S E N A T E M E...

Student Government Association
S E N AT E M E E T I N G A G E N D A # 2 3
M a r c h 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 a t 2 p . m.
R o o m 1 2 2 , Re d Mo u n t a i n B u i l d i n g
Note: Below is an agenda of all scheduled items to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda
may be taken out of order, two or more agenda items may be combined, an agenda item may be removed from the
agenda, and discussion relating to an agenda item may be delayed at any time.
Call to order
Roll Call
Spencer Schultz, President
Cheril Gabbidon, Vice President
David Turner II, Treasurer
Zarah Sevon, Secretary
Antonio Gonzalez, Clubs and Organizations Chair
Ayaka Kimura, Activities Chair
Jacob Allen, Division of Business
Vacant, Senator, Division of Sciences
Narumi Kobayashi, Senator, Senator-At-Large
Vacant, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts
Bryanna Gutierrez, Senator, Division of Technical Sciences
Mailynn Santacruz, TMCC High School Liaison
m. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs
Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist
Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator
Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison
Guest Recognition (Information)
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
Page 1 of 12; SGA Senate Meeting Agenda
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Public Comment (Information)
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
For Possible Action
Club Renewal/Recognition:
i. International Club for $200
ii. Young Democrats of TMCC for $200
iii. Art Club for $200
iv. Psychology Club for $200
Compass Club for $200
vi. PTK for $200
vii. Disabled Students Union for $200
viii. TMCC Stem Club for $200
ix. TMCC Game Club for $100
Proposed 2016-2017 SGA Budget Revision. See attachment B.
Senate will discuss the violation of SGA Bylaws Article III, Section 2, Subsection C, “Attendance and active
participation in all SGA sponsored events unless otherwise preapproved by the SGA Senate,” by Vice
President Cheril Gabbidon and the Senate may elect to place the Vice President on probation or find
grounds for removal of office.
Approval of Minutes (For Possible Action)
Senate will discuss the minutes from February 17, 2016 and may elect to edit or amend the minutes. Upon
conclusion of discussion the senate may choose to approve the minutes. See attachment A.
Information Items
SGA Obligations and Requirements
Membership on newly formed TMCC Planning Council
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Auxiliary Services Manager Gary Skibinski will speak to the SGA regarding the LTA Bus Line between TMCC
and UNR
i. On-Campus
1. TMCC SGA The American Cancer Society Kick Butts Day 3-16-16
2. MSJSNA St. Baldricks/Be the Match 3-18-2016
3. TMCC Art Club Win Prizes… Support TMCC Art Club 4-6-2016
4. TMCC Art Club Pop-up-Show 3-30-3-31-2016
5. TMCC SGA The American Cancer Society Kick Butts Day 3-14-16
6. PUSO DC Day 3-31-2016
7. NRAP/TRAP Welcome Back to Recovery @ TMCC 4-4-2016
ii. Off-Campus
1. TMVC Charity Event for Reno Rugby Team 3-12-2016
2. TMCC Art Club Nevada Museum of Art Field Trip 4-9-2016
3. TMVC Veterans Fishapalooza 4-23-16
4. SADHA Squeeze In Dine and Donate 3-24-2016
Open-Education-Resource Update
Committee Reports
i. Activities Committee
ii. Elections Committee
iii. Finance Committee
iv. Operations Committee
President’s Council
Member Reports
i. Spencer Schultz, President
ii. Cheril Gabbidon, Vice President
iii. David Turner, Treasurer
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
iv. Zarah Sevon, Secretary
Ayaka Kimura, Activities Chair
vi. Antonio Gonzalez, Clubs and Organizations Chair
vii. Narumi Kobayashi, Senator-At-Large
viii. Jacob Allen, Senator, Division of Business
ix. Vacant, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts
Lionel Huvaya, Senator, Division of Sciences
xi. Bryanna Gutierrez, Senator, Division of Technical Sciences
Liaison Reports
i. Mailynn Santacruz, TMCC High School Liaison
ii. Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison
Advisor Reports
i. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs
ii. Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist
iii. Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator
Public Comment
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Attachment A.
