENCER, MARY LINDA 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 409.27 92.02 Accomodations Tax 5% Recreation Programs Food And Provisions TROPHIES FOR THE 2014-15 WINTE Food And Provisions Awards And Trophies STAPLES INC 01/22/2015 118.18 Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966803 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 51.96 -19.60 Utilities Wastewater Maint Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3249966805 CR INV FOR INV 3249966805 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/22/2015 -32.36 Utilities Wastewater Maint CR INV FOR INV 3249966805 Printing And Office Supplies STAR REPORTER CORPORATION 01/22/2015 90.00 Development Services Advertisements Advertising STAR REPORTER CORPORATION 01/22/2015 45.00 Development Services Advertisements Advertising STAR REPORTER CORPORATION STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 165.00 125.00 Development Services Fire Training Advertisements 2015010910043 Advertising Employee Training & Prof Dev. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/22/2015 125.00 Fire Training 2015010910044 Employee Training & Prof Dev. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 25.00 5.00 Fire Training Fire Training 2015010910045 R161471 Training classes for f Employee Training & Prof Dev. Employee Training & Prof Dev. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/22/2015 800.00 Fire Training 2015010910047 Employee Training & Prof Dev. SYSTEMS SERVICE CORPORATION 01/22/2015 1,600.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt CALIBRATION OF DRAEGER GAS Maintenance & Service Contract TANNER INDUSTRIES 01/22/2015 3,916.44 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals THOMPSON, CAROLYN B ULINE INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 44.00 78.58 Drew Wellness Center Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Professional Services SHIPPING Professional Services Laboratory Supplies UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/22/2015 12.09 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP 2160895442 Equipmt Repair/Service Supply UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIVAR USA INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 15.76 4,039.94 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 2160907529 Sodium Hypochlorite Special Departmental Supplies Chemicals URS CORPORATION 01/22/2015 4,208.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint Engineering Services to Update Spc Contracts - W/S, SW VALLEY SPRING WATER AND COFFEE 01/22/2015 70.20 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for water TRU/RECOR Professional Services VENYAH, MARY GOODWIN 01/22/2015 20.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC W O BLACKSTONE & CO INC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 4.17 1,000.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Parking Operating 8059932747 Parking-Balance Refund Laboratory Supplies Parking-Balance Refund WARDEN, MARY C 01/22/2015 44.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services WASHINGTON, GERALDINE B 01/22/2015 100.00 Drew Wellness Center Professional Services Professional Services Page: 26 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category WASTE INDUSTRIES LLC 01/22/2015 1,347.80 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Concrete, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE F Paving And Asphalt Supplies WASTE INDUSTRIES LLC WASTE INDUSTRIES LLC 01/22/2015 01/22/2015 256.80 22.44 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint Concrete, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE F Concrete, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE F Paving And Asphalt Supplies Paving And Asphalt Supplies WASTE INDUSTRIES LLC 01/22/2015 50.90 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Concrete, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE F Paving And Asphalt Supplies TORRES, TINA D. 01/22/2015 100.00 Office of Business Opportunity P/U TONYA PORTER DEBERRY Professional Services WILLIAMS, ROBERT L 01/22/2015 287.65 General Fund P/U PAYROLL Checks Voided for Re-Issue FOSTER LAW FIRM LLC SEEL, RICHARD DOUGLAS 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 13,731.85 11,884.07 Police Office of the Chief Police Office of the Chief Judgements And Settlements Judgements And Settlements Judgments And Settlements Judgments And Settlements WILLIAMS, SHANNON EDMOND 01/23/2015 12,000.00 Police Special Operations Judgements And Settlements Judgments And Settlements SEEL, RICHARD DOUGLAS AT&T MOBILITY 01/23/2015 01/26/2015 11,884.08 211.46 Police Office of the Chief Hopkins Station 23 Judgements And Settlements Internet Judgments And Settlements Internet AT&T MOBILITY 01/26/2015 216.46 Bear Creek Crossing Station 25 Internet Internet CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/26/2015 6.80 Parks & Recreation Admin ACCT 01-30003525-1012641-4 Miscellaneous Other Supplies CITY OF COLUMBIA WATER COLLECT 01/26/2015 49.80 Spring Valley Station 32 ACCT 01-9226068-2019767-6 Water And Sewage CLEMSON UNIVERSITY HIRE QUEST LLC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 200.00 380.00 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Parks - Buildings & Grounds VICTOR ATLAS & GERALD SHOWERS LABOR FOR WORKING ON BRIDGE AT Professional Services Part-Time Pay (Outside) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE 01/26/2015 3,639.99 Police Administrative Services SPSS Annual SW Subscription an Maintenance & Service Contract LINK2GOV CORPORATION MOTOROLA INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 73.12 19,240.50 Collections Police Administrative Services On-Line Payment Charges Blanket PO for Radio/Airtime On-Line Payment Charges Other Lease / Rental MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 50.00 Human Resources PAMELA R BENJAMIN Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 10.00 Human Resources CONNIE CAUTHEN Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 10.00 Human Resources ELIZABETH DUNCAN (LIBBA) Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 10.00 10.00 Human Resources Human Resources HATTIE HALSEY CHARLENE HARVEY Membership And Dues Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 10.00 Human Resources TERRI HOOPER Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 10.00 10.00 Human Resources Human Resources GARDNER L. JOHNSON VICKIE T SHOCKLEY Membership And Dues Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 10.00 Human Resources KIMBERLY M. TERRELL Membership And Dues MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL 01/26/2015 10.00 Human Resources S.B. WILLIAMS Membership And Dues NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 01/26/2015 597.06 Development Services INV 521452419-155 Cell Phones SC ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL ASSOC US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 95.00 17,290.00 Animal Shelter/Animal Control Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Registration Fees Alan Wilson OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF M Employee Training & Prof Dev. Special Contracts WEASC ENVIRONMENT 01/26/2015 235.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint ROBERT JUDY Employee Training & Prof Dev. ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 92.00 136.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Septage Station Metals Wastewater Surcharge Program Special Contracts Special Contracts ACCESS ANALYTICAL INC 01/26/2015 92.