Demonstration of the Differentiation of Two Calcium Phosphates by Soft X-Ray Microscopy S. J. Bellamy1 , C. J. Buckley1 , X. Zhang2 , N. I. Khaleque1 1 2 Department of Physics, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK Department of Physics, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY11793, USA Abstract. The feasibility of distinguishing between biological calcium phosphates in calcified tissues by imaging thin sections with the soft X-ray STXM is demonstrated using a sample containing synthetic phosphate powders. The strategy for quantitative processing of the images acquired at selected X-ray energies is discussed and emphasis is placed on diagnostic tests to detect thickness-effect distortions and other problems. 1 Introduction Soft X-ray microscopy is a technique uniquely suited to the examination of calcified tissue. The CaL absorption edge falls between the CK and OK edges so that contrast between calcium containing compounds and an organic matrix is readily obtained by appropriate selection of imaging energies. This technique has been refined to produce quantitative, low noise mass-thickness maps [1]. The CaL absorption edge is dominated by near edge features in the form of a series of sharp resonance peaks. The intensity and location of these has been modelled by considering the effect on the Ca2+ ion of the electrostatic ‘crystal field’ produced by the neighbouring ions in the mineral lattice [2]. Differences between the mass absorption spectra of some biologically significant calcium phosphates are found experimentally [3]. Techniques for the quantitative separation of organic species using the fine structure at the CK edge are well established [4]. To demonstrate the separation of calcium phosphates, calcium hydroxyapatite and calcium pyrophosphate were chosen because the fine structure of spectra show clear differences. Moreover, calcium hydroxyapatite is the major mineral component of bone and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate has been associated with a deposition disease within bone [5]. Apart from investigation of disease, potential applications include the interaction of ceramic implants with tissue at the cellular level [6]. 2 Methods and Materials Small amounts of the calcium phosphates were placed together in the tip of an embedding capsule, which was filled with ‘LR White’ methacrylate resin and II - 138 S. J. Bellamy et al. cured overnight at 60◦ C. After trimming, sections were cut from the block with a diamond knife, floated onto a water trough, then transferred to the well in the back of a silicon nitride window and allowed to dry. Fig. 1. Energy location of images near CaL The images were acquired using the Stony Brook Scanning Transmission XRay Microscope (STXM) [7], at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) [8], with a step size of 0.1µm and a dwell time of 10ms. I0 values of 0.9 × 103 to 2.6 × 103 photons per pixel were recorded. Images were acquired at the CK and CaL pre- and post-edges for quantification and at five energy locations near the CaL edge to provide the chemical contrast, as indicated in Fig. 1. The cross-sections shown for reference are approximate, resulting from an attempt to reconcile total electron yield and transmission spectra from the two minerals. The energy locations are again estimates, based on an attempt to match crosssection estimates for both minerals simultaneously and differ systematically from the nominal monochromator setting. For convenience of reference, the peaks are divided into two groups. The lower energy group is labelled ‘A’ and the upper ‘B’. The lowest energy location in each group is referred to as the peak and the next, the trough. These are labelled APk and ATr , respectively, for the A group. Above BTr is a high calcium cross-section location, labelled B2 , giving rise to an image used for noise reduction [1] and as a mass-thickness reference. Differentiation of Two Calcium Phosphates 3 II - 139 Image Processing After conversion of the raw images to registered optical density maps, there are four main stages. Firstly an approximate segmentation, to produce a preliminary separation of the minerals. Then using the resulting spatial masks, estimation of the cross-sections for the minerals separately at the various energies. These cross-sections are then used to fit mass-thickness values for the three components (embedding resin and the two calcium phosphates) at each pixel location. The final stage is diagnostic, involving the examination of residuals and detection of distortions due to thickness effects. 14 12 10 0.6 Freq. Arb. Corrected ATr OD 0.8 0.4 8 6 0.2 4 0.0 2 0.0 0.5 1.0 Corrected B2 OD 1.5 0 -0.1 -0.05 0.0 0.05 0.1 Mean Reduced Angle [ radians] Fig. 2. Generation of mean reduced angle Map for ATr location. Extensive use is made of scattergram techniques to visualise the relationship between sets of maps [9]. Figure 2 shows the pre-edge subtracted, carbon map corrected [1], optical density map for the ATr location plotted against the B2 mass reference scale. Of the four locations (APk , ATr , BPk and BTr ) this scattergram shows the most obvious separation of the hydroxyapatite and pyrophosphate regions. The dense cluster around the origin corresponds mainly to noise associated with the clear embedding resin pixels. The latter can be excluded by means of a simple threshold. Now, referring to Fig. 2, consider the polar angular position of a pixel about the origin. This is a function of the mineral cross-section, with the mass thickness divided out. A histogram of the angular values, after