Kim D. Reynolds, Ph.D.
1. Sherman SJ, Cialdini RB, Schwartzman DF, Reynolds KD.
Imagining can heighten or lower the perceived likelihood of contracting a disease: The
mediating effect of ease of imagery.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 11(1): 118-127, 1985.
2. Zautra AJ, Eblen C, Reynolds KD.
Job stress and task interest: Two factors in worklife quality.
Amer J Community Psych 14(4): 377-393, 1986.
3. Kaplan SE, Reckers PMJ, Reynolds KD.
An application of attribution and equity theories to tax evasion behavior.
Economic Psych 7(2): 129-135, 1986.
4. Zautra AJ, Reynolds KD, Eblen C.
Some determinants of employee turnover in a psychiatric facility.
Admin in Mental Health 15(1): 11-17, 1987.
5. Reynolds KD.
West SG, Clapper RL, Suter D: Behavioral confirmation: The mediating effects of arousal.
Imagination, Cognition, and Personality 7(2): 377-393, 1987.
6. Reynolds KD.
West SG A multiplist strategy for strengthening non-equivalent control group designs.
Evaluation Review 11(6): 691-714, 1987.
7. Reynolds KD, West SG.
Attributional constructs: Their role in the organization of social information in memory.
Basic and Applied Social Psych 10(2): 119-130, 1989.
8. Reynolds KD, Killen JD, Bryson SW, Maron D, Taylor CB, Maccoby N, Farquhar JW.
Psychosocial predictors of physical activity in adolescents.
Prev Med 19(5): 541-551, 1990.
9. Reynolds KD, Slenker SE.
Fostering a broader understanding of health and health care: The Health Psychology Model.
Annals of Behav Med (Book review) 12(3): 125-126, 1990.
10. Reynolds KD, West SG, Aiken LS.
Increasing the use of mammography: A pilot program.
Health Educ Quarterly 17(4): 429-441, 1990.
11. Von Franque O, Reynolds KD, Sibley BJ, Kaplan SM, Elmore JG, Farquhar JW.
Effectiveness of a personal health course for medical students.
Academic Med 66(4): 242-243, 1991.
12. Hyman DJ, Flora J, Reynolds KD, Johannsson M, Farquhar JW.
The impact of public cholesterol screening on diet, general well-being, and physician referral.
Amer J Prev Med 7(5): 268-272, 1991.
13. Sandler IN, Reynolds KD, Kliewer W, Ramirez R.
Specificity of the relation between life events and psychological symptomatology.
J Child Clinical Psych 21(3): 240-248, 1992.
14. Sander IN, West SG, Baca L, Pillow DR, Gersten J, Rogosch F, Virdin L, Beals J, Reynolds
KD, Kallgren C, Ramirez R.
Linking empirically-based theory and evaluation: The family bereavement program.
Amer J Community Psych 20(4): 491-521, 1992.
15. Aiken LS, West SG, Woodward CK, Reno RR, Reynolds KD.
Increasing screening mammography in asymptomatic women: Evaluation of a second
generation, theory-based program.
Health Psych 13(6): 526-538, 1994.
16. Havas S, Heimendinger J, Reynolds KD, Baranowski T, Nicklas T, Bishop D, Buller D,
Sorenson G, Beresford S, Cowan A, Damron D.
A New Research Initiative: 5-a-Day for Better Health.
J Amer Dietetic Assoc 94(1): 32-36, 1994.
17. Slenker SE, Gordon KA, Reynolds KD, Gram IT.
A study of breast cancer detection practices and beliefs in black women attending public
health clinics.
Health Educ Research: Theory & Practice 9(3): 331-342, 1994.
18. Miketavage MA, Rose VE, Funkhouser E, Oestenstad RK, Dillon HK, Reynolds KD.
Beyond air quality -- Factors that affect prevalence estimates of sick building syndrome.
Amer Industrial Hygiene J 56:1141-1146, 1995.
19. Reynolds KD, Coombs DW, Lowe JB, Peterson P, Gayoso E.
Evaluation of a self-help program to reduce alcohol consumption among low-income women.
Int’l J Addictions 30(4): 427-443, 1995.
20. Havas S, Heimendinger J, Beresford S, Sorenson G, Buller D, Bishop D, Nicklas T,
Baranowski T, Damron D, Cowan A, Reynolds KD.
5 a Day for Better Health: Implications for public health.
Pub Health Reports 110(1): 68-79, 1995.
21. Kirby SD, Baranowski T, Reynolds KD, Taylor G, Binkley D.
Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Socioeconomic, Adult-Child, Regional, and UrbanRural Influences.
