DETECTION OF WAVE V USING CONTINUOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM AND INSTANSTANEOUS ENERGY FOR HEARING LOSS MOHD RUSHAIDIN BIN MUHAMED UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DETECTION OF WAVE V USING CONTINUOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM AND INSTANSTANEOUS ENERGY FOR HEARING LOSS MOHD RUSHAIDIN BIN MUHAMED A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Electrical) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia FEBRUARY 2011 iii Praise to Allah the Almighty Thanks to my beloved mother, father and lovely wife For humanity, hope to be more submitted, pious and to the Creator do we return iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah, God the Almighty for giving me the strength and time to complete this project. In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people – researchers, academicians, and practitioners. I would like take this opportunity to thank them. Particular, I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Prof. Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh for his encouragement, guidance, critics, advice and motivation in the process of preparing and completing this project. I also wish to express my sincere appreciation to Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel J. Strauss, Dr. Delb and Farah Corona for their particular guidance. Without the continued support and interest of these individuals, this thesis would not have been as complete as what you can see in front of you. In particular appreciation is due to En. Najeb Jamaludin, En. Zamri Mohd Zin, En. Yusman Nawazir and others who have provide assistance at various occasions. Their views were useful indeed in completing this project. In addition, there were Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Specialists and Audiologists who have assisted me in providing information in this research. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. The information they contributed have enriched my understanding and thoughts. v ABSTRACT Hearing screening is an essential test to detect hearing ability of someone. A good hearing ability is absolutely necessary for a normal speech development. In cases with pronounced hearing loss even no speech ability will develop at all causing serious communication problems and impaired intellectual and emotional development. Auditory brainstem response is a well known method that has been used on detection of hearing problem. An alternative method was also introduced in this thesis in detecting the hearing loss problem. Evoked potentials are used because they can indicate problem along nerve pathways that are too subtle to show up during neurologic examination or to be noticed by the person. This description may not be visible on magnetic resonance imaging test. This study proposes methods of identifying hearing loss based on continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) and instantaneous energy (IE). Study showed that the IE performed better than the CWT with the sensitivity of 0.88 and specificity of 0.81 compared to the CWT with the sensitivity of 0.63 and specificity of 0.83. Significance of the results is 0.42.This experiments result can be used as a basis to improve methods of detection hearing loss. vi ABSTRAK Ujian pendengaran merupakan satu ujian yang penting bagi mengesan keupayaan pendengaran seseorang. Keupayaan pendengaran yang baik sangat perlu untuk pembangunan pertuturan yang normal. Dalam kes - kes kehilangan pendengaran, keupayaan pertuturan juga tidak dapat dibangunkan yang mana menyebabkan masalah komunikasi yang serius dan juga ketidakseimbangan pembangunan intelektual dan emosi. Auditori refleks batang otak merupakan kaedah yang sering kali digunakan bagi mengesan masalah pendengaran. Keupayaan rangsang digunakan kerana ia boleh mengesan masalah sepanjang lorongan saraf yang terlalu halus untuk dilihat semasa pemeriksaan neurologi atau dikesan oleh seseorang dengan mata kasar. Masalah sepanjang lorongan saraf ini mungkin tidak dapat dilihat melalui pengimejan resonans magnetik. Dalam kajian ini kaedah mengenalpasti gangguan pendengaran berdasarkan transformasi gelombang selanjar (CWT) dan tenaga serta merta (IE) telah dicadangkan. Penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa IE lebih baik daripada CWT dengan tahap kepekaan 0.88 dan kespesifikan 0.81 berbanding CWT dengan tahap kepekaan 0.63 dan kespesifikan 0.83. Keputusan ekperimen ini boleh digunakan sebagai asas untuk meningkatkan kaedah pengesanan kehilangan pendengaran. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem statement 2 1.3 Objectives of the Research 3 1.4 Scope of Research 4 1.5 Contribution of the Thesis 5 1.6 Outline of Thesis 5 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Hearing Loss 8 2.2.1 Types of Hearing Loss 9 2.2.2 Hearing Loss Factors 9 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 10 2.3.1 10 Hearing Screening Tools Digital Signal Processing Technique 13 2.4.1 Fourier Transform 13 2.4.2 Averaging Technique 14 2.4.3 Instantaneous Energy 16 2.4.4 Wavelet Transform 17 Summary 19 HEARING SYSTEM 3.1 Introduction 21 3.2 Human Ear 22 3.2.1 Outer Ear 22 3.2.2 Middle Ear 22 3.2.3 Inner Ear 23 3.3 Auditory Nervous System 27 3.4 Human Brain 28 3.4.1 28 3.5 3.6 4 Hearing Screening Brainstem Evoked Potential 30 3.5.1 Electroencephalography 32 3.5.2 Auditory Brainstem Response 34 Summary 37 DATA COLLECTION 4.1 Introduction 38 4.2 ABR Recording 38 4.2.1 Subject and Environment Description 39 4.2.2 Electrodes 39 ix 5 7 43 4.2.4 Hardware 45 Data acquisition 48 4.4 Summary 49 DATA ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction 50 5.2 Averaging Technique 50 5.3 Continuous Wavelet Technique 52 5.3.1 Preprocessing 54 5.3.2 Wave V Detection 55 Instantaneous Energy Technique 57 5.4.1 Preprocessing 58 5.4.2 Wave V Detection 58 5.5 Sensitivity and Specificity 59 5.6 Summary 61 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Introduction 62 6.2 Averaging Technique 62 6.3 CWT Technique 69 6.4 IE Technique 75 6.5 Performance Analysis 80 6.6 Summary 82 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusions 83 7.2 Recommendations 84 REFERENCES Appendices Stimulus 4.3 5.4 6 4.2.3 87 97-101 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Hearing loss ranking and its corresponding decibel ranges 8 2.2 Screening tools versus age level 12 4.1 Electrodes configurations 40 4.2 Electrodes configuration used by other researchers 41 4.3 Parameter setting that had been used by other researchers 44 5.1 Mneumonic device for calculate sensitivity and specificity 60 61 CWT experiment results on hearing loss persons. 73 6.2.1 CWT experiment results on normal persons 74 6.2.2 CWT experiment results on normal persons 75 6.3.1 IE experiment results on normal persons 78 6.3.2 IE experiment results on normal persons 79 6.4 IE experiment results on hearing loss persons 79 6.5 Sensitivity and specificity of CWT technique 81 6.6 Sensitivity and specificity of IE technique 81 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Anatomy of the human ear. From Wikipedia site 24 3.2 Details of ossicles. From webschoolsolutions site 25 3.3 Cochlea-cross sections. From Wikipedia site 25 3.4 Details of human ear anatomy. From Park Avenue Acoustics site 26 3.5 Human brain structure .(Noback, The Human Nervous System, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1991) 29 3.6 Typical set of EEG signals (Adopted from Sanei and Chambers, 2007) 33 3.7 Human auditory pathways. (Netter,2003) 34 3.8 Human auditory pathways and the correlation with the ABR signal (Courtesy of Grass Telefactor, an Astro-Med. Inc. Product Group, West Warwick, RI.) 35 4.1 Electrodes that were used in the experiment 39 4.2 Types of recording (a) ipsilateral (b) contralateral 40 4.3 Electrodes positions on the scalp 42 4.4 Stimulus (a) click (b) tone burst (c) chirp 43 4.5 Trigger box 45 xii 4.6 gUSBamp biosignal amplifier 46 4.7 Programmable attenuator 47 4.8 Hardware configuration 47 4.9 Matlab model configuration 48 5.1 Signal segmentation 52 5.2 Time and frequency resolution cells for wavelet 54 5.3 Continuous wavelet of ABR signal 57 5.4 Color code of CWT contour 57 5.5 Instantaneous Energy of ABR signal 59 6.1 Power spectrum of raw signal 63 6.2 Comparison between raw signal and averaged signal of 2000 sweeps 63 6.3 Power Spectrum; (a) 1000 (b) 800 (c) 625 (d) 500 sweeps 64 6.4 Power Spectrum; (a) 250 (b) 125 (c) 100 (d) 80 (e) 50 (f) 40 (g) 20 (h) 10 sweeps 65 6.5 The ABR averaged signal and its power spectrum 66 6.6 ABR waveform 68 6.7 ABR waveform of various sweeps 68 6.8 (a) Averaged signal (b) CWT of 1000 sweeps averaged signal 70 6.9 (a) Averaged signal (b) CWT of 10 sweeps averaged signal 71 6.10 Abnormal; (a) Averaged signal (b) CWT of 10 sweeps averaged signal 72 6.11 Normal: (a) Averaged signal (b) IE of 1000 sweeps averaged signal 76 6.12 Abnormal: (a) Averaged signal (b) IE of 1000 sweeps averaged signal 77 xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS dBnHL - Decibel normal hearing level μV - microvolt Ag-AgCl - Argentum-argentum cloride k - kilo : - Ohm A1 - Mastoid left A2 - Mastoid right Cz - Vertex Hz - Hertz Fz - Forehead dB - Decibel μs - microsecond dB SL - Decibel sensation level dB peSPL - Decibel peak equivalent sound pressure level ms - millisecond s - second - translation - wavelet transform - integral - Square root xiii t - time - scale - summation xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABR - Auditory brainstem response AC - Alternating current AEP - Auditory evoked potential ASSR - Auditory steady state responses BAEP - Brainstem auditory evoked potentials CD - Compact disk CNR - Contrast to noise ratio CT - Computed tomography CWT - Continuous wavelet transform DPOAE - Distortion product otoacoustic emissions DSP Digital signal processing DWT - Discrete wavelet transform ECG - Electrocardiography EEG - Electroencephalography EMG - Electromyography EMI Electro-magnetic interferences EOAE - Evoked otoacoustic emissions EP - Evoked potentials ERP - Event related potential FFT - Fast Fourier transform xv gPAH - Guger programmable attenuator headphone buffer gTec - Guger Technology gUSBamp - Guger USB amplifier g.Zcheck - Guger impedance check ICU - Intensive care units IE - Instantaneous energy LED - Light emmiting diode MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging NICU - Neonatal intensive care units OAE - Otoacoustic emissions OAFCCD - Ontario association for families of children with communication disorders OR - Operating rooms SEP - Somatosensory evoked potentials TEOAE - Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions USB - Universal serial bus UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia VEP - Visual evoked potentials WACFM - Weighted averaging based on criterion function minimization CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Hearing screening is an essential test to detect hearing ability of someone. It is one of the most important recommendations in modern pediatric audiology. A good hearing ability is absolutely necessary for a normal speech development. In cases with pronounced hearing loss even no speech ability will develop at all causing serious communication problems and impaired intellectual and emotional development. Many methods have been used as hearing screening tools. One of the popular screening tools is auditory brainstem response (ABR) machine (Satoshi et al., 2003; Bradley and Wilson, 2004). There are also some other hearing screening tools such as transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and auditory steady state responses (ASSR) (Satoshi et al., 2003; McWilliams, 2008; Swanepoel et al., 2004). Nowadays, hearing screening becomes important. There are needs to implement hearing screening in every hospital. However, the time consuming problem for the existing equipment have caused difficulties to implement hearing 2 screening. Recently, many researchers try to come out with new approach to improve the hearing screening system. 1.2 Problem Statement Several types of hearing screening programs have been established so far to detect the hearing loss as early as possible (Helfand et al., 2001; Delb, 2002; Delb, 2003). The technical methods used in these programs include otoacoustic emissions (OAE, sound responses that are emitted from the ear) and auditory evoked responses or ABR (responses in the electroencephalography that are evoked by an auditory stimulus). There are two types of OAE screening techniques, TEOAE and DPOAE (Helfand et al. 2001; Delb, 2003; Plinkert and Delb, 2001; Delb et al., 1999; Delb et al., 2004). TEOAE are generated in response to clicks while DPOAE are a response to tones. Both stimuli are presented via lightweight ear canal probes. A microphone picks up the signal, and multiple responses are averaged to get a reproducible waveform. This test can be carried out at the bedside and a pass or fail response is recorded. TEOAE measurements are more commonly used for screening whereas DPOAE are still a subject of research (Delb et al., 1999). The absence of TEOAE indicates that the inner ear is not responding appropriately to sound. TEOAE can be used for a hearing check but they do not allow for a quantification of the hearing loss (Delb, 2003). The ABR is an electrophysiological response in the electroencephalography generated in the brainstem in response to auditory signals such as clicks or chirps. The stimulus is delivered via earphones or an inserted ear probe, and scalp electrodes are used to obtain the signals. Detection of wave V in the ABR measurements is the 3 most reliable objective diagnosis and quantification of hearing loss (Delb, 2003; Wicke et al., 1978; Woodworth et al., 1983; Mason and Adams, 1984; Peters, 1986; Shangkai and Loew, 1986). This method has a higher specificity as the TEOAE measurement and it can also be used for the detection of the hearing threshold, i.e., the quantification of the hearing loss. However, due to a poor signal-to-noise ratio, 2000 to 4000 sweeps have to be averaged to obtain a meaningful, visually noticeable signal at a particular stimulation level (the exact number depends on the number of artifacts produced). As such largescale averaged signals are used in the conventional visual analysis; they are also commonly used in computational scheme, although, for a machine other data representations might be more appropriate (Strauss et al., 2004). Using the currently available devices, this takes approximately 2 to 4 minutes to get the result for one stimulation level, e.g., (Meier et al., 2004) where it was not possible to obtain a reliable response in less than even 4 to 5 minutes. This measurement time requires a state of spontaneous sleep or strong sedation. Therefore, the needs to design a faster screening tool become important. 