Pulmonary Hypertension: New Insights into a Complex Disease Rajeev Saggar, MD Academic Chair, Pulmonary Division Assoc. Prof of Medicine, Univ of Arizona Co-Director of Lung Transplant, Univ of Arizona Banner Good Samaritan Hospital Conflicts of Interest I have no conflicts related to the content of this topic I will discuss the use of treprostinil “off-label” Characteristics of Pulmonary Circulations Low pressure system Low resistance ~One seventh the resistance of systemic circulation High capacitance One fifth the pressures of systemic circulation, despite same CO as systemic circulation Accommodates 5- to 6-fold ↑ in blood flow with only 2-fold ↑ in PAP Dynamic vascular bed V:Q matching; vasodilatation and recruitment 5th World Symposium on Pulmonary Hypertension (WSPH) Consensus Definitions Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) ≥25 mm Hg Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) ≥25 mm Hg with Mean pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) ≤15 mm Hg and Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) >3 Wood units As measured by right-heart catheterization. Hoeper MM, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;62:D42-50. Right Ventricular Structure ● The RV is triangular in shape ● Divided into 3 regions - Inlet Apex Infundibulum or Conus ● Contraction proceeds from inlet to infundibulum ● Capacitance of large PAs accommodates stroke volume, keeps pressure low Haddad F, et al. Circulation. 2008;117:1436-1448. Pathophysiology of RV Dysfunction in PAH PAH RV pressure overload ↑ RV wall stress Neurohormonal and immunological activation Altered bioenergetics (Ischemia, myocardial remodeling) Genetic determinants Myocardial Remodeling Hypertrophy; matrix remodeling Increase in RV contractility Ischemia Adaptive Remodeling Maladaptive Remodeling Dilatation and failure Vonk-Noordegraaf A, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;62:D22-33. 6 Arrhythmias Idiopathic PAH Stacher et al: AJRCCM 186: 261-272 What do we measure as a fluid pressure? Zero Reference Level (ZRL) Measuring bridge P is set on zero. i.e. the difference from atmospheric pressure is set to zero. How does P change now? A: P goes up B: P goes down C: P does not change Zero Reference Level (ZRL) Measuring bridge i.e. P depends solely on ZRL and fluid top ZRL Definition: Zero Reference Level must be defined anatomically In relation to the heart Top right atrium Center right atrium Eyster 1929 Center left atrium Moritz&Tabora 1910 V. Recklinghausen 1906; Courtois 1990; Seo 2007 In relation to the supine body 5 cm below sternal skin surface Moritz&Tabora 1910; Braunwald 1961 10 cm above table Lyons 1938 Does ZRL really matter? 5 cm below sternal surface 1/3 thoracic diameter 1/2 thoracic diameter 10 cm above table N=149 patients by thoracic diameter Kovacs G, Olschewski H et al 2013, submitted Pulmonary Fibrosis-PH IVS RV LV RA LA Vascular Pathology is Similar in the Arteries, but NOT the VEINS artery Saggar et al: Manuscript in preparation UCLA Quantitative Pathology Analysis of Explanted Lung Tissue The veins (not the arteries) distinguish the cohorts Unpublished Data Background: Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF): Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) Connective Tissue Disease related PF Sarcoidosis Combined (CPFE) Others pulmonary fibrosis-emphysema Baseline Factors Influencing Survival: IPF Poor Survival: moderate/severe [hurrying on the flat or after one flight of stairs/breathless at rest or on minimal exertion]dyspnea (3.5yrs) DLco < 35% SaO2 88% during the 6MWT mPA > 25mmHg 4-fold increase death Better Survival: mild dyspnea [hurrying on hills or after two flights of stairs] (8-yrs) DLco > 35% SaO2 > 88% during the 6MWT mPA < 25mmHg 1-year mortality 28% HRCT definite UIP and biopsy UIP Survival 2.1 years HRCT indeterminate and biopsy UIP Survival 5.8 years 1-year mortality 5.5% HRCT indeterminate and biopsy NSIP Survival 9.1 years Turner-Warwick M, et al.Thorax. 