Student Government Association
S G A S E N AT E M E E T I N G A G E N D A # 1 9
F e b r u a r y 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 a t 2 p . m.
R o o m 1 2 2 , Re d Mo u n t a i n B u i l d i n g
NOTE: Below is an agenda of all scheduled items to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the
agenda may be taken out of order, two or more agenda items may be combined, an agenda item may be removed from
the agenda, and discussion relating to an agenda item may be delayed at any time.
Call to order – President Schultz called the meeting to order at 2:00
Roll Call
Spencer Schultz, President--present
Cheril Gabbidon, Vice President--present
David Turner II, Treasurer--present
Vacant, Secretary
Antonio Gonzalez, Clubs and Organizations Chair--present
Ayaka Kimura, Activities Chair--present
Jacob Allen, Division of Business--present
Lionel Huvaya, Senator, Division of Sciences--absent
Narumi Kobayashi, Senator, Senator-At-Large--present
Timothy D’Ambrosio, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts--present
Bryanna Gutierrez, Senator, Division of Technical Sciences--present
Mailynn Santacruz, TMCC High School Liaison—present (left at 4:31)
m. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs--present
Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist--present
Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator—present (left at 3:26)
Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison--absent
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Guest Recognition (Information)
Public Comment (Information)
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
For Possible Action
On Campus Event Requests:
i. Christian Outreach Club Weekly Campus Activities: Monday Movie Nights in Sierra 108, and Club
booth on Mondays and Tuesdays outside of the library from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. beginning on
January 28, 2016 until May 28, 2016
ii. PUSO Valentine Sale in the Student Center near the café on Thursday, February 11, 2016 from
10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
iii. SADHA Continuing Education Course in the Student Center on Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 8:00
a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
iv. SGA Pop-Up Popcorn event in RDMT 234 on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 through Thursday,
February 18, 2016 from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
SGA Blood Drive in the Student Center on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 through Wednesday,
February 24, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. till 1:45 p.m.
vi. International Club Tabling event in the Cafeteria reoccurring Tuesdays from 12:30 p.m. till 2:00
p.m. beginning February 23, 2016 and ending May 10, 2016
All the events have been approved by the SEM, president’s cabinet, and the Clubs and
Organizations chair Gonzalez.
Senate will discuss a change to the SGA Bylaws, Article VII. Elections, Section 1. Qualifications, subsection
A. Executive Officers, subsection d. “Candidates running for the SGA Secretary position must have
completed English 101 with a “C” grade or better prior to taking office,” to read, “Candidates running for
the SGA Secretary Position must have completed English 101 or English 113 with a “C” grade or better
prior to taking office.”
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Senator Allen advises against including a limiting factor as we already don’t have enough applicants, he then
retracts his commentary. Vice President Gabbidon clarifies that this is already outlined in the bylaws.
Treasurer Turner made a motion to update the requirement taking into effect the fall semester of 2016, seconded
by Senator Allen.
Advisor Joan suggested English 101 or equivalent, Vice President Gabbidon suggests we vote then make another
Treasurer Turner amended motion to include the phrase “or equivalent to” prior to taking office to take in effect in
the fall 2016 which in turn was seconded by senator D’ambrosio. Passed by a majority vote.
Senate will discuss an addition to the SGA Bylaws, Article VII. Elections, Section 1. Qualifications,
subsection A. Executive Officers, new subsection g., to read “Candidates running for the SGA Treasurer
position must have completed Math 120 or Math 126 with a “C” grade or better prior to taking office.”
Treasurer Turner agreed because the treasurer is in charge of money and should know how to handle interest rate.
