Print Form FOR TERM/YEAR Declaration of Intent to Receive a Degree/Certificate Registrar’s Office 160 East Tenth Street, Claremont, CA 91711 • Ph. (909) 621-8285 • Fax (909) 607-7285 • Student Information: Print your name as it is recorded on your official CGU student record. If you need to file an official name change, please submit a Change of Name or Address Form to the Registrar’s Office. Last Name First Name _______ CGU ID #254 - Middle Name ________________ _______________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________@ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) ________________________________________ Phone (__________)_______________________________________ You must declare your intent to receive a degree/certificate by the deadline for the semester in which you expect to graduate. This deadline is announced in the Academic Calendar. Forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by this date. • • • • • Upon receipt of this form, you are placed on a preliminary degree list and a preliminary degree-posting transaction appears on your transcript. You must complete your degree requirements by the deadline announced in the Academic Calendar. If you do not complete your degree requirements, you are removed from the degree list. To graduate in a subsequent semester, you must submit a new Intent form for the next semester you expect to graduate. Commencement information is distributed during the Spring semester to all candidates who expect to graduate in the Spring semester as well as to all degree recipients from the previous Summer and Fall semesters. For Doctoral Students ♦ ♦ International The day you submit your dissertation is considered the last day of your academic program as it relates to your SEVIS program end date. Domestic Your last date of enrollment as it relates to loan repayment is equal to the last date of the last semester in which you enrolled, regardless of the date you submit your dissertation. For Master’s Students Degrees are posted when all final grades have been submitted by your instructors. Students continuing into a new CGU program should not be impacted. Enter your expected graduation term in the TERM/YEAR box at the top of this form and check all of the following that apply. I am a certificate only student. I am an interfield student. I am certificate student who is also completing a degree. This is my final degree and I will be departing from CGU. I am receiving this master’s degree along the way to my PhD.* I plan to begin a subsequent degree at CGU and have filed a I am a dual degree student.* Changing to a New Degree form.* * Note: Please refer to the CGU Bulletin for policies on degrees and sharing units. Units may only be shared by a maximum of two degrees. I intend to complete the following degree/certificate this semester: (Submit separate forms for each degree/certificate.) Academic Department ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Management, Cultural Studies, Psychology, Religion, Teacher Education, etc…) Degree or Certificate ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (ex: Ph.D. in Religion / Ph.D. in Psychology / MS in Mathematics / MA in International Studies / etc…) Student Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________ COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY For student receiving degrees in Summer and Fall, would you like to participate in the subsequent Spring’s Commencement Ceremony? Yes No We will mail a packet of information about the ceremony to you prior to the event. MAILING ADDRESS FOR YOUR DIPLOMA Indicate the address where you would like your diploma sent. Check here to update your student record with this mailing address, If your address changes again after the end of this semester, please notify us. Additionally, please provide phonetic guidelines for pronouncing your name. First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: For Office Use Received: Posted: Notes: CF 510 Rev 2/10 Student Exit/Degree Completion Survey The following survey includes questions concerning your experience at CGU, your academic training, student services, campus climate and your plans after receiving your degree. This information is used to assess and improve the graduate programs and student services. Please fill in circles completely. All responses will remain confidential and used in aggregate only. A. Satisfaction with CGU/departments/services Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements. Strongly Disagree 1. I am pleased that I chose to do my graduate study at CGU. 2. The courses I took were valuable for my intended profession. 3. The quality of academic advising was high. 4. The quality of supervision by my dissertation chair was high. 5. Faculty were supportive of my academic interests. 6. I had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship with a faculty member. 7. I received useful feedback from faculty on my class performance. 8. Students in my department were treated with respect. 9. I was encouraged to participate in professional development opportunities by my department. 10. I had the opportunity to develop teaching skills. 11. I had the opportunity to develop research skills. 12. I had the opportunity to develop grant/proposal writing skills. 13. Training in academic issues related to diversity has influenced my scholarship. 14. The courses in my department included topics related to diversity (cultural, ethnic, or gender). 15. I feel well prepared by CGU for the next phase of my career. 16. Overall, I am satisfied with my department. 17. I would recommend CGU to someone who was thinking about graduate study. Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree NA Please indicate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following services at CGU. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 18. Admissions Office 19. Career Management Center 20. Computer Support/Help Desk 21. Financial Aid Office 22. Minority Mentor Program 23. Preparing Future Faculty Program 24. Registrar’s Office 25. Writing Center B. Academics, while at CGU 26. How many academic conferences did you attend? 27. How many papers have you PRESENTED at professional conferences? 28. How many papers have you SUBMITTED for publication? 29. Of those papers, how many were accepted for PUBLICATION? Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Did Not Use Zero 1 2 3 4 5 or more Yes No 30. Is your thesis or dissertation transdisciplinary? 31. What was THE major challenge to completing your thesis/dissertation? 32. What was THE major challenge to completing your coursework? C. Future plans and past employment 33. Do you have DEFINITE plans for continued study or employment after graduation? 34. What are your plans for continued study? 