P R E S I D E N T ’... F e b r u ar y 9 , ...

Office of the President
Februar y 9, 2015
In attendance: Dr. Maria Sheehan, Dr. John Adlish, Elena Bubnova, Donna Clifford, Dr. Kyle Dalpe, Thomas Dobbert, Dr.
Armida Fruzzetti, Tommie Guy, Andy Hughes, , Estela Levario-Gutierrez, Fred Lokken, , Kiawako Miura, Michelle Montoya,
Dr. Jane Nichols, Rich Olson, Rachel Solemsaas, and Sharon Wurm. Excused: Julie Muhle
1. Update on the Application and Enrollment Process (Ref #1) – Sharon Wurm
The application and enrollment process has been revamped and streamlined. The new process will be “live” on
February 13, 2015. Student Services has presented to a number of groups on campus and their last presentation is
today, February 9. Sharon went through the old process for applying and enrolling and then showed the Council
the new streamlined process. Most of the process steps have been reduced from six steps to 3 steps. Some special
student population groups (i.e. Military Veterans and International students) have more steps as there are more
Federal requirements for them to enroll. Classified staff and Student Government Association provided positive
feedback for the new process. Please see attached Ref #1 for detailed information.
2. Policy Updates (Ref#2) – Dr. Kyle Dalpe and Dr. John Adlish
Administration Evaluation Policy. Dr. Dalpe reported that after a careful search, personnel policies are not
included in the Policy Manual, but in the TMCC Bylaws and go through a legal review prior to submitting a bylaw
change. Dr. Adlish reported that this policy still needs to go through Faculty Senate for approval and various other
bodies, many want to provide input for changes, prior to submitting for inclusion in bylaws. The survey for the
policy will go out in either March or April. One comment was made was to place the word “academic” before faculty
in the draft policy as only those who supervise academic faculty will be evaluated. Dr. Adlish stated that the final
wording for the bylaws will be simple and straight–forward. This policy will be brought back in March as a standalone item, not as a policy update. Please see attached Ref #2 for draft wording.
3. Enrollment Management Update – Dr. Kyle Dalpe and Elena Bubnova
Dr. Dalpe reported that the Enrollment Management Committee is working on outlining processes and the way
they are done and developing strategies. The Committee is identifying the major enrollment events in order to
anticipate the enrollment and to help stabilize.
Elena reported that spring enrollment is down 1% down (6,049 FTE) compared to spring 2014 and will most likely
stay at this level. This also means that we will be 200 FTE short to cover fall shortage.
4. Legislature Update – Dr. Kyle Dalpe
Dr. Dalpe reported that the LCB sends out requests frequently for information from the College and should anyone
receive a request; the information should be completed and sent back quickly. The System Office has one person
who stays at the Legislature all the time and if anyone from the College is going to be at the Legislature, they
should let Dr. Dalpe know. TMCC has created legislative fact sheets for each legislator in our district which shows
the NSHE priorities and this information will be shared with the College community. System Office is monitoring a
total of 120 bill drafts (very large number this year).
5. 2014 IPEDS Data Feedback Report (Ref #5) – Elena Bubnova
Elena presented the findings of the 2014 IPEDS report. The report represents the compilation of data submitted to
IPEDS by the college and which is then compared to other colleges across the nation who have similar enrollment
and budget. Please see Ref #5 for complete data. Please see Ref #5 for detailed data.
6. Performance Pool Update (Ref #6) – Dr. Jane Nichols and Elena Bubnova
The legislature has a proposed set of changes for the next biennium which would benefit all institutions which
would be to include skill certificates in the reaching our target goals. The percentage of budget in the Performance
Pool increase to 15% next year and then 20% the following year and stays at that level and a lot could be at risk
unless we stay focused of improving our performance in specific areas. Should the college go past the target goal,
there is no additional funding for over performance. The performance pool relies mostly on IPEDS data except for
transfer data.
7. Institutional Advisory Council Update – President Sheehan
The first TMCC Institutional Advisory Council met February 4, 2015. President encouraged everyone to attend the
next meeting once it is scheduled. The Council was very engaged and wants to know more about the college. For
Page 1 of 2; President’s Advisory Council Notes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 2/9/2015; Rev: 2/9/2015
the next meeting, the ex officio members, Donna Clifford, Ron Marston, and Hank Sosnowski, will provide a
detailed presentation on our student profile. In addition, the Council wants to know more about IPEDS and our
budget. The President reported that Council member, Collie Hutter, President of Click Bond, Inc. was elected Chair
and Michonne Ascuaga, Chair of K-12 Washoe Education Alliance was elected Vice Chair. The Chair will be ex officio
and attend the ad hoc Committee on Community Colleges on February 26, 2015 and provide comments to the
Board of Regents members on that committee.