subtracting the mean, is shown in the right hand panel. The distributions for the two minerals are poorly separated. There are four of these mean reduced angle maps. To reduce this to a more manageable dimension, a principal components analysis is applied to the variance-covariance matrix [10]. Over 90% of the variance was accounted for by the first three principal components. Of these, only PC2 contains contrast information, the other two are II - 140 S. J. Bellamy et al. mostly noise. Simple numerical modelling confirms this interpretation, but indicates that the noise level is greater than would be expected from photon statistics, perhaps because of misregistration. The variable loadings for PC2 indicate that the difference between the peak and trough cross-sections provides the required contrast. To produce the approximate segmentation, a three-way scattergram is considered with co-ordinates consisting of the corrected B2 mass thickness reference, together with the A and B group contrast optical densities. Projecting onto a hemisphere with the the mass thickness reference as the polar axis (clear embedding medium pixels being excluded) gives a two-way scattergram with two overlapping clusters. Choosing a line through the waist generates a pair of spatial masks, approximately separating the minerals. The mineral cross-sections were then estimated by considering the set of two-way scattergrams between the corrected optical density images and that of the mass-thickness reference, with one of the approximate mineral selecting masks applied. Again considering the angular position of each pixel, there is a median value for each scattergram. Choosing a certain quantile about this median for each scattergram and taking the intersection over all the scattergrams identifies a set of pixels, which may be regarded as ‘typical’ in the sense that they remain near the median, irrespective of disturbance by noise. A proportional line is fitted through these pixels giving a gradient and error estimate. Since the CaL cross-edge map is included in the set of scattergrams, the mineral cross-sections at each energy can be deduced from tabulated values for calcium at the pre-and post-edge locations. This procedure is robust, in that it is insensitive to the tails of the optical density distributions. However the choice of the size of the quantile needs further investigation. The three mass thickness maps are generated from the seven pre-edge subtracted optical density images using a pseudo inverse from the singular value decomposition [11], the most reliable method for an overdetermined system. In fact the estimated relative uncertainty in the cross-sections was found to be comparable with the relative size of the singular values, so that the signal-to-noise ratio is barely satisfactory. The mass thickness maps are examined for significant regions of negative values and of overlap of the mineral phases, Fig. 3. Comparison with the visual appearance of the field and the preliminary segmentation are made. The optical density residue maps are then calculated. Inspection readily reveals misregistration in the original images. Plots of residues against estimated optical densities are examined for trends and offsets from zero which may be interpreted as errors in the cross-section estimates. Detection of thickness effect distortions depends on identifying curvature of two-way scattergrams in the presence of broadening by noise. The curvature will be such that the high cross-section reference optical density becomes less than the trend line at higher values. In projected three way scattergrams, clusters become extended in the co-latitude direction. These effects were found with an additional image located at higher energy than B2 , with greater Ca cross-section. Further, it is helpful to relate pixels in these suspect areas to their location in the specimen, which contains creases and folds. Differentiation of Two Calcium Phosphates II - 141 15 m 10 5 0 -0.01 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 HAP Thickness [ m ] -0.02 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Pyro Thickness [ m ] 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Embed Thickness [ m ] Fig. 3. Thickness maps from mass thicknesses using bulk densities. 4 Conclusions The method briefly outlined here has proved effective in separating two calcium phosphates. The synthetic specimen has the unexpected feature that the mineral areas are overlaid with resin, the ratio of mineral to organic matrix mass thicknesses being similar to natural bone. The method differs from that of Zhang [4], in that the latter requires cross-sections at contrast locations from spectra. However, that method has proved successful in treating mixtures of organic compounds, whereas the present method has only been applied to separate minerals. Further work is required to determine the performance in the presence of mixtures, perhaps by numerical modelling. The diagnostic methods need much development as does the estimation of cross-sections. A further consideration is whether or not to apply pre-edge subtraction to the optical density images for the fit. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Steve Hulbert and his colleagues in Beamline Development, NSLS, for assistance with the spectroscopy which underpins this work and Sandra Downes, (RNOH) for the phosphate samples. SJB would like to thank the EPSRC for funding the research trips to the NSLS. II - 142 S. J. Bellamy et al. References 1. C.J. Buckley, Rev. Sci. 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