Personnel Executive Committee P o s i t i o n a n d B u d g e t R e q u e s t s May 9, 2012 to June 30, 2015 Note: to look for particular position or budget requests, hit "Control + F" # 306 Date 6/19/2015 Requestor President or V.P. Position Nichols Math Skills Center Coordinator Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Sciences Continuation of temporary employee Sciences Continuation of temporary employee P 1.00 Sciences Continuation of temporary employee P 1.00 P 1.00 P 1.00 305 6/19/2015 Nichols Nursing Lab Coordinator 304 6/19/2015 Nichols Instructor - Computer Science Sciences Continuation of temporary employee Continuation of temporary employee Notes Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of general improvement feefunded administrative position. P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of state-funded administrative position. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of state-funded B contract faculty. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/29/15. Continuation of state-funded B contract faculty. 303 6/19/2015 Nichols Instructor Geography 302 6/19/2015 Nichols Instructor - Nursing Sciences Replacement C 1.00 P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of state-funded B contract faculty. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Replacement of self-supported classified FTE being vacated 7/3/15. 301 6/19/2015 Nichols Child Care Worker II Child Care Center 300 6/19/2015 LevarioGutierrez Academic Advisor Academic Advisement New 299 6/19/2015 LevarioGutierrez Coordinator Jump Start Dual Credit Continuation of temporary employee P 1.00 298 6/19/2015 LevarioGutierrez Program Manager Access, Outreach & Recruitment Continuation of temporary employee P 1.00 Instructor - UAV Technical Sciences Continuation of temporary employee 297 296 295 294 6/19/2015 Nichols LTAP Continuation of Program Director temporary employee Solemsaas (for Nichols) LTAP Continuation of Program Director temporary employee Sheehan Deputy Director / EH&S 6/19/2015 Nichols 6/19/2015 6/19/2015 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Replace two existing LOA's with one temporary FTE funded by Excess Credit Fee account. Police/Safety Services Continuation of temporary employee Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of temporary employee funded by President's Contingency for this pilot project. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of GIF funding for Jacobs Presidential Scholars Program Manager. Request NSHE-only search Spring 2016. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/191/5.. Continuation of Perkins-funded faculty (B contract.) P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of grant-funded employee approved by NDOT. P 0.50 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of grant-funded employee approved by NDOT. P 0.50 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Continuation of system-funded employee until Oct. 2015 retirement. P 0.50 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Regular search to replace self-supporting position vacated May 2015 293 6/19/2015 Solemsaas Storekeeper 1 Vending Replacement C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/19/15. Temporary emergency hire while search is conducted to replace self-supporting position vacated May 2015. 292 6/19/2015 Solemsaas Storekeeper 1 Vending Replacement C 1.00 Page 1 of 20 Rev.:8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 291 Date 6/19/2015 Requestor President or V.P. Position Nichols Admin. Asst. IV Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved by Virtual PEC 6/29/15. Replacement of state-funded position vacated Nov. 2014 Library Replacement C 1.00 Approved 6/1/15. Replacement and downgrade from grade 3 to grade 2 of statefunded position vacated by buyout. 290 289 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 Nichols Nichols LMS Associate Web College Administrative Aid Technical Sciences Replacement New P 1.00 C Approved by Virtual PEC 6/29/15. New state funded classified employee to staff Edison front desk, replacing buyout Exec. Asst. at lower grade per buyout 1.00 justification. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/29/15. Replace existing part time coverage of MDWD front desk with one full time classified employee 50% state and 50% WDCE funded. 288 6/1/2015 Nichols Administrative Aid WDCE New C 1.00 Approved 6/1/15. New position funded by ABE grant, renewable contingent upon grant funding. 287 6/1/2015 Nichols Admin. Assistant II ABE New C 1.00 286 6/1/2015 LevarioGutierrez Financial Literacy Specialist Financial Aid Replacement P Approved 6/1/15. Search waiver approved since less than one year; then national search if funding continues. Replacement of USA Funds/Peer Literacy grant funded 0.62 professional LOB. 285 6/1/2015 LevarioGutierrez Veterans PreAdmission Specialist Financial Aid Replacement P 1.00 284 5/18/2015 LevarioGutierrez Financial Aid Coordinator for Scholarships / Outreach Financial Aid Conversion P Approved 5/18/15 by Virtual PEC. Replacement and conversion of state-funded professional position from classified position vacated 6/30/15. Search waiver 1.00 requested to hire temporary one-year with national search Spring 2016. Web College FTE Increase P Approved 5/18/15 by Virtual PEC. Continue temporary .25 FTE increase to support Jump Start retention, funded by college initiative RAP. Add .25 FTE increase to 1.00 support online retention, funded by DE Lab Fees. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 6/1/15; must be searched. Replacement of professional position vacated by internal promotion. Funded by TAACCCT Round 4 grant. 283 5/18/2015 Nichols Web College Retention Specialist 282 5/4/2015 Sheehan Executive Assistant President Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 FYI - Replacement of state-funded professional position approved by President. 281 5/4/2015 Solemsaas Director Information Technology 280 5/4/2015 Solemsaas Programmer Technician Information Technology 5/4/2015 LevarioGutierrez Academic Advisor Academic Advisement 279 Approved 5/4/15. Replacement and downgrade from grade 7 to 6 of state funded position currently filled by interim. Approved 5/4/15. Replacement and downgrade from grade 5 to grade 3 of statefunded position vacated by buyout. Approved 5/4/15. New temporary one-year professional position funded by Excess Credit Fee account. New temporary P 1.00 Approved 5/4/15. Increase FTE from .75 to 1.00 classified position. (PEC#226 approved increase from .53 to .75 FTE). 