Generating Interest in Cybersecurity Through High School Digital Forensics Education Patrick Pape

Generating Interest in Cybersecurity Through High School
Digital Forensics Education
Patrick Pape
John A. Hamilton Jr.
Mississippi State University
75 B.S. Hood Dr.
Mississippi State, Mississippi
Mississippi State University
75 B.S. Hood Dr.
Mississippi State, Mississippi
This paper provides a look at the author’s experiences and
approach to teaching a varying range of students, from high
school to those currently working in the field of digital forensics. With the increasing need for more cybersecurity professionals, it is important to expose students as soon as possible to the concepts of cybersecurity and the potential degree options that would allow the students to pursue jobs
in the field. Though not limited to high school students, we
will discuss the curriculum that we use when teaching high
school students and other relative newcomers to the concepts of cybersecurity and digital forensics. Digital forensics
is a relatively low-cost entry point to teaching new students
about the field of cybersecurity and this makes it a great
place for interested students to start. We combine freely
available tools and operating systems with hands-on collaborative experience to reinforce discussions about various aspects of digital forensics and cybersecurity in general. Using
our previous experiences with both high schoolers and professionals, this paper presents a curriculum for teaching high
school students digital forensics in an outreach capacity.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
L.6 [Computer Forensics]: All; M.1.4 [Professional Topics]: Computing Education—Computing education programs,
k-12 education, adult education
General Terms
Design, Human Factors, Security
digital forensics, high school, education, cybersecurity, curriculum, outreach
By exposing high school students to digital forensics and cybersecurity concepts in a time when they are making important choices about their future, we measure the capability to
facilitate an interest in hard science and engineering degrees.
This paper discusses previous successes dealing with high
school students and digital forensics novices in a teaching
capacity. The key to the work is the focus on a longitudinal
study that tracks student feedback and the current state of
the field and adjusts the course material and teaching strategy accordingly. We measure the impact of the courses on
the students’ interest in cybersecurity related fields and use
that knowledge to reinforce the ”best” parts of the course, as
indicated by the students. What we present in this paper is
our current course material, polished by years of experience
and feedback with students, in a way that would facilitate
easier access to high school students as an outreach program
with the university.
The goal of these courses is to open up new pathways for high
schools students to engage in cybersecurity related fields in
their future careers. Much of our teaching material is posted
online and we are in the progress of updating the material
and establishing a more permanent location to disseminate
material to interested students. By creating a freely accessible location for coursework and other learning aides, the
students can further investigate digital forensics concepts
and their interest in the subject. In addition to the high
school students, an online repository is used as a place where
anyone interesting in learning more about digital forensics
can obtain lectures, guided exercises and customized virtual
machine images to get started.
This work utilizes the feedback and experience of the digital
forensics programs at two major southeastern universities to
create courses that cater specifically to increasing the interest of high school students in science and engineering fields.
Both authors have experience teaching digital forensics from
the introductory to advanced levels. The feedback from the
students from the teaching grants that funded these teaching
experiences will help to shape the courses moving forward.
By maintaining contact with the interested students, we can
get the information we need about the influence our program
has on a students decision to enter a cybersecurity field, as
well as continuing to aid the students in seeking out and
learning more about digital forensics and related subjects.
Digital forensics is a strong avenue for introducing students
and novices to the fields of cybersecurity because the cost of
entry is relatively low. Utilizing freely available tools and
operating systems and combining that with our teaching
program, the students are able to seek out the experience
and knowledge they get from the workshops and online materials, without having to worry about affording registration
in the program and what goes with it. This is especially
important when dealing with the lower income and underrepresented populations in the states where we run these
programs. Students who could otherwise grow to be exceptional applicants to cybersecurity programs may not have
the chance to be exposed to digital forensics and cybersecurity concepts.
There has been an increasing amount of attention paid to establishing digital forensics educational programs at varying
levels of education, including: high school, undergraduate,
and professional. This recent work helps to serve as the
foundation for our initial approach to designing classes and
engaging with our students across the country. Work like
[2] looks at how to build digital forensics labs to effectively
facilitate cybersecurity and digital forensics degrees at the
college level. Details about the equipment used to construct
the lab and about the process for conducting digital forensics in the lab is discussed. Other proposed approaches to
building effective digital forensics labs are discussed in [7]
and [12], where emphasis is placed on maintaining a current
level of digital forensics knowledge and efficiently disseminating the information to those who seek training from the
labs. The lab designs discussed in these papers favor an
active learning style that uses practical examples and openended hands-on examples for instruction.