1.3 Objectives of the Research The main objective of this research is to use signal processing theory to improve the detection of wave V with reduced number of sweeps. In order to achieve the main objective, several sub-objectives are addressed in this thesis as following: (1) To apply averaging technique in detecting the wave V signal for abnormalities of hearing impairment. 4 (2) To apply Fourier transforms to analyze the power spectrum on different sweeps or clicks. (3) To apply continuous wavelet transforms to detect abnormalities of hearing impairment. (4) To apply instantaneous energy to detect abnormalities of hearing impairment. 1.4 Scope of Research The scopes of research are limited to the following issues: x The research is focus on real ABR signal. The simulated signal is not included in this research. Real ABR signal is original ABR signal recorded from patient, while simulated signal is generated by machine known as ABR signal simulator. Analysis and features extraction based on simulated signal are not reliable. Real signal are largely interfered by many factors such as background noise, patients’ movements and age. x The real ABR signals are collected at out-patient clinic at Pusat Kesihatan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Pusat Kejuruteraan Bioperubatan, Fakulti Bioperubatan dan Sains Kesihatan, UTM. x The patients’ ages are from eight to thirty years old. 5 x This research is limited to data analysis based on ipsilateral recording. x This research focused on the averaging technique, continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) and instantaneous energy (IE) to detect abnormalities of hearing impairment and this research used Fourier transform to analyze the power spectrum on different sweeps or clicks. 1.5 Contribution of the Thesis In this research, there are two different techniques have been developed based on signal analysis techniques which are IE and CWT used as marker in order to detect wave V. The main contributions of this research is to see whether signal processing theory can be an alternative approach to determine hearing impairment compared to the traditional approach of averaging. The CWT and IE approach in this thesis do provide a primary result to further the work in this area. 1.6 Outline of the Thesis This thesis is organized into six chapters. The current chapter describes the introduction of this research, the background and problems of this research as well as the objectives, scopes and contributions of this research. Chapter 2 describes literature review on hearing loss and hearing screening. Various types of hearing loss are described; conductive hearing loss and 6 sensorineural hearing loss. The hearing loss factors are also discussed in this chapter. Various types of hearing screening tools and the digital signal processing techniques used on analyzing auditory signals are discussed. Chapter 3 describes an overview of human ear, auditory nervous system, human brain and the evoked potential. The human ear from the outer to the inner ear had been discussed. The discussion also covered sound propagation from the outer ear to the brain. The evoked potential is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4 describes the methodology of the research in detail. The features of the subjects and environment are described in this chapter. This chapter covered the discussion on the electrodes configurations that had been used in this study. The stimulus, hardware as well as data acquisition are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 5 describes the analysis techniques of the research in detail. The most popular method in ABR research, the averaging technique is discussed in this chapter. The technique is used to extract the ABR wave signal from the recorded brain signal. The wave V detection techniques that had been used in this research are also discussed. Chapter 6 delivers the results of the experiments carried out. Several experiments were carried out, based on averaging, continuous wavelet transform and instantaneous energy techniques to find out a way to establish fast detection of wave V in order to test hearing problems. Chapter 7, the final chapter, summaries the research findings and some suggestions for future work which might be useful for further development and improvement are written in this chapter. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter describes a literature review of types of hearing loss, hearing loss factors as well as hearing screening tools. Based on the review of the various types of hearing screening and current hearing screening system, the limitations of the hearing screening system are identified: hearing screening stages, time consuming and no ABR raw signals database. From these problems, the objectives of this thesis were derived to overcome the above constraints by investigating ways in developing techniques of detection of wave V signal. The scope of the task is also defined. 8 2.2 Hearing Loss Hearing loss, hearing impairment or deafness is defined by Ontario association for families of children with communication disorders, OAFCCD (2008) as a full or partial decrease in ability to detect or understand sounds. Deafness is the traditional term used to describe loss of hearing, but hearing impairment is the preferred term that encompasses the fact of different degrees of hearing loss. Hearing impairment persons lost of the ability to detect some frequencies, or to detect lowamplitude sounds. Hearing threshold or hearing sensitivity indicates the quietest sound that an individual can detect. Normal hearing thresholds are not the same for all frequencies at the same amplitude of the sounds. A person is considered to have hearing impairment when he or she is not sensitive to the sounds normally heard. The severity of a hearing impairment is categorized according to how much louder a sound must be made over the usual levels before the listener can detect it. In profound deafness, even the loudest sounds that can be produced by the instrument used to measure hearing may not be detected. Severity of hearing loss can be measured by the degree of loudness, as measured in decibels. The hearing loss quantification can be ranked as mild, moderate, severe or profound. The details of the ranking of the hearing loss are shown in Table 2.1 below. Table 2.1: Hearing loss ranking and its corresponding decibel ranges Ranking Corresponding decibel ranges Mild Adults: 25 to 40 dB Children: 20 to 40 dB Moderate 41 to 55 dB Moderately severe 56 to 70 dB Severe 71 to 90 dB Profound 90 dB or greater 9 2.2.1 Types of Hearing Loss Typically there are three types of hearing impairment; conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and combination of both. Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound is not conducted properly through the outer ear, middle ear, or both. It is generally a mild to moderate impairment, because sound can still be detected by the inner ear. More severe impairments can occur, particularly in otosclerosis. Generally, with pure conductive hearing loss, the quality of hearing is good, as long as the sound is amplified loud enough to be easily heard. Sensorineural hearing loss is due to insensitivity of the inner ear, the cochlea, or to impairment of function in the auditory nervous system. It can be mild, moderate, severe, or profound, to the point of total deafness. The persons with this type of hearing problem, may be heard at normal thresholds, but the quality of the sound perceived is so poor that speech cannot be understood. The eardrum of this kind of persons can be function normally but the vibration of the sounds cannot be transferred to the brain for the interpretation process. 2.2.2 Hearing Loss Factors There are several factors which cause hearing loss. For the conductive hearing loss; it is caused by the ear canal obstruction, middle ear abnormalities, inner ear abnormalities as well as ostoclerosis (an abnormal growth of bone near the middle ear). The sensorineural hearing loss is caused by the abnormalities in the hair cells of the organ of Corti in the cochlea, the VIIIth cranial nerve, the Vestibulocochlear nerve or the auditory portions of the brain. Most of sensory hearing loss is due to poor hair cell function. The hair cells may be abnormal at birth, or damaged during the lifetime of an individual. There are both external causes of damage, such as noise, trauma and infection, and intrinsic abnormalities, such as deafness genes. 10 2.3 Hearing Screening Hearing screening or hearing test provides an evaluation of the sensitivity of a person's sense of hearing and is most often performed by an audiologist using the screening tools such as TEOAE, DPOAE, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, behavioral audiometry and ABR machine. 2.3.1 Hearing Screening Tools As mentioned in section 2.3, there are various types of screening tools or methods in the market. McWilliams (2008) described four types of the screening tools: Weber test is considered as one of the most basic tests for detecting hearing loss. This test will be able to detect two types of hearing loss: unilateral conductive hearing loss and unilateral sensorineural type. The Weber Test makes use of a tuning fork. The fork is struck on a surface to produce vibrations. It will then be placed on top of the media lateral of the skull. A person is said to have a unilateral conductive hearing loss if one ear hears the sound louder than the other. The ear that hears the louder sound is the affected one. Rinne test also uses a tuning fork same as the Weber test. The test compares how sound is perceived as conducted through the mastoid. A tuning fork is struck to produce vibrations. The fork stem is then struck on the mastoid of a person. When no sound can already be heard, the fork is then placed outside the ear. Although the Webber test and Rinne test have been proven to be effective, these can't be compared to the hearing test called audiometry. 11 Pure tone audiometry is the formal testing of a person's hearing ability. With the help of an audiometer, the hearing level of a person may be measured. It may measure the ability of a person to differentiate between different intensities of sound, distinguish speech from background sounds, or recognize pitch. In audiometry, otoacoustic emissions as well as acoustic reflex can also be measured. Results from audiometry testing can be used to diagnose whether the subject has hearing loss or other problems with the ear. Unlike the Weber test and the Rinne test, audiometry testing needs a special soundproof room. It also does not make use of tuning forks. Instead, it uses a device called the audiometer. Tympanometry or impedance audiometry is a test usually used to detect conductive hearing loss. It is also used if nothing apparent is detected through the Rinne and Weber test. This procedure makes use of an otoscope. This makes sure that nothing; neither foreign object nor earwax is blocking the path to the eardrum. It is considered as a foolproof method if ever the findings from the other tests produce suspiciously inaccurate or anomalous results, and further tests are needed for deeper hearing level assessment. Tympanometry targets the eardrum's mobility, conduction of bones, and the condition of the middle ear. There are also the other types hearing screening tools. Below are the details of other tools. Evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE) is a test that uses a tiny, flexible plug that is inserted into the baby's ear. Sounds are sent through the plug. A microphone in the plug records the otoacoustic emissions (responses) of the normal ear in reaction to the sounds. There are no emissions in a baby with hearing loss. This test is painless and is usually completed within a few minutes, while the baby sleeps. There are two types of EOAE; TEOAE and DPOAE as mentioned in the first chapter. 12 ABR is a test that uses electrodes (wires) attached with adhesive to the subject scalp. While the subject sleeps, clicking sounds are made through tiny earphones in the subject's ears. The test measures the brain's activity in response to the sounds. As in EOAE, this test is painless and takes only a few minutes. Behavioral audiometry is a screening test used in infants to observe their behavior in response to certain sounds. Additional testing may be necessary. Play audiometry is a test that uses an electrical machine to transmit sounds at different volumes and pitches into your child's ears. Child usually wears some type of earphones. This test is modified slightly in the toddler age group and made into a game. The toddler is asked to do something with a toy (i.e., touch a toy, move a toy) every time the sound is heard. This test relies on the cooperation of the child, which may not always be given. Some of the screening tools described above can be used on all ages, but some are used based on age and level of understanding. Table 2.2 below summaries it. Table 2.2: Screening tools versus age level Age level Tools Newborn Infant Toddler Child Adult Weber X Rinne X Pure tone X X Tympanometry X X EOAE X X X X X ABR X X X X X X X X X X Behavioral Play 13 2.4 Digital Signal Processing Techniques Various types of signal processing techniques are being used by many researchers for various types of application. In this thesis, Fourier transform, averaging, instantaneous energy and wavelet transform are described. 2.4.1 Fourier Transform Fourier transform is a mathematical transform used to transform a time domain signal into frequency domain. Fourier transform has no concern directly with time (Morita, 1995), it only concern with frequency. It is a description of how a signal or an image is constructed from waves, it gives us the amplitude and phases of all waves that must be added together to generate the original signal (Peters et al., 1998). Brigham and Morrow (1967) mentioned that the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is a computer algorithm that computes the discrete Fourier transform much faster than other algorithms. Many researchers used Fourier transform in various applications. Yoganathan et al. (1976) used FFT in the frequency analysis of the second heart sound in normal man. They analyzed the second heart sound signal and observed the frequency region of the signal. Licznerski et al. (1998) analyzed shearing interferograms of tear film using FFT for evaluating tear film stability on the human eye. The tear film distribution on the cornea is measured by the lateral shearing interference technique. FFT is applied to consecutive interferograms for precise and repetitive assessment of the tear film breakup time. The tear breakup time is evaluated noninvasively by comparing the value of the second momentum of Fourier spectra calculated from the consecutive interferograms. 