Volume 5 Number 1

Volume 5
\’pe-dant\: A scholar; one prone to ostentatious displays of learning; a learned academic; a nit-picker.
Number 1
the pedant
September 2012
campus news
GSC update
8 La Flâneuse: the
Claremont wanderer
10 research and awards
12 events calendar and
Feature: Ever feel like an
imposter? Turns out, most
people do (page six)
Find out how all the
pieces of CGU’s realignment are going to fit
together (page four)
Claremont Graduate University
the lifestyle of the mindful life
In graduate school and academia in general, there is little separation between one’s personal and professional life. As the adage
goes, the scholar does not “do the work of the mind” but rather,
“lives the life of the mind.” Friends and colleagues are one in the
same (the simple act of making friends becomes “networking”)
and the lines that usually delineate public and private life are
constantly crossed.
While this blurring of boundaries can create a rich existence in
which all streams lead to the sea, it can also become overwhelming: while most people can disengage from work at 5:00 p.m. and
resume their “life,” our work is our life, making it nearly impossible to walk away. And as such, the cultivation of both the personal
and the professional self are interwoven in intricate ways.
This issue of the Pedant deals with both. In “The Art of Humility”
(see right) and our feature story on Imposter Syndrome (page six),
we delve into personal characteristics—self-assessment, identity,
diffidence—that have a significant impact on our personal and
professional selves. But as mentioned, the pursuit of academia is
a lifestyle, and this issue of the Pedant is fraught with opportunities to cultivate that lifestyle at CGU and in the surrounding
community: where and how to get involved and meet people (GSC
update, page five) and how to hunt like a vegetarian (La Flâneuse,
page eight). Of course, we are ever mindful of the nuts and bolts of
graduate life, so make sure to read about changes to financial aid
(page three) and updates on CGU’s realignment (page four).
Whether you are new to CGU or returning to the melee from your
summer hiatus, fall is always a time for new beginnings.
Whatever your goals are for the upcoming year, remember that
while in pursuit of the “life of the mind,” to cultivate both life and
mind in equal measure.
Leonardo Di Vinci said: “Art is never finished, only abandoned.”
And for many graduate students, paper writing is an art, and one
often abandoned too soon.
Di Vinci’s point was that art is a process, and there is always
room for improvement. And whether it’s your final paper for a
seminar, a presentation at a conference, or a chapter in your
dissertation, the Writing Center is there to help you improve
your work.
From providing a practice audience for class presentations, to
serving as a second set of eyes on a final paper—both in person
or via Skype—the writing center offers a variety of useful
services for international students and native English speakers.
“A big misconception is that there’s no point in coming to
the Writing Center unless you have a full, complete draft of
whatever you’re writing. Not so! We love to talk about writing at
any stage,” said Writing Center tutor and English PhD student
Caroline Carpenter. “And now, with Skype, you can share your
ideas from your sofa, in your jammies! It doesn’t get any better
than that.”
Amidst newly painted walls and a colossal pencil dangling
tenuously from the ceiling, peer consultants are there to help
you review your work. The Writing Center also offers workshops
throughout the year such as dissertation boot camps, “Writing
the Lit Review” and “How to start a Consulting Practice in
Grad School,” (i.e., how to move up from your diet of ramen and
Rachel Tie
Editor, the Pedant
the Pedant
Volume 5, Number 1 August 2012
Many thanks to Katya Fairbanks, Susie Guilbault, Shelby
Hamm and the GSC, Kelsey Kimmell, Sheila Lefor, Jacob Adams,
Alana Olschwang, and Nancy Aurbach of the Claremont Colleges
Sustainability Initiative.
The Pedant is . . .
Rachel Tie
Emily Schuck
Brendan Babish
Sharone Williams
Editor Emeritus/Writer
2 Otium cum dignitate
The art of humility
“Everyone goes through a messy process to get a better paper,”
said Katya Fairbanks, director of the Writing Center. “The goal
of most academics is to be better writers.” And while having
your work under a magnifying glass may be daunting, it is an
indispensable part of getting your work accepted at a conference
or published in a journal (or just keeping a watchful eye on the
ol’ GPA).
