COMBINATORICS PROBLEM SET 4 PATHS, NONINTERSECTING PATHS AND MORE p'out.* 4.1.consider thesquare ;"#jl";;ff:ffi' onthislatticearepathswhichgo o n l yu p o r r i g h t . D i . a g o n ai sl t h e l i n e t h a t g o e s t h r o u g h t h e p o i n t( s0 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 2 , 2 ) , . . . . We know that the Catalan number C, is the number of up-right paths from (0,0) to (n, n) which nevergo abovethe diagonal(seeProblem3.12) 1 I v - a r a r i l e---a-+t ?! ' r I - t t r \ f t t-----+ ry'lnelvn' (a) Usethe paths reflecti,onpri,nci,pleto show that the number of up-right paths from (0, 0) to (n, n) which cross (: go above) the diagonal is the same as the number of ang upright paths on the lattice from (0,0) to (n - 1,n i 1). (This is a bijection argument.) (b) Using (a) and the definition of the binomial coefficientsas numbers of certain up-right paths, deduceC": H - (3r) Simplify this to get the known explicit expressionfor C". Problem 4.2. Compute the number of up-right paths on the square lattice from (0,0) to (n + l,n) which never go above the diagonal. Argue as follows: (a) Use the paths reflection principle to show that the number of up-right paths from (0,0) to (n * 1, n) which cross (: go above) the diagonal is the same as the number of all up-right paths on the lattice from (0,0) to (n - I,n -t 2). (b) The number of paths we want ir ('1*t) - (?]rt) Simplify this to get the answer. Problem 4.3. Write KMGLGV matrix X;1 (X;i is the number of paths from ui to o3) for the following graph: (a) (4/ o(r vl -_>_ I ut q ,. -r Y v. \ 14, I 4 ?t\-/, t () i ' 4y Compute the determinant of the matrix. What doesit represent? 1 u. 7 COMBINATORICS. PROBLEIVI SET 4. PATHS, NONINTERSECTING PATHS AND MORE Problem 4.4. Write KMGLGV matrix X;i (X;3 is the sum of weights of all paths from u; to T.,;)for the following graph tuzlhweights: {.t1 -4 LreirL(-+-) ' v4_ 7t, 7/ ^? n , . l ' , ' T a e t r / l L (t Y ) ={2 v 2 Computethe deterninant of the matrix. What doesit represent? v2 by hand:O"rl "": "i Problem 4.5. Computethe deterrninant Lc' c" Cs l Problem 4.6. A matrix in which each ijth element dependsonly on i' -t j, is ca'll.eda' Han' kel matrir. Use KN'IGLGV lemma (: nonintersectingpaths lemma) to compute the following determinantsof Hankel matrices (C,, is the nth Catalan number): : I (b) det[Ci11tJir-, : r (a) det[C,a1-z1T,i:t (foralln:1,2,...). Problem 4.7. Let Xii be a KMGLGV matrix of somegraph;take its squaresubmatrix(formed by somerows and columns). What does the determinant of this submatrix (called a minor of the initial matrix) represent? HoinpwoRx Problem 4.8 (2). Let /(r) : ao + arr 1 a2r2+. . . be the generatingfunction of a sequence oi}:., i.e., the sequencesta,rtsas as,asI a1,a6t {o" . . .}Lo. Considerthe sequence{ tt. a1* a2,. . . . Showthat ihe generatingfunction of this new sequetce is S. Problem 4.9. Let {F'"}Po : {0, 1, 1,2,3,5,B,13,. . . } be the Fibonaccinumbers,their generating function is _ ln=0F ' " : Show(usinggeneratingfunctions)that (a) (2) Fs+ 4 +' " + Fn - Fny2- 1; Fzn-*Fz-+t-l; (b) (2) Fr-t Fzl. Fqt...l (.) (2) F' + F3 + Fb + " + Fzn-': Fzn; 7-x-12 COMBINATORICS.PROBLEM SET 4. PATHS, NONINTERSECTING PATHS AND MORE 3 Problem 4.10 (Motzkin numbers(3)). Motzkin paths are the sameas Dyck paths (seeProblen3.7) but can containsteps (0, 1): A v, '.1, --- a "-/\.* J n n *-t/ .A-_-.