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Septage Station Metals Special Contracts ADVANCED AUTOMATION CONSULTING 01/26/2015 5,460.00 Information Technology CONSULTING SERVICES for Elisa Professional Services ADVANCED AUTOMATION CONSULTING 01/26/2015 6,734.00 Technology Contingency CONSULTING SERVICES for Alvan Prof Svcs for Capital Projects AIRCOR SERVICES LLC AIRCOR SERVICES LLC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 1,314.00 867.00 General Support Services General Support Services HVAC Parts and Labor for City HVAC Parts and Labor for City Building Maintenance & Repair Building Maintenance & Repair ALL AMERICAN TROPHY COMPANY IN 01/26/2015 178.85 Fire Suppression R159012 Retiree badge plaques Awards And Trophies AMERICAN RED CROSS/HEALTH AND ASSOCIATED ASPHALT COLUMBIA LL 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 27.00 198.53 Drew Wellness Center Streets - Water & Sewer Repair American Red Cross Aquatic CLPINV002804 Special Departmental Supplies Paving And Asphalt Supplies ASSOCIATED ASPHALT COLUMBIA LL 01/26/2015 253.57 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair CLPINV002811 Paving And Asphalt Supplies AT&T MOBILITY 01/26/2015 157.05 Public Relations ACCT 287015264366 Cell Phones BAKER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 01/26/2015 1,949.40 Utilities Water Dist & Maint UD0190A-161B SER UC DICE CUBE Special Departmental Supplies BAKER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BRANSON, DEBRA 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 36.29 62.39 Support Services Public Buildg Water and Sewer Operating PARTS/MATERIALS/SUPPLIES FOR C 9172570-1047919 Special Projects Water- Credit Balance Refund CAPITAL SUPPLY OF COLUMBIA INC 01/26/2015 3.24 Support Services Public Buildg PARTS AND MATERIALS FOR CITY B Special Projects CARUS CORPORATION 01/26/2015 14,326.00 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP SLS10038693 Chemicals Page: 27 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/26/2015 265.68 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for Concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 266.76 281.62 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Blanket for Concrete Paving And Asphalt Supplies Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/26/2015 89.64 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for Concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON 01/26/2015 14,850.00 Fire Training Administer selection system fo Professional Services DAVID FRYE III 01/26/2015 199.63 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act FEED, BEDDING, VITAMINS AND SU Animal Shelter Supplies DILLON CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I EDC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 18,635.00 58.80 Support Services Public Buildg Water and Sewer Operating TO REPAIR WALL AT EAU CLAIRE W 9342892-1040366 Building Maintenance & Repair Water- Credit Balance Refund EQUIFAX INFORMATION SERVICES L 01/26/2015 48.60 Community Development Control Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services FASTENAL COMPANY FORTILINE INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 23.63 29.68 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Water Dist & Maint SCCOL135428 BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/26/2015 186.02 Parking Facilities VARIOUS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT A Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/26/2015 114.52 Parking Facilities ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/26/2015 173.13 Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR ELECTR Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAINGER INC, W W GRAINGER INC, W W 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 51.17 1,180.77 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl 9627627764 9627799332 Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Equipmt Repair/Service Supply GRAINGER INC, W W 01/26/2015 242.74 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 9627862734 Cleaning And Sanitation Supply GRAINGER INC, W W GRAINGER INC, W W 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 32.51 36.97 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Engineering Storm Water Imp 9628559040 9628629355 Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Safety Clothing And Supplies GRAINGER INC, W W 01/26/2015 -27.21 Engineering Storm Water Imp 9629248346 Safety Clothing And Supplies HEATLEY, LAWANDA 01/26/2015 60.49 Water and Sewer Operating Water- Credit Balance Refund Water- Credit Balance Refund HEINZ, BRENT 01/26/2015 63.77 Water and Sewer Operating Water- Credit Balance Refund Water- Credit Balance Refund HEYWARD - CHARLOTTE INC HUMPHRIES, DANNY G 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 263,955.26 621.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt US Justice Grants Control SHAFT,12EC,2E BRG,STL;BUILD SA 150 Pamphlets for Crime Analys Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Printing And Office Supplies INDUSTRIAL FIRE SYSTEMS INC 01/26/2015 594.88 General Support Services at Emergency Winter Shelter Maintenance & Service Contract INTERNATIONAL DIOXCIDE INC IRMO FIRE DISTRICT 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 21,435.82 18,666.10 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP County Services INV 0034322IN A/P Irmo Fire Chemicals A/P Irmo Fire JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 01/26/2015 4,048.68 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals KEY SHOP INC, THE 01/26/2015 120.54 Fire Logistics R159034 Repair parts for door Special Departmental Supplies KIM, JASON 01/26/2015 59.47 Water and Sewer Operating Water- Credit Balance Refund Water- Credit Balance Refund LASER PRINT PLUS INC LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGMENT 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 471.47 235.39 Parking Operations Police Investigations Folding/Inserting/Sealing Mach 120221120141231 Outside Data Processing Other Lease / Rental LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/26/2015 12.57 Support Services Public Buildg SUPPLIES/TOOLS/MATERIALS AND P Special Projects LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 48.21 69.64 Forestry Horticulture General Support Services LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT AND Materials, Parts, Supplies for Lawn And Grounds Supplies Maintenance & Service Contract LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/26/2015 112.37 General Support Services Materials, Parts, Supplies for Maintenance & Service Contract LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/26/2015 30.76 Support Services Public Buildg SUPPLIES/TOOLS/MATERIALS AND P Special Projects LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/26/2015 110.04 Fire Suppression R163906 CITY - Misc. and speci Special Departmental Supplies LPA GROUP INC, THE LS3P ASSOCIATES LTD 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 42,749.46 3,200.00 Street Scaping Control Convention Center Bonds Architect Services, Profession Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs MCMANUS, GEORGE IV 01/26/2015 38.03 Water and Sewer Operating 92832292010945 Water- Credit Balance Refund MD TECHNOLOGIES LLC MD TECHNOLOGIES LLC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 1,381.06 3,440.22 Support Services Public Buildg Support Services Public Buildg Voice and Data Cabling Service Voice and Data Cabling Service Wiring Charges Wiring Charges MEDINA'S HAULING CHARLETON DIV 01/26/2015 588.00 Water and Sewer Operating Septage Dumping Permit Fees Septage Dumping Permit Fees MEETZE PLUMBING CO, INC 01/26/2015 550.00 Parking Facilities Plumbing Maintenance and Repai Building Maintenance & Repair MEETZE PLUMBING CO, INC 01/26/2015 350.00 Parking Facilities Plumbing Maintenance and Repai Building Maintenance & Repair MIMMS, ANSLEY MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 163.63 117.38 Water and Sewer Operating Animal Shelter/Holding Act 9344554-1028590 VARIOUS DRUGS & MEDICAL SUPPLI Water- Credit Balance Refund Animal Shelter Supplies NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/26/2015 252.37 Drew Wellness Center OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR CO2 TA Chemicals NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/26/2015 20.31 Fire Suppression 9924393277 Equipent Lease / Rental Page: 28 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/26/2015 31.63 NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. P COX ENTERPRISES INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 31.63 477.68 PREMIER WATER LLC 01/26/2015 5,910.00 RICE MUSIC HOUSE 01/26/2015 450.00 RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/26/2015 42.76 RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RICHLAND INDUSTRIAL INC RIVER RUNNER INC 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Animal Shelter/Holding Act 9924414698 Chemicals