Carpenter may have said it best: “If it involves words, we’re on
your side.” Tally ho!
For more information on the writing center, or to use the
online booking system to make your appointment today, visit
writecenter.cgu.edu. And remember, humility is a necessary step
on the path to greatness.
Claremont Graduate University
campus news
The honor is all yours
Ok, so being a member of the academic elite is a sort of honorary
society in itself. But if you would like to add honor to honor, like
when Scott Baio guest-starred in Full House . . . or a turducken . . .
then consider either joining one of CGU’s academic honor societies,
or starting one up yourself.
Our in-depth research (comprised of a Google search last
Tuesday) reveals that CGU is currently home to three academic
honor societies: Phi Alpha Theta, the history honors society
(contact: Robert.Dawidoff@cgu.edu); Sigma Tau Delta, the English
honors society (contact: Emily.Schuck@cgu.edu); and Psi Chi,
the international psychology honors society (contact: Stephen.
Miller@cgu.edu). But aside from a few extra Greek words on your
curriculum vitae (where more always=better) what is the practical
purpose of joining an honor society?
According to Emily Schuck, English masters student, Sigma Tau
Delta CGU chapter founder, and writer for this august publication,
the opportunities that come with joining an honors society are
numerous (sorry though, no green jacket).
“Our society hosts conferences and publishes papers specifically
for and by its members, offers a variety of scholarships,
and provides numerous other networking and professional
opportunities. You can also use your society to get involved
in philanthropic activities, such as volunteering with literacy
programs. It’s a great way to get to know people in your field and
create more of a community within your department.”
Nearly every academic field has an honor society (or several)
associated with it, so if your department is current vacuus
veneratio (even if you don’t know what that means, you can tell it
sounds bad) consider starting one up. Typically, honor societies
require a new chapter to have at least 10 members, a faculty
advisor, and a short written statement. And while there may be
application fees, they are generally low, and might be considered a
good investment by your department.
To find out more about societies in your field, talk to your
professors, department heads, and consult your umbrella academic
organizations; because while completing a course of post-graduate
education is an honor in itself, an academic honor society can
provide just the right opportunities to take that honor to the next
The dynamic world of
financial aid
Federal Student Aid (FSA) is an
amorphous thing. Not only are loan
terms constantly in flux, but they are
often the subject of political debates,
making their stasis seem all the more
tenuous. And unlike those things which
we dread but have at least come to accept as fixed and inevitable—
like death and taxes—student loan terms are as ephemeral as
youth, beauty, and those moments of respite between papers.
And this past summer has been no exception. For new students,
the changes to FSA enacted on July 1, 2012 will have little bearing
on how you understand your government loans. But for students
long accustomed to the FSA rigmarole now is the time to unlearn
what you knew, and get up to speed with the new face of FSA.
As of July, graduate students will no longer be offered subsidized
government loans, which means that beginning on the day the
loan is disbursed, the principle will begin to accrue interest.
Additionally, the subsidization of loans during the repayment
grace period (usually six months) will also be eradicated. And for
those of us employed in work-study positions, get ready to earn
less: the government has lowered the amount of work study funds
allocated to graduate students by 20-30 percent.
Luckily, you are reading this article, and won’t be surprised when
you get your first bill and the principle is higher than the amount
you took out in loans. But not to fret: loans taken out before July
2012 will still retain the terms of the original loan agreement.
Director of CGU financial aid, Susie Guilbault, cautions students
to be proactive about their loans, to live frugally, and to take
only as much loan money as they need to live. And for those of us
still sweating about our loans, the Office of Financial Aid holds
bi-yearly financial-sophistication workshops for students about
to graduate (this semester’s will be in November), as well as other
financial workshops, such as learning about how loans affect your
credit score and reconciling student debt with buying a home.
If you would like guidance in budgeting your graduate career, or
have any other questions about financial aid, contact finaid@cgu.
edu, where there is always a smiling, calming person there to help.
Wake up and smell the Bugle
For more on Turducken,
scan the QR code or visit
Every Monday morning beginning this fall, you should start receiving the CGU
Bugle in your CGU e-mail inbox. The Bugle is a compilation of all the week’s
events, announcements, news, videos, and even Hagelbarger’s specials. The
goal is to provide as much information to CGU students without being an e-mail
monster hogging up all your space.
