E L E C T I O N S ...

Student Government Association
March 28, 2016, at 9:00am
R o o m 1 2 2 , Re d Mo u n t a i n B u i l d i n g
Note: Below is an agenda of all scheduled items to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda
may be taken out of order, two or more agenda items may be combined, an agenda item may be removed from the
agenda, and discussion relating to an agenda item may be delayed at any time.
Call to order:
Roll Call (Introduction of New Members):
Ralph McMullen, Chair
Tony Futia, Student at Large
Cheril Gabbidon, SGA Vice President
Jacob Allen, SGA Division of Business
Deborah Echoles, Student at Large
Kraig Mickey, Student at Large
Guest Recognition (Information):
Public Comment (Information):
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or it the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
Information Items:
Updates SGA Elections: Nicole Shimabuku, Coordinator Student Activities & Leadership
Updates SGA Marketing: Cheril Gabbidon, SGA Vice President
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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SGA Election Committee Meeting Agenda 03/28/16
For Possible Action:
Determine debate questions to be asked of the candidates at the SGA Elections Candidate Debate (see
attachment A).
Determine items to add to the SGA Elections Ballot (See attachment B).
Consideration of current SGA Election Rules for possible changes or reaffirming of last year’s Rules
i. Filing
1. In order to run for an SGA office, you must file an official application form for that position.
Filing states that you agree to have your name appear on the ballot. In order to file, you
need to complete an application, and return it to the SGA office by the deadline. Late
applications will not be accepted.
2. You may not run for more than one position.
3. If, after filing the application, you decide not to run for the office, you must officially
withdraw from the election by signing a withdrawal statement
ii. Campaigning
1. The current campaigning period is outlined on this Web page.
2. Campaigning is defined as: anything that promotes the election of a candidate to any
Student Government Association elective office.
3. Voting is a private and confidential activity. Candidates or candidate representatives must
allow students to vote independently of candidate influence and/or assistance.
4. All campaign literature must be in support of an individual candidate. Foul language,
untruthful or misleading statements, and offensive or obscene images are absolutely not
permitted on campaigning materials. Negative campaigning is not allowed. The Student
Activities and Leadership Coordinator has the authority to determine whether material is
inappropriate or offensive. Appeals regarding this rule will be handled by the SGA Elections
5. Candidates are not allowed to remove, cover, or deface other candidates’ campaign
6. Although the SGA discourages such activities, the SGA does not accept responsibility for
campaign materials that are removed or defaced. SGA is not liable or responsible for any
untruthful or offensive statements made about candidates by other candidates, students,
or employees of the College.
7. Campaign materials may not be placed on car windshields or any part of vehicles. Marking
on campus chalkboards and dry erase boards is not permitted.
8. All candidates must comply with campus policies and procedures to post or distribute
literature on campus. If you wish to post fliers, you must only post them on designated
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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bulletin boards, and have them approved through the Information Desk (RDMT 315). A
candidate may only place one flier (up to 11/17 inches) per bulletin board.
9. Note: Bulletin boards marked “departmental use only” may not be used for campaign
postings. Campaign materials may not be placed on walls, windows or in the art galleries
or restrooms. All campaign materials require visible contact information including name
and the SGA’s phone number.
10. Campaigning may not occur in any way that disrupts classes or TMCC events. Campaigning
may occur in class only with approval from the class instructor.
11. TMCC clubs and organizations, and departments may endorse candidates.
12. Current SGA elected officers may endorse candidates; however, they may not endorse
candidates at any time in the SGA office area, during official SGA events, or while doing
any official SGA business, including meetings and office hours. SGA elected officers must
remove any campaign materials from view while in the SGA office or while doing any
official SGA business, this includes stickers, t-shirts, buttons, etc. visible on their person or
belongings. In addition, no SGA equipment or supplies including, paper, computers,
workspaces, etc. may be used for endorsing candidates.
13. No campaigning of any type will be allowed in the Student Government Association office.
14. All candidates must adhere to Appendix L in the College Catalog.
15. Candidates must remove all campaign materials including flyers, posters, chalkings, etc. by
the deadlines posted for the current campaign period.