1980;35:171-180. Latsi PI, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003;168:531-537. Lama VN, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003;168:1084-1090. Lettieri CJ, et al. Chest. 2006;129:746-752. Flaherty KR, et al. Thorax. 2003;58:143-148. Pulmonary Fibrosis and PH Prevalence of IPF 14 to 42.7 cases per 100,000 population PH can complicate the clinical course of IPF and should prompt earlier evaluation for LT Prevalence of PH reported 30%% in IPF patients No FDA approved therapies exist for interstitial or vascular component of IPF: Bosentan Ambrisentan Sildenafil Macitentan Lung transplantation (LT) final option 27 Overview: Pulmonary Hypertension: Rational Target? Echo estimates of sPAP have strong correlation with survival in IPF sPAP>50mmHg: median survival 0.7 years (Nadrous 2005) sPAP<50mmHg: median survival > 4 years Limited RHC data in IPF: mPA > 25 mmHg (+) PH: 1 year mortality 28% (Lettieri 2006) (-) PH: 1 year mortality 5.5% Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR): Pulmonary Fibrosis PVR > 6.23 WU: 8-fold increase mortality 1-year (Corte 2009) PVR> 6 WU: 1-year survival 47% in CPFE (Cottin 2010) Pulmonary Fibrosis How PH may affect the peri-lung transplant setting IPF patients awaiting Lung Transplantation 38% have PH at baseline At time of transplant: 86% have PH Rate of change of mPA: 3.8 mmHg/month Pre-transplant PH associated with IPF is a strong, continuous risk factor for allograft dysfunction post-lung transplantation Primary graft dysfunction (PGD) associated with each 10-mmHg increase pre-transplant mPAP was OR 1.64 Fang et al: Chest. 2011 Apr;139(4):782-7 Shorr et al: Eur Respir J. 2007 Oct;30(4):715-21 So What Options Remain? No FDA approved therapies exist for interstitial or vascular component of IPF: Bosentan Ambrisentan Sildenafil Macitentan What about prostanoid therapy? Treprostinil or epoprostenol 33 Potential Concerns: Anecdotal experience raises concerns of using parenteral prostanoid in PF-PH (and other ILD-PH) Concerns of unmasking venous disease, leading to pulmonary edema Acute worsening V/Q mismatch and increase oxygen requirements (Ghofrani 2002: Lancet) ?Acute changes translate to long term outcome? 34 Acute Administration MIGET Studies in PF & Group I PAH Increased intrapulmonary shunt does not necessarily translate to worsened paO2 PF Type or Group I PAH n PH Drug Aggressive uptitration Exercise Ghofrani (2002) Heterogeneous 16 Y (mPAP 41 median) iNO/epo/sild Y N Blanco (2010) IPF 7 N (mPAP 20 on RA) iNO - Y Gunther (2007) IPF 12 N (mPAP 22.4) bosentan - N Agusti (1991) IPF 15 N (mPAP 20) O2 - Y Walmrath (1995) Heterogeneous 6 Y (mPAP 38) inhPGI2 - N Olschewski (1999) Heterogeneous 8 Y (mPAP 40.2) IV iloprost Y N Group I PAH CTEPH 15 Y (range mPAP 42 to 80) O2/nitropr/isop Y N Group I PAH 7 Y (mPAP 49) epo/inh ilop Y N Dantzker (1981) Bratel (2007) V/Q inequality increased shunt (4.8% to 16.8%) and hypoxemia with epo; unchanged PVR/SVR iNO does not affect V/Q inequality while improving pulmonary hemodynamics (but no effect on CO) decrease in %shunt; no change in gas exchange ↑log SD Q to 100% oxygen at rest↓V/Q inequality at rest & exercise↓exercise PAP↓exercise hypoxemia