14 Mohan and Chui (1987) used FFT in calculating dose distributions for irregularly shaped fields for three-dimensional treatment planning. The dose distributions for arbitrarily shaped beams are calculated by two-dimensional convolution of the relative primary photon fluence distributions and kernels representing the cross-sectional profiles of a pencil beam at a series of depth. Convolutions are performed using FFT on an array processor. Wilson and Aghdasi (1999b) studied the effects of subject’s age, gender and test ear on FFT results. The study was to investigate the effects and relationships between subject’s age, gender and test ear at different stimulus intensities, on the spectral content of the ABR in normal adults. Results show that less frequent changes in the frequency domain ABR FFT results. Based on review of Fourier transform, it can be concluded that Fourier transform can be used in many applications and FFT can be used to shows the ABR components due to less frequent changes in the frequency domain ABR FFT results. 2.4.2 Averaging Technique Averaging technique is a signal processing technique applied in time domain, intended to increase the strength of a signal relative to noise that is obscuring it. Signal averaging technique is an important technique that allows estimation of small amplitude signals that are buried in noise (Drongelen, 2007). It is often used to extract a useful signal embedded in noise. This method is especially useful for biomedical signals, where the spectra of the signal and noise significantly overlap (Leski, 2002). 15 Tan et al. (2009) used signal averaging method for noise reduction in anesthesia monitoring and control. While anesthesia patients’ vital signs such as anesthesia depth index, blood pressure, heart rate etc. are transmitted through a noisy wireless channel in a wide area, those transmitted signals will be corrupted by the transmission noise. It is well understood that within most algorithms that reduce effects of random noises on signals and systems, some types of signal averaging are used. The signal averaging can be used effectively when remote monitoring and diagnosis are involved. On the other hand, signal averaging introduces dynamic delays. Such delays will have detrimental effects on closed-loop systems, even destabilizing the system. Consequently, signal averaging encounters a fundamental performance limitation in feedback systems. Decaying rate of the averaging window has significant impact on the performance of the close-loop system. When it is larger than some value, the close-loop system becomes unstable. A concept of stability margins against exponential averaging was introduced. Its calculation can be performed by either the Routh-Hurwitz method or the root-locus method on a modified system. Furthermore, the strategy for choosing the optimal decaying rate was derived. The results conclude that fast sampling must be used for improving noise reduction after optimal filter design. The analysis and design method was applied to anesthesia patient control problems (Tan et al., 2009). Gazella et al. (1994) shows that signal averaging can be an effective means of suppressing motion artifacts on T1-weighted spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging of the liver at high field strengths. Gazella et al. (1994) compares signal averaging with phase reordering at 1.5T. Signal averaging resulted in images with significantly greater liver signal to noise ratio, liver-spleen contrast to noise ratio (CNR), and liver-lesion CNR than did phase reordering. 16 McCarthy (2007) mentioned that averaging also used in acoustic environment. The disturbances to transmitted signal such as ambient noise, reverberation and weather changes can be minimized using averaging technique. Leski (2002) approved that signal averaging can be formulated as a problem of minimization of a criterion function. He introduced weighted averaging based on criterion function minimization (WACFM) and robust -insensitive WACFM to establish a connection between weighted signal averaging and robust statistics. The introduced of Vapnik’s -insensitive weighted averaging method is based on weighted version -insensitive function as a dissimilarity measure. A new method is introduced as a constrained minimization problem of the criterion function. Based on the review of averaging technique, it can be concluded that averaging can be used in many applications and it can be use to eliminate noise from EEG signal and averaging technique was used in this research. 2.4.3 Instantaneous Energy Instantaneous energy is basically representing the temporal strength of a time varying signal (Sh-Hussain, 2008). Instantaneous energy had shown good signal descriptor in detecting first and second heart sounds using ECG waveform (Malarvili et al., 2003). Loutridis (2006), used instantaneous energy density to obtain high values of energy when defected gear teeth are engaged. The defect of gear teeth can be detected by the high peak instantaneous energy events. Kong et al. (2008) presented the method based on variation components-based instantaneous energy for voltage 17 sag source detection. Simulations have been performed to provide the thorough analysis for system with distributed generation units. The studies showed that the presented method can effectively detect the location of voltage sag source. As a conclusion, method of instantaneous energy is selected to analyze auditory brainstem response in this research. The performance of this technique will be compared. 2.4.4 Wavelet Transform Wavelet transform has been proven as a useful tool for signal analysis and it is widely used in biomedical signal processing and denoising applications (Tan and Mok, 2008) Wavelet transform provide flexible time-frequency window which automatically narrow when observing high frequency signal and widens when observing low frequency signal. These transformations able to overcome the weakness in short time Fourier transforms which use fix window size (Chui, 1992). (Tan and Mok, 2008) reported that the translation invariant property of stationary wavelet transform contribute to the improvement of the denoise signal quality as well as provide a reference selection guide for Coifman wavelet family and the number of decomposition level to achieve optimum denoise performance for ECG signal. Methods of features extraction and classification of heart sounds based on wavelet decomposition and neural network are shown by Turkoglu and Arslan (2001). Daubechies 4 coefficients wavelet is used to decompose the heart sounds into 10 levels. Features were obtained by calculating the average of wavelet coefficients 18 at each level. Using adaptive learning back-propagation algorithm, the neural network had achieved 96% accuracy out of 100 data in classification of 10 types of heart sounds. Lightbody et al. (2006) investigates the use of features extracted from the wavelet domain to assist in the classification of the ABR waveform. They were classified the strong responses without error by combining power features from the time and wavelet domain and applying a negative weighting to test cases where the presence of an artefact was suspected. The remaining ABR waveforms were passed to a second stage of classification. Cross-correlation features were extracted from repeat recordings using wavelet decomposition performed on a moving window of data within the post stimulus waveform. By separating different frequency levels within the decomposition a more representative post stimulus section of the waveform was analyzed. The lower level responses with repeat recordings were classified to an accuracy of 76.4%. Li et al. (1995) developed an algorithm based on wavelets for the detection of QRS, T, and P waves of ECG. The power of waveletes lies in its multiscale information analysis was used to characterize a signal. Zhang et al. (2005) compared two approaches between wavelets and wavelets-bayesian for classification of auditory brainstem response (ABR). Based on their analysis, the wavelet and waveletormed -bayesian approaches both give better results for ABRs with higher repetition because a higher signal to noise ratio is achieved in the ABR with more repetitions. Their finding also shows that the wavelet-bayesian approach performed better than the wavelet approach. Lee and Ozdamar (1999) compared the resulting self-organizing features maps topology obtained with and without wavelet preprocessing. Their finding 19 shows that wavelet preprocessing helped to reduce computational time while retaining the same promising results. Maglione et al.(2003) investigated the possibility of estimating wave V of the auditory brainstem response (ABR) by means of wavelet transform. The performance of different wavelets basis for approximation of the morphology of ABR’s wave V was evaluated. They used wavelet functions Meyer, Daubechies 10, Symlet 10, and Biorthogonal 6.8 on their work, and their finding shows Biorthogonal 6.8 to be the most appropriate to fulfill the specific requirement. They also analyzed the performance of the Biorthogonal 6.8 wavelet function to approximate the morphology of wave V for averaged 1000, 750, 500 and 250 epochs The results are promising and address the use of the wavelet transform to approximate wave V of ABR using a few epochs, with the consequent advantage of reducing the total time of recording. Based on previous research reported on wavelet transform, it can be concluded that wavelet transform had shown some significant advantages in analyzing auditory brainstem response. Thus, there is a need to further investigate the use of wavelet transform in analyzing auditory brainstem response. 2.5 Summary This chapter reviews about hearing loss, hearing screening and digital signal processing techniques. There are several factors that cause hearing loss as discussed in this chapter. By detecting the cause, the suitable treatment can be applied to the patients. Based on the reviews, the ABR is a suitable tool to screening hearing loss. The tool can be used between the age ranges, newborn until adult. However, the screening tool takes time to be completed and there are two stage of screening have 20 to be gone through. Therefore, this research study had been explored the solutions to overcome the problems. Signal processing techniques, which are Fourier transform, averaging, instantaneous energy and wavelet transform were discussed in this chapter. CHAPTER 3 HEARING SYSTEM 3.1 Introduction Speech and hearing are closely related in human communication development. Human beings develop their speaking ability through listening and imitating the sound. The speaking ability or skill is acquired since the first day a baby comes to the world through observation and listening. They will try to mimic the sound by exercising their mouth muscle and producing the similar sound. Hence, if the baby has problems in hearing and it is not detected at an early stage, it may lead to delay of speaking ability development or mute if worst. Consequently, newborn hearing screening (NHS) has become one of the most important recommendations in modern pediatric audiology. There are many types of hearing test equipments that have been used in the hospital, such as TEOAE, DPOAE, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, behavioral audiometry and ABR machine as discussed in the chapter 2. In this chapter the details of the hearing system will be discussed. The brain and ear anatomy are discussed in this chapter. The evoked potential produced by the human anatomy system is discussed. 22 3.2 Human Ear The ear is the sense organ that detects sounds. It is also used for balancing. There are three parts of the ear; the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer and middle ear mostly collect and transmit sound. 3.2.1 Outer Ear The outer ear is the part which is visible and is made of folds of skin and cartilage. The outer part of the ear that consists of the auricle (pinna) and the external auditory canal are only concerned with the gathering of sound. It leads into the ear canal, which is about one inch long in adults and is closed at the inner end by the eardrum. The human pinna is formed primarily of cartilage without useful muscles, and it has many small superficial bumps and grooves. The human pinna is unique for each person; the shape and location of the various bumps and grooves differ considerably across the population (Yost, 2007). The eardrum is a thin, tough, circular membrane covered with a thin layer of skin. It vibrates in response to changes in the air pressure that form sound. The eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear. 3.2.2 Middle Ear The middle ear is involved in transferring the sound to inner parts of the ear where the auditory receptors can pick up the sound. The middle ear is a small cavity which conducts sound to the inner ear by means of three tiny, linked, movable bones 23 called “ossicles”, see Figure 3.2. These are the smallest bones in the human body and are named for their shape. The hammer (malleus) joins the inside of the eardrum. The head of the malleus is connected to the next ossicles, the incus (Yost, 2007). The anvil (incus) has a broad joint with the hammer and a very delicate joint to the stirrup (stapes). The stapes, which is the smallest bine in the body, consists of the head (or capitulum), two bony struts called cruca on each side of a flat oval bone called the footplate. The base of the stirrup fills the oval window which leads to the inner ear. The tympanic membrane or eardrum is held in place by fibers and cartilage situated in a bony groove between the outer and middle ears. The tympanic membrane denotes, anatomically, one boundary of the large cavity known as the middle ear cavity, or tympanum. The tympanic membrane consists of two sets of fibers; one set radiates from center to the outside of the membrane and the other set is composed of rings of fibers. The fibers are very sparse in the upper portions of the tympanic membrane called the “pars flaccida” (Yost, 2007). 