Clinical Professor
Division of Politics & Economics
School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation
Claremont Graduate University
170 E. 10th Street
Claremont, CA 91711 USA
Office: +1 909 621 8803
Fax: +1 909 621 8548
Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University 1996
Political Economy & Mathematical Modeling
M.A. Claremont Graduate University 1992
Foreign & Defense Policy
B.A. Case Western Reserve University 1990
Political Science, History & French
Clinical Professor, Full Rank− Claremont Graduate University − Claremont, California 2008 to Present
Chief Executive Officer & Board of Directors – Acertas – New York, New York 2013 to Present
Board of Directors – Bluegill Technologies – Riverside, California, 2013 to present
Board of Directors – The Next 90 – Chicago, Illinois 2012 to Present
Visiting Professor of Strategy -Yunnan University of Finance & Economics – Kunming, China 2012 to Present
Board of Directors – Trans Research Consortium - Portland, Oregon 2005 to Present
Chief Executive Officer – Beijing Ilinoi Investment Company – Beijing, China 2011
Chief Operating Officer & Board of Directors – Sentia Group – Washington, DC 2002 to 2013
MA Abdollahian CV
SEP 2014
Associate Clinical Professor− Claremont Graduate University − Claremont, California 2003 to 2008
Visiting Lecturer − Claremont Graduate University − Claremont, California 1998 to 2003
Vice President & Corporate Treasurer− Decision Insights − New York, New York 1996 to 2000
Senior Analyst − Decision Insights – Washington, DC 1994 to 1996
Scholarly Books, Monographs & Chapters
1. Yang, Zining and Mark Abdollahian, 2014. “Trade, Income Convergence and Sustainable
Development” chapter 4 in Handbook of the International Political Economy of Trade, ed David A. Deese,
Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK.
2. Abdollahian, Mark, Marina Arbetman-Rabinowitz, Kyungkook Kang, Jacek Kugler, Hal Nelson and
Ronald Tammen, 2012. “Political Performance” chapter 1, in The Performance of Nations, Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers Inc.
3. Abdollahian, Mark, Kyungkook Kang and John Thomas, 2012. “Setting the Stage: The Politics of
Economic Growth” chapter 2, in The Performance of Nations, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc.
4. Abdollahian, Mark, Jacek Kugler, Brice Nicholson and Hana Oh. 2010. “Politics and Power” chapter
3 in Estimating Impact: A Handbook of Computational Methods and Models for Anticipating Economic, Social,
Political and Security Effects. Alexander Kott and Gary Citrenbaum eds. Springer Science & Business
Media, New York.
5. Tammen, Ronald, Jacek Kugler, Douglas Lemke, Allan Stam, Carole Alsharabati, Mark Abdollahian,
Brian Efird and AFK Organski. 2000. Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century. Chatham House
Publishers, New York - editions published in English, Arabic & Chinese.
6. Abdollahian, Mark, Jacek Kugler and Hilton Root, 1999. “Economic Crisis and the Future of
Oligarchy” chapter 5, in Institutional Reform and Democratic Consolidation in Korea, edited by Larry
Diamond and Doh Chull Shin. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
7. Abdollahian, Mark. 1996. In Search of Structure: The Nonlinear Dynamics of International Politics. PhD
dissertation, Claremont, CA, USA.
8. Organski, AFK, Jacek Kugler and Mark Abdollahian. 1995. “The Mosaic of International Power” in
Towards an International Economic & Social History, Bouda Etemad et al eds., Editions Passé Present,
Refereed Journal Publications
1. Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang and Patrick Neal. 2014. “Human Development Dynamics: An Agent
Based Simulation of Adaptive Heterogeneous Games and Social Systems.” Social Computing, BehavioralCultural Modeling, and Prediction: 7th International Conference, SBP 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) 8393, 3-10.
MA Abdollahian CV
SEP 2014
2. Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang Patrick Neal, and James Kaplan. “Human Development Dynamics:
Network Emergence in an Agent Based Simulation of Adaptive Heterogeneous Games and Social
Systems” AESCS 2014 Proceeding. Forthcoming 2014.
3. Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang, Travis Coan and Birol Yesilada. 2013. “Human Development
Dynamics: an Agent Based Simulation of Macro Social Systems and Individual Heterogeneous
Evolutionary Games” Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 1:18.