Traffic Operations Fire Training 9924422185 Printing and copies as needed Special Departmental Supplies Printing And Office Supplies Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt VOLGELSANG PUMP REPAIR Equipmt Repair/Service Supply Parks & Recreation Admin RENTAL OF STUDIO PIANO FOR THE Miscellaneous Other Supplies Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR TOOLS Hardware And Building Material 282.88 178.74 Parking Facilities Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Pipe, Poles ect...... HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS- SM Meters, Parts, And Supplies Small Hand Tools / Other Equip 01/26/2015 103.46 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S Small Hand Tools / Other Equip 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 20.95 324.82 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Parks - Buildings & Grounds HAMMERS, NAILS, JACKS, HOES, S BW II ROPE FOR KAYAK TRAILER Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Small Hand Tools / Other Equip RM&P ENTERPRISES 01/26/2015 1,058.85 Parks & Recreation Admin AMUSEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT SE Miscellaneous Other Supplies ROHOHO INC 01/26/2015 31.55 Recreation Programs S0639151719 Miscellaneous Other Supplies SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 01/26/2015 393.09 Streets-Storm Drains Leather Palm Safety Gloves Safety Clothing And Supplies SAFETY PRODUCTS INC SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 160.00 70.00 Streets-Storm Drains Police Administrative Services FREIGHT STEVEN WHITE Miscellaneous Other Supplies Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 01/26/2015 70.00 Police Administrative Services STEVEN WHITE Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY SC CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACADEMY 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 5.00 5.00 Police Administrative Services Police Administrative Services KAAREN YOUNTS KAAREN YOUNTS Employee Training & Prof Dev. Employee Training & Prof Dev. SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/26/2015 52.64 Fire Training process. Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/26/2015 52.64 Fire Training process. Professional Services SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 01/26/2015 5,183.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Daily NPDES Parameters Special Contracts SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 70.00 5,463.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Police Operations Fecal Coliform Testing for Netmotion Wireless Special Contracts Computer Equipment / Hardware SHRED WITH US LLC 01/26/2015 65.00 Finance Water Administration Shredders, Paper Professional Services SHRED WITH US LLC SHUMAN OWENS SUPPLY CO 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 30.00 102.52 Business Licenses Parks - Buildings & Grounds Payments fo shredding services 8X2" ACQ ULTRA DECKING, 5LB. S Professional Services Hardware And Building Material SLOAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 01/26/2015 4,936.86 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Blanket for Asphalt Paving And Asphalt Supplies SOUTHERN LUBRICANTS INC 01/26/2015 260.06 Animal Shelter/Holding Act OIL DRY (USED AS CAT LITTER)AU Animal Shelter Supplies STATE MEDIA COMPANY, THE 01/26/2015 686.15 General Support Services Advertising (Notice of Bid Sol Maintenance & Service Contract T2 SYSTEMS CANADA INC T2 SYSTEMS INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 120.00 56,139.02 Parking Facilities Parking Imp Project Control Parking Meters and Area Contro software and hardware for park Maintenance & Service Contract Meters, Parts, And Supplies THE TECH GROUP, LLC 01/26/2015 170.00 General Support Services Diagnose and correct sound sys Building Maintenance & Repair TWOMEY, WILLIAM UDOGWU, JUSTINA 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 25.00 217.09 Parking Operating Water and Sewer Operating Non Moving Violations 9180772-1085590 Non Moving Violations Water- Credit Balance Refund UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/26/2015 287.65 Emergency Communications/311 2160908763 Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/26/2015 90.38 Development Services 2160908765 Uniforms And Clothing UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/26/2015 73.80 Drew Wellness Center 2160908767 Uniforms And Clothing UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 39.35 54.13 Fire Suppression Fire Suppression Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 01/26/2015 28.84 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery UNITED WAY OF THE MIDLANDS UNIVAR USA INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 93,682.37 4,010.11 Homeless Services Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Inclement Weather Center - sta Sodium Hypochlorite Spc Contracts-Winter Shelter Chemicals W C ROUSE HOLDINGS INC 01/26/2015 326.35 Animal Shelter/Holding Act REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SERVICES Building Maintenance & Repair WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE PHARMACY INC 01/26/2015 300.00 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act VARIOUS COMPOUNDED MEDS FOR SH Animal Shelter Supplies WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC 01/26/2015 1,416.92 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt A-BS 509-DOD STARTER FULL VOLT Electrical And Lighting Supply WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC WRIGHT JOHNSTON UNIFORMS INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 69.92 3,658.40 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Police Administrative Services A-BS W68 ELEMENT HEATER FOR OV Police Department Uniforms Electrical And Lighting Supply Uniforms And Clothing WRIGHT JOHNSTON UNIFORMS INC 01/26/2015 4,574.34 Police Administrative Services Police Department Uniforms Uniforms And Clothing MIDLANDS HOUSING ALLIANCE INCO 01/26/2015 81,250.00 Homeless Services COC Agreement with The Midland Spc Cont-Midlands Housing Alli Page: 29 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category PETTY CASH - COLLECTIONS DEPT 01/26/2015 624.00 Animal Shelter/Animal Control Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 155.45 155.45 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Hazmat Certification GreenLake Hazmat Certification MillCreek Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE 01/26/2015 155.45 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Hazmat Certification HawkinsCr Miscellaneous Other Services RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE 01/26/2015 155.45 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Hazmat Certification Blythewoo Miscellaneous Other Services RICHLAND COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATE 01/26/2015 259.08 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt HAZMAT CERTIFICATION FOR WWTP Miscellaneous Other Services RICHLAND COUNTY REGISTER OF DE SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 100.00 52.64 Code Enforcement Fire Training P/U CHRISTINA WILLIAMS process. Printing And Office Supplies Professional Services SEGWAD DUNGAR HOTELS 01/26/2015 52.64 Fire Training process. Professional Services CAROLNA CHAPTER OF THE URBAN R ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 125.00 20.00 Geographic Information System Economic Development SUNG JUN KIM Miscellaneous Other Services Membership And Dues Miscellaneous Other Services ABNEY, KATHERINE 01/26/2015 20.71 Water and Sewer Operating 91904831031329 Water- Credit Balance Refund ACE HARDWARE OF CAYCE LLC 01/26/2015 138.93 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Cleaning And Sanitation Supply AIRCOR SERVICES LLC 01/26/2015 896.06 General Support Services HVAC Parts and Labor for City Building Maintenance & Repair ANDREWS, EMACE ARCADIA CHEMICAL INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 168.10 554.98 Water and Sewer Operating Drew Wellness Center 93451161022833 COTTON END MOP HEADS Water- Credit Balance Refund Cleaning And Sanitation Supply CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/26/2015 2,796.53 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 