DEFECTS AND IMPROVING THE MAINTAINABILITY OF BUILDINGS AT THE ADVANCE TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTRES RAJANDRAN A/L SUPPIAH RAMAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DEFECTS AND IMPROVING THE MAINTAINABILITY OF BUILDINGS AT THE ADVANCE TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTRES RAJANDRAN A/L SUPPIAH RAMAN A project is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master in Asset and Facilities Management Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2011 iii DEDICATION To my beloved wife and children for their utmost support, love and inspiration throughout my course of study in the realization of my aspiration to obtain the Master’s Degree in Asset and Facilities Management v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Mohd. Nadzri bin Jaafar from Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, University Technology Malaysia, for his valuable guidance, support and assistance in supervising my special project. I would like to express my special thanks to En. Maizan bin Baba and other lecturers in University Teknologi Malaysia for their ideas, suggestions in relation to the subject matter of this topic. I would also thank all of those who had helped me a great deal in preparing this project, particularly to the director and staffs of Public Works Department and Ministry of Human Resources for their willingness to provide me the relevant data. Finally, I would like to thank all my course mate for their support and co operation shown during the duration of the course. v ABSTRACT In the completed or under construction government buildings, there seem to be norms for the occurrence of defects. The only difference between them is how sooner or later it occurs and how bad the condition of it. In recent times, there has been a barrage of defect rapidly occurring on the buildings at the two selected Advance Technical Training Centre which are situated at Taiping, Perak D.R dan Jerantut, Pahang D.M.. The purpose of this research is to look into various factors influencing the occurrence of defects, the type of defects and ways to improve the maintainability of buildings at the Centre. Methodology approach was carried out through evaluating the literature on defects and building pathology, severity of defects in building and on facilities management concept base on quality, value and risk factors on building asset. The research was carried out on a questionnaire-based survey to relevant personnel i.e staffs and occupants at the Centre, all JKR personnel, consultants and contractors who involve in the implementation of the projects at the Centre. The questionnaire was designed to identify the major causes and type of defects on the buildings, the physical condition and common problems encounter on building facilities and services and finally the satisfactory level on the present maintenance management system. The outcome of the study identified shoddy workmanship as main key factors for the defects and low quality finishes for external wall, ventilation and air condition as the common type of defects. On the improvement of the maintainability of the building, strong proposal on quality programs in the local construction industry, increasing training programs for local & foreign workers and improving standard operational procedures were highlighted. vi ABSTRAK Bangunan Kerajaan yang telah siap atau dalam pembinaan kini sering menghadapi masalah kecacatan. Perbezaan antara kecacatan ialah berapa cepat atau berapa lambat ia berlaku dan berapa teruk keadaan nya. Baru-baru in kebanyakan kecacatan berlaku di dua buah Pusat Latihan Teknologi Tinggi yang terletak di Taiping, Perak D.R dan Jerantut, Pahang D.M yang dikenalpasti. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kecacatan, jenis-jenis cacat dan cara-cara untuk meningkatkan penyelenggaraan bangunan di Pusat –Pusat itu. Metodologi pendekatan dilakukan melalui penilaian terhadap literatur tentang kecacatan dan patologi bangunan, tahap keparahan kecacatan serta keatas pengurusan fasiliti berdasarkan konsep kualiti , nilai dan faktor risiko yang terlibat dalam aset bangunan. Kajian dilakukan melalui borang soal selidik kepada orang- orang yang berkaitan iaitu kakitangan dan penghuni di Pusat, semua pegawai JKR, perunding dan kontraktor yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan projek di Pusat-Pusat itu. Borang soal selidik direka untuk mengenal pasti punca utama dan jenis kecacatan dalam bangunan, masalah senggaraan yang sedang dihadapi dan tahap kepuasan pada sistem pengurusan penyelenggaraan. Keputusan kajian mengenalpasti perlakksanaan kerja yang kurang baik sebagai faktor utama berlaku kecacatan,.Permukaan dinding luaran berkualiti rendah dan keadaan ventilasi udara kurang baik sebagai kecacatan yang sering berlaku. Cadangan bagi peningkatan penyelenggaraan bangunan melalui soal selidik adalah program peningkatan dalam industri pembinaan tempatan, meningkatkan program latihan bagi para pekerja tempatan & asing dan meningkatkan prosedur operasi standard vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Research 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Objectives of Research 4 1.4 Scope of Research 4 1.5 Importance of Research 5 1.6 Research Methodology 5 1.6.1 Preliminary study 6 1.6.2 Primary Data Collection 6 1.6.3 Secondary Data Collection 6 1.6.4 Data Analysis 6 1.6.5 Conclusion and Recommendation 7 viii 2 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Definitions of Facilities Management (FM) 10 2.3 The Growth and Development of Facilities Management 12 2.4 Scope of Facilities Management 14 2.5 Process and Implementation of Facilities Management 15 2.6 Outsourcing 17 2.7 Building defects and failures 17 2.8 What is Building Pathology? 18 2.9 Distinction between defects and failure 25 2.10 Assessment of defects 28 2.11 Severity of defects and remedial works 29 2.12 Maintenance Management 31 2.13 Definition of Maintenance 33 2.14 Why Maintenance is importance 34 2.15 Common Maintenance Problems 36 2.16 Classification and type of Maintenance 38 2.17 Definitions of type of Maintenance 39 2.18 Type of Preventive Maintenance Techniques 40 2.19 Condition Assessment 41 2.20 Defects on Buildings 44 2.21 Definitions of defects on Building 45 2.22 Causes and types of defects on Building 46 2.23 JKR heading toward Facilities Management 48 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 Research Methodology 54 3.3 Preliminary studies and Primary Data collection 54 3.4 Secondary Data Collection 55 ix 4 3.5 Data Analysis 56 3.6 Multidimensional Scaling 56 DATA ANALYSIS: 4.1 Introduction 57 4.2 Findings 57 4.3 Section A-Respondents’ Background 57 4.4 Section B-The occurrence of defects on the building facilities and services. 62 4.4.1 Analysis base on Frequency Statistics 65 4.4.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) 67 4.4.3 67 Multidimensional scaling 4.4.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section B 4.5 Section C-The physical condition of the building facilities and services. 69 4.5.1 Frequency Statistics Analysis 70 4.5.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) 72 4.5.3 Multidimensional scaling 73 4.5.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section C 4.6 74 Section D-The satisfactory level with present maintenance management and services. 75 4.6.1 Frequency Statistics Analysis 76 4.6.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) 76 4.6.3 Multidimensional scaling 79 4.6.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section D 4.7 68 80 Section E-The common problems encounter with present maintenance management and services. 80 4.7.1 Frequency Statistics Analysis 81 4.7.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) 83 4.7.3 Multidimensional scaling 84 x 4.7.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section E 5 85 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 First objectives-to identify the various types and causes of defects 86 5.3 86 5.2.1 The common types of defects on the buildings 86 5.2.2 Defects due to various causes 87 Second objectives-to incorporate maintenance management system for an effective maintenance of the buildings 86 5.3.1 An effective maintenance of the buildings 88 5.4 Observation at Site 89 5.5 Conclusion 89 REFERENCES 91 - 92 LIST OF APPENDICES 93 - 98 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Nation’ s asset handles by JKR 3 2.1 Scope of Facilities Management 15 2.2 Distribution of human sources of construction defects 21 2.3 Typical categories of failures 26 2.4 Other categories of failures 27 2.5 Causes of defects 46 2.6 Type of defects 47 3.1 Detail of Project ADTEC Taiping Perak D.R 52 3.2 Detail of Project ADTEC Jerantut Pahang D.M 53 4.1 Category of Sector 58 4.2 Professional Background 59 4.3 Working Experience (Specialization) 60 4.4 Year of Working Experience 61 4.5 Defect in the building facilities and services 63 4.6 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive and multidimensional scaling analysis 64 4.7 Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis -Defects 66 4.8 Shows the statement of physical condition 70 4.9 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive and multidimensional scaling analysis-Sec C 71 4.10 Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –Physical Condition-Sec C 73 4.11 Shows the statement of satisfactory level 75 4.12 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive and multidimensional scaling analysis-Sec D 77 xii 4.13 Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –Present maintenance management, services 78 4.14 Shows the statement of common problem with present maintenance management –Sec E 81 4.15 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive and multidimensional scaling analysis-Sec E 82 4.16 Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –common problem with present maintenance 84 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 1.1 Classification of asset 2 1.2 Research Methodology flow chart 8 2.1 Buildings in context 19 2.2 Three pillars of best practices in building pathology 22 2.3 Three main cognitive branches of building diagnostics 22 2.4 First level of decision making in defects diagnosis 24 2.5 Second level of decision making in defects diagnosis 24 2.6 Integration of multi discipline of asset, facilities and maintenance management 32 2.7 Profile of asset condition diminishing according to time 36 2.8 Type of Maintenance 40 2.9 Condition assessment process 43 4.1 Showing the sector of respondents 58 4.2 Shows the distribution of percentage of Professional group 59 4.3 Shows the distribution of percentage on working experience 60 4.4 Shows the distribution of percentage on years of working experience 61 4.5 Shows the overall ranking for statement in Section B 65 4.6 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration 68 4.7 Shows the overall ranking for statements in Sec C 72 4.8 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration 74 4.9 Shows the overall ranking for statements in Sec D 78 xiv 4.11 Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –Physical Condition-Sec C Shows the overall ranking for statements in Sec E 4.12 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration 4.10 73 83 85 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FM - Facilities Management JKR - Jabatan Kera Raya ADTEC - Advance Technical training Centre xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX NO. A TITEL PAGE Questionnaire Survey Form 93 - 98 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Research Facilities Management (FM) is an important component in government initiated buildings. FM in Malaysia is relatively new and gaining recognition. A statement by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia who said this, “ Unless Malaysians change their mentality to become more aware of the need to provide good services and improve the upkeep of buildings, we will forever be a Third World Country with First World infrastructure” (Badawi, 2001) has stressed the importance of FM in the Malaysia context. Many researches emphasis FM as a support function (UCL, 1993; Alexander, 1996) to the organization, but its role in the maintenance of building facilities and in property management are also critical and demanding (Sarshar, 2000; Underwood and Alshawi, 2000; Barrett, 1995). FM represents a field of activity beyond the design, procurement and furnishing of buildings that continues into the realm of management skills associated with the use of a facility, and how that facility evolves and develops in response to the changing demands of the occupier (Park, 1998). In Malaysia, JKR as technical department is no longer just a government implementer but also the keeper of the value and the timeliness of the projects, its main aim to fulfill the clients’ criteria and needs. In line with the directive of the former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Bin Ahmad Badawi, JKR has undertaken the duty and task of the facility management system to safeguard the assets of the nation 2 (as in figure 1) which are valuable and worth having. The nation’s assets which mainly handle by JKR are (as per table 1) In order to attain the goal and aim, the organization move forward with new strategic concept on maintenance management of assets. It base on value for money, minimizing the risk and environmental impact, ensuring full use of diminishing assets and dispose of it when it is necessary and a healthy workplace for its staffs. Source: Government Asset Management Manual, 2009 Figure 1.1 Classification of asset 3 Table 1.1 Nation’s asset handles by JKR Asset Type of Asset a) Infrastructures Roads, bridges and access, airport runway, ports & jetties, water supply & treatment system, sewerage & treatment system and quarries b) Buildings Structures and its buildings, civil facility system, mechanical component system, electrical component system and building facility system c) Non-Asset Vehicles, machinery, electric, electronic & ICT Source: Government Asset Management Manual, 2009 1.2 Problem Statement In the completed government buildings, there seem to be norms for the occurrence of defects. The only difference between them is how sooner or later it occurs and how bad the condition of it. In recent times, there has been a barrage of defect rapidly occurring on the buildings at the two selected Advance Technical Training Centre. There are many factors influencing the occurrence of defects and leads to many problems. These delays the daily functionality of the organization, causes extra cost for repairs to the clients, extra workload, paperwork and monitoring process by JKR personnel and finally lead to complaint from all level of government servants. In general, the aspects of maintenance criteria were not taken into consideration during pre and post construction stage. Aspects like type and the right quality of materials used, method statement not well specified, shoddy workmanship, 4 lack of monitoring and inspection, lack of quality control, lack of proper maintenance practices, information and record auditing and etc. In consequences, there arises a lot of problem due to defects where nothing much of changes can be done on the casted structures, types and quality of materials used and finally the method of construction carried out. This increased the level of concern over condition of the buildings at the two (2) selected Advance Technical Training Centre by top management and looked for a concrete maintenance management system. Other problem is the lack of facility maintenance management (FMM) knowledge among JKR personnel, clients and contractors. Those parties involves also do not have clear understandings of FMM approach to steer through our contractual responsibilities. The buildings we maintain must serve our needs for many years ahead, as well efficient in usage of materials, manpower and cost. Thus it time for JKR to switch to more sustainable and environmentally acceptable maintenance system to the technical training centre. 1.3 Objective of Research The main objective of the research is to conduct an investigation on defects at the two (2) Advance Technical Training Centre especially: a) To identify the various types and the causes of defects. b) To incorporate maintenance management system for an effective maintenance of the buildings 1.4 Scope of Research The scope of research is to focus on two (2) selected government Advance Technical Training Centre i.e.: 5 a) Advance Technical Training Centre, Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan. b) Advance Technical Training Centre, Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur The two (2) centre comprise similar components i.e. administrative block, academic (workshops) blocks, hostels, multi-purposed hall, auditorium, surau, cafeteria, dining hall and staff quarters and infrastructures. 1.5 Importance of Research To improve the organization current practice of managing maintenance by developing the followings:a) Develop a maintenance strategy and a program of regular condition assessment for building performance and reporting system. b) Identify and replace obsolete design and construction system, method statement, specification, monitoring and inspection system. c) To create a system of competent trained staffs to match the right people for the right job for excellence performance in maintenance management. 