P R E S I D E N T ’... S e p t e m be r 22 ,...

Office of the President
September 22, 2014
In attendance: Elena Bubnova, Dr. Kyle Dalpe, Ron Marston, Dr. Jane Nichols, Robyn
Powers, Dr. Barbara Sanders, and Dr. Rachel Solemsaas
Enrollment Update – Elena Bubnova and Dr. Kyle Dalpe
• Enrollment Report – Elena
Elena reported there was not much change and they are close to finalizing the
enrollment numbers for Fall. FTE Enrollment is down approximately 1%, while total
headcount remained flat.
They would be looking at some barriers, particularly communication regarding math
ACCUPLACER test scores.
Discussion followed regarding communication related to the FN’s. There was a desire
to send out a reminder to Faculty about the importance of the attendance dates.
• Enrollment Management – Kyle
Kyle relayed the Enrollment Management Team would be meeting soon. They would
be discussing enrollment strategies, how to implement goals, and hearing updates
from Student Services.
Community Partnership Questions – Dr. Kyle Dalpe
• Credit Union
• Education Alliance
• Others
Kyle shared that the Washoe County Educational Alliance would be holding a meeting
at the Dandini Campus on Wednesday. TMCC would also be hosting a two-day WCSD
professional development session on Friday and Saturday of this week.
He asked for input regarding a request from Greater Nevada Credit Union to have
more presence on campus and possible future partnership. Rachel was happy to share
the information with the Financial Literacy Committee, they get a number of similar
requests. Jane felt more of these types of professional partnerships give the College a
more mature feel. It was a good connection to the community and could be used as a
student outreach opportunity.
Page 1 of 2; President’s Cabinet Notes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 9/25/2014; Rev: 9/25/2014
Kyle said that with recent media exposures, TMCC was getting more and more of
these types of requests. The Office of the President recently turned down a proposal
from the City of Reno for a Buy Local event, due to lack of manpower and resources.
There was another request coming from the Challenger Space Program. They were
speaking to both TMCC and UNR regarding use of space at the Redfield site. Jane
thought this was an excellent opportunity and felt the program fit in well with TMCC.
It would also be a way to expose local young school children to TMCC, a form of early
recruitment. Jane felt these types of public/private partnerships are important and
suggested a meeting be held with both UNR and TMCC with the Challenger
representatives to better define the request.
Academic and Student Affairs Planning Report – Dr. Jane Nichols
Jane provided a hand-out (2105-19 Academic and Student Services Planning Report)
that was very aggressive with the inclusion of four BAS programs. All of the programs
outlined were workforce development related. Discussion followed regarding some
minor revisions.
New Semester Schedules – Dr. Jane Nichols
Jane passed around the Academic Innovations Taskforce Proposal, which breaks down
traditional Fall and Spring sessions into three or four mini-sessions. This would be an
attempt to rush into offering Late Start courses. It would just institutionalize the
practice the College is already following. It was an opportunity to offer more of the
key courses students were looking for i.e. math, humanities, etc. There would be a
need to look at how to properly implement the different sessions into PeopleSoft and
come up with names for each session that clearly identifies what it is. Ron Marston
suggested using some type of identifier in the course name.
Jump Start Proposal – Dr. Jane Nichols
Jane shared the Dual Credit TMCC Jump Start Proposal. She was hoping to start the
program on a limited basis in the Spring. Classes would be offered to high school
Junior and Senior students, most of which would be online courses. Communications
would need to be sent out to the high school principals before the November break as
it took a little while to get the paperwork in order as each student needed to have
their respective principal sign off on the request. The cost to the student would be $50
per course. Discussion followed regarding additional needs to get the program up and
running, possible cost sharing with the Washoe County School District, and how to
structure courses to allow room for high school students first. Jane hoped to have a
more robust version ready for Fall 2015. Kyle said he would like to have something
ready to hand out at the Washoe County School District training scheduled for Friday.
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 9/25/2014