STR U C TU R A L AND L U M IN E SC E N C E P R O P E R T IE S O F M A G N ESIU M STR O N T IU M M E T A PH O S P H A T E D O PED W IT H E U R O PIU M AND D Y SPR O SIU M IO NS DAYANG N U R FA ZLIA N A B IN TI ABDUL H A L IM U N IV E R SIT I T E K N O L O G I M ALAY SIA STRUCTURAL AND LUMINESCENCE PROPERTIES OF MAGNESIUM STRONTIUM METAPHOSPHATE DOPED WITH EUROPIUM AND DYSPROSIUM IONS DAYANG N UR FAZLIANA BINTI ABDUL HALIM A thesis submitted in fulfillment o f the requirements for the award o f the degree of Master o f Science (Physics) Faculty o f Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia FEBRUARY 2011 iii To m y Abah and M ama who have given me much more than these few words can say. For m y siblings and fiance, thanks for the patience, love and prayers. iv ACKNOW LEDGEM ENT Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah SWT, whom with His willing giving me the opportunity to complete this master study. I am heartily thankful to my supervisor, Prof Dr. Rosli Bin Hussin, whose encouragement, supervision and support from the preliminary to the concluding level enabled me to develop an understanding o f the subject. To all physics lecturers (UTM), thank you for the encouragement and immense knowledge you gave all along. I would also like to acknowledge the M inistry o f Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) for the financial support and kindly good encouragement in the course o f m y study. M y sincere thanks and appreciation extend to the laboratory assistants o f physics department who had helped me in many ways. Deepest thanks and appreciation goes to my parents, family, m y fiance and all my colleagues. I have been blessed with a friendly and cheerful group o f phosphor team members. Lastly, I offer m y regards and blessings to all o f those who supported me in any respect during the completion o f this study. v A B STR A C T A series o f samples based on xM gO-(50-x)SrO-50P2Os (with 0 < x < 5 0 mol %) were prepared using solid state reaction method and sintered at 900°C. The crystalline phase o f powder samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) while the assignments o f the vibration modes were determined using Fourier Transform Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopies. The XRD analysis indicated that the prepared samples were polycrystalline phase o f Sr(PO 3)2, SrMgP 2O 7, Mg 2P 4O 12 and M g 2P 2O 7. The optimum sintering temperature o f the prepared samples is 900oC. The Infrared and Raman studies showed that the magnesium strontium metaphosphate system consists of a main network o f Q2, Q 1 and Q° tetrahedral units. There were four peaks observed in the both spectra which are P=O group (1320 cm-1), PO 2 group (1200 - 1170 cm-1), PO 3 and PO 4 groups (1160 - 950 cm-1) and P-O-P group (950 - 704 cm-1). This study illustrated that SrO and MgO act as modifiers and also improved chemical and physical stability o f the phosphate material. The dopant ions (Eu3+ and Dy3+) as studied using XRD, IR and Raman spectra showed that small quantities o f europium and dysprosium ions does not affect the local structure o f magnesium strontium metaphosphate network. The luminescence property o f the Eu3+ and Dy3+ as dopants in magnesium strontium metaphosphate was studied using photoluminescence spectroscopy. The emission peaks for Eu3+ doped sample were located at 568 nm, 582 nm, 605 nm, 642 nm and 689 nm, due to the 5D 0 —^ 7Fj (j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) transition. Meanwhile for Dy3+ doped sample, two intense peaks appear at 477 nm and 564 nm are due to the 4F 9/2 — 6H 13/2 transitions. For 4F 9/2 — 6H 15/2 and sample doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+, the intensity o f the main peak increases. This study also showed that magnesium strontium metaphosphate doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ has better luminescence characteristic as compared to strontium metaphosphate or magnesium metaphosphate. The results o f the study suggested that magnesium strontium metaphosphate is a potential candidate for plasma display applications. vi A BSTR A K Satu siri sampel berasaskan sistem xMgO-(50-x)SrO-50P2O5 (dengan 0 < x < 5 0 mol %) disediakan melalui kaedah tindak balas keadaan pepejal dan disinter pada suhu 900oC. Kehabluran bagi sampel-sampel diciri menggunakan pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) manakala sifat-sifat getaran ditentukan dengan menggunakan serapan infra merah (IR) dan spektroskopi Raman. Analisis XRD menunjukkan sampel-sampel berada pada fasa polihabluran Sr(PO3)2, SrMgP2O7, Mg2P4O 12 dan Mg2P2O7. Suhu optimum pensinteran sampel ialah 900oC. Kajian serapan infra merah dan Raman menunjukkan sistem magnesium strontium metafosfat mengandungi rangkaian utama Q2, Q 1 dan Q0 fosfat tetrahedron. Terdapat empat puncak pada kedua-dua spektrum iaitu kumpulan P=O (1320 cm-1), kumpulan PO2 (1200 - 1170 cm-1), kumpulan PO3 dan PO4 (1160 - 950 cm-1) dan kumpulan P-O-P (950 - 704 cm-1). Kajian menjelaskan penambahan SrO dan MgO bertindak memantapkan kestabilan kim ia dan fizikal bahan fosfat. Bahan pendop (Eu3+ and Dy3+) yang dikaji menggunakan spectrum XRD, infra merah dan Raman menunjukkan kuantiti kecil ion europium dan disprosium tidak menjejaskan rangkaian struktur magnesium strontium metafosfat. Pencirian luminesen Eu3+ dan Dy3+ sebagai bahan pendop dalam magnesium strontium metafosfat diukur menggunakan spektroskopi fotoluminesen. Puncak pemancaran bagi sampel didop dengan Eu3+ ialah pada 568 nm, 582 nm, 605 nm, 642 nm dan 689 nm, disebabkan 5 7 3+ peralihan D0 — Fj (j= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). Sementara itu untuk sampel didop Dy , dua puncak pancaran utama dilihat pada 477 nm dan 564 nm yang disebabkan oleh peralihan pada 4F9/2 — 6H 15/2 dan 4F9/2 — 6H 13/2. Untuk sampel yang didop dengan kedua - dua ion iaitu Eu3+ dan Dy3+, keamatan puncak utama semakin meningkat. Kajian juga menunjukkan magnesium strontium metafosfat yang didop dengan Eu3+ and Dy3+ mempunyai puncak pancaran yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan strontium metafosfat atau magnesium metafosfat. Keputusan kajian mencadangkan magnesium strontium metafosfat sebagai salah satu calon yang berpotensi untuk aplikasi paparan plasma. vii TA B LE O F CO N TEN TS CH APTER 1 T IT L E PA G E T IT L E PA G E i D E C LA R A TIO N ii D ED IC A T IO N iii ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS iv A B STR A C T v A B STR A K vi TA BLE O F C O N TEN TS vii L IS T O F TA BLES x L IS T O F F IG U R E S xi L IS T O F SYM BOLS xiv L IS T O F A PPE N D IC ES xv IN T R O D U C TIO N 1.1 General Introduction 1 1.2 Statement o f Problem 3 1.3 A im so fth e S tu d y 4 1.4 Scope o f the Study 4 1.4.1 Sample Preparation 5 1.4.2 SampleCharacterization 5 1.5 Significantofthe Research 5 viii 2 L IT E R A T U R E R E V IE W 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Structural Characteristic 7 2.2.1 X-ray Diffraction 8 2.2.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 9 2.2.3 Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy 11 2.3 Luminescence Characteristic 13 2.3.1 M echanism of Luminescence 14 2.3.2 T y p eso f Luminescence 16 2.3.3 Luminescence o fR areE arth Ions 18 2.3.4 E ffecto fD o p in g Io n so n Luminescence 20 Properties 2.4 3 4 Phosphor M aterial 23 2.4.1 PhosphateB asedPhosphor 24 2.4.2 Basic structure o f phosphate 24 2.4.3 Alkali Earth Phosphate 27 M ETHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 30 3.2 Sam plepreparation 31 3.3 Experimental Characterizations 34 3.3.1 X-ray Diffraction 34 3.3.2 FourierTransform InfraredSpectroscopy 35 3.3.3 FourierTransform R am anSpectroscopy 36 3.3.4 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy 37 R ESU LTS AND D ISCU SSIO N 4.1 Introduction 38 4.2 Structural Study 38 4.2.1 C rystallinePhaseA nalysis 39 4.2.2 Infrared Spectra Analysis 44 ix 4.2.3 4.3 Raman Spectra Analysis 54 Luminescence Study 59 4.3.1 Luminescence S p ectrao f Europium Ion 61 4.3.2 Luminescence S p ectrao f Dysprosium Ion 65 4.3.3 Luminescence S p ectraofE uropium and 68 Dysprosium Ions 5 C O N C LU SIO N S AND R EC O M M EN D A TIO N S 5.1 Summary 71 5.2 Future Study 73 R E FE R E N C E S 74 A PPE N D IC ES 82 X L IS T O F TA BLES TA BLE NO. 2.1 T IT L E ElectronicC onfigurationsofTrivalent Rare-Earth PA G E 20 Ions in the Ground State (Kano, 2006) 2.2 The types o f phosphates and their description (Brow, 2000) 27 3.1 The composition o f phosphor samples 31 4.1 C ry stallographicdataandlatticeparam eterofcrystal 41 phase observed in this study 4.2 Peak frequencies (cm-1) observed in the IR spectra o f 49 the xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 (with 0 < x < 5 0 mol %) 4.3 Peak frequencies (cm-1) observed in the Raman spectra o f the xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 (with 0 < x < 5 0 mol %) 58 XI L IS T O F FIG U R E S FIG U R E NO. T IT L E PA G E 2.1 P rincipleofX -ray Diffraction 9 2.2 Schematic diagram o f a Fourier transform 11 Infrared spectrometer 2.3 S chem aticdiagram of a R am anspectroscopy 13 2.4 (a)E x citatio n an d (b ) em issio n sp ectrao f 21 Eu 3+:Li2T i0 3 systems as reported by Kumar and B uddhudu(2009) 2.5 Luminescence intensities o f 22 Ca 5La 5(Si 0 4 ) 3(P 0 4 )3 0 2 : Dy3+ (Yang and Huang, 2007) 2.6 Phosphor devices in various fields o f applications 25 (Shinoya, 2001) 2.7 P-tetrahedral sites that can exist in phosphate host 26 (Hudgens etal., 1998) 2.8 XRD patterns for calcium pyrophosphate at 29 different sintering temperature (Doat et al., 2005) 3.1 The phosphor sample (a) after the sintering 32 process (b) under ultraviolet lamp 3.2 F low ch arto fsam p lep rep aratio n 33 3.3 X-ray Diffractometer (Siem ensDiffractom eter 34 Xll D5000) at Faculty ofM echanlcal Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudal 3.4 FTIR instrument at Chemistry Department, 35 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 3.5 Raman instrument at Universiti Teknologi 36 Malaysia, Skudai 3.6 Equipment used for photoluminescence 37 spectroscopy at School ofPhysics, Universiti Sains Malaysia 4.1 XRD patterns at different sintering temperatures 40 4.2 (a) X-ray diffraction patterns o f 42 xMgO-(50-x)SrO-50P20 5 with composition in the range 0 < x < 2 5 mol % 4.2 (b) X-ray diffraction patterns o f 43 xM g0-(50-x) Sr0-50P20 5 with composition in the range 30 < x < 5 0 mol % 4.3 XRD patterns o fM g 0 S r0 P 20 5 (a) undoped 45 (b) doped Eu3+ (c) doped Dy3+ (d) doped Eu3+ and Dy3+ 4.4 (a) FT-Infrared spectra o f xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 46 powder samples (with 0 < x < 2 5 mol %) 4.4 (b) FT-Infrared spectra o f xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 47 powder samples (with 30 < x < 5 0 mol %) 4.5 FT-Infrared spectra o f xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 51 powder samples (with 0 < x < 5 0 mol %) at higher frequencies 4.6 IR spectra o f 25M g0-25Sr0-50P 20 5 (a) undoped 52 (b) doped Eu3+ (c) doped Dy3+ (d) doped Eu3+ and Dy3+ 4.7 The phosphate tetrahedron structure 53 4.8 Schematic structure o f magnesium replacement 54 Xlll in part o f strontium lon for magnesium strontium phosphate 4.9 (a) Raman spectra o f xMgO-(50-x)SrO-50P20 5 56 powder samples (with 0 < x < 2 5 mol %) 4.9 (b) Raman spectra o f xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 57 powder