Movers & Shakers 2015 “Retailing Revolution” The University of Houston Retailing and Consumer Science (RCS) Program is pleased to invite your organization to participate in the Movers & Shakers 2015 event, “Retailing Revolution.” The event will be held in the Isabel C. Cameron Building at the University of Houston campus on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The event gives retailing students the opportunity to interview for internships and permanent positions and to attend several breakout sessions showcasing retail industry leaders speaking on important issues regarding the future of the retail industry. Location: University of Houston, lobby of Isabel C. Cameron Building (586). For directions to the building, see attached map, or please go to: Parking: Please park in the student lot behind the Cameron Building and a parking pass will be provided upon arrival. Please let us know in advance how many parking permits you will need. Interviews: The interviewing session is scheduled from 9:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m. in the lobby of the Cameron Building. A 48” round table with white tablecloth will be provided. Fifteen minutes will be allotted to interview each candidate. Lunch: Lunch is provided from 12:00 p.m.-12:50 p.m. Please confirm your attendance and menu selection. Please respond by Friday January 30, 2015 to be included in all printed materials. YES, I’D LIKE TO PARTICIPATE! The registration fee for Movers & Shakers 2015 is $350 which includes lunch, parking, and supplies needed for one representative. Net proceeds from will benefit the Merchandising Star Endowment for the UH Retailing and Consumer Science Program, which provides scholarships for RCS students and support for the degree program. Fair market value noted below will also be reflected on your receipt provided by the university for tax purposes. PLEASE LIST YOUR NAME EXACTLY AS YOU WISH FOR IT TO APPEAR IN PRINTED MATERIALS. Name of Individual/Firm Contact Person Title Daytime Phone Alternate Phone Fax_________________ E-mail Address City State Zip Interviewer $350 (Fair Market Value = $50.00) • Interviewing session scheduled from 9:00 - 11:50 a.m. in the lobby of the Cameron Bldg. • A 48” round table & white tablecloth • Lunch and parking for one interviewer Interviewer Small Business $150 A family/individual owned business with 10 or less fulltime employees (Fair Market Value = $50.00) • Interviewing session scheduled from 9:00 - 11:50 a.m. in the lobby of the Cameron Bldg. • A 48” round table & white tablecloth • Lunch and parking for one interviewer Additional Interviewers $50 each (See reservation information on page 3) (Fair Market Value = $25) • Lunch and parking available for additional participants Total: $ _____________________________________________ Enclosed is a check for $__________ made payable to University of Houston. I am/we are unable to attend. Enclosed is my/our check. Please charge my/our AMEX Visa MasterCard Card Number __________________ Billing Address Name on Card Discover _____ ______Expiration Date ___________ All gifts to the University of Houston are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. In compliance with IRS tax reporting laws, the amount of your charitable contribution is limited to the portion of your payment over the value of goods or services. HC55570RN/AICBX RESERVATION INFORMATION Please indicate what positions you are hiring: Representative #1: Name: ______ Title: _____________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ will be attending lunch Non-Vegetarian Vegetarian will not be attending lunch Representative #2: Name: ______ Title: _____________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ will be attending lunch Non-Vegetarian Vegetarian will not be attending lunch Representative #3: Name: ______ Title: _____________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ will be attending lunch Non-Vegetarian Vegetarian will not be attending lunch Representative #4: Name: ______ Title: _____________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ will be attending lunch Non-Vegetarian Vegetarian will not be attending lunch Please provide me with a W-9 Please mail or fax this form to the information below. Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences, University of Houston Attention: Kelly Le 110 Cameron Building Houston, TX 77204-6020 713.743.9343 office 713.743.0572 fax (You can fax credit card information.) Or Register online after January 9, 2015 at