worsened paO2 and P/F ratio and nonsignificant increases in shunt and low V/Q perfusion worsened shunt (5.1% to 23.1%); nonsignificant decrease in SaO2; PVR/SVR unchanged worsened V/Q inequality (increase shunt, increase perfusion to low V/Q, or both) epo ↑shunt, PVR/SVR, HR, svO2; no change in paO2 or SaO2 Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects of chronic parenteral treprostinil administration on functional, hemodynamic, and right heart function parameters in patients referred to LT in a PF population with an advanced PH phenotype, characterized by a markedly increased PVR and significant RV dysfunction. Due to a lack of supportive data in this context, we studied this population on a compassionate basis, either as a bridge to LT or to achieve clinical stabilization in transplant ineligible patients, whom we believe were at risk of clinical deterioration due to significant pulmonary hypertension and right heart dysfunction Index Case: IVS RV LV RA LA Index Case: Saggar et al: JHLT 2010: 1210-7 Changes in Hemodynamics & Echocardiographic Function in an Advanced Phenotype of PH and Right Heart Dysfunction associated with Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) N=15 hypoxic, pre lung transplant PF patients treated with parenteral treprostinil Inclusion: mPA > 35mmHg and PVR > 4 WU Echocardiogram: + RV dysfunction Saggar et al: Thorax 2014; 69 Saggar et al: Thorax 2014; 69 Importance of the Advanced PF-PH Clinical Phenotype RV Function Saggar et al: Thorax 2014; 69 RV dysfunction may be necessary for PH-targeted therapy success Sildenafil IPF-NET study: evaluation of 119 echocardiograms prior to sildenafil vs. placebo Patients with RV systolic dysfunction and sildenafil had preservation of exercise capacity and improved QOL, compared to placebo Han MK et al Chest 2013;143(6) Saggar R et al Thorax 2014 Improved Transplant-Free Survival in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease SScPH 1-yr: 82% 2-yr: 58% 3-yr: 47% SSc-ILD-PH 1-yr: 78% 2-yr: 46% 3-yr: 28% Volkmann, Saggar et al: Arthritis & Rheum 2014; 1900-8 Improved Transplant-Free Survival in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease Volkmann, Saggar et al: Arthritis & Rheum 2014; 1900-8 1. No difference in survival between SSc-PH and SSc-PF-PH 2. Early prostanoid initiation (<6 months after diagnostic RHC) is an independent predictor of survival SSc-PAH SSc-PH-ILD Volkmann, Saggar et al: Arthritis & Rheum 2014; 1900-8 Conclusions The appropriate clinical PF-PH phenotype most likely to respond to PH-targeted therapy would be circulatory-limited and may include: Advanced pulmonary hemodynamics (mPAP>35; PVR>4 WU) Echocardiographic RV dysfunction at baseline ( TAPSE, eccentricity index and RV end diastolic area) Our group has clinically demonstrated safe and efficacious use of infusional prostanoid therapy for PF-PH in the pre-lung transplant setting (heterogeneous PF) and with SSc-PF-PH Future clinical trials should consider this specific PF-PH phenotype (Phase 3 funded) Special Thanks UCLA Pulmonary & Critical Care Rajan Saggar, MD John Belperio MD David Ross MD Joseph Lynch III MD PH Nursing Lynne Yoder RN Kathy McCloy ANP Glenna Traiger CSN Amber Porter, FNP Deanna Kalina, RN UCLA Rheumatology Dan Furst MD Philip Clements MD Elizabeth Volkmann MD Suzanne Kafaja MD University of Michigan Rheumatology Dinesh Khanna MD Temple University Cardiology Paul Forfia MD UCLA Cardiothoracic Surgery Abbas Ardehali MD Curtis Hunter MD Murray Kwon MD Reshma Binwale MD UCLA Pathology Michael Fishbein MD Greg Fishbein MD Dean Wallace MD Atsuko Seki MD