samples (with 30 < x < 5 0 mol %) 4.10 Raman spectra o f2 5 M g 0 -2 5 S r0 -5 0 P 20 5 60 (a) undoped (b) doped Eu3+ (c) doped Dy3+ (d) doped Eu3+ and Dy3+ 4.11 The luminescence spectra o f 62 25M g0-25Sr0-50P 20 5 for (a) undoped and (b) doped with Eu3+ 4.12 The energy level for Eu3+ in 64 25M g0-25Sr0-50P205 4.13 The luminescence spectra o f 66 25Sr0-25M g0-50P 20 5 for (a) undoped and (b) doped Dy3+ 4.14 The energy level o f Dy3+ in 67 25M g0-25Sr0-50P205 4.15 The luminescence spectra o f Eu3+ and Dy3+ 69 doped in (a) 50Sr0-50P20 7 (b)50M g0-50P20 7 (c) 25M g0-25Sr0-50P205 4.16 The energy level model o f Eu3+ and Dy3+ in magnesium strontium metaphosphate 70 xiv L IS T O F SYM BOLS 3 - Deformation vas - Asymmetric Stretching vs - Symmetric Stretching E - Energy X - Wavelength S - Spin angular momentum L - 0 rbital angular momentum J - Totalangularm om entum I - Azimuthal quantum number c - Speed o f Light v - Frequency o f light d - Distance 0 - Angle h - Planck constant Q - T etrahedralofphosphate link xv L IS T O F A PPE N D IC ES A PPE N D IX T IT L E PA G E A The Samples Calculation 82 B Publications 85 CH APTER 1 IN T R O D U C TIO N 1.1 G eneral In tro d u ctio n Luminescence is related to the basic science as well as to the applied science. The word luminescence was first used by Eilhardt Wiedemann, a German physicist, in 1888 which means light (Williams, 1966). Nowadays, luminescence is observed with all phases o f matter including gases, liquids and solids both organic and inorganic. The commercial importance o f luminescence is ubiquitous, being manifest in displays, lamps, biochemistry, environmental sciences, pharmaceuticals and others fields. In nature, luminescence exists in fireflies, insects, fishes, mushrooms and luminescent bacteria. Luminescence can be defined as the generation o f light in excess o f thermal radiation. Excitation o f the luminescence substance is prerequisite to luminescent emission. There are several types o f luminescence depending on their source of 2 excitation which are photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, electroluminescence, triboluminescence and chemiluminescence. Materials that can generate luminescence are called phosphors. Commercial phosphors are mostly inorganic compounds prepared as powders, glasses or thin films (Cees and Alok, 2006). Phosphor materials have attracted much attention because o f their application to flat panel displays (FPD), including field-emission displays (FED). The long after glow phosphor is a special property in luminescence field o f research. It can maintain the phosphorescence for several hours at room temperature. In the early time, zinc sulphide doped cobalt and copper (ZnS: Cu, Co) was considered the main phosphorescent materials. However, it has a short phosphorescence time and not stable enough during its application (Bol et al., 2002). Thus new hosts are getting much attention in order to improve the long after glow properties and their stability. Since its invention in the 19th century, the long lasting phosphor has been greatly improved. Phosphate based is particularly an attractive host because it can accommodate large concentrations o f active ions without losing the useful properties o f the material. It also has several special properties such as large thermal expansion coefficients, low melting temperatures, solubility and stability at higher temperatures (Day et al., 1998). As example, Ca 5La 5(Si 0 4)3(P 0 4)30 2:Dy3+ is considered as an excellent commercial white light long lasting phosphor that has been widely applied in the development of fluorescent lamps, cathode ray tubes, field emission displays and plasm a display panels (Yang and Huang, 2007). Alkaline earth phosphates has attracted research interests in the field of photoluminescence since they are suitable hosts with high chemical stability, offers better homogeneity and lowers sintering temperature and also can produce plenty of crystal field environments imposed on emission centers. Alkali earth phosphates 3 constitute a wide family, which, to our knowledge, has been little explored, although their biocompatibility is well established (Liu et al., 2007). The developments of phosphate based materials for a variety o f technological applications, from rare-earth ion hosts for solid state lasers to low temperature sealing glasses, have led to renewed interest in understanding the structures o f these unusual materials. 0 ver the past few decades, much attention has been devoted towards trivalent lanthanide based materials for the development o f optical devices such as solid-state lasers, fiber amplifiers and infrared to visible up-converters (Walrand and Binnemans, 1998). For example, Ferhi et al. (2009) reported that L aP 0 4:Eu3+ has been identified as another good phosphate phosphor which displays an intense red emission under an ultraviolet (UV) source. Up to now, rare earth ion doped luminescence materials become an interesting topic in the field o f luminescence material. 1.4 S tatem ent of Problem Among the borate, silicate and aluminate hosts materials, phosphate system seems to be the most appropriate for investigations due its lower melting temperature, higher thermal expansion coefficient and easy o f fabrication techniques. However the low chemical resistance and moisture degradation o f phosphate systems poses many restrictions on their commercial exploitation and usefulness. The studies by Shaw and Shelby (1988) showed various oxides such as S n 0 , P b 0 , Z n 0 and Fe 20 3 improve dramatically the chemical durability. However, the addition o f alkaline earth, S r0 and M g 0 into phosphate networks is limited in structural study. Thus, this study should be useful in determining the structural properties o f magnesium strontium metaphosphate system. 4 Even though many new long lasting phosphorescent materials are developed, the luminescence phenomenon activated by lanthanide elements remains to be explored. Besides that, most o f the luminescence emissions in aluminate and silicate host material are in the ultraviolet and infrared region. Thus, in this study, magnesium strontium metaphosphate doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ ions were studied in order to determine their luminescence properties. 1.5 Aims o f the Study The aims o f this study are as follows: 1. To prepare and determine the structure and crystalline phases o f magnesium strontium metaphosphate. 2. To determine the influence o f the modifier concentration, M g 0 and S r0 to the phosphate network. 3. To determine the luminescence properties o f europium and dysprosium ions doped in magnesium strontium metaphosphate material. 1.4 Scope o f the Study Researches based on phosphate material are too wide. Thus, sample preparation and its characterization are controlled in this study. 5 1.4.1 Sam ple P rep aratio n The host material based on metaphosphate was prepared using solid state reaction method. M agnesium oxide and strontium oxide were used as modifiers in order to reduce the hygroscopic properties. In addition, Eu3+ and Dy3+ were chosen to be the dopant ions for this study in order to study the effect o f dopants on the luminescence properties. 1.4.2 Sam ple C h aracterizatio n Different types o f measurements were used in this study. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the phase o f the obtained samples, while FT -Infrared and FT-Raman spectroscopy were used to determine the structural features o f the host material. Luminescence spectra were obtained from photoluminescence spectroscopy. 1.5 Significant o f the R esearch We expect to obtain samples that are chemically and physically stable which can be easily prepared at lower melting temperature and lower cost compared to other host matrix material such as silicate, tellurite and aluminate. In addition, it is hoped that the doping ions; Eu3+ and Dy3+ can enhance the luminescence characteristic in magnesium strontium metaphosphate materials and glow in the visible region. These properties 6 contribute a lot o f knowledge and a good reference for further research in developing the luminescence technology for applications o f phosphor in electronics display and luminous painting. CH APTER 2 L IT E R A T U R E R E V IE W 3.1 In tro d u ctio n This chapter describes on the background knowledge o f structural study and luminescence o f phosphor material. In addition, the role o f doping ion, E u3+ and Dy3+ and theory related to the material characterization are convoluted for a better understanding. 2.4 S tru c tu ra l C h aracteristic It is necessary to understand the general information and importance o f structural characteristic in material science. Structural study basically analyses using X-ray 8 diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies. The theoretical aspects are discussed as follows. 2.2.1 X -ray D iffraction X-ray diffraction (XRD) uses the pattern produced by the diffraction o f x-rays through the lattice o f atoms in a material to reveal the natural (symmetric) structure of that lattice, which usually leads to an understanding o f the structure o f the material. The lattice constants, n o f compounds are determined using Bragg’s law. n l = 2 d sin 6 (2.1) The X-ray physically interact with the electrons that surround the atoms. As shown by schematic diagram in Figure 2.1, the X-rays scattered from a crystalline solid can constructively interfere, producing a diffraction pattern. This technique works because in a crystalline material the inter-atomic distances are o f the order o f the wavelength o f X-ray radiation (10"8 cm). As a result, X-ray radiation is diffracted by the electron clouds in the crystal structure. This gives us diffraction maxima which are dependent on the type o f atoms, and their spacing and distribution. The X -ray diffraction technique, therefore, is not a technique that produces images. However, the electron density can be reconstructed using the diffraction pattern which is obtained from a periodic assembly o f molecules in the crystal. Using this, a model can prelim inarily be created. Then, calculated diffractions can be compared with observational data, to finally produce an accurate unambiguous 3D physical structure o f the material. 9 n^ = 2dhkl sin0 F igure 2.1: Principle o f X-ray Diffraction. 