35. What are your plans for employment? a. b. Yes PhD Prof. Degree/Cert Post Doc. Education Other No Plans Tenure Track Non-Tenure Track Instructor/ Adjunct Admin. Appt. No Plans Private Sector Public Sector NonProfit No Plans Academic Employment Other Employment Yes 36. No (go to question 38) During the past twelve months, were you employed? Less than 11 37. No (go to question 36) 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 More than 40 How many hours a week did you typically work? D. Harassment and Discrimination HARASSMENT is uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct, comment or display that demeans, belittles, intimidates or humiliates another person or group. Have you personally experienced or witnessed harassment (as defined above) at Claremont Graduate University in the current academic year? If you have, please indicate which type(s), otherwise select “did not experience or witness.” 38. Type of harassment personally experienced. (Mark all that apply) Did not experience 39. Age Disability National Origin Race/ethnicity Religion Gender Sexual Orientation Other National Origin Race/ethnicity Religion Gender Sexual Orientation Other Type of harassment witnessed. (Mark all that apply) Did not witness Age Disabiity DISCRIMINATION is the unfair and unequal treatment or consideration of a person or group on the basis of class, category, partiality or prejudice. Have you personally experienced or witnessed discrimination (as defined above) at Claremont Graduate University in the current academic year? If you have, please indicate which type(s), otherwise select “did not experience or witness.” 40. Type of discrimination personally experienced. (Mark all that apply) Did not experience 41. Age Disability National Origin Race/ethnicity Religion Gender Sexual Orientation Other National Origin Race/ethnicity Religion Gender Sexual Orientation Other Type of discrimination witnessed. (Mark all that apply) Did not witness Age Disability E. Finances 42. Which type of funding did you receive during your studies? (Mark all that apply) Loans CGU Scholarship/ Fellowship Outside Scholarship/ Fellowship Research Assistantship Grants Administrative Assistantship Teaching Assistantship Corporate Sponsorship Tuition Remission Other Other (specify) For questions 43 and 44, please write each digit of the number on each line. If not using the interactive form, please also circle the corresponding number beneath each digit. 43. 44. BEFORE you first enrolled at CGU, what was total amount of educational loans you acquired (in thousands or dollars)? ,000.00 $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 Demographics 45. Which of the following best describes your student status while: Full Time a. Taking classes? b. Writing your dissertation or thesis? 1 2 3 Part Time 4 FT and PT Not Applicable 5 or more How many years were you in the program you are applying to receive a degree in? Master’s 47. ,000.00 0 F. 46. WHILE enrolled at CGU, how much NEW educational debt have you acquired (in thousands of dollars, excluding prior loans)? Which degree are you currently applying to receive? Doctorate Dual Certificate Credential 48. 49. 50. Which program is the degree you are currently applying to receive in? (mark all that apply) Applied Women’s Studies Financial Engineering Politics and Policy Art Health Information Management Politics, Economics, and Business Arts Management History Psychology Botany Human Resources Design Psychology Cultural Studies Information Systems and Technology Public Health Economics Management Public Policy and Evaluation Education Mathematics Religion English Music Teacher Education Executive Management Philosophy Other Female Male US Citizen Perm. Res. What is your gender? International If International, from which country? (go to question 52) What is your residency status? American Indian/ Alaskan Native African American Asian Pacific Islander/ Hawaiian Latino/Latina White Multi-racial Other 51. What is your racial background? 52. Strictly for survey tracking purposes, please provide the six middle digits of your student ID number. ID’s will be stripped from the data once the data has been compiled to ensure anonymity. If not using the interactive form, please also circle the corresponding number beneath each digit. 254 - -0 0 53. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 Please share any suggestions or comments you might have. Use additional paper if necessary. Thank you for completing this survey. All responses will remain confidential and used in the aggregate only. Drucker-Ito students- Please continue on to next page Drucker/Ito Graduates Only The following questions are important for the Drucker/Ito School and for Career Services. Only Drucker/Ito graduates are requested to complete this page. All information will remain confidential and be used in the aggregate only. D1. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING ONLY IF YOU HAVE ACCEPTED A JOB OFFER. What was your undergraduate major? Business D2. Technical D14. Other (specify) Company Name What company did you accept a job offer from? Country (if outside of USA) How much professional experience do you have? 1 year or less D15. More than 1 year, but less than 3 years More than 3 years, but less than 5 years More than 5 years D3. Do you plan on starting your own business within the next 10 years? D4. D5. Did you do an internship while in your program? Yes No NA Yes No NA D16. Did you want to do an internship while in your program? D6. Did you get any assistance from CGU to find an internship? D7. What is your employment status? D17. I am company-sponsored or already employed What is your primary function? Marketing/Sales Operations/Logistics Finance/Accounting General Management Consulting Human Resources MIS Other (specify) What is your primary industry? Manufacturing Financial Services Government Consulting Services Not-for-Profit Other (specify) If you had an internship, is your full-time job with your intern company? Yes, and my internship was school facilitated I am starting a new business as owner Yes, and my internship was student facilitated I have been seeking employment (go to question D13) No I have postponed my job search (stop here) D18. Other (specify) What is the primary source of the job you accepted? School facilitated source While in the program did you: Yes D8. Transition to another role in your organization? D9. Find a new job? D10. Get a promotion? No Student facilitated source NA Salary information in US Dollars Benefits or perquisites such as cars, equipment, memberships, stock options, and moving services are not equated and are not included in any compensation category. D11. What was your annual base salary before you started your program? US$ D12. What is your annual base salary now leaving the program? US$ D19. Annual base salary for your job: Excludes bonuses, commissions, and any other compensation US$ D20. Signing bonus: US$ D21. Other compensation: Other taxable payroll compensation such as guaranteed annual bonus and guaranteed overtime. US$ IF YOU DID NOT SEEK EMPLOYMENT, STOP HERE. D13. What is your job seeking status? Offer received but declined or do not plan to accept Holding an offer(s), but have not made a decision Have accepted an offer Have not received an offer and I am still seeking Other (specify) Thank you. Your responses will remain confidential and only reported in the aggregate.