2,833.58 2,838.28 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATINGWATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals Chemicals CLAY, WENDY 01/26/2015 366.13 Water and Sewer Operating 166900031086485 Water- Credit Balance Refund CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/26/2015 438.12 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Concrete, CONCRETE, FLOWABLE F Paving And Asphalt Supplies CONCRETE SUPPLY CO LLC 01/26/2015 924.48 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. CONINE, STANLEY CRANDALL CORPORATION 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 18.80 538.93 Water and Sewer Operating Parking Facilities 92034371018207 Disposal of Gallon Drum of Haz Water- Credit Balance Refund Special Departmental Supplies ECOLAB INC 01/26/2015 31.00 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act MONTHLY FEES FOR FLY & ODOR CO Cleaning And Sanitation Supply EUROSOFT (US) INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 134.95 452.48 Information Technology Human Resources Quote: ES-04108-G8P7B3 Open purchase order for tempor Maintenance & Service Contract Employee Training & Prof Dev. EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/26/2015 551.80 Human Resources Open purchase order for tempor Employee Training & Prof Dev. FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/26/2015 110.33 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/26/2015 134.22 Utilities Water Dist & Maint PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 6.16 180.61 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Utilities Water Dist & Maint PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/26/2015 74.71 Utilities Water Dist & Maint PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 105.65 -110.33 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, FILE FOL Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies MERRILYN HALL REALTY INC 01/26/2015 5.32 Water and Sewer Operating 154160181037214 Water- Credit Balance Refund MILLER, CLAIRE 01/26/2015 154.67 Water and Sewer Operating 93280831105709 Water- Credit Balance Refund PATE, WILLIAM L 01/26/2015 1,585.34 Parking Facilities Pest Control for Parking Garag Maintenance & Service Contract SECURITY REALTY CO THE HAPPY PLUMBER INC. 01/26/2015 01/26/2015 33.93 384.00 Water and Sewer Operating Utilities Wastewater Maint 171080781006877 REPAIRED 1"X3/4" PVC @ HOMEOWN Water- Credit Balance Refund Maintenance & Service Contract CAFE STRUDELS LLC 01/26/2015 191.48 Restricted-General Loan Fund SUSAN RYAN Miscellaneous Other Services AT&T MOBILITY AT&T MOBILITY 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 70.00 86.70 General Support Services General Support Services Internet Internet Internet Internet BATES, TAURUS U. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty BENTON, STEPHEN H. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty BRELAND, EDWIN C. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty CARLTON, JULIA R. CARTIN, JOHN B. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty CLARK, BETHANY D. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty FAIRFIELD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 01/29/2015 561.62 Bear Creek Crossing Station 25 Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas Page: 30 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category FAUST, JOSEPH L. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty GAMBLE, NATASHA M. HARMON, PORTIA L. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty HARRIS, GINA L. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty HIRE QUEST LLC 01/29/2015 560.00 Code Enforcement Blanket PO for labor as needed Part-Time Pay (Outside) HIRE QUEST LLC 01/29/2015 340.00 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Temp. Custodian Part-Time Pay (Outside) HIRE QUEST LLC JOHNSON, JOE A. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 425.00 15.00 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr Municipal Court Administration Temp. Custodian Jury Duty Part-Time Pay (Outside) Jury Duty LEE, ANNIE M. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty LEECH JR., JOHN G. LOGGINS II., JERRELL S. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 15.00 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty Jury Duty LYONS III., ROBERT E. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty MITCHUM, MARY E. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty MOTOROLA INC 01/29/2015 634.50 Solid Waste Administration AAM25RKC9AAIAN CDM750 403-470 Radio Service / Central Stores MOTOROLA INC MUNN, ROBERT C. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 54.38 15.00 Streets-Storm Drains Municipal Court Administration INV 1189791282014 Jury Duty Radio Service / Central Stores Jury Duty OWENS, TIMOTHY B. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty RABENSTEIN, NENA A. REGIONS BANK 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 15.00 2,150.00 Municipal Court Administration Bond Cost Jury Duty Commission to Paying Agents Jury Duty Commission to Paying Agents RICHLAND COUNTY CLERK OF COURT 01/29/2015 500.00 General Fund 2015A4021602996 Criminal Court Fines RIVERA, REYNALDO 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty ROSE, DERRICK M. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty SAUL, GEORGE A. SC ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 15.00 67,815.79 Municipal Court Administration Utilities Water Dist & Maint Jury Duty Electricity And Gas Jury Duty Electricity And Gas SC ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY 01/29/2015 57,410.64 Support Services Public Buildg Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas SC NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN. SC URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTR 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 160.00 80.00 Forestry Hazard Elimination Forestry Hazard Elimination Registration Fees FOR AMY AND MEMBERSHIP FOR SARA HOLLAR Employee Training & Prof Dev. Membership And Dues SC URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTR 01/29/2015 30.00 Forestry Hazard Elimination Registration Tim Rushman Employee Training & Prof Dev. SC URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTR 01/29/2015 30.00 Forestry Hazard Elimination Registration ARTHUR STRUDWICK Employee Training & Prof Dev. SECRETARY OF STATE 01/29/2015 25.00 Police Administrative Services LINDA H ELLER Membership And Dues SECRETARY OF STATE SIRIWAT, PRINYA 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 25.00 15.00 Police Investigations Municipal Court Administration NICHOLAS FORTNER Jury Duty Membership And Dues Jury Duty STEVENS, CRESHAWNA R. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty THE INFORMED MEETINGS EXCHANGE TOLLISON, PHILIP J. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 225.00 15.00 Community Development Municipal Court Administration Employee Training & Prof Dev. Jury Duty Employee Training & Prof Dev. Jury Duty TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIV 01/29/2015 1,219.00 Leesburg Station 31 Electricity And Gas Electricity And Gas VAN, HORN HOLLEY H. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty VARNER, BRETT S. 01/29/2015 15.00 Municipal Court Administration Jury Duty Jury Duty VERIZON WIRELESS WRIGHT JOHNSTON UNIFORMS INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 37,362.08 78.78 Human Resources Fire Suppression Cell Phones Pick up uniform clothing as ne Cell Phones Uniforms And Clothing AIRCOR SERVICES LLC 01/29/2015 2,661.02 General Support Services To install new ball valves and Building Maintenance & Repair AMERICAN ENGINEERING CONSULTAN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 2,790.00 1,071.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Parks - After School Camp SS7060-Engineering Services fo MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Prof Svcs for Capital Projects Professional Services AMSAN LLC 01/29/2015 286.42 Drew Wellness Center NABC BOWL CLEANER Cleaning And Sanitation Supply ARROW EXTERMINATORS 01/29/2015 153.