2.2.2 F o u rier T ran sfo rm In fra re d Spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is well-known as an important analytical tool in the study o f the structure o f both organic and inorganic materials as it enables the arrangement o f the molecules, the bond type, morphological information and the force fields in the material to be investigated. Infra-red spectroscopy is the subset of spectroscopy that deals with the infrared region o f the electromagnetic spectrum. It covers a range o f techniques, the most common being a form o f absorption spectroscopy. The advantages o f infrared spectroscopy include wide applicability, non­ destructiveness, measurement under ambient atmosphere and the capability o f providing detailed structural information 10 The infrared spectrum can be divided into two regions, one called the functional group region and the other the fingerprint region. The functional group region is generally considered to range from 4000 to 1500 cm-1 and all frequencies below 1500 cm-1 are considered characteristic o f the fingerprint region. The fingerprint region involves molecular vibrations, usually bending and vibration motions that are characteristic o f the entire molecule or large fragments o f the molecule. Thus these are used for identification. The functional group region tends to include motions, generally stretching vibrations, which are more localised and characteristic o f the typical functional groups, found in organic molecules. While these bands are not very useful in confirming identity, they do provide some very useful information about the nature of the components that make up the molecule. A schematic diagram o f a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer is shown in Figure 2.2. The apparatus derives from the classical attempt by Michelson to measure the ‘ether w ind’ by determining the velocity o f light in two perpendicular directions. An FTIR spectrometer consists in principle o f an infrared source, an interferometer, the sample, and the infrared detector. A parallel beam o f radiation is directed from the source to the interferometer, consisting o f a beam splitter which is a plate o f suitably transparent material coated so as to reflect only 50 percent o f the radiation falling on it. Therefore, the spectrum is not directly measured but its interferogram where the IR intensity reached the detector as a function o f the mirror position. The spectrum is subsequently obtained by Fourier transformation o f the interferogram from the time domain into the frequency domain. 11 1 Fixed mirror A k Moving mirror Beamsplitter From IR source / / * * * n r < ----------► | Sample r To de tector F igure 2.2: Schematic diagram o f a Fourier transform Infrared spectrometer. 2.2.3 F o u rier T ran sfo rm R am an Spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy is the measurement o f the wavelength and intensity o f inelastically scattered light from molecules which usually used to study vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system. It relies on Raman scattering of monochromatic light, usually from a laser in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range. The laser light interacts with phonons or other excitations in the system, resulting in the energy o f the laser photons being shifted up or down. The shift in energy gives information about the phonon modes in the system. Infrared spectroscopy yields similar, but complementary information. 12 Light scattered from a molecule has several components which are Rayleigh scatter and the Stokes and Anti-Stokes Raman scatter. In molecular systems, these frequencies are principally in the ranges associated with rotational, vibrational and electronic level transitions. The scattered radiation occurs over all directions and may also have observable changes in its polarization along with its wavelength. The scattering process without a change o f frequency is called Rayleigh scattering, and is the same process described by Lord Rayleigh and which accounts for the blue color o f the sky. A change in the frequency o f the light is called Raman scattering. Raman shifted photons o f light can be either o f higher or lower energy, depending upon the vibrational state o f the molecule. For vibrational study, Raman technique has several advantages over infrared spectroscopy. Firstly, the incident and scattered radiation are at ultraviolet and visible frequencies, conventional optics and samples cell (crystal, glass, quartz) can be used, so avoiding the problem o f atmospheric absorption and etc. the other reason is the beam can be focused extremely fine (diameters as small as 0.1 nm are possible) thus very small sample can be studied. This property combined with pulsed technique which can give very short time resolutions, enables very small quantities o f transient species to be studied. Lastly, liquid or moisture samples can be studied using Raman spectroscopy since in Raman, water is a weak scatterer compared to infrared spectroscopy. The working principle can be explained by the schematic diagram in Figure 2.3 below. The laser beam is passed through a cell, usually a narrow glass or quartz tube filled with the sample. Light scattered sideways from the sample is collected by a lens and passed into a grating monochromator similar to that used in a dispersed infrared instrument. The signal is measured by a sensitive photomultiplier and after amplification; it is usually processed by a computer which plots the Raman spectrum. 13 F igure 2.3: Schematic diagram o f a Raman spectroscopy. 3.4 Lum inescence C h aracteristic Luminescence researches are associated with the dosimetric appliances, industry and technology applications. In general, luminescence can be defined as the generation o f light in excess o f thermal radiation. M an’s fascination with luminescence stems due to their excellent characteristic emission bands ranging from ultraviolet to visible and to infrared wavelength region. The luminescence material is not new in our universe. For example, fireflies have a bioluminescent organ in their abdomen and they used it to attract their mates. Fireflies produce light by means o f chemical reaction that take place within their bodies. 14 They convert a compound known as luciferin from one form into another. Chemical within the organ react with oxygen to produce light (Branham and Greenfield, 1996). The terminology o f luminescence starts when an alchemist, Vincentinus Casciarolo o f Bologna from Italy, found a heavy crystalline stone with a gloss at the foot o f a volcano, and fired it in a charcoal oven intending to convert it to a noble metal. Casciarolo obtained no metals but found that the sintered stone emitted red light in the dark after exposure to sunlight. This stone was called the “Bolognian stone” and now known as (B aS 0 4), with the fired product being BaS, which become a host for phosphor materials. Fifty years after the discovery o f the phosphorescent “Bolognian stone”, Zecchi in 1652 advanced understanding o f the phenomenon by noting that the color o f the phosphorescent light was the same after illumination by light o f different colors. Then two hundred years later, Stokes clarified the nature o f fluorescent by showing that the scattered and incident light differed in refrangibility (color). He noted that the fluorescent light was usually less refrangible (longer wavelength) than the exciting light which is known as Stokes’ Law (Williams, 1966). 2.3.1 M echanism of L u m inescence The emission o f visible light requires excitation energies the minimum o f which is given by Einstein’s law stating that the energy (E) is equal to Plank’s constant (h) times the frequency o f light (v), or Planck’s constant times the velocity o f light (c) in a 15 vacuum divided by its wavelength (A,) as shown in equation (2.2) below (Blasse and Grabmaier, 1994). j-i j hc E = hv = 1 (2.2) — The excitation energy is transferred to the electrons responsible for luminescence, which jum p from their ground-state energy level to a level o f higher energy. The energy levels that electrons can assume are specified by quantum mechanical laws. The different excitation mechanisms considered below depend on whether or not the excitation o f electrons occurs in single atoms, in single molecules, in combinations o f molecules, or in a crystal. They are initiated by the means o f excitation described above: impact o f accelerated particles such as electrons, positive ions, or photons. Often, the excitation energies are considerably higher than those necessary to lift electrons to a radiative level; for example, the luminescence produced by the phosphor crystals in television screens is excited by cathode-ray electrons with average energies o f 25,000 electron volts. Nevertheless, the colour o f the luminescent light is nearly independent o f the energy o f the exciting particles, depending chiefly on the excited-state energy level o f the crystal centres. Electrons taking part in the luminescence process are the outermost electrons o f atoms or molecules. When a solid is bombarded by photons or particles, the excitation o f the centres can occur directly or by energy transfer. Light is directed onto a sample, where it is absorbed and imparts excess energy into the material in a process called photo-excitation. One way this excess energy can be dissipated by the sample is through the emission oflight, or luminescence. In the case o f photo-excitation, this luminescence is called photoluminescence. The photoluminescence spectrum provides the transition energies, which can be used to determine electronic energy levels (Gfroerer, 2000). 16 Fluorescence and phosphorescence are two special aspects o f luminescence. The phenomenon is fluorescence if emission takes place by one or more spontaneous transitions. On the contrary; the emission occurs with the intervention o f a metastable state followed by return to the excited stated due to addition o f energy is called phosphorescence. Or in other word, fluorescence can be defined as emission during excitation meanwhile phosphorescence is emission after excitation is removed. 2.3.2 T y p e so f Lum inescence There are various o f luminescence phenomena observed in the nature or in manmade articles. The emissive processes o f luminescence based on the type o f excitation source (Vishwakarma et al. 2007). Photoluminescence is a luminescence where the energy is supplied by electromagnetic radiation. Photoluminescence is the emission produced by excitation with the light photons. For example, one o f the high technology subjects called lasers is a kind o f photoluminescence in which emission is coherent. W hen excitation is done by electron beams generated at the electrical cathodes, the emission produced is called cathodoluminescence. The screens o f cathode ray tubes and television tubes glow by this kind o f emission. In cathode ray tubes, zinc and cadmium sulphide phosphors are used. Chemiluminescence is the luminescence where the energy is supplied by chemical reactions. Those glow-in-the-dark plastic tubes sold in amusement parks are 17 examples o f chemiluminescence. Chemiluminescence is not a common accompaniment in chemical reactions, because the amount o f energy released even in the exothermic reactions is not sufficient to cause electronic excitation, which needs a couple o f eV energy. Secondly not all chemical molecules are capable oflum inescence. A large number o f inorganic and organic materials subjected to mechanical stress and can emit light is called triboluminescence. It also named as mechnoluminescence. It has been observed in piezo electric crystals. The spectra of triboluminescence light are similar to those o f photo-luminescence in many substances. Bioluminescence is luminescence caused by chemical reactions in living things; it is a form o f chemiluminescence. Fireflies, glow-worms, some bacteria and fungi and many sea creatures, both near surface and at great depths are the striking examples of luminescence in nature. The chemical reactions are the enzymic oxidations. Electroluminescence is luminescence caused by electric current. Cathodoluminescence is electroluminescence by electron beams; this is how television pictures are formed. Other example o f electroluminescence is the auroras and lightning flashes. This should not be mistaken for w hat occurs with the ordinary incandescent electric lights, in which the electricity is used to produce heat, and it is the heat that in turn produces light. There is another type o f electroluminescence known as injectionluminescence. In this electron are injected an external supply across a semiconductor pnjunction. On applying a DC voltage across thejunction, such that the electrons flow to the p-region, luminescence is produced by the electron hole recombination in that region. The light emitting diodes (LED), which are now commonly used as display devices in many scientific instruments, are based on this principle. 