The Relative Abundance of Chromium and Iron in the Solar Wind J.A. Paquette*, KM. Ipavich*, S.E. Lasley*, P. Bochsler^ and P. Wurzf "Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA 20742 ^ Physikalisches Institut der Universitdt Bern, Switzerland, CH3012 Abstract. Chromium and iron are two heavy elements in the solar wind with similar masses. The MTOF (Mass Time Of Flight) sensor of the CELIAS investigation on the SOHO spacecraft easily allows these two elements to be resolved from one another. Taking the ratio of the densities of these two elements - as opposed to considering their absolute abundances - minimizes the effects of uncertainties in instrument efficiency. Measurements of the abundance ratio are presented here. The First lonization Potential (FIP) of chromium is 6.76 eV, while the FIP of iron is 7.87 eV. Since Cr and Fe have similar FIPs the ratio of their abundances should not be biased by the FIP effect which is well known in different solar wind flows. Therefore the Cr/Fe ratio from the MTOF data should give a good measure of the photospheric abundance ratio. We also compare the ratio measured in this work to the meteoritic value. INTRODUCTION INSTRUMENTATION Chromium and iron are two heavy elements in the solar wind with similar properties. In this paper we present a preliminary study of the chromium to iron abundance ratio in the solar wind using data from the MTOF (Mass Time of Flight) sensor on SOHO. This is the first measurement of chromium in the solar wind. The abundance ratio for three short time periods (corresponding to three different solar wind flow types) and three long (« 1 year duration) time periods are derived from the data. The abundance ratio of these two elements can be measured with sufficient precision using MTOF to allow comparison to photospheric and meteoritic values. The three short periods were chosen for their relatively stable bulk speeds, which makes measurment simpler, as the instrument efficiency is a function of speed. No variation with solar wind flow type in the chromium to iron abundance ratio was expected a priori, but the choice of three different flow types allowed the possibility to be investigated. The three longer time periods were not explicitly differentiated by flow type. They consisted of all data during approximately year-long periods in which the bulk speed was in a narrow range. The study of these longer periods was intended to test the supposition that the abundance ratio measured for the shorter periods was not unusual or atypical. The MTOF sensor, which is a part of the CELIAS (Charge Element and Isotope Analysis System) Investigation on SOHO, is shown in Figure 1. It consists of an energy per charge filter (the WAVE) and a high massresolution (M/AM > 100) spectrometer (the VMass). A solar wind ion with the requisite E/q to negotiate the WAVE encounters the carbon foil. After passing through the foil, a large fraction (the exact value is a function of both energy and species, but typically from 70% to more than 99%) of ions will either have been neutralized, or left with charge state +1. Neutrals will travel in a straight line to the neutral microchannel plate (MCP) detector. Positive ions will be bent towards the ion MCP by the electric field inside the VMass. In the harmonic electric potential inside the VMass, the time of flight (TOF) of the ions is proportional to the square root of M/q* where q* is the charge state after the foil. So in the case in which q* = 1, the TOF is proportional to ^/M. MTOF and CELIAS are discussed in greater detail in [1]. In addition, the PM (Proton Monitor) - which is a subsensor of MTOF - provides solar wind parameters on a near real time basis. It was used to aid in the analysis of the MTOF data. The proton monitor consists of a three-box electrostatic deflection system followed by a position sensing MicroChannel Plate. The proton monitor is described in detail in [2]. Instrumental fractionation in MTOF can result from several sources. Ions whose E/q values are close the up- CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 95 It may be surmised that these two metals have similar charge state distributions in the solar wind. Hence Cr ions and Fe ions are likely to have similar E/q distributions at any given time, and so fractionation by the WAVE will not be important. The small difference in the masses of the two elements likewise implies similar values for VMass transmission. While the charge state distributions after encountering a carbon foil were measured for iron, they have not been measured for chromium. This is a source of uncertainty, but it is unlikely that their charge states after the carbon foil will be very different from each other. Therefore, it is likely that instrument fractionation will be a small effect. It is also likely that any uncertainty in the ratio of the instrument efficiencies for the two elements will be less than the uncertainty in either element's absolute efficiency. Another consideration in selecting chromium and iron for study is that the two elements have