CIS INTERNSHIP Course Entry Proposal Contact Information Name: [FirstName, LastName] Email Address: [email address] Phone Number: [phone number] Mailing Address: [mailing address] [mailing address] Experience in the CIS program [Note to applicant: describe what you have learned, experiences you have enjoyed. Delete this note.] Learning Goals Career/Life Goals Target Company Description Job Description This proposal has been discussed with and approved by the on site mentor, faculty mentor, and department chair. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Student’s Signature Date Faculty Coordinator’s Signature Date ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Mentor’s Signature Date Department Chair’s Signature Date [Note to applicant: This page should be signed at the time you submit this proposal for entry into ITEC 4396 by you, the student, and your on-site mentor only. This proposal must be submitted to your faculty coordinator, and program manager. You must turn this is as a hard copy. NO electronic submissions. Delete this note.]