18 Thermoluminescence is phosphorescence material triggered by temperature above a certain point. In thermoluminescence, heat is not the primary source o f energy, only the trigger for the release o f energy that originally came from another source. It may be that all phosphorescence has a minimum temperature; but many have a minimum triggering temperature below normal temperature and are not normally thought o f as thermolunimescence. Radioluminescence is luminescence caused by nuclear radiation. Older glow in- the dark clock dials often used paint with a radioactive material and a radio luminescence material. There is a large variety o f inorganic minerals which shows strong luminescence under excitation by X -ray and nuclear particles, although they show no luminescence under UV excitation. Until a couple o f decade ago, the luminescent dials o f watches and many instrument used to be phosphors to which radioactive material were added to excite the luminescence. 2.3.3 Lum inescence of R are E a rth Ions Rare earth ions have a long history in optical and magnetic applications. Among these, luminescent devices using single crystals, powders, and glasses were particularly important. Rare earths have important characteristic that distinguish them from other optical active ions. They can emit and absorb over narrow wavelength ranges and the quantum efficiencies tend to be higher except in aqueous solutions. In addition, the wavelength o f the emission and absorption transitions are relatively insensitive to host materials and the lifetime o f metastable states are long (Miniscalco, 2001). 19 All o f these properties resulted from the nature o f the states involved in these processes and lead to the excellent performance o f rare earth ions in many optical applications. In many applications, crystalline materials are preferred for reasons that include higher peak cross section or better thermal conductivity, versatility o f glasses and broader emission and absorption spectra. There are fourteen rare earth elements and they lie between lanthanum ( 57La) 72 • 3+ 3+ and Hafnium ( Hf). The lanthanides from Ce to Lu have one to fourteen 4 / electrons added to their inner shell configuration. Ions with no 4 / electrons which are Sc3+, Y3+, La3+, and Lu3+, have no electronic energy levels that can induce excitation and 3+ luminescence processes in or near the visible region. In contrast, the ions from Ce to 3+ Yb , which have partially filled 4 f orbital, have energy levels characteristic o f each ion and show a variety o f luminescence properties around the visible region (Blasse and Grabmaier, 1994). M any o f these ions can be used as luminescent ions in phosphors, 3+ 3+ 3+ 31 mostly by replacing Y , Gd , La , and Lu in various compound crystals. The azimuthal quantum number (l) o f 4 / orbitals is 3, which gives 2l + 1 = 7 orbital state and allows 14 electrons to stay. In the non-excited state the electrons are distributed in such a way that it has the maximum combined spin angular momentum (S). According to H und’s rule, the spin angular momentum S is added to the orbital angular momentum L to give the total angular momentum J. For the lowest ground state, J = L - S, when the number o f 4/ electrons is less or equal to 7, and J = L + S, when the number o f 4/ electrons is larger than 7. An electronic state is indicated by the notation 2S+1Lj , where L represents S, P, D, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, ..., corresponding to L = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9, ..., respectively (Henderson and Imbusch, 1989). More accurately, an actual electronic state is expressed 20 as an intermediate coupling state, which can be described as a mixed state o f several 2S+1Lj states 2,4 combined by spin-orbit interaction. T able 2.1: Electronic Configurations o f Trivalent Rare-Earth Ions in the Ground State (Kano, 2006). Atomic Number 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 2.3.4 Ions 3+ Ce 3+ Pr 3+ Nd 3+ Pm 3+ Sm Eu3+ 3+ Gd 3+ Tb 3+ Dy 3+ Ho Er3+ 3+ Tm 3+ Yb 3+ Lu 4/electrons S £s L £i J £(L +S) y2 3 5 5 4 9/2 4 5/2 1 3/2 2 5/2 3 7/2 3 5/2 5 3 2 3/2 i 6 6 1 1/2 0 0 0 7/2 3 5 6 6 6 8 5 3 6 0 0 15/2 15/2 7/2 E ffect of D oping Ions on Lum inescence P roperties Among the Ln3+ ions used to optically activate the trivalent ion Eu3+ is mostly 3+ chosen due to the fact that Eu ions emit narrow band, almost monochromatic light and 3+ have long lifetime o f the optically activated states. Eu doped phosphors are commonly used as red emitting materials for field emission technology and LEDs, which exhibit higher luminescence efficiency compared with other luminous materials (Babu et al., 2007). 21 W ada and Kojima (2007) reported that at present, Eu 3+ doped Y2O3, ScBO3, YBO3 are used for red phosphors. Eu3+ doped ScBO3, YBO3 crystals have inversion centre, posses higher transition possibility o f the 5D 0 ^ than the 5D 0 ^ 7F 1 magnetic dipole transition 7F 2 electric dipole transition which leads to the advantages of fluorescing an orange color. Kumar and Buddhudu (2009) reported the luminescence by Eu3+ ions in titanate system, as shown in Figure 2.4. The intense emission bands in the range o f 570 - 700 nm are assigned to the electronic transitions o f 5D0 ^ 7F 1>2,3,4 and the transitions such as 5D 0 ^ 7F 2,4,6 transitions are electric dipole (ED) transitions. Among them, 5D 0 ^ 7F 2 is a hypersensitive transition and hence it demonstrates a bright red emission from Eu3+ : Li2TiO3 system. W avelength (nm) F igure 2.4: (a) Excitation and (b) emission spectra o fE u 3+: Li2TiO3 systems as reported by Kumar and Buddhudu (2009). 22 Dy 3+ is a good activator because o f two dominated band in the emission spectra and its position depend strongly on the crystal field o f the host lattice used (Hussin et al., 2010). O f the many rare earth ions, dysprosium ions are well known as an activator dopant for many different inorganic lattices producing white light emission by suitably adjusting the yellow and blue emission. The luminescence lines o f D y3+ are in the 470 to 500 nm region due to the 4F 9/2 ^ 6H 15/2 transition, and in the 570 to 600 nm region due to the 6F15/2 ^ 6F1 1/2 transition. The color o f the luminescence is close to white. Yang and Huang (2007) reported that Dy3+ ion doped in Ca 5La 5(SiO 4)3(PO 4) 3O 2 can emit white light with Yellow / Blue =1. 1 (as shown in Figure 2.5). 450 500 550 600 650 700 W avelength (nm) F igure 2.5: Luminescence intensities o f Ca 5La 5(SiO 4)3(PO 4)3O 2 : Dy Huang, 2007). 3+ (Yang and 23 4.4 P h o sp h o r M aterial Materials that generate luminescence are referred to as phosphors. Phosphor is a solid which converts certain type o f energy into electromagnetic radiation over and above thermal radiation. W hen a solid is heated to a temperature in excess until 600oC, it emits red radiation and known as thermal radiation. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a phosphor material is usually in the visible range but can also be in the ultraviolet and infrared regions. Long histories about scientific phosphor are more than 100 years. A prototype of the ZnS-type phosphors, an important class o f phosphors for television tubes, was first prepared in 1866 by a young French chemist, Theodore Sidot, rather accidentally. It seems that this marked the beginning o f scientific research and synthesis o f phosphors. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Lenard and co-workers in Germany performed active and extensive research on phosphors, and achieved impressive results. They prepared various kinds o f phosphors based on alkaline earth chalcogenides (sulfides and selenides) and zinc sulfide, and investigated the luminescence properties (Leverenz, 1950). Pohl and co-workers in Germany investigated alkali halide phosphors in detail in the late 1920s and 1930s. They grew single-crystal phosphors and performed extensive spectroscopic studies. Leverenz and co-workers at Radio Corporation o f America (U.S.) also investigated many practical phosphors with the purpose o f obtaining materials with desirable characteristics to be used in television tubes (Shionoya, 2001). The research o f phosphor material continues until now due to higher demand in their applications. 24 Luminescence have some important applications in laser technology, ultrashort time resolved spectroscopy, fiber optics, fluorescence probes, imaging techniques, fluorescence microscopy. Figure 2.6 lists various kinds o f phosphor devices according to the method used to excite the phosphor. It gives a summary o f phosphor devices by the manner in which the phosphors are applied. 2.3.1 P hosphate Based P ho sp h o r In the last 30 years, phosphate systems were investigated because o f their interesting properties. The developments o f phosphate based materials for a variety of technological applications, from rare earth ions host for solid state lasers to low temperature sealing glasses, have led to renewed interest in understanding the structures o f these unusual materials. In efforts to design systems with specific properties for such application, the structure and properties o f alkali, alkali earth, transitional metal and rare earth phosphate system are studied. 2.3.2 Basic stru c tu re of phosphate Phosphate is well known as a salt o f phosphoric acid (H3PO4). The basic building blocks o f crystalline and amorphous phosphates are the P-tetrahedra that result from the formation o f sp3 hybrid orbitals by the P outer electrons (3s23p3). This tetrahedral link through covalent bridging oxygens to form various phosphate anions. 25 F igure 2.6: Phosphor devices in various fields o f applications (Shinoya, 2001). 26 The tetrahedral are classified using the Q 1 terminology where ‘i ’ represents the number o f bridging oxygen per tetrahedron (Brow, 2000). For an example Q 3 tetrahedron has three bridging oxygens and one non bridging oxygen. The possible phosphate structures and their Q 1 designations are shown in Figure 2.7. F igure 2.7: P-tetrahedral sites that can exist in phosphate host (Hudgens et al., 1998). The networks o f phosphate systems can be classified by the oxygen-tophosphorus ratio, which sets the number o f tetrahedral linkages, through bridging oxygens, between neighboring P-tetrahedra. Phosphate systems can be made with a range o f structures, from a cross-linked network o f Q tetrahedra (vitreous P 2O5) to polymer-like metaphosphate chains of Q 2 tetrahedra, a system with small pyrophosphate, Q 1 and orthophosphate, Q 0 anions depending on the oxygen-tophosphorus ratio as set by the crystals compositions. 