have similar First lonization Potentials (FIPs). Chromium's FIP is 6.76 eV, while the FIP of iron is 7.87 eV. Since both elements have low FIP, the well-known FIP effect ( see, for example, [6]) will not introduce any fractionation, and the abundance ratio measured in the solar wind should be directly comparable to the photospheric abundance ratio. Because both metals have low volatility, the ratio in the solar wind should also be directly comparable to the meteoritic ratio. SOLAR WIND ION E,Q,M FIGURE 1. Schematic of the MTOF (Mass Time of Flight) Instrument. Solar wind ions enter through an energy/charge filter (the WAVE) and pass through a carbon foil, leaving them with a charge state q*. They then enter a harmonic potential region in which those with q* > 0 are electrostatically deflected down to a microchannel plate detector. For an ion of mass M, the time of flight in this region is °c ^/M/q*. per or lower limits of the WAVE'S passband are less efficiently transmitted than other ions, but this effect is wellunderstood and can be corrected for. Another fractionation effect is introduced by the carbon foil. The portion of ions which exit the foil with charge state +1 is a function of both energy and of species. The charge state distribution after exiting a carbon foil has been measured for many species [3], [4], [5]. While the distribution of charge states after a carbon foil has been measured for iron, it has not been done for chromium, and this is therefore a source of uncertainty. Finally, the efficiency of ion transmission through the VMass region is a function of energy, since sufficiently energetic ions cannot be turned back by the electric field and will strike the hyperbola. Ions of different species in the solar wind (all having roughly the same speed) will of course have different energies and hence will be fractionated in the VMass. Calibration of MTOF has provided a good understanding of the details of VMass transmission, although some uncertainty remains. ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE The TOF spectra from MTOF are fit using a maximum likelihood algorithm. The model function has 24 parameters, but fourteen of these are the heights of the peaks of the various species with masses between 48 and 64. Of the remaining 10, two describe a linear background, two are needed to convert from time of flight channel to mass, two are associated with small subsidiary peaks caused by electronic "ringing" in the instrument, and the the remaining 4 describe the shape and width of the peaks. The peak shape (which is identical for all 14 peaks) is a modified asymmetric Lorenztian. Although this work is only concerned with masses in the range 52 to 57, a wide range of time of flight channels was chosen to allow an adequate fit of the background and other parameters not related to the heights of the mass peaks. Figure 2 shows the MTOF data for the relevant range, together with the model function for the same interval. The various peaks are labeled with the corresponding masses. The chromium peak is at mass 52, and the iron creates peaks at 54, and 56, with a shoulder at 57. The peak at 48 is titanium, and the peaks at 58,60, and 62 are primarily nickel. Two of the parameters provided by the fitting program CHROMIUM AND IRON Chromium and iron are close to each other in mass (the most common isotopes being 52 and 56, respectively). 96 MTOF TimeTime of Flight Spectrum 1996 to April 1997 MTOF of Flight Spectrum April April 1996 April 1997 MTOF Time Time of of Flight Flight Spectrum April 1997 MTOF Spectrum April 1996 toto April 380 380 km/skm/s < V < V< 400 km/s < 400 km/s 380 km/s km/s << V < 400 400 km/s km/s SWV 380 University of Maryland so ho/eel la s/mtof/PM SW SW 56 56 56 1 0 0 0 0100001100000000 5 4 55 44 Counts Counts Counts 11000000 1 0 0 0 1000- 52 52 o O 100 5 8 5588 6 0 6600 62 110000 100- 6622 48 48 Observed Observed Counts Counts Observed Counts Simulated Counts Simulated Counts Simulated Counts 10 1100 10- 3300 33330000 3300 3400 3500 33660000 33770000 33880000 33990000 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 Time of Flight Channel Time of of Flight Flight Channel Channel Time Time of Flight Channel FIGURE 2. 2. A A portion portion of of TOF spectrum from MTOF. The FIGURE 2. A portion of aaa TOP TOF spectrum spectrum from fromMTOF. MTOF.The The FIGURE points2.connected connected by aof aa thin thin line are the observed counts as FIGURE A portion a TOF from MTOF. The points connected by thin linespectrum are the the observed observed counts asaaa points by line are counts as function of TOP TOF channel, and the thick line isiscounts the model fit points connected by achannel, thin line arethe the observed as afit function of TOF channel, and the thick line is the model model fit function of and thick line the to the the data. The variousand peaks are labeled with the masses toto to the data. The various peaks are labeled with the masses function ofdata. TOFThe channel, theare thick line with is the model fitto to various peaks labeled the masses which they correspond. The peak at mass 48 isisthe titanium, the 52 which they correspond. Thepeak peaklabeled atmass masswith 48is titanium, theto52 52 The at 48 titanium, the to thewhich data.they Thecorrespond. various peaks are masses peak iscorrespond. chromium, the the 54 and 56 peaks are iron, and the 58, 60, peak is chromium, the 54peak and56 56 peaks48 areis iron, andthe the 58, 60, peak chromium, 54 and are iron, and 58, 60, which theyis The at peaks mass titanium, the 52 and 62 62peaks peaks are are primarily primarily nickel. nickel. and 62 peaks are nickel. peak and is chromium, theprimarily 54 and 56 peaks are iron, and the 58, 60, and 62 peaks are primarily nickel. 