Anaerobic Waste Treatment What is anaerobic treatment? M&E: Biotreatment without oxygen. Bacteria that survive in anaerobic conditions are called obligate anaerobes. Typically: Organic waste carbon dioxide + methane Advantages Over Aerobic Treatment 1. low production of waste biological sludge - lower free energy release in organic waste conversion - slow biological growth, low solids production 2. high degree of waste stabilization - aerobic: 85-90% BOD removal because of high biosolids, only 50% stable waste - anaerobic: 85-95% BOD removal, 90% stable waste (CH4 not very soluble in water so waste leaves system) 3. lower nutrients required - operate at higher BOD, N:P ratios: P&P wastes often lacking in these nutrients Advantages Over Aerobic Treatment, cont. 4. no O2 requirements - lower power requirements - reduced treatment costs - not limited by O2 transfer 5. methane production - may be burned to generate heat or power CO2 + H2O Soluble BOD 1 kg Aerobic process 0.5 kg New biomass 0.5 kg CH4 gas Biodegradable COD 1 kg Anaerobic process > 0.9 kg New biomass < 0.1 kg Disadvantages Over Aerobic Treatment 1. optimum waste stabilization requires warm temperatures. Methanogens grow slowly (limiting factor) - mesophyllic: 35º - 38º (95 - 100º) - thermophyllic: 58º - 60º (135 - 140º) 2. process is limited by slow biological (methanogenic) growth rates - requires longer startup period - limits rate of process adjustment to changing waste loads, temp., etc. 3. environmental sensitivity to O2, toxics, pH 4. more favorable when applied to concentrated waste streams - BOD>10,000 mg/L Process Description A. Conventional B. High-Rate (θ=30-60 days) (no mixing) (θ~15 days) (complete mix) Gas out (CH4 & CO2) Influent Influent scum layer supernatant active layer stabilized solids sludge sludge and supernatant to clarifier Process Description, cont. C. Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) D. Anaerobic contact process used on soluble BOD waste E. Fixed film anaerobic treatment process - anaerobic filter (fixed bed) - expanded or fluidized Anaerobic Microbiology & Biochemistry hydrolysis Complex organics Short-chain soluble organic monomers acid forming bacteria Organic acids: (acetic, proprionic, formic, etc.) acetogenesis (waste conversion) methane forming bacteria CO2 CH4 methanogenesis (waste stabilization) Hydrolysis: cellulosic bacteria act on organic fibers to produce soluble organic compounds (cellulose, lignins) Acetogenesis: acetogenic bacteria convert soluble organics to short-chain fatty acids (primarily acetic acid) Methanogenesis: Methanogenic bacteria convert organic acids to CH4 and CO2, most CH4 leaves the system Common Volatile Acid Intermediates • • • • • acetic acid: CH3COOH proprionic acid: CH3CH2COOH formic acid: HCOOH butyric acid: CH3CH2CH2COOH caprioc acid: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2COOH Methane “Bacteria” Methane bacteria - very sensitive to small concentrations of O2 - slow growth rate - low rate of organic utilization Mechanism for methanogenesis - acetic acid cleavage: C*H3COOH Reduction of CO2: CO2 + 8H C*H4 + CO2 CH4 + 2H2O Note: Microbiologists no longer consider methanogens to be in the bacterial domain. Recent RNA sequencing places methanogens in the domain Archaea. In fact, humans are more closely related to cucumbers than methanogens are related to bacteria. 11th Ed. Brook Biology of Microorganisms Methods of Predicting Methane Production Waste composition : a b n a b n a b Cn H a Ob + n − − H 2O → − + CO2 + + − CH 4 4 2 2 8 4 2 8 4 Prediction from waste stabilization: One pound UBOD or COD stabilized = 5.62 cubic feet CH4 (STP) Waste Characteristics for Anaerobic Treatment • organic strength (BOD, COD) + composition • alkalinity • pH (methanogenic range 6.8 – 7.4) • inorganic nutrient content: BOD:N:P ratio • temperature • potentially toxic materials – heavy metals – ammonia – common cations Stimulatory/Inhibitory Effects from: Perry, 1964 Stimulatory and Inhibitory Concentrations (mg/L) Stim. Mod. Inhibit. Strong Inhibit. Sodium 100 - 200 3500 - 5500 8000 Calcium 100 - 200 2500 - 4500 8000 Magnesium 75 - 100 1000 - 1500 3000 Effect of Ammonia Nitrogen on Anaerobic Treatment Ammonia Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L) Effect on Anaerobic Treatment 50 – 200 Beneficial 200 – 1000 No adverse effect 1500 – 3000 Inhibitory at higher pH levels Above 3000 Toxic Unbalanced Systems Indicators: • volatile fatty acids (VFA) conc.: most important or utilized indicator • pH (related to VFA, CO2 • CO2 in gas increasing • total gas production decreasing • waste treatment/stabilization decreasing Factors: • temperature •organic loading (waste strength) •nature of waste