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Special Projects Special Projects AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS I 01/29/2015 1,092.00 Parks & Recreation Admin AMUSEMENT AND ENTERTAIMENT SER Miscellaneous Other Supplies B&C ASSOCIATES INC BEANE, JEFFREY 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 2,550.00 70.00 Police Administrative Services Parking Operating Janitorial Service for Harbiso Non Moving Violations Maintenance & Service Contract Non Moving Violations BLACK & VEATCH CORP 01/29/2015 27,100.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7275 - Metro WWTP Non Potabl Prof Svcs for Capital Projects BROADCAST MUSIC INC 01/29/2015 963.00 Parks - After School Camp MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Professional Services Page: 31 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category BROWN & CALDWELL 01/29/2015 1,200.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS6833 - Engineering Services Prof Svcs for Capital Projects BROWN & CALDWELL BROWN & CALDWELL 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 50,790.00 17,806.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7280 - Rocky Branch 01 SSES WM4141 / WM4039 - ENGINEERING Prof Svcs for Capital Projects Prof Svcs for Capital Projects BROWN & CALDWELL 01/29/2015 7,222.50 Engineering General Engineering Services-W Spc Contracts - W/S, SW BROWN & CALDWELL 01/29/2015 65,375.49 Utilities Wastewater Maint SS7257-Engineering Services to Spc Contracts - W/S, SW BROWN & CALDWELL 01/29/2015 1,450.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS6833 - Engineering Services Prof Svcs for Capital Projects CARDINAL TRACKING INC CARDINAL TRACKING INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 4,804.20 1,530.00 Parking Operations Parking Operations TickeTrak Standard System Annu TickeTrak Mobile Software 6 mo Maintenance & Service Contract Maintenance & Service Contract CARUS CORPORATION 01/29/2015 20,971.61 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SLS10036797 Chemicals CELEBRATIONS OF COLUMBIA LLC CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 149.77 2,875.82 Recreation Programs Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl SUPPLIES FOR CITY EVENTS WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Professional Services Chemicals CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/29/2015 2,834.08 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS CORPORATIO 01/29/2015 2,807.40 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/29/2015 1,265.25 Police Administrative Services Blanket PO for supplies as nee Electrical And Lighting Supply CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. CITY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 2,648.04 133.25 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Police Administrative Services CEFCO FMH1000U/BT37 BULB Blanket PO for supplies as nee Electrical And Lighting Supply Electrical And Lighting Supply CITY OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL COU 01/29/2015 237.50 General Fund Fail To Yield Traffic Court Fines CITY OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL COU COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 1,022.00 1,293.84 General Fund Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr DUI-TRANSFER TO 59045GQ Blanket for Concrete Traffic Court Fines Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/29/2015 388.80 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Blanket for Concrete Cement, Rock & Masonry Mater. COASTAL CONCRETE SOUTHEAST II 01/29/2015 111.24 Utilities Water Dist & Maint CONCRETE, FLOWABLE FILL, SAND, Paving And Asphalt Supplies COLUMBIA PRINTING AND GRAPHICS 01/29/2015 536.38 Community Development NEIGBHORHOOD INITIATIVE PROGRA Printing And Office Supplies COLUMBIA SILICA SAND INC CONSTAN GERVAIS STREET CAR WAS 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 302.77 23.95 Utilities Wastewater Maint Engineering- Real Estate Water BLANKET FOR SAND Washing Services for two City Paving And Asphalt Supplies Vehicle Repair/Service Supply CONSTAN GERVAIS STREET CAR WAS 01/29/2015 23.95 Engineering- Real Estate Water Washing Services for two City Vehicle Repair/Service Supply CONSTAN GERVAIS STREET CAR WAS CSX TRANSPORTATION 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 2.00 1,495.00 Engineering- Real Estate Water Water & Sewer Capital Projects Washing Services for two City Capital Project Costs Vehicle Repair/Service Supply Capital Project Costs CSX TRANSPORTATION 01/29/2015 175.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs CUSTOM EMBROIDERY AND SCREENPR 01/29/2015 60.00 Police Administrative Services Department-wide embroidery Uniforms And Clothing DICKSON CO, CC 01/29/2015 31.03 Support Services Public Buildg BUILDING SUPPLIES FOR CITY BUI Special Projects DILLON SUPPLY CO. EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 424.44 904.68 Utilities Wastewater Maint Hopkins Station 23 PAC 7103 SMAKE BIT KIT Heating gas delivered by vendo Safety Clothing And Supplies Heating Fuel EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC 01/29/2015 1,942.15 Fire Suppression Heating gas delivered as neede Heating Fuel EDISTO BUTANE GAS CO INC ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING CONSU 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 647.38 2,500.00 Eastover Station 28 Sewer Maintenance Projects R159483 Heating gas delivered SS7212/SD8374-General Consulti Heating Fuel Professional Services ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING CONSU 01/29/2015 2,500.00 Sewer Maintenance Projects SS7212/SD8374-General Consulti Professional Services ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH 01/29/2015 50,942.90 Utilities Wastewater Maint ESRI Maintenance Renewal Maintenance & Service Contract ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH 01/29/2015 1,451.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint ESRI Maintenance Renewal Maintenance & Service Contract EQUIFAX INFORMATION SERVICES L EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 29.37 1,021.84 Economic Renaissance Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Professional Services Personnel Services, Temporary Professional Services Regular Salaries EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/29/2015 424.20 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Temp. Office Assistant Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 696.32 534.00 Office of Business Opportunity Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Temporary services PO for Shan Temp. Office Assistant Professional Services Part-Time Pay (Outside) EXPRESS SERVICES INC 01/29/2015 874.40 Office of Business Opportunity Temporary services PO for Shan Professional Services EYES AND EARS INC 01/29/2015 35.23 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP SAFETY GLASSES - EYEWARE Safety Clothing And Supplies FADELEY JR, RICHARD C 01/29/2015 1,379.00 Utilities Water Dist & Maint MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, FENCE Special Departmental Supplies FIRE SYSTEMS INC FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 575.00 169.14 Emergency Communications/311 Streets - Water & Sewer Repair Semi- Annual Inspection of the Cartridge Maintenance & Service Contract Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/29/2015 57.53 Information Technology OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/29/2015 135.00 Information Technology OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Printing And Office Supplies Page: 32 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount FORMS AND SUPPLY INC 01/29/2015 896.45 FORTILINE INC FRAZIER ENGINEERING PA 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 FRAZIER ENGINEERING PA GATEWAY SUPPLY CO INC. 