P R E S I D E N T ’... M a r c h 1 0 , ...

Office of the President
March 10, 2014
In attendance: President Maria Sheehan, John Adlish, Kyle Dalpe, Thomas Dobbert, Tommie Guy,
Julia Hammett, Andy Hughes, Janice Kruper, Estela Levario-Gutierrez, Fred Lokken, Julie Muhle,
Jane Nichols, Inita Porter, Dave Roberts, Rachel Solemsaas, and Sharon Wurm. Absent: Armida
Fruzzetti, Jeffrey Metcalf, and Stephanie Prevost. Excused: Phil Smilanick.
1. Facilities Master Plan Update (Dandini) – Dave Roberts, Teresa Golden, Architects
Dr. Solemsaas introduced Mr. Lee Murray and Mr. Max Hershenow of H&K Architects. They
had been working in the Master Plan Update and were in the midst of the second phase. A
final Master Plan Update campus form was planned for March 28th.
Mr. Murray and Mr. Hershenow gave a presentation summarizing phase one and introducing
phase two. Phase two was broken into five parts: Traffic and Pedestrian Flow; Access/Egress;
Parking; Landscape and Lighting; and Future Considerations. Mr. Lee reviewed the
recommendations for each TMCC location. Mr. Hershenow outlined what projects had been
identified in this phase: Events Center; Red Mountain Building North Entrance; Dandini
Student Center; Dandini Learning Center; and Fine Arts Center.
2. Merit Pay Report Update –Ron Marston and Tommie Guy (ACTION ITEM)
Faculty Senate Chairman Ron Marston gave a presentation on the progress of the Merit Pay
Committee. They had focused areas on three areas: Merit Award Policy; Evaluation Tools; and
Appeals Process. Mr. Marston provided a handout containing the draft policy and proposed
revisions to the NFA contract.
Discussion followed regarding the deadline of June 16th. There were concerns that the timeline
was too tight and not workable. Mr. Marston explained that it was necessary to determine the
amount that would be disbursed. He said he would talk with Michelle Meador to look at the
dates again. Dr. Solemsaas offered a suggestion of doing the distribution later and making it
retroactive to July 1. Mr. Marston explained the Appeals Process would have to be addressed
in Article 13 of the NFA contract.
Discussion followed regarding whether or not this item could be fast tracked as the changes to
the policy needed to be in place in order to make changes to the NFA contract. There were no
recommended changes from the Council. The only change would be the addition of a
definition of who is affected by the policy. Dr. Sheehan asked everyone to get the proposed
changes out to their constituents right away. Any comments or considerations should be
directed to Mr. Marston. By collecting comments this way, the Council would be able to
conduct a final hearing in April. Information will be sent to the college community via email
for feedback.
3. Financial Literacy Update (Ref#3) – Dr. Rachel Solemsaas, Sharon Wurm, Jeannette
Mrs. Sharon Wurm introduced the FLAMES program and their new Financial Literacy
Coordinator Jeanette Smith. Mrs. Smith gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the Financial
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 3/10/2014; Rev: 3/21/2014
Literacy and Money Education by Students program. The program was started after TMCC
received a grant from USAFunds for $100,000. It has minimal impact on Staff time with the
introduction of Mrs. Smith and the student employees. A variety of workshops and training
sessions are offered in addition to one-on-one mentoring. As the programs grows they will be
looking to double their current number of student employees and looking for a means of
sustainable funding.
Dr. Sheehan relayed that this program is a critical component to student success and
suggested it should be incorporated under the core themes in the strategic plan.
4. Policy Readings (Ref#4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f) – Dr. Kyle Dalpe (ACTION ITEM)
Dr. Dalpe read the proposed policies for the items below and asked if anyone had comments
or concerns.
First Readings:
 Computer Hardware and Software Purchases (Ref#4a)
 Computer Shutdown Policy (Ref#4b)
Mr. Dobbert explained that IT would create an exception list for those not wanting their
computers to automatically be turned off. Dr. Solemsaas suggested revising the policy
statement, making it broader for future inclusion of other energy savings and/or sustainability
initiatives in the future.