1.6 Research Methodology The research methodology will be carried out as per chart 1 which goes through process of preliminary studies, primary data collection, secondary data collection, data recommendation. analysis and its outcome and finally conclusion and 6 1.6.1 Preliminary Study At these stage journals, books, bulletin and from reliable internal sources will refer to solve the problem statement. 1.6.2 Primary Data Collection Primary data collection will focus on information gathered from the office of JKR and client’s ministry. 1.6.3 Secondary Data Collection At this stage the data collection is conducted on questionnaire and interview to the following personnel. a) Staffs and top management of Public Works Department b) Clients - Ministry of Human Resources c) Contractors and consultants d) User / Occupants of the building 1.6.4 Data Analysis The collected data will be analyses by quantitative and qualitative method so as to finalize and achieve the research objectives. 7 1.6.5 Conclusion And Recommendation The review of the current state of application of maintenance procedures and maintenance contractual requirements i.e. specifications and drawings, method of construction, materials utilized and the quality of workmanship to be carried out for improvement of root causes of defects on the buildings with the adoption of maintenance strategy and condition assessment standards would definitely steer the client with safe, healthy and sustainable environment and lasting asset value of the buildings. 8 PRELIMINARY STUDY IDENTIFY PROBLEM STATEMENT DETERMINE OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE DATA COLLECTION PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION DATA ANALYSIS OUTCOME OF RESEARCH CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Source: Researcher, 2010 Figure 1.2 Research Methodology flow chart CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter provides a study of defects findings and solution towards managing maintenance in government buildings in the context of Facilities Management approach. Over recent years there have been many organizations undergoes deep cultural shifts that involve all their business processes, fundamental changes to their organization and working pattern and the ways in which facilities are managed and maintained. A significant change is the rapid growth of facilities management approach among organizations of all kinds of different economies around the world. The scope of FM goes beyond early concepts into strategic planning of building maintenance management. Any sensible study on maintenance management cannot take place without it due to its rapid growth as key service industry. FM practice takes a positive look forward both at what the future holds and at possible steps in changing the ways in which services are delivered. It provides an understanding of the legal, procedural and contractual setting, and is a framework which recognizes alternatives perspectives i.e. FM as a discipline, FM as a profession, FM as a strategic management concept and FM as a market. The building life is viewed in a more holistic way through number of concepts such as outsourcing, service level agreements, ideas of best practice or value and new approaches in procurement when implied. Facilities management 10 consultants offer a range of professional services in design and specification, sourcing and contract management. Services are bundled into packages and offered under the title ‘facilities management’. The grouping of site services and packaging of service contracts is not facilities management. On the whole these are operational services provided to rigidly specified terms and conditions, with little scope for innovation. The contract services can easily be rooted in the core businesses of the organization and need to look beyond packaging and aim for value-added services and better integration with an organization’s business needs. Today, many literatures have recognized FM as an emerging discipline that is getting recognition day by day in every parts of the world including non native Western countries. Its’ roots lie in the custodial role of a building superintendent/caretaker largely concern with operational issues of maintenance, cleaning, and tenant security (Price, 2003) 2.2 Definitions Of FM There have been a number of key report analyzing FM‘s size and composition. A difficulty aspect of it is its definition, whether or not one should consider it as a discipline, profession or a strategic management concept. Various definitions have emerged on the infrastructure that supports the people in the organization in their endeavors to achieve business goals. The definitions defined by top institution are as the following:a) According to the USA Library of Congress, FM is define as “the practice of coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of the organization; integrates the principles of business information; architecture and the behavioral and engineering sciences”. But Amaratunga (2000) pointed out that the definition is very broad and should incorporate at least three principal aspects as forwarded by Barrett (1994). The three aspects are: 11 i) It is a supporting management function to the core business of the organization. ii) It concentrates on the area of interface between physical workplace and people iii) b) It requires a multi-skill approach. According to International Facility Management Association, 2003 – FM is the business practice of planning, providing and managing productive and effective work environment with latest technical knowledge and well defined responsibilities. c) According to British Institute of Facilities Management, 2006 – FM is an integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment. It manages the people, the work place and the success of the organization’s strategic and operational objectives. d) According to Centre for Facilities Management of University of Strathclyde, 1992 – FM is the process by an organization to meet its objectives at best cost, sustains a quality working environment and delivers quality support services. e) According to Becker (1990) – FM is to enhance the organization ability to compete successfully in the rapidly changing world by coordinating all efforts related to planning, designing, managing building and their systems, equipment and furniture. f) According to Norse (1990) - FM unit is seldom aware of the overall corporate strategic planning and does not have a bottom line emphasis. g) Alexander (1999) suggests the scope of discipline covers all aspects of property, space, environmental control, health and safety and support services. h) According Nutt (2000) – FM’s primary function is resource management at strategic level and operational levels of support. Generic types of resource management central to the facility management function are the management of financial resources, physical resources, human resources and the management of information and knowledge. i) According to Brown and Arnold, 1993 – FM is the coordinating the needs of people, equipment and operational activities into physical workplace The 12 tasks related to the FM department are acquisition and disposition, physical upkeep, record keeping and reporting tasks for corporate-owned real estate. j) Facilities Management is about management. It is not a technical approach but manager approach (David, 2000). The history of management as a distinct social function began hundred of years ago with the discovery that resources can be managed for productivity (Drucker, 1980). 2.3 The Growth And Development Of Facilities Management The number of key reports analyzing its size and composition has proven the growth of FM. However the estimations of the market value for facilities management activity are difficult to arrive at, because it also includes manpower, training and service level management costs. Leading Roland Gribbens’ had commented that facilities management has large value and is the boom industry of the twenty-first century. According to report of the RICS in September 2003, the estimated value for FM in the UK market to be ǧELOOLRQLQDQLQFUHDVHRI 35% in the period from 1998. Increasing attention is being paid to a holistic approach rather than the creation of complex patterns of agreement through a multiplicity of individual contacts. A significant move by major contractors towards the formation of strategic partnerships to broaden their markets, raise their image and create consistent workloads. The RICS report has estimated and predicted that the Integrated FM market will increase to ǧELOOLRQXp to 2007 and the market value as a whole will exceed ǧELOOLRQThere are number of important associated issues spread to Europe and the Far East for the growth. Due to both supply and demand factors, FM has rapidly spread to Europe and the Far East even though its origin from North America. Professional service providers and new entrants seek new markets whilst business organizations and public sector bodies have re-appraised the nature, characteristics and the role of their properties and the manner in which they are managed. FM has broadened itself to reach beyond property or building management. 13 FM is firmly established as an academic discipline in the higher education sector in the United Kingdom. Many universities offer facilities management courses and modules, most prominently in the built environment subject area. As the nature of the facilities management has become more recognized, and as the role of intelligent client has developed, greater emphasis is being given to strategic issues and to organization and management skills. Facilities management has developed from its technical base to become more of a management discipline. Advancement of the profession hinges upon the assurance of quality and upon the value added by the service. The creation of educational opportunity and establishing qualification, promoting the continuous development of skills and experience, and creating and maintaining an accessible collective database are the positive approach toward it. With this quality system and the close collaboration between academics, practitioners and researchers on a national basis, the profession can achieve a status and recognition that will provide an influence in business strategy and a strong voice in environmental politics. These further enhance the process of professional development through research, education and training. A ‘Centre of excellence’ should be created to promote the development of the profession with its own rigorous discipline. The University of Strathclyde, through the Centre for Facilities Management, has been involved in the facilities management education in the United Kingdom since the middle of 1980. It offers Masters and Diploma program in Facilities management since 1987, with the aim of graduating high quality, innovative thinkers with a balance of managerial and technical skills and understanding, capable of contributing to the development of facilities management research and practice. Centre for Facilities Management has consolidated its role and diversified its course still further since 1994. Its aims and objectives are to provide quality learning opportunities, supported by quality learning materials, information and facilities with the support and guidance of well qualified core staff. It is working to create qualifications that provide a ladder of opportunity to bridge from functional to 14 general management. The Centre is a focus for research and discussion, enquiry and debate, provide services to some of leading companies in the UK and bring up-to date knowledge and recent experience to its courses. It is in the forefront of facilities management education in the United Kingdom and has a flourishing international reputation for its work. Its aim is to be recognized as a ‘centre for excellence’ in the field. Professional qualifications and undergraduate and postgraduate courses are increasingly available. Associations have been formed to promote facilities management and to represent the interests of members in the United States (IFMA), Australia (FMA), United Kingdom (BIFM), the Netherlands (NEFMA), Germany (GEFMA), Denmark (DFM), Hungary (HUFMA) and Finland (FIFMA). The associations, academic institution and research organizations in Europe collaborate through the European Facilities Management Network (EuroFM). FM is identified as a clear and significant factor of production in building environment rather than the traditional view of building as a property of investment. As a result of this, maintenance management has become more firmly positioned in the context of strategic management in both public and private sectors 2.4 Scope of Facilities Management The scope of facilities management can generally be identified under the following categories as in table 2: There is wide range of services now encompassed within FM and the important aspect is the approach it brings and at this level the importance to maintenance management clearly articulates itself. BIFM’s definition of FM - Facilities Managers has extensive responsibilities for providing, maintaining and developing myriad services within this fast growing discipline. 15 Table 2.1 Scope of facilities management No 1. Categories Scope of Facilities Management An initial Cleaning and waste disposal, Energy management, general view Environment management, Estates management, Equipment and consumable purchasing, Fire safety, Ground management, Health and safety, Human resources, Office management, Property and engineering services maintenance, Relocation, refurbishment, adaptation, new build, etc. Security, space management and planning. 2. According to Understanding business organization, BIFM – Managing People, Managing premises, Managing services, professional Managing the working environment, Managing resources examination 3. According to Strategic facilities planning, Staffing structure, Centre for Accommodation strategy, Customer surveys, Facilities Space planning, office moves and relocation, Consultancy Computerized facilities and maintenance systems, Output specification, Outsourcing exercises, Performance measurement systems, Occupancy cost studies, Business Continuity plans, Financial systems and cost control, Change management, Video conferencing facilities Source: Building Maintenance Management, Barrie Chanter & Peter Swallon, 2007 2.5 Process And Implementation of Facilities Management Facility management is a process that manages the whole of life of a facility to ensure optimal asset performance for continuous reliable service delivery at the least cost to the consumer within the lifecycle of such an asset. The processes 16 involve in managing facilities can be looked at from two perspectives i.e. the technical process and the management process. The technical process consists of total lifecycle management of facility assets encompasses the whole period from an asset’s conception to its planning, acquisition, operational and maintenance and finally to its disposal. The managing process involve the processes of identification of the requirements for facilities, designing of the identified requirements, documentation of the designed requirements, resource for the facilities provision and delivery of the facilities management services, provision of the physical facilities and delivery of the facilities management services and monitoring of the delivery and provision.( Maizan Bin Baba and Maimunah Sapri, 2001). Facilities management is divided into three levels of management namely the strategic management, tactical management and operational management. To enable the relevant facilities management staff or practitioners to perform the roles, they need to possess the following knowledge and skills:a) Strategic level management- It is about facilities management contributions and its impacts on the business of the organization. At this level, the task is to build on a proper scoping exercise and engage in a carefully derived planning process. In strategic management terms it is normal to think in terms of planning within a three to five year time frame within which more detailed short-term plans are developed. In the broader FM context, one of the other major outputs is a clear articulated mission statement. Then an important output at this stage, which is the result of both corporate and strategic processes, is the formulation of an FM policy. b) Tactical level management - It is about managing the quality, value and risk; facilities processes and service appraisal. The knowledge and skills necessary are in the areas of quality management, value management, risks management and building performance. c) Operational level management - It is about delivery of the facilities management services and the knowledge and skills necessary are in the areas of support services, information management, project management and environmental management. 