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Streets-Storm Drains HP 45 Black Special Departmental Supplies 413.50 4,517.86 Utilities Water Dist & Maint Water & Sewer Capital Projects BALL CURB VALVES, BACKFLOW DOU SS7088(3) - Engineering Servic Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Prof Svcs for Capital Projects 01/29/2015 4,025.00 Water & Sewer Capital Projects SS7088(3) - Engineering Servic Prof Svcs for Capital Projects 01/29/2015 93.58 Parks - Buildings & Grounds S3478744001 Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc GATEWAY SUPPLY CO INC. 01/29/2015 43.01 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP S3482248001 Equipmt Repair/Service Supply GATEWAY SUPPLY CO INC. GATTIS PRO AUDIO INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 10.60 15,063.95 Parks - Buildings & Grounds General Capital Projects S3482934001 Labor for Installation Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc Capital Project Costs GHD INC 01/29/2015 1,445.00 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt SS7210-Engineering Services to Spc Contracts - W/S, SW GLOBE MOUNTAIN PARTNERS LLC GOURMET SHOP INC, THE 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 5,525.00 110.67 Admin - Operations Drew Wellness Center Professional Services (Not Oth 8 box kunches for Professional Professional Services Employee Training & Prof Dev. GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/29/2015 189.28 Parks - Buildings & Grounds PORTABLE CORD TYPE S0 14-3 Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAHL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY 01/29/2015 339.88 General Support Services Misc Elecrtrical Supplies Building Maintenance & Repair GRAINGER INC, W W 01/29/2015 2,991.75 Parking Facilities 9629896565 Special Departmental Supplies GRAINGER INC, W W GRAINGER INC, W W 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 -144.64 144.64 Parking Facilities Parking Facilities 9634430814 9636199821 Electrical And Lighting Supply Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC 01/29/2015 36.38 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPL Electrical And Lighting Supply GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC GREGORY PEST CONTROL INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 61.38 585.00 General Support Services Support Services Public Buildg ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR CITY B PEST CONTROL CITY BUILDINGS Electrical And Lighting Supply Maintenance & Service Contract GUNTER, JESSICA 01/29/2015 230.00 Public Relations CONSULTING SERVICES - services Professional Services HACH COMPANY 01/29/2015 3,847.47 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl pH AC, DIFFERENTIAL pH DIGITAL Equipmt Repair/Service Supply HACH COMPANY 01/29/2015 1,855.00 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl SERVICE CONTRACT FOR HACH EQUI Maintenance & Service Contract HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENAN HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENAN 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 262.95 667.97 Utilities Lake Murray Water Pl Engineering Wastwater Sys Imp PVC PLIERS #25323 #26128 measuring wheel Small Hand Tools / Other Equip Special Departmental Supplies HECKMAN, TINA M 01/29/2015 800.00 Parks & Recreation Admin CONSULTING SERVICES Professional Services HECKMAN, TINA M IF ITS PAPER 2 LLC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 416.67 11.66 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act Recreation Programs DOG TRAINING SERVICES FOR SHEL SUPPLIES FOR BLACK HISTORY EXT Maintenance & Service Contract Miscellaneous Other Supplies INDEPENDENT WATER WORKS 01/29/2015 815.40 Utilities Wastewater Maint B20200N 2" NO LEAD BALL MIP X Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc INDEPENDENT WATER WORKS 01/29/2015 160.49 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES AS NEEDED Pipe, Fittings, Hydrants, Etc INDESIGN FIRM INC 01/29/2015 2,099.00 Public Relations Monthly Equipment (02/01/2015 Professional Services INTERNETWORK SERVICES INC JANPAK INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 1,422.64 320.07 Emergency Communications/311 Homeless Services Cisco 1921 T1 Bundle incl. HWI S5964897001 Computer Equipment / Hardware Spc Contracts-Winter Shelter JET VAC SEWER EQUIPMENT COMPAN 01/29/2015 578.54 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR Equipmt Repair/Service Supply KAMO MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC KELLY, CAROLYN C 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 384.19 300.78 Drew Wellness Center Parks & Recreation Admin TRASH CAN LINERS 56 GALLON 1 Red & White Wreath @ $125.00 Cleaning And Sanitation Supply Miscellaneous Other Supplies LAD CORPORATION OF WEST COLUMB 01/29/2015 153,277.54 Water & Sewer Capital Projects Blossom Street Sanitary Sewer Capital Project Costs LEXINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF 01/29/2015 2,526.50 County Services WATER ASSESSMENT FEES A/P Lexington County LORICK OFFICE PRODUCTS 01/29/2015 -48.05 Municipal Court Violations Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies LORICK OFFICE PRODUCTS LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 2,071.82 187.13 Municipal Court Administration Fire Suppression AAG-SK24-00-15, At-A-Glance De R163906 CITY - Misc. and speci Computer Equipment / Hardware Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 126.36 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET for supplies as needed Hardware And Building Material LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 222.25 126.91 Utilities Wastewater Maint Fire Suppression BLANKET for supplies as needed R163906 CITY - Misc. and speci Hardware And Building Material Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 780.35 Fire Logistics Nicad drill (Lgstcs) Hardware And Building Material LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 215.24 Utilities Water Dist & Maint HARDWARE AND RELATED ITEMS, HA Small Hand Tools / Other Equip LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 110.58 Fire Suppression R163906 CITY - Misc. and speci Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 5.35 19.25 Support Services Public Buildg General Support Services SUPPLIES/TOOLS/MATERIALS AND P Materials, Parts, Supplies for Special Projects Maintenance & Service Contract LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 399.39 Code Enforcement Blanket PO for Hardware for Co Special Departmental Supplies LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 27.64 General Support Services Materials, Parts, Supplies for Maintenance & Service Contract Page: 33 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount LOWES OF NE COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 11.24 LYON AND ASSOCIATES LLC MACS WORLDWIDE LLC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 1,080.00 672.00 MARIACA, LUIS ALFONSO 01/29/2015 262.50 MCCLAM & ASSOCIATES INC 01/29/2015 255,396.19 MCCURRY, TERRY 01/29/2015 MCFADDEN, CHARLES METRO GROUP INC, THE 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category General Support Services Materials, Parts, Supplies for Maintenance & Service Contract General Capital Projects Fire Administration - County REPLACEMENT OF ROOF AT FIRE ST CAPS - Navy Brushed Cotton, 6- Professional Services Uniforms And Clothing General Fund Unlawful Urination Traffic Court Fines Water & Sewer Capital Projects 24-Inch Water Main Along Broad Capital Project Costs 420.00 Support Services Public Buildg Annual Alarm Monitoring for Wa Maintenance & Service Contract 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 750.00 267.21 Parks & Recreation Admin Support Services Public Buildg PROVIDE AUDIO FOR MARTIN LUTHE WATER TREATMENT SERVICES FOR C Miscellaneous Other Supplies Special Projects METRO GROUP INC, THE 01/29/2015 489.54 Parks & Recreation Admin MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Maintenance & Service Contract METRO INSTITUTE INC MOBILE MINI INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 500.00 115.20 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Parks - Buildings & Grounds SC CERTIFIED APPLICATOR EXAM Storage Space Rental Employee Training & Prof Dev. Equipent Lease / Rental MODERN TURF INC 01/29/2015 1,450.