An example of an outreach program established for digital forensics training is found in [17]. This paper describes
the process of establishing a forensics training center to address the need for training for individuals capable of dealing
with the increasing number of cyber crimes. A program for
instructing military personnel who are looking for a new avenue to contribute is discussed in [6] through the wounded
warrior project. The paper details the approach to digital
forensics and investigation training at various levels from
beginner to advanced. This work ties in closely with our
own experience working our own cybersecurity training programs with wounded warrior. Using these works as a guide,
we have worked to construct our program to most effectively
teach the key concepts of digital forensics to interested students at both the high school level and above. Sources like
[1] serve as a valuable reference to building the course material and adding technical details to the exercises to relate
the to real-life examples.
There are numerous techniques that have been used to approach the idea of teaching and training in cybersecurity
fields. These include using virtualization, cyber games and
competitions, and more. The application of utilizing peer
teaching to improve digital forensics education is detailed in
[8]. The focus is on building the communication skills and
the ability to articulate knowledge in practitioners of digital
forensics. The idea is that investigators must be able to complete the technical work and then be able to support their
analytical conclusions about a case. This is done by incorporating active collaborative learning to the teaching process.
The development of cyber games for digital forensics education is a field of research that has grown significantly in
recent years. It is a major focus in drawing more interest in
many fields relevant to cybersecurity. The study in [18] proposes to use serious cyber games to promote active learning
of digital forensics material and provides a proposed game
to facilitate this active learning.
The concept of utilizing virtualization is considered in [9]
[13] and [16]. Virtualization has made long distance learning
a much more powerful and conceivable way to disseminate
digital forensics training material. Advances in remote virtualization allows the instructor to provide greater support
to the students and increases the possibility of collaborative
learning between students. An original process for utilizing
these remote virtualization techniques into a teaching process using remote desktops and applications is discussed in
[16]. Virtual machines play no small part in the role that
virtualization plays in the process of training and teaching
students in digital forensics. The use of virtual machines
has become pervasive in digital forensics education and [9]
details a survey of student perceptions and opinions on the
usage of virtual machines in undergraduate security courses.
Improvements have been made in the way of creating digital forensics curriculum and teaching approaches to establish
program at various levels of education and difficulty of material. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign details a new multidisciplinary undergraduate curriculum for
digital forensics in [3] [11] and a thesis on the introductory
course in [10]. The university developed a curriculum of
lecture course at the introductory and advanced levels with
appropriate parallel laboratory courses to reinforce the material. [3] details this curriculum along with the feedback
of a workshop of digital forensics experts as to the merit of
those courses. The current state of the program and the
university’s experience in trying to develop and teach the
curriculum is provided in [11]. The introductory course curriculum and the progress made on establishing the multidisciplinary digital forensics courses is detailed in [10]. There is
currently being no standard guide to designing digital forensics curriculum for academic programs and as such a great
deal of work is being done to try and establish a baseline
for these courses. To do this, [15] surveyed digital forensics
educators and practitioners for the desired skills and knowledge needed and built digital forensics courses around them
at the undergraduate and graduate level.
The implementation of hands-on learning methods has been
instrumental to the training of new digital forensics professionals and students looking to pursue degrees and certificate
programs in cybersecurity and digital forensics. A review of
this hands-on discovery learning process is provided in [5].
The paper discusses discovery learning techniques and the
level of success they have seen in incorporating information
assurance topics in ABET accredited computer science and
software engineering degree programs. It was found that
students learned more and were more interested in learning
when allowed to experience digital forensics concepts firsthand, as opposed to just hearing about them in lectures. It
is important to look toward the future of the digital forensics field by focusing on how to approach teaching those are
learning to be digital forensics practitioners now. [4] [14]
take a look at the past ways to train digital forensics practitioners and the current state of training, education, certification, and accreditation of digital forensics programs.
The current state of professional certifications and standard
bodies of knowledge used in education and training of upand-coming digital forensics practitioners is examined and
their impact on the discipline are given in these papers.
from students. The summer camp serves the function of being the more advanced course where students would have
ideally participated in the workshop, or have previous experience dealing with computers, but will not be necessary.