J Nutrition Education 27(5): 261-271, 1995.
22. Reynolds KD, Blaum JM, Jester P, Soong S, Weiss J, DiClemente RD.
Predictors of sun exposure in adolescents in a Southeastern U.S. population.
J Adolescent Health 19(6): 409-415, 1996.
23. Harrington KF, Binkley D, Duvall RC, Reynolds KD, Copeland JR, Franklin F, Raczynski
Recruitment issues in school-based research: Lessons learned from the High 5 Alabama
J School Health 67:415-421, 1997.
24. Reynolds KD, Gillum JL, Hyman DJ, Byers T, Moore SA, Paradis G, Flora JA.
Comparing two strategies to modify dietary behavior and serum cholesterol.
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk 4:1-5, 1997.
25. Reynolds KD, Raczynski JM, Binkley D, Caldwell E, Franklin FA, Fouad M, Duvall RC,
Devane-Hart K, Bragg C, Harrington KF, Jester P.
Design of High-5, a school-based study to promote fruit and vegetable consumption for
cancer risk reduction.
J Cancer Educ 13:169-178, 1998.
26. Coombs DW, Reynolds KD, Joyner G, Blankson M.
Report on a self-help program to increase Breast-feeding among low-income women.
J Nutrition Education 30:203-209, 1998.
27. Reynolds KD, Hinton AW, Shewchuk R, Hickey CA.
Social cognitive model of fruit and vegetable consumption in elementary school children.
J Nutrition Educ 31(1): 23-30, 1999.
28. Goran MI, Reynolds KD, Linquist C.
Role of physical activity in the prevention of obesity in children.
Int’l J Obesity 23 (suppl 3): S18-S33, 1999.
29. Reynolds KD, Baranowski T, Bishop DB, Farris RP, Binkley D, Nicklas TA, Elmer PJ.
Patterns in child and adolescent consumption of fruit and vegetables: Effects of gender and
ethnicity across four sites.
J Amer College of Nutrition 18(3): 248-254, 1999.
30. Campbell MK, Reynolds KD, Havas S, Curry S, Bishop D, Nicklas T, Palombo R, Buller D,
Feldman R, Topor M, Johnson C, Beresford S, Motsinger B, Morrill C, Heimendinger J.
Stages of Change for Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Adults and Young
Adults Participating in the National 5-A-Day for Better Health Community Studies.
Health Education & Behavior 26(4): 513-534, 1999.
31. Thompson B, Taylor G, Demark-Wahnefried W, McClelland J, Stables G, Havas S, Feng Z,
Topor M, Heimendinger J, Reynolds KD, Cohen N.
Fruit and vegetable intake among adults in seven 5 A Day study centers located in diverse
geographic areas.
J Amer Dietetic Assoc 99(10): 1241-1248, 1999.
32. Linquist CH, Reynolds KD, Goran MI.
Sociocultural determinants of physical activity among children.
Prev Med 29(4): 305-312, 1999.
33. Schumacher JE, Engle M, Reynolds KD, Houser S, Mukherjee S, Caldwell E, Kohler C,
Phelan S, Raczynski JM.
Measuring self-efficacy in substance abuse intervention in obstetric practices.
Southern Medical Journal 93(4): 406-414, 2000.
34. Houser SHS, Engle M, Schumacher JE, Caldwell E, Kohler C, Phelan S, Raczynski JM,
Reynolds KD.
Resolving data collection issues related to confidentiality and sensitive information.
J Amer Health Info Management Assoc 71(3): 62-64, 2000.
35. Kratt P, Reynolds KD, Shewchuk R.
The role of availability as a moderator of family fruit and vegetable consumption.
Health Education & Behavior 27(4): 470-481, 2000.
36. Reynolds KD, Franklin FA, Leviton LC, Maloy J, Harrington KF, Yaroch AL, Person S,
Jester P.
Methods, results and lessons learned from process evaluation of the High 5 school-based
nutrition intervention.
Health Education & Behavior 27(2): 177-186, 2000.
37. Reynolds KD, Franklin F, Binkley D, Raczynski JM, Harrington KF, Kirk K, Person S.
Increasing the fruit and vegetable consumption of 4th graders: Results from the High 5 project.
Preventive Medicine 30:309-319, 2000.
38. Glasgow RE, McKay HG, Piette JD, Reynolds KD
The RE-AIM framework for evaluating interventions: What can it tell us about approaches
to chronic illness management.
Patient Education and Counseling 44:119-127, 2001.
39. Reynolds KD, Yaroch A, Franklin FA, Maloy J.
Testing mediating variables in a school-based nutrition intervention program.