278 277 276 275 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 4/20/2015 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Room Scheduling Sheehan Development Officer / Scholarship Mgr. Foundation/ Institutional Advancement Sheehan Donor Stewardship Coordinator Foundation/ Institutional Advancement Solemsaas Server & Database Admin. Specialist Information Technology Increase FTE C 1.00 Approved 5/4/15. Regular search for restructured professional position currently filled by temporary hire. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 5/4/15. Conversion of state-funded classified position to professional position. Conversion P 1.00 Approved 4/20/15 to search for hire on/after 7/1/15. Replacement of a statefunded professional position. Replacement P 1.00 Page 2 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 274 Date 4/20/2015 Requestor President or V.P. Position Department Solemsaas Programmer Technician Information Technology New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 4/20/15 to search for hire on/after 7/1/15. Conversion of state-funded temporary FTE to regular status with a search. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 4/20/15 for temporary hire Fall 15 and search for permanent hire Fall 16: Five state-funded temporary academic faculty 273 272 271 4/20/2015 Nichols Humanities Instructor Humanities 4/20/2015 LevarioGutierrez College Recruiter Specialist Access, Outreach & Recruitment Nichols Remedial Math & English Coordinator 3/16/2015 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 4/20/15 for temporary hire. Replacement of position funded by General Improvement Fee increase. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 3/16/15. Continuation of existing temporary employee funded by General Improvement Fees. WDCE Continuation P 1.00 Approved 3/16/15. Downgrade and replacement of state-funded classified position. 270 3/16/2015 Nichols Admin. Asst. III VPAA Replacement C 1.00 269 3/16/2015 Solemsaas Construction Project Coordinator III Facilities Operations Replacement C 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 3/16/15. Upgrade and replacement of state-funded classified position. Approved 3/16/15. TAACCCT grant-funded position currently filled by temporary employee. 268 3/1`6/15 Nichols Pathways Specialist Technical Sciences 267 3/16/2015 Nichols Tenure Track Theater Faculty Liberal Arts 266 2/2/2015 LevarioGutierrez Veterans Education Benefits Associate Financial Aid Conversion P 1.00 265 2/2/2015 Sheehan Proposal Development Specialist Institutional Advancement / Grants New P 1.00 Approved 3/16/15. Approved 2/2/15. Replacement and conversion of state-funded classified position vacated 1/31/15. VA requires position. Approved 2/2/15. New professional in RAP grant account funded from college reserves / initiatives spending. Approved 2/2/15. PEC#254 withdrawn 11/3/14; being resubmitted. Replacement of state-funded position vacated 7/14. 264 2/2/2015 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Web College Replacement C 1.00 263 1/12/2015 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Technical Sciences Replacement C 1.00 Sheehan Deputy Director/ Student Conduct Officer Police Dept. Personnel Tech I Human Resources 262 261 1/12/2015 1/12/2015 Sheehan Approved 1/12/15. Replacement of position being vacated 1/30/15. Funded 25% by state and 75% by self supporting accounts. Approved 1/12/15. Conversion of state-funded temporary FTE to regular status with request for search waiver. Conversion P 1.00 Approved 1/12/15. New position to support additional LOA contracts. 50% paid from WDCE program revenue and 50% from state reallocated funds. New C 1.00 Approved 1/12/15. 260 259 258 1/12/2015 12/18/2014 12/10/2014 Nichols Program Specialist WDCE Solemsaas Accounting Asst. II Accounting Services Nichols Productor Technology Instructor Technical Sciences New P Paid from program revenues 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 1/8/15. State funded (after failed search for PEC #176 (approved 2/19/14.) Replacement C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 12/10/14. New temporary position funded by TAACCCT Grant. New P 1.00 Page 3 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 257 Date Requestor President or V.P. Position 11/24/2014 LevarioGutierrez Veterans PreAdmission Specialist Financial Aid Nichols Administrative Aid Technical Sciences New Nichols Web College Retention Specialist Web College Temporary FTE Increase Admin. Asst. II Academic Support Center Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved by Virtual PEC 11/24/14. New position funded by TAACCCT Round 4 grant. New P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 11/24/14. State-funded temporary hire (6 months). 256 255 11/24/2014 10/23/2014 C 0.75 P Approved by Virtual PEC 11/3/14. PEC#219 approved by Virtual PEC 7/10/14. Current request is to temporarily increase FTE to support Jump Start retention as 0.75 budgeted. Withdrawn 11/3/14. 254 10/23/2014 Nichols Replacement C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 11/4/14. Replacement of state-funded position. 253 10/23/2014 Nichols Library Technician I Library Replacement C 1.00 252 10/23/2014 Nichols Productor Technology Instructor Technical Sciences Replacement P 1.00 251 10/23/2014 LevarioGutierrez Program Specialist Veterans Upward Bound Replacement P 0.75 250 10/23/2014 Solemsaas Custodial Worker I Facilities Replacement C 1.00 10/17/2014 Nichols Assoc. DeanPlanning & Assessment Academic Support/VP Replacement P 1.00 248(h) 10/17/2014 Nichols Faculty-Librarian Library Replacement P 1.00 248(g) 10/17/2014 Nichols Faculty-Logistics Mgmt. Business Replacement P 1.00 248(f) Nichols Faculty-Fine Arts Liberal Arts Replacement P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 11/4/14. Replacement of TAACCCT Round 3 grant funded position. Approved by Virtual PEC 11/4/14. This position is being filled by a temp. employee until grant funding is secured. Approved by Virtual PEC 11/4/14. Replacement of state-funded position. 249 Approved by Virtual PEC 10/22/14. Replacement of state-funded position currently filled by interim associate dean. Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 10/17/2014 Approval contingent on outcome of PEC#249. Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 248(e) 10/17/2014 Nichols Faculty-Biology Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 248(d) 10/17/2014 Nichols Faculty-Nursing Sciences Nichols FacultyAutomotive/Diesel Technical Sciences Nichols Faculty-Vet Tech Technical Sciences Nichols Faculty-Criminal Justice Technical Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 248(c) 10/17/2014 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 248(b) 10/17/2014 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Tenure Track Replacement for Fall 2015 248(a) 10/17/2014 Replacement P 1.00 Page 4 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 247 Date 10/17/2014 Requestor President or V.P. Position Solemsaas HVACR Specialist I Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 10/22/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state-funded position. Facilities Replacement C 1.00 Approved 10/7/14. Replacement of state-funded position. 246 10/7/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Liberal Arts Replacement C 1.00 10/7/2014 LevarioGutierrez Suicide Prevention Coordinator Counseling & Career Services Nichols Diesel Technology Instructor Technical Sciences Replacement C 1.00 New P Approved 9/15/14 by Virtual PEC. Request to hire a full time temporary employee. Funding source is a commitment from President Sheehan for 1 year of College 1.00 Initiatives funding. Approved 10/7/14. Supported by a grant program funded by HHS. 245 New P 1.00 Approved 10/7/14. Funded by TAACCCT grant; non-tenure track. 244 10/7/2014 New P 1.00 Approved 10/7/14. PEC 225 approved temporary hire; now requesting search for regular hire, funded by TAACCCT grant 243 10/7/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. III Technical Sciences 242 9/19/2014 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist / Jump Start Dual Credit Access, Outreach & Recruitment 241 9/19/2014 LevarioGutierrez Veterans Coordinator Financial Aid New P 1.00 240 9/15/2014 Nichols Manager Technical Sciences Replacement P 1.00 239 9/8/2014 LevarioGutierrez CareerConnect Specialist Disability Resource Center New P 1.00 238 9/8/2014 LevarioGutierrez CareerConnect Coordinator Disability Resource Center New P 1.00 237 9/8/2014 LevarioGutierrez CareerConnect AT Specialist Disability Resource Center New P 1.00 236 9/8/2014 Solemsaas Maintenance Repair Worker II Facilities Replacement C 1.00 Approved 9/15/14 by Virtual PEC. Request to hire a temporary TAACCCT grant funded position while the search for a regular position is conducted. Approved 9/15/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of TAACCCT grant funded position. Interim Manager approved PEC #230. Approved 9/8/14. New administrative position in grant funded (DETR) DRC Career Connect Program. Approved 9/8/14. New administrative position in grant funded (DETR) DRC Career Connect Program. Approved 9/8/14. New administrative position in grant funded (DETR) DRC Career Connect Program. Approved 9/8/14. Replacement of state-funded position. Approved 9/8/14. Replacement of state-funded position. 235 9/8/2014 Nichols Lab Tech II Sciences Sheehan University Police Officer II Sheehan University Police Officer II - Special Projects Police Dept. Research Analyst Institutional Research, Analysis & Effectiveness Replacement C 1.00 Approved 8/25/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state-funded position. 234 8/25/2014 Police Dept. Replacement C 1.00 Approved 8/25/14 by Virtual PEC. Continuation of LOA for up to 12 months. 233 232 8/25/2014 8/14/2014 Sheehan Continuation P 0.50 Approved 8/14/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state funded position. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 8/14/14 by Virtual PEC. funded position. 231 8/14/2014 Nichols Pathways Specialist Academic Affairs Replacement P Temporary backfill replacement of grant 1.00 Page 5 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 230 229 Date 8/14/2014 Requestor President or V.P. Nichols 8/11/2014 Sheehan 8/11/2014 LevarioGutierrez Position Department Manager Technical Sciences Admin. Asst. III Faculty Senate Office New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 8/14/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of grant funded position by naming Interim Program Manager. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 8/11/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state-funded position at lower grade. Replacement C 1.00 Approved 8/11/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state-funded position. 228 Admin. Asst. III Financial Aid Admin. Asst. II Tutoring & Learning Center Replacement C 1.00 Approved 7/28/14. Request FTE increase from .75 to 1.00 227 7/28/2014 Nichols Replacement C 1.00 Approved 7/28/14. Request FTE increase from .53 to .75 226 7/28/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Room Scheduling Replacement C 0.75 225 7/28/2014 Sanders Admin. Asst. III Equity & Inclusion Replacement C 1.00 224 7/28/2014 LevarioGutierrez Program Officer I Admissions & Records Replacement C 1.00 223 7/10/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. III WDCE Replacement C 1.00 Approved 7/28/14. Temporary hire replacement of grant-funded classified position. Approved 7/28/14. Replacement of state-funded classified position. Approved by Virtual PEC 7/10/14. Replacement of grant-funded classified position. Approved by Virtual PEC 7/10/14. Continuation of state-funded temporary librarian position. 222 7/10/2014 Nichols Librarian Library Continuation P 1.00 221 7/10/2014 Sheehan Director, Experiential Learning Center Institutional Advancement Continuation P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 7/10/14. Continuation of grant-funded temporary administrative position. Approved by Virtual PEC 7/10/14. Continuation of state-funded temporary faculty position. 220 7/10/2014 Nichols Faculty-Nursing Sciences Continuation P 1.00 219 7/10/2014 Nichols Web College Retention Specialist Web College Replacement P 0.50 Approved by Virtual PEC 7/10/14. Replacement of state-funded administrative position to be searched. Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. New temporary position funded by LTAP grant. Modifies PEC #208. 