The summer camp will have more opportunities to allow the
students to get some hands-on practical experience dealing
with hardware for imaging and then analysis. The labs that
are used for evaluation purposes in the summer camps satisfy the request for more unguided hands-on practice for the
digital forensics concepts. The students will answer specific
questions to reinforce the learning of the core concepts of
each section of the course. The most recent trip to Western
New Mexico University, in February of this year, saw the
implementation of some of these changes with good results.
The most recent set of surveys added the additional information about clarification of computer jargon and the students desire to obtain further educational material to work
on their own, including mobile device forensics. This most
recent set of feedback helped to lay the foundation for an
advanced course that was requested by some of the students
who are currently working in the field.
We have experience teaching digital forensics and cybersecurity concepts to different levels of students through programs such as wounded warrior, digital CSI summer camps
at a university and forensics outreach program to a minority university. These workshops and summer camps serve as
valuable data points for maintaining the courses that cater
to novices and provides an educational and engaging experience to students ranging from computer novices to those
more familiar with the operation of computers and other
digital devices. We collect survey information from these
projects in order to be constantly updated and adapting our
material to make it better suited to dealing with the students
that we target. We have a history of working with underrepresented communities, and can orient our program to maximize the impact it has on reaching out to these communities
to create pathways for entry to science and engineering degrees. Some example feedback from students in the most
recent summer camp held at the minority university showed
good results for increasing knowledge about each of our core
digital forensics concepts as well as an appropriate pace to
keep students interested and engaged in the learning process.
Some common trends in student comments have been:
• Slow down the pacing of the course
• More unguided hands-on practice to answer specific
• Some physical exercises with imaging and dealing with
• More practical information
• Clarification of computer jargon and concepts
• Focus on introductory material for one-day workshops
• Different courses for beginners and advanced students
• Additional information and materials available online
• Mobile forensics hands-on examples
In response to these common trends from comments left by
students, we have adapted the course material we have used
and have made further improvements for the courses. The
workshops will focus on a slower paced high level case study
that presents an overview of material for a section before
delving into more depth with the guided technical example. This process repeats several times over the course of
the workshops. This allows the students to get the technical hands-on experience without getting left behind with
the complex explanations of how everything works. The focus of the workshops is on a single device, a USB or hard
drive, which has been imaged and can be analyzed. Both the
workshops and the summer camp will have a more extensive
introductory section that covers common computer jargon
and will set the pace of the teaching based on responses
The courses we will discuss come in two main types: workshops and summer camps. The workshops are generally a
one or two day course that focuses less on the details behind
why different aspects of digital forensics work and why we
use them and more on the hands-on exercises and leaving
some lasting impression on the students about digital forensics. The summer camps, or any of our forty contact hour
courses, use a more involved discussion and then exercise
format that allows the students to learn a bit about why
and how things are done, including some technical details,
and then to experience those details firsthand with concrete
case studies and labs. The forty hour contact courses last for
a single week working eight hours a day and offer a college
credit option depending on where we are teaching. Taking
the course for credit allows us to involve those students more
heavily in the learning process, completing additional assignments and tasks in order to evaluate them for credit and to
get more involved feedback. What follows is our curriculum and general teaching strategies for both the short-term
workshops and the longer summer camps.
The workshops are generally the first point of contact with
the students who participate in our courses. They differ
from the summer camps which consist of forty contact hours
with the students and are instead limited to a single day of
content, possibly repeated more than one day to accommodate the number of students registered. This means that
the content will be a more streamlined version of the introductory material that will be taught in the summer camp.
The goal of the workshops is to appeal to the students with
a very hands-on and involved series of exercises and discussions that will promote an interest in digital forensics and
begin the student on a pathway to seek out science and
engineering degrees and future courses with us. Using the
feedback that we have gotten in the past from our numerous
projects dealing with one-day workshops for varying levels of
students, we have constructed a curriculum that allows for
a high level of exposure to digital forensics concepts, while
still letting the students get hands-on technical experience
with a case study. This gives the students a baseline of information to work with when pursuing more information on
digital forensics and gets them interested in the technical
side through the hands-on demos.
The workshop walks the students through a single case study
that encompasses all the major components that are taught
in the longer summer camp, in some way. The students
get a brief introduction to the digital forensics field and the
environment that the work will be done in and then move
right into the case study. The goal is to fit as much information into the workshop as possible, without overwhelming
the students and causing them to get frustrated or confused.