Consideration of Proposed SGA Election Time Table changes for possible action
i. January 25-February 19, 2016 – Accepting Applications
ii. February 22, 2016 – Candidates Informed of Filing Status
iii. March 3, 2016, 10am – 12pm – Mandatory Applicant Meeting
iv. March 4, 2016, 12am – 2pm – Mandatory Applicant Meeting
March 7 – April 15, 2016 – SGA Elections Campaigning
vi. March 29, 2016, 10am – 2pm – SGA Elections Candidate Fair
vii. March 31, 2016, 12pm – 2pm – SGA Elections Candidate Debate
viii. April 4 – 15, 2016 – SGA Elections
ix. April 22, 2016 – Results Announced
April 25 – May 18, 2016 – Mandatory Shadowing / Attend SGA Senate Meetings
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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SGA Election Committee Meeting Agenda 03/28/16
Approval of Minutes (For Possible Action)
Senate will discuss the minutes from March 07, 2016 and may elect to edit or amend the minutes. Upon
conclusion of discussion the senate may choose to approve the minutes. See attachment A.
Public Comment:
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Rev.: 3/15/2016
SGA Election Committee Meeting Agenda 03/28/16
Attachment A.
Student Government Association
March 7, 2016, at 9:00am
R o o m 1 2 2 , Re d Mo u n t a i n B u i l d i n g
Note: Below is an agenda of all scheduled items to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda
may be taken out of order, two or more agenda items may be combined, an agenda item may be removed from the
agenda, and discussion relating to an agenda item may be delayed at any time.
Call to order:
Roll Call (Introduction of New Members):
Ralph McMullen, Chair—present
Tony Futia, Student at Large--present
Cheryl Gabbidon, SGA Vice President—present
Jacob Allen, SGA Division of Business—present
Deborah Echoles, Student at Large—present
Kraig Mickey, Student at Large—present
Guest Recognition (Information):
Bernard Sawyer, Zarah Sevon, David Turner, Michael McCormick, Joan, Mailynn
Public Comment (Information):
Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item
until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to
two minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and
to spell their last name. The chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when
that agenda item is being considered. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the
Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a
topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the SGA, or it the content is willfully disruptive of the
meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal
attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
Information Items:
Updates SGA Elections: Nicole Shimabuku, Coordinator Student Activities & Leadership
She talked about the flyer and creating a voter guide so students could be aware of who the candidates
Updates SGA Marketing: Cheril Gabbidon, SGA Vice President
Allen, Echoles.
Approval of Minutes February 22, 2016 (For Possible Action):
The committee will discuss and make possible correction to the minutes.
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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SGA Election Committee Meeting Agenda 03/28/16
For Possible Action:
Consideration of current SGA Election Rules for possible changes or reaffirming of last years Rules
i. Filling
1. In order to run for an SGA office, you must file an official application form for that position.
Filing states that you agree to have your name appear on the ballot. In order to file, you
need to complete an application, and return it to the SGA office by the deadline. Late
applications will not be accepted.
2. You may not run for more than one position.
3. If, after filing the application, you decide not to run for the office, you must officially
withdraw from the election by signing a withdrawal statement
ii. Campaigning
1. The current campaigning period is outlined on this Web page.
2. Campaigning is defined as: anything that promotes the election of a candidate to any
Student Government Association elective office.
3. Voting is a private and confidential activity. Candidates or candidate representatives must
allow students to vote independently of candidate influence and/or assistance.
4. All campaign literature must be in support of an individual candidate. Foul language,
untruthful or misleading statements, and offensive or obscene images are absolutely not
permitted on campaigning materials. Negative campaigning is not allowed. The Student
Activities and Leadership Coordinator has the authority to determine whether material is
inappropriate or offensive. Appeals regarding this rule will be handled by the SGA Elections
5. Candidates are not allowed to remove, cover, or deface other candidates’ campaign
6. Although the SGA discourages such activities, the SGA does not accept responsibility for
campaign materials that are removed or defaced. SGA is not liable or responsible for any
untruthful or offensive statements made about candidates by other candidates, students,
or employees of the College.
7. Campaign materials may not be placed on car windshields or any part of vehicles. Chalking
marking on campus chalkboards or dry erase boards is not permitted.
8. All candidates must comply with campus policies and procedures to post or distribute
literature on campus. If you wish to post fliers, you must only post them on designated
bulletin boards, and have them approved through the Information Desk (RDMT 315). A
candidate may only place one flier (up to 11/17 inches) per bulletin board.
9. Note: Bulletin boards marked “departmental use only” may not be used for campaign
postings. Campaign materials may not be placed on walls, windows or in the art galleries
or restrooms. All campaign materials require visible contact information including name
and the SGA’s phone number.
10. Campaigning may not occur in any way that disrupts classes or TMCC events. Campaigning
may occur in class only with approval from the class instructor or at TMCC events with
approval from the event coordinator.