27 T able 2.2: The types o f phosphate and their description (Brow, 2000). P H O SPH A TE TY PES TY PES C O M P O S IT IO N D ESC R IPT IO N S (mol % ) q3+ q2 0 0 Ultraphosphate • Metaphosphate 50 Q2 O-P-O, PO 2, PO 4 in phosphate tetrahedral • Polyphosphate q2+ q 1 34-49 P-O-P symmetry stretching vibration Pyrophosphate Orthophosphate Q1 Q0 33 0-32 • (POP)sym stretch. • P-O stretch. • (PO3)sym stretch • (PO4)sym stretch (isolated) 2.4.3 A lkali E a rth P hosphate P h o sp h o r Interest in alkaline earth phosphate system was stemmed from their high transparency for ultraviolet (UV) light, when compared with silicate host. In the 1950s, interest in amorphous alkali phosphates was stimulated by their use in a variety of industrial applications, including sequestering agents for hard water treatments and dispersants for clay processing and pigm ent manufacturing. More recently, phosphate system were developed for a variety o f applications such as fluorescent lamp, light 28 emitting diode, flat display panel and etc. The properties that make phosphate system candidates for so many different applications are related to their unique molecular-level structures. Among the phosphate system based materials, those containing calcium or magnesium received a great deal o f attention due to their bioactivity or to unusual trends between the variations o f composition versus physical properties respectively (Wang et al., 2005). In both systems, the preparation o f glasses / crystals containing large amounts o f alkali earths is important. For example, calcium phosphate systems which contain a large amount o f calcium (CaO / P 2O 5 > 2 molar ratio) have the ability to bond to natural bone, resulting in materials suitable for implantation (Kitsugi et al., 1993). Although, natural bones are multiphase materials and composite fabrication appears as a possibility to create such materials, the preparation o f phosphate system with high calcium content, seems to be one o f the best alternative approaches for bone bonding. The reason is that these systems have chemical composition close to that o f the natural bone, can act as drug carriers and their crystallization can be controlled in order to improve the microstructure o f the bioactive implant. On the other hand, binary system in the M gO -P 2O 5 exhibit an unusual discontinuity in their composition / property behavior near the metaphosphate composition (MgO / P 2O 5 ~ 1) (Wang et al., 2005). This anomalous behavior was examined in relation to the M g-O coordination number (6 or 4) in phosphate structures using various spectroscopic methods. According to these studies the Mg cations seems to act as network modifiers in the xMgO(1 - x)P 2O 5 systems over the range o f x = 0.45 0.60 mol. Thus, the abrupt changes in the physical properties o f these systems were 29 attributed mainly to the changes in the intermediate-range order o f the phosphate network (Suzuya et al., 1999). Spectroscopic results from research done by Karakassides et al. (2004) showed that the modification o f the phosphate network was higher for the Ca containing glasses with respect to the Mg ones, at the same alkali earth content, due to the well defined Ca properties as a modifying cation. The Mg cation exhibits higher glass forming abilities, even at higher than the ortho composition. Doat et al. (2005) reported in calcium pyrophosphate system, at 1250oC the X-ray diffraction pattern grow in intensity and much more sharp as compared to the sample calcined at 900oC. After heating at 900oC in air, two phases coexisted, identified as the P calcium pyrophosphate form and EuPO4. Heating near 1250oC in air, during the P ^ a transformation, europium ions substitute for a calcium ions in the a calcium pyrophosphate structure as shown in Figure 2.8 below. ♦ Ca 3Eu(PO4)3 • EuPO 4 2 theta F igure 2.8: XRD patterns for calcium pyrophosphate at different sintering temperature (Doat et al., 2005). CH APTER 3 M ETHODOLOGY 3.3 In tro d u ctio n Sample preparation is an important stage in a research process. Depending on the type o f sample, there are various ways to prepare it such as solid state reaction method, sol gel technique, melt quench method or many other techniques. Sample preparation may involve reaction with some chemical species, dissolution and others. Other parameter such as sam ple’s composition and operating temperature also play an important role in order to form a good sample. Thus this chapter deals with the tools and techniques employed carried out in this work. 31 3.4 Sam ple p re p a ra tio n The phosphor samples were prepared by solid state reaction. The batch mixture (20 g) was prepared using raw materials o f reagent grade SrCO3, MgO and H 3PO 4 (85% liquid). The samples were prepared based on the series o f xMgO-(50-x)SrO-50P2O5 with composition in the range 0 < x < 5 0 mol % as shown in Table 3.1. From the analysis, the selected sample with optimum composition was then doped with rare earths which are 1 mol % o f Eu 2O 3 and Dy 2O 3 respectively. T able 3.1 : The composition o f phosphor samples. Sam ple M gO (mol % ) SrO (mol % ) P 2O 5 (mol % ) 1 0 50 50 2 5 45 50 3 10 40 50 4 15 35 50 5 20 30 50 6 25 25 50 7 30 20 50 8 35 15 50 9 40 10 50 10 45 5 50 11 50 0 50 32 The starting materials with corresponding weights were mixed thoroughly in an alumina crucible and placed in air in an electric furnace. A two-step sintering schedule was employed to minimize volatilization losses o f low-melting starting materials as well as to ensure homogeneous mixing o f the constituents. As the first step, the temperature was set to 300oC with heating rate 25°C/min and maintained for 1 h to facilitate evaporation o f water released by P 2O5 and CO2. For the second step, the temperature was increased slowly to 900oC with heating rate o f 25oC/min and maintained for 4 h in air. The product was cooled to room temperature. Then all the samples were ground and sieved with 100 p,m sieve. F igure 3.1: Phosphor sample (a) after the sintering process (b) under ultraviolet lamp. 33 F igure 3.2: Flow chart o f sample preparation. 34 3.3 E x p erim en tal C h aracterizatio n s 3.3.1 X -ray D iffraction The structures o f the crystalline and amorphous prepared samples were analyzed by means o f X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument as shown in Figure 3.3. The samples are in powders form. The XRD measurements were carried out with CuKa radiation operating at 40 kV, 30 mA with Bragg-Brentano geometry at room temperature using Siemens Diffractometer D5000, equipped with diffraction software analysis. Diffraction patterns were collected in the 2-theta (20) range from 10 to 80o, in steps o f 0.05o and Is counting time per step. * F igure 3.3: X-ray Diffractometer (Siemens Diffractometer D5000) at Faculty of M echanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. 35 3.3.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Small quantities of sample powder were mixed and ground with relatively large amount of KBr. KBr pellets, transparent to light were formed by pressing the mixture at 5 tons for a few minutes. The infrared spectra for the unannealed samples were recorded immediately in a Perkin-Elmer 1710 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer over the range 4000 cm - 1 - 400 cm -1 as shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4: FTIR instrument at Chemistry Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. 36 3.3.3 Fourier Transform R am an Spectroscopy The Raman spectra were measured with a Perkin-Elmer (Spectrum model 2000R NIR FT-Raman spectrometer) in the spectral range 100-4000 c m 1 as shown in Figure 3.5. The laser power on the samples being used is 250 mW. The spectrometer uses a ytterbium aluminum garnet crystal doped with triply-ionized neodymium (Nd:YAG) as a lasing medium. The laser is software-controlled, diode-pumped running at 810 nm, with power of 1600 mW or 750 mW TEM00 and typical working power range from 100 mW to 1 W. The resultant Gaussian beam profile is vertically polarized to better than 100:1. The amplitude stability is better than 0.1 rms and is controlled by means of active optical feedback. The laser line width gives a spectral resolution of better than 0.5 cm-1. Figure 3.5: Raman instrument at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. 37 3.3.4 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Photoluminescence spectra were also recorded with a Jobin Yvon HR 800 UV by HeCd laser excitation at wavelength of 325 nm as shown in Figure 3.6. Figure 3.6: Equipment used for photoluminescence spectroscopy at School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.4 Introduction The aim of this chapter is to determine the structure and crystalline phases of magnesium strontium metaphosphate. In addition, the influence of MgO and SrO to the phosphate network are also discussed. The luminescence studies of europium and dysprosium ions doped in magnesium strontium metaphosphate material are also presented in this chapter. 4.5 Structural Studies Structural analysis is an important aspect in order to relate with the information obtained from luminescence properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern leads to an 39 understanding of the structure of the material. Infrared and Raman spectra were used to determine the role of modifier; magnesium oxide and strontium oxide in the phosphate network. 4.2.1 Crystalline Phase Analysis X-ray diffraction pattern is used to identify the crystalline phase whether the samples are in the form of amorphous, polycrystalline or highly crystalline. Thus, this section presents the crystalline phase of the prepared samples. Figure 4.1 shows the XRD pattern of 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 at different temperature ranging from 700oC to 900oC. All the samples have shown a polycrystalline phase at different temperature. The samples sintered at 700oC and 800oC show a broader diffraction pattern peaks compared to sample sintered at 900oC. The sharper peaks at higher sintering temperature suggest that upon elevation of sintering temperature, the crystallinity is continuously increasing. The highly crystalline phase obtained at 900oC is similar to the results reported in pyrophosphate system. The XRD patterns of calcium pyrophosphate showed an improvement in formation peaks crystalinity when it is calcined at higher temperature compared to the lower temperature (Doat et al. 2005). All the XRD patterns are almost the same and can be indexed to the Sr(P03)2, SrMgP2 0 7, Mg2 P4 0 12, and Mg2 P 2 0 7 as shown in Table 4.1. The phase of Mg 2 P 4 0 12 and Sr(P0 3 ) 2 grow in term of intensity as the sintering temperature is increases. Mg 2 P 4 0 12 40 become a predominant phase in the sample followed by SrMgP 2 0 7 phase and Sr(P0 3 ) 2 and Mg2 P 2 0 7 as the minor phase formation. For further analysis, 900°C has been chose as an optimum synthesis temperature due the high crystalline phase obtained and well matched with the sample’s diffraction pattern. 20 Figure 4.1: XRD patterns of 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 at different sintering temperatures. 