P R E S I D E N T ’... F e b r u ar y 1 3 ,...


Office of the President

P R E S I D E N T ’ S A D V I S O R Y C O U N C I L N O T E S

F e b r u ar y 1 3 , 2 0 1 2

Council Membership: President Maria Sheehan, Dave Boden, Elena Bubnova, Mona Concha-Buckheart, Kyle

Dalpe, Armida Fruzzetti, Janice Grover, Toni Hippert, Estela Levario-Gutierrez, Fred Lokken, Karen Magstadt,

Michele Meador, Jeffrey Metcalf, Julie Muhle, Michelle Noel, Inita Porter, Melanie Purdy, Craig Scott, Pat Slavin,

Rachel Solemsaas, John Tuthill, Barbara Wright-Sanders, Sharon Wurm, Steve Zideck Absent: Scott Gaddis,

Michael Hartman, Paula Lee Hobson, Ron Marston, Dave Roberts, and Phil Smilanick. Guests: Thomas Kearns.


Review of Faculty Recruitment Plan (Handout Ref #1) President Sheehan

• Board of Regents is concerned that there is a lack of diversity across the state in higher education

• The NSHE Presidents are looking at all diversity plans

• TMCC does not have a diversity point person

• Recruiting positions needs to be more than just post job announcements, need to be proactive

• Need to explore teaching fellowships

• TMCC needs to create a centralized diversity office

• A TMCC diversity webpage will be created in near future

• Advertise openings more aggressively

• TMCC must be able to defend this initiative

• With the hiring of 13 new faculty positions, this Plan must move forward – in order to recruit, hire, mentor and retain full-time faculty

• Some pipelines are more difficult to hire diverse faculty due to the nature of the discipline

• Must show the Board of Regents that every possible effort is being made to recruit minorities at TMCC


Next Steps for Search Committee Responsibilities Michele Meador

• Dr. Jackie Stark (Maricopa System) will facilitate three, 2-hour interactive diversity training sessions on

March 1, and 2. For anyone serving on a search committee, this diversity training is mandatory.

• Chairs will be required to attend an additional one-hour training session

• Should a search committee member be attending the Board of Regents meeting, they may make up the training with Michele

• Michele will meet with each search committee, specifically with chairs to discuss what to look for

• Currently these are expectations only for academic and administrative faculty positions, however, classified positions should also be the same even though they are not included in “The Plan”

• Faculty position announcements (13 positions) will close on March 6, 2012

• Diversity means a lot of different things, i.e. experiences, etc.

• An email will be sent out today by Michele Meador related to the search committee requirements

• The question was asked whether TMCC could fund either a .5 FTE or full-time diversity position

• TMCC needs a point person to track its diversity actions, however, must ensure that this office is valueadded with a point of action to define the office function and expectations

• The Plan is not about quotas/hiring practices, but about our culture

• Barbara Sanders will be the point of contact for now

Page 1 of 2; President's Advisory Council Notes Rev.: 3/15/2012

TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.


Moving Nevada Forward: A Plan for Excellence in Economic Development (Document posted to President’s Webpage under Announcements) President Sheehan

• Governor Sandoval presented an economic plan to move Nevada Forward – including Complete College

America (CCA)

• TMCC has 5 of the 7 business sectors

• Meeting with Steve Hill to be scheduled (Governor’s Economic Development Office)

• President Sheehan serves on the EDAWN Board and will present a message related to economic development and how TMCC is integral, the focus will be on these 5 areas


Structural Review Briefing (Handout Ref #4 and #4a)

• Power Point presentation – see handout

Rachel Solemsaas

• Please provide any feedback to Vice President Solemsaas

• Structural review specifically of the Budget Office, Controllers, Central Services


Taskforces for Business Process Improvement Grants/Contracts and Space/

Technology Allocation (Ref #5)

• Handout

Rachel Solemsaas

• Goal: improve business process efforts

• Grants and Contracts: plan of action is to streamline the process on how we do our revenues and expenditure contracts, processing payments and receivables

• Focus on space: needs coordination of resources


New Items

Formula Funding:

President Sheehan

• Impacting Institutional Research staff and Finance staff with numerous inquiries on how TMCC is counting everything

• Specialist speaking to Council of Presidents meeting re: Formula funding

• Need to define “basic skills”

• Determination of all media specialists to work together about crafting a uniform message for NSHE is being worked on

• Time to make impact and push messages prior to the next legislative session in 2013

• No longer about FTE, but about degrees, certificates, completions


• Chancellor wants a strong commitment to ACT with community college entrance requirement to include

ACT test scores

• More ACT workshops forthcoming

• Emphasis: major school districts to move to an instrument which tells students where they are

• Proficiency Testing is shown not to be a good indicator of how students are doing (10 th grade level test)

• Look to Department of Education to change from proficiency testing to ACT testing to help with placing students into courses

• Lyon County School District is using ACT this year for their students

Next Meeting: March 12, 2012

Page 2 of 2; President's Advisory Council Notes Rev.: 3/15/2012

TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