For more information on CGU (or Claremont Consortium) events, please check
the Master Calendar (there’s a link on the university home page and in the Bugle
itself). If you have any feedback, questions, or announcements/events you would
like to see included, e-mail bugle@cgu.edu.
Leisure with dignity 3
Claremont Graduate University
campus news
Realignment: workin’ 9 to 5
You may have heard tidbits here and there about realignment for the
past few months. Department chairs have assured you that there’s
nothing to worry about, and your trusty Pedant has been keeping you
posted on its progress. Here’s what happened over the summer while
you were in blissful retreat from the affairs of CGU.
And good things are
coming in this smaller
package: the fusion of
the schools will create
new opportunities for
programs, research, and
practice-based learning.
Systems &
Behavioral &
Arts &
& Global
Politics &
Systems &
Other important
developments over the
summer included a
transdisciplinary studies
external review that is
designed to improve the
CGU experience. Look for a
survey distributed through
e-mail and invitations to
focus groups. This is your
chance to get involved
with realignment and
make sure you have the
opportunity to share your
thoughts and ideas.
On the fiscal front, the
university hired a new Vice
President of Advancement,
Bedford McIntosh, to
boost funding for student
fellowships (yay!). It also
adopted a new budget
model that includes fiscal
capacity (if you don’t know
econ-speak, this translates
into CGU’s ability to
generate revenue) and
budget transparency.
The next steps
of realignment
include launching
a Transdisciplinary
Research Center (details
TBA, but it sure sounds
fancy) and improving the
“Realignment has
strengthened each department’s resources, which should enhance and
support the student experience,” said Director of Financial Aid Susie
Guilbault. “It is a positive move for CGU and we embrace the changes
for a successful academic year.”
4 Otium cum dignitate
The previous nine
schools of CGU are now
a smaller, neater, five,
with newly appointed
deans: Tammi
Schneider will take
charge of the School
of Arts & Humanities,
Religion, and Botany; (2)
Scott Thomas will lead
the School of Education;
(3) Stewart Donaldson
will serve as the dean of
the School of Behavioral
& Organizational
Sciences, Politics, and
Economics; (4) Andy
Johnson will head the
School of Community
and Global Health; (5)
and Bernie Jaworski
will be the commanderin-chief of the Drucker
School of Management
in collaboration
with the Center for
Information Systems
and Technology
and the Institute
for Mathematical
Studies. And if that isn’t
enough to memorize,
these names are all
subject to change.
The reorganization of schools is only a small part of realignment (oneseventh, in fact), along with fundraising, student services, marketing,
transdisciplinary research, performance and accountability, and
The only change affecting
your day-to-day is a
personnel restructuring;
be sure to familiarize
yourself with your
department know-it-alls so
you can find them when you need them. Finally, even though you have
new cohorts in your school, neither your degree information nor degree
program will change.
Claremont Graduate University
campus news
How to win friends and influence people (or at least
win friends and eat free hot dogs)
The newly refurbished GSC house is available for use by students for study groups, club meetings, or other school-related activities. The house is located
at 127 12th Street, behind the Writing Center.
Welcome back from the Graduate Student Council. We are excited
to begin this new academic year with you!
We invite you to celebrate the commencement of fall semester
with the annual Welcome Back BBQ on Thursday, September
13th at 4 pm on Des Combs Quad (that big grassy area outside of
Hagelbarger’s). Come meet new friends, catch up with old ones, and
check out the student clubs that CGU has to offer. Many faculty and
administrators will be there to mingle as well. Keep an eye out for
Dean of Students, Fred Siegel, and his dog, Nigel, as they will be
wandering around the party to meet you and hear your thoughts
(Nigel’s a great listener).
Besides outstanding social events, the GSC promotes student
academic success. Travel and Material Awards are available again
this year! Eligible events are those that occurred between April
22, 2012-October 14, 2012. The deadline for proposals is October
28, 2012; don’t forget to save your receipts! This reimbursement
program is a great opportunity to earn back some of the money you
spend on research, conferences, and supplies each semester.
running! If they have, you are always welcome to attend meetings. Our
meetings are bimonthly and everyone is invited. Please contact us
with any questions, concerns, or ideas.