41 Table 4.1: Crystallographic data and lattice parameter of crystal phase observed in this study. Lattice Param eter Crystal Crystal Space Phase Structure G roup a b c Sr(P03)2 - - - - - SrMgP2 0 7 Monoclinic P 21 /n 5.309 8.299 1 2 .6 8 Mg2P4012 Monoclinic C2 /c 11.756 8.285 9.917 Mg2 P 207 Monoclinic B 21 /c 13.198 8.295 9.072 Phosphate usually have a hygroscopic behavior which makes them unsuitable for practical application. Thus to overcome this problem, modifiers (Sr0 and M g0) have been introduced. The influence of such modifiers on phosphate structure are presented below. Figure 4.2 (a) and Figure 4.2 (b) show the XRD patterns and the phase formation of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 with composition in the range 0 < x < 5 0 mol %. All the samples are confirmed as polycrystalline phase due to the formation of sharp peaks observed in the X-ray diffraction patterns. It is noted that Sr(P 0 3 ) 2 phase with JCPDS file number 12-0366 is observed in the 50Sr0-50P20 5 binary system. After the addition of magnesium oxide, there are three new phases observed which are SrMgP 2 0 7, Mg2 P 4 0 12 and Mg 2 P 2 0 7. The appearance of these peaks indicates that the reaction of ternary system has occurred in the prepared samples. The intensity of Sr(P0 3 ) 2 peaks at 20 is 24o gradually decreased as the content of magnesium oxide is increased. However, the formation of Mg 2 P 4 0 12 (JCPDS file number: 70-1803) become the predominant phase accompanied with Mg 2 P2 0 7 (JCPDS file number: 72-0019) as minor phase. The diffraction pattern of SrMgP2 0 7 with JCPDS Intensity (a.u) 42 29 Figure 4.2 (a): X-ray diffraction patterns of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 with composition in the range 0 < x <25 mol %. 43 cd Sr(P0 3 ) 2 b ----- SrMgP207 c Mg2P4012 d Mg2 P 2 0 7 c x mol % c c a — -• c d bc c 50 c c .ua. 45 b ns e ac aa c a bc iJuAy^h c 40 cb cc 35 » a a a c 30 c d 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 Figure 4.2 (b): X-ray diffraction patterns of xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 with composition in the range 30 < x < 50 mol %. 44 file number 49-1027 raises to its high intensity until the composition is 25M g0-25Sr050P20 5. This suggests that the reaction of a complete phase (SrMgP 2 0 7) of this ternary system has occurred to a considerable extent and in agreement with the work done by Wongmaneerung et al. (2006) in titanate systems. The XRD patterns for 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ are shown in Figure 4.3. The undoped sample is also included in the spectra as a reference. There is no identifiable difference seen in the pattern which indicate that a small amount of rare earth ions does not affect the diffraction pattern in this study. This result is consistent with Han et al. (2006) who claimed that there is no change in the peaks 3+ formation as Y V 0 4 phosphor is doped with Dy ion . Guifang et al. (2008) also 3+ reported that Eu gives no obvious changes in XRD peaks in YAl3 (B 0 3) 4 system. 4.2.2 Infrared Spectra Analysis The vibration frequency of functional group and network structure are the important information that can be provided by infrared spectroscopy. This section presents the structure of phosphate network by IR probing. The IR spectra of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 (0 < x < 5 0 mol %) in the range of 400 to 1800 cm -1 are shown in Figure 4.4 (a) and Figure 4.4 (b). There are four main region that can be recognized in this spectra which are 1320 cm -1 due to the P=0 vibration, the region around 1200 - 1170 cm -1 which characterize as non-bridging P 0 2 groups, the region near 1160 - 950 cm -1 are P 0 3 and P 0 4 groups and the region around 950 - 704 cm-1 known as P-0-P terminals. Intensity (a.u) 45 29 Figure 4.3: XRD patterns of 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 (a) undoped (b) doped Eu3+ (c) doped Dy3+ (d) doped Eu3+ and Dy3+. Intensity (a.u) 46 Wavenumbers, cm -1 Figure 4.4 (a): FT-Infrared spectra of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 powder samples (with 0 < x <25 mol %). Intensity (a.u) 47 Wavenumbers, cm "1 Figure 4.4 (b): FT-InfTared spectra of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 powder samples (with 30 < x < 50 mol %. 48 All the assignments and the most important bands are given in Table 4.2 based on the work done by other researchers in the phosphate network (Hussin et al. (2009), Carta et al. (2007) and Shih et al. (1998). These spectra pattern (Figures 4.4 (a) and Figure 4.4 (b)) show typical IR spectra observed in sodium lead cadmium metaphosphate glasses (Hezzat et al., 2003) and sodium copper phosphate (Brow et al., 1990). There is no significant difference in the line shape of the spectra among samples containing 50 mol % P 2 0 5. The stretching mode of double bonds in phosphate tetrahedral appears at 1341 cm-1. Several studies have shown that the band corresponding to the stretching vibration of doubly bonded oxygen could be found in the frequency range 1230 - 1390 cm -1 (Hudgens et al. (1998), Hussin et al. (2009) and Baskaran et al. (2007)). Strong bands near 1231 cm -1 and 1170 cm -1 are assigned to asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of two non-bridging oxygen atoms bonded to phosphorus atom (P 0 2) in Q2 unit in the phosphate tetrahedral. These absorption bands shift to a lower frequency as Sr0 is replaced by M g0. This is expected because the magnesium oxygen bonds are more covalent than the strontium-oxygen bond; thus the phosphorus oxygen bond linked to magnesium ion (P-0(-Mg)) are more ionic than P -0 (.. .Sr) bonds (Shih et al., 1998). Brow et al. (1990) and Nelson and Tallant (1985) also reported that stretching mode shifts in N aP 0 3 glass. The absorption band near 801 cm -1 is due to the asymmetric stretching mode of P-0-P linkages while symmetric stretching P-0-P groups appear at around 704 - 746 cm-1. Both bands for P-0-P asymmetric and symmetric stretching shift to higher frequency by the substitution o fM g 0 for Sr0. It can be explained by the increase in covalent character o fP -0 -P bonds and indicates that the P-0-P bonds are ble 4.2: Peak frequencies (cm'1) observed in the IR spectra of the xMgO-(5 0 -x)SrC)-5 0 P 2 0 5 (with 0 < x < 50 mol %). S(P02) 5(P-0-P) 5(P 04)3" Us (P-O-P) Uas(P-O-P) t>s(P 0 4)3" uas(P 0 4)3" us(P20 7)4- us(P 0 3)2" uas(P 0 3)2- us(P 0 2) uas(P 0 2) u 401 470 562 704, 737 801 939 1003 1074 1107 1162 1170 1 401 470 562 704, 740 802 939 1003 1074 1107 1163 1171 402 470 563 712,737 800 938 1003 1074 1109 1162 1174 402 471 562 712, 740 801 937 1004 1076 1110 1163 1173 403 471 562 712, 743 802 936 1003 1077 1107 1165 1176 404 471 562 712, 740 801 932 1005 1079 1108 1164 1181 403 472 563 712, 740 802 931 1004 1079 1107 1163 1184 403 472 563 712, 745 802 933 1003 1078 1106 1164 1186 403 473 563 718, 746 801 932 1004 1078 1107 1164 1188 402 472 562 718, 746 802 932 1005 1079 1105 1163 1188 403 473 562 718, 746 802 932 1005 1079 1105 1164 1189 1231, 1293 1231, 1294 1231, 1294 1232, 1294 1233, 1294 1231, 1295 1232, 1295 1231, 1296 1231, 1296 1231, 1296 1232, 1296 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 strengthened as Sr0 is replaced by M g0. Shih et al. (1998) also stated that the P-0-P bonds are stronger by the substitution ofN a20 by C u0 in his study. The presence of bands at 1231 cm -1 and 1293 cm -1 (uasP 0 2), 1170 cm -1 (usP 0 2), 801 cm-1 (uasP0P) and 704 cm-1, 737 cm-1 (usP0P) in this spectra implies that metaphosphate chain is the principle building fragment of this structure. Ilieva et al. (2001) reported that the structure of the us(P0P) bands is generally considered as the most characteristic one in the spectra of metaphosphate since their occurrence is in a range free from other vibrational frequencies. Furthermore the us(P0P) bands are very sensitive to change in the configuration since the frequency is strongly dependent on the P0P bond angle. The occurrence of the uas(P-0-P) at around 800 cm -1 and the analogous vibration at 1000 cm-1 indicate a chain structure and ring structure respectively (Carta et a l, 2007). The infrared spectra at higher frequency are shown in Figure 4.5. It is observed in the region 1600 cm -1 to 4000 cm-1. There is a broad IR band at around 3422 cm -1 corresponding to the stretching vibration of water molecules (vH2 0). The value is in agreement with Carta et al. (2007) who reported that symmetric stretching of 0-H groups for natrium calcium phosphate is around 3300 cm-1. The intensity of vH20 band shows a minima intensity as the amount of Sr0 and M g0 is 25 mol% repectively. Thus it is suggested that the introduction of Sr0 and M g0 as modifiers reduce the hygroscopic properties of phosphate materials and consistent with the results obtained by Sales et al. (1998) and Milankovic et al. (2001).0ne peak at 1644 cm -1 is also observed in the spectra which belonged to the deformation of 0 -H groups. Assaaoudi et al. (2005) also observed the SH20 vibration bands in the region 1685 cm-1. The occurrence of these two bands (vH20 and JH 2 0 ) is probably due to water absorptions during the pellet preparation with KBr. Intensity (a.u) 51 Wavenumbers, cm-1 Figure 4.5: FT-Infrared spectra of xM g0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 powder samples (with 0 < x < 5 0 mol %) at higher frequencies. 52 The IR spectra for 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20s doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ samples in the frequency range 400 cm -1 to 4000 cm -1 is shown in Figure 4.6. The undoped sample is also illustrated in the spectra. By comparing all of the spectra, it clearly shows no changes in the finger print region. The vibrations that occur are almost the same with the IR spectra reported in the previous section. Thus it can be concluded that small amounts of rare earth doping will not affected the structure feature. This result is consistent with Intensity a.u the work done by Kumar and Buddhudu (2009). Wavenumbers, cm -1 Figure 4.6: IR spectra of 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20s (a) undoped (b) doped Eu3+ (c) doped Dy3+ (d) doped Eu3+ and Dy3+. 53 The basic structural feature of P 2 0 5 is a phosphate tetrahedron with three bridging and one non-bridging (double - bonded) oxygens is illustrated in Figure 4.7. The double-bonded oxygen arises from the pentavalency of phosphorus. Figure 4.7: The phosphate tetrahedron structure. When an alkali oxide is added to a phosphate sample, additional non-bridging oxygen will be created at the expense of bridging oxygen. The structure as discovered by Brow et al. (1988) is shown in equation (4.1). The non-bridging oxygens that are created by the addition of alkali oxides to phosphate crystals are expected to be charge compensated by the alkali ions. 0 0 0 - P — 0I 0 li +R 20 0 - P - 0 - R 0 (4.1) The structures of ternary magnesium strontium metaphosphate composition can be represented as in Figure 4.8. The structure is a resonance chain structure (Shih et al., 1998). When strontium ion is replaced by magnesium cation to form ternary magnesium strontium metaphosphate crystals, it can be elucidated that P-0-M g bonds form and replace P—0"... Sr2+, where as no P-0-P bond network is affected. 54 Figure 4.8: Schematic structure of magnesium replacement in part of strontium ion for magnesium strontium metaphosphate. 4.2.3 R am an Spectra Analysis Raman technique measures the wavelength and intensity of inelastically scattered light from molecules which are usually used to study vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system. Raman spectroscopy usually gives better spectra compared to IR spectra. Thus Raman analysis gives more information about the structure range order of magnesium strontium metaphosphate. 