17 2.6 Outsourcing Early FM was seen as an internal organizational issue aimed at more effective structures within the organization for managing its facilities. However, the evolution of facilities management has been a gradual shift towards a position where FM services are contracted out or outsourced. Outsourcing has been defined as a process whereby an organization employs a separate company or supplier to perform a function that had previously been carried out in house. This is often goes with the transfer of manpower and management’s responsibility to the contractor who is awarded the outsourcing. The objective of outsourcing is for an organization to divest itself of non-core business, reduce costs in performing and managing what are considered low-priority operations. Associated with this is the prospect of improving efficiency through the use of specialist providers. Within the public sector the search for increased efficiency driven by best practice has been a major stimulus to outsourcing. The growth of outsourcing was very massive during the 1990s and it is estimated that in 2003 the market was worth approximately £12 Billion, The growth not only lead to buoyant corporate sector but also the emergence of Public Private Partnership (PPP) arising from the government’s drive to improve the quality of the public sector building stock, notably schools and health buildings where the Private Finance Initiatives has been the main procurement tool. 2.7 Building defects and failures Even with the growing awareness for environmental, sustainability, common causes and consequences, there seem to have failures toward the building industry in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the developed world. All aspects of built environment are regulated by rules and regulations for the safety of public use. However there are spectacular of failures caused by human factors and by natural disaster such as earthquakes, floods and cyclones. Most of the building defects are 18 avoidable but they do occur, this is not due to lack of basic knowledge and experience but by the non-application of it. The building defects are struck by problems which have well been researched and documented. The important lesson is to avoid the reoccurrence of similar events in the future, In 1867, architect Edwin Nash presented a paper at the Royal Institution of British Architects entitled Remarks upon failures in construction. He said this: Architects would do well to preserve the utmost amount of detail when failures happen, such particular being most important aids in promoting correct knowledge of constructive principles; and, although it is natural to be silent upon mishaps, it is not always necessary to be so…. There are occasions in which architects may beneficially exhibit their esprit de corps in a revelation of the difficulties and result of their practice, for it is often the mystery which envelops a subject, and not the full statement of the truth, that does harm to those concerned. This statement is as true today as it was over 130 years ago and applies to all those involved in the construction process. The information brought about by the internet and instant communication has altered everyday patterns of work and leisure. A more knowledge base and guidance is required on the avoidance of failures. This is base on the level and nature of defects in the construction industry currently encountered. It is a time of change for us and our building so as to save money and misery. 2.8 What is Building Pathology? It comes from the medical discipline Pathology, which in the simplest term is the study of diseases. The word “pathology” is derived from two Latin words: pathos (diseases) and logos (discourse). A similar holistic approach is adopted in the studying of buildings which has been termed as building pathology. Buildings represent various levels of action and interaction between man and his surroundings. Fig 2.1 shows the building’s physical response to people, place and environment. 19 The buildings are built, occupied, adapted and ultimately destroyed base on the decision within the three (3) factors. Source: Building Pathology Second Edition, David S.Watt (2007) Fig 2.1 Buildings in context The Association of d’ Experts Europeans du Batiment et de la Construction ( AEEBC), 1994) defines the building pathology into three separate, though interrelated, areas of concern: a) Identification, investigation and diagnosis of defects in existing buildings. b) Prognosis of defects diagnosed, and recommendations for the most appropriate course of action having regard to the building, its future and resources available. 20 c) Design, specification, implementations and supervision of appropriate programs of remedial works, monitoring and evaluation of remedial works in terms of their functional, technical and economic performance in use. Other definitions are: a) The study of failure in the interrelationship of building structures and materials with their environment, occupants, and contents ( Hutton & Rostron, 1989) b) The study of building materials and components‘ failures over time ( Groak, 1992, p. 105) c) The systematic study or treatment of building defects, their causes (aetiology), their consequences and their remedies (or therepy) ( CIB W86 Building Pathology Commission, 1993) d) The scientific study of abnormalities in the structure and functioning of the building envelope and its parts: it seeks to study the environments, occupants and contents with the interrelationships of building materials, construction, services and spatial arrangement. However there are number of reasons for the defects and failures in construction. Building defects continue to exist due to pressure to reduce cost and cut corners, and reliance on untested innovation coupled with poor communication and a failure to adhere to available recommendations for good building practices. (Addleson,1992 Houghton-Evans 2005). Typical construction defects and failures are due to communication breakdowns, lack of responsibility and accountability, inadequate control for the success of any building project and innovative material and techniques which needs adequate tried and tested. The human sources of construction defects are as in table 2.2 below: 21 Table 2.2 Distribution of human sources of construction defects Sources UK (%) Average for the rest of developed world (%) Construction x Poor workmanship x Inadequate Supervision x Vandalism 50 40 Design x Poor detailing x Inappropriate specification x Inferior quality of design or material used 40 45 Products x Faulty manufacture x Damage as a result of faulty delivery x Damage resulting from inadequate storage or protection 10 15 Source: Building Pathology Second Edition, David S.Watt (2007) A model with three pillars of best practice in building pathology (fig 2.2) and the nine core value of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) are the best route for a good construction industry. The values are: of (RISC) are a) Act with integrity. b) Always be honest c) Be open and transparent in your dealings d) Be accountable for all your actions e) Know and act within your limitations f) Be objective at all times g) Never discriminate against others h) Set a good example i) Have the courage to make the stand 22 Figure 2.2 Three pillars of best practice in building pathology Figure 2.3 Three main cognitive branches of building diagnostics 23 There are three main types of process involving diagnosing building defects and failures (fig 2.3) as the following: a) Problem solving - to overcome problem by rational thinking. Investigating the causes of defects and response to it by professional judgment. There are puzzle problem, well-structured problems and ill-structured problems. Normally the building defects fall under ill-structured problems which have no single or clear cut solution. b) Critical thinking - through information from observation, experience, reasoning and communication Good critical thinkers face problems without jumping to a speedy, single solution. Instead they focus on options for what to believe and do (Potter and Perry 2001). c) Decision making – a course of action from two or more alternatives is known as decision making. The following are the influencing factors of decision making for a state of building’s repair or performance x Potential benefits of diagnosis x Potential risks of diagnosis x Uncertainty in diagnosis x Costs of investigation x Utility of diagnosis Decision making in defects diagnosis can be categorized into two (2) levels as illustrated in fig 2.4 and 2.5. 24 Source: Building Pathology Second Edition, David S.Watt (2007) Figure 2.4 First level of decision making in defects diagnosis Source: Building Pathology Second Edition, David S.Watt (2007) Figure 2.5 Second level of decision making in defects diagnosis 25 2.9 Distinction between defects and failure These two terms were similar but should not be treated synonymous. A defect is shortfall in performance at anytime in the life of a product, element or the building In which it occurs.( BRE Digest 268). In contrast, the failure is a termination of ability of building element to perform its intended function. A building failure is the consequences of one or combination of defects. Defects according to Puller Strecker (1990), can be real or perceived. Even if they are real, they are relative rather than absolute. Their origins are often not what they seem to be, but can be traced back to a complicated interaction between lack of knowledge, lack of education, lack of training, lack of experience, lack of definition, defects cannot be avoided, but by the same argument, quality can always be improved and defectiveness can always be reduced..A defect may be described as something that: a) Does not come up to the expectation of the client; a) Fall below the prescribed standard of its kind b) Is less acceptance than it ought to be c) Is the result of an error As a result of malfunction, failure occurs in the buildings vary enormously and may cause considerable variations in the severity of damage. Building failures should be reduced or eliminated for the following reasons: Building failures should be reduced or eliminated for the following reasons a) Increase the sustainability of the building – last longer and energy efficient; b) Offer building with better value for money c) A safe place – reduce hazards and accidents in building d) Good indoor air quality – to avoid sick building syndrome and other illnesses e) Minimize negligence and other legal consequences in construction. 26 Table 2.3 Typical categories of failures Failure type Aesthetic failure Example • • • • • Crazing or shrinkage cracking of concrete or render. Flaking and peeling of paintwork. Bossing and spalling of render. Staining and soiling of finishes. Chipped, dented or lipped floor/wall/ceiling finishes and veneer finishes to doors. Functional failure • Misalignment of building components such as doors and windows not operating properly. • Leaks in elements such as roofs, walls and floors. • Sagging of floors. Failure of materials • Chemical attack of rendering, mortar or brick. • Fungal attack of timber. Corrosion of metals. • System failure of components and elements • Carbonation of concrete, leading to corrosion of reinforcement and subsequent cracking and spalling of concrete members. • Debonding and bubbling of membrane from substrate owing to moisture or incompatibility. Structural failure • Non-structural failure • • • • Reversible failure • Jamming of doors and windows as a result of moisture intake by these components — usually in winter; in the summer the wood dries out and the windows and doors become unstuck. Irreversible failure • Chemical reactions such as sulphate attack on mortar or rendering. • Excessive distortion in beam/slab, column or wall owing to structural movement Subsidence (a downward movement of a building caused by below ground factors — such as desiccation of clay soil) • Settlement (a downward movement of a building caused by above ground factors — such as overloading). Delamination of roof tiles and slates. Cracking and debonding of plaster or rendering. Blistering and peeling of paint coatings. Tenting, debonding and bubbling of floor coverings. Source: Understanding Building Failures, Third Edition, James Douglas and Bill Ransom (2007) 27 Table 2.4 Other categories of failures Categories of failures Physical Contextual Examples Non-Structural Bossed or spalled rendering. Flaking and peeling paint. Dampness. Disintegration of wall finishes. Softening or deterioration of insulation. Structural Cracking in wall, floor, column or beam. Buckled or twisted column, tie, strut or beam. Deflected or sagged floor structure. Subsidence. Leaning or bowing wall. System intercomponent Debonding of floor/roof covering. Blocked outlet clogging gutter. Wall tie corrosion leading to cracking and distortion of brickwork. Failure of sealing gasket in double glazing unit. Masonry mortar too weak/strong. Material intracomponent Corrosion of metalwork. Sulphate attack on concrete and mortar. Frost action in brickwork. Fungal attack in wood. Insect infestation of wood. Observational Conspicuous Failure to detect obvious defect Ignoring significance of minor obvious defect. Hidden Failure to detect inconspicuous defect Ignoring symptoms or implications of Possible hidden defect Source: Understanding Building Failures, Third Edition, James Douglas and Bill Ransom (2007) 28 2.10 Assessment of defects The assessment of defect is a through investigation on site to obtain information as to assess the condition and fitness for purpose. The common procedures that need to be carried out are as follow: a) Inspect the defects closely b) Record the defects by description, measurement, photograph or sketch drawing c) Inspect and examine the construction around the fault for other indication of the related defect for any hidden parts that are affected. d) Ascertain as accurately as possible the exact form of the construction. e) Examine the construction drawings and specification for detailed information on the fabric of the building f) Test defects if applicable (e.g for moisture content, relative humanity and samples for analysis) g) Inspect hidden areas (e,g non-destructive survey) h) Examine maintenance manuals if available i) Open up the structure if necessary j) Discuss with the occupants of how the defect occurs ,when it occurs and present status ( getting worse or same) Off-site procedures may include the following; a) Reference to relevant published information ( e.g BRE reports and degest, British Standard) b) Consultation with the specialists concern after getting instruction from client c) Commissioning more detailed operation/ testing after getting further instruction from client. 29 In addition to assessing the physical condition of the building, other matters need to consider and review are: a) Fire precaution b) Public health requirement c) Disability access d) Health and safety issues e) Garden or landscape features f) Environment matters g) Scope for alteration or conversion h) Conservation areas, listed building and scheduled monument concerns. 2.11 Severity of defects and remedial works The severity of defect is typically assessed with regard to an individual or prescriptive standard. The severity of a particular defect will be judged against the effect that it has, and will have, on the structure, fabric and the building facilities and services. Assessing the severity of defects and priority for remedial works include consideration of: a) Nature and extent of defect b) Occupation and use of the building c) Statutory obligations d) Health and safety issues e) Functional and operational requirements f) Lease or covenant obligations g) Rate of deterioration and decay h) Cost fluctuations i) Value and utility of building and its facilities j) Desired or expected standards k) Running or operational costs l) Management of risks 30 The detection of severity of defect in the building is typically not simple and needs the skills of surveyor and a through investigation including the use of nondestructive survey techniques, material testing, monitoring and opening up of building elements. All the available information must be assessed with regard to the purpose of the survey and agreed brief. A more scientific approach to diagnosis of defect is based on a number of stages: a) Observations – observe and record visible symptoms b) Theories – develop a number of theories based on observations c) Questions – define a set of questions to differentiate between theories d) Tests – find answers to questions e) Analysis – analyze and interpret results f) Conclusions – match diagnosis to symptoms and results g) Feedback – redefine question for new information h) Action – take appropriate action (e.g repair or replace) Other than physical opening parts of building, the non-destructive techniques are engaged. These techniques inspect the material or elements of construction in place without causing alteration, damage or destruction to the fabrics of the building. Each technique that are appropriate for particular task are engage to provide specific set of data in response to known or suspected conditions. Then the skilled interpretation of the data is forwarded to the decision making process. The common non-destructive techniques engaged in the detection of defects in building are: a) Radiography – gamma rays are used to detect discontinuities, cracks, voids, hidden objects and any deterioration in the material and elements of construction. b) Microwave analysis – projected energy is reflected back to the surfaces to record inconsistencies, faults and hidden details. c) Thermograph – to detect and quantity heat losses and temperatures variations. d) Acoustic testing – using sound wave to detect inconsistencies within test materials. 