We will work at a high level and work our way to a more
technical hands-on demo, before moving back up to the high
level to begin the next phase of the workshop. For students
who are interested in cybersecurity and digital forensics but
have never had the chance to work on it before and are not
confident in their computer skills, it can be overwhelming
to give the students too much information too quickly. For
that reason, we pace the workshops in a way that adheres
to the knowledge level of the students while encouraging the
students to work through the case study in small groups to
aid in the understanding of the material. A sample schedule
for a workshop is shown in Table 1.
Note that the timing is subject to change depending on the
context of the workshop being taught. For a single day workshop that could be taught at a high school this is an appropriate schedule, but for a one-day workshop for professionals
and college students, we cover an additional two hours of
materials with a longer break in the middle of the schedule.
The times in the table are subject to change depending on
what the scheduling constraints of the high school are for
lunch and students arriving and leaving school. It is possible that the course would go longer if in the registration we
extend the time to 4 : 00pm and ensure the students coordinate to get home from school in case they take the bus or
someone has to pick them up. This initial schedule assumes
the workshop would be taught during the school week, but
after talking with the administration of the high school, it is
possible that the course would be moved to a Saturday and
the schedule could be adjusted accordingly and the fees for
hosting the course would be covered in the proposal budget,
i.e. lunch for students. A more detailed outline of the currently suggested workshop case study is detailed below. It
is possible that the contents of both the workshop and the
summer will change after any number of iterations based
on student feedback and developments in the field of digital
During the course of the workshop the students will encounter many digital forensics and general computing concepts that are likely unfamiliar to them and are given the opportunity to experiment without risk using the provided laptops. The students will be exposed to working with virtual
machines, command line operations and utilizing different
guest operating systems, such as Kali Linux. The students
are given a case study with an image file created beforehand of the suspect’s digital device. With this image file
we provide information about the suspect, suspected crime,
description of the case and some examples of what type of
evidence to look for. Using this model, we walk the students
through the key concepts they will need to complete the case
study and allow them to go about solving the case at each
stage on their own, or in groups. The general series of steps
taken by the students is as follows:
• Gain access through password cracking
• Create an evidence file in Autopsy
• Collect all evidence including hidden data
• Investigate the recovered evidence and registry data
• Learn about dealing with encrypted data
• Investigate image files using EXIF and steganography
• Present their evidence and analysis
Summer Camps
The summer camps are important for several reasons: a
longer time spent with the students allows the instructors
to go into more detail about digital forensics concepts, the
instructor is able to build a rapport with the students which
will encourage further communication from those that are
interested, and the students are exposed to our university as
an option for their undergraduate learning. The first point
and most obvious is that the more time that the instructor
spends with the student, the more material can be covered.
As opposed to the workshops discussed previously, a summer
camp allows the course to cover a greater depth of digital
forensics material. The extended time also allows for more
developed case studies for the students to experience and
gives the students more time to process everything that they
are learning. By spending more time with the students, a
rapport is built which will cause the students to be more
inclined to remain in contact if they are interested in learning
more about digital forensics and our university. We have also
found that students tend to give more useful and reliable
feedback from the week-long courses. The curriculum for
the summer camps is discussed below.
For each day, the instructor engages with the students in
three ways: discussion, exercises and labs. The discussions
take the form of an open-ended lecture where both highlevel and technical detail will be explained to the students,
who will be asked questions pertaining to the material and
encouraged to ask questions about what they are learning.
In the summer camps, we take advantage of the additional
time with the students to begin introducing them to more
detail than they have seen previously in the workshops, but
without getting beyond the introductory level. The goal is to
facilitate an understanding of the material and the technical
concepts behind them without overwhelming the students
with information that they will not understand or be able
to properly process. That being said, if the students are
interested in delving deeper into one of the particular topics,
it is possible to set aside some time to do a more detailed
version of any of the sections.
The exercises are guided examples that reinforce the information from the discussions. These are hands-on examples
where the instructor helps the students to follow along and
Table 1: One-Day Workshop Schedule
Review the environment
Command Line and Gaining Access
Command line and password cracking
Examining Evidence
Investigate target image
Persistence of Data and the Registry
Deleted data and the registry
Metadata and Encryption File types and structures and encrypted data
Image Forensics
Steganography and EXIF data
Student Survey
Fill out survey
complete the tasks with the rest of the class. This gives the
students some experience dealing with what they have just
learned, and also serves as a reference point for the labs to be
completed next. It should be noted that each discussion and
exercise are meant to take approximately half an hour and
the labs a whole hour. These times are flexible depending
on how the students are understanding the material. More
or less time can be spent on each portion as needed.