Vice President Gabbidon said Math 96 should suffice college level competence Clubs & organizations chair agreed with
Treasurer Turner because small mistakes can be detrimental Treasurer Allen disagreed and doesn’t want so many
obstacles the bigger issue is when no one runs due to qualification issues. Treasurer Turner insisted that math 120 or
127 needed for every degree. Senator D’Ambrosio disagreed and Advisor Joan pointed out that math 120 126 are not
required for every degree program. Vice President Gabbidon clarified that one can graduate with a D in math 126 and
Advisor Shimabuku opined that one needs only basic math; they just need to know how to not mess up spreadsheet-specifically just know how to add, subtract, be detail oriented and keep track of things as it is not often that interest
has to be calculated. Treasurer Turner said that it should be math 96 and Senator D’ambrosio added that it is a fair
compromise and Liasion Santacruz suggested we add the phrase “or equivalent” Treasurer Turner made motion to
approve bylaw changes that the treasurer should complete math 96 with a “C” grade or better or equivalent to take in
effect fall 2016, Seconded y Senator D’ambrosio. Senator Allen added that stipulations make people feel left out and is
thus going to vote ney, Treasurer Turner suggested that if one is not doing well in math, they should not be treasurer.
The motion passed by majority vote President Shultz and Senator Allen voted ney.
Senate will discuss the violation of SGA Bylaws Article IV, Section 3, subsection A. “Eight (8) direct service
hours in the office or while conducting official SGA business during the fall and spring semesters,” by
Senator for the Division of Sciences Lionel Huvaya and may elect to place the Senator on probation or find
grounds for removal from office
The senate continued to discuss the possible removal from office of Senator Huvaya and was finally decided because
he had been spoken to by 3 different executive board members and his behavior did not change.
Treasurer Turner motioned to put Senator Huvaya on probation, seconded by Senator Allen. Treasurer Turner
motioned to amend previous motion to remove Senator Huvaya from office and was seconded by Clubs and
Organizations chair Gonzalez. Original motion dies by majority vote. Motion to remove senator of sciences for an
infraction of bylaws previous semester fall 2016 seconded by Clubs and Organizations chair Gonzalez passed by a
majority vote and 1 ney.
President Schultz called for a 5 minute recess at 3:04.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
The meeting was readjourned at 3:10.
Senate will discuss making every Wednesday of the Semester TMCC Spirit Day and may choose to enact a
policy to market and distribute information regarding spirit day
The Senate discussed the possibility of spirit day and decided they would include incentives such as book
store scholarships and the marketing and publicity plan. Vice President Gabbidon motioned to make every
Tuesday spirit day and was seconded by Senator Gutierrez, passed by a unanimous vote.
Advisor Shimabuku left at 3:26
Proposed SGA budget revision. See attachment A.
Senator Allen motioned to approve the budget and was seconded by Senator D’ambrosio, it passed by
unanimous vote.
w. Senate will discuss and vote upon a recommendation from Clubs and Organizations Chair Antonio Gonzalez
to update the SGA Club/Organization Accounts and Fundraising Procedures page located on the SGA
Website. See attachment B.
It was determined that we cannot use Student Government Association funds for political/religious entities
but other funds ie: fundraising are ok. Clubs and Organizations chair Gonzalez motioned to approve
recommendation to update procedures and was seconded by Senator Allen and passed by a unanimous
Approval of Minutes (For Possible Action)
Senate will discuss the minutes from January 6th, 2016 and may choose to amend or edit the minutes. Upon
conclusion of discussion the Senate may choose to approve the minutes. See attachment C.
Treasurer Turner moved to approve minutes pending editing by Vice President Gabbidon Seconded by Senator
Allen and passed by a unanimous vote.
Information Items
Senate will discuss creation of an award for the High School Liaison position
The senate discussed the possibility of a scholarship as an incentive for the liason. Treasurer Turner
suggested they should fulfill 4 hours a week, and would receive about $500 per semester and $1100 per
year. Pending is the senate reaching out to foundation in order to look into the scholarship possibility.
Committee Reports
i. Activities Committee—The next meeting will be on Monday at 10 am.
ii. Elections Committee—Friday is the elections application deadline and we want more people to
apply. The goal is to get at least one person to apply per position.
iii. Finance Committee—Met with Nicole on Friday to figure out everything by March 2nd.
iv. Operations Committee—Is meeting on the 26th at 10 am and have 5 possible bylaw changes.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
President’s Council—There has been a lot of involvement, happy with the outcomes.
