The North Carolina Scientist Letter from the President, Dr. Parke Rublee

The North Carolina Scientist
Summer 2008
Letter from the President, Dr. Parke Rublee
The Annual Meeting marks a period of celebration and transition: senior CANCAS
members and their advisors celebrate the completion of their research activities and
presentations at the meeting while they anticipate and plan for the next steps in their
career and the next academic year. Underclassman and their advisors are planning and
beginning their projects. In the Senior Academy the local committee of the recent
meeting is trying to close the books while the local committee planning for next years'
meeting begins its work. Finally, there are transitions of officers and board members in
NCAS and CANCAS and it is time to reflect on successes of the past year and plan for the
next year of activities.
The Academy moved forward with some notable successes in the past year. These
include our redesigned web site ( with tabs linking pages for NCAS,
CANCAS and NCSAS and drop down menus - check it out! Our thanks to Karen Katula
and Karen Guzman for their hard work in improving the website and making it more user
A second achievement was getting the Academy journal live and on line. To date issues 1 - 68 (1883 - 1952) as well as a
memoir from 1858 are now available on line ( The process is continuing and as copyright
permissions are secured volumes up to the current issue will become available, improving access and use of the journal and
increasing the Academy’s visibility. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Sarah Michalak, Associate Provost of the UNC
CH Library for approving the University Library sponsorship and commitment of resources for digitization of the Journal. We
also recognize Bill Burk of the UNC CH Library and NCAS historian, and past president Greg Copenhaver of UNC CH for their
long and tireless efforts to accomplish this goal.
We continue to make progress in our effort to have the Academy and its members play a role in public policies related to
science. Several years of sessions at annual meetings have helped inform members about opportunities and mechanisms to
participate in public discussions of science policy. Charlie Lytle, our immediate past president has attended several
conferences and initiated a number of contacts that link the NCAS to the National Association of Academies of Science to aid
us in this area of outreach. He has agreed to continue this role in the coming year as we continue to explore ways for the
Academy to become an important resource in public policy debate.
Of course we also just completed a successful 2008 annual meeting at UNC Greensboro. The theme of academy involvement
in public policy was addressed both in the Friday Keynote by David Ullrich, former EPA administrator and current director of
a non-profit agency coordinating environmental policy among mayors of 52 cities located on the Great Lakes, and in a special
session on climate change where State Senator Janet Cowell and State Representative Pricey Harrison provided state
legislator’s viewpoints. A special session on biotechnology, sponsored by the NC Biotechnology Center provided insight on the
development of biotechnology in the Piedmont Triad. There were 34 posters and 81 oral presentations, a majority from
CANCAS members. Finally, the highlight of the meeting was an inspiring keynote address by 2007 nobel laureate Oliver
Smithies from UNC Chapel Hill. Thanks to our meeting financial supporters, including UNCG, the North Carolina
Biotechnology Center, the UNC-Chapel Hill Chapter of Sigma Xi, and the NC section of the American Chemical Society.
Letter from the President, Dr. Parke Rublee (continued)
All of these efforts are strengthening the Academy by improving our public visibility, relevance in the state, and by making us
more accessible and “user friendly.”
Our goals in the coming year are to build on the progress we have made and continue to strengthen the Academy.
Charlie Lytle and I will begin to explore an exciting opportunity to partner with the NC Museum of Natural Science as it builds
it’s new Nature Research Center, ( This looks to offer
unprecedented opportunities for our members to play a role in scientific outreach as both educators and researchers to bring
natural science topics to public view. We will keep the Academy informed on developments in this area.
It is important that we continue our efforts at public policy involvement. As one of the keynote speakers commented at this
year’s meeting, NCAS had a significant presence and has made continuous public policy statements since the 20’s regarding
evolution. We need to re-establish the Academy’s public role and become more active as an advisory group, drawing on our
expertise to help inform public policies.
I also look forward to continuing strong support for our core activities – the development of younger scientists through the
student academy and the Bryden and Yarbrough Research Grants; the annual meeting, scheduled for April 3-5, 2009 at Warren
Wilson College; fostering communication among members via the newsletter and the journal; and increasing our membership.
Finally, I want to relate some comments made at the business meeting at this year’s annual meeting by former Academy
president Jeff Llewelyn. He noted that he found his position as an officer and working with the board of directors to be a
pleasant and rewarding experience. He pointed out that participation in the administration of the Academy is a positive thing –
and it is, because it promotes the organization, provides rewarding interactions with faculty from other institutions, and provides
a professional service that reflects well on one’s own resume.