The labs are similar to the exercises because they are handson, but the students receive little guidance from the instructor. The intent of the labs is to have the students figure
out the problems on their own, using the discussions and
exercises as reference points to understanding how to complete the task. These labs serve as the primary means of
measuring the students’ understanding of the concepts being taught in the summer camp. It is important to get a
clear measure of the merit of the teaching methods being
used for the instruction of the high school students. The
surveys taken by the students give an indication of their reactions and points of view on the course and the materials
as a whole, but the labs serve as an appropriate evaluator
of how much the students have learned. The summer camp
curriculum sections are discussed in more detail below. An
overview of the summer camp curriculum in table form is
available in appendix A.
One thing to note about the students who take the summer
camp or forty hour course for academic credit is that they
must complete a project in addition to completing the course
work. Our current students who took the course for credit in
February were given an assignment to create a digital forensics exercise from the ground up. This is an ideal project
for new students to work on because by creating the exercise themselves, they learn much more than by just doing
the exercises we provide. An added benefit to this is that
we can see what types of exercises the students find most
interesting and utilize that information in future courses.
The effectiveness of the courses are measured by student surveys and lab evaluations. The survey is done to measure the
feedback of the students and obtain some information about
the level of the students taking the courses. The lab evaluations serve to give concrete results as to how effective the
teaching process is to introducing students to the concepts
of digital forensics. This allows us to validate that all of our
goals are being pursued and that we are making meaningful
contributions to building effective courses for teaching each
level of digital forensics that we offer. Some of the metrics
that we measure are discussed here.
With a large emphasis on outreach to minority and women
for our courses, it is important that we accurately document who is attending the training sessions. This is key for
measuring the interest the program has on increasing the
number of minority and women applicants to cybersecurity
degree programs.
Satisfaction Survey
This is completed by students to ensure that the level of
education received through our course is satisfactory. This
measures instructor preparedness, clarity, met expectations,
future improvements, and other questions about the course
Post-Course Survey
This is the other half of the survey that goes along with the
satisfaction survey. In this survey the focus is on measuring
the impact and effectiveness of each of the core digital forensics concepts that is taught in the course. It is important
to measure the capabilities and knowledge of the students
before and after completing the courses so that we can measure which sections may need more work and which sections
are working well.
Lab Evaluations
The labs that are completed during the summer camps will
be graded in the same way that a standard undergraduate
course assignment would be. This is done to measure the
academic results of teaching the students. Where the postcourse survey and satisfaction survey measure the students
reaction to the course and how much they feel like they
have learned, the lab evaluations contain hard evidence of
correct and incorrect answers to the lab tasks. Note that
the grades here do not impact whether the students receive
a certificate for completing the course, but are important
for those students who are seeking academic credit for the
The relatively low cost of entry of digital forensics makes it
an ideal pathway for students to become involved in cyber
degree programs. Our courses lead to a measured increase
in awareness in the students compared to what they knew of
digital forensics and cybersecurity before taking the workshops or summer camp. One limitation to the current state
of the courses is a lack of a permanent repository for placing our teaching material. It has already become much more
commonplace to have freely available demos and how-to’s on
cybersecurity related blogs and websites. By using this trend
to our advantage, we hope to soon make the dissemination
of our digital forensics material free and open to the public,
allowing a wider knowledge base among the populace. The
limiting factors of time and money to learn the material will
be somewhat alleviated by having a central repository for
all of our digital forensics teaching material to allow a student to work through the material on the repository learning
more about digital forensics for the first time, or an expert
brushing up on some techniques and tools that they had not
used in some time.
The impact of these outreach courses is important to facilitating an increase in students pursuing cybersecurity degrees. By targeting high school students in the summer before and during their senior year when they are making a
major decision about where to attend university and what
to major in, the number of students that will choose science
and engineering fields will increase. By exposing students
to digital forensics concepts who would not regularly have
access to such material, we give the students an opportunity to engage in a field that they may not realize that they
enjoy or are adept in. This impact also includes increasing
the number of minority and women applicants to science
and engineering degrees. In order to increase the number of
minority and women in these fields you must engage them
early in their academic careers and give them the opportunity to experience and become interested in cybersecurity
fields. By using our experience teaching both high school
students and professionals, we seek to create an effective
and approachable curriculum for building interest in cybersecurity through digital forensics education.