Dr. Dalpe asked the Council if there were any concerns or comments on the following final
Child Protection (ref#4c)
Electronic Smoking Devices (ref#4d)
Reporting Student Awards (ref#4e)
Dean Estela Gutierrez explained that even though the Child Protection policy would be
effective immediately if there were no objections, she still needed time to develop procedures.
She did not expect for it to be fully implemented until the start of the Fall semester.
Carryover Under Discussion:
 Exercise Rights of Citizenship (ref#4f)
 Policy Subcommittee and Procedures
Dr. Dalpe reported that he was still working on the two items listed above. The subcommittee
was rather large and he would like to find a way to make it more manageable. He also wanted
to research a system of fast-tracking items as a way to expedite policies that were needed
within a specific timeframe. He expected to bring these two items back to the May meeting. In
the meantime Dr. Dalpe would send out an email regarding the Exercise Rights of Citizenship
policy to the Subcommittee members for comments and suggestions.
5. Spring 2014 Late Start Update (Ref#5) – Dr. Kyle Dalpe
Dr. Dalpe gave a brief overview of the Spring Late Start program. It was still being revised
and the list of courses being offered was increasing. He asked everyone to take a look at the
Late Start schedule and forward any ideas or suggestions to him. There was a big push to get
the word out about this opportunity to gain some additional credits. Dr. Dalpe asked to
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 3/21/2014
everyone to please help get the word out. Dr. Dalpe noted the work of the Academics
Innovations Task Force headed by Fred Lokken and Andy Hughes to help build enrollment.
6. Buy-Out Update – Dr. Jane Nichols
Dr. Nichols relayed that as part of the proposed budget reductions some faculty and staff
were offered the opportunity to participate in an early exit incentive program. 33 individuals
applied. Applicants were reviewed, those whose positions would result in budget savings were
offered an early exit by President Sheehan. Of those that were approved, 1/3 of them had
backed out. Dr. Nichols would be working with Dr. Solemsaas and Ms. Michelle Meador to
evaluate the additional candidates for the program. At this time, Dr. Nichols did not think the
salary savings equaled the $900,000 goal set. However there were other opportunities for
salary savings in relation to unexpected position vacancies and not filling some positions.
7. Shared Services Update – President Sheehan
Dr. Sheehan explained that the Board of Regents had formed a committee look at northern
community colleges relationships and evaluate possible ways to save money for these
institutions. She recently attended a Presidents’ Retreat hosted by Chancellor Klaich where all
options were put on the table. There was discussion to move away from merging the colleges
and start looking at ways to instead share services and talent between the three northern
institutions. Examples of possible shared services included introduction of WNC and GBC to
TMCC in the following areas: Distance Education; Professional Development; and Equity &
Inclusion; Human Resources; Institutional Research; Admissions & Records; and Information
Technology. The colleges would also look at ways to save money by bundling contracts for
purchasing. The Board of Regents had not set a sunset on this committee and are intent to
continue with it until they see forward progress between the colleges. It was recommended
that a central position be created that would work under the direction of the Chancellor to
oversee these efforts. The committee was not looking at consolidated police services, that was
a separate item.
8. Other – President Sheehan
Dr. Sheehan announced that she would be participating in the President’s Periodic Evaluation
April 7th thru April 10th. She provided the Chancellor with a list of potential candidates for
interviews will be in-person or by phone.
Items for April Meeting:
Fall Enrollment Strategies Update (First item on agenda)
Late Start Update
Final Reading for Merit Award Policy
Second Readings:
o Computer Hardware and Software Purchases
Computer Shutdown Policy
Schedule Chancellor Visit to Discuss Shared Services with Faculty/Staff
Strategic Master Plan Update
Update on 8% Student Fee: How was it utilized?
Information on Potential Fee Increase for Fall 2015: How will students benefit?
Budget Building Process for NSHE
Salary Equity Update
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TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 3/21/2014