31 e) Micro-drilling – the penetration of fine drill probe into timber to identify and locate faults and variations due to decay and other defects. f) Liquid penetrate testing- impregnated with dye on the surface of materials will provide visual indication of cracks and fissures. 2.12 Maintenance Management The concept of building maintenance management is not new or difficult to understand. The difficulties inherent in proper maintenance of facilities on buildings are compounded by the fact that it takes no specific level of education to identify when maintenance is working or when it failed. Achieving an acceptable level of maintenance is extremely difficult. The maintenance manager is a juggler who weight the options of maintenance, repairs, and replacement against respective costs; setting and resetting priorities; putting out complaints and feel pride of accomplishment. (Gregory H . Magee, 1988) Likewise the government building projects grow over the years, the scope and the volume of facilities maintenance management grows due to rapid deterioration of its assets. There was an increased level of concern towards the building procurement, construction and management processes. The importance of maintenance message was highlighted to the top management of the nation. However the acceptance level of maintenance was lacking and it grows to an unacceptable rate. The completed buildings worth millions of dollars are handled to the clients for public use. As time goes on or even before the grand opening, a maintenance problem with all kind of defects arises. The process of deterioration takes place due to negligent at design and construction stages. This leads to costly maintenance and financial losses to the client, loss of confidence and pride of the implementation and insufficient use of the assets. Maintainability of building has been identified as one of key areas in which the construction industry in Singapore must achieve significant 32 improvement. However, maintainability is generally given little attention in many developing countries. This leads to financial losses to the client over the life of the building and insufficient use of asset. Thus, a proper techniques, practices and methods in design, construction and maintenance of buildings need to adopt for a cost-effective and long life-cycle of the assets. (Nayanthara de Silva, Mohammed F.Dulaimi, Florence Y.Y Ling, George Ofori, 2004) Thus, for the purpose of this research, the writer confine to FM approach to enhance the maintenance management on government buildings focusing on maintenance strategy and condition assessment / monitoring base on the facilities maintenance management diagram 1 adopted by ( Mohd Nazali Noor & Michael Pitt, 2010) Source : Adaptation from Mohd Nazali Noor & Michael Pitt, 2010 Figure 2.6 Integration of multi discipline of asset, facilities and maintenance management 33 The maintenance management is an orderly and systematic approach to planning, organizing, monitoring and evaluating maintenance activities and their costs. A good management system with efficient, knowledgeable and capable staffs can prevent major breakdowns, health and safety problems and environmental problems, longer asset life; lower operating costs and create a better quality of life. Assessment and financially quantify the demand for maintenance as the initial step in the planning and delivery of annual maintenance work programs. 2.13 Definition of Maintenance The definition of the term “building Maintenance” by many (Armstrong, 2002; British Standard Institution, 1993; El-Haram and Horner, 2002; Vanier, 2001) leads to conclusion that maintenance combines technical and administrative actions to keep the component in appropriate condition for use or restoring it to such a condition. Maintenance is defined as “ensuring continuous cost-effective fitness-for use of buildings at a specified building performance level”. (Igal M.Shohet and Sarel Lavy, 2004). Base on BS 3811:1984 maintenance means that any actions taken together to restore or retain the items at an acceptable condition. It is not only relate to the execution of the maintenance works but also to financing, maintenance budgeting, organizational structures, performance of components and computer modeling for maintenance works. The performance of product or system depends not only on its design and operation, but also on the servicing and maintenance of the item during its operational lifetime. Thus proper functioning over an extended time period requires proper servicing on a regular basis, adequate repair or replacement of failed parts or components, proper storage when not in service, and so forth. Maintenance comprises any actions that alter a product or system in such a way as to keep it in an operational condition or to return it to an operational condition if it is in a failed condition. (Blischke and Murthy, 2003) 34 The word “Operation” is usually linked with “Maintenance”. Operation is the performance of work or services and the provision of materials and energy to ensure the day-to-day proper functioning of an asset, e.g., the work activities, associated chemical and electricity to run a water treatment plant. As such, it has a direct but simple impact on the cost of operating an asset. Maintenance is the work performed on an asset such as a road, building, utility or piece of equipment to preserve it as near to its original condition as is practical and to realize its normal life expectancy. (Maintenance Management Systems TID-AM-01, October 2000) The Committee on Building Maintenance (1972) recommended the adoption of definition of maintenance as work undertaken in order to keep, restore or improve every facility, i.e. every part of the building, its services and surrounds to a currently acceptable standard and to sustain the utility and the value of the facility. (Barrie Chanter and Peter Swallow, 2007) 2.14 Why Maintenance Is Importance When the topic of maintenance is tabled in management meetings, seminars and public talks, it conjures up different visions for managers. However few managers noted that maintenance department as major contributors to corporate profitability. Surveys show that the actual cost of maintenance is far more than labor and materials to affect the repair. This is illustrated clearly how maintenance impacts cost in the following areas: a) Quality - quality problems due to poor maintenance policies or practices. b) Warranty costs - the percentage of equipment repairs and recoverable from the vendor. c) Energy costs – poor maintenance of equipment require more energy to operate. d) Accelerated depreciation of capitol assets - the amount of equipment / facility that is replaced prematurely due to poor maintenance policies and practices. 35 The highly competitive environmental world continues to increase the pace especially in the products and systems we manufacture and use. Thus, we can no longer fail to consider the maintenance factor. (Terry Wireman -1991) Another factor is the buyers’ expectation on the ability of product or system to perform its intended function. In basic terms its reliability which is high and becoming even higher. For some very complex systems such as nuclear plant and rocket propulsion systems, failures can be disastrous and very high reliabilities are required. To achieved such reliabilities, two other importance issues related to the context of product reliabilities are maintenance and maintainability. The consequences of frequent failures due to the fault of the manufacturer because of poor design, workmanship, materials etc can lead to enormous problems. Problems like increase in cost of production, costly engineering design changes, lawsuits, loss of reputation, losses of sales and finally possibility of bankruptcy. Therefore it is importance to minimize both its occurrence and impact of failure when they do occur. (Blischke and Murthy, 2003) The above statements were justified with the conclusion of the military services of United States in 1954 initiated the concept of maintainability. Later researchers realized the importance of maintainability of buildings in achieving cost saving and better functioning of facilities. (Nayanthara de Silva, et, 2004). It is also justified that assets need to undergo regularly maintenance management to sustain its value for a period of lifecycle. Finally at the end stage, the assets need be replaced or disposed of. This is clearly illustrated by the profile of assets diminishing according to time (as in diagram 2) 36 Source: Presentation of Strategic Asset Management (SAM) by Hj. Abu Bakar Azit, Alam Asset Management and Consulta Figure 2.7 Profile of asset condition diminishing according to time 2.15 Common Maintenance Problems Before the operational and maintenance process there exist a lot of maintenance problems. Some of the common maintenance problems need to be address to warrant our attention are: a) Insufficient proactive maintenance - It heads the list because largest expenditure of maintenance resources occurs in the area of corrective maintenance. The culture of maintenance personnel operating at reactive stage leads to high cost of restoring plant equipment to an operable condition coupled with the penalty link to lost production. b) Frequent problem repetition - The reactive culture continues whereby there is insufficient time for correcting the deficiency permanently. The same 37 problems keep coming over and over until the cycle not only continues but is reinforced. c) Erroneous maintenance work – Due to human negligent, errors occur in maintenance activities. The result realized from such errors is answer to avoid it. d) Sound maintenance practices not institutionalized - To know the practices and procedures that can assure that mistakes are not made and then to institutionalize them in everyday work habits at the plants. e) Unnecessary and conservative proactive maintenance (PM) - Historical evidence suggests that some of the current PM are not right i.e. lack of task: “applicability”. f) Sketchy rationale for PM actions - The absence of information or documentation g) to clearly trace the basis for plant PM tasks is the rule. Maintenance program lacks traceability or visibility - Factors of visibility and traceability of decisions and actions are missing due to non- performance of routine analyses of equipment failure cause. h) Blind acceptance of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) inputs.Firstly the OEM is not comprehensive and cost effective to PM of the equipment but rather for the manufacturer’s warranty. Secondly The OEM usually designs the equipment with some operational variability in mind but the vendor rarely tailor it to special needs that is applicable to our plant’s operating profile. i) PM variability like or similar units.- Multiple plants with similar unit of production facilities would standardize procedures, training, spare inventories, etc. to capitalize on the obvious cost saving that can be achieved. Unfortunately, this is not a good assumption because each plant have its own separate entity with many of its O&M characteristics different from those of its sister plants within the company. j) Ineffective use of predictive maintenance technology.- Predictive maintenance has the potential to tell us the predetermined limit or specific time to perform the maintenance task. But a plant that has predictive maintenance program, more often than not its focus is on the deployment of the sophisticated, not the simple technology. 38 k) Failure to employ the 80/20 rule - This rule states that 80% of an observed effect tends to reside in 20% of the available source. For example, 80% of carpet wear is found in 20% of the available carpet area.-because this is where the traffic occurs. Surprisingly this is not the case, and must conclude that there are lost opportunities for cost-effective decisions and actions occurring in our plants and facilities. l) Absence of long range commitment - Need to shift our industrial culture mindset to long term commitment and not to frequently approving commitment resources to O&M improvement immediately. The opportunities and challenge fall to a large degree in overcoming something constructive to resolve the above problems for a world class maintenance management,( Anthony M . Smith and Glenn R. Hinchcliffe, 2004) 2.16 Classification and Type of Maintenance No assets are maintenance-free, except those work to-demise assets. A well designed asset that incorporates careful consideration of lifecycle asset at the design stage will make it easier to carry out subsequent maintenance works. Assets are classified under 2 categories i.e. planned and unplanned maintenance. Both the categories are further distributed with their respective networks of various types of maintenance works as shown in figure 2. However the scope of maintenance work in the demand assessment process will be a combination of preventive maintenance, condition – based maintenance, deferred (backlog) maintenance, maintenance to meet mandatory statutory and health and safety requirement and reactive maintenance 39 2. 17 Definitions of Type of Maintenance – BS 3811 The following definitions of types of maintenance according to BS 3811 are given below. However in the maintenance workload, it consists of mix of all types of maintenance. a) Planned Maintenance – a predetermined maintenance plan and carried out with forethought control and the use of records. b) Unplanned maintenance - is an ad hoc maintenance without any predetermined plan. c) Preventive maintenance – maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals, or corresponding to prescribed criteria, and intended to reduce the probability of failure, or the performance degradation of an item. d) Corrective maintenance – maintenance carried out after a failure has occurred, and intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its required function. e) Emergency maintenance – maintenance that it is necessary to put in hand immediately to avoid serious consequences. f) Condition-based maintenance – preventive maintenance initiated as a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous monitoring. g) Scheduled maintenance – preventive maintenance carried out to a predetermined internal of time, number of operations, mileage. 40 Source: BS 3811(1984) In Seeley (2003) Figure 2.8 Type of Maintenance 2.18 Type of Preventive Maintenance Techniques - The most common types of preventive maintenance techniques are as following:a) Routine Lubes, cleaning, inspection, etc - small inspections and adjustment each day prior to equipment startup or right at shutdown. It includes checking oil or water, removing debris, checking mechanical and electrical installations, monitoring service performance from assets such pressure gauges and checking conditions of asset components. b) Proactive Replacement and scheduled Refurbishing – These maintenance tasks involve major repairs and modifications of parts of the assets. It involve taking a piece of equipment or unit off line and overhauling it, 41 replacing all worn or suspect components, and putting it back on line. It will then operate for a specified time period, with little or no maintenance-related downtime. This technique is seldom used without support from historical records or predictive techniques. c) Predictive maintenance – measures physical parameters against a known engineering limits in order to detect, analyze, and correct equipment problems before capacity reductions or losses occur. Preventive maintenance requires performing maintenance servicing when the equipment requires it. d) Condition- Based Maintenance – is very similar to predictive maintenance, with the exception that workers are no longer sent out with hand-held devices to take measurements in the field. The sensors are mounted permanently on the equipment, and the signal is shown in the control room. Here all readings can be remotely checked, monitored, or perhaps integrated into a control system or a computerized maintenance management system. e) Reliability centered maintenance – is a discipline that is used to provide the final solution to problems that cannot be addressed by any of the above mentioned techniques. It utilizes techniques such as redesign, retrofits, modeling, analysis, testing, data, reengineering, and so forth. The objectives of a reliability study is to understand the failure phenomena, estimating and predicting reliability, optimization and many others. 2.19 Condition Assessment A condition assessment is a technical inspection by a competent assessor to evaluate the physical state of building elements and services and to assess the maintenance needs of the facility. Condition assessment generally comprises:a) Physical inspection of buildings assessment of the actual condition of individual elements, services and buildings. b) Comparison of the actual condition with the asset owners’ specified condition standard. 