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A.1 Monday Discussions
• D1.1 Fundamentals: An overview of the basic concepts
of digital forensics including a review of hardware and
• D1.2 VMs as Forensic Tools: A discussion of what virtual machines are, how they work, and the role they
serve in the field of digital forensics.
• D1.3 Introduction to Cyber Crime: A discussion of what
constitutes cybercrime, current cybercrime trends, and
why it is important to have people who specialize in
pursing cyber criminals.
• D1.4 Forensic Discovery: The process for finding evidence on a digital system and how dealing with a digital
system is different from discovering forensic evidence in
a non-cybercrime.
• D1.5 Strings and Regular Expressions: An introduction
into the use of strings, and similar commands, along
with regular expressions to search a computer for key
words and phrases.
• D1.6 Introduction to Command Line: An introduction
to the command line, how to use it, and why it is important to understand how it works.
Monday Exercises
• X1.1 Learning the Environment: A walkthrough of the
virtual machines that will be used throughout the week
to complete the digital forensics training and lab tasks.
• X1.2 Password Cracking: An example of cracking a
Windows password to gain access to a device containing
evidence that has been locked down.
• X1.3 Google Hacking: An example of how current and
well-known tools can be subverted to allow a criminal to invade the privacy and confidentiality of others.
Used to increase interest in cybersecurity concepts in
the students.
• X1.4 Learning the Command Line: A series of exercises
meant to reinforce the usage of the command line from
the previous discussion.
Monday Labs
• L1.1 Environment, VM, and Command Line: An assignment where the student will complete tasks and answer questions about the testing environment, virtual
machines, and command line.
• L1.2 Password Cracking and Google Hacking: Students
will crack a password to a virtual machine image and
access key data within the virtual machine. The Google
web-searching system will be used to identify specified
information and identify weakness in a target demo network.
Tuesday Discussions
• D2.1 Disk Geometry: The geometry of a hard disk is
discussed, including how data is stored and retrieved,
how a disk is broken into measureable pieces and what
this means for locating evidence on a system.
• D2.2 Imaging: The process for imaging a disk or device
is discussed along with why it is important to image
devices and work on the image and not the original
• D2.3 Hashing: Different types of hashing algorithms
are discussed and an overview of hashing is given. The
focus is to ensure the students understand why hashing
is important and why it is meaningful for validating
digital evidence.
• D2.4 Capturing RAM : Read-only memory is discussed,
particularly how to obtain information from RAM given
that it is a volatile location for storing data.
• D2.5 RAM Analysis: A discussion on the implications
of reading the data located in main memory and how
to obtain that data.
Tuesday Exercises
• X2.1 Collecting Evidence: An exercise that combines
parts of the previous discussions to detail the process
for collecting evidence, including imaging and hashing
the source data, and how to prepare that data for analysis.
• X2.2 Examining Evidence: An exercise that utilizes the
SluethKit tool to take the image prepared in the previous exercise and investigates what information can be
pulled from it and what the information means.
Tuesday Labs
• L2.1 Evidence Gathering: Students will repeat a process similar to exercise 2.1 except with new source data.
• L2.2 Evidence Analysis: Students will investigate the
images that were created in the previous lab to identify
key artifacts located in the image. Evaluation will be
completed based on how many and which artifacts were
located in the image, including questions that require
the student to determine what was being done on the
Wednesday Discussions
• D3.1 Persistence of Data: The students will learn what
happens to data when it is move to the trash and
deleted or removedİ from the system in some other way.
• D3.2 Data Erasure: A more technical look at the way
data is stored on the hard disk and what happens when
data is deleted both on the operating system and the
hard disk itself.
• D3.3 Registry Analysis: Students are exposed to the
Windows registry and an overview of the registry and
what it does is given.
• D3.4 Browser History Analysis: An example of how to
use the registry to obtain information about the users
on the system and attempt to understand how the system was being used.
• D3.5 Metadata: The content of individual files is discussed with a focus on metadata. Different types of
metadata and how metadata can be used to aid in an
investigation are discussed.
Wednesday Exercises
• X3.1 Recovering Deleted Data: A guided exercise on
deleting some sample data and some data gathered by
the students and having the students recover as much
of that data as possible.
