P R E S I D E N T ’... M a y 1 2 , 20 1... 9am to 11am RDMT 256

Office of the President
Ma y 12, 2014
9am to 11am
RDMT 256
1. SOAR Presentation
Information Item
– Natalie Brown
2. Green Zone Employers Training (Ref#2) – Rich Olson
Information Item
3. Policy Readings (Ref#3a, 3b, 3c, 3d) – Dr. Kyle Dalpe
Action Items
First Reading:
• Logo Use 4665 (Ref#3a)
Second Reading:
• Update: Instructional Space Assignment 5305 (Ref#3b)
Final Readings:
• Computer Hardware and Software Purchases (Ref#3c)
• Computer Shutdown revised submission for updating of Sustainability Policy (Ref#3d)
4. Four-Year Degree Process – Dr. Jane Nichols
Information Item
5. Enrollment Report Early Numbers – Elena Bubnova
Information Item
6. CCSSE Overview – Elena Bubnova
Information Item
7. Late Start Plan for Future – Dr. Jane Nichols and Elena Bubnova
Information Item
8. Shared Services – President Sheehan
• WNC Distance Ed Partnership
Information Item
9. Redfield Health Science Center Financing – Dr. Rachel Solemsaas
Information Item
10. Communication Plan in Response to Periodic Eval & Goals thru 2020 Metrics –
President Sheehan
Information Item
Next meeting September 2014
Page 1 of 1; President’s Advisory Council Agenda
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 5/8/2014
TMCC Green Zone Initiative
PresAdvCouncil Ref#2
Governor's Proclamations
• Year of the Veteran Proclamation
• Green Zone Initiative Proclamation
PresAdvCouncil Ref#2
Green Zone Initial Plan Requirements
• Create a plan for placing value on military
service in our hiring practices.
• Create a plan for developing mentorship and
affinity group opportunities in the workplace.
• Create a plan for practicing veteran
appreciation in the workplace.
• Understand responsibilities under USERRA.
• Create a plan to stay proactive on veteran’s
news and benefits.
PresAdvCouncil Ref#2
Greenzone Direction/Timeline
• Connect/Collaborate with Upward Bound and
Veterans Services
• Connect/Collaborate with Equity and Inclusion
• Identify/Catalogue current Veteran Appreciation
activity, Mentoring activity
• Reach out to current TMCC employees and
students who are Veterans to explore mentoring,
affinity group and appreciation ideas.
• Initial Plan submitted to NSHE by May 31
PresAdvCouncil Ref#2
President’s Office
Please complete this form and submit it to the Office of the President for inclusion on the President’s Advisory Council
Please describe the purpose of this review. (Check all that apply)
Add a policy
Revise a policy
Delete a policy
Please provide the text of the new policy. (If this request is for a revision, please provide previous policy text with mark ups on a separate sheet.)
See attached
Please provide the reason and justification for request
TMCC's Public Information Office has been inundated with requests to approve fliers that have logos for departments and
clubs that do not meet college standards as identified on the PIO website. The revision will clarify the procedure for
creating new department/club logos.
Please describe the impact of this request (cost, legal ramifications, etc.)
PIO does not anticipate any cost impacts to this revision, but will expect to spend more time creating or supervising the
creation of new logos as necessary.
Submitted By
Page 1 of 1; Request For Policy Reviewe
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Legal Review
Created: 8/28/2013; Rev: 8/28/2013
PresAdvCouncil Ref#3a
TMCC Policy Briefing Paper
Update to Policy 4665 Logo Use
First Reading – May 12, 2014
Text in italics blue is new; text in red strikethrough is to be omitted.
Logo Use 4665
The college logo supports the brand positioning of the College. To
ensure the TMCC identity is recognizable, the college logo must be on
all materials (printed and otherwise) in the proper format. All uses of
the logo must be approved in advance by PIO. Other college entities
(including departments, clubs, etc.) may not create their own logo.
Departments must use the college logo with the department name.
Student clubs may develop their own graphic identity in combination
with the college logo, under the supervision of PIO.
Procedure: The procedures are located online at www.tmcc.edu/pio/.
Originating Source: Public Information Office
Responsible office: Public Information Office
Updated: October 15, 2013
PresAdvCouncil Ref#3b
TMCC Policy Briefing Paper
Update to Policy 5305 Instructional Space Policy
Second Reading – May 12, 2014
Text in italics blue is new; text in red strikethrough is to be omitted.
Instructional Space Assignment 5305
Instructional rooms will be assigned in a manner that allows for
efficient use of space and an appropriate match of class needs and
classroom attributes. To ensure student success, academic scheduling
will take first priority for classroom space and all other requests will be
considered after the academic schedule is in place.