Member Reports
i. Spencer Schultz, President—Has been working on agendas, is getting some regularity back, is
happy that there is student recognition of the Student government.
ii. Cheril Gabbidon, Vice President—Is making lots of fliers on marketing. Is working on Activities
meeting minutes and for the rest of week will be talking to people, and will get computers to apply
at tabling.
President Schultz gave the gavel to Vice President Gabbidon at 4:22 and President Schultz left and
came back and took gavel back at 4:25.
iii. David Turner, Treasurer—Is working on wellness week, got in hours timesheet and will make
separate spreadsheet for volunteer hours. Wellness week is on March 7 and 8 at the student center
10 am - 2 pm. Will include different departments and different services such as counseling, fitness
center, suicide prevention, academic advisiong, career center, student resources, renown, Washoe
county health district, substance abuse, power and culture Zumba instructor, wizards trail 2k fun
walk will be on March 9th 11 am – 3pm, on Thursday March 10th there will be inflatable obstacle
courses and those who participate will be entered in to win a $150 book scholarship. The Student
Government will provide fruit.
iv. Vacant, Secretary
Ayaka Kimura, Activities Chair—IS working on the bloodrive, wellness week, and the club fair.
vi. Antonio Gonzalez, Clubs and Organizations Chair—Working on the club fair.
vii. Narumi Kobayashi, Senator-At-Large— Has been at the elections table, shared a video, and will be
at a meeting at the career center on Friday.
viii. Jacob Allen, Senator, Division of Business—Made a journey to Meadowood talked about elections
because people knew we existed but need to know that we care about other places. He tabled for
elections and the bloodrive and is prepping for speech to NSHE community college a week from
ix. Timothy D’Ambrosio, Senator, Division of Liberal Arts—Has been working with facilities discussing a
possible student garden, briefly attended poverty counsel, working with professors OER and
teachers have lots of questions, would like more information regarding quiz monkey, working on a
secret project, tabling for elections, and presented to a class.
Lionel Huvaya, Senator, Division of Sciences no longer senator, absent
xi. Bryanna Gutierrez, Senator, Division of Technical Sciences—Got Brandy Scarnati to post
announcement on web canvas regarding elections and web course, working on minutes and the
aa. Liaison Reports
i. Mailynn Santacruz, TMCC High School Liaison—no report left at 4:31
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
ii. Valerie Lambert, Financial Aid Liaison absent
bb. Advisor Reports
i. Joan Steinman, Director of Retention and Support Programs—Is getting notes from poverty
meeting resource team for the meeting February 26th, working on a flier, and a choreography for
ii. Ralph McMullen, SGA Specialist—Just wrapping up for elections.
iii. Nicole Shimabuku, Student Activities and Leadership Coordinator absent left at 3:26
Public Comment
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
President Schultz wished happy birthday to Clubs and Organizations Chair Gonzalez.
Seantor Allen reminded everyone to get out and vote
Vice President Gabbidon offered to help with marketing and reminded everyone to rsvp for facebook events
Adjourn President Schultz adjourned the meeting at 4:56pm
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Attachment B.
Student Government Association FY 2016 Budget (Approved 2/17/16)
Tuition and Fees
Transfers In
SGA $30,400.00
Students (1.5%)
LOA (6%)
Board of Regents Meetings
SGA Conference (4 students)
Advisor Conference
Grad BBQ
SGA Training
Closing Banquet
Day Planners $10,328.00
SGA Promotional Giveaways
Office Supplies/Supplies Other
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016
Senate Meeting Agenda 03/16/2016
Professional Org Membership
SGA Training
Voluntary Transfers Out
Activities Committee $10,300.00
(+1000 for Diversity Fair.)
RTC Bus Passes $14,000.00
Club/Organization Recognition
Closing Account Balance FY15
Pull from reserves for 2015-2016
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at www.tmcc.edu/sga. To request disability accommodation, contact the
Disability Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 10/5/2015; Rev: 3/10/2016