218 217 216 215 214 6/26/2014 Nichols Program Director WDCE Solemsaas Programming Technician Information Technology Solemsaas Interim Program Director Information Technology 6/26/2014 Solemsaas Interim Chief, Information Technology Information Technology 6/26/2014 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist Outreach & Recruitment 6/26/2014 6/26/2014 New P 0.50 Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Continuation of temporary appointment to statefunded position. Continuation Continuation Continuation P 1.00 P Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Continuation of state-funde interim position through 12/30/14. At the end of interim position a new request for permanent 1.00 appointment to Manager will be pursued. P Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Continuation of state-funded interim position through 12/30/14. At the end of interim position, a new request for permanent 1.00 appointment to Program Director will be pursued. Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Continuation of PEC#191 - temporary backfill of GIF fund position. Continuation P 1.00 Page 6 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 213 212 211 210 Date Requestor President or V.P. Position Department 6/26/2014 LevarioGutierrez GEAR UP Ambassador Access, Outreach & Recruitment Manager Foundation & Institutional Advancement Sheehan Executive Director Foundation & Institutional Advancement Nichols Faculty - Avionics (Drone) VPAA Replacement P 1.00 WDCE VUB Continuation P 1.75 6/26/2014 6/26/2014 6/30/2014 Sheehan New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Extension of PEC #177 for month of July. Funded by GEAR UP grant while search concludes Continuation Replacement P 1.00 P Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Conversion of temp hire (PEC #174) to temporary professional appointment and upgrade to grade 4. Non-state funding 1.00 as before. Approved by Virtual PEC 7/1/14. Temporary replacement while search is conducted. State funded. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/2/14 by Virtual PEC. Partial Perkins funding, remainder contingency account until/if grant secured. Technical Sciences New P 1.00 Approved 7/2/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state-funded administrative position vacated 6/30/14. 209 6/30/2014 Nichols Interim Assoc. Dean of Assessment & Planning 208 6/18/2014 Nichols & LevarioGutierrez Administrative WDCE Continuation P 1.00 Continuation P 1.50 Approved 6/24/14 by Virtual PEC. Continuation of 1.75 grant funded temporary administrative position. Deferred until next PEC Meeting. Continuation of 1 administrative faculty with new funding source TBD. 207 6/18/2014 Nichols College Transition Math & English Skills Center Coordinator/ Instructor 206 6/18/2014 Nichols & Sheehan Administrative Sciences, Police Dept. 205 6/18/2014 LevarioGutierrez Administrative Academic Advisement Continuation P 1.00 204 6/18/2014 Nichols & Sheehan Administrative Sciences, Police Dept. Continuation P 2.00 Continuation P 5.00 Replacement C 1.00 203 6/18/2014 Nichols Faculty Science, Technical Sciences, Liberal Arts 202 6/16/2014 Nichols Program Officer I Web College 6/16/2014 LevarioGutierrez Approved 6/24/14 by Virtual PEC. Continuation of 1.50 non-state temporary administrative faculty. Approved 6/24/14 by Virtual PEC. Continuation of 1 state-funded advising temporary appointment. Approved 6/24/14 by Virtual PEC. Continuation of 2 state-funded temporary administrative assignments Approved 6/24/14 by Virtual PEC. Continuation of 5 state-funded temporary academic faculty positions. Approved 6/16/14 by Virtual PEC. Replacement of state-funded position. 201 200 199 6/16/2014 6/16/2014 Nichols Nichols Re-Entry & Job Internship Coordinator Prep. Program Officer I Admin. Asst. III Approved 6/16/14. Funded by FY13 8% revenue - Internship account. Transfer from WDCE to Student Services. New P 1.00 Approved 6/16/14. Replacement to be funded 50% state and 50% general improvement fee fund. Academic Support/VP Replacement WDCE Replacement & Conversion C 1.00 Approved 6/16/14. Replacement of NV LTAB grant-funded position; converting to Classified from Professional. C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/13/14. New position funded by ABE AEFLA Leadership grant for Nevada-wide 2 yr project. 198 6/6/2014 Nichols Curriculum Developer ABE New P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/13/14. New state-funded administrative position. 197 6/6/2014 Nichols Director - AIT AIT New P 1.00 Page 7 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 196 Date 6/6/2014 Requestor President or V.P. Position Nichols Science Lab Coordinator Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved by Virtual PEC 6/13/14. Replacement of state-funded position. Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/13/14. Replacement of state-funded position. 195 Solemsaas Grounds Supervisor II 6/6/2014 Nichols Admissions & Records Asst. I ABE New 5/27/2014 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist Access, Outreach & Recruitment Continuation of temporary position 192 5/27/2014 LevarioGutierrez Program Manager Access, Outreach & Recruitment Confinuation of temporary position P 1.00 191 5/27/2014 LevarioGutierrez Program Manager Success 1st NV Works Access, Outreach & Recruitment Continuation as Interim Case Manager P 1.00 Replacement C 0.75 Replacement P 1.00 194 193 6/6/2014 Facilities Replacement C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/13/14. Funded by ABE Grant 7/1/14. Renewable contngent upon grant funding. C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/4/14. Temp FTE approved PEC #164. Request continued temp funded by DETR grant. P 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 6/4/14. Temp FTE approved PEC#163. Request continued temp funded by DETR grant. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/4/14. Continuation of increase to Grade 4 in grantfunded position. Approved by Virtual PEC 6/4/14. Replacement of state-funded position. 190 5/27/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Tutoring & Learning Center 189 5/5/2014 Nichols Library Director Library Approved by Virtual PEC 5/12/14. Replacement of library director vacated 6/30/13 and filled by Acting Director during FY14. Approved by Virtual PEC 5/12/14. Previously approved #153. Current request reclassify and increase FTE (additional FTE funded by non-state.) 