Finally, if you have concerns about student life, GSC is your advocate!
Get in touch with the GSC
Website: www.cgu.edu/gsc
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GSCCGU
Email: gsc@cgu.edu
GSC house: 127 E. 12th Street. Info at:
Meeting Info: www.cgu.edu/GSCmeetings
Be active and involved. Find out if your school has already elected
their GSC representatives and delegates; if they haven’t, consider
Leisure with dignity 5
Claremont Graduate University
When “fake it ‘til you make it”
Makes you feel like a fraud
It’s the first day of school. You walk in to the classroom, pick a seat, and wait for the professor to arrive. During these few
moments of downtime, you look around at your classmates: They look “grad school.” They look like they belong here. They
look “right.”
As class begins, they seem engaged. They interact with the professor with ease, while you
spend most of your mental energy thinking up a question just so you have something to
say (that hopefully isn’t embarrassing). When class ends, you pack up your things and
hurry home, a feeling of insecurity washing over you. “I’m a fraud,” you think. “I don’t
And you are not alone.
In 1978, clinical psychologists Pauline Clance
and Suzanne Imes coined the term “Imposter
Phenomenon” (now more widely referred to as
“Imposter Syndrome” or IS). Marked by the inability
to internalize success and a disjunction between
self-assessment and actual abilities, people
suffering from IS can feel, despite all
evidence to the contrary, that they have
conned everyone to get where they are.
Originally identified as occurring
primarily in high-performing but
inwardly anxious women, subsequent
studies have shown that it affects men
and women in equal numbers. And
one place where Imposter Syndrome
is found in spades is among graduate
students and young faculty.
“Even though [these people] are
often very successful by external
standards, they feel their success has
been due to some mysterious fluke or luck
or great effort,” says Clance in her article
“Imposter Phenomenon.” “They are afraid their
achievements are due to ‘breaks’ and not the result
of their own ability and competence.”
In his article on the website Science, career-advice
columnist Lucas Laursen tells the following anecdote
about a newly minted professor:
. . . [She] told the group that she had worried that she’d been let into her graduate program
on a fluke and that someday she’d make an error that would blow her cover. She had
always believed her peers in graduate school were much smarter despite knowing that
she had the best grades of the bunch… She worries that someday her colleagues might
wise up and out her as an impostor, a fraud in a lab coat.”
Sound familiar? It’s no surprise.
6 Otium cum dignitate
“She worries that someday her colleagues might wise up and out her as an imposter, a fraud in a lab coat”
Imposter Syndrome is actually more prevalent among high-achieving
individuals. In Susan Pinker’s 2008 book, The Sexual Paradox,
Troubled Boys, Gifted Girls and the Real Difference Between the Sexes,
Dr. Margaret Chan, chief of the World Health Organization and IS
sufferer says, “There are an awful lot of people out there who think I’m
an expert. How do these people believe all this about me? I’m so much
aware of all the things I don’t know.”
And in few other careers is the awareness of “all the things you don’t
know” more prevalent than in academia, where the idea of “expertise” is
at the core of the profession.
Most people who have the personality type to pursue a path of
“expertise” are most likely also the type with incredibly (perhaps
impossibly) high standards. Ambition­­—the force that seeks to reconcile
a person’s vision of who they want to be with the reality of who they
are—can be a powerful factor in success. However, people with Imposter
Syndrome have “very unrealistic notions of what it means to be
competent,” says career counselor Valerie Young in the 2009 Psychology
Today article, “The Imposter Syndrome,” and they “set this internal bar
exceedingly high.” Failure to clear that bar can affect an individual’s life
and career in insidious ways, especially for academics.
Because of these unrealistic expectations, slight defeats or failures
can take on epic proportions, causing a spiral of bad behavior. “When
they occasionally fail,” says Laursen, “these people may adopt negative
behaviors such as procrastination and perfectionism. ‘Impostors’ may
also be less willing to present their work for evaluation, fearing that
every time they do, they are at risk of being exposed.” And while some
people are able to labor through these feelings and get on with the job,
tactics for coping with these feelings can be helpful.
