P R E S I D E N T ’... N o v e m b e r ...


Office of the President

P R E S I D E N T ’ S A D V I S O R Y C O U N C I L N O T E S

N o v e m b e r 2 5 , 2 0 1 3

In attendance: President Maria Sheehan, Thomas Dobbert, Armida Fruzzetti, Julia Hammett,

Janice Kruper, Fred Lokken, Tommie Guy, Andy Hughes, Julie Muhle, Jane Nichols, Inita Porter,

Dave Roberts, Pat Slavin, Rachel Solemsaas, Francis Talbot, and Sharon Wurm. Excused: Estela

Levario-Gutierrez. Absent: John Adlish Guests: Rick Gruber, Randy Flocchini, other TMCC Police

Department personnel


Special Acknowledgement – President Sheehan


President Sheehan presented a Certificate of Commendation to TMCC police officer Rick

Gruber. Officer Gruber, while off duty, detained two robbery suspects, recovered stolen property and a weapon from a store robbery.


Salary Equity Study Committee Update – Dr. Rachel Solemsaas


Dr. Solemsaas reported that a consultant, UM Global HR LP, has been hired to perform a salary equity study. A Position Description Questionnaire will be sent out to all academic and administrative faculty. Once the Questionnaires are completed, the position descriptions will then be reviewed and considered for appropriate salary placement for each position to ascertain whether an equity adjustment is necessary.


Enrollment Strategies – Dr. Kyle Dalpe


Wintersession and Spring

Registration for both Wintersession and Spring Semester opened on November 20. Dr.

Dalpe reported that over 50% of seats are full for Wintersession as of this date. Spring registration is moving ahead – currently at 2500 FTE. Facilities placed posters in every classroom advertising registration for both sessions. b.


Amazon contacted the College to inform that they have an employee tuition reimbursement program – they will pay only up to an Associates degree.


One-Year Hire Procedures (Ref #4) – Dr. Jane Nichols


Dr. Nichols reported on procedures for one-year hires and provided a detailed handout. A national search is not required, therefore, saving additional dollars, and expediting the hiring process. The one-year hires will not extend beyond one year. These procedures are posted on the Vice President of Academic Affairs webpage.


Budget Reduction Committee Update – Dr. Jane Nichols


Dr. Nichols reported that the Committee last met on November 21 and the committee went through the list of possible budget cuts and identified actual cost savings, i.e. shutting down computers each night could save the college $8K/annually; implement a fee-based health

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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.

Created: 12/20/2013; Rev: 12/20/2013

clinic; and contract buy-outs. The December Committee meeting will be looking at vacancy savings. The Committee will provide a plan to the President in January/February.


Merit Pay Update (Ref#6) – Ron Marston


Ron provided a timeline and motions from the Merit Pay Committee. The merit pay survey results from both academic and administrative faculty were presented at the November 22

Faculty Senate Meeting. A new timeline will be established through the spring semester. The committee will draft a new policy for review at a future President’s Advisory Council meeting.

A second survey is being sent out today, November 25. Any changes to the TMCC Bylaws must be approved by the Chancellor.


Policy Reviews (Ref#7a-e) – Pat Slavin


Pat brought new policies to the Council for consideration and comment. Please see the references for policy content. a.

Second reading: i.

Grade Replacement Policy (Ref#7a)


No discussion b.

First reading: i.

Exercise of Rights of Citizenship Policy (Ref#7b)


Deletion of policy which will be replaced by new policy ii.

Right to Assembly (Ref#7c)

This policy and the procedures were reviewed by legal counsel, John Albrecht.

Some questions were asked about formalizing the designated area in the northeast section of the Plaza. Additional questions asked were:


Should there be a designation of how close a group can assemble near a building?


Define “public forum”


Any constraints placed in order to protect the college?


Limit size of signage?


Child Care Center closeness to designated area?


More restriction with regard to impeding passage?


Include inclement weather information?


Limit on number of days to assemble? iii.

Travel Policy (Ref#7d)


Edits due to restructure of Budget Office. Travel used to be managed from the Controller’s Office and was recently moved under the Budget Office. iv.

Rules for Naming buildings, rooms and public spaces for all TMCC facilities



Policy calls for creating a committee to review current building names and streamlining the process and procedures for maintaining the official names of buildings. Legal review if necessary and ensure Board approval.

Pat will bring back all polices for either a final or a second reading.


Required Enrollment Steps and Strategies for Recruitment to WCSD – Sharon Wurm


Sharon reported that TMCC will provide applications, ACCUPLACER testing and FASFA workshops for WCSD students at their schools. TMCC will train the high school career techs.

Orientation will be either at TMCC or online.

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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.

Rev.: 12/20/2013


President’s Office Consolidation – President Sheehan


President Sheehan reported that Dr. Kyle Dalpe will be moving over to the President’s Office in January as the Associate Dean/Chief of Staff. Dr. Dalpe will continue in his current responsibilities and taking on additional duties as well, i.e. government relations; cultivating public and private partnerships; serving on community Boards to help with serving business needs; handling student issues; and handling internal communications, etc. Kate Kirkpatrick will manage PIO.


Commencement Change of Venue – President Sheehan


President Sheehan reported that we have outgrown the Reno-Sparks Convention Center for our Commencement. We will be changing our venue to the Grand Sierra Resort (GSR). The

GSR has graciously reserved a block of hotel rooms for guests of graduates and reduced the room rates. The GSR has also waived the convention room fees.

December Agenda:

Due to the time of the year with finals, the December meeting will be shortened. Below are the two agenda items for the December 9 meeting:


Policies readings (first, second and final readings)


Enrollment Update

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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.

Rev.: 12/20/2013
