POLICY ADVISORY GROUP The Housing Affordability Gap for Extremely Low-Income Renters in 2013 Josh Leopold, Liza Getsinger, Pamela Blumenthal, Katya Abazajian, and Reed Jordan June 2015 Since 2000, rent s have risen while t he number of rent ers who need low-priced housing has increased. These t wo pressures make finding affordable housing even t ougher for very poor households in America. Nat ionwide, only 28 adequat e and affordable unit s are available for every 100 rent er households wit h incomes at or below 30 percent of t he area median income. Not a single count y in the Unit ed St at es has enough affordable housing for all it s ext remely low-income (ELI) rent ers. The number of affordable rent al homes for every 100 ELI rent ers ranges from 7 in Osceola Count y, Florida, t o 76 in Worcest er Count y, Maryland.1 This brief provides information on national trends in housing affordability for ELI renter households, as well as insights into which major counties are making the most and least progress on closing the housing affordability gap. The findings are based on data from the 2000 Census as well as three-year averages from the 2005, 2006, and 2007 and the 2011, 2012, and 2013 1-year American Community Surveys. For the sake of simplicity we refer to data averaged from 2011–13 estimates as 2013. This brief is the first publication on housing affordability to combine detailed county-level data on ELI renter households (those with incomes at or below 30 percent of the area median) and the impact of US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rental assistance. Its four key findings: Supply is not keeping up wit h demand. B etween 2000 and 2013, the number of ELI renter households increased 38 percent, from 8.2 million to 11.3 million. At the same time, the supply of adequat e, affordable, and available rental homes for t hese households increased only 7 percent, from 3.0 million to 3.2 million. The gap bet ween ELI rent er households and suit able unit s is widening over t ime. From 2000 to 2013, the number of adequate, affordable, and available rental units for every 100 ELI renter households nationwide declined from 37 to 28. Ext remely low-income rent ers increasingly depend on HUD programs for housing. M ore than 80 percent of adequate, affordable, and available homes for ELI renter households are H UDassisted, up from 57 percent in 2000. The supply of adequat e, affordable, and available unit s varies widely across t he count ry. Among the 100 largest US counties, Suffolk C ounty, which includes B oston, comes closest to meeting its area’s need, wit h 51 units per 100 ELI renter households. Denton Count y, part of the Dallas-Ft. Worth metropolitan area, has t he largest housing gap, wit h only 8 units per 100 ELI renters. Rust Belt areas (e.g., Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI) have seen large declines in adequate, affordable, and available units. Most count ies had fewer units available in 2013 than 2000. Notable exceptions to this trend include Suffolk, MA; Los Angeles, CA; and M iami, FL, which have expanded their number of available units since 2000. To expand on the well-documented challenges of housing affordability for low-income renters, our brief provides county-level estimates of housing affordability, as well as national and state estimates. 2 O ur integration of household-level data on assisted households from H UD allows us to show the impact, by county, of federal rental assistance programs on addressing housing needs for ELI renters. It also allows for a more detailed trend analysis of changes in affordability driven by changes in the economy, the rental market, and the availability of rental assistance. These county estimates provide useful information to national and local policymakers, the media, practitioners, and the public. Local decisionmakers can use this analysis to help guide policymaking and programing toward the housing needs of ELI households. The Affordability Crisis for Extremely Low-Income Renters The nationwide lack of sufficient affordable housing for poor households is well documented (see, e.g., H UD 2013 and JC H S 2014). Affordability is a particular challenge for extremely low-income households. H UD sets income limits for its programs, adjusting for household size. In 2013, the ELI limit for a household of four ranged from $12,600 to $32,800, depending on location. In most counties the income limit was $22,000 or less. W ithout subsidies, it is nearly impossible to build and operate rental housing that is affordable to ELI renters in most markets (JC H S 2014). Developers cannot make developments targeted to ELI renters “pencil out,” meaning that the expected revenue stream from rents is too low to cover the costs of maintaining the property and to pay back the debt incurred in development. T he largest subsidy 2 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS source for low-income housing development—t he Low-Income Housing Tax Credit —is designed to make units affordable t o households wit h incomes at 50–60 percent of area median income (AMI)—up to twice the ELI limit. The assistance available through federal block grant programs (such as the Community Development Block Grant) and most st ate and local programs cannot keep housing affordable to ELI rent ers over t he long t erm (Cunningham, Leopold, and Lee 2014). Meanwhile, t he stock of nonsubsidized housing that is affordable to ELI renters has steadily declined. Thirteen percent of unassist ed unit s with rents at or below $400 in 2001 had been demolished by 2011. Nearly half (46 percent) of the remaining units were built before 1960, putt ing t hem at high risk of demolition (JCHS 2013). HUD’s rental assistance programs are increasingly the only source of affordable housing for ELI renters in many areas. Unlike ot her safety net programs—like Social Security, food stamps, Medicaid, or Medicare—housing assistance is not available to all eligible applicants; only 24 percent of the 19 million eligible households receive assistance (JCHS 2013). As a result, millions of low-income individuals and families face serious challenges ranging from severe cost burdens to overcrowding t o homelessness. HUD’s biennial Worst Case Needs report documents housing needs for very low income rent ers (people wit h incomes no greater than 50 percent of AMI) who do not receive rental assistance. HUD considers two forms of worst-case housing needs: severe rent burden, which means spending 50 percent or more of household income on rent and ut ilit ies; and severely inadequat e housing, which refers to housing with one or more serious heating, plumbing, and elect rical or maintenance problems. HUD found 7.7 million very low income unassisted rent ers, or 42 percent of rent ers in this group, had worst-case housing needs in 2013. Severe rent burdens account ed for more than 97 percent of these cases (Steffen et al. 2015). Incidences of worst-case needs have decreased from their peak in 2011, as renters’ incomes have risen; still, t he number of such needs is 49 percent great er in 2013 than in 2003 (Steffen et al. 2015). Severe housing needs are so common partly because low-wage workers do not earn enough t o afford adequate housing. A worker earning the federal minimum wage would need to work 104 hours a week to afford a typical two-bedroom apartment. Renters on average earn $14.64 an hour, while fulltime wage earners on average need to earn $18.92 an hour t o afford a two-bedroom apartment (Arnold et al. 2014). At t he stat e level, the average hourly wage a full-t ime worker needs t o earn to afford a twobedroom apartment range from $12.56 in Arkansas to $31.54 in Hawaii. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 3 BOX 1 An Overview of Federal Rent al Assist ance The Sect ion 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) is the dominant federal program, wit h over $19 billion in spending in 2014. Through vouchers, it provides households the opportunity to find eligible housing in t he privat e rental market. Approximat ely 2.1 million low-income families use t hese t enantbased vouchers, administered by a network of 2,230 public housing aut horities (Rice 2014). Vouchers typically help pay t he difference between what a family can afford and the act ual rent of a unit that meets HUD’s healt h and safety standards, up to a locally det ermined rent limit. Families are expected to contribute t he larger amount of either 30 percent of family income or the minimum rent amount of up to $50. The program part icularly targets extremely low-income families; by law, 75 percent of newly admitted households must be ELI. Public housing authorities, or PHAs, can dedicate up to 20 percent of their vouchers for linking vouchers t o a specific unit; these “project-based” units are sometimes embedded in affordable multifamily buildings funded through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit or dedicat ed to supportive housing to provide an ongoing operating subsidy. Sect ion 8 Project -Based Rent al Assist ance operates through an agreement between a private property owner and HUD. The program serves 1.2 million families (CBPP 2013). Tenants must contribute t he greater of 30 percent of their income or a minimum rent of $25, while the subsidy compensat es t he landlord for the remaining costs of operating and maintaining the property. Like t he HCV program, project-based rent al assistance targets ELI households: by law, at least 40 percent of the assist ed units in a development must be designed for ELI households. However, approximat ely 73 percent of units wit h project-based assistance are occupied by ELI households. The vast majority of developments were built between the 1960s and 1990s, and the program hasn’t added t o the supply of new rental homes in many years (Treskon and Cunningham forthcoming). Public housing unit s are owned and operat ed by local public housing agencies. The program currently serves 1.2 million households, 72 percent of which have extremely low incomes. Some public housing developments have been redeveloped as mixed-income propert ies, primarily through HOPE VI and t he Choice Neighborhoods Initiat ive. Absent t hese efforts, new public housing is not being developed, and many existing development s have large capital investment needs following years of use and deferred maint enance. HUD’s Rent al Assistance Demonst rat ion provides a mechanism by which public housing can be converted to property-based Sect ion 8 cont racts. 4 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS The National Trend Shows Economic Improvements for Renters but Continued Loss of Affordable Rental Housing From 2000 to 2013, the share of rental housing that was adequat e, affordable, and available to ELI renters went from 37 units per 100 ELI rent ers to 28—a 24 percent decrease. The change in units is primarily the result of losing unassist ed affordable units. While the number of HUD-assist ed units for every 100 ELI rent ers has increased slightly during this period, from 21 to 23, the number of unassist ed units has fallen from 16 to 5. This analysis underscores t hat the private market alone does not provide enough affordable housing. Federal rental assistance is an import ant mechanism t o preserve affordable and available units, but it is far from keeping pace with need. FIGURE 1 Available Housing for Ext remely Low-Income Rent ers Has Declined bet ween 2000 and 2013 Affordable units per 100 extremely low-income renter households 37 33 28 All 21 24 HUD-assisted 23 16 9 Unassisted 5 2000 2005–07 2011–13 Sources: 2000 Decennial Census, and three-year averages from the 2005,2006, and 2007 and 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 5 HUD Rental Assistance Programs Are the Predominant Source of Affordable Housing for ELI Renters In 2013, nearly 4.6 million households received rental assistance from HUD. Sevent y-five percent of these households (3.4 million) had ext remely low incomes, ranging from 72 percent in public housing to 76 percent in the HCV program. The number of families HUD assists and t he prevalence of each assistance type has changed between 2000 and 2013 (table 1). Nearly half of assist ed ELI rent ers (1.6 million) part icipat e in the Housing Choice Voucher program, which provides part icipants wit h a voucher to rent housing in the privat e market. More than 750,000 ELI rent ers live in public housing, and nearly 900,000 live in project-based Section 8 housing. TABLE 1 ELI Households in HUD-Assist ed Housing Have Increased since 2000 Housing Choice Voucher program Multifamily Sect ion 8 program Public housing Other HUD programs All 2000 2006 2013 839,420 701,519 497,019 811,378 1,364,437 857,415 692,354 986,448 1,609,798 893,257 769,864 1,048,131 2,147,817 3,043,239 3,427,793 Source: Data provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Public and Indian Housing Information Center and the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System. The growth in all programs reflects HUD’s strategic goal of increasing housing assist ance by 224,000 units, which it mainly achieved by pressing public housing authorit ies (PHAs) to use their full budget authority and fix uninhabitable units. For example, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided $3 billion for capital improvements t o public housing. Some jurisdictions const ruct ed mixed-income development s, shifting some of the public housing stock to vouchers. Progress was made, as indicat ed in table 1, but sequestrat ion was a major disrupt ion. Figure 2 shows t he t otal number of renter households and ELI renter households receiving HUD assistance in 2000, 2006, and 2013. The numbers rise st eadily, even wit h a decline in assisted households st emming from the 2013 budget sequest rat ion (Rice 2014). The proport ion of HUDassist ed rent ers that have extremely low incomes has st ayed more or less the same during this period. 6 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS FIGURE 2 Rent ers Receiving HUD Assist ance Have Risen St eadily since 2000 Total and extremely low-income (ELI) renters receiving HUD rental assistance, 2000–13 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 ELI Assisted Renters 2,000,000 All Assisted Renters 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2000 2006 2013 Source: Data provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Public and Indian Housing Information Center and the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System. HUD rent al assistance does not guarant ee affordability. As shown in figure 3, 26 percent of HUDassist ed ELI rent ers pay more than 30 percent of their monthly income on housing. The HCV program had t he highest percent age of rent-burdened households (42 percent). Rent burden was much lower in public housing (14 percent) and t he multifamily Section 8 program (9 percent). HUD programs provide assistance on a sliding scale, wit h assisted renters paying 30 percent of their mont hly income, aft er cert ain adjustment s, on housing. However, assist ed households can still be rent-burdened for several reasons: M inimum rents: PH As can, and most do, establish a minimum monthly rent of up to $50. Alternative rents: Some PH As have been given the flexibility to implement alternative rents like flat rents, tiered rents, or rents that require households to pay higher percentages of their incomes. R enting above the payment standard: H ouseholds may rent units that cost more than the local payment standard. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 7 FIGURE 3 A Quart er of HUD-Assist ed ELI Rent ers Are Rent -Burdened Share of ELI renters paying more than 30%of their income on rent 42% 26% 20% 14% Housing Choice Vouchers Moderate rehabilitation 9% 10% Section 8 Other multifamily Public housing Total Source: Data provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Public and Indian Housing Information Center and the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System. All PHAs set a payment st andard, by bedroom size, t hat dictat es t he maximum rent t hey will subsidize for families in t he HCV program. If households choose t o rent over this limit—t o rent a unit in a neighborhood with bett er schools, for example—t hey must pay t he difference bet ween the market rent and the payment standard. In t heir first year in the program, households cannot have t heir rent burden exceed 40 percent. The cap does not apply aft er the first year. Previous analysis has shown t hat households rent ing over the payment standard are t he single biggest cause of rent burden, which explains why rent-burden rates are so much higher in the HCV program than in other HUD programs (McClure 2005). Excluding rent-burdened households, HUD rental assist ance programs keep housing affordable for nearly 2.6 million ELI rent ers. This is roughly four t imes the number of non-HUD-assisted ELI renters in adequate and affordable housing (610,000). From 2000 to 2013, the number of ELI rent er households with adequat e and affordable housing through HUD programs has increased from 1.7 million to 2.6 million. By contrast, the number of ELI rent ers wit h adequat e and affordable housing absent HUD assistance has fallen from 1.3 million to 610,000. In 2000, 57 percent of ELI rent ers with adequat e and affordable housing received HUD assistance; by 2013 that share had risen to 81 percent, reflecting the loss of market-rat e affordable housing (figure 4). 8 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS FIGURE 4 HUD Assist ance Plays a Crit ical Role in Enabling ELI Rent ers t o Obt ain Adequat e and Affordable Housing Share of ELI renters in adequate and affordable housing with and without HUD assistance 57% 73% 79% 81% HUD-assisted Unassisted 43% 27% 2000 2006 21% 19% 2012 2013 Source: ACS and HUD data, 2000–13. Availability of Adequate and Affordable Rental Housing by County Our int eractive map shows t he number of adequat e, affordable, and available housing units for ELI renters in each county in the Unit ed Stat es. For this brief, we focus on the 100 counties with t he highest 3 populat ions as of 2013. The Nort heast Has a Great er Supply of Affordable Housing for Ext remely LowIncome Rent ers t han t he Sout h or t he W est Figure 5 shows t he gap bet ween the number of ELI renter households and t he number of affordable and adequate rental units available to t hem in each county nationwide. The light est areas have t he least available and affordable housing for ELI renters and t he darkest areas have t he most. The affordability gap is lowest in the Northeast, Appalachia, t he Midwest, and t he Great Plains and is highest in t he Sout h and t he West. Our relat ed feature article describes how different stat e and local housing policies can contribute t o higher and lower gaps. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 9 FIGURE 5 Number of Adequat e, Affordable, and Available Housing Unit s for Ext remely Low-Income Rent ers by Count y, 2013 Sources: 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. Table 2 shows which of the 100 largest US counties have the great est share of adequate, affordable, and available rental unit s for ELI rent ers. Suffolk Count y, which includes Boston, is ranked highest; even Suffolk, however, has only enough adequate, affordable, and available rental units for about half of it s ELI renter households. Five of the 10 count ies with t he smallest affordability gap are in Massachusetts; only one—San Francisco—is outside the Northeast. Counterint uit ively, some count ies wit h the most expensive housing markets—including Boston, San Francisco, and Washington, DC—have the smallest gap in units affordable to ELI rent ers. For the most part, these results reflect a higher proportion of rental unit s target ed t o ELI rent ers, not fewer ELI renters. The higher share of affordable units may reflect a local, stat e, or federal decision to focus on ELI households. 10 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS TABLE 2 Large Count ies wit h t he Smallest Gap in Affordable Unit s for ELI Rent ers, 2013 Count y Suffolk, MA Norfolk, MA Essex, MA District of Columbia Worcester, MA Middlesex, MA Fairfield, CT San Francisco, CA Hartford, CT Allegheny, PA Populat ion 745,716 682,501 756,508 633,167 805,989 1,537,150 933,794 826,626 897,426 1,229,582 ELI rent er households 74,262 23,018 40,208 52,633 37,265 60,809 38,710 64,697 43,454 51,549 Adequat e, affordable, and available unit s 37,703 10,222 17,733 22,300 15,612 25,376 14,511 23,112 15,442 18,260 Unit s per 100 rent ers Rank 51 44 44 42 42 42 37 36 35 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Source: Three-year averages from the 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. Denton County, Texas, part of the Dallas-Ft. Worth met ropolitan area, has roughly 8 adequat e, affordable, and available units for every 100 ELI rent ers, the great est gap of any large county (table 3). Eight of t he 10 count ies wit h the biggest gap in affordability for ELI rent ers are in Georgia, Florida, or Texas; Clark County, Nevada, which includes Las Vegas, and San Joaquin, California, which includes Fresno, are the two except ions. The count ies with t he largest affordability gap typically have both fewer ELI rent ers and far fewer affordable rentals t han the counties with the smallest gap. For example, Suffolk County has a similar total population as Denton County (745,716 vs. 707,550), and nearly five t imes as many ELI rent ers (74,262 vs. 14,924). But Suffolk has more than 30 t imes more affordable units for ELI rent ers than Denton (37,703 vs. 1,207). Clark County, Nevada, which includes Las Vegas, has a populat ion of more than 2 million but one-t hird of the affordable units of Washington, DC, which has a populat ion of less than 650,000. This disparity is partly the result of federal rental assistance not keeping pace wit h populat ion growth in the South and Southwest. For example, Suffolk County has over 32,000 federally assist ed units, and Denton has roughly 1,000, and partly a result of differences in st ate and local invest ments in affordable housing development and preservation. For example, Massachusett s has a 4 number of stat e-run programs to supplement federal rental assist ance. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 11 TABLE 3 Large Count ies wit h t he Biggest Gap in Affordable Unit s for ELI Rent ers, 2013 Count y Denton, TX Gwinnett, GA Cobb, GA Orange, FL Clark, NV Lee, FL DeKalb, GA San Joaquin, CA Travis, TX Collin, TX Populat ion 707,550 841,658 707,248 1,198,989 1,997,371 645,681 706,093 700,220 1,093,138 834,110 ELI rent er households 14,924 17,155 19,510 37,165 66,336 13,059 30,682 22,831 48,056 13,433 Adequat e, affordable, and available unit s 1,207 1,494, 1,767 3,730 7,998 1,696 4,325 3,306 6,979 1,959 Unit s per 100 rent ers 8 9 9 10 12 13 14 14 15 15 Rank a 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 Source: Three-year averages from the 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. a Four of the 100 largest counties in the United States are in New York City. Because the five New York City counties are combined in this analysis, the lowest ranking number is 97. Bost on, Los Angeles, and Miami M ade t he M ost Progress in Closing t he Affordabilit y Gap from 2000 t o 2013; Det roit Fell t he Furt hest Behind Only 9 of the 100 largest counties increased the number of affordable units available per 100 ELI renters from 2000 t o 2013 (table 4). Each county with a positive trend closed t he gap by increasing the number of units affordable t o ELI rent ers rat her t han decreasing the number of ELI rent er households. Suffolk County led the way, increasing the number of units available for every 100 ELI rent ers from 48 to 51. Unfort unat ely, while t hese counties saw improvements in the proportion of rentals affordable to ELI renters, none were able to add enough units to match the increase in ELI rent ers. For example, Los Angeles added roughly 38,200 units affordable to ELI renters between 2000 and 2013, but it had an increase of 137,000 ELI renter households. Wayne County, Michigan, which includes Det roit, and Will County, Illinois, provide contrasting examples of how counties can lose ground in this area. In Wayne County, the negative trend is t he result of a precipitous drop in the supply of affordable housing for ELI renters, from about 48,000 units to about 24,500. By comparison, in Will County the number of units affordable t o ELI rent ers stayed more or less the same, but the number of ELI rent er households nearly doubled, from 5,900 to 11,100. Many counties t hat have lost t he most affordable housing per 100 ELI renters are large Midwestern count ies, such as Wayne County, Cook County (Chicago), and Milwaukee County (Milwaukee). 12 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS TABLE 4 Count ies wit h t he M ost Posit ive Affordabilit y Trends for ELI Rent ers, 2000–13 Count y Suffolk, M A Los Angeles, C A K ern, C A B ergen, N J N ew York, N Y San Francisco, C A O range, C A M iami-Dade, FL Fresno, C A San Diego, C A ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 57,132 383,332 17,459 19,474 589,726 48,847 71,254 87,982 25,350 77,359 74,262 535,214 26,549 28,429 643,243 64,698 106,204 115,281 38,484 120,135 Adequat e, Affordable, and Available Unit s 2000 2013 27,281 58,780 2,377 4,905 192,995 16,882 11,532 22,203 4,549 13,566 37,703 94,672 4,239 7,775 220,121 23,112 18,108 29,789 6,987 20,376 Unit s per 100 Rent ers 2000 2013 47.8 15.3 13.6 25.2 32.7 34.6 16.2 25.2 17.9 17.5 50.8 17.7 16.0 27.3 34.2 35.7 17.1 25.8 18.2 17.0 Difference 3.1 2.4 2.4 2.2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.2 -0.5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Source: 2000 Decennial Census and three-year averages from the 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. TABLE 5 Count ies wit h t he W orst Affordabilit y Trends for ELI Rent ers, 2000–13 Count y Wayne, MI Shelby, TN Will, IL Lee, FL Milwaukee, WI Fulton, GA Macomb, MI Jefferson, AL Duval, FL Cook, IL ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 88,945 33,966 5,921 7,568 47,944 43,626 13,249 25,237 23,391 249,920 99,699 40,861 10,080 13,059 66,421 49,586 22,435 29,591 33,141 255,759 Adequat e, Affordable, and Available Unit s 2000 2013 48,069 13,575 2,988 2,494 19,159 21,057 5,461 13,177 10,648 103,324 24,458 6,866 2,758 1,696 13,641 14,345 4,987 10,138 9,266 62,840 Unit s per 100 Rent ers 2000 2013 54.0 40.0 50.5 33.0 40.0 48.3 41.2 52.2 45.5 41.3 25.5 16.8 27.4 13.0 20.5 28.9 22.2 34.3 28.0 24.6 Difference -28.5 -23.2 -23.1 -20.0 -19.5 -19.3 -19.0 -18.1 -17.5 -16.8 Rank a 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 Source: Three-year averages from the 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. a Four of the 100 largest counties in the United States are in New York City. Because the five New York City counties are combined in this analysis, the lowest ranking number is 97. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 13 Conclusion Housing affordability is an ongoing challenge for households throughout the United States, but it creates the greatest st ress for the poorest households. Since 2000 the number of extremely lowincome renters has increased substantially while t he stock of adequat e, affordable, and available rent al units for these households has cont inued to erode. This erosion is driven by both the cont inued loss of affordable market-rat e housing and the budget cuts to HUD rent al assistance programs. As t his brief demonstrates, wit hout vital federal rental assistance, the magnitude of this problem would be much great er. Simply put, virtually no affordable housing unit s would be available to ELI households absent the continued invest ment in federally assisted rental housing. The provision of adequate affordable housing for ELI households requires more t han federal funding. It requires a funct ioning local housing market and ecosyst em t hat draws on resources from and leverages coordinat ion bet ween federal, stat e, and local actors. The approach cities and counties take to solving t he affordability crisis for ELI households is a function of several things, some wit hin the control of a local jurisdiction and some not. Local resource commitment: In the current const rained budget climat e, cities are able t o devot e fewer resources to housing for ELI households. Yet some cities have creat ed local revenue sources, either one t ime or ongoing, that can be used to build and maint ain affordable housing. Some of these strat egies include using general obligat ion bonds, local housing trust funds, or property tax set-asides to finance the const ruction of affordable rental housing and/or cover operating costs. Resource targeting: Federal rental assistance can serve households earning up t o 80 percent of area median income. In reality, it mostly serves households earning at or below 30 percent of AMI. However, rent levels that are affordable t o ELI households often involve the creat ive layering of federal, st ate, and local resources (such as tax credits and housing subsidies), or they require deep, ongoing subsidies for property operations. Local communit ies can target this array of resources t o serve extremely lowincome households through local preservation st rat egies and other forms of rent al assistance. To makes these approaches systemic versus episodic requires coordinated action and invest ment by local act ors from the nonprofit, philanthropic, public, and for-profit sectors and a clear understanding of the target populat ion and specific affordability challenges. State support: The state-level fiscal, regulatory, and programmatic environment can eit her help or hinder local act ion. Some st ates have adopted policies t hat outlaw local zoning practices t hat generat e more affordable housing, such as inclusionary zoning. Other stat es have created housing assistance programs or tax credit programs that supplement