=- / V \ b n # \ b c---ffi - the number of Motzkin paths (by definition,paths .Let Mn be the nth Motzkin number -t) and nevergoingbelowthe z-axis)from (0,0) to (n, n). Show with steps(1,1), (1,0) and (t, that the Motzkin numbers satisfv the recurrence n-2 Mn: Mn-t+LMkM,-2-k, n) 2 A:O (the argument is very similar to the Catalan recurrence). Find the equation on the generating function 1 + Dl, Mnr" for NIn, and then find the generatingfunction itself. Problem 4.ll (2). Show that the nth Motzkin number is the number of differentways of drawing non-intersectingchords on a circle betweenn points: )L,=4 Problem 4.12. Write KMGLGV matrix Xu (Xri is the number of paths from z; to r.r,) for the following graphs ((l ) for eachgraph and determinant): ("t),, (ql ut -->{ u fl, : vl ' l , Y : \ . .'. V1 t/z -\ V3 \ llt l 1 uq v4 Comoute the determinants of these matrices. Whai do these determinants represent? COMBINATORICS.PROBLEM SET 4, PATHS,NONINTERSECTINGPATHS AND MORE 4 Problem 4.13. Write KMGLGV matrix X1i (&i is the sum of weightsof all paths from u; to ui) for the following graphs tuilb ueights ((1) for eachgraph and determinant): ti u, ll , h,t\+/=1 *f (+-)=l t\ 2l v2 l, llz of(\)= a-r v4 (f)= v2 (>o ?/ ue = B>g' Qq I rc) ut u.- ut '5 : a? 4 (/,, vt/ Compute the determinants of these matrices. What do these determinants represent? Problem 4.14. Compute the following determinantsby hand (C" is the nth Catalan number, C o : C , : L ,C z : 2 , . . . ) : I c, c, ctl (b) (a) (,1)det I C2 CB C4 | Lq c" c" cnl I (1)det I Cr C4 Cb I lc4 c5 c6 ) C4Cs) Problem 4.15, Compute the following determinantsby hand (M, is the nth Motzkin number, s e eP r o b l e m4 . 1 0 ,M o - M t : L , M 2 : 2 ' . . . 1 , I Mo u, M, Mtf (a) (7)det lY,:Y; Yr:Y,:l lM, M, M. 1 (b)(1)der. I m) u' m^ | LM3 M4 M5 l LM, Mn Ms Ma ) Problem 4.f6 (4). UseKMGLGV lemmato showthat the Hankeldeterminantsdet[M;+i-dT,i:, (M," is the nth Motzkin number)are equalto onefor all n: L,2,.... Problem 4.17 (3). Let ft > 0. Arguing as in Problems4.1 and 4.2, computethe number of up-right paths on the lattice from (0,0) to (n -| k, n) which never go above the diagonal: Problem 4.18 U). Considerpaths on the squarelattice with steps (0, 1) (up), (1,0) (right), and (-1,0) (left). Let P' be the number of such paths of length n (n : 7,2,. . . ) with no self-intersections(hint: this meansthat,the left and right steps cannot be neighbors): Find a recurrencerelation for the P,''s and show that their generating function is -t + \ - P -- ''--" : ^/---r 1+1f 1 2r - 12' (Suchpaths serveas a simple model for polEmers.) COMBINATORICS.PROBLEM SET 4. PATHS,NONINTERSECTINGPATHS AND MORE Suppr-sN{pNraRYPRoBLEMS Problem 4.lg (3). Showthat (in notation of Problem4.9) F& + Fr2+ "'+ F: -- FnFn+t. Problem 4.2O (5). Let a", be the number of ways in which the recta,ngle3 x 2n can be tiled bvlx2dominoes: Write a recurrencefor a,", and then find the generatingfunction I +Dp.anr". Problem 4,2L (3). Use KMGLGV Iemma (- nonintersectingpaths lemma) to computethe followingdeterminant:deLlCilli,t:r: n + 7 (for ail n:1,2,...). P r o b l e m 4 , 2 2 .L e t T : I , 2 , . . . , l e t 0 ( t l 1( " ' < o , "a n d0 ( b r < " ' l b n . S h o w t h a t t h e determinant *, [(' I,ut =, ",'')]",,, is nonnegative. Here (as usual) we use the agreement (f) : O for k < 0 or & > N. For example,the above determinant of order 3 has the form det lT+b1-a!\ \ br-or ,l lT+br-a2\ \ br-az ) -43\ /?+b L \ br-os / lT+b2-aL\ \ bz-or I lT+bz-a2\ \ bz-az J 1Ttb2-a3\ \ bz-as / (T+}3-q\ \ bg-ar (T+bs-a2\ \ h,-az ) -43\ tr?+63 \ b3-43 / / Hint. Use the KMGLGV lemma for the squa,relattice: e7 A. ta) Iz L,