4. Abdollahian, Mark, Zining Yang and Hal Nelson. 2013. “Techno-Social Energy Infrastructure Siting:
Sustainable Energy Modeling Programming (SEMPro)” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,
Volume 16, Issue 3, No. 6.
5. Abdollahian, Mark and Zining Yang. 2013. “Towards Trade Equalization: A Network Perspective on
Trade and Income Convergence Across the Twentieth Century” New Political Economy, Volume 16(3).
6. Abdollahian, Mark, Travis Coan, Hana Oh and Birol Yesilida. 2012. “The Dynamics of Cultural
Change: The Human Development Perspective” International Studies Quarterly Volume 56, Issue 3, 117
7. Abdollahian, Mark, Michael Baranick, Brice Nicholson and Matthew Nickens. 2009. “A Formal
Model of Stabilization & Reconstruction Operations” Military Operations Research, Volume 14 No. 3
8. Abdollahian, Mark and Kyung-Kook Kang, 2008. “In Search of Structure: The Nonlinear Dynamics
of Power Transitions” International Interactions, Volume 34, 333–357.
9. Abdollahian, Mark and Carole Alsharabati. 2003. “Modeling the Strategic Effects of Risk and
Perceptions in Linkage Politics.” Rationality & Society. Volume 15, No. 1, 113-135.
10. Root, Hilton, Mark Abdollahian and Jacek Kugler. 2002. “In Korea, the Thirst for Funds Drives
Changes” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets & Policies, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-30.
11. Efird, Brian, Ambassador Peter Galbraith, Jacek Kugler and Mark Abdollahian, 2000. “Negotiating
Peace in Kosovo” International Interactions, volume 26, no. 2, pp 153-178.
12. Berman, Dianne and Mark Abdollahian, 1999. “Negotiating the Peaceful Expansion of the South
African Electorate” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 43, no 2, 229-244.
13. Kugler, Jacek and Mark Abdollahian, 1997. “The Ties that Divide: Political Succession in Russia”
International Interactions, volume 23, Spring pp 267-281.
Published Reports & Policy Studies
1. Nunberg, Barbara, Nazneen Barma, Mark Abdollahian, Amanda Green and Deborah Pearlman.
2010. “At the Frontier of Practical Political Economy” The World Bank, Policy Research Working
Paper no. 5176.
2. Abdollahian, Mark, Michael Baranick, Jacek Kugler. 2008. “Pathways to Peace: A Multi-Model
Assessment of the Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement” Cornwallis Group XIII, Nova Scotia,
Canada, Mar 17.
MA Abdollahian CV
SEP 2014
3. Abdollahian, Mark, Travis Coan, Hana Oh and Birol Yesilada, 2008. “Dynamics of Cultural Change:
the Human Development Perspective” World Values Research Papers, Volume 1, No. 4.
4. Abdollahian, Mark, Michael Baranick, Brian Efird and Jacek Kugler. 2006. “Senturion: a Predictive
Political Simulation Model” Defense & Technology Paper, Volume 32, National Defense University,
Washington DC, July.
5. Kugler, Jacek, Mark Abdollahian and Ronald Tammen, 2000. “Forecasting Complex Political and
Military Events: The Application of Expected Utility to Crisis Situations” Command & Control Research
Technology Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterrey, CA, May 22-24.
6. Hilton Root, Mark Abdollahian and Greg Beier. 1999. “The New Korea: Crisis Brings Opportunity”
Milken Institute Policy Brief, Santa Monica, California, February.
1. Venture into the Impossible with Analytics, TEDx Talk, Riverside, CA, April 24, 2014.
2. Tara Kangarlou, "Team of political scientists saw Egypt's turmoil coming," CNN, July 7, 2013.
3. Tara Kangarlou, "State Department hopes it can find peace among data," CNN, May 1, 2013.
4. Intermedia Studios, “Interview with Dr. Mark Abdollahian,” The Zhouzheng Show, May 26, 2012.
5. Sharon Weinberger, "Predicting the future: Forecasting the news of tomorrow," BBC, February 22,
1. “Predictive Modeling of Human Decision Making-Senturion” US Patent & Trademark Office.
a. Trademark Reg. No. 3,697,113, 2009.
b. 5 Patents Pending, application no. 60/604423, 2007.
1. Co-Principal Investigator, “From Stewardship to Sustainability: Sustainable Energy Modeling
(SEMPro)” Southern California Edison in 2010.