Health Psychology 21:51-60, 2002.
40. Reynolds, KD, Bishop, DB, Chou, C-P, Xie, B, Nebeling, L, Perry, CL. Contrasting
Mediating Variables in Two 5-A-Day Nutrition Intervention Programs.
Preventive Medicine 39: 882-893, 2004.
41. Unger JB, Reynolds KD, Shakib S, Spruijt-Metz D, Sun P, Johnson CA.
Acculturation, physical activity and fast-food consumption among Asian-American and
Hispanic Adolescents.
Journal of Community Health 29 (6): 467-481, 2004
42. Goran MI, Reynolds KD.
Interactive multimedia for promoting physical activity (IMPACT) in children.
Obesity Research 13(4):762-771, 2005
43. Yaroch AL, Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Maloy JA, Geno CR.
Validity of a sun safety diary using UV monitors in middle school children.
Health Education & Behavior 33(3):340-351, 2006
44. Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Yaroch A, Cutter GR, Hines JM, Geno CR, Maloy JA, Brown M,
Woodall WG, Grandpre J.
Effects of the Sunny Days, Healthy Ways Curriculum on Students in Grades 6-8.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 30:13-22, 2006
45. Xie B, Chou CP, Spruijt-Metz D, Reynolds KD, Clark F, Palmer PH, Gallaher P, Sun P,
Guo Q, Johnson CA.
Weight Perception, Academic Performance, and Psychological Factors in Chinese
American Journal of Health Behavior 30(2):115-124, 2006
46. Buller DB, Buller MK, Reynolds KD.
A survey of sun protection education and policy in secondary schools.
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 54:427-432, 2006
47. Reynolds KD, Spruijt-Metz D.
Translational Research for Childhood Obesity Prevention
Evaluation & the Health Professions 29(2):219-245, 2006
48. Xie B, Chou CP, Spruijt-Metz D, Reynolds KD, Clark F, Palmer PH, Gallaher P, Sun P,
Guo Q, Johnson CA.
Weight Perception and Weight-Related Socio-Cultural and Behavioral Factors in Chinese
Preventive Medicine 42(3):229-234, 2006
49. Belansky ES, Romaniello C, Morin C, Uyeki T, Sawyer R, Scarbro S, Auld G, Crane L,
Reynolds KD, Hamman R, Marshall J.
Adapting and implementing a long-term nutrition and physical activity curriculum to a rural,
low-income, biethnic community.
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 38(2):106-113, 2006
50. Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Yaroch AL, Maloy J, Cutter G.
Mediation of a school based skin cancer prevention program.
Health Psychology 25(5):616-625, 2006
51. Johnson CA, Xie B, Koprowski C, Reynolds KD, Gallaher P, Spruijt-Metz D, Palmer P,
Sun P, Guo Q
Socio-demographic and cultural comparison of overweight and obesity risk and prevalence
in adolescents in Southern California and Wuhan, China.
Journal of Adolescent Health 39(6):925e1-925e8, 2006
52. Cullen KW, Hartstein J, Reynolds KD, Vu M, Resnicow K, Greene N, White MA
Improving the School Food Environment: Results from a Pilot Study in Middle Schools
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 107:484-489, 2007
53. Reynolds KD, Wolch J, Byrne J, Chou CP, Feng G, Weaver S, Jerrett M
Trail Characteristics as Correlates of Urban Trail Use
American Journal of Health Promotion 21(4):335-345, 2007
54. Xie B, Chou CP, Spruijt-Metz D, Reynolds KR, Clark F, Palmer PH, Gallaher P, Sun P,
Quo Q, Johnson CA
Socio-demographic and economic correlates of overweight status in Chinese adolescents
