Teknik Presentasi Session 2: Seminar e-Bisnis Program Studi Manajemen

Session 2:
Teknik Presentasi
Seminar e-Bisnis
Program Studi Manajemen
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Effective Presentation
• Introduction
– Exercises to develop group rapport
– Self perception of how others see you
– Exercises to build confidence and warm up the voice
• Presentation practice
– First delivery of presentation one (approx 5 mins)
– Feedback on strengths and areas for improvement
• Using the voice effectively
– Developing greater awareness of the voice
– Speaking more confidently
– Developing a more expressive voice
Effective Presentation (1)
• Creating a stronger presence
Creating an immediate impression
Awareness of the effect of body language
Using gesture to enhance your message
Use of eye contact to build confidence and rapport
• Presentation practice
– Second delivery of presentation one
– Feedback through group discussion
Effective Presentation (2)
• Planning presentation two
– Structuring a presentation quickly
– Opening and ending the presentation effectively
– Maintaining a strong focus throughout the presentation
• Developing greater impact
– Exercises to develop more conviction in the voice
– Exercises for a more assertive delivery style
Effective Presentation (3)
• Influencing your audience
Building rapport with your audience
Using language to influence your audience
Getting your message across in 60 seconds
Techniques to aid audience recall
• Dealing with questions
– Managing the question and answer session
– Dealing with difficult questions
Effective Presentation (3)
• Presentation practice
– Modifying the material
– Rehearsing presentation two
• Developing spontaneity
– Thinking on your feet
– Interacting with the audience
• Presentation Practice
– Final delivery of presentation two
– Evaluation through group discussion
• General feedback session
– Individual evaluations by course tutor
– Personal action plans
Presentation Mistakes
• First: Annoying fillers like "um," "uh," or even phrases
like "you know."
If you previously downloaded and read my Top 52 Presentation
Tips, this is one of the plagues affecting many of us who present
ideas or products in any setting!
Using fillers is one certain way to bore your audience and set
people to doodling on any piece of paper in front of them or
staring blankly into the air.
Start to assess your use of fillers and if you find them in your
speech - begin to put a silent pause in their place.
With enough practice, you'll eliminate them altogether!
Presentation Mistakes (2)
• Second - read off bullet points directly from the
As children we huddle around our teacher as he or she holds up
the book being read so we can see the pictures and the words.
As children we are learning! As adults, a speaker's slide
presentation supports and can guide them through their
When I listen to a speaker I want to hear their mind, their heart
and their style. I can read points on a slide on my own so please,
don't be like a child's teacher; be someone who adds value, life
and personality to your presentation.
Presentation Mistakes (2)
• Third - spending long lengths looking at one part of the
Have you ever noticed how some speakers limit the movement
of their head and eyes? How sometimes speakers avoid eye
contact or attention with where you are sitting? It's annoying and
• To stay out of trouble with audience blunders: don't
annoy and don't insult.