Because for many “impostors” there is a rift between their selfassessment and their actual abilities, Young encourages her clients
to recognize that feeling incompetent and being incompetent are two
different things. Paulene Clance encourages people to keep track of
compliments and accept them, rather than blowing them off as empty
praise. But one of the most effective tactics for combating the feelings
of Imposter Syndrome is to simply recognize that other people feel the
same way too, and to talk to them about it.
In academia, this can be daunting: not only are we are often in direct
competition with our closest friends, but there is the concern that
disclosing these feelings of inadequacy could be met with confirmation
of our fears. As a result, we often suppress our anxieties, allowing them
to fester rather than dissipate through open communication.
“We can’t peer into the minds of others and see that, ‘Wait a minute,
everyone else is also just as mystified!’” says Justin Kruger, professor
at New York University Stern School of Business, in the Science article.
“So people need to make the effort to discuss their performance
with their peers. When you discover that the people you admire (or
fear) sometimes worry about their own achievements, it can give you
perspective on your own anxieties.”
Clance developed a test for IS in her book, The Imposter Phenomenon:
When Success Makes You Feel Like a Fake, to help individuals
determine whether or not they have IS characteristics and, if so, to what
extent they are suffering. The test is available for free on her website at
www.paulineroseclance.com. In addition, the Minority Mentor Program
(MMP) at CGU has held workshops in the past for dealing with these
issues and is intimately acquainted with its manifestations and how
to overcome them. For mentorship in this area (and others) contact the
MMP at mmp.cgu.edu.
In the meantime, take solace in the fact that you have made it this far,
and use the evidence of past success rather than fear of future failure
as a guide to how things will pan out. Chances are that those feelings of
inadequacy are just that—feelings.
Leisure with dignity 7
In the late days of summer in Claremont, the heat makes ripples above the
pavement and we walk a little faster between shade trees—if we can rouse
ourselves from our lassitude long enough to go anywhere. And yet a few days
ago, Intrepid Editor Rachel and I found ourselves outside, at midday even,
striding through the flora of the Claremont Colleges and peering eagerly up
into every tree we passed. If you’re wondering what could shake us from our
late-August stupor, well, it’s the only thing known to draw grad students at
all hours of day and night from that sliver of space between their air conditioners and their computer screens: free food.
La Flâneuse
by Sharone Williams — writer, editor, loafer, PhD
candidate in English
Flâneuse, French: 1) a city wanderer; 2) one who
strolls about aimlessly; 3) a shopper with no
intent to buy; an intellectual parasite.
As part of the Pedant’s mission to enhance student life, La
Flâneuse was developed to feature goings-on about town.
Things to do, people to see, and places to go are recorded for
your reading pleasure by the charming, effete, and ever-hungry
It started as a rumor, a whisper cropping up that a map existed showing the
locations of the various fruits, nuts, and other edible plants on the campuses
of the Claremont colleges. I thought we’d have to do some
clandestine maneuvering to get it. Who would just tell everyone where to
find all this free produce? Clearly I’d have to be initiated into some secret
group where I’d prove my worthiness by renouncing synthetic fibers and
Doritos for all time and eternity.
Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong. The Fallen Fruit map is, in fact,
shockingly easy to find, published online at www.claremont.edu, and
conveniently printed on the back of this newsletter. It’s part of a Claremont
Colleges sustainability initiative designed to educate the 7C community
about the abundance of produce grown right here on our campuses. And get
this: we’re supposed to pick the fruit. The people that grow it want us to (in
moderation, of course).
Still sound a little nuts? Well, don’t worry: your fearless flâneuse and her
editor headed out into the blazing heat to get to the heart of the matter. The
pit, if you will. I think you’ll be pleased to hear it was a fruitful endeavor.
We started near the library, where we learned our first valuable lesson: the
map doesn’t necessarily reflect recent construction—the southeast
side of the library, patches of CMC, and about half of Harvey Mudd come
to mind. Also, you might need to venture into some of the seedier parts of
campus (ever explored that pit between Mudd and the McAlister Center?), so
follow the opposite of my example and wear sturdy shoes.
If you’re just scrappy enough to find it, you will discover arbors dripping with grapes amid groves of fruit trees.