local action. Legacy of federal investments: How and where federal housing resources are allocat ed is a function of hist ory and past decisionmaking. These allocations were partly a function of city size and need at the time. Older large cities such New York, Los Angeles, Balt imore, Boston, and Chicago benefited early from federal housing invest ments. More recent large cit ies such Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, and San Jose do not have the same distribution of federally assist ed housing, largely because their accelerat ed 14 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS growth happened aft er the major allocat ions of federal rental assistance. In addit ion to demonstrat ing a large need, Northeast cit ies in particular had st rong local political will, which helped them benefit from early federal invest ment in affordable rental housing. For the most part, these cit ies have been good stewards of these early investments and have sought t o stem the loss of affordable rental housing and even add to the stock. Some cities have more tools to work with than others, but cit ies and even states cannot do it alone. As the need grows in cities and counties, these local governments are unlikely to keep pace wit hout addit ional federal invest ment in rent al assistance for ELI households. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 15 Appendix. Where Our Numbers Come From The primary data source for this analysis is household-level records from t he 2000 Census and 3-year averages of the one-year American Community Survey (ACS) for 2005, 2006, and 2007, and for 2011, 2012, and 2013. Household-level records from t his dataset were downloaded from t he University of Minnesota’s Int egrat ed Public Use Microdata Series. This dataset provides informat ion on households’ income, demographics, housing unit s, and housing-relat ed expenses. We applied HUD data on income 5 limits to ident ify rent ers wit h ext remely low incomes. To det ermine renters’ housing costs, we used the RENT variable from t he ACS, which asks “What is the mont hly rent for this house, apart ment, or mobile home?” We applied HUD’s annual income limits t o calculat e affordability: if t he report ed monthly rent and utilities from ACS were less than or equal t o 30 6 percent of the income limit for ELI households in t hat area, the unit was considered affordable. We then added vacant units affordable to ELI renters. Finally, we subtract ed both vacant and occupied subst andard units, defined as those wit h incomplet e plumbing or missing kitchen or cooking facilities. This provided the t otal number of adequat e, affordable, and available units. Units adequate, affordable, and available = Affordable occupied units + affordable vacant unit s – to ELI renter households units occupied by higher-income renters − substandard occupied units − substandard vacant units W e divided the number of adequate, affordable, and available units by the number of ELI renter households, then multiplied by 100. T he result was the number of units per 100 ELI renter households, both nationwide and by county. Adequate, affordable , and available units = [(Total ELI renters − units affordable to ELI renters)/ per 100 ELI renters Total ELI renters]*100 To examine the role of H UD ’s rental assistance programs, we used a dataset provided by H UD. The dataset provided information by county on the number of assisted households, their income levels, and 7 rent burdens for each of H U D’s rental assistance programs from 2000 to 2013. W e took the total number of units adequate, affordable, and available to ELI renters and subtracted units in which ELI households were receiving H UD rental assistance to estimate how many rental units would be affordable to ELI renters without H UD rental assistance programs. Affordable units without H UD assistance = Total affordable units − (H UD-assisted, affordable, and adequate units) O ur methodology differs from our 2014 analysis of the affordability gap for ELI renter households in two key areas. First, to increase our sample size and thus the reliability of local estimates, we used 3year averages rather than relying on the 1-year AC S estimates. Second, in last year’s report, we assumed that all ELI renters receiving H UD assistance were in affordable housing. T hus, the number of affordable units for ELI renters was calculated by subtracting all ELI renter households receiving H UD assistance from the total number of affordable units. This year we received data from H UD on the rent burden of ELI renters receiving H UD rental assistance. Using these new data, we removed the units of 16 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS HUD-assisted renters who were rent-burdened or in inadequate housing before calculating t he impact of HUD programs on the affordability gap. Our methodology has several import ant limitations, which we will work t o address in future iterations of our analysis. The first limitation is small sample sizes for county-level est imat es. The ACS typically samples roughly 1 percent of the total population (Census Bureau 2013). This process yields a large sample for nat ional analysis, but the sample size for any particular county is much smaller; the sample for a part icular subset within t hat county, such as ext remely low-income renters, is smaller still. As a result, for smaller counties—those with fewer than 20,000 residents—we are unable t o reliably provide a county est imat e and inst ead rely on stat ewide averages. The second limitat ion is that the Census Bureau no longer includes a quest ion about households’ receipt of government housing assistance in eit her the ACS or t he decennial census. This creates challenges when using ACS data t o measure housing affordability. Housing Choice Voucher recipients should report the full rent amount (including what t he voucher covers) to t he ACS, but many report their own monthly payment s inst ead. An int ernal Census Bureau analysis of subsidized rent ers in California estimat ed t hat 40 percent of these households reported their own rent contribut ion to the ACS, 32 percent report ed t he tot al monthly rent, and t he ot her 28 percent report ed an amount that did not match either their rent contribution or the full mont hly rent. Conversely, some households receiving t enant-based rent al assistance report the value of t heir voucher as part of their income t o the Census Bureau—overstat ing the impact of rental assist ance on households’ rent burden. For our analysis, we assume that subsidized rent ers report their monthly rent payments to t he ACS rather than the full rent. However, based on t he Census Bureau’s analysis, this may be t rue for less than half of assisted households. As a result, we may underestimat e the availability of affordable housing by failing t o capture the value of the rent subsidy for households that report the full market rent of their unit t o the ACS. For fut ure reports, we will explore whet her we can adjust our methodology to reflect the uncertainty of how subsidized renters report their housing expenses to the ACS. Also for fut ure reports, we hope t o incorporat e data from other federal rental assist ance programs, such as t he US Department of Agricult ure’s Mult i-Family Housing Rental Assistance program and other HUD rent al assistance programs, such as for Native Americans. Adding data from these programs will provide a more complet e picture of rental assistance, particularly outside