3.2.3 Inner Ear The inner ear can be divided into three parts; the semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea which all are located in the temporal bone region of the skull (Yost, 2007). The inner ear analyzes sound waves and contains an apparatus that maintains the body’s balance. The inner ear is a very delicate series of structures deep within the bones of the skull. It consists of amaze of winding passages, called the “labyrinth”. When the sound has passed to the cochlea, a snail-shaped organ in the inner ear, is picked up by the inner hair cells when the basilar membrane vibrates, see Figure 3.1. In general, the motion of the stapes moves the fluid and other structures of the inner ear. The motion causes the hair cells of the inner ear to be stimulated and to elicit neural discharges in the auditory nerve. Thus, the mechanical energy of sound vibration is changed into neural information within the inner ear. This process is called mechanical to neural transduction. The inner ear provides the nervous system with information about the frequency, intensity and the 24 temporal content of acoustic stimulation. Part of the spectral analysis of sound is provided by the mechanics of the inner ear in a way that can be described as filtering (Yost, 2007). Semi circular canals Elliptical window Incus Circular window Vestibular nerve Pinna Auditory nerve Malleus Cochlea € Tympanum cavity Auditory canal Tympanic membrane (eardrum) Stapes Eustachian tube Figure 3.1: Anatomy of the human ear. From Wikipedia site The vestibule is the central inner ear cavity. It is bounded on its lateral side by the oval window, which is located in its wall facing the middle ear cavity (tympanic wall). The vestibule contains the utricle and the saccule, which are sense organs of the vestibular system. The cochlea, a small shell-shaped part of the bony labyrinth contains the primary auditory organ of the inner ear. The cochlea resembles a tube of decreasing diameter, which is coiled increasingly sharp on it. The basilar membrane connects to the outer wall of the bony cochlea at the spiral ligament and completes the division of the canal into two passages (tubes or ducts), except for a small opening at the apex called the helicotrema. The lower passage of the canal (scala tympani) has an opening, known as the round window, which is covered with a thin membrane (round window membrane) that connects back to the tympanic (middle ear) cavity and separates scala tympani from tympanic cavity. The upper 25 passage of the canal (scala vestibule) is connected to the tympanic cavity via the footplate of the stapes and oval window and separates scala vestibule from the upper part of tympanic cavity, see Figure 3.4 (Yost, 2007). Figure 3.2: Details of ossicles. From webschoolsolutions site Figure 3.3: Cochlea-cross sections. From Wikipedia site. 26 Crura of stapes Prominence of lateral semicircular canal Incus Malleus Attic of middle ear (epitympanic recess) Facial nerve Footplate of stapes in oval window Vestibule Semicircular canals, utricle and saccule Internal acoustic meatus Cochlear nerve Vestibular nerve Facial nerve Pinna Pharynx External auditory meatus (ear canal) Scala vestibuli Ear drum (tympanic membrane) Cavity of middle ear Promontry Cochlear duct containing organ of corti Scala tympani Cochlea Round window Eustachian tube Figure 3.4: Details of human ear anatomy. From Park Avenue Acoustics site. 27 The basilar membrane vibrates at the frequency of the stimulus sound and the vibration rate is then translated into an appropriate number of impulses per second. The basilar membrane located within the cochlea of the inner ear. It is a stiff structural element that separates two liquid-filled tubes that run along the coil of the cochlea, the scala media and the scala tympani, see Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4. It was found that different parts of the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies of sound. Marieb (2001) mentioned that, the fibers near the oval window (cochlear base) resonate in response to high frequency pressure waves, and the fibers near the cochlear apex resonate in time with lower frequency pressure waves. 3.3 Auditory Nervous System The nervous system is essential to the functioning of the human organism. It regulates our automatic control systems, integrates and assimilates data from outside world and our internal organs, and regulates and controls the loco motor system. It has been compared to a computer with an electrical communications system. It is a complex interconnection of nervous tissue (Carr and Brown, 2001). The nervous system has been divided into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Each of these systems consists of components from both the central and peripheral nervous systems (Enderle et al., 2005). In auditory system travelling wave vibration of the cochlea causes the stereocilia of the hair cells to undergo a form of bending (shearing). The shearing of the stereocilia in turn triggers a neural response in the auditory nerve, and the neural process of hearing begins. The hair cells and the auditory nerve generate biomechanical-electrical potentials based on a flow of potassium and sodium into and out of these neural cells. As a consequence, the intricate motions and interactions of the motions of the various cochlear structures generate several different types of electric potentials that are relatively easy to measure (Yost, 2007). The flow of neural 28 information starts in the auditory nerve and then travels to the brainstem and then to the auditory cortex. The output of the auditory nerve is transferred to the auditory cortex where it is interpreted. The human auditory system can detect sounds from 10dB to 120dB without suffering damage. About 10% of nerve fibers have a dynamic range of 60dB or more. Human can hear sounds in the frequency range between 20 Hz to 20 kHz. According to Marieb (2001), our ears are most sensitive to frequencies between 1500 Hz and 4000 Hz. 3.4 Human Brain Human brain is the center of the human nervous system and is a highly complex organ. The brain has three main parts, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. The brain is divided into regions that control specific functions. Brainstem lies underneath the cerebrum. 3.4.1 Brainstem The brainstem consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain and diencephalon. It connects the brain with the spinal cord and automatically controls vital functions such as breathing (Enderle et al., 2005). The medulla automatically controls heart rate and breathing. Reflex functions such as coughing, sneezing and vomiting are associated with the medulla. The pons forms a noticeable bulge on the anterior surface of the brainstem. It functions as a relay station for motor respiratory 29 and auditory fibers from the cerebrum and cerebellum. Other impulses from eye movement, head muscles and taste sensors also pass through here. The midbrain is a wedge-shaped portion of the stem. It connects the pons and cerebellum with the cerebrum and is located at the upper end of the brainstem. Midbrain tissues function as a motor relay station for fibers passing from the cerebrum to the cord and cerebellum. Integration of visual and auditory reflexes, including those concerned with avoiding objects, also occur here. The diencephalon forms the superior part of the brainstem. As part of the original forebrain, it develops into the thalamus and hypothalamus (Carr and Brown, 2001). Figure 3.5 illustrated the human brain structure. Figure 3.5: Human brain structure.(Noback, The Human Nervous System, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1991) The thalamus receives fibers from the hearing structures of the inner ear and visual system. It also provides pathways for somatic sensory systems. All this sensory information eventually reaches the cerebrum, where it is processed. The 30 hypothalamus responds to the properties of blood passing through nerve connections. The endocrine system is controlled through nerve responses, affecting emotional behavior patterns. Other functions controlled via chemical interaction with the pituitary gland are temperature regulation, water balance, food intake, gastric secretion, sexual behavior and sleeping patterns (Carr and Brown, 2001). 3.5 Evoked Potential An evoked potential or evoked response is an electrical signals generated by the nervous system of a human or other animal in response to sensory stimuli such as visual, auditory or somatosensory stimulation. Evoked potential amplitudes tend to be low, ranging from less than a microvolt to several microvolts. To resolve these low-amplitude potentials against the background of ongoing electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiography (ECG), electromyography (EMG) and other biological signals and ambient noise, signal averaging is usually required. Signals can be recorded from cerebral cortex, brain stem, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Evoked potential testing are electrophysiologic measurements in which a stimulus is delivered and its transits through the nervous system is timed. The commonly used tests include visual evoked response, brainstem auditory evoked response, and somatosensory evoked response (Dawson, 1998). Evoked potentials are used to measure the electrical activity in certain areas of the brain and spinal cord. Electrical activity is produced by stimulation of specific sensory nerve pathways. Evoked potentials test and record how quickly and completely the nerve signals reach the brain. Evoked potentials are used because they can indicate problems along nerve pathways that are too subtle to show up during a neurologic examination or to be noticed by the person. The disruption may not even be visible on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam. 31 Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) are produced by repetitively stimulating with brief electrical pulses peripheral nerves and recording at various locations along the nervous system to the sensory cortex (Bell and Manon-Espaillat, 1998). The somatosensory test examines the sensory system from the peripheral nerve to the sensory cortex of brain. SEP may be tested in patients with numbness or weakness of arm or leg, or with suspected lesion in spinal cord or peripheral nerve. SEP is also common diagnostic test for multiple sclerosis. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) are electrical potential differences recorded from the scalp in response to visual stimuli (Deuschl, 1999). VEP is caused by sensory stimulation of a subject's visual field and is observed using electroencephalography. Commonly used visual stimuli are flashing lights, or checkerboards on a video screen that flicker between black on white to white on black (invert contrast). VEP test examines integrity of visual pathway from retina to occipital cortex where visual input is perceived in the brain. VEP may be tested for patient with suspected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, with complaint of visual disturbance, or with suspected lesion involving visual pathway. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) are very small electrical voltage potentials which are recorded in response to an auditory stimulus from electrodes placed on the scalp. BAEP reflect neuronal activity in the auditory nerve, coclear nucleus, superior olive and inferior colliculus of the brainstem. BAEP typically have a response latency of no more than 6 milliseconds with amplitude of approximately 1 millivolt. Due to small amplitude 500 or more repetitions of the auditory stimulus are required in order to average out the random background electrical activity. Although it is possible to obtain a BAEP to a pure tone stimulus in the hearing range a more effective auditory stimulus contains a range of frequencies in the form of a short sharp click. BAEP test examines the integrity of auditory pathway through the brainstem. BAEP are used mainly for evaluation of auditory pathway in the brainstem (Misulis and Head, 2003). BAEP may be tested for patients with hearing problem, dizziness or any lesion involving brainstem. BAEP may also be examined in patients with suspected diagnosis of multiple sclerosis but it is less 32 helpful for evaluation of multiple sclerosis than VEP and SEP (Misulis,and Head, 2003). 3.5.1 Electroencephalography Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp produced by the firing of neurons within the brain. It is a unique and valuable measure of the brain’s electrical function. It is a graphic display of a difference in voltages from two sites of brain function recorded over time (Tatum et al., 2008). Traditionally the EEG is recorded to paper with a chart recorder; however, newer computer technology has enabled the electrical signals to be digitized and stored on various devices such as optical disks and digital audiotape (Bell and ManonEspaillat, 1998). In clinical contexts, EEG refers to the recording of the brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time, as recorded from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. In neurology, the main diagnostic application of EEG is in the case of epilepsy, as epileptic activity can create clear abnormalities on a standard EEG study. A secondary clinical use of EEG is in the diagnosis of coma and encephalopathy. EEG used to be a first-line method for the diagnosis of tumors, stroke and other focal brain disorders, but this use has decreased with the introduction of anatomical imaging techniques such as MRI and computed tomography (CT). Derivatives of the EEG technique include evoked potentials (EP), which involves averaging the EEG activity time-locked to the presentation of a stimulus of some sort (visual, somatosensory, or auditory). Event-related potentials refer to averaged EEG responses that are time-locked to more complex processing of stimuli; 33 this technique is used in cognitive science, cognitive psychology, and psychophysiological research. For example, the ABR signal is obtained from averaged EEG signals after response to several repeated sound stimulus such as click. Figure 3.6 illustrates the typical set of EEG signals. Figure 3.6: Typical set of EEG signals. (Adopted from Sanei and Chambers, 2007) 34 3.5.2 Auditory Brainstem Response Figure 3.7: Human auditory pathways.(Netter,2003) 35 Figure 3.8: Human auditory pathways and the correlation with the ABR signal. (Courtesy of Grass Telefactor, an Astro-Med. Inc. Product Group, West Warwick, RI.) Auditory brainstem response (ABR) is a popular method of accessing the electrical activity of a human or other mammal brainstem. It is an electrical signal 36 evoked from the brainstem of a human or other mammal by the presentation of a stimulus sound such as a click. It is used as a type of test, usually performed for infants and young children that evaluate how well sounds travel along the hearing nerve pathways from the ear to the brainstem. Figure 3.7 and 3.8 show the auditory pathways of human hearing system and the correlation with the ABR signals. ABR is a type of auditory evoked potential (AEP) which is a subclass of event related potential (ERP). ABR signals occur in the first 20 ms after the stimulus (Bell et al., 2004). It is a short, transient response elicited by short-duration stimuli, wide-band click or frequency-specific tone burst. Normal ABR has very characteristic wave morphology, with its prominent wave’s I-V appearing within 110 milliseconds after stimulus, of which wave V has the largest amplitude, see Figure 3.8. ABR is a combined synchronized response of ON-neurons of the VIIIth nerve and brainstem, and presents valuable information on their function. It is widely used in the diagnostics of cochlear vs. retro-cochlear pathology, particularly auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony, and intra-operative monitoring (Hall,1992, Hood,1998, Don and Kwong,2002). In infants and young children, it is widely used for hearing screening, diagnostics, and predicting hearing thresholds (Hall,1992, Hood,1998, Sininger, and Cone-Wesson,2002). The latencies of waves I, III, and V; inter-peak intervals I-III, III-V, and I-V; and the ratio of amplitudes of waves V and I (V/I ratio) are used in diagnostics, while identification of wave V is used in screening and threshold prediction. Hence, clear recording of waveforms is essential for the use of ABR: the clearer the response, the better the wave morphology, and the easier it is to identify and label the waves to define their latencies. 