Next meeting March 9, 2015
Page 2 of 2; President’s Advisory Council Notes
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Rev.: 2/9/2015
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for New Degree Seeking Students
Click on light purple button
“New Degree Seeking
Complete application for
admission and receive
confirmation screen
Student receives email with admission letter
• 1 business
and login info. If no email, letter is sent via
post office
Student receives Canvas
invitation via email to begin
• 1 business day
SOAR I online
Student attends SOAR II in
person to ENROLL (can be
done online upon request)
Payment by
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for New Transfer Students
Click on light orange button “New
Transfer Student”
Complete application for admission
and receive confirmation screen
Student receives email with admission letter and login info. If
no email, letter is sent via post office
Student enrolls in classes
Payment by
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for Returning Students
Click on light blue button
“Returning Student”
Complete application for admission
and receive confirmation screen
Student receives email with admission letter and login info. If
no email, letter is sent via post office
Student enrolls in classes
Payment by
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for Non Degree Seeking Students
Click on green button
“Non Degree Seeking Student”
Complete application for admission
and receive confirmation screen
Student receives email with admission letter and login info. If
no email, letter is sent via post office
Student enrolls in classes
Payment by
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for Military/Veteran Students
Click on red button
“Military/Veteran Student”
Choose the category that conforms
to your situation and follow all steps
Complete application for
admission and receive
confirmation screen
• 1 business
Student receives email with admission letter and
login info. If no email, letter is sent via post office
Student enrolls in classes
Payment by
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for High School Students
Click on darker blue button
“High School Student”
Choose the category that conforms to
your situation and follow all steps
Complete specific form or
application for admission and
receive confirmation screen
• 1 business
Student receives email with admission letter and login
info. If no email, letter is sent via post office
Payment by
Application Enrollment Process
Steps to Enroll for International Students
Click on gold button “International Student”
Complete International Student
application for admission and follow
detailed instructions
Student receives email with admission letter and login info. If no
email, letter is sent via post office
Payment by
President’s Advisory Council
Ref#2, Feb 9, 2015
Policy Statement on Administrative Evaluations
November 6, 2014
The administrative evaluation committee, an ad-hoc committee of the faculty senate has
drafted the following statement for inclusion in the TMCC administrative manual:
Deans, vice presidents and other administrators who supervise faculty will be
evaluated on job performance at least once every two years. The evaluation will
include a survey of faculty and classified staff who are supervised by the
administrator. The faculty senate chair or his/her designee, the faculty senate
chair-elect or his/her designee, a representative from Human Resources, and the
VPAA will meet to review the survey results and supervisee comments on a date
prior to the date on which the VPAA issues his/her final evaluation of the
administrator. If the evaluation results in an unsatisfactory rating, a job
performance evaluation will be required in the following academic year.
Changes approved at Professional Standards November 14, 2014
Deans, vice presidents and other administrators who supervise faculty will be
evaluated on job performance at least once every two years. The evaluation of
deans and other administrators who supervise faculty, will include a survey of
faculty and classified staff who are supervised by the administrator. The faculty
senate chair or his/her designee, the faculty senate chair-elect or his/her
designee, a representative from Human Resources, and the VPAA will meet to
review the survey results and supervisee comments on a date prior to the date on
which the VPAA issues his/her final evaluation of the administrator. The results of
evaluations of vice-presidents will be forwarded directly to the President and the
president will meet with the senate chair, chair-elect, and a representative from
human resources to review the survey results. If the evaluation results in an
unsatisfactory rating, a job performance evaluation will be required in the
following academic year.
President’s Advisory Council
Ref#2, Feb 9, 2015
Changes added after first reading and approval of statement to have evaluations from FAC
In Addition to the annual evaluation of deans, vice presidents and other
administrators who supervise faculty will be evaluated on job performance at
least once every two years. a performance survey will be conducted by the
Faculty Senate at least every two years. This survey will become part of the
annual evaluation of the administrator and will include input from all faculty and
classified staff supervised by the administrator. The evaluation of deans and
other administrators who supervise faculty, will include a survey of faculty and
classified staff who are supervised by the administrator. The faculty senate chair
or his/her designee, the faculty senate chair-elect or his/her designee, a
representative from Human Resources, and the VPAA will meet to review the
survey results and supervisee comments on a date prior to the date on which the
VPAA issues his/her final evaluation of the administrator. The results of
evaluations of vice-presidents will be forwarded directly to the President and the
president will meet with the senate chair, chair-elect, and a representative from
human resources to review the survey results. If the evaluation results in an
unsatisfactory rating, a job performance evaluation will be required in the
following academic year.