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR SOD, MULCH AND COM Lawn And Grounds Supplies MOTHERS OF BLACK BOYS INC 01/29/2015 500.00 Legislative Council Expense - Devine Council Expense - Devine MS JOINT VENTURE 01/29/2015 9,496.66 Information Technology Parking Building Lease / Rental MUNICIPAL ASSOC OF SOUTH CAROL MUNICIPAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICE 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 20.00 780.30 Information Technology Fire Suppression Membership And Dues RC-46-1S VHB RC-46 Ribbon w/on Membership And Dues Uniforms And Clothing MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY INC 01/29/2015 186.60 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act VARIOUS DRUGS & MEDICAL SUPPLI Animal Shelter Supplies MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY INC NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 113.54 75.55 Animal Shelter/Holding Act Drew Wellness Center VARIOUS DRUGS & MEDICAL SUPPLI OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR CO2 TA Animal Shelter Supplies Chemicals NATIONAL WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 01/29/2015 86.40 Parks - Buildings & Grounds OPEN PURCHASE ORDER FOR COE TA Chemicals NIMMER TURF OF COLUMBIA 01/29/2015 818.00 Utilities Wastewater Maint BLANKET FOR PANTS, SHURBS AND Lawn And Grounds Supplies NORTH COLUMBIA MERCHANT ASSOCI 01/29/2015 7,500.00 Hospitality Tax North Columbia Business Associ North Columbia Business Associ NORTHEAST TROPHIES & AWARDS OSBORNE, JESSICA L. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 16.20 6.13 Legislative General Fund Awards And Trophies Speeding 10 mph -Overpayment Awards And Trophies Traffic Court Fines OVATIONS FOOD SERVICE LP 01/29/2015 1,979.87 Legislative Concessions, Catering, Vending Food And Provisions P COX ENTERPRISES INC PALMETTO OPERA, THE 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 477.68 2,650.00 Fire Training Hospitality Tax Printing and copies as needed Palmetto Opera Printing And Office Supplies Palmetto Opera POLYTEC INCORPORATED 01/29/2015 1,977.50 Utilities Columbi Canal WTP WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATING- Chemicals PUBLIC AGENCY TRAINING COUNCIL 01/29/2015 590.00 Police Administrative Services Registration fee for T. Petosk Membership And Dues RICHLAND COUNTY FINANCE 01/29/2015 10,000.00 Municipal Court Administration Rendered for the Case Mangeme Maintenance & Service Contract RICHLAND COUNTY FINANCE RICHLAND COUNTY 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 4,693.63 96,087.15 Fire Administration - County County Services R159049 - Pay monthly fuel cha WATER ASSESSMENT FEES Gasoline And Petroleum Product A/P Rich Cty RILEY & ASSOCIATES, KENNETH 01/29/2015 11,882.00 General Support Services Janitorial for Municipal Ct De Maintenance & Service Contract ROCKDALE PIPELINE INC SCOTT, BLAKELY N. 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 116,059.07 81.87 Water & Sewer Capital Projects General Fund SS7076 - 30" GRAVITY SANITARY Speeding 10 MPH or Less(Refnd Capital Project Costs Traffic Court Fines SECURITY PRO LLC 01/29/2015 265.00 Parks - Buildings & Grounds MATERIAL AND LABOR TO REPAIR A Building Maintenance & Repair SECURITY PRO LLC 01/29/2015 42.95 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Alarm Services Maintenance & Service Contract SEPHES, DANIEL P. 01/29/2015 6.40 General Fund SPMJ / Overpayment Traffic Court Fines SESAC SHRED WITH US LLC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 1,707.00 35.00 Parks - After School Camp Municipal Court Administration MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Other Lease / Rental Professional Services Other Lease / Rental SHRED WITH US LLC 01/29/2015 30.00 Human Resources Open purchase order for on-sit Professional Services SMITH, HANNAH SNEED, STEWART MORRIS 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 62.00 2,227.50 Parking Operating Bike Infrastructure Non Moving Violations Hardware And Building Material Non Moving Violations Hardware And Building Material SOUTH CAROLINA INTERACTIVE, LL 01/29/2015 237.50 General Fund Fail to Obey TCD-Refund Traffic Court Fines SOUTH CAROLINA INTERACTIVE, LL 01/29/2015 237.50 General Fund Unlawful Turning/Refund Traffic Court Fines SOUTH CAROLINA PRIDE 01/29/2015 23,750.00 Hospitality Tax SC Pride Movement SC Pride Movement SOUTHEASTERN CONCRETE PRODUCTS STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 467.91 400.45 Utilities Wastewater Maint Police Administrative Services BLANKET FOR SUPPLIES INV 3253072640 Paving And Asphalt Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 73.32 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt INV 3253072667 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 118.68 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt INV 3253072682 Printing And Office Supplies Page: 34 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 135.96 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt INV 3253072693 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 21.72 84.65 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt INV 3253072699 INV 3253072701 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 7.92 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt INV 3253072707 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 138.19 Police Investigations INV 3253072714 Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 23.33 Police Investigations INV 3253072726 Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 47.94 25.98 Police Investigations Police Investigations INV 3253072742 INV 3253072750 Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 171.70 Police Investigations INV 3253072752 Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 45.32 64.79 Police Investigations Police Investigations INV 3253072763 INV 3253072768 Miscellaneous Other Services Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 106.90 Police Investigations INV 3253072770 Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 54.39 Police Investigations INV 3253072774 Miscellaneous Other Services STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 12.07 Public Works Administration INV 3253072797 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 24.06 74.69 Public Works Administration Accounting INV 3253072820 INV 3253072824 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 88.55 Accounting INV 3253072829 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 -98.10 13.06 Parking Administration Police Administrative Services CR INV FOR 3249966785 INV 3253072865 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 66.36 Police Administrative Services INV 3253072871 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 145.98 Utilities Wastewater Maint INV 3253072873 Special Departmental Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 70.10 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act BIC VELOCITY GEL PEN, MEDIUM P Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 15.01 199.50 Animal Shelter/Adoption Act Accounting INV 3253072918 INV 3253072920 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 12.67 Accounting INV 3253072926 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 209.55 37.75 Accounting Accounting INV 3253072929 INV 3253072934 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 33.61 Accounting INV 3253072936 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 37.75 Accounting INV 3253072939 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 79.56 Accounting INV 3253072940 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 26.99 1,308.95 Accounting Parking Operations INV 3253072942 INV 3253072943 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 233.60 Police Administrative Services INV 3253072946 Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 79.16 1,806.54 Utilities Wastewater Maint Police Administrative Services INV 3253072948 INV 3253072950 Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies STAPLES INC 01/29/2015 1,371.65 Emergency Communications/311 INV 3253072952 Special Departmental Supplies STARKES LAW FIRM LLC 01/29/2015 1,335.41 Loans-CDBG Restricted Professional Services Professional Services STATE MEDIA COMPANY, THE 01/29/2015 76.05 Parks & Recreation Admin ACCT. NUMBER 5018505 01/06/15 Periodicals, Books, Other Publ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA STERICYCLE INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 309.35 1,547.69 Parking Operations Police Administrative Services 2000307199 Disposal of hazardous waste Outside Data Processing Laundry And Linen Services STRICKLAND ELECTRONIC RECYCLIN 01/29/2015 1,721.86 Grants Control ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, COMPONEN Maintenance & Service