11. TMCC clubs and organizations, and departments may endorse candidates.
12. Current SGA elected officers may endorse candidates; however, they may not endorse
candidates at any time in the SGA office area, during official SGA events, or while doing
any official SGA business, including meetings and office hours. SGA elected officers must
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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remove any campaign materials from view while in the SGA office or while doing any
official SGA business, this includes stickers, t-shirts, buttons, etc. visible on their person or
belongings. In addition, no SGA equipment or supplies including, paper, computers,
workspaces, etc. may be used for endorsing candidates.
13. No campaigning of any type will be allowed in the Student Government Association office.
14. All candidates must adhere to Appendix L in the College Catalog.
15. Candidates must remove all campaign materials including flyers, posters, chalkings, etc. by
the deadlines posted for the current campaign period.
Consideration of Proposed SGA Election Time Table changes for possible action
i. January 25-February 19, 2016 – Accepting Applications
ii. February 22, 2016 – Candidates Informed of Filing Status
iii. March 3, 2016, 10am – 12pm – Mandatory Applicant Meeting
iv. March 4, 2016, 12am – 2pm – Mandatory Applicant Meeting
March 7 – April 15, 2016 – SGA Elections Campaigning
vi. March 30, 2016, 12pm – 2pm – SGA Elections Candidate Fair
vii. March 31, 2016, 12pm – 2pm – SGA Elections Candidate Debate (optional)
viii. April 4 – 15, 2016 – SGA Elections
ix. April 22, 2016 – Results Announced
April 25 – May 18, 2016 – Mandatory Shadowing / Attend SGA Senate Meetings
1. Gabbidon, Futia
Determine if SGA Secretary Candidate Sawyer Bernhard meets qualifications to run for SGA Secretary.
Qualifications include possessing a minimum GPA of 2.25 and having completed English 101 with a “C”
grade or better prior to taking office.
Determine items to add to the elections ballot
i. 1.75 GPA without having taken Eng. 98 or Eng. 101
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: Chair adjourned at 10:05 am
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Attachment B.
SGA Elections Candidate Debate Questions
What does student leadership mean to you?
Have you had any prior leadership positions and how will you use that experience to serve the students of TMCC?
If you are elected, what would be the first project you would work on?
How do you plan to use feedback to better serve the students?
Vice President
Why is it important to communicate SGA matters
As Vice President it is your duty to uphold and maintain the SGA documents. You find out that an SGA member is
in violation of the bylaws. How do you handle the situation?
What is your experience managing a budget? (Treasurer)
The Activities Chair comes to you and asks for an increase to the activities budget but the annual budget for the
year has already been approved. How will you handle this situation?
As the SGA Secretary, you would be required to take the minutes for each Senate meeting. What experience do
you have keeping notes and maintaining records?
Another SGA member asks you for help on their project. Meanwhile you have not finished editing the minutes from
the last meeting and they are supposed to be turned in. How do you handle this situation?
Activities Chair
If elected, what activities do you plan to host?
How do you plan to collaborate with clubs and departments on campus to create activities for students?
Clubs and Organizations Chair
How do you plan to collaborate with the clubs and organizations on campus?
A club turns in an event request after the required deadline, and the Activities Chair wants to cancel the event.
How will you help the club to resolve the situation?
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Senator At-Large
How do you plan to connect students with TMCC Student Services?
If a student comes to you with complaints about the SGA, how would you respond to the student and how would
you handle information?
Senator for Division of Business, Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Technical Sciences
What do you think could be improved in the division you represent?
If a student comes to you with a concern about one of their classes, how do you respond?
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Attachment C.
SGA Ballot Questions
The Associated Students of University of Nevada (ASUN) charge $5 per credit in student fees to provide services
and activities. The TMCC Student Government (SGA) charges $0.50 per credit. Would you be in favor of an
increase to this student fee to provide additional services and activities in the amount of:
No increase
The TMCC Student Government works with a limited budget each year. Which area do you believe merits additional
Club funding
Enhanced transit services
Student media
TMCC gear giveaways
Would you be interested in a greater TMCC specific media presence? (ie. radio, newspaper, weekly videos, etc.)
What types of SGA events and activities would you like to see more of on campus? (Select all that apply)
Food trucks
Physical fitness
Outdoor (i.e. obstacle course, water slide)
Movie nights
TMCC currently contracts the bookstore and cafeteria to private companies. Do you believe that TMCC students
should have a role in negotiating such contracts?
Are you satisfied with the current ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) services on campus (ie. automatic doors,
accessibility, etc.)?
Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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Agendas are posted outside of RDMT122, outside of SIER 100, outside of VSTB B200, E.L. Cord Child Care Center outside of Rm.103, and online at sga.tmcc.edu. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability
Resource Center at least ten days in advance at: 775-673-7277; fax 775-673-7207; email drc@tmcc.edu; RDMT 114.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
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