52 FIGURE FIGURE3. Aninterstream interstreamtime timeperiod. period.The Thesolar solarwind windpapaFIGURE 3.3. An An interstream time period. The solar wind paFIGURE 3. Anhere interstream time period. The solar(Proton wind parameters are rametersplotted plotted here arefrom fromthe theCELIAS/MTOF/PM CELIAS/MTOF/PM (Proton rameters plotted here are from the CELIAS/MTOF/PM (Proton rameters plotted here are from the CELIAS/MTOF/PM (Proton Monitor) Monitor)subsensor subsensoron onSOHO. SOHO.The Thetop toppanel panelis thebulk bulkspeed speed Monitor) subsensor on SOHO. The top panel isisthe the bulk speed Monitor) subsensor onsecond SOHO. The is top panel is the bulk speed of wind, density, the third is thesolar solar wind,the the secondpanel panel isthe the density, the third ofofthe the solar wind, the second panel is the density, the third isis ofthe the solar speed wind, the second panel isbottom the density, the third is thermal ( 2kT m), and the panel is the outthe thermal speed ( 2kT m), and the bottom panel is the outthe thermal speed (^/2kT/m), and the bottom panel is the outthe thermal speed ( 2kT m), and the bottom panel is the outof-ecliptic flow angle. The shaded region is the fraction of the of-eclipticflow flowangle. angle.The Theshaded shadedregion regionisisthe thefraction fractionofofthe the of-ecliptic time shown for the data to derive of-ecliptic flow angle. The shaded region iswas theused fraction of the timeperiod period shown forwhich which theMTOF MTOF data was used derive time period shown for which the MTOF data was used toto derive the to time period shown forabundance which the ratio. MTOF thechromium chromium iron abundance ratio. data was used to derive the chromium totoiron iron abundance ratio. the chromium to iron abundance ratio. 56 52 and correspond to to the the peak peak heights of the and the Fe correspond Cr peak heights heights of of the the Cr Cr52 and the theFe Fe5656 peaks. The ratio of the peak values for the 52 peak to the 52 peaks. ratio of peak 52 to the peaks. The The ratio of the the peak values values for theand 52 peak peak to56 the correspond to the peak heights of the for Crthe the Fe 56 peak provided by the fitting program is corrected to 56 peak provided by the fitting program is corrected fitting program corrected to peaks. The ratio of the peak values afor the 52 peak to theto account for the small (typically few percent) fractionaaccount for the small (typically a few percent) fractionaaccount for the small (typically a few percent) fractiona56 peak provided byinstrument, the fittingand program is corrected to tioneffect effect in in the the for the fractions tion instrument, and for the isotopic fractions effect in the instrument, and forpercent) theisotopic isotopic fractions account for the small (typically a few fractionaof each each species species to to give give the elemental abundance ratio. of elemental abundance ratio. of to give the the elemental abundance ratio. tion effect inspecies the instrument, and for the isotopic fractions of each species to give the elemental abundance ratio. and andthermal thermalspeed. speed.An Anexamination examinationof thesoft softX-ray X-raydata data and thermal speed. An examination ofofthe the soft X-ray data from the for days and thermal speed.spacecraft An examination of the softpreceding X-ray data from theYohkoh Yohkoh spacecraft forthe thefew few days preceding from the Yohkoh spacecraft for the few days preceding this shows extending to relatively low thistime timeYohkoh showsaaacoronal coronalhole holefor extending relatively low from the spacecraft the few preceding this time shows coronal hole extending totodays relatively low latitude have source latitude thatcould could havebeen been the sourceof ofthis thisflow flow[8]. [8]. latitude that could have been the source of this flow [8]. this time that shows a coronal holethe extending to relatively low In addition, the coronal hole maps produced by the NSO In produced NSO Inaddition, addition, thecoronal coronal holemaps maps produced bythe the NSO latitude that the could have hole been the source of by this flow [8]. Observatory) at Peak an (National Solar Observatory) atatKitt Kitt Peak also show an (National Solar Observatory) Kitt Peakalso also show an In(National addition,Solar the coronal hole maps produced byshow the NSO equatorward extension of polar coronal hole equatorward