2. Principal Investigator, “Computational Political Economy Experimentation” Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency in 2009.
3. Co-Principal Investigator, “Integrated Crisis & Early Warning Systems” Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency in 2007.
MA Abdollahian CV
SEP 2014
4. Co-Principal Investigator, “Pre Conflict Anticipation & Shaping” Defense Advanced Research Project
Agency in 2005.
1. Economic Impact Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington DC, December 2013.
2. Strategy Analytics, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Chicago, IL, November 2013.
3. Conflict Early Warning Analytics, US Department of State, Washington DC, November 2013.
4. Data Driven Decision Making, Boston Consulting Group, New York, November 2013.
5. Macro Social Structures and Heterogeneous Evolutionary Games, Pan-Asian Association for Agent
Based Approaches in Social Systems Sciences, Tokyo, September 2013.
6. Human Development Dynamics, Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, NM,
August 2013.
7. Breaking Cycles of Violence with Analytics, US Department of State, Washington DC, July 2013.
8. Best Practices in Data Analytics and Visualization, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,
Kunming, China, August 2013.
9. North-South Korean Negotiations, Republic of Korea Government, Seoul, May 2013.
10. Estimation Bias, Inefficiency and Inference for Financial Networks, ISA, San Francisco CA, April
11. Human Development Dynamics, MPSA, Chicago IL, April 2013.
12. Trust, Uncertainty and Resources, Claremont Graduate University, Los Angeles CA, March 2013.
13. Neoliberalism and Efficient Markets, WPSA, Hollywood CA, March 2013.
14. Multinational Enterprise Operations in Emerging Markets, SinoMedia, Los Angeles, February 2013.
15. Strategy Analytics for the C-Suite, McKinsey & Co, New York, January 2013.
16. The Performance of Nations, US Department of State, Washington DC, December 2012.
17. Social Media and Conflict, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington DC, December 2012.
18. Multilateral Development Operations, Columbia University, New York November 2012.
19. Managing Enterprise Analytics, Yunnan University of Finance & Economics, Kunming China, October
20. Government Budgetary Performance for Sustainable Growth, Yunnan University of Finance &
Economics, Kunming China, October 2012.
21. At the Frontier of Business Analytics, KPMG, Los Angeles September 2012.
22. Multi-Method Modeling: Sustainable Energy Modeling (SEMPro) on Infrastructure Siting.
Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, NM, September 2012.
23. Netmetrics: Estimation for Partial Political Networks. APSA, New Orleans, LA, August 2012.
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24. Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Korean Institute for Unification, Seoul, Korea, August 2012.
25. Predicting Innovation and Disruptive Technologies. United States Government, Washington DC, July
26. Strategy Analytics, KPMG, Irvine, CA, June 2012.
27. The Political Cost of Economic Growth. ISA, San Diego, CA, March 2012.
28. Not on Planet Earth (NOPE): An Agent-Based Model Simulating Energy Infrastructure Siting
Dynamics. MPSA, Chicago, IL, April 2012.
29. Towards Global Trade Convergence: Network Perspectives Across the 20th Century. MPSA
Chicago, IL, April 2012.
30. Political Performance Of Nations: Allocation. ISA, San Diego, CA, April 2012.
31. North Korean Regime Succession, Government of Korea, Seoul, Korea, February 2012.
32. Trade Convergence: Decreasing Transaction Costs and Globalization. SPSA, New Orleans, LA,
January 2012.
33. National Unification Strategies, Government of Korea, Seoul, Korea, October 2011.
34. Sustainable Private Sector Development, Government of Indonesia, November 2010.
35. Financing Public-Private Partnerships, Fuzhou Government, Ningde, China, August 2010.
36. Sustainable Energy Siting & Modeling, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, November
37. Beyond Effects Based Operations, Government of Korea, Seoul, Korea, June 2010.
38. Maximizing Success in Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief Operations, Government of Korea,
June 2010.
39. Public-Private Partnerships for Mineral Resource Exploration, Government of Henan, Zhengzhou,
China, April 2010.
40. The Political Economy of Humanitarian Crises, The World Bank, Washington DC, February 2010.
41. Integrating Political Economy Approaches, SOCOM, Tampa, FL, October 2009.
42. Computational Political Economy Experimentation, DARPA, Washington DC, September 2009.
43. The Multilateral AIDS Challenge, The United Nations, New York City, NY, September 2009.
44. Maximizing Director Returns for the Fortune 500, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont CA,
September 2009.