55 Raman spectra of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20s powder samples with composition in the range 0 < x < 5 0 mol % are shown in Figures 4.9 (a) and Figure 4.9 (b). The assignments of the peaks are given in Table 4.3, followed the guideline as reported by Fang et al. (2001), Brow et al. (1990), and Nelson and Tallent (1985) in various glassy and crystalline phosphates. The Raman spectra of the investigated powder samples show five sharp peaks at 1320 cm-1, 1288 cm-1, 1169 cm-1, -664 cm-1 and -352 cm-1. The strong band near 1320 cm-1 is attributed to the stretching mode of P = 0 double bonds in phosphate tetrahedral while the dominant peaks near 1288 cm-1 is assigned to the uas(P 0 2) stretching. The intense bands at 1169 cm -1 and -664 cm -1 are due to the us(P 0 2) stretch and us(P0P) stretch respectively. The S(P02) stretching appear at two peaks which are -352 and -412 cm-1. There are also two shoulders with low intensity around -1129 cm-1 and -879 -1 2 cm which belong to the us(P 0 3) - and uas(P0P) groups. 0 n the other hand, there are weak scattering peaks appearing at 1058 cm- 1 and 954 cm-1, are characterized as pyrophosphate dimer (P 2 0 7)4- and orthophosphate monomer (P 0 4)3- species. The 5(P0P) linkage shows a low intensity at 409 cm -1 in the spectra region. The band near 1320 cm 1 is caused by the symmetric stretching mode of the terminal oxygen (P=0). The band’s intensity obviously becomes smaller with the addition of Sr0, indicating decreased in double bond character and in the effective force constant of (P=0) bond (Hussin et al., 2009). The bands at 1288 and 1169 cm 1 are due to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of the two non-bridging oxygen atoms bonded to phosphorus atoms (P 0 2) respectively (Brow, 2000). These two peaks including the peak near 664 cm -1 in this spectra match with the value reported for metaphosphate N aP0 3 glass reported by Nelson and Tallent (1985) and in zinc phosphate glass by Brow et al. (1995) which are Intensity a.u 56 Wavelength, cm -1 Figure 4.9 (a): Raman spectra of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20 5 powder samples (with 0 < x < 25 mol %). Intensity a.u 57 Wavelength, cm-1 Figure 4.9 (b): Raman spectra of xMg0-(50-x)Sr0-50P20s powder samples (with 30 < x < 50 mol %). Table 4.3: Peak frequencies (cm"1) observed in the Raman spectra of the xMgO-(50-x)SrO-50P20s (with 0 < x < 50 mol %). S(P02) S(P-O-P) us (P-O-P) Uas(P-O-P) t>s(P 0 4)3" Us(P20 7)4- us(P 0 3)2" Us(P02) Uas(P02) 0 352,410 450 664 879 954 1058 1129 1169 1288 132 5 352,411 450 664 878 953 1058 1130 1169 1288 132 10 352,411 450 689 879 954 1057 1130 1170 1289 132 15 352,412 451 689 879 954 1056 1131 1170 1289 132 20 353,412 451 689 879 955 1057 1131 1170 1289 132 25 352,413 451 689 879 954 1059 1132 1171 1289 132 30 353, 413 452 689 879 954 1059 1132 1171 1288 132 35 353,414 452 689 879 955 1058 1132 1170 1289 132 40 353,414 453 689 879 955 1058 1132 1171 1289 132 45 352,414 452 689 880 955 1059 1132 1170 1288 132 50 353,415 452 689 880 955 1059 1132 1170 1289 132 X Us(P mol %) 59 1267, 1165 and 689 cm-1. This proposes that the structure o f this composition consists essentially o f a long phosphate chains based on P 0 3 - units. The uas(P 0 2) band intensity increased as the amount o f M g0 is increased. This result is in agreement with Hussin et al. (2009) which explaining the occurrence o f this phenomenon due to the increase in the relative content o f the Q units. The bands at 1058 and 1129 cm -1 correspond to the symmetric stretching 4_ 1 2— mode of (P 2 0 7) units in Q tetrahedral and symmetric terminal (P 0 3) symmetric groups. These bands also appear in IR spectra where the pyrophosphate, (P 2 0 7)4— 3— along with the orthophosphate, (P 0 4) units are dominant in the structures o f the samples. The presence of bands at 954 cm —1 in this spectrum indicates isolated 3_ 0 (P 0 4) group or Q phosphate units. The influence of rare earth doping on 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 is shown in Figure 4.10 in the range 100 cm -1 to 4000 cm-1. From the spectra, two main peaks 3+ observed are us(P 0 2) and us(P-0-P). However, the inclusions of 1 mol % Eu and 3+ Dy ions give no notable changes in the spectra. It is suggested that small quantity 3+ 3+ of Eu and Dy ions does not affect the Raman vibrations o f magnesium strontium phosphate network and in agreement with Assaoudi and Ennaciri (1997). 4.3 Lum inescence Studies The luminescence o f the rare earth ions in inorganic host has been extensively investigated during the last few decades. As the phosphor material is exposed to the ultraviolet light, the excitation energy is converted into electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can be observed in the visible range, ultraviolet and infrared regions. Many applications deal with phosphor material such Intensity (a.u) 60 Wavenumber, cm -1 Figure 4.10: Raman spectra o f 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 (a) undoped (b) doped Eu3+ (c) doped Dy3+ (d) doped Eu3+ and Dy3+. 61 as vacuum fluorescent display, fluorescent lamps, plasma display and field emission displays. Among the rare earth ions, Eu 3+ 3 and Dy + ions are mostly used in luminescence due to the red and white characteristic (Xio and Yan, 2005). Therefore 3+ 3+ in this section, the characteristics o f Eu and Dy ions in magnesium strontium metaphosphate are presented. 4.3.1 Effect of E uropium Ion Europium ions have been used widely as luminescence centre in phosphor 3+ materials and exhibit the red emission characteristic. In addition, Eu ions also have a capability in emitting narrow band, almost monochromatic light and have long after glow properties (Babu et al., 2007). Figure 4.11 shows the luminescence spectra o f 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 for undoped and doped with 1 mol % Eu3+ samples. The 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 3+ composition was chosen to be doped with Eu due to the optimum characteristic as been discussed in previous section. The samples were excite using laser source of 325 nm and observed in the spectral range o f 300 - 800 nm. For undoped sample, two broad bands peaking at 401 nm and 485 nm were 3+ observed. These broad bands belonged to the host emission. For Eu doped sample, the intensity o f the host emission is reduced. The main emission peaks are due to the 3+ emission o f Eu ions as reported by Yuming et al. (2009). These peaks can be 5 7 assigned to the Do ^ F j(j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) transition with five peaks located at 568nm , 582nm , 605nm , 642 nm and 6 8 9 n m .T h em o st intensepeakat 605nm Intensity (a.u) 62 Wavelength, nm Figure 4.11: The luminescence spectra o f 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 for (a) undoped 3+ and (b) doped with Eu . 63 corresponds to the hypersensitive transition between 5 7 D 0 and F 2 level. This transition; 7 F 2 level is due to electronic dipole which is induced by the lack of inversion symmetry at the Eu3+ site and much stronger than magnetic dipole at 7 F 1 transitions. In general, when Eu 3+ occupies a non symmetry sites and electric dipole is allowed, the red emission become dominant (Yuming et al., 2009). However when the magnetic dipole is allowed in the transition, the rare earth ion in the crystal lattice occupies a site with inversion symmetry and produced an orange colour as observed by Wang et al. (2009) in LaF 3 systems. 5 7 The luminescence spectra also shows that the D0^ F 1 j 2 j 3 j 4 transitions split 3+ into two or more lines as the Eu ions enter the crystal lattice. It is proposed that 3+ Eu ions substitute into Sr / Mg ions sites by formation o f Sr / Mg vacancies, 3+ therefore strontium magnesium phosphate host could accommodate Eu ions and 3+ stabilize Eu . The existence o f multiphase in X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the Eu3+ ions tend to occupy the Sr2+ or Mg2+ sites in Sr(P03)2, SrMgP 2 0 7, Mg 2 P 4 0 12 and Mg 2 P 2 0 7 phases and caused more emissions lines to occur. Zhou et al. (2007) also reported that the trivalent europium ion occupies two points site in BaGd 2 0 4 depending on the site symmetry. The successive steps start with excitation from the ground singlet state to the excited state by absorption from the laser source. The energised ions in the excite state than pose a radiationless decay level by level reaching to the lowest energy boundary o f the ground singlet state and thus forming a phosphorescence emission. The energy level o fE u 3+ in 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 is shown in Figure 4.12. 3+ In conclusion, luminescence deals with Eu ions acts as a red emission in 3+ magnesium strontium metaphosphate sample. Eu enters the crystals lattice and 64 5 7 became the strongest in the Do ^ F 2 transition at 605 nm. Thus, it is proposed to be a good candidate for white LEDs applications as a red phosphor source. Figure 4.12: The energy level o fE u 3+ in 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5. 65 4.3.2 Effect of D ysprosium Ion The Dy 3+ is good activator because o f two dominated bands in the emission spectra which are blue and yellow bands and its position depends strongly on the crystal field o f the host lattice used (Blasse and Grabmaier, 1994). By adjusting the 3+ yellow to blue intensity ratio value, luminescence materials doped with Dy will present white emission which can be used as a potential white phosphor. Figure 4.13 shows the luminescence spectra o f undoped and Dy 3+ doped in 25Sr0-25M g0-50P20 5 as excited by a laser source o f 325 nm. For undoped sample, two broad bands peaking at 401 nm and 485 nm were observed and belonged to the 3+ host emission. For Dy doped sample, two intense peaks appear at 477 nm and 564 nm. These peaks can be assigned to the 4 F 9/2 ^ 6 H 15/2 and 4 F 9/2 ^ 6 H 13/2 transitions as reported by Yan and Huang (2007). The assignments o f the transitions are indicated in the energy level diagram o f Dy3+ ion in Figure 4.14. The electric dipole H 13/2 transition with yellow emission is prominent in the spectra. It indicates that Dy 3+ ion is located at the low symmetrical 4 F 9/2 ^ 6 local site with no inversion centre. 0 n the other hand, the 4 F 9/2 ^ 6 H 15/2 transition with blue emission is magnetically allowed and hardly varies with the crystal field strength around Dy 3+ ion. A weak red emission also appear at 665 nm corresponding to the 4 F9 /2 ^ 6 H 11/2 transition. Two lines o f emission at 477 nm corresponding to the 4 F 9/2 ^ H 15/2 are 3+ observed in Figure 4.13. It is not suprising that the lines are splitting since Dy ion 6 supposely occupies the Sr or Mg site in magnesium strontium metaphosphate and 3+ Dy undergoes four different local environments with the Sr(P03)2, SrMgP 2 0 7, Mg 2 P 4 0 12 and Mg 2 P 2 0 7 phases. The extrinsic energy levels from the defects is important where Sr / Mg ion in the phosphate network induced all kind o f formation of atomic defect such as Sr / Mg interstitial, vacancy or Frenkel pair (Shea, 1994). Intensity (a.u) 66 Wavelength, nm Figure 4.13: The luminescence spectra o f 25Sr0-25M g0-50P20 5 for (a) undoped 3+ and (b) doped with Dy . 