37 ABR amplitude is very small, only 0.1-1 microvolt (µV), i.e. less than a millionth of a Volt. The frequency range of ABR is 50-3,000 Hz (Hall,1992). Recording such a faint signal requires significant signal amplification and filtering. Moreover, digital signal processing (DSP) is needed to synchronously collect a large number of responses (sweeps) to numerous stimuli in order to uncover the response from the background noise (Sokolov et al., 2005). 3.6 Summary This chapter discussed on the human ear, starting from the outer ear to the inner ear. It also discussed about the relationship between the auditory nervous system, brainstem and ear. The discussion on the EP such as SEP, VEP and AEP are also done in this chapter. Based on literature review on the characteristic of ABR, it is found that ABR signal provide valuable information of the ear condition. It shows that the ABR can be used to detect the hearing problem. CHAPTER 4 DATA COLLECTION 4.1 Introduction This chapter describes the materials and methods that have been used in this study. Subject details such as name, age, subject condition, the environment, stimulus intensity and electrode configuration were recorded before undergoing the experiment. The gTec (Guger Technology) equipment was used in this study. The details are described in sections 4.2.4. 4.2 ABR Recording The recording of ABR signal was made using the gTec equipment. The amplitude of the ABR signal is very small, only 0.1-1 microvolt (µV), i.e. less than a millionth of a Volt (Hall,1992). The recording signal can be displayed on the computer screen. The recording process will be discussed in the next subsection. 39 4.2.1 Subject and Environment Description Sixteen subjects in the age range of between 8 to 30 years old were selected to undergo the recording session. Four of them were having hearing problems. Subjects were explained the purpose of the recording and have to sign a consent letter before the recording. The environment of the recording must be in a quiet condition. The recordings were done in a quiet room and well air- conditioned so as to create a comfortable environment for the recording session. The subjects were asked to close their eyes during recording session. The air-conditioner and handphone were switched off during recording. 4.2.2 Electrodes Figure 4.1 in the next page illustrates the electrodes that have been used in the experiment. There are two types of electrodes in the market that are commonly used, the Ag-AgCl and Gold electrodes. The Ag-AgCl electrode was being used in the experiment. Impedance between scalp and electrode must be below 5k:Strauss et al., 2004). Figure 4.1: Electrodes that were used in the experiment 40 There are two types of recording; ipsilateral and contralateral. Ipsilateral is a recording which records the signal from the ear that is given a stimulus. Contralateral is a recording which records the signal from the other side of the ear which is not given the stimulus; see Figure 4.2. In this study, the focus is just for ipsilateral recording. It is because the ipsilateral produce better wave V compared to contralateral. Stimulus Stimulus (a) (b) Figure 4.2: Types of recording (a) ipsilateral (b) contralateral In Figure 4.2 above, there were three electrodes placed on the head. The electrodes were the positive electrode which is labeled as channel 1; placed on the vertex, the negative electrode labeled as reference; placed on the mastoid and the ground electrode which is placed on the forehead. Beattie at el (1986) shows that this configurations type is the best to get the good wave V signal. Table 4.1 below shows the electrodes configuration used in this thesis. Table 4.2 summaries the electrodes configurations that had been used by other researchers. Table 4.1: Electrodes configurations Channel 1 (+) Reference (-) Ground Vertex Right Mastoid Forehead 41 Table 4.2: Electrodes configuration used by other researchers Electrode Placements NonInverting(+) / Channel 1 Inverting(-) / Reference Common / Ground Vertex (Cz) Mastoid (A1/A2) Nasion Upper Forehead (Fz) Mastoid (A1/A2) – test ear Mastoid (A1/A2) – non test ear Boston (1981), Woodworth et al. (1983) Vertex (Cz) Mastoid (A1/A2) Upper Forehead (Fz) Beltran and Cornejo (2003), Kaplan and Ozdamar (1987) Vertex (Cz) Mastoid (A1/A2) – test ear Mastoid (A1/A2) – non test ear No. Researchers 1. American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association(1987), Cherrid et al. (2005) 2. Wilson and Aghdasi (1999a,1999b) 3. 4. Before the recording can be done, the electrodes have to be placed on the scalp in order to capture the brain signal. The procedure of placing the electrodes on the scalp is in six simple steps. Step 1: The positions on the scalp was identified The positions of the electrodes are shown in the Figure 4.3 below. The vertex is labeled as Cz and the upper forehead is labeled as Fz. The ground electrode on the figure is on the lower forehead position. It is also called as nasion. Fz is sometimes used to place the positive electrode instead of Cz. For the newborn hearing screening, Fz is a preferred position. It is because the Cz area is still soft for the newborn. Mastoid is always labeled as A1 for the left ear and A2 for the right ear. 42 Figure 4.3: Electrodes positions on the scalp Step 2: The placement area was clean carefully using an abrasive gel to ensure low impedance for the recording. The gel is has sandy characteristics and is used to remove stains or dead cells from the scalp. Step 3: The electrode was then filled with the electrode gel and it is assured there are no air inclusions to avoid the high electrode impedance. Step 4: The electrodes then plugged at the desired positions. Step 5: The impedance of the electrodes against a reference electrode checked using g.Zcheck. The impedance should be lower than 10k:impedance around 5k :are optimal. Step 6: The impedance of an electrode is assured not more than 20k :The steps 2 to 5 was repeated if that happen.. The short distances between the electrodes cables had been used to minimize inductive and capacitive interferences. 43 4.2.3 Stimulus Stimulus is an input to a system. In hearing screening, stimulus is a sound input that delivered to the ear. There are several types of stimulus such as click, tone burst and chirp. In this study, the click stimulus had been used. Figure 4.4 shows the example of click, tone burst and chirp stimulus waveform. Click duration 1 cycle (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.4: Stimulus (a) click (b) tone burst (c) chirp 44 As mentioned earlier, the click stimulus had been used in this study. The stimulus parameter had been set up with the duration, 80µs, the repetition rate, 10 clicks per second, and the intensity 80 dB. High rates stimulus decrease the amplitude of the ABR signal. Low rates stimulus are advisable when a full complement of ABR wave is necessary. Rates of 10 clicks per second or less are necessary for maximal definition of all the ABR waves (American Speech Language Hearing Association, 1987). There are also other stimulus parameter settings that had been used by other researchers. Table 4.3 summaries the parameter settings that had been used by other researchers. Table 4.3: Parameter setting that had been used by other researchers Stimulus Parameters No. Researchers Duration (ms) Type Rate (clicks/second) Intensity (dB) 1. Wayne J. and Farzin Aghdasi (1999a,1999b) 0.1 Click 21 10-90 dBnHL 2. H.Sohmer et al. (1981) n/a Click 10 or 20 75 dBnHL 3. Walker Woodworth et al. (1983) 0.1 Click 28 65 dB SL 4. J. Robert Boston (1981) 0.05 Click 28 65 dB SL 5. N. Beltran and J.M. Cornejo (2003) 0.08 or 0.1 Click 28 40, 60, 80 dBnHL 6. American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association(1987) n/a Click 11.1, 33.3, 66.6 30-90 dB peSPL 45 4.2.4 Hardware The equipment that had been used in this study was developed by Guger Technologies (gTec). There were about six equipments needed in this study; trigger box, gUSBamp biosignal amplifier, gPAH programmable attenuator, laptop, headphone and mp3 player. The laptop, headphone and mp3 player were not gTec equipments. The details about the gTec equipments will be discussed in this subsection. The trigger box is equipment that had been used to generate the trigger signal from the stimulus input. The trigger signal was used to segment the recorded ABR signal. The input of the trigger box was connected to the attenuator and the output was connected to the biosignal amplifier. There are adjustable thresholds that have to be set. The correct setting of the threshold can be seen by the blinking LED. If the LED is not blinking, it indicates wrong setting of the threshold. Figure 4.5 below shows the trigger box that was used in this study. Figure 4.5: Trigger box The biosignal amplifier was used to amplify the recorded signal. There are two types of input signal connected to this amplifier; the brain signal and trigger signal. The brain signal is connected to the amplifier via electrodes. The trigger 46 signal is connected from the attenuator as mentioned above. The amplifier is a 24 bit biosignal acquisition device with four independent grounds and free from interference between the recorded signals. It has an input range of ± 250 mV and it is supported up to 38.4 kHz sampling rate. In this thesis, the sampling rate used is only 19.2 kHz. The amplifier was connected to the computer or laptop via USB cable. It is the perfect tool for recording multimodal biosignal data with the highest quality which allows the investigation of the brain, heart, muscle, eye movement, respiration, skin response and other body signals. Figure 4.6 below shows the amplifier that had been discussed. Figure 4.6: gUSBamp biosignal amplifier The programmable attenuator was used to attenuate the stimulus input. It is used to accurately attenuate a sound signal in steps of 1 dB. It can also control the attenuation using a computer or laptop by utilizing the provided software. The software is supported to attenuate sound in steps of 10dB. The attenuator is connected to the computer or laptop via a serial port. The converter serial port to USB can also be used to connect it. The outputs of the attenuator were connected to the trigger box and headphone. The input of the attenuator was connected to the mp3 player or CD player or laptop. Figure 4.7 in the next page illustrates the attenuator that had been discussed. 47 Figure 4.7: Programmable attenuator The stimulus input was generated using the Matlab software. The generated file can be burnt to the CD or copied to the mp3 player or just played using a laptop. The headphone which is connected to the attenuator was used to deliver the stimulus. The laptop was used to control the attenuation, setting the amplifier configuration, acquiring the recorded signal using Matlab and to analyze the recorded signal. Figure 4.8 below summaries the connections between the hardware that had been discussed. Figure 4.8: Hardware configuration 48 4.3 Data Acquisition Data acquisition is an important process before the analysis can be done. In this study, the Matlab software version R2006a had been used in order to acquire data from the biosignal amplifier. All the data had been saved in .MAT format for analysis using the Matlab. Moreover, the .MAT file has a smaller size compared with .TXT file. Hence, the file loading process becomes faster. Figure 4.9 below illustrates the Matlab model configuration that had been done in this study. The configuration was done in order to link the Matlab software with the gTec hardware. The biosignal amplifier parameter had been set by using the g.USBamp block. The amplifier serial number, sampling rate, channel selection and channel setting can be done in this block. The calibration block is used to calibrate the amplifier and impedance check block is used to check impedance between electrode and the scalp. Figure 4.9: Matlab model configuration 49 4.4 Summary This chapter had discussed the materials and methods that have been used in this study. The discussion started with the description of the subject and environment of the study. The selected electrodes configuration and the procedure to plug the electrode have also been discussed. This chapter also discussed about the stimulus and hardware that were used. This chapter ended with the discussion of the acquisition of data. CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS 5.1 Introduction The analysis techniques that were used in this study are discussed in this chapter. There are three types of analysis techniques that had been used; averaging technique, continuous wavelet and instantaneous energy (IE). The analyses of the data were done offline using Matlab R2006a software. 5.2 Averaging Technique The averaging technique is the most popular method that has been used to extract the ABR wave signal from the recorded brain signal. The method is used to increase the signal to noise ratio in order to reduce background noise of the EEG signal. There are about 2000 epochs that were needed in order to extract the ABR signal (Zhang et al.,2004). In the past, there were about 4000 to 8000 epochs used in this technique. 