Midterm Exam #1 MB 451 Microbial Diversity Honor pledge: “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test.” Signed : ____________________________________________________________ Date : __Feb 5, 2007__________________ Name : ___KEY__________________________________________________________ 1. What are the three primary evolutionary branches of life? (5 points) Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya Multiple choice (2 points each) 2. __D__ Which of the following is not an aspect of a taxonomy? 5. _ D__ Which of these evolutionary representations is both objective and quantitative? A. the 5-Kingdom tree B. the Evolutionary Ladder A. Grouping C. the Prokaryote/Eukaryote dichotomy B. Naming D. the 3-Domain molecular phylogenetic tree C. Identifying E. None of the above D. Isolating E. None of the above 3. __ E__ Which describes a phylogeny? A. a genealogy B. a tree C. evolutionary pathways D. natural relationships between organisms E. All of the above 4. __ A__ Species evolve by ... 6. __ D__ Which if the following is not an algorithm for generating phylogenetic trees from molecular data? A. Neighbor-joining B. Parsimony C. Maximum likelihood D. Jukes & Cantor E. all of the above 7. __ B__ A photoheterotroph gets its energy from X and its carbon from Y. A. diversification A. X= light ; Y= carbon dioxide B. progression B. X= light ; Y= organic compounds C. linear advancement C. X= inorganic compounds ; Y= carbon dioxide D. magic D. X and Y both = organic compounds E. none of the above E. none of the above Page 1 of 5 Short answer & fill in the blank (points as indicated) 8. Usually the best single molecular sequence for phylogenetic analysis is __ ssu-rRNA_______________________. (2 points) 9. A 2-dimensional matrix of molecular sequences is called a(n) ___sequence alignment______________________. (2 points) 10. Molecular sequences may be alignable using _______structural superimposition_____________________________ even if they are so different from one another that they cannot be reliably aligned based on the sequence alone. (2 points) 11. ___bootstrapping_____________________________ is a way to judge the reliability of the branches in a tree. (2 points) 12. Why is an understanding of phylogeny important? (4 points) Both to make predictions about the properties of an organism, and to prevent inappropriate comparisons between unrelated organisms. 13. What are the main steps of a molecular phylogenetic analysis? (4 points) 1. Decide on organisms and sequences 2. Obtain this data 3. Identify homologous residues 4. perform phylogenetic analysis 14. Why is raw sequence similarity an underestimate of evolutionary distance? (5 points) Because of the occurrence of multiple substitutions at a single site that are only counted as a single difference, or in the case of reversion, as no difference at all. Page 2 of 5 Tree interpretation : answer the following questions based on this ssu-rRNA-based phylogenetic tree. The scale bar (0.10) represents evolutionary distance. Sequences/organisms without names (i.e.pBB, Nak_9, SRI-240, and VC2.1bac27) are D. Go! tz and others from uncultivated species. (2 points each) ............................................ Fig. 3. Effect of tem of strain EX-H1T (s presence of 3 % (w/ ................................................................................................................................................. 15. Is this a dendrogram a phenogram? __________phenogram___________________________________________________ Fig.or 2. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree showing the positions of strain EX-H1T and strain EX-H2T. The scale bar represents the number of fixed mutations per nucleotide 16. Which sequence(s) is/are presumably the outgroup? __Methanococcus jannashii___________________________________ DNA base compo position. The numbers at the branch nodes are bootstrap values based on 100 bootstrap resamplings. The G!C conte strain EX-H1T This is consisten 18. What is the evolutionary distance between Persephonella marina and Hydrogenobacter thermophilus? _0.2__________ Aquificales, whos initially formed from pre-existing plasma membrane for Hydrogenob and were excised once elongated. Although internal 19. Circle (on the tree above) the last common ancestor of Bacillus subtilis and Thermus thermophilus. Aquifex pyrophil membranes are often used to align enzymes for ditionally, EX-H complex metabolic reactions, the function of these 20. Except for the outgroup, which two sequences in this tree are the most distantly related? membranous structures is not yet known. Similar genetically distin membranous structures have not previously been similar to A. pyr ______Flexibacter flexilis_______________________ and ________pBB_________________________________________ reported in the Aquificales. Negative stains of cells genobacter therm revealed that thin, flexible, pili-like filaments extended other, and 92–94 21. Which branch(es) would you have the least confidence in? from the cell surface of many of the cells (Fig. 1, that fall within th The one between the 2 Persephonella species, and the one between E.coli and B.subtilis (the one between pBB and NAK_9 bottom). the recently de is also right up there). 17. Which sequence is most closely related to Bacillus subtilis? _____Escherichia coli__________________________________ Page 3 of 5 Table 2. Electron donors and acceptors utilized by strain EX-H1T, strain EX-H2T a chemolithoautotrophic members of the order Aquificales ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Strains (reference) : 1, Strain EX-H1T ; 2, Strain EX-H2T ; 3, Aquifex pyrophilus (Huber Problem-solving (points as indicated) 22. Align the following sequences: (8 points) Sequence 1 G G G G U U C G C U C A - G G G G U U C G C U C A Sequence 2 A G A G G U U G C U C U A G A G G U U - G C U C U Sequence 3 C G A G G C U G C U C C G A G G C U - G C U C - Sequence 4 U G A G G C U C G C U C A U G A G G C U C G C U C A 23. Generate a similarity matrix from the following alignment: (10 points) Seq1 Seq2 Seq3 Seq4 Sequence 1 G A U C G A U C G A Seq1 XX XX XX XX Sequence 2 G A U A G A U C G A Seq2 0.9 XX XX XX Sequence 3 G A similarity C C G A Cmatrix C G A to a distance Seq3 matrix _0.8_ _0.7_ XX Jukes XX& Cantor curve. 10) (10 points) Convert the using the Sequence 4 G A G U G A C C G A Similarity matrix Seq4 _0.7_ _0.7_ _0.8_ XX Distance matrix 24. Convert the following similarity matrix into a distance matrix using the Jukes & Cantor curve: (10 points) A A X B C D Similarity matrix X A Distance matrix D X X X X X XX X Seq1 XXB XX0.05 XX XXX X X 0.90 0.80 XX XX X XX C Seq20.75 X Seq2 0.12 C XX0.30 XX XX 0.25 X X Seq3 0.55 0.30 Seq4 0.77 0.90 1.30 0.90 X B Seq10.95XX D X XX XX Seq3 0.60 0.75 Seq4 0.50 0.45 0.35 0.50 1.0 0.60 XX XX 0.45 XX X X C X Seq1 Seq2 Seq3 Seq4 A B Seq1 Seq2 Seq3 Seq4 D XX 0.75 XX 0.55 XX JUKES & CANTOR CURVE 0.9 Similarity 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 Evolutionary distance 11) (10 points) Redraw the dendrogram below, to the same approximate scale, as a phylogram. C Page 4 of 5 25. Convert the following phenogram into a dendrogram. (10 points) A B A D B C C D 26. Generate a tree using the neighbor-joining method from the following distance matrix. SHOW YOUR WORK! You need only solve the structure of the tree; you do not need to solve the branch lengths. (10 points) A B C D E A X X X X X B 0.3 X X X X C 0.6 0.5 X X D 1.7 1.6 1.7 X E 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.7 reduced matrix A/B C D E A/B X X X X X C 0.55 X X X X D 1.65 1.7 X X X E 0.95 1.0 1.7 X A B E The nearest neighbors are A and B, so these are joined: C D A E B C D Average distances in the matrix to A/B; the nearest neighbors are then between A/B and C, so these are joined: A E B D The nodes are completely resolved - you’re done! C Page 5 of 5