Enrollment Management Solutions Committee MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 2015 Present Cal Anderson, Elena Bubnova, Barbara Buchanan, Tom Cardoza, Armida Fruzzetti, Estela LeVario-Gutierrez, Kate Kirkpatrick, Ron Marston, Michelle Montoya, Tamera Mooney, Lee Raubolt (for Andy Hughes), Natalie Russell, Brandy Scarnati, Grace Tout, Rich Williams, Sharon Wurm Update on Web-Based Scheduling - Cal Anderson The data retrieval for the searchable schedule is 90% complete. Rather than a pdf, or a flipbook, the schedule will be a searchable web page which is updated every morning, so that it is kept as current as possible. The schedule will be searchable by key words, but will also have an advanced option for more details. Cal is working on a prototype for the committee to see. The goal is to have the schedule go live by the end of February 2016. Update on Demo of College Scheduler LLC - Lee Raubolt Lee presented a couple of short videos showing what the College Scheduler is and how it can be used. Lee also showed a couple of slides that highlighted results from other users. The College Scheduler would be a bolt on addition to PeopleSoft and can tie to the planner. The program would allow students to create their dream schedule using the classes they input. It would also let administration control enrollment by prioritizing classes as well as perform group registration. This tool could increase the number of classes that students register in each semester. Lee can set up a demo with the vendor whenever all are ready. UNR has this program and Lee will reach out to them to see if they will share their data with us. The program would cost approximately $16,000 per year for TMCC, but the price is based on headcount, so if we partnered with other NSHE institutions, the price would go down. This will be brought up at the Gateway Summit by the task force as a suggested system-wide implementation. UNR Students Who Register for Winter Session – Lee Raubolt If departments input the code “UNR_IP” into the comments section under permissions, we can then send a list of the students to UNR and they will let us know if the students passed the fall course. Marketing for Wintersession – Barbara Buchanan Review of UNR’s winter mailer followed by a discussion on whether TMCC should market our winter session similarly. We would not need to mail to everyone, but we could target audiences and send to the most promising prospects. Kate will get a quote. Pell grant students will receive an email at the beginning of December letting them know that they can defer payment for their books until they receive their spring disbursement. Communication – Barbara Buchanan We need to be diligent with both internal and external communications college wide. We need to work together and make a concerted effort to share communications with each other. Suggestion was made to use a structured communication plan similar to the one used for the Millennium Scholarship changes this year for all our communications. The CRM will be able to control written email and mailed correspondence as well as logging phone conversations (if entered by staff). Enrollment Cancelation – Elena Bubnova Review of the enrollment cancelation procedure document. This document is reviewed every semester for accuracy. Page 1 of 2; Enrollment Management Solutions Committee Meeting Minutes November 5, 2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information. Created: 11/18/2015; Rev: 11/18/2015 Enrollment Management Solutions Committee Meeting Minutes November 5, 2015 Enrollment Update – Elena Bubnova We are 3% up in enrollment, 9% down in W’s, and 11% down in the number of students who have W’s. Audit numbers are higher as a result of the W campaign. FA Regulation Brief Update – Sharon Wurm The Financial Aid task force met yesterday. They will meet every two weeks beginning on the 16th until the end of January. The purpose of the task force is to look at all implications of the regulation and to make the implementation as smooth and seamless as possible. They need two more faculty members on this task force. Sharon will email the task force information to Armida, so that she can send a general call out to faculty. FAFSA Update October 1, 2016, students will be able to file their FAFSA for 17/18. This is three months earlier than the current timeline. This will be positive for our students because it will extend the length of time they have to file. Three Strategies from Convocation Send Estela your three top strategies from Convocation for the next Enrollment Solutions meeting. If you need a copy of the strategies from convocation, please let Estela know and she will send you a copy. Page 2 of 2; Enrollment Management Solutions Committee Meeting Minutes November 5, 2015 TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information. Rev.: 11/18/2015