51 However, the more epochs are used, the more time is needed which then makes the hearing screening ineffective. The quantity of the epochs needed is dependent upon several factors. The signal strength and the magnitude of the background noise have to be considered. The higher the intensity of the stimulus, the less quantity of epochs is needed (Burkardet al., 2007). The concept of this technique is maintaining the consistent signal and removing the random signal. The noises are assumed as a random signal. The recorded EEG signals are assumed to be a sum of ABR and noise. The EEG signal can be written mathematically as: x(i) = a(i) + n(i) (5.1) and represents one recorded signal, where x(i) is the EEG signal, a(i) is the ABR signal and n(i) is the noise, which is i is varies from 1 to k which is k is the number of the sample points. If m records are collected a matrix of k columns and m rows can be performed. Therefore, each sampled points can be represented as: x(ij) = a(ij) + n(ij) (5.2) where j goes from 1 to m. Since the ABR signal is identical to each of these records, the equation 5.2 above can be simplified as: x(ij) = a(i) + n(ij) (5.3) The index j in the noise part cannot be removed because it will differ in each record. It is because the noise is assumed to be random. The ABR signal occurs at 1.5 to 20 ms post stimuli (Zhang et al.,2004, Maglione, 2003). Therefore the window length is always set between 12 to 20 ms. In this study, 2000 sweeps had been used with the epoch’s time of 20 ms. Figure 5.1 in the next page shows the segmentation of the recorded signal. The segmentation of the recorded signal was done using the click stimulus. As discussed in section 4.2.3, the repetition rate of the stimulus that had been used was 10 clicks per second which 52 means the duration of one click is 100ms, see Figure 5.1. Only the first 20ms at every single click of the recorded signal was taken out. The other 80ms of the recorded signal was not being used in this study. It is because the ABR signal only occurs at the first 20 ms as mentioned earlier. The cut out signals were then averaged out, which formed the ABR signal. 100ms 20ms Figure 5.1: Signal segmentation 5.3 Continuous Wavelet Technique Wavelet transform is one of the mathematical transformations that had been used to extract information from the raw signal. Wavelet transform is a modified version of Fourier transform and Short-Time Fourier transform. The wavelet transform utilizes wavelet functions, giving temporal information on the coefficients. It is suitable for analyzing EEG signal which consists of low frequency components for a long duration and high frequency components for a short duration. A wavelet 53 transform maps a time-based signal into functions of scale and time. The scale is similar to the frequency of the signal and is inversely related to frequency: (5.4) A scale basically compresses or dilates the wavelet and hence controls the frequency component. Large scales correspond to dilated or stretched out signals and small scale corresponds to compressed signals. The mathematical representation of the wavelet transformation is: (5.5) where is the wavelet transformation of signal transforming function and it is called wavelet. The above is a scale and and is the symbol in the function 5.5 is shift parameter known as translation. Time and frequency resolution of wavelet depend on the scale, . If becomes large, the window width in time domain becomes wider while window width in frequency domain becomes smaller and vice versa for small . Figure 5.2 illustrates the time and frequency resolution in wavelet. 54 Frequency t3 f3 t2 f2 t1 f1 Time Figure 5.2: Time and frequency resolution cells for wavelet There are two approaches of wavelet analysis which is continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The CWT is defined as the sum over all time of the signal multiplied by scaled and shifted versions of the wavelet function. In DWT, frequency-domain processing using digital processing techniques is used to obtain time-scale representation of digital signal. Filters of different cutoff frequencies are used to analyze the signal at different scales. The signal is passed through a series of high and low pass filters to analyze the high and low frequencies, respectively. 5.3.1 Preprocessing Firstly, the raw data of recorded EEG had been filtered through low-pass and high-pass filter. Filtering a signal is mathematically convolving the impulse response of the filter with the signal and can be expressed as: (5.6) 55 where is the resultant signal, is the original signal and is the impulse response of the filter. The filter response that had been used was from 100 to 2000 Hz. The filtered signal underwent the segmentation process as discussed in section 5.2 above. The segmented signal was positioned in matrix form with 384 columns and about 2000 rows. The quantity of the columns is dependent on the windows length and the sampling rate. In this thesis, the windows length is 20 ms and sampling rate is 19.2 kHz. The values of columns got by multiply the windows length with the sampling rate. The quantity of the rows is dependent on the quantity of the clicks. The recording time that had been used in this study is about 215 seconds for one recording. It means that the highest number of the rows is 2150. The rows number can be calculated by multiplying the recording number with the clicks number per second. The signal was then averaged out. 5.3.2 Wave V Detection There are many methods of wave V detection that have been introduced by other researchers. The detection of responses at threshold levels is not trivial and requires an experienced professional. Different signal detection techniques have been developed and evaluated to improve test efficiency and reliability (Delgado. and Ozdamar, 1994). Various approaches like pattern recognition, neural network and signal processing techniques have been used for automatic detection of wave V peaks. Habrakan et al. (1993) used neural networks to extract features to identify peak V in brainstem auditory evoked potential. Wilson et al. (1998 and 1999a) used discrete wavelet analysis for the peak identification. The wavelets technique is used to decompose a signal into discrete sets of details (high frequencies) and approximations (low frequencies). The different scaled signals are then rebuilt from 56 their resulting wavelet coefficients and analyzed in a method similar to the full signal analysis. Strauss et al. (2004) introduced an approach to the detection of ABRs using a smart single sweep analysis system. The method used a small number of sweeps which is decomposed by optimized tight frames and evaluated by a kernel based novelty detection machine. Delgado and Ozdamar (1994) mentioned that results of spectral analysis, spectral filtering and fiber-tract modeling of ABRs were used to determine the most suitable filters to detect the position of the various peaks. These analyses revealed general trends in ABR composition from one intensity to another and were used to write labeling rules. In this study, the CWT and IE of ABR signal has been introduced as a marker to identify the ABR waves. IE technique has previously been employed in other applications of ECG and heart sound signal processing, such as heart sound segmentation (Malarvili et al.,2003). In this section, the discussion is on CWT technique. The IE technique will be discussed in sections 5.4. The CWT technique was applied to the signal that had been placed through the preprocessing as discussed in section 5.3.1 above. The generated CWT of the signal was then analyzed. The CWT was observed between the time ranges from 4 to 6 milliseconds post stimulus. This is because the study focused on the wave V. There were some criteria that had been observed in order to analyze the signal. Figure 5.3 below shows the generated CWT which is displayed in contour form. In this study, the level and the curve of the contour were observed. The level of the contour is differentiated using the color code as shown in Figure 5.4. The red color is the higher level and the blue is the lower. The sharp curve with high level contour was marked using dash line. The line was then had been extended to the averaged signal graph which is on top of the CWT graph. The details will be discussed in Chapter 6. 57 Frequency (Hz) Continuous Wavelet (CWT) of 1000 Sweeps Averaged Times (s) Figure 5.3: Continuous wavelet of ABR signal 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Figure 5.4: Color code of CWT contour 5.4 Instantaneous Energy Technique Instantaneous energy (IE) of ABR wave represents the behavior of ABR wave energy as time progress. IE of a signal can be calculated directly from the signal amplitude. For signal xn , the complex form, z n of the signal is given by Sharif et al., (2000): z n xn jH >xn @ (5.7) 58 where H >xn @ is Hilbert transform of signal xn . The IE E z can be calculated as follows: E z n z n z * n (5.8) where z * n is a complex conjugate of z n 5.4.1 Preprocessing As discussed in section 5.3.1 the raw data of EEG signal was filtered with the frequency range between 100 to 2000 Hz. It is then segmented with the window size of 20 milliseconds before the signal was averaged out in order to extract the ABR signal. The averaged signal was then processed to generate the IE before the wave detection can be done. 5.4.2 Wave V Detection As discussed in section 5.3.2, there are many techniques of wave V detection that have been introduced. However the quantity of the clicks has been an issue when it was implemented for hearing screening. The time consuming procedure becomes an issue too. In this study, the new technique of wave V detection has been introduced in order to tackle these problems. Many other possible factors have to be considered in order to tackle the problem. However these studies only focused upon the issue of wave detection. In this subsection, the IE technique will be discussed. 59 The IE technique that had been discussed in section 5.4 was applied to the signal after going through the preprocessing. The IE of the signal that had been generated was then analyzed in order to detect the wave. Figure 5.5 below shows the example of IE of the ABR signal. There are a few aspects that had been observed in order to use the IE of the signal as wave detection. The study just focuses upon the wave V, so only the peak of the IE between the time ranges of 4 to 6 milliseconds had been observed. The peak was marked using the dash line and had been extended to the averaged signal graph which is on top of the IE graph. The details of the analysis will be discussed on the chapter result and discussion. Instantaneous Energy IE Representation of Averaged Signal Time (ms) Figure 5.5: Instantaneous Energy of ABR signal 5.5 Sensitivity and Specificity Sensitivity and specificity of a test relate to the ability of the test to identify correctly both with the disease (sensitivity) and those without the disease (specificity). Sensitivity is the ratio of the number with the disease who are positive on the screening test to the number of all those with the disease. In other words, sensitivity represents the percentage labeled positive on the screening test of all those who truly have the target condition. Specificity is the ratio of the number of those 60 without the disease who are negative on the screening test to the number of all those without the disease. In other words, specificity is percentage labeled negative on the screening test of all those who are truly free of the target condition (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1997). Table 5.1 below; simplify the explanation in this paragraph. Table 5.1: Mneumonic device for calculate sensitivity and specificity Disease present Disease Absent Test positive True positives False positives Total positive Test negative False negative True negatives Total negative Total with disease Total without disease Grand total The sensitivity and specificity can be calculated as follows: Sensitivity and specificity were used to test the performance of CWT and IE techniques in this thesis. 61 5.6 Summary This chapter discussed the techniques that had been used in this study.. The discussion in this chapter started with the explanation of the averaging technique, continued with the CWT and instantaneous energy techniques that had been used as wave V detection, and also the preprocessing. CHAPTER 6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Introduction This chapter discusses about the results of the wave V detection using the CWT and the IE techniques and the results of the averaging technique. 6.2 Averaging Technique The experiment was started with the analysis of various sweeps quantity and the effect of noise removal. The power spectrum of the filtered and averaged signal was plotted for several quantities of sweeps. The target of the experiment is to look at the effect of noise removal by reducing the quantity of the sweeps. Figure 6.1 in the next page shows the power spectrum of filtered raw signal. The signal was filtered in the frequency range between 100 to 2000 Hz as mentioned in chapter 5. There were a lots of background noise in the raw signal as shown in Figure 6.1. 63 Power Spectrum of Raw Signal 0.9 0.8 Normalized Power 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Frequency(Hz) 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 6.1: Power spectrum of raw signal Figure 6.2 shows the comparison between raw signal and the averaged of 2000 sweeps. It is clearly shown that the averaging technique can reduce the background noise after averaging of 2000 sweeps; see Figure 6.2 (a) and Figure 6.2 (b). The power spectrum of the raw signal and the averaged signal are also different, see Figure 6.2 (c) and Figure 6.2 (d). Power Spectrum of Raw Signal Raw Signal 6 1 0.8 Normalized Power Amplitude(uV) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 0.005 0.01 Time(s) 0.015 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.02 0 (a) 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 (c) Power Spectrum of Averaged Signal ABR Averaged Signal of 2000 Sweeps 1 0.8 Normalized Power Amplitude(uV) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 0.005 0.01 Time(s) 0.015 0.02 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) (b) (d) Figure 6.2: Comparison between raw signal and averaged signal of 2000 sweeps 64 The experiment was analyzed on thirteen different quantities of sweeps. The sweeps were 2000, 1000, 800, 625, 500, 250, 125, 100, 80, 50, 40, 20 and 10 sweeps. The different spectrum contents between the sweeps had been observed. The number was chosen because it produced the whole number result. For example; 1000 sweeps are calculated by dividing the 2000 sweeps by 2 and the 800 sweeps produced by dividing the 2000 sweeps by 2.5. Figure 6.3 and 6.4 in the next page illustrate the power spectrum of signal with various sweeps. Figure 6.2 (d), Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4 (a) show that the power spectrum between 2000, 1000,800, 625, 500 and 250 sweeps are not much different. It shows that there are two high energy of ABR components in the region 500 and 1kHz (Wilson and Aghdasi, 1999a). Power Spectrum of 1000 Sweeps Averaged Signal Power Spectrum of 800 Sweeps Averaged Signal 0.8 Normalize Power Normalize Power 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 500 (a) 2000 (b) Power Spectrum of 625 Sweeps Averaged Signal Power Spectrum of 500 Sweeps Averaged Signal 0.8 Normalize Power 0.8 Normalize Power 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) (c) 2000 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 (d) Figure 6.3: Power Spectrum; (a) 1000 (b) 800 (c) 625 (d) 500 sweeps Power Spectrum of 250 Sweeps Averaged Signal Power Spectrum of 125 Sweeps Averaged Signal 1 1 0.8 Normalize Power Normalize Power 0.8 65 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 500 (a) 