Strongly Disagree _______________ Disagree _______________ Neutral _______________ Claremont Graduate University Agree Strongly Agree Career Development Office ________________ Career Planning Worksheet General Questions 1. I came to graduate school because I need the degree to pursue my career goals. 2. I came to graduate school unsure about my career goals. 3. I have a clear idea of how to be a successful graduate student. 3. I know where I want to be 5 years from now. 4. I have a solid plan for getting from here to there. 5. If my ideal career doesn’t come through, I have viable backup plans. 6. I have a very specific geographic area where I want to live. Neutral SA Neutral SA A A A A A A A Neutral SA A N D SD Neutral SA A N D SD Neutral SA Neutral SA A A A A A A A A Neutral SA A N D SD Neutral SA A N D SD Neutral SA A N D SD Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA N N N N N N N D D D D D D D SD SD SD SD SD SD SD What do I know about academic life? 1. I know what type of institution I want to work for. a. I want to work at that type of institution because: b. I know how to become a viable candidate for a position at that type of institution. i. Three specific things I need to do are: 2. I know the documents I need to create for the job search process. a. I know what should be in a CV. b. I know the proper CV format for the institution type I’m targeting. c. I know how to write an effective and targeted cover letter. d. I know how to write a strong research statement. e. I know how to write a strong teaching philosophy. 3. I fully understand the academic job search process. a. I know where to look for jobs in my field. b. When do job announcements come out? __________________________________ c. When do on campus interviews begin? __________________________________ d. When are job offers made? __________________________________ e. Who will make and negotiate the official offer? ______________________________ f. When will I have to start my new job? __________________________________ 4. I have a clear understanding of the academic interview process? __________________ a. How long is the typical on campus interview? _______________________________ i. I will be interviewed by the following people/groups? ________________________ ii. Besides answering questions, I might also have to: ________________________ 5. I understand the tenure process. a. I will go up for tenure in my _______ year. b. How many committees, administrative levels are involved in the tenure decision? ___________________________________________________________________ c. If I am denied tenure, I know what happens next. Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA N N N N N N N N D D D D D D D D SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD Career Planning Worksheet 1/3 Strongly Disagree _______________ Neutral _______________ Disagree Agree _______________ Claremont Graduate University ________________ Office of Career Development Strongly Agree Career Planning Worksheet What do I know about industry/nonprofit/government life? 1. I can list at least three (3) job titles for which I’ll be qualified. 2. I can name at least five (5) employers who hire people in these positions. 3. I know the challenges I may face seeking a job in this field with a PhD. a. I know how to effectively overcome these challenges. 4. I know what I need to do to be competitive for these jobs. a. Three (3) specific things I need to do are. Neutral SA A N D SD A N D SD Neutral SA A N D SD 5. I know what a typical work day would be like for me. 6. I know how to find out about job opportunities in my chosen field. a. I know people in the career field I’m targeting. b. I know how to develop a network within this career field. 7. I have a strong understanding of the interview process. a. I know how to effectively prepare for interviews. b. I have the skills necessary to be a successful interviewee. 8. I have a strong understanding of the negotiation process. a. I know the expected starting salary for this position. b. I know what the offer letter will include beyond salary. c. I feel confident in my ability to negotiate a good offer. Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA Neutral SA A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N D D D D D D D D D D D SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD Career Planning Worksheet 2/3 Based on your answers from the Career Planning Worksheet, what do you need to do to prepare for life after graduate school? For academic careers: ___ Research the different types of academic institutions. ___ Talk to faculty members at institutions of interest to me. ___ Learn how to get papers accepted at conferences ___ Learn how to get published. ___ Learn how to network effectively. ___ Learn about the interview process. ___ Develop my interviewing and presentation skills. For industry careers: ___ Research job titles to identify potential careers of interest. ___ Talk to people about their jobs to learn what I might want to do. ___ Talk to people who have a career I want to learn how to best prepare myself. ___ Explore ways to build my work experience. ___ Build my professional network ___ Develop my interviewing and presentation skills. Which of the following career development opportunities available to you do you know about? ____ Drop in hours ____ Individual counseling appointments ____ Career related workshops ____ Mock interviews ____ Preparing Future Faculty Program ____ Community College Internship Opportunities ____ Industry Internship Opportunities How to Create a Plan: 1. Do a thorough self assessment. a. Strengths and weaknesses b. Work values and attitudes c. Interests d. Transferrable skills e. Preferred work environment 2. Begin to identify possible careers. a. Read about different types of occupations. b. Interview people in occupations that sound interesting to you. c. Based on the results of your self assessment and research, what careers seem like a good match? d. Identify your preparedness for these careers 3. Identify the best strategies for entering your chosen profession. 4. Prepare for your job hunt a. Develop your network b. Write a CV/ resume c. Write a cover letter d. Practice interviewing An effective plan includes options for all contingencies. Even if you feel very sure now about what you want to do 5 years from now, things change. Having a plan B and plan C doesn’t diminish your commitment to your plan A. Going through the process of creating your plans will help you learn about yourself and open a world of possibilities you may not have considered. Career Planning Worksheet 3/3