8 Otium cum dignitate
. . . and reader, I’m just going to tell you: if you’ve never eaten sun-warmed grapes right off the vine, well, I
almost pity your barren life.
After the library we wandered through Scripps, which is beyond beautiful and will make you realize that everyone in the 1940s had much
cooler nicknames than we do now. We found numerous fruits ripe for
plucking—oranges, apples, pomegranates, apricots, and much more—
and reader, I’m just going to tell you: if you’ve never eaten sun-warmed
grapes right off the vine, well, I almost pity your barren life (cf: neener,
All told, we hunted fruits and herbs across four campuses, and it was
just a tiny taste of what the map showed. The fruit really is free. The
map was born from a desire that nothing should go to waste, so don’t be
afraid to do your part. The main rules are common-sensical and have
to do with being thoughtful members of our community: be respectful
of property and plants, and don’t take more than you need. It is, after
all, a shared resource, and one that will wilt quickly if pilfered without
Other than that, please, revel in the gloriousness that is free, freshoff-the-tree, delicious fruit. It’s fun—and maybe a little habit-forming.
(How else to explain my return from a run a week later triumphantly
clutching what turned out to be a guava, harvested from a CMC wall?)
Take some time to walk around. Get to know the other campuses. Be
adventurous. Wade into a planter. Pick an orange, sit in the shade of the
tree, and eat it right there. Come back for more. We did.
Behold! The fruits of our harvest. For more on the Claremont Sustainability
Initiative, including information, events, and “fruit jams,” visit www.
Leisure with dignity 9
research +
Xerox Technical Minority
The Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship offers an award
between $1,000 and $10,000 to a minority student in the field of
computing and software systems, information management, and
computer engineering, among others.
The application consists of a short form to be completed by
the applicant and the financial aid office, and a resume. All
application materials must be postmarked before September
30. They’ll send you a confirmation receipt of your application
by October 15, and winners and non-winners will be notified by
December 31.
Because the only material you need for this scholarship is a
resume, a visit to the Office of Career Management for a resume
renovation isn’t a bad idea.
For more information, and to apply visit www.
The Paul & Daisy Soros
Fellowships for New Americans
Prepare for some paperwork, but it’ll be worth the trouble.
The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships award a total of 30
fellowships for up to $25,000 each, with an additional $20,000
for tuition support for two years—providing up to $90,000 total
for an awardee. The program values a commitment to the US
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In their application, the
candidate should express their commitment to ideals such as
personal liberty and citizenship responsibility.
This fellowship is for students who hold a green card as of
November of 2011, or were born in the United States with foreign
parentage, at least one of whom is naturalized citizen. The
application requires two essays of 1,000 words or less, a resume,
three recommendation letters, and “exhibits”—like artwork or
portfolio material—that showcase the applicant’s creativity,
originality, and initiative.
For more information and to apply, visit www.pdsoros.org. The
website includes advice on building a timeline for applying,
guidance for your recommenders, and a list of last year’s winners.
The application is available in hard copy or online, and the
deadline is November 2, 2012.
10 Otium cum dignitate
student achievements
Jacob Baker
PhD, Philosophy of Religion &Theology
Baker edited a recently published book on Mormony philosophy and
theology, Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology:
Essays in Honor of David L. Paulsen
Tatiana Basáñez
Behavior & Organizational Sciences
PhD, Social Psychology
Basáñez was first author on two papers recently
accepted for publication, “Perceived Discrimination
as a Risk Factor for Depressive Symptoms and
Substance use among Hispanic Sdolescents in Los
Angeles” in Ethnicity & Health, and “Measuring
Acculturation Gap Conflicts among Hispanics:
Implications for Psychosocial and Academic Adjustment” in the Journal of
Family Issues.
Ariel Blair
Behavioral & Organizational Sciences
PhD, Organizational Behavior
Blair was accepted into the Medici Summer Program in Florence Italy
and selected to present her paper entitled, “Effects of Power Distance on
Antecedents to Innovation.”