metropolitan areas. Anot her limitation is that our data do not include homeless individuals, which constituted over 610,000 people at 2013’s point-in-time count (H enry, Cortes, and Morris 2013). H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 17 APPENDIX TABLE A.1 Availabilit y of Adequat e and Affordable Rent al Housing for Ext remely Low-Income (ELI) Rent ers in t he 100 Largest US Count ies, 2013 From most to least affordable Count y St at e Tot al populat ion Suffolk Norfolk Essex District of Columbia Worcester Middlesex Fairfield San Francisco Hartford Allegheny Philadelphia Jefferson New York Essex Hamilton Jackson Hennepin Westchester Jefferson El Paso Cuyahoga New Haven Lake Davidson Nassau Hidalgo Bexar Fulton Monmouth Denver Montgomery King Duval Snohomish Honolulu Will Bergen Hudson Erie Alameda MA MA MA DC MA MA CT CA CT PA PA AL NY NJ OH MO MN NY KY TX OH CT IL TN NY TX TX GA NJ CO MD WA FL WA HI IL NJ NJ NY CA 745,716 682,501 756,508 633,167 805,989 1,537,150 933,794 826,626 897,426 1,229,582 1,546,770 658,601 8,341,122 787,615 802,659 677,502 1,184,060 962,233 751,312 824,916 1,266,434 863,217 701,763 647,670 1,348,563 805,497 1,785,855 970,400 629,754 634,685 1,004,242 2,007,779 879,131 733,797 974,683 681,537 919,049 652,921 919,332 1,554,725 18 ELI rent er households 74,262 23,018 40,208 52,634 37,266 60,810 38,710 64,698 43,454 51,549 117,816 29,591 643,243 57,340 52,749 37,535 55,135 38,017 36,957 23,573 75,049 43,438 16,486 30,858 26,769 24,008 59,316 49,586 16,599 41,764 22,183 83,687 33,141 24,172 34,437 10,080 28,429 39,544 41,314 74,913 Adequat e, affordable, and available rent als 37,703 10,223 17,734 22,300 15,612 25,376 14,511 23,112 15,442 18,260 41,499 10,138 220,121 19,595 17,972 12,507 18,189 12,354 11,756 7,423 23,361 13,331 5,029 9,362 7,911 6,991 17,228 14,345 4,801 12,074 6,409 23,621 9,266 6,660 9,465 2,758 7,775 10,757 11,159 19,711 Affordable unit s per 100 ELI rent er households Rank 50.8 44.4 44.1 42.4 41.9 41.7 37.5 35.7 35.5 35.4 35.2 34.3 34.2 34.2 34.1 33.3 33.0 32.5 31.8 31.5 31.1 30.7 30.5 30.3 29.6 29.1 29.0 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.2 28.0 27.6 27.5 27.4 27.3 27.2 27.0 26.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS Count y St at e Tot al populat ion Fairfax Suffolk Miami-Dade Ventura Wayne Prince George’s Cook Franklin Santa Clara Contra Costa Oakland Middlesex Macomb Montgomery Baltimore Monroe Bernalillo Oklahoma St. Louis Milwaukee DuPage Wake Hillsborough Marion Multnomah San Mateo Pima Pinellas Riverside Fresno Palm Beach Salt Lake Pierce El Paso Los Angeles Sacramento Orange San Diego Dallas Shelby Broward Kern Harris Tarrant Mecklenburg VA NY FL CA MI MD IL OH CA CA MI NJ MI PA MD NY NM OK MO WI IL NC FL IN OR CA AZ FL CA CA FL UT WA CO CA CA CA CA TX TN FL CA TX TX NC 1,117,918 1,499,091 2,592,201 834,880 1,789,819 881,876 5,227,094 1,195,915 1,836,454 1,079,460 1,221,103 822,933 848,455 808,846 817,791 748,221 672,027 742,641 1,000,363 953,901 927,775 951,834 1,280,536 919,356 757,738 738,114 992,286 922,744 2,264,491 947,942 1,354,932 1,063,941 811,730 645,787 9,951,320 1,448,487 3,084,550 3,175,313 2,447,575 937,748 1,812,793 856,363 4,255,830 1,880,361 967,906 ELI rent er households 22,323 31,588 115,281 23,113 99,699 29,694 255,759 59,062 65,983 36,578 30,690 29,979 22,435 18,697 25,404 35,118 29,411 30,468 29,835 66,421 16,001 28,487 41,766 51,544 40,498 22,430 40,447 26,608 56,844 38,484 40,267 27,523 25,763 18,978 535,214 66,416 106,204 120,135 101,007 40,861 57,465 26,549 152,692 61,493 35,788 Adequat e, affordable, and available rent als Affordable unit s per 100 ELI rent er households Rank 5,843 8,264 29,789 5,971 25,458 7,416 62,840 14,389 15,940 8,750 7,265 7,090 4,987 4,149 5,571 7,630 6,388 6,496 6,200 13,641 3,235 5,750 8,307 10,085 7,872 4,241 7,560 4,957 10,509 6,987 7,309 4,929 4,588 3,359 94,672 11,554 18,108 20,376 17,106 6,866 9,392 4,239 23,462 9,318 5,421 26.2 26.2 25.8 25.8 25.5 25.0 24.6 24.4 24.2 23.9 23.7 23.6 22.2 22.2 21.9 21.7 21.7 21.3 20.8 20.5 20.2 20.2 19.9 19.6 19.4 18.9 18.7 18.6 18.5 18.2 18.2 17.9 17.8 17.7 17.7 17.4 17.1 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.3 16.0 15.4 15.2 15.1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 19 Count y St at e Tot al populat ion San Bernardino Maricopa Collin Travis San Joaquin DeKalb Lee Clark Orange Cobb Gwinnett Denton CA AZ TX TX CA GA FL NV FL GA GA TX 2,076,322 3,939,668 834,110 1,093,138 700,220 706,093 645,681 1,997,371 1,198,989 707,248 841,658 707,550 ELI rent er households 59,923 124,368 13,434 48,057 22,831 30,682 13,059 66,336 37,166 19,510 17,156 14,924 Adequat e, affordable, and available rent als Affordable unit s per 100 ELI rent er households Rank 8,857 18,346 1,959 6,980 3307 4,325 1,696 7,998 3,731 1,768 1,494 1,207 14.8 14.8 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.1 13.0 12.1 10.0 9.1 8.7 8.1 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Sources: 2000 Decennial Census, and three-year averages from the 2005,2006, and 2007 and 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. Note: Four of the 100 largest counties in the United States are in New York City. Because the five New York City counties are combined in this analysis, the lowest ranking number is 97. 20 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS APPENDIX TABLE A.2 Trends in Affordabilit y for Ext remely Low-Income (ELI) Rent ers in t he 100 Largest US Count ies, 2000–13 By most to least positive Count y St at e Suffolk Los Angeles Kern Bergen New York San Francisco Orange Miami-Dade Fresno San Diego Sacramento Pierce Hennepin Alameda Monroe Riverside Montgomery El Paso Ventura Prince George’s Suffolk San Mateo El Paso San Joaquin Worcester King Travis Essex San Bernardino Hudson Broward Baltimore Fairfax Middlesex Philadelphia DuPage Bernalillo Norfolk Nassau Salt Lake MA CA CA NJ NY CA CA FL CA CA CA WA MN CA NY CA MD TX CA MD NY CA CO CA MA WA TX MA CA NJ FL MD VA MA PA IL NM MA NY UT ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 57,132 383,332 17,459 19,474 589,726 48,847 71,254 87,982 25,350 77,359 40,354 17,212 35,793 54,253 26,270 31,695 18,104 16,929 15,984 22,879 23,300 13,898 9,876 15,032 25,148 57,032 31,237 30,254 41,253 34,344 42,510 16,236 14,104 42,927 89,798 10,603 17,002 14,382 20,527 16,215 74,262 535,214 26,549 28,429 643,243 64,698 106,204 115,281 38,484 120,135 66,416 25,763 55,135 74,913 35,118 56,844 22,183 23,573 23,113 29,694 31,588 22,430 18,978 22,831 37,266 83,687 48,057 40,208 59,923 39,544 57,465 25,404 22,323 60,810 117,816 16,001 29,411 23,018 26,769 27,523 Adequat e, Affordable, and Available Unit s 2000 2013 27,281 58,780 2,377 4,905 192,995 16,882 11,532 22,203 4,549 13,566 7,272 3,181 12,161 14,822 6,004 6,248 5,498 5,607 4,394 6,095 6,504 2,880 1,953 2,519 11,200 17,737 5,474 14,292 7,426 10,491 8,502 4,207 4,253 19,625 35,264 2,577 4,388 6,979 6,982 3,664 37,703 94,672 4,239 7,775 220,121 23,112 18,108 29,789 6,987 20,376 11,554 4,588 18,189 19,711 7,630 10,509 6,409 7,423 5,971 7,416 8,264 4,241 3,359 3,307 15,612 23,621 6,980 17,734 8,857 10,757 9,392 5,571 5,843 25,376 41,499 3,235 6,388 10,223 7,911 4,929 Affordable Unit s per 100 ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 47.8 15.3 13.6 25.2 32.7 34.6 16.2 25.2 17.9 17.5 18.0 18.5 34.0 27.3 22.9 19.7 30.4 33.1 27.5 26.6 27.9 20.7 19.8 16.8 44.5 31.1 17.5 47.2 18.0 30.5 20.0 25.9 30.2 45.7 39.3 24.3 25.8 48.5 34.0 22.6 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 50.8 17.7 16.0 27.3 34.2 35.7 17.1 25.8 