42 c) Identification of maintenance works required to bring the condition of the building up to the required condition standards. d) Ranking of maintenance works in order of priority. e) Determining actions deemed necessary by the assessor to mitigate any immediate risk until remedial works can be taken to address the problems. The practice of condition assessment by building inspectors yielded variable results due to subjective perceptions of inspectors. Nowadays well- trained inspectors are able to manage condition surveys and provide property managers with objective, reliable information about performance loss and defects in building components. The implementation of various performance levels in planned maintenance requires not only the standardization of the condition assessment method, but also the related planning methodology. Data collected during a condition survey on-site is needed for strategy policy making, and for maintenance planning by the maintenance team. All building components will exposed to performance loss through ageing, use and external causes. According to Hermans, the relationship between degradation and performance loss can take place as the following:a) Performance loss manifests itself as continuously decreasing while degradation is continuously increasing. b) Performance remains constant while degradation declines continuously, performance loss is manifested abruptly. c) Performance loss and degradation act independently. This distinction is important in describing the influence of maintenance activities on performance loss. Besides, it is essential to know the turning points in performance loss and degradation and to determine optimal points of time for maintenance actions. 43 The international standard ISO 6241 (ISO, 1984) classified 14 categories of performance of building components. Those performance categories are also applied to maintenance activities. Many authors point out the need for clearly defined condition categories. Pitt says that, whatever condition categories are adopted, it is essential they are clearly defined. Condition assessment is more of information for maintenance strategies and not for preparing the yearly maintenance budget and the planning of works. Supplementary information need to obtain for the remedial works. All condition assessment methods follow the same pattern (as in figure 3) Building component , Defect (Type of defect) Intensity defect Extent defect Defect score Type of defect Condition building component Source: Research paper-Ad Straub, 2002 Figure 2.9 Condition assessment process 44 The assessing of defects occurs first to formulate maintenance activities and estimate costs. The inspectors usually go through condition parameters i.e. a) Type of defects – indicates to what extent it influences the functioning of the building components, is it minor, serious or critical. b) Intensity of the defects - strongly influences the condition of building components. The intensity of defects deals with the degradation process/ c) Extent of defects – Knowledge of defects is needed to assess the condition. The extent and the intensity of a defect combined with the type of defect lead to a condition mark, probably with a defect score as an intermediary product. It is notable that several condition assessment methods lead to variable resulting condition marks, while examining the same defects. 2.20 Defects on Buildings Defects are common phenomena among newly constructed buildings and existing buildings. It’s a matter of time, how sooner or latter it occurs and creates problems. The physical conditions of buildings are affected by the defects due to various factors. The factors range from design stage, procurement stage, construction stage and quality of materials used and workmanship carried out. According to British Research Establishment (BRE) work undertaken over years in UK indicated that 50% of defects found on construction projects is attributed to design issues, 40% due to construction stage and 10% due to product failure. Defects identified revealed that the majority of the defects were as a result of either poor technical detailing or the oversight of some specific requirement. These is shown through research by Griffith (1990), who attributed to defect problem to design, detailing, specification, legislation, co-ordination, communication, supervision and constructability. It is therefore a must to carry out maintenance works as soon as possible on the buildings. In general, most of our stake owner do not really care and give full attention to the maintenance requirement at the specific time. The defects condition become worse 45 and the cost increase tremendously for repairs or maintenance work. It is their duty and responsible to maintain the high value of the building asset. (Dr. Ahmad Bin Ramly, 2004) In some government departments, the building repairs and defects were administered and monitored by unprofessional personnel. They leave the responsibilities to the prerogatives of contractors and this continuous practice leads to inefficient utilization of building to the optimum level of acceptance. If these phenomena go on, then it definitely will not give good image to the construction industry of Malaysia and also to the public. The good practice of ethical values of United Kingdom should be taken as an example whereby the trained professionals were put to the particular trade off what they have studied. ( Dr.Ahmad Bin Ramly, 2004) Thereby, in the building project organization the most important roles are played by the client, designer, implementer, contractor, sub-contractor, material supplier, machine supplier and the user. It is through the coordinated actions of these people that the building is actually built. Therefore, it is natural for defects to be ascribed to them due to lack of coordination, lack of knowledge, lack of information and lack of motivation. Knowledge on the environment and one’s own work is important to know the nature of defects that had occurred. With such knowledge, effective action can be taken to improve the process. (P.E. Josephson, 1998) 2.21 Definitions of Defects on Building There are a large number of defects occurring during the construction and maintenance phases. Each defect is caused by various factors that had reacted on the structure and on other elements of the building. The involvement of all defects can be considered as a chain of events including cause, erroneous action, manifest defect, consequence and corrective measure. (P.E. Josephson, 1998, cited N. Brunsson, et. al, 1985). The cause is defined as a proven reason for the existence of defect. There 46 are several causes of the same erroneous action which are either in combined causes or a chain of causes. For that reason, the term root cause is sometimes used to describe the most basic reason for an undesirable condition. If the root cause is eliminated or corrected, then this will prevent the recurrence of the defect. (P.E. Josephson,1998, cited F.M.Gryna, et, al, 1988, J.R Dew, 1991, P.F. Wilson, et, al, 1993). Webster’s dictionary defines the word defect: 1) lack of something necessary for completeness, shortcoming 2) an imperfection, fault; blemish. 2.22 Causes and types of defects on Building Defects in building have been identified as one of the key areas in which construction industry must achieve significant improvement. However it is given little attention in many developing countries. This leads to financial losses in many respects to the client over the life of the building and inefficient use of the asset. The causes and types of defects usually occur in buildings are as illustrated in table 3 and table 4 respectively: Table 2.5 Causes of Defects No Causes of Defects 1 Lack of quality workmanship 2 Negligence 3 Decay mechanism 4 Chemical or electrochemical attack 5 Defective Building Materials / equipment 6 Violation of Building Codes 7 Failure to meet of design standard 8 Structure Failure / earth movement 9 Lack of proper project management 10 Lack of quality control and safety aspect Source: Researcher, 2010 47 Table 2.6: Type of Defects No Type of Defects 1 Leakage 2 Cracks 3 Settlement 4 Corrosion 5 Peeling off 6 Dampness 7 Blockage of services pipe 8 Blistering of paintworks 9 Fungus 10 Ventilation problem 11 Termite attack 12 Lift failure 13 Electrical and mechanical system 14 Roof failure 15 Lack of Architectural finishes 16 Thermal expansion Source: Researcher, 2010 However construction defects are tangible and can typically is grouped into four main categories as per the followings: a) Design Deficiencies – design professionals such as architects, engineers do not always work as intended or specified. The motivation for the design may be form, function, aesthetics or cost consideration but the completed design could result or manifest into a defect. b) Material Deficiencies – The use of inferior building materials and substandard products from manufacturer can cause significant problems. c) Construction Deficiency – Poor quality or sub-standard workmanship often manifests as water infiltration through some portion of the building structure. 48 Cracks in foundations, floor slabs, walls, dry rotting of wood or other building materials, termite or other pest infestation, electrical and mechanical problems, plumbing leaks, lack of appropriate sound insulation and fire resistant components, etc. d) Subsurface / Geotechnical Problems – Due to poor soil condition, terrain, hills and sloping areas many problem arises if proper measures are not taken. This will inevitably result in vertical and horizontal settlement (subsidence), movement (expansion), slope failures, flooding and landslides. These types of conditions typically lead to cracked foundation, floor slabs and other damage to a building. According to the National Building Agency (1985) defects occur either because of poor design, or low quality workmanship, or because of building not constructed according to design, or because it has been subject to factors not allowed for in the design. It is important to be able not only to diagnose simple defects and instruct repairs, but also to recognize and describe those problems which need experts help and act accordingly (Oram, 1994). Repair is the very heart of the approach to building conservation, a subject which, like architectural history, has grown in Malaysia into a fully developed discipline. According to (Marks, 1996, Cook & Hinks, 1992), one of the principal mean to guarantee conservation is to undertaken repair and maintenance. Repair of defects is an ongoing process and no repair is ultimate or find. 2.23 JKR Heading Toward Facilities Management After years of implementing projects, the department of JKR undertakes the duty and task of the facility management system to safeguard the assets of the nation. (as per in figure1).The scope of government assets in the contexts of JKR ( as per table1) The reasons behind the move toward FM were due to the government’s assets are ineffectively managed and the impacts are tremendous like: 49 a) User non-confident on level of safety. b) Deterioration of asset value. c) Increase of asset management cost. d) Loss of resources –repetitive defects. e) Inefficient of service delivery. f) Social effect. g) Negative image on the government and country. The inaugural NAFAM Convention 2007 on 13 & 14 August 2007 at the Tun Dr Ismail Hall, Level 2, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur. The theme “Asset & Facility Management: Coping with Future Challenges” has been chosen in view of its increasingly important role in effective management of expanding asset bases as well as promoting and enhancing the professional standard in Malaysia. Then the following actions and steps were taken to start the FM awareness and implementation: a) The immediate formation of Government Asset Management Committee (JPAK), headed by the Chief Secretariat to the Government, Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hj. Hassan. b) The formation of the Government Asset Management Manual. c) The formation of the Government Asset Management Document Structure which consists of four (4) main levels: e.i i) Document on Policy – principles, strategies & guildelines on asset management ii) Document on Manual -- concept, carry out and responsibility on Total Asset Management iii) Management procedures – special operational procedures on Total Asset Management iv) Supportive document – activity, process and instruction in detail on procedures of Asset Management 50 d) The launch of the JKR strategic frameworks 2007-2010 is a significant driving force towards paradigm shift in the way asset is to be managed in the country other than its businesses. e) Setting up vision, mission and strategic planning toward ensuring all physical assets continue to deliver the desired outcomes with efficient use of short and long term resources. f) Formation of Asset Facility Management sector solely for facility management and maintenance of asset facilities was initiated by management of JKR. g) NAFAM 2009 was held on 26 & 27 October 2009 at Tun Dr Ismail Hall, Level 2, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur Themed “Enhancing Values through Total Asset Management in the 10th Malaysia Plan”, The government is very much willing to implement Total Asset Management in all its agencies and to work together with private sector for a best practices in managing the country’s asset CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In recent times, particularly in the construction industry of Malaysia, there seem to be defects rapidly occurring on the buildings. This obviously goes without saying for the two (2) government projects which are identified under the scope of research. They are Technical Training Centres for the Ministry of Human Resources, situated at Taipng, Perak Darul Ridzuan and at Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur. Upon closer observation of many of the defects, it is very apparent that they are generally avoidable but it occurs due to many factors that will be described in chapter 4. Both the projects are under the concept of design and built by private contractors. They are monitored by the project team of Jabatan Kerja Raya who is the appointed implementor. Table 3.1 and 3.2 shows all the details related to the above projects. 52 Table 3.1: Details of Project –ADTEC Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan Name of Project To Design, Construct, Complete, Testing & Commissioning of Proposed Technical Training Centre (ADTEC) at Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan Client Ministry of Human Resources Implementor Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Name of Contractor Kamalbina Sdn Bhd Cost of Project RM 160,000,000.00 Date of Start 13 Mei 2007 Date of Completion 13 Mei 2009 Date of actual completion 13 August 2009 Scope of works include the Administration and Information Technology design, construction and Block, Main Lobby, completion of the following Main Hall, Library, Lecture Theatre, Cafeteria, works Workshops, Surau, Sport Pavilion, Staff Quarters –Class B, C, D, F & G Dining Hall, Boys and Girls Hostels, Guard Houses, STP, Garage, Pump House Ancillary Buildings, Earthworks and Soil Improvement Drainage, Roadwork, Sewerage System, Water Supply, Fencing, Landscaping, Elevated Water Tank, Street Lighting, Mechanical & Electrical services, TNB SubStation ICT Statue of Project Handed over to client and its under operation Source: Researcher, 2010 53 Table 3.2: Details of Project –ADTEC Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur Name of Project To Design, Construct, Complete, Testing & Commissioning of Proposed Technical Training Centre (ADTEC) at Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur Client Ministry of Human Resources Implementor Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Name of Contractor SM Pelangi Sdn Bhd Cost of Project RM 95,317,888.88 Date of Start 24 Oktober 2007 Date of Completion 22 September 2009 Date of actual completion EOT No:5 – until 26 Mac 2011 progress( 96/100%) Scope of works include the Administration and Information Technology design, construction and Block, Main Lobby completion of the following Main Hall, Library, Lecture Theatre, Cafeteria, works Workshops, Surau, Sport Pavilion, Staff Quarters –Class B, C, D, E, F & G Dining Hall, Boys and Girls Hostels, Guard Houses, Store, STP, Garaj, Pump House Ancillary Buildings, Earthworks and Soil Improvement Drainage, Roadwork, Sewerage System, Water Supply, Fencing, Landscaping, Elevated Water Tank, Street Lighting, Mechanical & Electrical services, TNB SubStation ICT Statue of Project Incomplete Project – under LAD Source: Researcher, 2010 54 3.2 Research Methodology This research methodology will explain how the primary data from a questionnaire survey conducted was collected and also the process of developing question related to the research objectives. It also explains the group of respondent selected for answering the questionnaire survey. Besides that, personnel observation of each particular buildings condition was needed to justify as well as to verify the result of the survey questionnaire from the respondent. The research is designed in such a way as to achieve the objectives of the research. It was carried out mainly through three (3) major components, i.e a) Preliminary studies and Primary Data Collection b) Secondary Data Collection c) Data Analysis 3.3 Preliminary studies Primary Data Collection Since the research which relates more to construction industry, therefore journals, books, bulletins and from reliable internal sources pertaining to that field were refer to solve the problem statement. Data and information from literature review were useful as a source for designing relevant question for the survey questionnaire. Furthermore, information gathered from the office of JKR and client’s ministry was far more useful. 