Contract STRICKLAND ELECTRONIC RECYCLIN SUBURBAN PROPANE 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 1,869.42 624.40 Grants Control General Support Services ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, COMPONEN INV 1053-033515 Maintenance & Service Contract Building Maintenance & Repair SUBURBAN PROPANE 01/29/2015 566.62 General Support Services INV 1053-033593 Building Maintenance & Repair SUBURBAN PROPANE 01/29/2015 483.28 General Support Services INV 1053-109222 Building Maintenance & Repair TAYLOR, TAURUS 01/29/2015 19,875.00 Parking Facilities Painting Walls & Ceilings of G Maintenance & Service Contract THE OFFICE PAL THE OFFICE PAL 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 747.57 672.31 Finance Water Administration Collections CE390A: HP 90A LaserJet M4555 2 CE390A - HP Printing And Office Supplies Printing And Office Supplies THE TECH GROUP, LLC 01/29/2015 2,002.80 Drew Wellness Center Sound system: Onkyo 636 receiv Radio And Electronic Supplies TURF EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY INC 01/29/2015 9,383.21 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Toro Z 25.5 HP Kawasaki FX w/7 Auto,Trucks,Hvy Equip-Capital Page: 35 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount ULINE INC 01/29/2015 1,046.42 ULINE INC ULINE INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFIRST CORPORATION 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Budget Category Parks - Buildings & Grounds DRAIN O MAX GEL Cleaning And Sanitation Supply 132.00 389.67 Parks - Buildings & Grounds Police Administrative Services ANGLE BROOM Blanket PO for Department wide Cleaning And Sanitation Supply Safety Clothing And Supplies 01/29/2015 16.00 Streets Street & Sidewalk Rpr 2160909356 Special Departmental Supplies 01/29/2015 80.55 Recreation Programs 2160909446 Uniforms And Clothing UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC 01/29/2015 12.60 Fire Administration Postage And Delivery Postage And Delivery UNIVAR USA INC UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 3,999.58 36,209.58 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt Community Development Control Sodium Hypochlorite Professional Services Chemicals Professional Services VALLEY SPRING WATER AND COFFEE 01/29/2015 9.67 Police Investigations MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES - Pleas Miscellaneous Other Services VALLEY SPRING WATER AND COFFEE VELVETEX INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 84.24 810.00 Police Investigations Fire Suppression MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES - Pleas 7" City of Columbia Seals vehi Miscellaneous Other Services Vehicle Repair/Service Supply VWR INTERNATIONAL LLC 01/29/2015 117.89 Utilities Metro Wastewater Plt 8059960078 Laboratory Supplies WALL, ELIZABETH 01/29/2015 60.00 Parks and Rec Camps Ceramic Shop Ceramic Shop WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 01/29/2015 815.19 Police Administrative Services West Information Charges - Bla Professional Services WINNSBORO, TOWN OF ANIMAL MISSION 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 106.37 23,860.96 Blythewood Station 26 Animal Mission Water And Sewage MELISSA LIGHT Water And Sewage Animal Donated Funds AQUA SEAL MFG & ROOFING INC 01/29/2015 9,931.00 General Capital Projects KEVIN KEISLER Capital Project Costs AQUA SEAL MFG & ROOFING INC AQUA SEAL MFG & ROOFING INC 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 47,319.35 7,203.30 General Capital Projects General Capital Projects KEVIN KEISLER KEVIN KEISLER Capital Project Costs Capital Project Costs C & S CONSULTING GROUP INC. 01/29/2015 4,125.00 Engineering Storm Water Imp SALATHIEL HAMMOND Spc Contracts - W/S, SW LEXINGTON COUNTY REGISTER OF D 01/29/2015 81.00 Engineering- Real Estate Water P/U SANDRA ECHEVARRIA Professional Services U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 01/29/2015 391.94 Commercial Loans P/U TREASURER-GINGER PAGE Interest on CDs & Checking AMICK, FRANKLIN O 01/23/2015 1,027.45 ASHE II, KELVIN W 01/23/2015 654.59 BAUST, PAUL A 01/23/2015 842.35 BECKHAM, TROY 01/23/2015 236.91 BENJAMIN, JAZZSMAN A BLANCHARD, BRANDI N 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 1,890.56 710.87 BOOKMAN, ANTHONY 01/23/2015 329.32 BOWEN, TIFFANY DESIREE BROWN, CHRISTOPHER M 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 527.96 129.29 BUTLER, CALEB M 01/23/2015 591.28 CALDWELL, BRYSON S 01/23/2015 408.37 CANNON, DARVIN 01/23/2015 36.94 CARNAGGIO, GARY D CARTER, BRANDON T 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 143.67 81.03 CHAMPAGNE, RAY 01/23/2015 401.33 CHAMPE, ERIC E CRISP, BRANDON L 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 54.21 506.86 CRISP, JAMES D 01/23/2015 571.27 DAVIS-BANNISTER, TAMMEY S 01/23/2015 55.41 DONNELLY, JUSHA D 01/23/2015 401.33 DOUGALL, WILLIAM A EDWARDS, BRANDON W 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 904.17 1,661.68 EDWARDS, JAMES B 01/23/2015 336.86 EVERITT, BRYAN A GLASER-REICH, DANIEL C 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 697.90 731.98 GORDON, GILLIAN Z 01/23/2015 72.25 GUINYARD, YOLANDA A 01/23/2015 72.25 GUTHRIE, MATTHEW J 01/23/2015 193.93 Page: 36 City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount HARMON SR, MICHAEL EDWARD 01/23/2015 330.90 HEWITT JR, GUY EARL HOLLINGSWORTH, STACY D 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 584.24 167.86 HUNTER, DEREK 01/23/2015 796.39 IMMESBERGER, TODD 01/23/2015 1,855.39 JOHNSON, EMORY J 01/23/2015 18.07 JOHNSON, ERIC D KLAWER, MICHAEL A 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 36.14 237.78 LANTZ, BRETT A 01/23/2015 1,133.57 LEVY, MICHAEL N LORSON, SEAN A 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 30.00 513.89 LUMMER, RANDALL A 01/23/2015 655.68 MALO, MATTHEW M 01/23/2015 96.90 MCCANT, CHRISTOPHER C 01/23/2015 455.52 MCCRACKEN, KYLE R MCCUTCHEN, SEAN C 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 267.55 1,517.09 MEDLOCK, KELLIE K 01/23/2015 9.03 MERRIAM, JOHN MIDDLETON, SHANON D 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 510.22 1,221.38 MOODY, DAVID A 01/23/2015 183.53 O'NEAL, ANGEL 01/23/2015 323.97 OLLIFF, BRIAN S 01/23/2015 18.47 ORMSBY II, ROBERT J ORTEGA, JOAN R 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 391.23 1,083.73 PARASADIO, ANTHONY K 01/23/2015 27.70 PIERIK, VINCENT H PLANTS, JOSEPH R 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 9.03 879.71 POWELL, BRANDON 01/23/2015 746.05 POWELL, NICHOLAS J 01/23/2015 183.53 POWELL, WALTER 01/23/2015 369.40 POWERS, WALTER RAWL, JEFFREY WARD 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 138.52 193.50 REINEY, ALEXANDER P 01/23/2015 46.17 ROBINSON, KEVIN S RODRIGUEZ, JOSE 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 283.76 877.52 RODRIGUEZ, VALTASAR 01/23/2015 571.27 SANTANGELO, NICHOLAS G 01/23/2015 175.69 SEAY, SHANNON R 01/23/2015 199.11 SHIPP, JEFFERSON R SKELLY, MICHAEL J 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 36.14 432.61 SLECHTER, MATTHEW D 01/23/2015 520.93 SMITH, NATHANIEL L SNEDDEN, MICHAEL J 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 36.14 2,449.15 SOLOMON, STEPHEN R 01/23/2015 478.42 STONE, BRIAN K 01/23/2015 1,191.20 TAYLOR III, KARRY M 01/23/2015 605.35 TAYLOR, MICHAEL L TAYLOR, SADDLER J 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 1,178.78 968.98 TAYLOR, TERESA R 01/23/2015 1,018.22 WARGNY, SEAN D 01/23/2015 415.40 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Page: 37 Budget Category City of Columbia Truth in Spending Detail Report - Sorted by Check Date Date Range: Payee Name Date Amount WATSON, DANIEL JASON 01/23/2015 675.70 WATSON, JUSTIN P WEBB, AMAL R 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 1,454.39 502.84 WHITE, TIFFANY 01/23/2015 46.17 WILLARD, THOMAS 01/23/2015 27.70 WILSON, JOHN S 01/23/2015 90.12 WINNINGTON, MICHAEL WOFFORD, CHRISTOPHER M 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 9.23 101.58 WORONKA, RICHARD 01/23/2015 129.29 WRIGHT, SCOTT L WYMER, RICHARD WAYNE 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 92.35 1,772.05 YOUNG, TERRELL R 01/23/2015 191.36 01/01/2015 - 01/31/2015 City Division Check Description Total Items Page: 38 1,862 Budget Category Grand Total $7,086,013.00