18.2 17.0 17.4 17.8 33.0 26.3 21.7 18.5 28.9 31.5 25.8 25.0 26.2 18.9 17.7 14.5 41.9 28.2 14.5 44.1 14.8 27.2 16.3 21.9 26.2 41.7 35.2 20.2 21.7 44.4 29.6 17.9 Difference, 2000–13 3.0 2.4 2.4 2.2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.2 -0.6 -0.6 -0.7 -1.0 -1.0 -1.1 -1.2 -1.5 -1.6 -1.7 -1.7 -1.8 -1.8 -2.1 -2.3 -2.6 -2.9 -3.0 -3.1 -3.2 -3.3 -3.7 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -4.1 -4.1 -4.1 -4.5 -4.7 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 21 Count y St at e Santa Clara Pima Bexar Snohomish Westchester Clark Hillsborough St. Louis Contra Costa Maricopa Montgomery Monmouth Denton Erie Multnomah Hartford Middlesex Allegheny Essex Dallas Pinellas Honolulu Gwinnett Orange Harris Palm Beach Oklahoma Denver New Haven DeKalb Jefferson Jackson Lake Franklin Wake Oakland Collin Hidalgo Cobb Tarrant Hamilton Marion Cuyahoga Fairfield Davidson CA AZ TX WA NY NV FL MO CA AZ PA NJ TX NY OR CT NJ PA NJ TX FL HI GA FL TX FL OK CO CT GA KY MO IL OH NC MI TX TX GA TX OH IN OH CT TN 22 ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 43,116 25,419 36,710 13,008 38,451 35,284 26,607 16,638 21,642 69,925 11,340 12,910 10,341 35,378 25,553 30,870 19,015 39,794 53,310 78,282 21,268 29,315 6,684 21,150 119,594 24,940 21,613 29,865 32,360 19,051 24,944 24,501 9,759 43,838 15,633 20,764 5,347 13,559 10,728 38,937 35,445 29,319 61,369 30,154 26,492 65,983 40,447 59,316 24,172 38,017 66,336 41,766 29,835 36,578 124,368 18,697 16,599 14,924 41,314 40,498 43,454 29,979 51,549 57,340 101,007 26,608 34,437 17,156 37,166 152,692 40,267 30,468 41,764 43,438 30,682 36,957 37,535 16,486 59,062 28,487 30,690 13,434 24,008 19,510 61,493 52,749 51,544 75,049 38,710 30,858 Adequat e, Affordable, and Available Unit s 2000 2013 12,489 6,043 12,674 4,303 14,747 6,587 7,081 4,607 6,681 15,236 3,316 4,728 1,667 12,414 7,112 13,566 6,126 17,520 22,806 20,070 5,817 10,639 1,189 4,061 29,672 6,950 6,726 11,582 13,157 4,747 10,642 10,824 4,042 15,513 4,908 7,275 1,390 5,514 2,211 10,650 16,699 9,644 27,296 15,412 11,908 15,940 7,560 17,228 6,660 12,354 7,998 8,307 6,200 8,750 18,346 4,149 4,801 1,207 11,159 7,872 15,442 7,090 18,260 19,595 17,106 4,957 9,465 1,494 3,731 23,462 7,309 6,496 12,074 13,331 4,325 11,756 12,507 5,029 14,389 5,750 7,265 1,959 6,991 1,768 9,318 17,972 10,085 23,361 14,511 9,362 Affordable Unit s per 100 ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 29.0 23.8 34.5 33.1 38.4 18.7 26.6 27.7 30.9 21.8 29.2 36.6 16.1 35.1 27.8 43.9 32.2 44.0 42.8 25.6 27.4 36.3 17.8 19.2 24.8 27.9 31.1 38.8 40.7 24.9 42.7 44.2 41.4 35.4 31.4 35.0 26.0 40.7 20.6 27.4 47.1 32.9 44.5 51.1 44.9 24.2 18.7 29.0 27.6 32.5 12.1 19.9 20.8 23.9 14.8 22.2 28.9 8.1 27.0 19.4 35.5 23.6 35.4 34.2 16.9 18.6 27.5 8.7 10.0 15.4 18.2 21.3 28.9 30.7 14.1 31.8 33.3 30.5 24.4 20.2 23.7 14.6 29.1 9.1 15.2 34.1 19.6 31.1 37.5 30.3 Difference, 2000–13 -4.8 -5.1 -5.5 -5.5 -5.9 -6.6 -6.7 -6.9 -6.9 -7.0 -7.0 -7.7 -8.0 -8.1 -8.4 -8.4 -8.6 -8.6 -8.6 -8.7 -8.7 -8.8 -9.1 -9.2 -9.4 -9.7 -9.8 -9.9 -10.0 -10.8 -10.9 -10.9 -10.9 -11.0 -11.2 -11.4 -11.4 -11.5 -11.5 -12.2 -13.0 -13.3 -13.4 -13.6 -14.6 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS Rank 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Count y St at e District of Columbia Mecklenburg Cook Duval Jefferson Macomb Fulton Milwaukee Lee Will Shelby Wayne DC NC IL FL AL MI GA WI FL IL TN MI ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 52,474 17,733 249,920 23,391 25,237 13,249 43,626 47,944 7,568 5,921 33,966 88,945 52,634 35,788 255,759 33,141 29,591 22,435 49,586 66,421 13,059 10,080 40,861 99,699 Adequat e, Affordable, and Available Unit s 2000 2013 30,365 5,580 103,324 10,648 13,177 5,461 21,057 19,159 2,494 2,988 13,575 48,069 22,300 5,421 62,840 9,266 10,138 4,987 14,345 13,641 1695.67 2,758 6,866 25,458 Affordable Unit s per 100 ELI Rent er Households 2000 2013 57.9 31.5 41.3 45.5 52.2 41.2 48.3 40.0 33.0 50.5 40.0 54.0 42.4 15.1 24.6 28.0 34.3 22.2 28.9 20.5 13.0 27.4 16.8 25.5 Difference, 2000–13 -15.5 -16.3 -16.8 -17.6 -18.0 -19.0 -19.3 -19.4 -20.0 -23.1 -23.2 -28.5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Sources: 2000 Decennial Census, and three-year averages from the 2005,2006, and 2007 and 2011, 2012, and 2013 ACS 1-year sample data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series merged with data from HUD on income limits and households receiving rental assistance. Note: Four of the 100 largest counties in the United States are in New York City. Because the five New York City counties are combined in this analysis, the lowest ranking number is 97. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS Rank 23 Notes 1. Three other counties also had 75 adequate, affordable, and available units for every 100 ELI renters: Allegan County, Michigan, Lincoln County, Missouri, and Jefferson County, West Virginia. This analysis excludes counties with fewer than 10 ELI renters surveyed as part of the 2013 American Community Survey. 2. See the appendix for a detailed description of how we constructed county-level estimates from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series dataset. 3. New York Cit y is t echnically five separat e counties, but for this analysis they are grouped as one. 4. Matthew Johnson, “Stepping Up: How Cities Are Working to Keep America’s Poorest Families Housed,” http://www.urban.org/features/stepping-how-cities-are-working-keep-americas-poorest-families-housed. 5. HUD income limits are available at http:// www.huduser.org/portal/datasets/il.html. 6. Because the ACS does not include a variable that indicat es whether utilit y costs are included in the rent, we calculate the difference in gross rent and contract rent for each renter-occupied household, as explained in the appendix. 7. The HUD data were broken out into the following program cat egories: HCV program, public housing, moderate rehabilitation program, multifamily Section 8 contracts, and other multifamily programs. References Arnold, Althea, Sheila Crowley, Elina Bravve, Sarah Brundage, and Christine Biddlecombe. 2014. Out of Reach 2014. Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. http://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/oor/2014OOR.pdf. CBPP (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities). 2013. “Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance.” Washington, DC: CBPP. http://www.cbpp.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/PolicyBasics-housing-1-25-13PBRA.pdf. Cunningham, Mary, Joshua Leopold, and Pamela Lee. 2014. “A Proposed Demonstration of a Flat Rental Subsidy for Very Low Income Households.” Washington, DC: Urban Institute. http://www.urban.org/research/publication/ proposed-demonstration-flat-rental-subsidy-very-low-income-households. Henry, Meghan, Alvaro Cortes, and Sean Morris. 2013. The 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. Part 1: Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness. Washington, DC: US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Planning and Development. HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development). 2013. “Picture of Subsidized Households.” Washington, DC: HUD. JCHS (Joint Center for Housing Studies). 2013. “America’s Rental Housing.” Cambridge, MA: JCHS. http://www.jchs.harvard.edu/americas-rental-housing. ———. 2014. “State of the Nation’s Housing.” Cambridge, MA: JCHS. http://www.jchs.harvard.edu/research/state_nations_housing. McClure, Kirk. 2005. “Rent Burden in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 8 (2): 5–20. Rice, Douglas. 