188 5/5/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. II AIT Replacement C 1.00 187 5/5/2014 Nichols Faculty - Geography Sciences Replacement P 1.00 186 4/21/2014 LevarioGutierrez Veterans Resource Center Coordinator Financial Aid & Veterans Benefits New P 1.00 185 4/21/2014 Nichols Admin. Asst. II Redfield Campus Replacement C 1.00 Approved by Virtual PEC 5/12/14. Replacement of faculty position vacated 6/30/14. Request 1-yr temporary. On hold until FY15 evaluation of funding Approved 4/21/14. Permanent replacement of state-funded position. 184 4/2/2014 Sanders Program Officer III Equity & Inclusion 4/2/2014 LevarioGutierrez TMCC Gear-up Ambassador Access, Outreach & Recruitment Nichols Math/Science Coordinator Tutoring & Learing Center Approved by email 4/4/14. Reclassification to upgraded position and search for permanent replacement of state-funded position. Replacement C 1.00 Approved by email 4/4/14. 75% Grant funded, 25% Gen. Impr. Fee funded 183 182 3/6/2014 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 3/25/14. Permanent replacement of state-funded position. Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Approved 3/25/14. Permanent replacement of state-funded position. 181 3/6/2014 Nichols Director of Nursing Sciences Program Officer I Equity & Inclusion Replacement P 1.00 Withdrawn 180 3/6/2014 Sanders Replacement C 1.00 Page 8 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 179 Date Requestor President or V.P. New or P/C Replacement Position Department Sanders Program Officer I Equity & Inclusion 3/6/2014 Nichols College & Career Transitions Coordinator WDCE 3/3/14 LevarioGutierrez TMCC Gear-up Ambassador Access, Outreach & Recruitment Sanders Admin. Assistant III Equity & Inclusion Accounting Services Replacement C 1.00 Facilities Replacement C 1.00 3/6/2014 FTE Notes Approved 3/25/14. Up to 6-month temporary hire during search for permanent replacement. Replacement C 1.00 Approved 3/25/14. Replacement of ABE grant funded position. 178 177 Info only 2/19/14 Replacement P 1.00 Approved via email. LOB replacement of position during search for permanent hire. Grant funded. Replacement P 0.73 Approved position is being recruited after 6 month temporary hire (#98 approved 3/6/13.) Grant funded. New C 1.00 Approved 2/19/14. 176 2/19/14 Solemsaas Accounting Assistant II 175 2/19/14 Solemsaas Grounds Worker III Approved 2/19/14. Replacement at lower grade. Approved 2/3/14 - Temporary Position. Funded by self-supporting account. 174 2/3/14 Sheehan Program Officer III Foundation New C 1.00 173 2/3/14 Solemsaas Programmer I Information Technology Replacement P 1.00 Replacement C 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 2/3/14 Approved 1/22/14. 172 1/22/14 Nichols Child Care Worker II Child Care Center 171 1/6/14 LevarioGutierrez Academic Advisor Academic Advisement AIT New P 1.00 Web College New P 1.00 170 1/6/2014 Nichols Faculty - Machining Dual Enrollment 169 1/6/2014 Nichols Instructional Designer Approved 1/6/14. Temporary Position - State Funded Approved 1/6/14. Temporary Position - State Funded Approved 1/6/14. Temporary Position - Grant Funded Approved via email. Info only 12/17/2013 Nichols Dean, Sciences Sheehan Police Officer II Special Projects Sheehan Police Officer II Special Projects Sciences Replacement Police Dept. Continuation of temporary position Police Dept. Continuation of temporary position Continuation of temporary position P 1.00 Approved 12/18/13 168 12/10/2013 P 0.50 Approved 12/18/13 167 12/10/2013 P 0.50 Approved 12/18/13 166 12/10/2013 Sheehan Investigator Police Dept. 12/10/2013 LevarioGutierrez Sudent Success Specialist Access, Outreach & Recruitment P 1.00 Approved 12/11/13. Grant funded 165 Replacement P 1.00 Page 9 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 164 Date Requestor President or V.P. Position Department 12/10/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist Access, Outreach & Recruitment 12/10/2013 LevarioGutierrez Program Manager Access, Outreach & Recuitment New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 12/11/13. Grant funded New P 1.00 Approved 12/11/13. Grant funded 163 New P 1.00 Approved 11/21/13. Grant funded 162 Nichols Pathways Specialist 11/21/2013 Solemsaas Facilities Project Manager 160 11/21/2013 LevarioGutierrez A&R Asst. II Financial Aid Replacement C 1.00 159 11/21/2013 LevarioGutierrez Admin. Asst. IV Financial Aid New C 1.00 AIT New P 1.00 AIT New P 1.00 161 11/21/2013 AIT New P 1.00 Approved 11/21/13 Temporary LOA. Grant funded. Facilities New P 0.45 Approved 11/21/13. Replacement of state-funded position. Approved 11/21/13. Non-State funds Approved 11/21/13. Grant funded 158 11/21/2013 Nichols Adult Learner Concierge 157 11/21/2013 Nichols Faculty - Machining AIT New P 1.00 AIT Replacement P 1.00 Approved 11/21/13. Grant funded Approved 11/21/13. Grant funded 156 11/21/2013 Nichols Faculty - Production Tech. 155 11/21/2013 Nichols Faculty - Welding Approved 11/21/13. Replacement for state-funded position. Grant funded On hold 154 10/14/2013 Nichols Admin. Asst. III WDCE Replacement C 1.00 153 10/14/2013 Nichols Admin. Asst. I AIT Replacement C 0.75 Approved 10/14/13. Existing 0.50 non-state funding; 0.25 increase funded by state budget Approved 10/14/13 152 10/14/2013 Nichols Faculty Nursing Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/14/13 151 10/14/2013 Nichols Faculty Nichols Laboratory Technician II Nursing Replacement P 1.00 Approved 9/23/13. 150 9/23/2013 Science Replacement C State Funds 0.53 Approved 9/23/13. Grant Funded 149 9/23/2013 Nichols 9/23/2013 LevarioGutierrez Coordinator ABE Program Officer I Admissions & Records Replacement P 1.00 Approved 9/23/13. 148 Replacement C 1.00 Page 10 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 147 Date 9/9/2013 Requestor President or V.P. Solemsaas Position Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 9/9/13. Self-support vending account. Retail Store Keeper I Auxiliary Services New C 1.00 Approved 9/9/13. 50% state funds/50% DRI account. Sheehan University Police Officer II Nichols Faculty EMS/Paramedic EMS/Paramedic 8/26/2013 Nichols Faculty - CIT Instructor Computer Technology 143 8/26/2013 LevarioGutierrez Academic Advisor / Transfer Center Coordinator Academic Advisement Replacement P 1.00 142 8/26/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist Access, Outreach & Recruitment Replacement P 1.00 146 9/9/2013 Police Dept. Replacement C 1.00 Approved 8/26/13. 