Nancy Guarneros School of Educational Studies PhD, Education Guarneros was award the Matusak Courageous Leadership Award
through the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance. She is being honored
for her work which involves fighting for immigrants’ rights, helping
undocumented students access higher education, and her work around
the Dream Act. This past summer, she was also part of the the teaching
team for National Dream University, the first online learning program in
the country designed to give immigrant youth the opportunity to access
higher education. Guarneros has been covered in several media outlets,
including the Huffington Post and InsideHigherEd.com.
Daniel Lanza
Arts and Humanities
PhD, English & Cultural Studies
Lanza was interviewed for Morally Straight, a documentary exploring
masculinity and homophobia in the Boy Scouts of America. The
documentary specifically focuses on the organization’s movement to
revoke the achievements and membership of openly gay scouts and scout
Liesl Nydegger
Community & Global Health
PhD, Health Promotion
Nydegger was awarded a Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship
and will be traveling to Durban, South Africa, for nine
months. She will be working for a research project
called Reducing HIV in Adolescents at the Centre for
the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa
Adrienne Ortega
Educational Studies
PhD, Educational Studies
Ortega received a fellowship from Fund for
Teachers to attend the Future of Learning Institute
at Harvard University. Ortega participated in an
experimental “design charrette” learning group
which not only explored the future of learners, but
was also a part of a project for Harvard’s Project Zero which explored
adult learning. Meghana Rao
Behavioral & Organizational Sciences
PhD, Positive Organizational Psychology
Rao was a fall 2012 recipient of the Dean’s Merit award at Claremont
Graduate University.
David N. Somlo
Behavioral & Organizational SciencesW
PhD, Applied Social Psychology
Somlo’s recent paper (second author: Professor
Allen M. Omoto), “Group Identification
and Normative Concern Interact to Predict
Environmental Behavior” was named one of the
four best papers or posters at a meeting of the
Society for the Psychological Study of Social
Issues in June 2012.
Cristina Tangonan
Behavioral & Organizational Sciences
PhD, Evaluation & Applied Research Methods
For the last three months, Tangonan has interned at Philippine Business
for Social Progress (PBSP), a corporate social responsibility firm in
Manila, Philippines. Her internship involved helping to create their
monitoring and evaluation system as well as an evaluation capacitybuilding plan for the organization. During her stay in Manila, Tangonan
also worked with Hapinoy, an organization that provides financial
assistance to micro-entrepreneurs that run “sari-sari” stores (small
convenience stores) all over the Philippines. She also facilitated
a logic model workshop with staff at the School of Government in
Ateneo de Manila University for their new program on innovation for
inclusive development in South East Asia. Before leaving Manila, she
is scheduled to give a presentation on the importance of research on
evaluation to interested students and faculty from Ateneo de Manila
Ana Viola Thorne
Arts & Humanities
PhD, Cultural Studies
After the celebratory May 2012 graduation ceremony in which Thorne
was the honorary student commencement speaker, she was offered a
position at her undergraduate alma mater, Mount St Mary’s College
teaching 20th Century British and European Literature, Graduate
Writing Review, and Identity Construction in African American
Films of the Early 1900s. In addition, she will participate on a panel,
“Rethinking Black Identity and Black Spaces,” as well as present her
paper, “Framing a Blaxicana Identity in an all Black Midwestern Town,
1955-1960,” at the 97th annual conference of the Association for the
Study of African American Life and History in Pittsburgh in September. Leslie Young
Educational Studies
PhD, Teaching, Learning & Culture
Young worked as a peer reviewer on teacher
evaluation issues for the US Department of
Education this past summer in Washington, D.C.
Did you publish a paper, present at a conference, get a job, or have another note-worthy achievement having to do with school or career? Send
your achievement to pedant@cgu.edu to see your name proudly in print. Include your full name, school, degree program, and student status (i.e.
MA or PhD). You may also send a high-resolution, professional-type headshot.
Leisure with dignity 11
Foothill Blvd
Columbia Ave
12th St/Platt
Mills Ave
Dartmouth Ave
College Ave
10th St
9th St
8th St
Claremont McKenna
7th St
6th St
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behind this map,
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Flâneuse on page
Nut Trees
Pineapple Guava
Strawberry Guavas
Strawberry Tree
Blood Oranges
Claremont Blvd
Harvey Mudd