I would like to close this letter with two challenges to every member of the Academy for the coming year. First, speak to your
colleagues and make it your goal to recruit at least one new member by next year’s annual meeting. Don’t restrict your
recruitment to institutional colleagues – we need members from government agencies and industry, both of which can contribute
much, but are poorly represented in the Academy at this time. We also need to focus on recruiting younger members who can
provide new ideas, enthusiasm, and long term strength to the Academy, but who are often drawn away from regional
organizations. Remind them that we have much to offer them and their students. Second, consider how you can contribute to
the administration of YOUR academy – as an officer, as a member of the board of directors, as a committee member, as a
contributor of a session at the annual meeting, or in any number of other capacities. E-mail me (, the Academy
office ( ) or let an officer or board member know of your interest and skills and I am sure we can find a
place for you to help, now or in the near future. We are growing, getting more active, and becoming a more vibrant and visible
organization. Help us to continue that development so that we can also serve our members and state better.
Parke Rublee
President 2008-2009
Academy Journal Goes Live
by William R. Burk, Academy Historian
Since early 2005, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library and the North Carolina Academy of Science have
partnered in digitizing the Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science, formerly the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell
Scientific Society. The aim of this project is to make the contents of the entire journal run available on the Internet. (The current
volume becomes available only after the next volume begins.) Two essential steps initiated the collaborative project: the
Academy’s desire to digitize its journal and the University Library's sponsorship of the work that included library staff
involvement and the use of CONTENTdm (digital management software that allows users to search the journal online). In 2006,
we selected and tested document characteristics, such as the dpi and color. We also designed the format of the user interface,
particularly the navigation and layout of the page. In mid-2007, we began scanning volumes in earnest. Later that year, we
further developed the user interface (shown below) to include searching by keyword, title, and author and browsing by author
and year of publication. Volumes 1-70 (1884-1954) have been scanned as of March 2008 and scanning continues. Readers have
free access to the e-journal at .
The Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, first published in 1884, was the official organ of the Elisha Mitchell
Scientific Society. It was among the earliest scientific journals to be issued in connection with a southern university - the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After the founding of the North Carolina Academy of Science in 1902, both the
Society and the Academy considered the journal their official publication. When the Mitchell Society dissolved in 1983, the
Academy assumed control of the journal, renaming it the Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science in 2002. Among the
journal's early editors were notable scientists Francis P. Venable, William C. Coker, and John N. Couch. Covering all fields of
science and issued quarterly, the refereed journal currently publishes papers from members and non-members, as well as the
abstracts and proceedings of the Academy's annual meetings.
University of North Carolina GREENSBORO
NCAS 105th Meeting
Select images of activities at the 105th NCAS Annual Meeting
Poster Session
University of North Carolina GREENSBORO
NCAS 105th Meeting
Poster Session (Continued)
University of North Carolina GREENSBORO
NCAS 105th Meeting
Friday Keynote Speaker: David Ullrich
Executive Director of the non-profit Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
and former EPA Administrator
“Scienpolicy—The key to Environmental Problem Solving”