• X3.2 Registry Examination: An exercise that has the
students investigate the registry to determine key factors, such as users, installed programs, password files,
and others.
• X3.3 Slack Space: A walkthrough of what slack space
is, how it is possible to store information in slack space,
how to hide and recover data from slack space and how
to detect data stored in slack space.
• X3.4 Alternate Data Streams: A walkthrough of what
alternate data streams are and how it is possible to
hide information in them. The focus of this exercise
is to ensure students understand the differece between
ADS and slack space and how different file systems can
be exploited to allow for data to be hidden.
Wednesday Labs
Friday Discussions
• L3.1 Locating Data: Students will be given a virtual
machine image and will investigate the image for any
important data and answer questions, according to the
sample scenario that accompanies the image. For example, an example investigation is discussed in the lab
to give the students an idea of what type of evidence
they would be looking for.
• D5.1 Forensics Profession: Students will learn more
about professions that utilize digital forensics and how
to prepare themselves to work in those fields.
• L3.2 Hidden Data: Similar to the previous lab, students
will be given a virtual machine image and are expected
to use what they have learned up to this point to look
for and identify any hidden data that would be useful
to the given investigation scenario.
• D5.3 Anti-Forensics: Techniques and tools meant to
disrupt the investigation of a device are discussed along
with the process for overcoming them.
Thursday Discussions
• D4.1 Reverse Engineering: A high-level overview of
what reverse engineering is and what role it plays in
the field of digital forensics.
• D4.2 Steganography: The process for hiding data in
.jpg, .png and other files is discussed here with an
overview of the process and how it is used in cybercrime today.
• D4.3 Encryption: An overview of encryption methods
and how encryption works is discussed, including common encryption methods, like TrueCrypt or BitLocker,
and uncommon and simpler encryption algorithms used
by the owner of a device to prevent a breach in personal
• D4.4 EXIF Data: The data type, where and how it is
used is why it is important when dealing with image
files located both on a subjects device and the web.
Thursday Exercises
• X4.1 Steganography: Hidden Data: An exercise on hiding data in image files, in addition to identify files with
data hidden in them and how to retrieve that data.
• X4.2 Dealing with Encrypted Files: An exercise where
students will encrypt and decrypt files and explore the
differences in the files in their encrypted and decrypted
• X4.3 EXIF Data Reading and Manipulation: Students
will collect EXIF data from files and then manipulate
that data to obscure the capability of an investigator
to utilize the data.
Thursday Labs
• L4.1 Hidden Data II : Building off of the previous lab
3.2, students will re-test their knowledge of hidden data
on a system while investigating new possibilities for discovering hidden data through steganography and metadata, like EXIF.
• L4.2 Dealing with Encrypted Data: Students will tackle
the problem of collecting meaningful evidence from files
that are encrypted. Students will find ways to overcome
the encryption using what was learned in the discussion
as well as other evidence given in the assignment form.
• L4.3 Evidence Analysis II : The students will re-visit the
TSK and Autopsy tool to analyze an image containing
evidence found on a system. This time the evidence
will include steganography, EXIF and encrypted data.
• D5.2 Network Analysis: The analysis of network logs
utilizing tools like Wireshark is discussed, as well as the
implications of obtaining data from network traffic as
opposed to off a subject’s computer or digital device.
• D5.4 Open Forum: A section devoted to answering
questions from students and discussing topics of interest.
Friday Exercises
• X5.1 Email Spoofing: Students will learn to spoof and
email and to identify an email that has been manipulate
in some way.
• X5.2 Traffic Analysis with Wireshark : Students will
learn to investigate network logs and live network traffic
in order to obtain evidence for their investigation.
• X5.3 Dark Nets: TOR and I2P : An overview of Dark
Nets and the Deep Web, including metrics on internet
use today, how distributed filesharing networks impact
digital forensics investigations and what it means to be
anonymous on the web.
Friday Labs
• L5.1 Identifying Misdirection: Using what they have
learned from previous discussions and exercises, students will practice identifying misdirection in a device
image. This will include differentiating between valuable evidence and fabricated and false evidence.
• L5.2 Understanding Anonymity: Students will explore
TOR and I2P and answer questions about how anonymity
works and what the potential impacts are for digital
forensic investigations.
• L5.3 Gathering Network Evidence by Utilizing Wireshark : Students will analyze network logs and live traffic to answer questions about the test case that goes
with the network logs and live traffic.
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