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 (b) Power Spectrum of 100 Sweeps Averaged Signal Power Spectrum of 80 Sweeps Averaged Signal 1 1 0.8 Normalize Power Normalize Power 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) (d) (c) Power Spectrum of 50 Sweeps Averaged Signal 1 Power Spectrum of 40 Sweeps Averaged Signal 1 0.8 Normalize Power Normalize Power 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 0 (e) 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 (f) Power Spectrum of 20 Sweeps Averaged Signal 1 Power Spectrum of 10 Sweeps Averaged Signal 1 0.8 Normalize Power 0.8 Normalize Power 2000 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 0 (g) 500 1000 1500 Frequency(Hz) 2000 (h) Figure 6.4: Power Spectrum; (a) 250 (b) 125 (c) 100 (d) 80 (e) 50 (f) 40 (g) 20 (h) 10 sweeps 66 Increase of the power spectrum can be seen in the region 700, 1500 to 2kHz starting from 125 sweeps to 50 sweeps as shown in Figure 6.4 (b) to (d). The power spectrum between that frequencies range start decreasing from 40 sweeps to 10 sweeps and the main ABR components cannot clearly seen. We can conclude that, the more averaged sweeps signal, the better ABR waves we can get. The experiment then continued by comparing the power spectrum with the averaged signal. The target of the experiment is to investigate the correlation between the averaged signal and the power spectrum. Power Spectrum of 1000 Sweeps Averaged Signal Normalize Power Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaged Signal of 1000 Sweeps Frequency (Hz) (b) ABR Averaged Signal of 500 Sweeps Power Spectrum of 500 Sweeps Averaged Signal Amplitude (µV) Normalize Power Time (s) (a) Time (s) (c) Frequency (Hz) (d) Power Spectrum of 50 Sweeps Averaged Signal Amplitude (µV) Normalize Power ABR Averaged Signal of 50 Sweeps Time (s) (e) Frequency (Hz) (f) Figure 6.5: The ABR averaged signal and its power spectrum 67 Figure 6.5 in the previous page shows the correlation between the averaged signal and its power spectrum. From the figure, it is shown that the power spectrum can be used to explain the morphology of the averaged signal. In Figure 6.5 (b), the high normalize power can be seen in the frequency range between 100 to 200 Hz, the other frequency contents seem to be low. From those features, the averaged signal in Figure 6.5 (a) plotted a big ripple, and it can be seen that the small ripple is riding the big ripple. In Figure 6.5 (d), it is shown that the normalized power of the power spectrum increased compared to the power spectrum in Figure 6.5 (b). Hence, the big ripple does not clearly appear in the averaged signal; see Figure 6.5 (c). Figure 6.5 (f) show an increase of the normalized power between the frequencies ranges 500 to 2000 Hz; therefore it is can be seen the small ripple amplitudes in the Figure 6.5 (e) are increased. From those phenomena, it is proven that the power spectrum can be used to explain the morphology of the averaged signal. Besides the comparison between the averaged signal and its’ power spectrum, the effect of quantity of sweeps to the averaged signal were also analyzed. Figure 6.5 shows that the quantity of sweeps is affected by the amplitude of the averaged signal. The amplitudes have decreased while the quantity of sweeps increased. It is inversely proportional. It is clearly shown by Figure 6.5 (a), (c) and (e). The experiment was then continued with the wave V detection using the averaged signal. Firstly, the detection was done using a single averaged signal. The amplitude and latency of wave V had been considered in order to mark the wave. The amplitude is measured between a positive peak and the following negative peak. By measuring it’s peak to peak, the problem of determining the baseline can be avoided. Figure 6.6 in the next page shows the example of ABR signal which was recorded with the click intensity 80 dB. The latency marker that marked in the figure is just latency of wave V only; the other latencies, such as wave I, II, III and others are not marked because the study focused on the wave V. The amplitude marker that marked in the figure shows the measurement range of the amplitude. 68 ABR Averaging Signal Amplitude (µV) Latency Amplitude Time (s) Figure 6.6: ABR waveform Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaging Signal Time (s) Figure 6.7: ABR waveform of various sweeps 69 The detection of wave is much easier by using several averaged signal with various sweeps by plotting the signals parallel. Figure 6.7 in the previous page illustrates the ABR waveform of various sweeps from 10 to 2000 sweeps. The sweeps are plotted in different baseline. The dash line in the figure marks the wave V of that signal. It can be seen that the peak of the wave consistently appeared in those signals. However, in some cases the peaks appeared inconsistently especially for the sweeps below 50. The peaks in the circled area look inconsistent. From the figure, it can be concluded that the peak of wave V still can be detected while the sweeps reduced. The next section will discuss the continuous wavelet and IE techniques which can help to improve detection of the waves. 6.3 CWT Technique Wavelet transform is a well known technique that had been used in digital signal processing. As mentioned in section 5.3, there are two approaches of wavelet analysis which is CWT and DWT. In this section, the discussion focuses on the CWT technique. The idea of this thesis is to see if we could detect the wave V. Figure 6.8 in the next page illustrates the averaged signal and its CWT representation. The color code that had been discussed in section 5.3.2 has been used as reference to the contour colors on the CWT representation. The color code above 0, which is high level contour, has been used to mark the wave. It can be seen in the figure, three different lines had been used. The dash line is used to mark the wave V, the other two lines have been used to mark the border. The wave V in the figure is clearly marked by using the CWT. Lightbody et al. (2006) had studied the feature extraction using DWT. The studies showed that the frequency bands that dominate the ABR, which are the frequencies in region of 200 Hz, 500Hz and 900 Hz. By referring to the study, the CWT representations in that region had been observed. . It has been proved from the experiments that had been done. In Figure 6.8 (b) and Figure 6.9 (b), it can be seen that the high level contours appeared in that regions. 70 Figure 6.9 (b) shows that CWT can be used to detect ABR waves even though in less quantity of sweeps. Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaging Signal Time (s) (a) Frequency (Hz) Continuous Wavelet (CWT) of 1000 Sweeps Averaged Signal Time (s) (b) Figure 6.8: (a) Averaged signal (b) CWT of 1000 sweeps averaged signal 71 Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaging Signal Time (s) (a) Frequency (Hz) Continuous Wavelet (CWT) of 10 Sweeps Averaged Signal Time (s) (b) Figure 6.9: (a) Averaged signal (b) CWT of 10 sweeps averaged signal Besides looking at normal results, the study also looked at the abnormal results, which were collected from hearing loss persons. Initially, the experiments were done by looking at the CWT representation as a whole and comparing the CWT between normal and abnormal. It is difficult to differentiate the CWT by looking it as a whole. Consequently, the experiments continued by looking at certain area from 72 the CWT representations. The area between 4 to 6 milliseconds was used in the study. Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaging Signal Time (s) (a) Frequency (Hz) Continuous Wavelet (CWT) of 10 Sweeps Averaged Signal Time (s) (b) Figure 6.10: Abnormal; (a) Averaged signal (b) CWT of 10 sweeps averaged signal Figure 6.10 shows the abnormal of 10 sweeps averaged signal and its CWT. It can be clearly seen in Figure 6.10 (b) that the contour levels are mostly at the same level. It is different compared with normal signal, which contains various levels of 73 contours. This event did not appear at every sweep averaged and it does not only appear when averaging with less quantity of sweeps, it also appeared even in more quantity of sweeps averaged such as 1000 sweeps. Table 6.1 below summarizes the recording of abnormal signal of various sweeps on four hearing loss persons with click intensity of 80 dB. The CWT representations events as discussed in this paragraph are labeled as NIL for the amplitude, A and latency, L in Table 6.1. It can be seen that the events occurred on the 10, 20, 40 and 1000 sweeps on three different persons. Table 6.1: CWT experiment results on hearing loss persons No. of sweeps Subjects 1 2 3 4 1000 A L (ms) (uV) NIL NIL 0.33 4.38 0.19 4.79 NIL NIL Subjects 1 2 3 4 A (uV) A (uV) 4.32 -0.12 4.38 0.41 5.73 0.12 5.63 0.03 No. of sweeps 500 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 4.38 4.38 5.73 5.57 -0.25 0.33 0.08 -0.01 4.38 4.43 5.73 5.10 125 L (ms) 4.32 4.43 5.73 5.73 100 A L (ms) L (ms) (uV) 4.32 0.10 4.32 4.48 -0.13 4.48 5.78 1.27 5.78 5.63 0.06 5.05 No. of sweeps A (uV) -0.40 -0.66 0.96 -0.32 50 A (uV) -0.50 0.58 3.28 0.10 625 L (ms) 0.07 0.32 0.11 -0.02 250 A (uV) -0.05 0.36 0.24 -0.07 Subjects 1 2 3 4 800 40 L (ms) 4.32 4.48 5.78 5.05 A (uV) NIL -0.33 5.69 0.32 80 A (uV) L (ms) -0.26 -0.53 1.92 -0.10 4.38 4.48 5.78 5.05 20 L (ms) NIL 4.48 5.26 5.10 A (uV) 1.45 NIL 9.77 -0.28 10 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 4.69 NIL 5.26 5.10 1.07 NIL 19.27 0.05 4.12 NIL 5.26 5.16 74 Table 6.2.1: CWT experiment results on normal persons No. of sweeps Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1000 A L (ms) (uV) 0.37 5.26 0.30 4.58 0.36 5.63 0.42 4.42 0.46 5.57 0.46 5.73 0.77 5.16 0.59 5.00 0.68 5.00 0.34 5.37 0.52 5.52 0.45 5.05 Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 800 A (uV) L (ms) 0.37 0.44 0.41 0.55 0.47 0.41 0.70 0.51 0.69 0.17 0.50 0.40 250 A (uV) 0.24 0.84 0.11 1.36 1.06 0.64 1.14 0.64 0.17 0.08 0.68 0.22 625 A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 5.26 4.58 5.57 4.43 5.52 5.78 5.10 5.10 5.00 5.31 5.52 5.05 0.38 0.45 0.31 0.74 0.57 0.58 0.86 0.46 0.58 0.08 0.83 0.32 5.26 4.69 5.57 4.43 5.47 5.78 5.10 5.42 5.00 5.31 5.57 5.05 5.31 0.39 4.64 0.62 5.57 0.37 4.38 0.72 5.52 0.56 5.78 0.50 5.16 0.79 5.10 0.53 5.05 0.62 5.31 0.19 5.52 0.44 5.05 0.39 No. of sweeps 125 500 100 80 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 5.26 4.74 5.73 4.43 5.47 5.83 5.16 5.47 5.10 5.37 5.63 5.05 0.18 0.04 0.32 0.50 1.51 0.61 0.85 0.45 0.40 -0.02 1.45 0.38 5.47 4.84 5.78 4.43 5.52 5.78 5.26 5.73 5.26 5.42 5.73 5.42 0.42 0.27 0.71 0.48 1.40 0.67 1.13 0.32 0.40 -0.08 1.04 0.90 5.47 4.84 5.37 4.38 5.52 5.78 5.78 5.73 5.26 5.42 5.73 5.52 0.56 1.88 0.76 0.64 1.52 0.82 1.15 0.49 0.74 -0.63 1.03 1.59 5.52 4.84 5.37 4.38 5.47 5.83 5.78 5.78 5.26 5.42 5.78 5.47 75 Table 6.2.2: CWT experiment results on normal persons No. of sweeps Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 50 A (uV) 0.44 2.29 1.10 0.79 0.36 0.75 0.83 1.07 0.93 -0.51 1.84 0.32 40 20 10 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 5.52 4.29 5.37 4.38 4.95 5.68 5.73 5.83 5.21 5.37 5.78 5.52 0.46 2.02 1.74 1.27 2.44 0.47 3.28 0.38 1.51 -0.61 1.73 0.44 5.47 4.38 5.37 4.32 5.47 5.73 4.64 4.64 5.21 5.37 4.95 4.79 0.42 2.10 2.01 1.54 0.78 1.31 2.78 2.49 1.35 -0.63 2.93 0.48 5.57 4.38 4.90 4.12 5.47 5.68 4.64 4.69 4.74 5.37 4.95 4.74 1.56 5.61 4.43 1.12 NIL 0.15 4.05 NIL 1.02 0.32 3.45 0.54 5.31 3.85 4.38 4.27 NIL 5.73 4.64 NIL 4.84 4.90 4.90 4.79 Table 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 show the CWT experiment results on normal persons. From the table, it can be seen that the event that occurred on the hearing loss persons, only occurred at 10 sweeps averaged signal on the normal person, and it involved only two persons of them. The other feature that differentiate the normal signal with the hearing loss is the amplitude, A of the signals. It can be seen that the amplitude of the normal signals are mostly positive in value. Only one person has the negative amplitude which is starting from 125 sweeps to 10 sweeps. The amplitude of the hearing loss persons are mostly negative amplitude. 6.4 IE Technique As discussed in section 5.4, the IE of ABR wave represents the behavior of ABR wave energy as time progress. Figure 6.11 in the next page shows the presentation of the ABR averaged signal and the IE of the averaged signal. The signal was recorded with the click intensity of 80 dB. 76 Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaging Time (s) (a) Inst Energy Instantaneous Energy of 1000 Sweeps Averaged Signal Time (ms) (b) Figure 6.11: Normal: (a) Averaged signal (b) IE of 1000 sweeps averaged signal 77 Amplitude (µV) ABR Averaging Signal Time (s) (a) Inst Energy Instantaneous Energy of 1000 Sweeps Averaged Signal Time (ms) (b) Figure 6.12: Abnormal: (a) Averaged signal (b) IE of 1000 sweeps averaged signal The signal in Figure 6.11 (a) and 6.12 (a) are plotted on three different baselines, 0, 1 and 2 µV, respectively. The averaged signals on the 0 baseline is 1000 sweeps averaged signal, 800 sweeps averaged signal on the baseline 1 and the 625 sweeps on the baseline 2. The vertical dash line marked the latency of wave V. The line is marked by choosing the peak of IE nearest the wave latency. It can be 78 observed that wave V occurred at specific points in the signal of normal person but did not occur in the signal of hearing loss person. The peaks that marked by the vertical line are above the horizontal line in the signal of normal person, see Figure 6.11 (a) and the peaks are below the horizontal line in the signal of hearing loss person, see Figure 6.12 (a). Table 6.3.1: IE experiment results on normal persons No. of sweeps Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1000 A (uV) 0.31 0.26 0.35 0.39 0.40 0.46 0.74 0.59 0.64 0.34 0.50 0.43 Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 800 L (ms) A (uV) 5.37 4.64 5.57 4.48 4.95 5.73 5.05 5.00 5.10 5.37 5.05 5.00 L (ms) 0.35 0.44 0.41 0.48 0.33 0.40 0.66 0.50 0.67 0.17 0.54 0.36 250 A (uV) 0.24 0.74 0.10 0.33 0.90 0.50 1.07 0.34 0.17 0.08 0.40 0.22 625 A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) 5.31 4.64 5.68 4.48 4.90 5.73 5.05 5.00 5.10 5.37 5.10 5.05 0.34 0.37 0.19 0.20 0.15 0.57 0.24 0.52 0.62 0.37 0.23 0.39 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 5.37 4.64 5.57 4.48 4.95 5.73 5.05 5.00 5.10 5.37 5.05 5.00 0.37 0.42 0.28 0.70 0.21 0.55 0.84 0.42 0.54 0.08 0.52 0.32 5.31 4.64 5.68 4.48 4.90 5.73 5.05 5.00 5.10 5.37 5.10 5.05 5.37 0.34 4.64 0.61 5.57 0.37 4.48 0.70 4.95 0.36 5.73 0.48 5.05 0.78 5.00 0.51 5.10 0.55 5.37 0.18 5.05 0.62 5.00 0.35 No. of sweeps 125 500 100 80 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 5.31 4.64 5.68 4.48 4.90 5.73 5.05 5.00 5.10 5.37 5.10 5.05 0.42 3.18 0.71 0.48 1.40 0.67 1.08 0.59 0.40 0.09 0.94 0.18 5.47 4.17 5.37 4.38 5.52 5.78 4.64 5.00 5.26 4.90 5.00 4.69 0.56 2.12 0.76 0.64 1.52 0.82 1.18 0.50 