2014. “Sequestration’s Rising Toll: 100,000 Fewer Low-Income Families Have Housing Vouchers.” Washington, DC: CBPP. http://www.cbpp.org/research/housing/sequestrations-rising-toll-100000-fewerlow-income-families-have-housing-vouchers Steffen, Barry L., George R. Carter, Marge Martin, Danilo Pelletiere, David A. Vandenbroucke, and Yun-Gann David Yao. 2015. Worst Case Housing Needs: 2015 Report to Congress. Washington, DC: HUD. Treskon, Mark, and Mary Cunningham. Forthcoming. “Moving to Work.” Washington, DC: Urban Institute. US Census Bureau. 2013. “An Overview of the American Community Survey.” Washington, DC: US Census Bureau. 24 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS Acknowledgments This brief was funded by Housing Authority Insurance, Inc. (HAI, Inc.), to provide fact-based analysis about public and assisted housing. We are grat eful to t hem and to all our funders, who make it possible for Urban to advance it s mission. Funders do not, however, det ermine our research findings or the insights and recommendations of our experts. The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to t he Urban Instit ute, its trust ees, or its funders. The authors thank Rob Sant os, Tim Triplet t, and Doug Wissoker for their advice on data analysis. They also t hank Erika Poet hig reviewing earlier drafts of this brief. About the Authors Josh Leopold is a research associat e in the Met ropolit an Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institut e, where his work focuses on homelessness and affordable housing policy. Before joining Urban, Leopold was a management and program analyst at the US Int eragency Council on Homelessness (USICH). At USICH, he helped implement the Obama administration’s plan for ending chronic homelessness and homelessness among vet erans by 2015; he also helped develop a nat ional research agenda relat ed to homelessness. From 2006 t o 2011, he worked as an analyst for Abt Associates, where he was involved in numerous studies, including the Annual Homeless Assessment Report; the Costs of Homelessness study; the Study of Rents and Rent Flexibility in Subsidized Housing; and an evaluation of t he AmeriCorps program. Leopold has a bachelor’s degree from Grinnell College, Iowa, and a master’s degree in informat ion science from t he University of Michigan. Liza Getsinger is the policy and research program manager of Urban Institute’s Policy Advisory Group. In t his capacity she coordinat es across Urban’s policy cent ers to deepen engagement on cross-cutting topics—in particular cit ies and places. Her expertise blends research, policy, and pract ice with a focus on developing act ionable, evidence-based solut ions to inform policymakers, pract itioners, and philant hropic invest ments. Before joining Urban, Getsinger worked at the National Housing Conference, where she helped craft policy, legislative, and programmatic initiatives on budget and tax issues, HUD’s regulatory and programmat ic funct ioning, and neighborhood restoration. In Austin, Texas, she held several posit ions focused on yout h services and affordable housing. Getsinger started her career as a researcher in Urban’s Met ropolit an Housing and Communit ies Policy Cent er. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 25 A graduat e of DePaul University, Getsinger holds a mast er’s in public affairs with a concentration in social and economic policy from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at t he University of Texas at Austin, where she was an endowed fellowship recipient. Pamela Blumenthal is a senior research associate with t he Policy Advisory Group and the Metropolitan Housing and Communit ies Policy Center at the Urban Instit ute. Her expertise is in affordable housing, land-use regulation, and economic resilience, wit h an emphasis on qualitat ive research. She also works with other researchers to t ranslat e their work int o actionable policy for urban policy makers. Blumenthal spent over a decade as a regulat ory lawyer working on consumer financial prot ection issues, bot h in the private sect or and at the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs at the Federal Reserve Board. She blended her legal expert ise and research skills as a member of the Consumer Financial Prot ection Bureau implement ation team, leading work on development of new mort gage lending applicat ion disclosures. She joined Urban Inst itut e from the Office of Policy Development and Research at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Blumenthal has a BA in English from Cornell University, a JD from University of Michigan School of Law, and a PhD in public policy and public administ ration from the George Washington University. Katya Abazajian is a research assistant in t he Metropolit an Housing and Communit ies Policy Center at the Urban Institut e. She works in multiple subject areas including consumer financial prot ection, neighborhood development, and t he preservation of affordable housing in Washington, DC. Since starting at Urban, Abazajian has been involved wit h the Nat ional Neighborhood Indicat ors Partnership, the NeighborhoodInfo DC program, Promise Neighborhoods, and the DC Affordable Housing Preservation Network. Abazajian graduat ed from Claremont McKenna College in 2014 wit h a BA in both economics and math. At Claremont McKenna, she was an undergraduate research assistant at t he Rose Institute of Stat e and Local Government and the managing edit or of the campus newspaper. Her undergraduate research focused on municipal t ax systems, regional economic forecasting, and local politics. Reed Jordan is a research associat e II in the Met ropolit an Housing and Communit ies Policy Center at the Urban Institut e. Since joining Urban in 2012, he has been involved in various nat ional. He is currently providing technical assistance to grant ees of the US Depart ment of Education’s Promise Neighborhoods program and evaluating the early implement ation of t he US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Choice 26 H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS Neighborhoods init iative. His other int erests include performance management, lowincome housing, and educat ion policy. Jordan graduat ed magna cum laude from Carlet on College in Northfield, Minnesota, with honors in political science and depart mental distinction on his senior t hesis. While at Carlet on, he was awarded a two-year grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Inst itut e to perform environmental chemist ry research at Carlet on and signal analysis research at Texas A&M University. He was also awarded a fellowship to fund a community development and public health int ernship in Urubamba, Peru. A BO UT TH E URBA N I N STI TUTE 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037 www.urban.org The nonprofit Urban Institute is dedicated to elevating the debate on social and economic policy. For nearly five decades, Urban scholars have conducted research and offered evidence-based solutions that improve lives and st rengthen communities across a rapidly urbanizing world. Their object ive research helps expand opportunities for all, reduce hardship among the most vulnerable, and strengthen the effectiveness of the public sector. Copyright © June 2015. Urban Institute. Permission is granted for reproduction of this file, with attribution to the Urban Institute. H O U SI N G A FFO RD A B I LI T Y GA P FO R EX T REM ELY LO W - I N CO M E REN T ERS 27