The above version cleaned up after removing edits
To go to PAC and Faculty Senate
Edited on Dec. 5, 2014
In Addition to the annual evaluation of deans, vice presidents and other
administrators who supervise faculty, a performance survey will be conducted by
the Faculty Senate at least every two years. This survey will become part of the
annual evaluation of the administrator and will include input from all faculty and
classified staff supervised by the administrator. The faculty senate chair or
his/her designee, the faculty senate chair-elect or his/her designee, a
representative from Human Resources, and the respective Vice-President VPAA
will meet to review the survey results and supervisee comments on a date prior to
the date on which the VPAA issues his/her final evaluation of the administrator.
The results of evaluations of vice-presidents will be forwarded directly to the
President and the president will meet with the senate chair, chair-elect, and a
representative from human resources to review the survey results. If the
evaluation results in an unsatisfactory rating, a job performance evaluation will
be required in the following academic year.
IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2014: Highlights
President's Advisory Council Ref #5
Progress from
Last Year
Ave salaries of
Ave. Amount of FT instructional
TMCC: 2,905
TMCC: $3,122
TMCC: $57,222
Peers: 3,985
Peers: $3,140
Peers: $59,742
Ave. # of Assoc. Ave. # of CT <1
Degrees Awarded year Awarded
Financial Aid any type
Financial Aid - any
(% of FT, 1st time,
(% of FT, 1st time, Degreeseekers)
of FT students
of PT students
TMCC: 950
Peers: 933
TMCC: 534
Peers: 248
TMCC: 73%
Peers: 71%
TMCC: 12%
Peers: 16%
TMCC: 66%
Peers: 62%
TMCC: 47%
Peers: 43%
Higher Tuituion
and Fees
Higher Student
Financial Aid
Transfer-out Rate
Graduation Rate
(% of all undergraduates)
TMCC: $2,700
Peers: $1,727
TMCC: $5,691
Peers: $5,029
TMCC: 42%
Peers: 54%
TMCC: 14%
Peers: 18%
TMCC: 16%
Peers: 18%
TMCC: 33%
Peers: 42%
Core expenses
per FTE
TMCC: $4,511
Peers: $4,512
1. source: NCES, IPEDS reports submitted by colleges
2. Nationally published data about our institution
3. Comparison against a peer group generated by IPEDS
a. Criteria: large, public, 2-yr colleges in the western states with similar enrollment
b. 34 institutions in the 2014 peer group
4. FA data for 2012-13
5. FTE: IPEDS use 12 or more semester credits to define FT student
TMCC Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Effectiveness, 02/09/15
President’s Advisory Council
Ref #6, Feb 9, 2015
President’s Advisory Council, 02-09-15
TMCC Performance Pool Overview
Current Performance
• TMCC met and over achieved 2013-14 Performance Targets (Year 2), earning
10% of our budget ($3,159,180) AND ‘earning back’ the $12,091 in funds not
earned from Year 1 performance
PP Outcomes
1 to 2 Year Certificate
2013-14 Actuals
At-Risk Certificate Recipients ( Minority x .4)
At-Risk Certificate Recipients ( Pell-Eligible x .4)
Associate's Degrees
At-Risk Associate's Graduates ( Minority x .4)
At-Risk Associate's Graduates ( Pell-Eligible x .4)
Transfer Students w/24 credits or associate's degree
Efficiency - Awards per 100 FTE
Gateway Course Completers
Economic Development (STEM and Allied Health) Graduates
Economic Development (precision production) Graduates
Percent of Target Achieved
Going Forward
• Efficiency of Awards per 100 fte of degree-seeking students
• Economic Development: STEM + addition of CTE programs (construction,
mechanic repair technologies, transportation-CIP 46,47,48,49)
• Economic Development: Skills Certificates
• Year 2 performance (2013-14)=10% of our budget ($3,159,180)
• Year 3 performance = 15%
President’s Advisory Council
Ref #6, Feb 9, 2015
• Year 4 performance = 20%