0.74 -0.12 0.68 0.58 5.47 4.48 5.37 4.38 5.47 5.83 4.64 5.00 5.26 4.79 5.00 4.74 79 Table 6.3.2: IE experiment results on normal persons No. of sweeps Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 50 A (uV) 0.44 2.29 1.10 0.79 1.59 0.75 2.09 0.51 0.93 -0.23 1.35 0.43 40 20 10 L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) A (uV) L (ms) 5.52 4.53 5.37 4.38 5.42 5.68 4.64 5.00 5.21 4.84 4.95 4.79 0.46 2.02 1.74 -0.86 2.44 0.47 3.28 0.38 1.51 -0.57 1.73 0.84 5.47 4.38 5.37 5.89 5.47 5.73 4.64 4.64 5.21 4.90 4.95 5.52 0.42 2.10 2.31 -4.38 0.78 1.31 2.78 2.49 0.79 -0.08 2.93 1.24 5.57 4.38 5.37 5.89 5.47 5.68 4.64 4.69 5.21 4.79 4.95 5.73 1.56 2.91 3.96 -6.80 2.06 0.15 4.05 3.39 0.49 0.32 3.45 0.73 5.31 4.38 5.37 5.78 5.52 5.73 4.64 4.74 5.21 4.90 4.90 5.42 Table 6.4: IE experiment results on hearing loss persons No. of sweeps Subjects 1 2 3 4 Subjects 1000 A (uV) -0.25 0.04 -0.05 -0.06 L (ms) 5.31 5.31 5.42 5.31 250 A (uV) 1 2 3 4 0.26 -0.99 -0.74 -0.64 Subjects 1 2 3 4 800 L (ms) 5.37 5.16 5.05 5.42 A (uV) 625 L (ms) -0.17 -0.22 -0.05 -0.18 A (uV) 5.31 -0.02 5.31 -0.12 5.42 -0.10 5.31 -0.20 No. of sweeps 40 L (ms) -0.77 -0.46 4.52 0.10 5.21 5.16 5.26 5.05 L (ms) 5.31 5.31 5.42 5.31 125 100 A L A L (ms) (uV) (ms) (uV) -0.18 5.37 -0.16 5.21 -0.71 5.16 -0.48 5.10 -0.11 5.05 2.73 5.26 0.84 5.42 0.06 5.05 No. of sweeps 50 A (uV) 500 A (uV) -1.29 -1.46 7.69 0.32 A (uV) L (ms) 0.03 -0.30 -0.40 -0.22 5.37 5.16 5.05 5.42 80 A (uV) L (ms) 0.03 -0.54 3.64 -0.10 5.26 5.10 5.26 5.05 20 L (ms) 5.16 5.00 5.26 5.10 A (uV) 1.08 0.87 9.77 -0.28 10 L (ms) 5.26 5.00 5.26 5.10 A (uV) -0.07 -0.31 17.27 0.05 L (ms) 5.21 5.00 5.26 5.16 80 Table 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 show the IE experiment results on normal persons and Table 6.4 show the IE experiment results on hearing loss persons. In Table 6.4, it is shown that the amplitude of the signals for the hearing loss person mostly have negative amplitude. It means that the waves V do not appear on the hearing loss persons. For the normal person, two out of twelve have the negative amplitude, see Table 6.3.1 and 6.3.2. Subject 4 has negative amplitudes starting from 40 sweeps to 10 sweeps averaged signals. Subject 10 has negative amplitudes starting from 80 sweeps to 20 sweeps. However, it is not shown whether the subjects have hearing problem. Maybe the events occurred because of the errors or artifacts during recording. 6.5 Performance Analysis As described in section 5.5, the sensitivity and specificity of CWT and IE were calculated to test the performance of both techniques. By assuming that the amplitudes in the ranges 0.1 to 1.99 µV are normal as mentioned in section 3.5.2 in the last paragraph, the sensitivity and specificity of CWT and IE were calculated. Table 6.5 shows the sensitivity and specificity of CWT technique and Table 6.6 shows the sensitivity and specificity of IE technique. In Table 6.5, it shows that the highest sensitivity of CWT technique is 0.75 and the lowest sensitivity is 0.5. The highest specificity of CW technique is 1 and the lowest is 0.5. Table 6.6, the highest sensitivity of IE technique is 1 and the lowest is 0.5. The highest specificity of IE technique is 1 and the lowest is 0.42. After averaged all twelve values of sensitivity and specificity, the IE technique has the sensitivity (0.88) higher than CWT technique (0.63), but CWT technique has the specificity (0.83) higher than IE technique (0.81). For overall performance, we can conclude that, IE technique performed better than CWT technique. 81 Table 6.5: Sensitivity and specificity of CWT technique Sweeps Sensitivity Specificity 1000 0.5 1 800 0.5 1 625 0.5 1 500 0.75 0.92 250 0.5 0.92 125 0.75 0.83 100 0.5 0.92 80 0.75 0.92 50 0.5 0.83 40 0.75 0.67 20 0.75 0.5 10 0.75 0.5 Average 0.63 0.83 Table 6.6: Sensitivity and specificity of IE technique Sweeps Sensitivity Specificity 1000 1 1 800 1 1 625 1 1 500 1 0.92 250 0.75 0.92 125 0.75 1 100 1 0.83 80 1 0.83 50 0.75 0.75 40 0.75 0.58 20 0.5 0.42 10 1 0.42 Average 0.88 0.81 82 6.6 Summary This chapter discussed about the results that had been produced in this study. . The discussion consists of the explanation about the results of averaging technique that had been used in this study, the results of CWT and IE techniques that had been used as wave V detection and also the performance test of CWT and IE techniques. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusions This thesis addressed the problem of current hearing screening programs which are still constrained to the time consuming problem. This research focused on releasing these constraints and provides a basis on developing the fast detection of wave V. Current hearing screening have to go through several stages by using several types of hearing screening equipments on different stages. There are several problems faced in order to implement hearing screening as discussed in the first chapter of this thesis. The TEOAE, DPOAE and ABR have been used in the system. It means the patients have to go through several tests before getting the results. The target of this research is to reduce the stages by only using the ABR equipment. In this research, the wave V marker had been introduced as the most prominent and robust wave that has been used as indicator of hearing loss. By detecting the wave V in the first stage, it is hope that the hearing screening will 84 become more effective compared with the current system. In this research, the gTec equipments were used to acquire the ABR signals, produced the trigger signals and attenuate the stimulus. The data acquisition system used in this research has maximum sampling rate of 38.4 kHz and 24 resolution bit. The sampling rate used in the research was only 19.2 kHz and not the maximum. Matlab software has been used to acquire and analyze the signals. A study on the effect of the noise removal on various sweeps averaged signals was carried out. The averaging technique had been used in this study since it is the most popular method to extract the ABR wave signal from the recorded brain signal. The 2000 epochs are commonly used in this technique. In this research, the 2000 epochs were successfully reduced. The power spectrum was plotted to see the effect on the frequency contents. Results show that the power spectrum only shows the difference of noise contents between the raw signal and the averaged signal and it does not depend to the quantity of sweeps. Investigation on the correlation between the averaged signal and the power spectrum was also carried out. Results show that the power spectrum can be used to explain the morphology of the ABR signals. A study on the wave V detection using ABR signals was carried out. Three ABR waves with different quantities of epochs were plotted in order to mark the wave V. The experiments on CWT and IE techniques as the wave marker were also carried out. Results show that those techniques can be used to mark the wave. The results of those techniques were discussed in chapter 6. 85 7.2 Recommendations In this section, some problems of the techniques used in this research were identified. Some improvements and extension from the current work are suggested. The first problem deals with the raw signals. Although the use of averaging technique is able to increase the signal to noise ratio of the averaged signal, the noisy signal still affects the morphology of the averaged signals. It is recommended that the noisy signal be eliminated before the averaging process. By averaging the good signal and removing the bad signal, it will improve the quality of the averaged signal. In this research, there is lack of ABR database. More recording of the ABR raw signals have to be done from time to time. It is suggested that the database recordings use the higher sampling rate as far as possible. The higher sampling data can be down sample, but the lower sampling data cannot to be up sample since it will not produced good signal. It is important for Malaysia to have its own ABR database which is dynamic and grows from time to time. Moreover, a Malaysian ABR database can be an asset for researchers to go deeper into developing their own ABR system. The detection of wave V in this research was done manually. It is better if an automatic detection is developed. Development of the automatic detection can reduce the time consumption that had been spent to test the performance of the techniques in this study. The large ABR database also helps to improve the performance test of the techniques. The real time detection of the wave V is recommended instead of the offline method as used in this research. The real time method hopefully can provide a convenient system to the end user. 86 On the recording process, the wired system was used in this research. The development of the wireless system will make the recording process more convenient. It can also reduce the artifacts such as conducted electric, electromagnetic-field induced and radio frequency noises. Conducted noises come from AC power lines (50 Hz and its numerous harmonics) through the power cord, as well as from computer and through the interface cable. 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Berlin: Springer. 97 APPENDIX A gTec EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS certified medical device 3.0 USB 2.0 interface 0636 FDA medical device clearance k060803 g.USBamp works with any type of passive electrodes and strip or grid ECoG electrodes. The g.GAMMAsys active electrode system can be used as well. Single cell recordings can be performed in combination with g.tec's spike sensor system. of the MathWorks Inc. are registered trademarks MATLAB® and SIMULINK® (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA.) g.tec is an official MATLAB partner. g.USBamp can be used with a medical power supply or with a rechargable battery pack for up to 10 hours of independent operation. CE and FDA certified medical device for non-invasive and invasive recordings various software solutions available (driver/API, recording software, MATLAB/SIMULINK/LabVIEW ...) 4 independent ground potentials per unit to avoid interference between different signal types internal amplifier calibration and automatic electrode impedance check 16 input channels per unit, units can be stacked to set up multi-channel systems internal floating point DSP for digital preprocessing and signal filtering 24-bit high resolution ADCs, up to 38.4 kHz sampling with simultaneous S&H for all channels Multiple units of g.USBamp can be stacked to set up a multichannel system. All channels are sampled synchronously. notified body generation real DC-coupled EEG/ECoG/ECG/EMG/EOG biosignal amplifier with wide-range inputs USB BIOSIGNAL AMPLIFIER USBamp Highlights ® EEG/ECoG/ECG/EMG/EOG/... high performance biosignal acquisition DC DC calib. unit imped. unit block input DC DC isolation DC DC RECHARGABLE BATTERY PACK DAC ADC DC DC 5 V DC isolation MEMORY USB 2.0 USB controller USB BIOSIGNAL AMPLIFIER control and processing unit, DSP MEDICAL POWER SUPPLY ~ 100 - 240 V 50/60 Hz SC / BLOCK DIG I/O SYNC OUT SYNC IN USB 2.0 Sensitivity: < 30 nV (LSB) - ± 250 mV Standards: Directive of medical products: Safety class: Applied part: Size: EN60601-1: 1996 (+A1 +A2 +A12 +A13) EN60601-2-26: 2004 EN60601-1-2: 2003 EN60601-2-25 +A1: 2001 EN60601-2-40: 1998 93/42/EWG II type CF 197 x 155 x 40 mm 1000 g standard safety connectors and system connectors Weight: > 100 MOhm Input connectors: < 0.3 µV RMS (0.1 - 10 Hz) 16 mono- / 8 bi-polar (per device, softwareselectable) Input impedance: Noise level: Input channels: 24 bit (38.4 kHz internal sampling per channel) 12 bit 2 x DAC: real DC coupled 16 x ADC: Amplifier type: enabled High-Speed Online Processing for SIMULINK (or LabVIEW): Online/real-time biosignal processing and recording with the maximum system speed! g.USBamp appears as a block usable in any SIMULINK model. The design of the hardware-interrupt controlled driver allows immediate starting of the model without prior compilation. Also g.tec's specialized g.RTanalyze blockset can be used for real-time parameter extraction and data classification. The example shows a BCI system (P300-spelling device) with g.USBamp realized in a SIMULINK model. For offline biosignal analysis please see g.BSanalyze. This software package includes powerful toolboxes for EEG analysis, high-resolution EEG, ECG (heart rate and HRV analysis) and single beat ECG analysis as well as for biosignal classification. g.Recorder: Our recording software supports all data acquisition devices provided by g.tec. Comfortable system configuration, data visualization and storage make g.Recorder a perfect tool for teaching, research and clinical investigation. g.Recorder also supports video-EEG and online biosignal parameter monitoring. The MATLAB-API: With the MATLAB API the MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox can be used to get full access to the recording buffer and to use the whole functionality of g.USBamp. The Data Acquisition Toolbox enables a quick and easy implementation of data visualization, processing and storage applications under MATLAB. API /device driver: This option enables the integration of the hardware into an existing data recording or processing system by the user or to program applications in C++ or other Windows-based programming languages. g.USBamp is also supported by BCI 2000. Software options: g.USBamp is equipped with 8 TTL-trigger inputs which are sampled synchronously with all input channels. Also additional digital I/Os are accessable via a rear-side socket. The SC (short cut) input allows to disconnect the electrode sockets from the amplifiers during electrical or magnetical stimulation in order to reduce artifacts. DAC OUT CALIB. OUT AMPLIFIER INPUT (ELECTRODES) CH 1 - 16 BLOCK DIAGRAM rear side view USB BIOSIGNAL AMPLIFIER USBamp 101 APPENDIX B PUBLICATIONS Adeela Arooj, M.M. Rushaidin, Sh-Hussain Salleh and M.Hafizi Omar (2010). "Use of Instantaneous Energy of ABR Signals for Fast Detection of Wave V", Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 3 (8): 816-821. M.M. Rushaidin, Sh-Hussain Salleh, Tan Tian Swee, J.M. Najeb and Adeela Arooj (2009). "Wave V Detection Using Instantaneous Energy of Auditory Brainstem Response Signal", American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (9): 1669-1674. M.M, Rushaidin, Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh, J.M, Najeb and Tan Tian Swee (2008). “Hardware Design for Low Cost Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Machine” Proc. International Graduate Conference on Engineering and Science IGCES 2008. Johor : UTM. 23-24 December 2008. Tan Tian Swee, Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh, J.M, Najeb, M.M, Rushaidin, and A.S, Aisyah (2008). “Automatic Computerized Audiometric System” Proc. International Graduate Conference on Engineering and Science IGCES 2008. Johor : UTM. 23-24 December 2008.