From left to right:
David Ullrich, Parke Rublee , Charles Lytle and
Karen Katula
Saturday Student Academy Poster Session
University of North Carolina GREENSBORO
NCAS 105th Meeting
Saturday Keynote Speaker: Dr. Oliver Smithies
2007 Nobel Laureate in Medicine
UNC Chapel Hill
“Turning Pages”
University of North Carolina GREENSBORO
NCAS 105th Meeting
Saturday Evening Banquet and Award Ceremony
President 2008-2009
Elected Member 2006-2009
Dr. Parke Rublee
UNC-Greensboro Dept Biology
PO Box 26170
Greensboro NC 27402-6170
Ph 336-256-0067 Fx 336-334-5839
Dr. Joe P Poston
Catawba College Dept Biology
2300 W Innes St
Salisbury NC 28144-4204
Ph 704-637-4443 Fx: 704-627-4204
Vice President 2008-2009
Elected Member 2007-20010
Dr. Francis Cuffey
Meredith College Dept Biological Sciences
3800 Hillsborough St
Raleigh NC 27607-5298
Ph 919-760-2879 Fx 919-760-8761
Dr. Michael B Kingston
Elon Univ Dept Biology
2625 Campus Box
Elon NC 27244-2010
Ph 336-278-6182 Fx 336-278-6258
President-Elect 2008-2009
Elected Member 2008-2011
Dr. Jean-Luc Scemama
ECU Dept Biology
1000 E 5th St
Greenville NC 27858-4353
Ph 252-328-1838 Fx 252-328-4178
Dr. Karen Guzman
Campbell Univ Dept Biology
PO Box 308
Buies Creek NC 27506-0308
Ph 910-814-4365 Fx 910-893-1887
Immediate Past-President 2008-2009
Membership Committee
Dr. Charles F Lytle
NCSU Biology Outreach Program
2245 N Hills Dr
Raleigh NC 27612-4301
Ph 919-788-5355 Fx 919-788-5357
Executive Secretary 2007-2010
Dr. Gerhard W Kalmus
823 Don Bare Rd
Jefferson NC 28640
Ph 336-982-6132
Finance Committee Chairperson
Dr. Julius Harp
NC A&T State Univ Dept Chemistry
1601 E Market St
Greensboro NC 27411-7105
Ph 336-334-7601 Fx 336-334-7124
Secretary 2006-2009
Education Committee Chairperson
Dr. Lisa Kelly
UNC-Pembroke Dept Biology
PO Bo 1510
Pembroke NC 28372-1510
Ph 910-521-6377 Fx 910-521-6649
Dr. Jeffrey S Coker
Elon Univ Dept Biology
2625 Campus Box
Elon NC 27244-2010
Ph 336-278-6206 Fx 336-276-6258
Treasurer 2008-20011
Publication Committee
Dr. Alan Goble
Bennett College Dept Psychology
900 E Washington St Box 23
Greensboro NC 27401-2291
Ph 336-517-2283 Fx 336-517-2291
Collegiate Academy Executive CoDirector 2006-2011
Dr. Yuko J Miyamoto
Elon Univ Dept Biology
2625 Campus Box
Elon NC 27506-2010
Ph 336-278-6210 Fx 336-278-6258
Collegiate Academy Executive CoDirector 2008-2013
Collegiate Academy President 20082009
John Gurski
Catawba College Dept Biology
2300 W Innes St
Salisbury NC 28144
Student Academy Executive Director
Dr. Steve Warshaw
North Carolina School Science &
1219 Broad St
Durham NC 27705-3577
Ph 919-416-2886 Fx 919-416-2890
Executive Editor of Journal
Dr. Frank J Schwartz
UNC Institute Marine Sciences
3431 Arendell St
Morehead City NC 28557-3209
Ph 252-726-6841 ext 139 Fx: 252-726-2426
Academy Historian
William R Burk
UNC-Chapel Hill
3280 Biology Library
Chapel Hill NC 27599-3280
Ph: 919-962-4785 Fx: 919-843-8393
Office Manager
Dr. Susan Stephenson, NCAS
Meredith College Dept Biology/Health
3800 Hillsborough St
Raleigh NC 27607-5298
Ph: 919-760-8189 Fx: 919-788-0956
Government Advisory Committee
Chairperson 2008-2009
Yarbrough Research Grants
Committee Chairperson 2006-2007
Dr. David Webster, Dean
UNCW College of Arts and Sciences
601 S College rd
Wilmington NC 28403-5915
Ph: 910-962-3756 Fx 910-962-4066
Robert R Bryan Research Grants
Committee Chairperson 2006-2007
Dr. Gerhard W Kalmus
Nominating Committee Chairperson
Dr. Charles Lytle
Grants Endowment Chairperson
Dr. Rebecca Tart
Catawba Valley Medical Center
810 Fairgrove Church Rd SE
Hickory NC 28602
Ph 828-326-3216
Planning Committee Chairperson
Dr. Melanie Lee-Brown
Guilford College Dept of Biology
3800 W Friendly Ave
Greensboro NC 27410
Ph 336-316-2421 Fx 336-316-2936
Graduate Councelor 2008-2009
Section Chairs Advisory Committee
Chairperson 2008-2009
Dr. Charles Lytle
Section Chairs Advisory Committee
Representative 2008-2009
Annual Meeting Committee
Chairperson 2008-2009
Dr. Joe Poston
Local Arrangements Committee
Chairpersons 2008-2009
Dr. Paul Bartels
Warren Wilson College Dept Biology
PO Box 9000 CPO 6032
Asheville NC 28815-9000
Ph 828-771-3069 Fx 828-771-7041