ABSTRACT: Three-phase distribution networks are traditionally modeled in phase coordinates frame of reference. This is because the mutual inductances between different phases of an asymmetrical transmission lines are not equal to each other. Besides the sequence networks are coupled together and cannot be broken into independent circuits and distribution systems contain multi-phase unbalanced laterals. A variety of three-phase power-flow algorithms have been developed based on phase components for solving unbalanced power systems. Some of these algorithms solve a general network structure such as standard Newton Raphson method or its variants [1-5]. However, the three-phase Newton- Raphson method is computationally expensive for large systems due to the size of the Jacobian matrix and its fast decoupled version is sensitive for high line R/X ratios. The admittance or impedance methods [6-9] have convergence characteristics that are highly dependent on the number of the PV nodes in electrical network [8]. There are also unbalanced power-flow methods which consider primarily the radial structure of distribution networks. Therefore, these power-flow methods can solve only radial or weekly meshed systems such as methods given in [10-11].