55 3.4 Secondary Data Collection In order to gather more information for the research, the data collection is based on questionnaire and feedbacks from the following personnel involving directly or indirectly in the projects: a) Staffs and top management of Public Works Department a) Clients - Ministry of Human Resources b) Contractors and consultants c) User / Occupants of the building The questionnaire was mainly designed to get information from respondent’s point of view on the following factors: Section A- Category of sector, professional background, years of working experience in the relevant field. Section B- The major causes and type of defects on the buildings Section C- The physical condition of building facilities and services. Section D-The satisfactory level on the present maintenance management and services. Section E - The common problem encounter in the present maintenance management and services. A five-point licker scale approach was adopted and the respondent only need to answer the most likely determine factor of their choice for questions in each section. Examples of the questionnaire are attached to appendix: 56 3.5 Data Analysis The collected data will be analyses by quantitively method so as to finalize and achieve the research objectives. Now, the important stage, whereby all result of data analysis will reflex the actual condition assessment of the two (2) projects. The methods adopted for data analysis in this study are Frequency Statistics using percentage, Descriptive Statistics using mean and Multidimensional Scaling using two (2) dimensional solution ( in squared distances) base on SPSS software. 3.6 Multidimensional Scaling Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is a series of techniques that identify key dimension underlying respondents’ evaluations of objects. It delivers respondents’ judgments of similarity or preferences into distances represented in multidimensional space. The resulting perceptual maps will show the positioning of all objects. The objects can group into objective dimensions and perceived dimensions. The dimensions perceived by respondents’ may not coincide with the objective dimensions assumed by the researcher. Further more, the evaluation of the dimension may not be independent and may not agree. In Multidimensional Scaling, the researcher has choice to select objects as strong factors and weak factor which are very useful in their analysis. The most appropriate objectives of Multidimensional Scaling are: a) To identify unrecognized dimensions affecting behavior. b) To obtain comparative evaluations of objects when the specific bases of comparison are unknown or indefinable. CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter highlights the findings of data analysis base on data collected through questionnaire. The data are analyzed using the proposed methods as described earlier in chapter 3. One of the main objectives of this study is to identify and understand the nature and kind of defects due to various factors. From this outcome of the analysis, it is possible to identify and conclude the main type and causes of defects. It is then, the proposal for condition assessment rating to be carried out to assess the severity of each defect for a perfect maintenance management system to the Technical Training Centres. 4.2 Findings 4.3 Section A- Respondents’ Background Analysis was done on question A1, A2, A3 and A4. In this section, the respondents’ were kindly requested to feedback with information on their 58 background like the category of sector they belong to, their profession in the field of specialization and years of working experience. These are vital information so needed to identify their level of understanding toward the objectives of this study. Table 4.1 Category of Sector Category of Sector No Percent Client JKR Consultant Contractor Others 23 25 3 5 38 41 5 8 5 8 Total 61 100.0 Table 4.1 - shows a total of 61 respondents belonging to various type of sector. It consists of twenty three (23) from client department, twenty five (25) from JKR, three (3) from consultant, five (5) from contractor and five (5) from others. Figure 4.1 Showing the sector of respondents 59 Chart 4.1 shows the distribution of various sectors the respondents belong to, that is forty one percent (41%) from JKR, thirty- eight percent (38%) from client, eight (8%) from contractors, three percent (3%) from consultants and eight percent (8%) from others. Table 4.2: Professional Background Professional Background Engineer Architecture Quantity Surveyor Lecturer Others Total No Percent 26 6 9 8 12 42 10 15 13 20 61 100.0 Table 4.2 - show a total of 61 respondents belonging to various group of Professional. Among them, twenty six (26) are Engineer, six (6) are Architect, nine (9) are Quantity Surveyor, eight (8) are Lecturer and twelve (12) are from other profession. Figure 4.2: Shows the distribution of percentage of Professional group 60 Figure 4.2 shows the distribution of Professional group the respondents belong to. Forty two percent (42%) are Engineers, ten percent (10%) are Architects, fifteen (15%) are Quantity Surveyor, thirteen percent (13%) are Lecturers and twenty (20%) percent are others. Table 4.3 Working experience (Specialization) Working experience Building project Management No Percent 25 41 Maintenance Management Facility Management Lecturing Others Total 2 0 24 10 61 3 0 39 17 100 Table 4.3 - show a total of 61 respondents having various type of working experience (specialization). Twenty-five (25) are in building project management, two (2) are in Maintenance Management, twenty-four (24) are in Lecturing and ten (10) others are specialize in other profession. Figure 4.3 Shows the distribution of percentage on working experience 61 Figure 4.3: shows the distribution of percentage of working experience the respondents have. Forty-one percent (41%) in building project management, three percent (3%) are in maintenance management, thirty-nine percent (39%) are in lecturing and seventeen percent (17%) are in other fields. Table 4.4 Year of Working Experience Year of Working Experience Less than 5 Years 5 Years-9 Years 10 Years-19 Years 20 Years-30 Years More than 30 Years Total No Percent 26 10 12 9 4 61 43 16 20 15 6 100.0 Table 4.4 - show a total of 61 respondents having various years of working experiences. Twenty-six (26) of them having less than 5 years, ten (10) of them having 5 years to 9 years, twelve (12) of them having 10 years to 19 years, nine (9) of them having 20 years to 30 years and four (4) of them having more than 30 years. Figure 4.4 Shows the distribution of percentage on years of working experience 62 Figure 4.4: shows the distribution of percentage on years of working experience the respondents have. Forty-three percent (43%) have less than five (5) years, sixteen percent (16%) have five (5) to nine (9) years, twenty (20%) percent have ten (10) to nineteen (19) years, fifteen percent (15%) have twenty (20) to thirty (30) years and six percent (6%) have more than thirty (30) years. 4.4 Section B- The occurrence of defects on the building facilities and services. This section consist of twenty (20) statements referring generally on the defects, the major causes of defects, the common type of defects and the various constructive measures proposed to reduce the defects on the buildings. Respondents were given choice to select their best response for each of the statement using licker scale identification – 1-Strongly Disagree, 2- Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree & 5Strongly Agree. The ranking of status of statements through questionnaire to be identified by respondents are as per table 4.5 below: 63 Table 4.5: Defect in the building facilities and services. No Statement B1 Defects in newly completed buildings are fast becoming a serious phenomena. Whether zero defects or an aim towards achieving zero defects is attainable. B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Defects can be reduced if certain constructive measures and proactive steps are taken Even with minor defects, the operations of a quality may be impaired, resulting in increased costs. The major causes of defects on the buildings are due to poor design. B7 The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to low quality of workmanship The major cause of defects on are due to poor supervision B8 The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to substandard material B9 The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to lack of co-ordination among various parties B10 The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to ignorance & lack of successful maintenance programmes B11 The common types of defect on the buildings are settlement B12 The common types of defects on the buildings are structural detects and cracks. B13 The common types of defects on the buildings are water intrunsion / leakage B14 The common types of defects on the buildings are disruption of power supply B15 The common types of defects on the on the buildings are sewerage and drainage problem B16 The common types of defets on the buildings are sanitary fittings and plumbing problem B17 The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing awareness among the industry players B18 The defects on the buildings can be reduced by increasing quality programs in the local construction industry. B19 The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing training programs for local & foreign workers B20 The defects on the building can be reduce by improving standard operational procedures 64 Table 4.6 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive statistic-means and multidimensional scaling analysis - section B Sec B STATEMENT Total 0f strongly Disagree & Diaagree -1 Neutral-2 Total of Agree & Strongly Agree -3 No % No % No % Mean Rank (%) Rank Mean B1 Serious 4 6.6% 14 23.0% 43 70.5% 3.85 11 11 B2 Zero 12 19.7% 21 34.4% 28 45.9% 3.28 16 18 B3 If step taken 1 1.6% 5 8.2% 55 90.2% 4.39 1 1 B4 Increase cost 2 3.3% 7 11.5% 52 85.2% 4.03 2 4 B5 Poor design 14 23.0% 17 27.9% 30 49.2% 3.39 18 16 B6 Workmanship 2 3.3% 14 23.0% 45 73.8% 4.08 9 2 B7 Supervision 2 3.3% 13 21.3% 46 75.4% 4.05 4 3 B8 Material 1 1.6% 15 24.6% 45 73.8% 3.95 8 7 B9 Co-ordination 0 0.0% 16 26.2% 45 73.8% 3.97 7 6 B10 Maintenance 1 1.6% 18 29.5% 42 68.9% 3.84 12 12 B11 Settlement 15 24.6% 23 37.7% 23 37.7% 3.13 20 20 B12 Structural Cracks 11 18.0% 12 19.7% 38 62.3% 3.61 13 13 B13 Water leakage 3 4.9% 24 39.3% 34 55.7% 3.59 14 14 B14 Disruption of power 13 21.3% 22 36.1% 26 42.6% 3.26 19 19 B15 Sewerage & drain 8 13.1% 25 41.0% 28 45.9% 3.38 17 17 B16 Sanitary & plumbing 8 13.1% 19 31.1% 34 55.7% 3.44 15 15 B17 Awareness 2 3.3% 13 21.3% 46 75.4% 3.90 5 10 B18 Quality programme 3 4.9% 12 19.7% 46 75.4% 3.90 6 9 B19 Training 4 6.6% 9 14.8% 48 78.7% 4.00 3 5 B20 Procedures 2 3.3% 15 24.6% 44 72.1% 3.95 10 8 Total 4.4.1 108 314 Analysis base on Frequency Statistics 798 Rank (MDS ) 65 The result of findings of questionnaire base on frequencies statistics are as per table 4.6 below: Here the researcher, have conclude the findings into three (3) main group from the five licker scale to get a more justified and logical result. Firstly, the total disagree group (1) – consists of licker scale (1) Strongly Disagree and (2) Disagree, Secondly (2) the neutral group- consists of licker scale (3) Neutral. Thirdly (3), the totally agree group- consists of licker scale (4) Agree and (5) Strongly Agree. The results of frequency analysis reveals that totally agreed group are accepted by the respondents. The result, base on percentage are ranked from the top to bottom. The top three (3) statements attribute to the desirability of the respondents - that is B3- Defects can be reduced if certain constructive measures and proactive steps are taken (90.2%), B4- Even with minor defects, the operations of a quality may be impaired (85.2%), B19- The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing training programs for local & foreign workers. (78.4%) Figure 4.5 Shows the overall ranking for statements in Section B In general, figure 4.5: shows the overall ranking of statements after the findings. Only 108 no of answers directed to group of strongly disagree and disagree 66 (9%), 314 no of answers directed to group of neutral (26%) and 786 no of answers goes towards agree and strongly agree.(65%) Table 4.7: Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis - Defects Serious N 61 Min 2 Max 5 Mean 3.85 Std. Deviation .833 Zero 61 1 5 3.28 .915 If steps taken 61 2 5 4.39 .714 Increase cost 61 2 5 4.03 .682 Poor design 61 2 5 3.39 .988 Workmanship 61 2 5 4.08 .862 Supervision 61 2 5 4.05 .825 Material 61 2 5 3.95 .740 Co-ordination 61 3 5 3.97 .706 maintenance 61 2 5 3.84 .711 Settlement 61 1 5 3.13 .846 Stuctural cracks 61 2 5 3.61 .971 Water leakage 61 2 5 3.59 .716 Disruption of power 61 1 5 3.26 .911 Sewerage & drainage 61 2 5 3.38 .778 Sanitary & plumbing 61 1 5 3.44 .807 Awareness 61 2 5 3.90 .724 Quality programme 61 2.0 5 3.89 .755 Training 61 2 5 4.00 .837 Procedures 61 2 5 3.95 .805 Statement 4.4.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) 67 Table 4.6 and 4.7 shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –mean. Top essential factors that were recognized by this descriptive statistics are: B3- Defects can be reduced if certain constructive measures and proactive steps are taken (mean-4.39), B6- The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to low quality of workmanship (mean- 4.08). 4.4.3 Multidimensional scaling A two dimensional scaling configuration was carried out to get the best significant factors as shown in figure 4.6. The strong factors are at the right top of dimension one such as B6-The major cause of defects on the buildings was due to low quality of workmanship. B10- The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to ignorance & lack of successful maintenance program, B18-The defects on the buildings can be reduced by increasing quality programs in the local construction industry, B19- The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing training programs for local & foreign workers, and B20-.The defects on the building can be reduce by improving standard operational procedures. These factors are the most important performance compared with the other three factors on the top left such as B13- The common types of defects on the buildings are water intrunsion / leakage, B15- The common types of defects on the on the buildings are sewerage and drainage problem and B16-The common types of defects on the buildings are sanitary fittings and plumbing problem While the weak factors located at left bottom in line with dimension two (2) such as B5- The major causes of defects on the buildings are due to poor design, B11- The common types of defect on the buildings are settlement, B12- The common types of defects on the buildings are structural detects and cracks and B14The common types of defects on the buildings are disruption of power supply 68 Derived Stimulus Configuration Euclidean distance model 2.0 1.5 1.0 training procedures quality programme maintenance sanitary & plumbing .5 w orkmanship w ater leakage sew erage & drainage Dimension 2 0.0 aw areness supervision co-ordination material increase cost serious disruption of pow er settlement -.5 -1.0 if steps taken stuctural cracks poor design -1.5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Dimension 1 Figure 4.6 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration. 4.4.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section B From the three (3) analysis it is possible to understand the multidimensional scaling with its strong factors as mention earlier ( B6,B10,B18,B19 & B20) is very much going forward with factors like training, workmanship, maintenance programs, quality programs for local construction industry and standard operational procedures. It is supported by analysis of frequency and mean with factors of training and workmanship. But however, factors like steps taken to improve and supervision strongly supported by frequency and mean were fell out in multidimensional scaling but they will be use for critical moment. 