67 9/2 20000 n7m 7 7 4 n4m 4 6 5 n5m 5 6 6 n1m 51 7 15000 6 F3/2 + 6 F 1/2 6 F5/2 (c rg e n w 7/2 H5/2 10000 f ir 6 H7/2 + 6 F9/2 6 H9/2 + 6 F 11/2 6H 11/2 5000 1r 1r 6H 13/2 6H 15/2 Figure 4.14: The energy level ofD y 3+ in 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5. From the Dy 3+ emission peaks present in Figure 4.14, it may be assumed that 3+ 3+ the Dy ion caused the luminescence centre. Hussin et al. (2010) also observed Dy in strontium magnesium pyrophosphate acts as a new self-active luminescence 3+ material instead o f acting as a trap centre. Dy act as a trap levels by capturing the free holes. Then, it is release from the trap holes and recombines with the electron and finally appears as a luminescence emission. 68 4.3.3 Effect of E uropium and D ysprosium Ions The studies of the phosphor doped with europium and dysprosium ions have been extensively explored in silicate and aluminate host phosphor. In silicate 2+ 3+ network, Shi et al. (2007) reported that Eu and Dy produce a long lasting blue emission while Kubo et al. (2005) proposed that calcium aluminate doped with europium and dysprosium ions is suitable as a sensor material o f the fiber-optic fluorescence thermometer application. Therefore in this section the luminescence 3+ 3+ characteristic o f Eu and Dy in magnesium strontium metaphosphate are presented. Figure 4.15 shows the luminescence spectra o f Eu 3+ 3+ and Dy ions doped in 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5. For purpose o f comparison, strontium metaphosphate and 3+ 3+ magnesium metaphosphate doped with Eu and Dy respectively are included in the Figure 4.15. The most obvious features are three groups o f sharp emission lines at 472 nm, 565 nm and 609 nm. These peaks belonged to the 4 f 9/2 ^ 6 h 15/2 ( 4 7 2 Dm) and 4 F9 /2 ^ 6 H 13/2 (565 nm) for Dy3+ ions while red emission 5 D 0 ^ 7 F 2 transition appear at 609 nm. Zhang et al. (2005) also detected the characteristic emission from Dy3+ which indicate that Dy3+ still existed in the phosphor when excited by 325 nm laser source. In term o f intensities, the emission emits from magnesium strontium metaphosphate is much higher compared to strontium metaphosphate and 3+ 3+ magnesium metaphosphate. This is probably due to Eu and Dy tend to occupy the Sr2 + or Mg 2 + sites at different local sites which are magnesium strontium metaphosphate, strontium metaphosphate and magnesium metaphosphate. Aizawa et al. (2006) also reported that the luminescence peaks’ shape and position are depended on the crystal structure o f the host materials. This is similar explanation as discussed for Eu 3+ and Dy3+ in section 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 earlier. Magnesium strontium 3+ 3+ metaphosphate doped with Eu and Dy is proposed to have a better luminescence 69 characteristic as compared to strontium metaphosphate and magnesium metaphosphate. Wavelength, nm Figure 4.15: The luminescence spectra o f Eu (b) 50 M g 0 -5 0 P 2 0 7 (c) 2 5 3+ Mg 0 -2 5 Sr0 - 5 0 P 2 0 5 and Dy 3+ doped in (a) 50Sr0-50P20 7 70 The energy level o f Eu3+ and Dy3+ doped in metaphosphate is shown in 3+ Figure 4.16. During excitation, the energy is absorbed by direct transition from Eu and release back to the 4 f ground state. As proposed by Zhang et al. (2005), Dy3+ ion cannot be excited but as the excitation energy is absorbed by the band gap transition, 3+ 3+ the excitation can be relaxed to Eu and Dy . This process leads to the 3+ 3+ luminescence emission by Eu and Dy in magnesium strontium metaphosphate system. 5 D2 Di 5 D 0 Energy Transfer n2m 2 7 4 n5m 5 6 5 6 H 7 /2 + 6 F 9/2 5 6 H 9/2 + 6 F h /2 4 6 H h /2 3 1f 2 1 1 0 Figure 4.16: The energy level model o f Eu metaphosphate. 3+ and Dy 3+ in magnesium strontium CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMM ENDATIONS 5.1 Summ ary Metaphosphate phosphors which are physically stable have been successfully prepared via solid state reaction method. Magnesium and strontium were homogeneously mixed followed by a two step sintering process at 300oC and 900oC. The findings reported in this study are solely based on the structural and luminescence properties of magnesium strontium metaphosphate system. From the X-ray diffraction pattern, all the powders were confirmed to be in polycrystalline phase and four main phase transformation appeared which are Sr(P03)2, SrMgP2 0 7, Mg2 P 4 0 i 2 and Mg 2 P2 0 7. By analyzing samples at different sintering temperature, it was found that the optimum sintering temperature is 900oC. The 3+ optimum sample composition chosen is 25M g0-25Sr0-50P20 5 to be doped with Eu and Dy3+. However the addition of Eu3+ and Dy3+ resulted in no changes observed in the phase formation. 72 The results of Infrared and Raman studies showed that magnesium strontium metaphosphate system consist of a main network of Q 2 tetrahedral units. There are also low vibrations belong to the Q 1 and Q0 tetrahedral units. There were four main region observed in both of the spectra which are P = 0 vibration (1320 cm-1), non-bridging P 0 2 groups (1200 - 1170 cm-1), P 0 3 and P 0 4 groups (1160 - 950 cm-1) and the region known as P-0-P terminals (950 - 704 cm-1). The infrared spectra at higher frequency showed two broad peaks at around 3422 cm -1 and 1644 cm-1. These peaks correspond to the stretching vibration of water molecules (vH2 0 ) and deformation of 0-H groups (JH 2 0). It is suggested that the introduction of Sr0 and M g0 as modifiers reduced the hygroscopic properties of the phosphate since the band’s intensity is reduced by the inclusion of these modifiers. The influence of rare earth doping on metaphosphate structure proposed that the 3+ 3+ inclusions of 1 mol% Eu and Dy ions gave no notable changes in the IR and Raman spectra. It is suggested that the small quantity of Eu3+ and Dy3+ ions does not affect the local structure of magnesium strontium metaphosphate network. Luminescence deals with Eu3+ ions acts as a red emission in magnesium 3+ strontium metaphosphate sample. Eu enters the crystals lattice and became the strongest in the 5 D 0 ^ 7 F2 transition at 605 nm. Thus it is proposed to be a good candidate for white LEDs applications as a red phosphor source. In addition, luminescence properties by Dy 3+ doped sample showed two intense peaks appearing at 477 nm and 564 nm. These peaks are assigned to the with yellow emission and 4 F9/2 ^ 4 F9/2 ^ 6 H 15/2 H 13/2 blue emission. From the Dy3+ emission peaks 3+ presented, it may be assumed that the Dy ion caused the luminescence centre and in 6 agreement with Hussin et al. (2010). 73 Magnesium strontium metaphosphate doped with Eu 3+ 3+ and Dy is proposed to have a better luminescence characteristic as compared to strontium metaphosphate and magnesium metaphosphate. In term of intensities, the emission emits from strontium magnesium metaphosphate is much higher compared to strontium metaphosphate and magnesium metaphosphate. This probably happened when Eu3+ and Dy3+ tend to occupy the Sr2 + or Mg 2 + sites at different crystals site of magnesium strontium metaphosphate, strontium metaphosphate and magnesium metaphosphate. In conclusion, magnesium strontium metaphosphate phosphors have showed a remarkable structural and luminescence properties which is very useful in the plasma display applications. 5.2 Future Study It is recommended that further characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microcopy (SEM) should be attempted. Those measurements will give more information on the structural studies of metaphosphate phosphor. Moreover, the thermolumnescence and decay curve of the afterglow phosphors should be studied in future so that the effect of defect and the decay lifetime could be obtained. It is also suggested that phosphate at different concentration composition doped with various rare earth should be studied in the future. REFERENCES Aizawa, H., Komuro, S., Katsumata, T., Sato, S. And Morikawa, T. (2006). Long afterglow phosphorescent characteristic of BaAl2 0 4 :Eu,Dy films. Thin Solid Films. 496: 1 7 9 - 182. Alvani, A. A. 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Based On S rC 03 MgO 2(H3P04) TOTAL MASS Actual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) Based On SrC03 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOTAL MASS Actual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 7.38146 18.13698 97.9951 123.5135 1g 0.059762 0.146842 0.793396 1 10g 5% 45% 50% 14.76292 16.12176 97.9951 128.8798 1g 0.114548 0.125091 0.760361 1 10g 10% 40% 50% 0.597624 1.46842 7.933956 10 9.124049 %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 8.744146 1.14548 1.250915 7.603605 10 83 Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) 29.52584 12.09132 97.9951 139.6123 1g 0.211485 0.086606 0.701909 1 10g 20% 30% 50% 10g 25% 25% 50% 36.9073 10.0761 97.9951 144.9785 1g 0.254571 0.069501 0.675928 1 44.28876 8.06088 97.9951 150.3447 1g 0.294581 0.053616 0.651803 1 10g 30% 20% 50% 51.67022 6.04566 97.9951 155.711 1g 0.331834 0.038826 0.62934 1 10g 35% 15% 50% 1.649537 1.050798 7.299665 10 8.394615 %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 2.114846 0.866064 7.01909 10 8.071953 %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 2.545709 0.695007 6.759285 10 7.773178 %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 2.945814 0.53616 6.518027 10 7.49573 Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS 22.14438 14.10654 97.9951 134.246 1g 0.164954 0.10508 0.729967 1 10g 15% 35% 50% %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 7.237406 3.318341 0.388262 6.293397 10 84 T oo M s O h Q C > L - “p O ° O M ^ > C/3 C/3 Based On >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 40% 10% 50% 45% 5% 50% S S > " 9 7$ 9 O ” 1­ v eg ^ O C O S C M 1— >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) 1g 10g %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 Based On SrCO3 MgO 2(H3PO4) TOT>L M>SS 10g 66.43314 2.01522 97.9951 166.4435 1g 0.399133 0.012108 0.588759 1 3.666048 0.250218 6.083734 10 6.996294 Based On >ctual Mass for 10g 2(H3PO4) 1g 0.366605 0.025022 0.608373 1 10g 59.05168 4.03044 97.9951 161.0772 3.991334 0.121075 5.887591 10 6.77073 %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 50% 0% 50% 73.8146 0 97.9951 171.8097 0% 50% 50% 0 20.1522 97.9951 118.1473 0.42963 0 0.57037 1 4.2963 0 5.7037 10 6.559255 %mol 147.6292 40.3044 195.9902 9.538463 1g 0 0.170568 0.829432 1 10g 0 1.705684 8.294316 10 APPENDIX B PUBLICATIONS Hamdan, S., Hussin, R., Salim, M.A., Husin, M.S, Abdul Halim, D.N.F. and Abdullah, M.S. (2011). The morphology and composition of strontium calcium aluminate matrix 3+ doped with Dy . Materials Science and Technology. Volume 27, Num 1, 232-234 (3). Hussin, R., Hamdan, S., Halim, D.N. F.A. and Husin, M.S. (2010). The Origin of Emission in Strontium Magnesium Pyrophosphate doped with Dy 2 O3. Material ChemistryandPhysics. 121 37-41. Hussin, R., Husin, M.S., Halim, D.N. F.A. and Hamdan, S. (2010). Vibrational Study of Crystalline Phase Strontium Magnesium Phosphates doped with Eu 2 O3. Solid State Science and Technology. Volume 18, No 1, 288-301. Hussin, R., Halim, D.N. F.A., Husin, M.S., Hamdan, S. and Yusof, M.N.M.Y. (2009). Luminescence Properties of 30Sr0-30M g0-40P20s Doped With Dy2 O3. Solid State Science and Technology. Volume 17, No 2, 123-132.