145 8/26/2013 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 8/26/13. 144 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 8/26/13. Funded by non-state sources. Approved 8/26/13. Funded by reallocation of state budget. 141 8/26/2013 Sheehan 140 8/26/2013 Nichols Admin. Asst. IV President's Office Replacement C 1.00 Child Care Worker II Child Care Center Replacement C 1.00 Approved 8/26. Upgrade. Approved 8/6/13 by email. Reallocate existing state funds. 139 8/6/2013 Nichols Evening Site Supervisor 138 7/24/2013 Nichols Coordinator / Instructor Redfield Campus New C 0.75 Math Skills Center Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/24/13 by email. Temporary Position. Approved 7/24/13 by email. Temporary Position. Physical Science/ Physical Science Engineering Faculty / Engineering 137 7/24/2013 Nichols 136 7/24/2013 Nichols Nursing Faculty Nursing Solemsaas Director - Budget & Planning Budget & Planning Solemsaas Maintenance Repair Specialist I Facilities Solemsaas Administrative Assistant III Budget & Planning Nichols Food Service Worker II Child Care Center Nichols Instructor/ Coordinator Adult Basic Education Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/24/13 by email. Temporary Position. Approved 7/24/13 135 7/24/2013 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/24/13 134 7/24/2013 Replacement C 1.00 Approved 7/24/13 133 7/24/2013 New C 1.00 Approved 7/2/13 132 7/13/2013 Replacement C 1.00 Approved Temporary Position. 131 7/13/2013 New P 1.00 Page 11 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 130 Date Requestor President or V.P. Position 7/13/2013 LevarioGutierrez Advisor Advisement Accounting Division of Business Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved Temporary Position. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (x) 7/10/2013 Nichols Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (w) 7/10/2013 Nichols Psychology Liberal Arts Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (v) 7/10/2013 Nichols Humanities Liberal Arts Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (u) 7/10/2013 Nichols Humanities/FL Liberal Arts Replacement P 1.00 129 (t) 7/10/2013 Nichols Visual Arts Liberal Arts Replacement P 1.00 Nichols Biology (2) Division of Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Nichols Environmental Science Division of Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Nichols Chemistry (2) Division of Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Nichols Culinary Division of Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (r, s 7/10/2013 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (q) 7/10/2013 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (o, p 7/10/2013 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (n) 7/10/2013 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (m) 7/10/2013 Nichols Dental Assisting Division of Sciences 29 (i, j, k, 7/10/2013 Nichols Nursing (4) Division of Sciences Nichols Architecture Applied Industrial Technologies Nichols Veterinary Technology Coordinator/ Veterinarian Applied Industrial Technologies Nichols Automotive Faculty (2) Applied Industrial Technologies Criminal Justice Applied Industrial Technologies EMS Faculty (2) Applied Industrial Technologies Approved 7/10/2013. Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (h) 129 (g) 7/10/2013 7/10/2013 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (e, f 7/10/2013 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (d) 7/10/2013 Nichols Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/10/2013. 129 (b, c 7/10/2013 Nichols Replacement P 1.00 Page 12 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 129 (a) Requestor President or V.P. Position Department 7/10/2013 Nichols Fire/EMS Program Director Applied Industrial Technologies 7/10/2013 LevarioGutierrez Financial Literacy Specialist Date New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 7/10/2013. Replacement P 1.00 Approved. USA Funds Capacity grant. 128 Financial Aid New P 0.63 Approved. Grant funded. 127 7/10/2013 Nichols Project Manager WDCE Replacement P 1.00 Approved. State funded. 126 7/10/2013 Solemsaas Grounds Worker III Facilities Replacement C 1.00 WDCE New C 1.00 Applied Industrial Technologies New P 0.50 Currently LOA 125 7/10/2013 Nichols Administrative Assistant III 124 7/10/2013 Nichols Energy Tech Dual Enrollment Instructor 123 6/7/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Services Specialist Counseling Replacement P 0.80 122 6/4/2013 Nichols Tech Prep Coordinator Applied Industrial Technologies Replacement P 1.00 121 5/15/2013 LevarioGutierrez Employment Specialist Re-Entry Center Replacement P 1.00 120 5/15/2013 LevarioGutierrez Job Preparation Specialist Job Preparation Center New P 1.00 119 5/15/2013 LevarioGutierrez Program Director Academic Advisement / Transfer / International Program Replace P 1.00 118 5/15/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist/Life Skills Outreach & Recruitment New P 1.00 5/15/2013 LevarioGutierrez Financial Aid Coordinator Financial Aid ABE Coordinator Adult Basic Education Admin. Assistant II Academic Advisement Research Analyst Institutional Research Program Officer I Admissions & Records Approved by RAP. State funded. Approved by President 6/7/2013. Fund 7272, Gen. Imp. Fee Approved by President 6/4/2013. Grant funded. Approved by RAP Approved 5/15/13 Approved 5/15/13. State Funding. Approved 5/15/13 Approved 5/15/13. State funding 117 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 5/15/13. Grant funding 116 5/15/2013 Nichols 5/15/2013 LevarioGutierrez Replacement P 1.00 Approved by RAP 115 New C 0.53 Approved 5/1/13 114 5/1/2013 Sheehan 5/1/2013 LevarioGutierrez Replacement P 1.00 Approved 5/1/13 113 Replacement C 1.00 Page 13 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 112 Date Requestor President or V.P. Position Department 5/1/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist / Life Skills Outreach & Recruitment New 5/1/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist / LSC & Jacobs Outreach & Recruitment Continuation of temporary position 5/1/2013 LevarioGutierrez Student Success Specialist Counseling / Success First Continuation of temporary position 4/17/2013 LevarioGutierrez Learning Disabilities Specialist New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 5/1/13 P 1.00 Approved 5/1/13 111 P 1.00 Approved 5/1/13 110 P 1.00 Approved via email. 