Procedures: Procedures are available in the Room Scheduling Office or
by visiting their web site at: www.tmcc.edu/scheduling/.
Originating Source: Institutional Space Utilization Report
Responsible Office: Room Scheduling Office
Updated: October 15, 2013
Third/Final Reading - May 12, 2014
President’s Office
Please complete this form and submit it to the Office of the President for inclusion on the President’s Advisory Council
Please describe the purpose of this review. (Check all that apply)
Add a policy
Revise a policy
Delete a policy
Please provide the text of the new policy. (If this request is for a revision, please provide previous policy text with mark ups on a separate sheet.)
Computer Hardware and Software Purchases:
All computer hardware, software, and software as a service (SaaS) purchases must be reviewed and approved by the
Information Technology Department prior to purchase or contracting to ensure compatibility and ongoing support.
Please provide the reason and justification for request
- Hardware or software must fulfill TMCC IT's standards to be able to function on the network
- IT approved equipment guarantees functionality and support
- By standardizing equipment, TMCC will receive greater volume discounts and warranty from already approved vendors
- software purchases should be evaluated by the IT Programming Unit to assure the potential software will be compatible
with TMCC's and NSHE's systems
- IT will be able to evaluate and assure that security and FERPA concerns are addressed
- While Software as a Service (SaaS) might provide a quick solution, the service might come at a considerable cost
calculated over several years; contracts also have to be re-negotiated after the end of the contract term which usually
leaves companies in a "locked-in" situation with little negotiation room; data security is the biggest concern with SaaS
Please describe the impact of this request (cost, legal ramifications, etc.)
- Departments will need to contact IT and provide documentation about the hardware, software or SaaS
- IT will discuss the software with the vendor and provide guidance on behalf of TMCC
- The purchasing time might be slightly prolonged due to IT evaluation
- IT approval will guarantee that the hardware, software, or SaaS will be compatible with TMCC's network and indeed is
the most cost-effective solution for TMCC
Submitted By
Page 1 of 1; Request For Policy Reviewe
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Legal Review
Created: 8/28/2013; Rev: 8/28/2013
PresAdvCouncil Ref#3d
TMCC Policy Briefing Paper
Update to Policy 5003 Sustainability Policy
Third Reading – May 12, 2014
At the April 2014 PAC meeting, the information below was presented.
There were no objections to the update option, but there were
concerns of where the list of procedures would reside. The suggestion
was that the VPFA rather than president’s office maintained the list of
procedures. In addition, there was a request for a vetting process for
new procedures that would fall under this policy.
Updates are noted in bold blue below.
At the March 2014 PAC meeting, a new policy, Computer Shutdown,
was read for the first time. After review by some members, it
appeared more appropriate to update a current policy (Sustainability
5003) for future flexibility than create a new policy specific to
computer shutdown. This way, additional policies related to
sustainability could be added more easily without a new policy for
The authors of the Computer Shutdown Policy and the President’s
Office offered the update below. The procedures for Computer
Shutdown may be pursued under this updated policy at a later date.
Policy Update: 5003
Text in italics blue is new; text in red strikethrough is to be omitted.
TMCC Sustainability in Business Practices Policy 5003
TMCC is committed to responsible stewardship of resources and to
demonstrating leadership in sustainable business
practices. Procedures and practices that provide environmental
benefits, reduce dependency on non-renewable energy sources, and
offer other resource conservation benefits resulting in cost savings and
maintenance of a healthy workplace for students, faculty, staff, and
visitors, may be implemented upon approval of the President and will
be communicated to the college community.
PresAdvCouncil Ref#3d
Truckee Meadows Community College strives to minimize the
environmental and financial impact of construction, renovation,
maintenance and operation of its campus facilities. As new buildings
are designed, it is a priority of the college to incorporate sustainable
building concepts that benefit the environment, reduce dependence on
non-renewable energy sources, yield long-term cost savings, and
provide a healthy workplace for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
The benefits of applying the Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) green building rating system will be considered during
the planning phase of all new buildings. Maintenance and operation
strategies for existing facilities incorporate sustainable building
concepts for the efficient management of energy and water resources
and allow for the use of local renewable energy resources where
The transportation plan for the College is to maximize the use of
alternative fuels and alternative transportation.
Procedures: The procedures are available by contacting individual
departments. For a list of procedures in effect per this policy, contact
the Vice President of Finance and Administration. the Facilities
Operations website at www.tmcc.edu/facilities/.
Originating Source: Vice President of Finance and Administration
Facilities Operations and Capital Planning www.tmcc.edu/facilities/
Responsible Office: President’s Office Facilities Operations and Capital
Planning www.tmcc.edu/facilities/
Updated: TBD