American Journal of Health Behavior 31(4):339-352, 2007
55. Hartstein, J, Cullen K, Reynolds KD, Harrell J, Kennel P, White, M.
The impact of portion size control for school ala carte items: Changes in kilocalories and
macronutrients purchased by middle school students
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108(1):140-145, 2007
56. Andreeva VA, Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Chih-Ping C, Yaroch AL
Concurrent psychosocial predictors of sun safety among middle school children
Journal of School Health 78(7):374-378, 2008
57. Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Yaroch AL, Maloy J, Geno C, Cutter G
Effects of Program Exposure and Engagement with Tailored Prevention Communication on
Sun Protection by Young Adolescents
Journal of Health Communication 13(7):619-636, 2008
58. Andreeva VA, Unger JB, Yaroch AL, Cockburn MG, Baezconde-Garbanati L,
Reynolds KD
Language acculturation and sun-safe practices among Latinos
American Journal of Public Health 99(4);734-741, 2009
59. Dunton G, Kaplan S, Wolch J, Jerrett M, Reynolds KD
Physical environmental correlates of childhood obesity: A systematic review
Obesity Reviews 10(4);393-402, 2009
60. Dunton GF, Wolch J, Chou CP, Jerrett M, Reynolds KD
Reasons for Urban Trail Use Predict Trail-Related Physical Activity
Journal of Physical Activity & Health 6:426-434, 2009
61. Andreeva VA, Yaroch AL, Unger JB, Cockburn MG, Rueda R, Reynolds KD
Moderated mediation regarding the sun-safe behaviors of U.S. Latinos
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Published online: November 25, 2009
62. Dahmann N, Wolch J, Joassart-Marcelli P, Reynolds KD, Jerrett M
The Active City?: Disparities in provision of urban public recreation resources
Health and Place 16(3):431-445, 2010
63. Seymour M, Wolch J, Reynolds KD, Newall, J
Reliability of an Audit Tool for Systematic Assessment of Urban Alleyways
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 7(2):214-223, 2010
64. Wolch J, Spruijt-Metz D, Jerrett M, Byrne J, Jerrett M, Chou CP, Tatalovich Z, Wang L,
Weaver S, Wang L, Fulton W, Reynolds KD
Proximity and Perceived Safety as Determinants of Urban Trail Use: Findings from a ThreeCity Study
Environment and Planning A 42(1):57-79, 2010
65. Seymour M, Wolch J, Reynolds KD, Bradbury H
Resident perceptions of urban alleys and alley greening
Applied Geography 30(3):380-393, 2010
66. Jerrett M, McConnell R, Chang RCC, Wolch J, Reynolds KD, Lurman F, Gilliland F,
Berhane K
Automobile traffic around the home and attained body mass index: A longitudinal cohort
study of children aged 10-18 Years
Preventive Medicine 50(1):S50-S58, 2010
67. Dunton GF, Cousineau MR, Reynolds KD
The intersection of public policy and health behavior theory in the physical activity arena
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 7(1):S91-S98,2010
68. Spruijt-Metz D, Wolch J, Jerrett M, Byrne J, Hseih S, Ranell M, Xie B, Wang L, Chou CP
Reynolds KD
Development, reliability and validity of an urban trail use survey
American Journal of Health Promotion 25(1):2-11, 2010
69. Wolch J, Newell J, Seymour M, Huang HB, Reynolds K, Mapes J
The forgotten and the future: reclaiming back alleys for a sustainable city
Environment and Planning A, 2010 (advance online publication, doi:10.1068/a42259)
70. Xie B, Chou CP, Spruijt-Metz D, Reynolds KD, Palmer PH, Gallaher P, Sun P, Guo Q
Johnson CA
Longitudinal analysis of weight perception and psychological factors in Chinese adolescents
American Journal of Health Behavior 35(1):92-104, 2011
71. Andreeva VA, Cockburn MG, Yaroch AL, Unger JB, Rueda R, Reynolds KD
Preliminary evidence for mediation of the association between acculturation and sun-safe
Archives of Dermatology 147(7):814-819, 2011
72. Wolch J, Michael J, Reynolds K, McConnell R, Chang R, Dahmann N, Brady K, Gilliland F, Su J, Berhane K Childhood obesity and proximity to urban parks and recreational resources: A longitudinal cohort study Health and Place 17:207-­‐214, 2011 73. Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Ashley JL, Buller MK, Kane IL, Stabell CL, Massie KL, Liu X,
Cutter GR
Motivating Public School Districts to Adopt Sun Protection Policies: A Randomized
Controlled Trial
American Journal of Prevention Medicine 41(3):309-316, 2011
74. Reynolds KD, Trinidad DR
Comments on the Use of Alternative Designs in Dissemination Research
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 42(1):105-106, 2012
75. Reynolds KD, Buller DB, French SA, Buller MK, Ashley JL
School Sun Protection Policies: Measure Development and Assessments in Two Regions of