109 DRC Replacement P 1.00 Approved via email 4/10/13 108 4/10/2013 Sheehan Investigator Police Dept. New P 1.00 107 4/3/2013 Nichols Nursing Lab Coordinator Nursing Replacement P 1.00 Information Technology New P 1.00 Accounting Services New C 1.00 Approved 4/3/13 Approved 4/3/13 106 4/3/2013 Solemsaas Chief, Information Technology 105 4/3/2013 Solemsaas Accounting Assistant II Approved 4/3/13 Approved 4/3/15 104 4/3/2013 Nichols Technical Assistant ABE Replacement P 1.00 103 4/3/2013 Nichols Admin. Asst I WebCollege New C 0.53 New P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 4/3/14 Approved 4/3/13 102 4/3/2013 Solemsaas Systems Accountant Accounting Services 101 3/6/2013 Solemsaas Custodial Worker I Facilities Programmer I Information Technology Services Child Care Worker I Child Care Center Admin. Asst III Equity & Inclusion Approved 3/6/13 Pending Approval. 100 3/6/2013 Solemsaas New P 1.00 Approved 3/6/13. Grant Position 99 3/6/2013 Nichols Replacement C 1.00 Approved 3/6/13 98 3/6/2013 Sanders 2/20/2013 LevarioGutierrez 2/20/2013 LevarioGutierrez New C 1.00 Permanent replacement for item 96. Approved 3/6/13. 97 Academic Advisor DRC P 1.00 Approved 2/20/13 for up to 6/30/13 96 Advisor DRC Temporary LOA P 0.20 Page 14 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 95 Date 2/20/2013 Requestor President or V.P. Position Nichols Program Manager Nichols ABE Program Manager Nichols Faculty Management Division of Business Nichols Faculty - Radiologic Technology Radiologic Technology Computer Technology Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Department New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 2/20/13 WDCE New P 1.00 Approved 1/24/13 94 1/24/2013 P 1.00 Approved 1/24/13 93 1/24/2013 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 1/24/13 92 1/24/2013 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 1/24/13 91 1/24/2013 Nichols Faculty - Computer Tech 90 1/23/2013 Nichols Faculty - Psychology Social Sciences Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 On hold 1/23/13. Last permanent employee was Fruzetti On hold 1/23/13. Last Permanent employee was Handal. 89 1/23/2013 Nichols Faculty - Veterinarian Veterinary Technology 88 1/23/2013 Nichols Faculty - Fire Science Public Safety / Fire Science Applied Industrial Technologies Replacement P 1.00 English Replacement P 1.00 On hold 1/23/13 Approved 1/23/13 87 1/23/2013 Nichols Faculty - Energy Technologies 86 1/23/2013 Nichols Faculty - English 85 1/23/2013 LevarioGutierrez Admin. Asst. II Financial Aid Replacement C 1.00 84 1/7/2013 Solemsaas Interim Director Information Technology Services Replacement P 1.00 Approved 1/23/13 Approved 1/23/13 Approved 1/9/13 Approved 1/23/13 83 12/17/2012 Tuthill Change funding source from non-state (fund 7281) to state operating budget (fund 7104) on previously approved position 56520. Tuthill Student Success Specialist Outreach and Recruitment Tuthill Master Teacher Infant and Toddler Child Care Center Police Officer II TMCC Police Dept. Police Officer II TMCC Police Dept. Approved 12/19/12. Temporary. Fund 7272 82 12/17/2012 New P 1.00 Approved 1/23/13 81 12/17/2012 Replacement P 1.00 Budgeted position. Approved 12/6/12. 80 12/17/2012 Sheehan New C 1.00 Budgeted position. Approved 12/6/12. 79 12/17/2012 Sheehan New C 1.00 Page 15 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 78 77 Date 11/20/12 11/20/12 Requestor President or V.P. New or P/C Replacement Position Department Technical Assistant Adult Basic Education Tuthill Special Projects New Student Services Tuthill Academic Advisor/ Retention Specialist WebCollege Tuthill Academic Advisor Academic Advising Web College Reclass P Counceling/Succ ess First Replacement p Tuthill FTE Notes Approved Temporary position. New P 1.00 Hold pending further research & approval New P 1.00 Hold pending further research & approval 76 11/20/12 New P 1.00 Approved 11/20/12 75 11/20/12 Replacement P 1.00 Hold per John Tuthill 74 11/08/12 Tuthill Replace Support Specialist to Program Manager 73 11/08/12 Tuthill Student Success Specialist Approved 10/22/12 1.00 Approved by Dr. Sheehan 10/24/12 72 11/08/12 Tuthill Instructor Fire Science Emergency Hire P 71 11/08/12 Tuthill Instructor Criminal Justice Replacement P ITS Replacement P 0.50 Replacement C 1.00 Approved by Dr. Sheehan 10/31/12 1.00 Temporary. Approved 10/22/12. 70 10/22/12 Solemsaas Information Technician 69 10/22/12 Solemsaas Grounds Worker III Facilities New C 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/22/12 Summer School funding. Approved 10/22/12 68 10/22/12 Tuthill Administrative Asst III Division of Business 67 10/22/12 Tuthill Director Dental Hygiene Tuthill Accountability Technical Assistant ABE / ESL Tuthill Employment Specialist Re-Entry/Job Preparation/Care er Tuthill Director of Career Services Applied Industial Technologies Approved 10/22/12 0.48 FTE. Approved 10/22/12 66 10/22/12 Replacement P 1.00 Requesting temporary. Grant funded. Approved 10/22/12. 65 10/22/12 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/22/12 64 10/22/12 New P 1.00 Reclass from 32 to 23. Approved 10/22/12. 63 10/22/12 Solemsaas Custodial Worker II Facilities Paramedic Instructor AIT - Public Safety Replacement C 1.00 Spring Semester only, Grant funded. Approved 10/5/12 62 10/3/12 Tuthill New P 1.00 Page 16 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 61 Date 10/3/12 Requestor President or V.P. Tuthill Position Department Assistant Director Admissions & Records New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 11//8/12 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 10/5/12 60 10/3/12 Solemsaas Custodial Worker II Facilities Police Lieutenant TMCC Police Dept. Replacement C 1.00 Approved 9/19/12. 59 9/19/12 Sheehan Replacement C 1.00 HOLD per J Tuthill. John suggests using PTI for Spring 2013. 58 9/19/12 Tuthill Instructor Criminal Justice Replacement P 1.00 HOLD per J Tuthill. 