69 The outcome of conclusion where the causes of defects which were identified through the analysis can be conclude to be the same as outcome of research done by Griffith (1990), who attribute range of problems due to design, detailing, specification, supervision legislation, co-ordination, communication, and constructability. On the statement about common defects in buildings, water leakage is identified as one of the main factors as it is located at left top portion of multidimensional scaling figure. It is supporter by research done by M.Y.L (2004), shown that among the frequency of the occurrence of defects, water leakages ranked the highest with 53% 4.5 Section C – The physical condition of the building facilities and services. This section consist ten (10) statements referring generally on the physical condition of the building facilities and services. Respondents were given choice to select their best response for each of the statement using licker scale identification – 1-Replace, 2- Poor, 3- Fair, 4- Good & 5- Excellent. The ranking of status of statements through questionnaire to be identified by respondents are as per table 4.8 below: Table 4.8: Shows the statement of physical condition No Statement 70 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Roofs Framing, Floors, Foundation Exterior walls, Finishes ,Windows & Doors Interior Finishes, Trims Plumbing Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition Electrical Power Electrical Lighting Life Safety Requirement (e.g emergency light) Infrastructure 4.5.1 Frequency Statistics Analysis The result of findings of questionnaire base on frequencies statistics are as per table 4.9 below: Here the researcher also , have conclude the findings into three (3) main group from the five licker scale to get a more justified and logical result. Firstly, the total Replace & Poor group (1) – consists of licker scale (1) Replace and (2) Poor. Second, (2) the fair group- consists of licker scale (3) fair. Thirdly (3), the total good & excellent group- consists of licker scale (4) Good and (5) Excellent. Table 4.9 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive statistic-means and multidimensional scaling analysis - section C 71 Sec C STATEMENT Total 0f Replace & Poor Total of Good & Excellent Fair No % No % No % Mean Ran k (%) Rank Mea n C1 Roofs 4 6.6% 31 50.8% 26 42.6% 3.41 9 5 C2 Frame,floor, Foundation 9 14.8% 19 31.1% 33 54.1% 3.41 4 6 C3 External wall finishes 9 14.8% 25 41.0% 27 44.3% 3.34 8 9 C4 Internal finishes 10 16.4% 24 39.3% 27 44.0% 3.34 10 10 C5 Plumbing 7 11.5% 27 44.3% 27 44.3% 3.34 7 8 C6 Air-condition 9 14.8% 22 36.1% 30 49.2% 3.36 6 7 C7 Electrical Power 8 13.1% 15 24.6% 38 62.3% 3.51 1 3 C8 Electrical Lighting 6 9.8% 18 29.5% 37 60.7% 3.54 2 1 C9 Safety Requirement 4 6.6% 22 36.1% 35 57.4% 3.52 3 2 C10 Infrastructure 7 11.5% 23 37.7% 31 50.8% 3.44 5 4 Total =610 73 226 311 The findings base on frequency analysis reveals that the total good & excellent groups are largely selected by the respondents. Table 4.9 shows the result of the analysis base on percentage that are ranked from the top to bottom..The top three (3) statements attribute to the desirability of the respondents base on the good facilities existed - that is C7 -Electrical Power, C8- Electrical Lighting and C9- Life Safety Requirement Ran k (M DS) 72 Figure 4.7 Shows the overall ranking for statements in Section C Figure 4.7: shows the overall ranking of statements after the findings. Only 73 no of answers directed to group of Replace & Poor (12%), 226 no of answers directed to group of Fair (37%) and 311 no of answers goes towards Good and Excellent. Therefore it indicates the building facilities and services at the Technical Training Centre are mostly in good condition. 4.5.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) Table 4.8 and 4.9 shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –mean. Top essential factors that were recognized by this descriptive statistics are: C8- Electrical Lighting (mean-3.54), C9- Life Safety Requirement (mean- 3.52) and C7- Electrical Power. 73 Table 4.10: Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis Physical Condition – Section C Statement N Min Max Mean Std. Deviation Roofs 61 2 5 3.41 .692 Frame, Floor, Foundation 61 1 5 3.41 .824 External wall finishes 61 2 5 3.34 .793 Interior Finishes 61 2 5 3.34 .834 Plumbing 61 1 5 3.34 .772 Air Condition 61 1 5 3.36 .876 Electrical Power 61 2 5 3.51 .744 Electrical Lighting 61 2 5 3.54 .721 Safety Requirement 61 2 5 3.52 .648 Infrastructure 61 1 5 3.44 .827 4.5.3 Multidimensional scaling A two dimensional scaling configuration was done to get the strong factors. The strong factors are at the right top of dimension one such as shown in figure 4.8 .that are C3-Exterior walls, Finishes ,Windows & Doors and C6- Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition. These factors deals more directly with items related to physical condition. While the weak factors located at left bottom in line with dimension two (2) such as C1- Roofs and C9- Life Safety Requirement which are not very significant in effecting the physical condition. 74 Derived Stimulus Configuration Euclidean distance model 1.5 plumbling 1.0 infrastructure electrical lighting electrical pow er air condition .5 external w all finish interior finishes 0.0 Dimension 2 -.5 safety requirement -1.0 frame,floor,foundati -1.5 roofs -2.0 -2 -1 0 1 2 Dimension 1 Figure 4.8 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration 4.5.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section C From the three (3) analyses, the results of multidimensional scaling are entirely different from the others. In frequency and mean analysis, the main factors are C7, C8 and C9. But under the multidimensional scaling, its strong factors are C3 and C6 from derived stimulus configuration. The factors show that they were physically in very excellent condition. 75 4.6. Section D - The satisfactory level with present maintenance management and services. This section consist fourteen (14) statements requesting respondent to state their satisfactory level with the present maintenance management and services. Respondents were given choice to select their best response for each of the statement using licker scale identification – 1-Very Unsatisfactory, 2- Unsatisfactory, 3- Fair, 4- Satisfactory & 5- Very Satisfactory. The ranking of status of statements through questionnaire to be identified by respondents are as per table 4.11 below: Table 4.11: Shows the statement of satisfactory level. No Statement D1 Lighting D2 D3 D4 D5 Air Condition Ventilation Indoor air quality Acoustics for noise control D6 D7 Flexibility of instructional space Energy efficiency / conversation D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 Physical security of the buildings Exterior noise Overall Preventive Maintenance Overall cleaning Services Overall Landscape Services Overall waste disposal services Overall pest control 76 4.6.1 Frequency Statistics Analysis The data obtained from questionnaire are analyzed base on frequencies The outcome of the statistics are as per table 4.12 below: Here the researcher, have conclude the findings into three (3) main group from the five licker scale to get a more justified and logical result. Firstly, the total of very unsatisfactory and satisfactory group (1) – consists of licker scale (1) very unsatisfactory and (2) unsatisfactory,. Secondly (2) the fair group- consists of licker scale (3) Fair, Thirdly (3), the total satisfactory and very satisfactory group - consists of licker scale (4) Satisfactory and (5) Very Satisfactory.. The result of the frequency analysis reveals that the total satisfactory and very satisfactory group is accepted largely by the respondents. The result, base on percentage are ranked from the top to bottom. The top three (3) statements attribute to the desirability of the respondents - that is D1-Lighting (59.0%), D13- Overall waste disposal services (54.1%) and D5- Acoustics for noise control (54.1%). It also shows data of small percentage that respondents are very unsatisfactory with present maintenance management and services. They are facilities like energy efficient (18.0%), physical security (14.8%) and overall Preventive Maintenance. Figure 4.9 shows the overall ranking of data after the findings. Only 83 no of data are categorize under the very unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory group (10%), where else 361 data is under group of fair (42%) and 410 no of data goes towards the satisfactory and very unsatisfactory group.( 48%). 4.6.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) Table 4.12 and 4.13 shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –mean. Top essential factors that were recognized by this descriptive 77 statistics are: D1-lighting (mean-3.57), D14- pest control (mean- 3.52), D11cleaning services (mean-3.52), D5-Acoustics (mean-3.52) and D15-waste disposal services Table 4.12: Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive statistic-means and multidimensional scaling analysis - section D Sec D STATEMENT Total 0f very unsatisfactory & unsatisfactory Totalof satisfactory & very satisfactory Fair No % No % No % Mean Rank (%) Rank Mea n D1 Lighting 5 8.2% 20 32.8% 36 59.0% 3.57 1 1 D2 Air-condition 9 14.8% 23 37.7% 29 47.5% 3.31 8 11 D3 Ventilation 8 13.1% 23 37.7% 30 49.2% 3.36 6 10 D4 Indoor Air Quality 6 9.8% 24 39.3% 31 50.8% 3.41 5 9 D5 Acoustics 3 4.9% 25 41.0% 33 54.1% 3.52 3 4 D6 Space 6 9.8% 26 42.6% 29 47.5% 3.44 7 8 D7 Energy Effficient 11 18.0% 28 45.9% 22 36.1% 3.20 14 14 D8 Phsical Security 9 14.8% 27 44.3% 25 41.0% 3.30 13 12 D9 4 6.6% 29 47.5% 28 45.9% 3.46 11 7 D10 Exterior noise Preventive maintenance 10 16.4% 25 41.0% 26 42.6% 3.26 12 13 D11 Cleaning services 4 6.6% 25 41.0% 32 52.5% 3.52 4 3 D12 Landscape services 2 3.3% 31 50.8% 28 45.9% 3.48 10 6 D13 Waste disposal services 5 8.2% 23 37.7% 33 54.1% 3.51 2 5 D14 Pest control 1 1.6% 32 52.5% 28 45.9% 3.52 9 2 Total=854 83 361 410 Rank (MD S) 78 Figure 4.9 Shows the overall ranking for statements in Section D Table 4.13 Show the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis Present maintenance management and services Std. Statement N Min Max Mean Deviation Lighting 61 2 5 3.57 .741 Air Condition 61 1 5 3.31 .992 Ventilation 61 1 5 3.36 .949 Indoor air quality 61 1 5 3.41 .804 Acoustics 61 2 5 3.52 .648 Space 61 1 5 3.44 .886 Energy efficiency 61 1 5 3.20 .980 Physical security 61 1 5 3.30 .937 Exterior noise 61 2 5 3.46 .721 Preventive maintenance 61 1 5 3.26 .854 Cleaning services 61 2 5 3.52 .721 Landscape services 61 2 5 3.48 .648 Waste disposal services 61 1 5 3.51 .788 Pest control 61 2 5 3.52 .673 79 4.6.3 Multidimensional scaling A two dimensional scaling configuration was carried out to get the best significant factors as shown in figure 4.10. The strong factors are at the right top of dimension one such as D6-flexibility of instructional space,.D10-Overall preventive maintenance and D13-Overall waste disposal services. These factors are more important performance compared with the other factors on the top left such as D7Energy Efficient and D8- physical security. While the weak factors located at left bottom in line with dimension two (2) such as D2-Air condition, D3-ventilation D4Indoor air quality Derived Stimulus Configuration Euclidean distance model energy efficiencyphysical security preventive maintenan 1.5 1.0 w aste disposal servi space .5 pest control cleaning services lighting Dimension 2 0.0 air condition -.5 indoor air quality landscape services ventilation acoustics exterior noise -1.0 -1.5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Dimension 1 Figure 4.10 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration 2 80 4.6.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section D From the multidimensional scaling analysis it is strongly recommended the waste disposal services to be given priority. Other than that, the facilities on flexibility of instructional space and overall preventive maintenance were identified. The overall preventive maintenance statement is equally supported by research done by Nayanthara de silva et al., (2001) whereby maintainability of building has been identified as one of the key areas in which construction industry in Singapore must achieve significant improvement. 4.7 Section E - The common problems encounter with present maintenance management and services. This section consist twelve (12) statements requesting respondent to state the common problems encounter with present maintenance management and services. Respondents were given choice to select their best response for each of the statement using licker scale identification – 1-Most Frequent, 2- Frequent, 3- Fair, 4- Less Frequent & 5- Least Frequent. The ranking of status of statements through questionnaire to be identified by respondents are as per table 4.14 below 81 Table 4.14 Show the statement of common problem with present maintenance management – Section E No Statement E1 Structure cracks E2 E3 Waterproofing leakage Internal wall (i.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 External wall (I.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) Roof (i.e. leaking, blocked rainwater pipes, sagging etc) Internal fixture(i.e. timber decay, faulty door & window, broken door handle, etc) Fire alarm system (false ringing, etc) Electric installation (i.e lamp, plug, switch, Electrical short circuit etc) Plumbing system (i.e. leaks at joint, mall function ball valves etc) E10 Drainage system (i.e. blocked drains) E11 Waste disposal E12 Cleanliness of the building 4.7.1 Frequency Statistics Analysis The data obtained from questionnaire are analyzed base on frequencies The outcome of the statistics are as per table 4.15 below: Here the researcher, have conclude the findings into three (3) main group from the five licker scale to get a more justified and logical result. Firstly, the total of most frequent and frequent group (1) – consists of licker scale (1) Most Frequent and (2) Frequent, Secondly (2) the fair group- consists of licker scale (3) Fair, Thirdly (3), the total of less frequent and least frequent - consists of licker scale (4) Less Frequent and (5) Least Frequent The outcome of the frequency analysis shows that the common problems encounter with present maintenance management and services are E1- Structure cracks ( 45.9%), E2- Waterproofing leakage ( 32.99%), E3-Internal wall (i.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) ( 37.7%), E4-External wall (I.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) (39,3%). All these factors are justified after they are listed in the most frequency and frequency group. 82 Table 4.15 Shows the overall ranking of frequencies, descriptive statistic-means and multidimensional scaling analysis - Section E Sec E STATEMENT Total 0f Most Frequent & Frequent Totalof Less Frequent & Least Frequent Fair Mea n Rank (%) Rank Mea n No % No % No % 28 45.9% 11 18.0% 22 36.1% 2.70 -1 11 E2 Structure cracks Waterproofing leakage 20 32.8% 26 42.6% 15 24.6% 2.92 -9 9 E3 Internal walls 23 37.7% 27 44.3% 11 18.0% 2.75 -7 10 E4 External walls 24 39.3% 29 47.5% 8 13.1% 2.64 -5 12 E5 Roof 17 27.9% 25 41.0% 19 31.1% 3.07 10 7 E6 Internal fixtures 13 21.3% 31 50.8% 17 27.9% 3.07 11 8 E7 Fire alarm system 10 16.4% 26 42.6% 25 41.0% 3.33 4 1 E8 Electric Installation 17 28.3% 19 31.7% 25 41.7% 3.11 2 6 E9 Plumbing system 13 21.3% 26 42.6% 22 36.1% 3.21 8 5 E10 Drainage system 11 18.0% 26 42.6% 24 39.3% 3.28 6 3 E11 Waste disposal 9 14.8% 27 44.3% 25 41.0% 3.31 3 2 E12 Cleanliness 10 16.4% 29 47.5% 22 10.6% 3.21 -12 4 Total =732 195 E1 302 235 Figure 4.11 below shows the overall ranking of statements after the findings. 195 data are in the of group of most frequency and frequency (27%), 302 data are in the group of fair (415) and 235 data are in the group of less frequency and least frequency (32 %.), Rank (MD S) 83 Figure 4.11 Shows the overall ranking for statements in Section E 4.7.2 Descriptive statistics analysis (mean) Table 4.15 and 4.16 shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis –mean. Top essential factors that were recognized by this descriptive statistics are: E7- Fire alarm system (false ringing, etc) (mean-3.33), E9- Plumbing system (i.e. leaks at joint, mall function of ball valves etc) (mean-3.21), E10Drainage system (i.e. blocked drains) (mean-3.28), E11- Waste disposal (mean-3.31) and E12- cleanliness of the building (mean-3.21) 84 Table 4.16: Shows the overall ranking of descriptive statistics analysis Common problem with present maintenance management N Min Max Mean Std. Deviation Structure cracks 61 1 5 2.70 1.283 Waterproofing / leakage 61 1 5 2.92 .988 Internal walls 61 1 5 2.75 .977 External walls 61 1 5 2.64 .949 Roof 61 1 5 3.07 1.093 Internal fixtures 61 1 5 3.07 .892 Fire alarm system 61 1 5 3.33 .961 Electric installation 61 1 5 3.11 1.066 Plumbing system 61 1 5 3.21 .915 Drainage system 61 1 5 3.28 .951 Waste disposal 61 1 5 3.31 .904 Cleanliness 61 1 5 3.21 .915 4.7.3 Multidimensional scaling The data were analyses through a two dimensional scaling configuration. The best significant factors are selected such as shown in figure 4.12. The strong factors are at the right top of dimension one such as E3- Internal wall (i.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) and E4- External wall (I.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc). Besides that, the weak factors located at left bottom in line with dimension two (2) such as B5- Electric installation (i.e lamp, plug, switch, Electrical short circuit etc), E9- Plumbing system (i.e. leaks at joint, mall function ball valves etc), E10 Drainage system (i.e. blocked drains), E11Waste disposal and E12- cleanliness of the building. 85 Derived Stimulus Configuration Euclidean distance model 1.5 roof 1.0 fire alarm system w aterproofing leakag internal fixtures .5 external internal wwalls alls drainage system 0.0 structure cracks Dimension 2 plumbling system w aste disposal -.5 clealiness electric installatio -1.0 -1.5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Dimension 1 Figure 4.12 Shows the Multidimensional Scaling Configuration 4.7.4 Conclusion of the analysis in section E From the three (3) analysis, the multidimensional scaling has picked up strong factors like E3 (internal wall) and E4 (external wall) which were also factors pick up in the frequency analysis but left out in the mean analysis. However the strong factor E7-fire alarm system (mean-3.33) in the descriptive analysis only become a supportive to factors of multidimensional scaling. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction The main objective of this study is to identify the nature and kind of defects due to various factors. Then to, incorporate strategic maintenance management system for an effective maintenance of the buildings at the Technical Training Centre. In the earlier chapter 3 and 4, a complete details of how the process of research was done to obtain data and finally analyze it to obtain results relevant to this research objectives. Now, in this chapter 5, all the findings will be examine to a comprehensive conclusion and recommendations. 5.2 First objectives – to identify the various types and causes of defects. 5.2.1 The common types of defects on the buildings More than 50% of respondents have supported the various types of defects as stated below except defects due to settlement (frequency -37.7% & mean-3.13): 1) The common type of defects on the buildings are structural defects and cracks - this statement B12 is agreed, such as the frequency statistics (62.3%), descriptive statistics mean (3.61) 87 2) The common type of defects on the buildings are water intrusion/leakage this statement B13 is agreed, such as the frequency statistics (55.7%), descriptive statistics mean (3.59) and multidimensional scaling (Dimension 1 + 1.7027, Dimension 2 + 0.1425) 3) The common types of defects on the buildings are disruption of power supply - this statement B14 is agreed, such as the frequency statistics (42.6%), descriptive statistics mean (3.26) 4) The common types of defects on the on the buildings are sewerage and drainage problem - this statement B15 is agreed, such as the frequency statistics (45.9%), descriptive statistics mean (3.38) and multidimensional scaling (Dimension 1 -1.4293, Dimension 2 + 0.1537) 5) The common types of defects on the buildings are sanitary fittings and plumbing problem- this statement B16 is agreed, such as the frequency statistics (55.7%), descriptive statistics mean (3.44) and multidimensional scaling (Dimension 1 - 1.1340, Dimension 2 + 0.5563) 5.2.2 Defects due to various causes. More than 70% of respondents have strongly supported the various factors as stated below: 1) The major causes of defects on the buildings are due to low quality of workmanship- this statement B6 is strongly agreed, such as the frequency statistics (73.8%), descriptive statistics mean (4.08) and multidimensional scaling 2) ( Dimension 1 + 1.7027, Dimension 2 + 0.1425) The major cause of defects on are due to poor supervision- this statement B7 is strongly agreed, such as the frequency statistics (75.8%), descriptive statistics mean (4.05) 3) The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to substandard materialthis statement B8 is strongly agreed, such as the frequency statistics (73.8%), descriptive statistics mean (3.95 88 4) The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to lack of co-ordination among various parties- this statement B9 is strongly agreed, such as the frequency statistics (73.8%), descriptive statistics mean (3.97) 5) The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to ignorance & lack of successful maintenance programs- this statement B10 is strongly agreed, such as the frequency statistics (68.9%), descriptive statistics mean (3.84) 5.3 Second objectives -to incorporate maintenance management system for an effective maintenance of the buildings 5.3.1 An effective maintenance of the buildings For an effective maintenance of the buildings, the researcher carried out three (3) aspects of findings before deciding maintenance management system. Firstly- the Physical condition of the building facilities and services. More than 51% of data collected have strongly supported that the physical condition of the building facilities and services are good and excellent. 37 % % of data have stated fair while 12% of data have demanded for replace. Physical Condition that needed to improve at the moment are life safety requirement and roof material. Proposal for long lasting and good services of the facilities is essential. Secondly- the satisfactory level of present maintenance management and services More than 48% of data have supported on the satisfactory level, 42 % of data goes to the status of fair and 10% of them go for unsatisfactory level. However, good facilities services are needed. Thirdly -The common problems encounter with present maintenance management and services. About 27 % of data have supported on the satisfactory level, 42 % of data goes to the status of fair and 10% of them go for unsatisfactory level. However, good facilities services are needed. The main common problems 89 arises during the analysis are structure cracks (45.9%).waterproofing leakage (32.8%), Internal wall (i.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) (37.7%) and External wall (i.e. plaster loose, discolored, blistered, decoration, etc) (39.3%) 5. 4 Observation at Site The researcher had the best information of the two (2) centres since involve in the construction stage to completion stage of the projects. Basically the outcome of the research survey implies the similarities of what the actual type of defects and causes of defects found at the sites. Defects like structure cracks(45.9%), waterproofing leakage (32.8%), defects on external walls (39.9%), defects on internal walls(37.7%) and fire alarm system( 16.4%) which were identified by the research survey are very much common defects problems occurs frequently at both the centres. This is further seen on the causes of defects due to workmanship which is identified under multidimensional scaling configuration as the main factor is again proven at the site because of workmanship is the cause of shoddy works and followed by supervision and material used. 5.5 Conclusion Based on the conclusion of all supportive factors as mention in 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 1 and 5.3.1 above, the objectives of research is achieved almost 75%. Basically the Facilities Management idea is being carried out at the early stage on the scope of housekeeping especially at the Technical Training Centre, in Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan. On the other side, at the Technical Training Centre, in Jerantut, Pahang Darul Makmur the idea of FM is at the awareness level. 90 Now with the number of defects and causes of it has been identified and together with the common problems and satisfactory level of present maintenance, management services, the proposal for further improvement of the condition of buildings with proper maintenance system to avoid defects can be forwarded to the client department. To go further, need to explain the followings: 1) Present building condition base on result obtain (defects and maintenance problem) are evaluated with condition standard benchmarks. 2) Before assigning the type of maintenance to the building asset, the department must carefully consider what they require of the asset. 3) Determination of actions to mitigate any immediate risk (defects) until remedial works can take place. 4) Identification of maintenance works (more to FM values) to bring the condition of building and services in order of priority. This research has open up the road to key success factors for maintenance establishment to the Technical Training Centres. It leads the way for consideration of successful implementation of departmental assessment ratings and strategic maintenance plan. maintenance policy, condition 91 REFERENCES Ahmad Bin Ramly (2004), Panduan Kerja-kerja Pemeriksaan Kecacatan Bangunan. Ad Straub (2002), Using a condition dependent approach to control cost and performance Anthony M. Smith and Glenn R.Hincheliffe (2004), RCM-Gateway to World Class Maintenance. Barrie Chanter & Peter Swallon (2007), Building Maintenance Management, Second Edition Chew M.L.Y. (2004), Defect analysis in wet areas of building Donn W.Brown (1996), Facilities Management: The Manager’s Practical Guide and Handbook. David S.Watt (2007), Building Pathology, Second Edition Greogory H.Mogue (1998), Facilties Maintenance Management James Douglas and Bill Ransom (2007), Understanding Building Failures, Third Edition Josephson, E & Y. Hammarland (1998) The Causes and Costs of Defects in Construction Government Asset Management Manual, 2009 JKR Strategic Frameworks (2007-2010) Keith Alexander (1997), Facilities Management: Theory and Practice Leong, K.C.- EAROPH Honorary President and Head of EAROPH-APIGAM, The Essence of Good Facilities Management. Maizan Bin Baba (2009), Facilities Management: A Collection of Proceedings & Articles. Nayanthara de Silva et al(2004), Improving the maintainability of Buildings in Singapore 92 Plowman, C. (1991), Investigation of Defects in Construction and Building Materials – some old and new methods Quah and Lee King (1998), Facilities Management and Maintenance: A Way Ahead Into the Millennium Rachel Becker (1991), Research and Development Needs For Better Implementation of the Performance Concept in Building Terry Wireman (1991), Total Productive Maintenance: An American Approach. Zaiton Ali –Corporate Real Estate: Another Real Estate Area. . . UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA & JABATAN KERJA RAYA FACILITY MANAGEMENT APPROACH TO ENHANCE MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AT THE ADVANCE TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTRES -ADTEC (Pusat Latihan Teknologi Tinggi Taipng, Perak D.R & Jerantut, Pahang D.M ) Datuk/Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Cik yang dihormati, Salam sejahtera dan 1 Malaysia. In the completed government buildings, there seem to be norms for the occurrence of defects. The only difference between them is how sooner or later it occurs and how bad the condition of it. In recent times, there has been a barrage of defects rapidly occurring on the buildings at the two selected Advance Technical Training Centre. There are many factors influencing the occurrence of defects and leads to many problems. These delays the daily functionality of the organization, causes extra cost for repairs to the clients, extra workload, paperwork and monitoring process by JKR personnel and finally lead to complaint from all level of government servants. The adoption of Facility Management practice takes a positive look forward both at what the future holds and at possible steps in changing the ways in which services are delivered. Under the building condition assessment rating system, a more reliable information about performance loss and defects in the building can be achieved. So this survey exercise is carried out to assess the main causes of defects and solution toward developing a maintenance strategy and a program of regular condition assessment for building performance and reporting purposes. Please read the entire survey form carefully and answer the questions. This survey is for academic purposes only and the information collected will be treated as strictly confidential. Your kind co-operation in making this survey a success in my study is very much appreciated. Thank You in advance Rajandran Bahagian Senggara Persekutuan Negeri Ibu Pejabat JKR Perak Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab 30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan No. Fax No. Tel. Pejabat No. Tel. Bimbit No. Tel. Bimbit : : : : 05-5227826 016-5689912 1/5 SECTION A: Respondent Background Respondent's Name : _____________________________________________ Position's in Dept/Firm : _____________________________________________ Tel No: ___________________________ 1. What is the category of sector you belong to Client or End-user Implementor (JKR) Consultant Contractor Others, please specify 2. Please state your professional background Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Eletrical) (omit those not related) Architecture Quantity Survey Lecturer Others, please specify 3 Working experience in field of Building project management Maintenance management Facility management Education /Lecturing Others, please specify 4 Years of working experience < 5 tahun, please specify 5 year - 9 year 10 year - 19 year 20 year - 30 year > 30 year, please specify 2/5 SECTION B: The Occurrence of Defects in the Building Facilities and Services Please choose your best response for each of the statement using scale identification 1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neutral, 4-Agree & 5-Strongly Agree No STATEMENT a Defects in newly completed buildings are fast becoming a serious phenomena. Whether zero defects or an aim towards achieving zero defects is attainable. Defects can be reduced if certain constructive measures and proactive steps are taken. Even with minor defects; the operations of a quality may be impa impaired, resulting in increased costs The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to poor design. The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to low quality of workmanship The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to poor supervision The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to substandard material The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to lack of co-ordination among various parties The major cause of defects on the buildings are due to ignorance & lack of successful maintenance programmes The common types of defect on the buildings are settlement. The common types of defect on the buildings are structural defects and cracks. The common types of defect on the buildings are water intrusion/leakage The common types of defect on the buildings are disruption of power supply The common types of defect on the buildings are sewerage and drainage problem. The common types of defect on the buildings are sanitary fittings and plumbing problem The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing awareness among the industry players. The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing quality programme in the local construction industry. The defects on the buildings can be reduce by increasing training programme for local & foreign workers The defects on the buildings can be reduce by improving standard operational procedures b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t 1 3/5 2 3 4 5 SECTION C: The physical condition of each of the building Facilities and Services Please choose your best response for each of the statement using scale identification 1-Replace, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good & 5-Excellent No a b c d e f g h i j STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 Roofs Framing, Floors, Foundation Exterior walls, Finishes, Windows & Doors Interior Finishes, Trims Plumbing Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition Electrical Power Electrical Lighting Life Safety Requirement ( e.g emergency light) Infrastructure SECTION D: The satisfactory level with present Maintenance Management & Services Please choose your best response for each of the statement using scale identification 1-Very Unsatisfactory, 2-Unsatisfactory, 3-Fair, 4-Satisfactory & 5-Very Satisfactory No a b c d e f g h i j k l m n STATEMENT 1 Lighting Air condition Ventilation Indoor air quality Acoustics for noise control Flexibility of instructional space Energy efficiency / conservation Physical security of the buildings Exterior noise Overall Preventive Maintenance Overall cleaning services Overall Landscape services Overall waste disposal services Overall pest control 4/5 2 3 SECTION E: The common problems in present Maintenance Management & Services Please choose your best response for each of the statement using scale identification 1-Most Frequent, 2-Frequent, 3-Fair, 4-Less Frequent & 5-Least Frequent NO a b c d e f g h i j k l STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 Structure cracks Waterproofing leakage Internal wall (i.e. plaster loose, discoloured, blistered, decoration, etc) External wall (i.e. plaster loose, discoloured, blistered, decoration, etc) Roof (i.e. leaking, blocked rainwater pipes, sagging etc) Internal fixture(i.e. timber decay, faulty door & window operation, broken door handle, etc) Fire alarm system (false ringing, etc) Electric installation (i.e. lamp, plug, switch, Electrical shortcirciut etc) Plumbing system (i.e. leaks at joint, mall function ball valves etc0 Drainage system (i.e. blocked drains) Waste disposal Cleanliness of the building SECTION F: Facility Management (FM) approach toward maintenance management using Condition Assessment Rating Please choose your best response for each of the statement using scale identification 1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neutral, 4-Agree & 5-Strongly Agree No a b c d e f g h i j STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 FM is an emerging discipline that is getting recognition day by day FM embraces the concepts of cost-effectiveness, productivity improvement, efficiency & quality of life FM life cycle mainly consist of planning, acquisition, operation & maintenance and disposition. Condition standard are benchmarks against which are building assessment result are evaluated. Condition Assessment Rating identify defects and performance loss. Condition Assessment Rating usually carried out by qualified Building Inspectors. Do you look forward for the Condition Assessment Rating under the FM system. Condition Assessment Rating provide information needed for maintenance strategy. Through Condition Assessment Rating the acceptance criteria can be identified. The performance loss in maintenance are distinguised and linked to different kind of maintenance activities. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TIME AND CO-OPERATION SHOWN IN ANWSERING THIS QUESTIONAAIRE. 5/5 5