45. Financing Public-Private Partnerships, Fuzhou Government, Ningde, China, August 2009.
46. Best Practices for Sustainable Development, Suez Canal University Forum, Cairo, Egypt, May 2009.
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47. Mainstreaming Political Analysis in East Asia, The World Bank, Washington DC, April 2009.
48. The Micro Politics of Governance Reform, The World Bank, Washington DC, December 2008.
49. The Political Efficiency of Public Sector Expenditures, Trans Research Consortium, Carmel, CA,
August 2008.
50. Robust Adaptive Management Strategies, American University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, July 2008.
51. Civil Service Reform In East Timor, The World Bank, Dili, East Timor, June 2008.
52. Crafting Private-Public Partnerships in the Mining Sector, The World Bank, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,
May 2008.
53. Planning the AIDS 2031 Agenda, The United Nations, New York City, NY, January 2008.
54. Negotiation Tactics, University of Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, December 2007.
55. Stabilization & Reconstruction Operations, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterrey, CA, December
56. Decision Making for Executives, Suez Canal Authority, Ismaliah, Egypt, November 2007.
57. Country Assistance Strategies for Public Sector Reform, The World Bank, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,
June 2007.
58. Integrated Crisis & Early Warning Approaches, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington,
DC, March 2007.
59. Fostering Taxation Reform, The World Bank, Manila, Philippines, July 2006.
60. Nationalization of Bolivia’s Hydrocarbons, Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, Washington DC,
March 2006.
61. Forecasting Fragile States, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington DC, September 2005.
62. Risk Mitigation for Strategy Operations, The World Bank, Bangkok Thailand, August 2005.
63. Micro Motivations of Macro Political Behavior, Secretary of Defense, Washington DC, April 2005.
64. Senturion: An Agent Based Stakeholder Model of Politics, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington
DC, January 2005.
65. Computational Politics, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington DC, December 2004.
66. Streamlining Customs Practices, The World Bank, Phnom Penh, Cambodia October 2004.
67. Single Treasury Management, The World Bank, Phnom Penh, Cambodia October 2004.
68. Predicting Politics, Office of the Secretary of Defense, US Government, Washington DC, August 2004.
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69. Forecasting Economic Stability & Regime Change, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. July
70. Private Sector Reform in Developing Countries, The World Bank, Washington, DC, September 2003.
71. Youth Leadership Development Initiatives, The World Bank, Washington DC, July 2003.
72. Cereal Sector Reform in Morocco, The World Bank, Rabat, Morocco & Washington DC, June 2003.
73. Maximizing Procurement Processes, The World Bank, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2001.
74. Civil Service Reform, The World Bank, Phnom Penh, Cambodia March 2001.
75. Leadership, Strategy & Tactics, The National War College, Washington DC, March 2000.
76. M & A Portfolio Optimization, Arthur Andersen, New York City, NY, January 1998.
77. Making Better Tactical Decisions, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles, CA, December 1998.
78. Divesting Public Assets for Private Sector Success, McKinsey, Rome, Italy, July 1998.
79. European Defense Industry Consolidation Strategies, British Aerospace, London, England, July
80. Strategic Decision Making in Business, The Anderson School of Management, UCLA, Los Angeles, May
Board of Directors, Sentia Group
Board of Directors, Trans Research Consortium
Board of Directors, The Next 90
Board of Directors, Bluegill Technologies
Board of Directors, ACERTAS
Board of Advisors, CAEDZ
Advisor, Thomas & Associates
Member, Gerson Lehman Council
Mentor, IvyExec
Recipient, Republic of Korea Agency for Defense
Development Award
Recipient, Military Operations Research Society Award
Nominee, Grawemeyer Award for Ideas for Improving
World Order
International Relations
Foreign & Defense Policy
International Political Economy
Sustainable Development Economics & Growth
Strategy for Business, Politics & Economics
Decision Making
Complexity & Computational Modeling
MA Abdollahian CV
Game Theory
Geographic Information Systems
Knowledge Discover in Data
SEP 2014
Data Analytics
Predictive Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Behavioral Economics
Agent Based Modeling
Systems Dynamics
Social Network Analysis
Business Intelligence
Applied Mathematical Modeling
Big Data
Machine Learning
MA Abdollahian CV
SEP 2014