the United States
Journal of School Health 82:499-507, 2012
76. Grenard, J. L., A. W. Stacy, S. Shiffman, A. N. Baraldi, D. P. MacKinnon, G. Lockhart, Y.
Kisbu-Sakarya, S. Boyle, Y. Beleva, C. Koprowski, S. L. Ames, K. D. Reynolds
Sweetened drink and snacking cues in adolescents: a study using ecological momentary
Appetite 67: 61-73, 2013
77. Su, J. G., M. Jerrett, R. McConnell, K. Berhane, G. Dunton, K. Shankardass, K. Reynolds,
R. Chang and J. Wolch
Factors influencing whether children walk to school
Health Place 22: 153-161, 2013
78. Ames, S. L., Y. Kisbu-Sakarya, K. D. Reynolds, S. Boyle, C. Cappelli, M. G. Cox, M. Dust,
J. L. Grenard, D. P. Mackinnon and A. W. Stacy
Inhibitory control effects in adolescent binge eating and consumption of sugar-sweetened
beverages and snacks
Appetite 81: 180-192, 2014
79. Reynolds, K. D., N. Dahmann, J. Wolch, P. Joassart-Marcelli, G. Dunton, D. Rudulph, J.
Newell, J. Thayer and M. Jerrett
Factors predicting the capacity of Los Angeles city-region recreation programs to promote
energy expenditure
Health Place 28C: 67-72, 2014
80. Czajkowski SM, Powell LH, Adler N, Naar-King S, Reynolds KD, Hunter C, Laraia B
Olster D, Perna F, Peterson J, Epel E, Boyington J, Charlson M
The ORBIT model for developing behavioral treatments to prevent or manage chronic
Diseases: A framework for translating ideas into interventions
Health Psychology, online first publication February 2, 2015
81. Borgogna, N, Lockhart, G, Grenard, JL, Shiffman, S, Barrett, T, Reynolds, KD
Ecological momentary assessment of urban adolescents¹ technology use and cravings for
unhealthy snacks and drinks: Differences by ethnicity and sex
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 115: 759-766, 2015
82. Tanenbaum HC, Felicitas JQ, Li Y, Tobias M, Chou C-P, Palmer PH, Spruijt-Metz D,
Reynolds KD, Johnson CA, Xie B
Overweight perception: associations with weight control goals, attempts and practices
among Chinese female college students
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, In press
1. Johansen, CM, Reynolds, KD, Xie, B, Ames, SL
Acculturation and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among adolescents: The
moderating effect of impulsivity
Pediatrics, In review
2. Reynolds KD, Quinn VQ, Xiang A, Garrett K, Koprowski C, Massie K, Ghai N,
Takayanagi M, Blanco L, Rossetti S, Jerrett M
Preventing childhood obesity through family intervention: Results of Obesity Prevention
Tailored for Health
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, In review
3. Felicitas J, Tanenbaum HC, Li Y, Chou C-P, Palmer PH, Spruijt-Metz D, Reynolds KD
Johnson CA, Xie B
A longitudinal analysis of the effects of socioeconomic factors, foreign media, and attitude
toward appearance on general and central adiposity in chinese adolescents
Preventive Medicine, In review
1. Sandler IN, Gersten J, Reynolds KD, Kallgren C, Ramirez R.
Using theory and data to plan support interventions: Design of a program for bereaved
In: Gottlieb BH (ed): Marshaling Social Support: Formats, Processes, and Effects. New
York: Sage, 1988.
2. Reynolds KD, Kratt PP, Winders S, Waterbor JW, Shuster JL, Gardner M, Harrison RA.
Cancer Prevention and Control.
In: Raczynski JM, DiClemente RJ, eds. Handbook of Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1999.
3. Reynolds KD, Pass MA, Galvin M, Winnail S, Harrington KF, DiClemente RJ.
Schools as a Setting for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
In: Raczynski JM, DiClemente RJ, eds. Handbook of Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1999.
4. Kohler C, Reynolds KD, Grimley D.
Theoretical Approaches Guiding the development and implementation of health promotion
and disease prevention programs.
In: Raczynski JM, DiClemente RJ, eds. Handbook of Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention. New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1999.
5. Reynolds KD, Baranowski T, Bishop DB, Gregson J, Nicklas TA.
5 a Day behavior change research in children and adolescents.
In: Stables G, Heimendinger, eds. 5 a Day for Better Health Monograph. Washington, DC:
NIH Publication #01-5019, September 2001.
6. Reynolds KD, Klepp KI, Yaroch A.
The ecological approach to nutrition intervention.
In: Gibney M, Arab L, eds.
Public Health Nutrition, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific Limited, 2005
7. Gordon-Larsen P, Reynolds KD: Built environment and physical activity.
In: Goran MI, editor. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity: Epidemiology, Etiology and
Prevention. Boca Raton, Florida: Taylor & Francis, 2006.
8. Reynolds KD, Spruijt-Metz D, Unger J.
Health behavior research and intervention
In Wallace RB, editor. Maxcy-Rosenau-Last-Wallace Public Health and Preventive
Medicine 15th edition, 2008