WKU Library Advisory Council Members in attendance

WKU Library Advisory Council Minutes
Guillame Executive Board Room, Augenstein Alumni Center, October 12, 2015
Members in attendance
Nancy Baird, Carl Dobson, Joann Jones, Jerry Martin, Pat Miller, Jeanne Patterson, Nancy Priest, Amy
Schneider, Gayla Warner, and Miki Wiseman
Library Representatives
Susan Broady, Dean Connie Foster, Kristen Peterson, Sara Volpi, and Jennifer Wilson
Chair Nancy Baird called the meeting to order at 5:30pm. In celebration of the International Year of South
Africa, the Council sampled items consistent with that region.
Approval of Minutes
Joann Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of July 13, 2015, as written with the addition of Jeanne
Patterson to the attendees. Pat Miller seconded. Approved as amended.
Development Report – Kristen Peterson shared the following items:
Debbie Diamond, representing Graves-Gilbert Clinic, contributed $2500 towards SOKY Reads! and SOKY Book
Fest; Kristen, Sara Volpi and Denine Torr will meet in November regarding the Dollar General Stores grant;
WKU Libraries Homecoming reception will be November 7th 9-10:30am in Helm 100; and
Monday, October 19th at 4:00pm, WKU Glasgow Library will have a ribbon cutting to showcase renovations.
Marketing/Membership – Jennifer Wilson informed the council of:
the Calendar of Events, Open Access Week, with induction of two contributors into the TopSCHOLAR’s
inaugural Open Access Hall of Fame; Evelyn Thurman luncheon on November 20; development of a
Communication plan for WKU Libraries; she distributed a recent student poster with Marcus Ford and shared the
different ideas where the campaign will be featured.
Literary Outreach Report – Sara Volpi discussed:
update of the SOKY Book Fest website, use of Mailchimp 300 to distribute a newsletter, the KY Writers livestreaming conference, poetry slam, and Book Fest headliners- Garth Stein, Mark Wayne Adams, and 56
confirmed authors; reconfiguration of the Teen Writers’ Conference to include more panels; and continued
partnership with the 212 Academy.
Dean of Libraries – Connie Foster
On August 3 Northern KY University library faculty visited WKU Libraries to consult about our institutional
repository TopSCHOLAR© and to meet with other campus faculty who support the database. The University of
Louisville has adopted our position description as a model for their new Scholarly Communication Specialist. It is
nice to be able to offer initiatives that others want to follow.
WKU has a new provost, David Lee, former Dean of Potter College. Former Provost Emslie is returning to
classroom in January in the Department of Physics & Astronomy.
Connie attended Designing Libraries for the 21st Century in Raleigh NC, at the Hunt Library, in late September.
The Library Staff Council created a plan for open houses in various library units so library personnel could know
more about what we all do. The first site was Interlibrary Loan and was well attended.
Open Access Hall of Fame Week is October 19-23. We will have our inaugural Open Access Hall of Fame
inductees and a reception in Helm 100, on October 22 (Thursday), from 2-3. You are invited!
The Council can view TopSCHOLAR at the January meeting to better understand its impact and purpose.
One-time research funds of $6800 were allocated to WKU Libraries so a library-formed research committee
could accept and review Quick Turnaround proposals (Q-Tags) that will further research or initiate new research
within 3 months of the proposals.
Old Business
A. Fundraiser with author reading/reception was discussed and tabled for lack of interest.
B. Sale of tee-shirts at SOKY Book Fest
Discussion centered on larger sizes, a general Book Fest design, and other ideas. Consensus was
to pursue a tee-shirt design and to discuss in January.
C. Scholarship/Grant reports
Joann Jones reported that the grant committee recommends that the College Street Campus
Library-Barren County Schools be awarded the grant of $1000 to enhance their collection to
support lower level reading. Tara Griffith could be invited to the book sale and get first choice at
books. Jeanne Patterson seconded that motion. After the presentation of the award, we will give
her some contacts of people in Glasgow who would like to donate books and funds to build the
Student applications for the Library Student Assistant Scholarship are due to Crystal Bowling by
November 1.
D. Meet the Authors Reception – sponsorships, committees
We will continue to plan in house rather than have a community-based committee.
New Business
 Membership cards for Friends of WKU Libraries
Jennifer Wilson would like to have all electronic system. Miki Wiseman uses the date on the card as
reminder of membership ending. The membership cards will continue a bit longer
Nancy Baird reviewed the following upcoming events:
 October 19, from 4-5, reception at the Glasgow Campus Library for renovations
 October 22 at 6 p.m. (Kirby Branch, Public Library) SOKY Reads! with Jacinda Townsend
 WKU Libraries Homecoming reception November 7, 2015, 9-10:30am, Helm 100—“Under the
Big Top”: breakfast buffet, library tours, and campus photos from Library Special Collections
 Far Away Places presentation Thursday, “The Queen with Six Fingers: Anne Boleyn in Fact,
Fiction, and Fantasy” at Barnes and Noble, 7pm
 Exhibit of quilts and Nancy Baird collection in Kentucky Museum to celebrate South Africa.
 Lancaster-Puckett lecture – Ebola (contact Ogden College per Dr. Jerry Martin).
Future Meetings
 Next Meeting – January 11, 2016, 5:30pm, Educational Resources Center, Gary Ransdell Hall
(corner of Regents & Normal)
 April 4, 2016, Kentucky Library Special Collections, Kentucky Building
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Amy Schneider, Secretary