57 9/19/12 Tuthill Instructor Architecture Replacement P 1.00 56 9/19/12 Tuthill Advisor Veterans Upward Bound Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 New P 1.00 Approved 9/19/12. Grant funded Approved 9/19/12. Grant funded 55 9/19/12 Tuthill Advisor Veterans Upward Bound 54 9/19/12 Tuthill Reference Librarian Library AIT New P 1.00 Human Resources Replacement C 1.00 P 1.00 C 1.00 Denied 9/19/12. Use Resource Allocation Process Approved 9/13/12 53 9/13/12 Tuthill Internship / Placement Coordinator 52 9/6/12 Sheehan Personnel Technician II Approved 9/6/12 Approved 9/5/12. Temporary one year. 51 9/5/12 Sheehan Deputy Director Public Safety New 50% / Replacement 50% 50 8/13/12 Solemsaas Custodial Worker I Facilities Replacement Approved 8/13/12 Approved 8/13/12 49 48 8/13/12 8/13/12 Solemsaas Grounds Worker V Facilities Replacement Tuthill Laboratory Assistant Applied Industial Technologies New Tuthill Instructor, Foreign Language Humanities Replacement sabbatical Instructor Computer Technology Director, A & R Admissions & Records C 1.00 Approved 8/13/12 for 0.50 FTE. P 1.00 Approved 8/13/12. 47 8/13/12 P 1.00 Approved 8/10/12 46 8/10/12 Tuthill Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/17/12 45 7/17/12 Sheehan Replacement P 1.00 Page 17 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 44 Date 7/16/12 Requestor President or V.P. Position Department Tuthill TMCC Gear-up Ambassador Outreach & Recruitment Tuthill Student Success Specialist Outreach & Recruitment New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 8/13/12. Grant funded $50,000. TMCC will pay remainder. New P 1.00 Approved 7/16/12, LOA 43 7/16/12 New P 0.50 Approved 7/16/12, Bowen is Acting Asso Dean 42 7/16/12 Tuthill Instructor - Biology Tuthill Financial Aid Coordinator Biology Replacement P 1.00 Approved 7/16/12, LOB for FY13, Permanent in FY14 41 7/16/12 Financial Aid Replacement P 1.00 Denied 8/13/12 40 7/16/12 Tuthill Instructor - Nursing Nursing Replacement P 1.00 39 6/22/12 Tuthill Program Coordinator 4 Financial Aid & Student Success Replacement P 1.00 Counseling & Career Services Replacement P 1.00 New P 1.00 Approved 6/22/12. One year temporary. Approved 6/22/12 38 6/22/12 Tuthill Program Coordinator 4 37 6/22/12 Tuthill Student Success Specialist / Retention Access, Outreach & Recruitment/Suc cess First Access, Outreach & Recruitment/Suc cess First New P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 6/22/12, 8% increase funded Approved 6/22/12, 8% increase funded 36 6/22/12 Tuthill Student Success Specialist / Recruitment 35 6/22/12 Tuthill Advisor Academic Advisement Replacement P 1.00 Replacement C 1.00 Approved 6/22/12 Approved 6/22/12 34 6/22/12 Tuthill Advisor Academic Advisement 33 6/22/12 Tuthill Admin Asst II Testing Services Tuthill Accommodation & Advising Specialist Tuthill Student Success Specialist/Recruit Counseling / Success First Admin Asst School of Business & Entrepreneurship Approved 6/22/12 NOT approved! No NEW position for this function. 32 31 30 6/22/12 6/22/12 6/18/12 Tuthill Disability Replacement ? Resource Center P 1.00 Approved 6/22/12, 7361-709-IA52 New P Approved 6/18/12 for 6 month funding only, casual labor. New C 1.00 Approved 6/22/12, grant, 7332-708- HT05 29 6/18/12 Tuthill Project Coordinator Web College Tuthill Co-Coordinator, Math & Science Tutoring & Learning Center New P Approved 6/18/12, Temporary 28 6/18/12 Replacement P 1.00 Page 18 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 27 Date 6/18/12 Requestor President or V.P. Position Department Tuthill Coordinator / Instructor Math Skills Center Tuthill Writing Center Coordinator New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 6/18/12, Temporary , 7268708-HJ20 New P 1.00 Approved 6/18/12, Temporary 26 6/18/12 English Replacement P 1.00 Approved 6/18/12, Temporary 25 6/18/12 Tuthill Lead Fire Instructor Public Safety Replacement P 1.00 Approved via email 6/27/12 24 6/18/12 Tuthill Instructor Business Replacement P 1.00 Approved 6/18/12 23 6/18/12 Tuthill Instructor Biology Replacement P 1.00 22 6/18/12 Tuthill Instructor Nursing Replacement P 1.00 Approved 6/18/12 Approved 6/18/12 21 6/18/12 Tuthill Instructor Nursing Replacement P 1.00 20 6/18/12 Tuthill English Instructor English Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 New P 1.00 Approved 6/18/12 to use PTI FY13 Approved 6/18/12 to use PTI FY13 19 6/18/12 Tuthill Art Instructor Visual & Performing Arts 18 6/18/12 Solemsaas Network Support Specialist Information Technology Operations President's Office New C 1.00 Replacement C 1.00 Approved 6/18/12 Approved 6/18/12 17 6/18/12 Sheehan Admin Asst III (60 day Emergency Hire) 16 6/18/12 Sheehan Program Officer I Equity & Inclusion / Grants Project Specialist Equity & Inclusion Grants Specialist Institutional Advancement New Sheehan Grant Writer Institutional Advancement Requesting permanent. Currently temp. 6/18/12 Tuthill Program Director of Student Data (See # 12 above) Admissions & Records 5/16/12 Sheehan / Tuthill Program Officer II (see 12b below) Admissions & Records Approved 6/18/12 Approved 6/22/12, grant, 7336-701- AA23 15 14 6/18/12 6/18/12 Sheehan Sheehan New LOA 1.00 Approved 6/18/12, Temporary, not LOA, Fund w/ Indirect Acct. 7264-702-DA04 LOA Approved 6/18/12, Fund with Indirect account 7264-702- DA04 13 6/18/12 P Approved 6/18/12. Position withdrawn in August. 12b New P 1.00 Possible upgrade / convert to Professional 12 1.00 Page 19 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit # 11 Date 5/16/12 Requestor President or V.P. Position Department Sheehan Senior Research Analyst Institutional Research Admin Asst I SOS Dean Skills Center New or P/C Replacement FTE Notes Approved 6/18/12 New P 1.00 Approved 5/15/12 10 9 5/15/12 5/15/12 Tuthill Tuthill Admin Asst I Web College New New C 1.00 C Approved 6/18/12, FY13 100% fast track 1.00 7332-708-HT05 Approved 5/15/12 8 5/15/12 Solemsaas Maintenance Repair I Facilities New C 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 New P 1.00 Approved 5/15/12 7 5/15/12 Solemsaas Senior Accountant Budget & Finance 6 5/15/12 Solemsaas Budget Analyst Budget & Finance Replacement P 1.00 Replacement P 1.00 Approved 5/15/12 Approved 5/15/12 5 5/15/12 Solemsaas Exec. Asst., VPFA VP-Finance & Admin 4 5/15/12 Solemsaas Interim Exec. Asst., VPFA VP-Finance & Admin Budget & Finance New, see notes C 1.00 Budget & Finance New C 1.00 Approved 5/15/14. Temporary contract. Approved 5/15/12 3 5/15/12 Solemsaas Accounting Asst III, A.P. 2 5/15/12 Solemsaas Accountant Approved 5/15/12 Approved 6/18/12 1 5/9/12 Tuthill Program Specialist WDCE Replacement P 1.00 Page 20 of 20 Rev.: 8/14/2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. For more information, visit