extension ofofthe the south hole equatorward extension thesouth south polar coronal hole (National Solar Observatory) at Kittpolar Peakcoronal also show an during Again, the shaded region was the during that time. Again, the shaded region was the time duringthat thattime. time. Again,of the shaded region was thetime time equatorward extension the south polar coronal hole period that period that was analyzed. periodthat thatwas wasanalyzed. analyzed. during time. Again, the shaded region was the time University of Maryland so ho/eel foi s/mtof/PM period that was analyzed. THE CR CR TO TO FE FE RATIO IN DIFFERENT THE THE CR TO FE RATIO RATIO IN INDIFFERENT DIFFERENT FLOW TYPES TYPES FLOW TYPES THE CR TO FEFLOW RATIO IN DIFFERENT Three time time periods were selected, selected, each each corresponding to FLOW Three were time periods periods were TYPES selected, each corresponding corresponding to to a different solar wind flow type. For ease of analysis, a different solar wind flow type. For ease of different flow type. For of analysis, time periods without large variations in bulk speed were Three time periods were large selected, each corresponding to time periods without variations in periods without large variations in bulk bulk speed speed were were chosen. a different chosen. solar wind flow type. For ease of analysis, An interstream time period period is shown shown in Figure Figure were 3. The An time is in 3. time periods without large variations in bulk An interstream interstream timeplot period shown in speed Figure 3. The The shaded region on the is theistime period selected for shaded region on the plot is the time period selected for chosen. shaded region on the plot is the time period selected analysis. This period has a nearly constant velocity. for This period has aa nearly constant velocity. Ananalysis. interstream time period is shown in Figure 3. The analysis. This period has nearly constant velocity. A coronal hole time period is shown in Figure 4. The A coronal time period is in Figure 4. The shaded onhole the450-500 plot the time period Aregion coronal hole time is period isisshown shown Figure The speed of around km/s low forinaselected coronal4.for hole speed of around 450-500 km/s is low for aa coronal hole speed of around 450-500 km/s is low for coronal hole analysis. This period has a nearly constant velocity. associated wind, but coronal hole flows with speeds in wind, but coronal flows with speeds in associated wind, butperiod coronal hole flows with Aassociated coronal time is hole shown in Figure 4. The this rangehole have previously been observed (see, speeds e.g. [7]).in this range have previously been observed (see, e.g. [7]). have previously been observed (see, e.g. [7]). speedthis of range around 450-500 km/s is low forofa acoronal hole The time period has the morphology coronal hole, The time period has the morphology of aa coronal hole, The time period has the morphology of coronal hole, associated wind, but coronal hole flows with speeds in with an initial density increase, followed by a subsequent with an initial density increase, followed by with anhave initial increase, followed by aa subsequent subsequent this range been increase observed e.g. [7]). decrease andpreviously adensity simultaneous in(see, both bulk speed decrease and aa simultaneous increase in both speed and has simultaneous increase both bulk bulkhole, speed The decrease time period the morphology of in a coronal with an initial density increase, followed by a subsequent decrease and a simultaneous increase in both bulk speed Date (19 FIGURE 4. PM solar wind parameters for a time period with FIGURE 4. PM wind FIGURE PMsolar solarflow. windparameters parametersfor fora atime timeperiod periodwith with coronal hole4.associated coronal coronalhole holeassociated associatedflow. flow. A probable CME associated time period is shown in AAprobable CME associated time isisshown inin FIGURE PM solar wind parameters for aMay time period with probable CME associated timeperiod period shown Figure 5.4.LASCO saw a halo CME on 12 1997 Figure 5. LASCO saw a halo CME on May 12 1997 coronal hole LASCO associatedsaw flow.a halo CME on May 12 1997 atFigure about5.04:35 UT [9], and the shock driven by the atatAabout 04:35 UT [9], and shock driven by the about 04:35 UT [9], and the the shock driven by thein associated time period is on shown CMEprobable arrived atCME SOHO slightly before 01:00 UT May CME atatSOHO slightly before 01:00 UT CMEarrived arrived SOHO UTon onMay May Figure 5. LASCO saw slightly a halo before CME 01:00 on May 12 1997 at about 04:35 UT [9], and the shock driven by the CME arrived at SOHO slightly before 01:00 UT on May 97 15.15. The nearly 3-day period beginning just after the 15. The nearly 3-day period beginning just after the The nearly 3-day period beginning just after the shock (shaded in gray) was the time period selected for shock (shaded in gray) was the time period selected for shock (shaded in gray) was the time period selected for analysis. While thisthis time period bears some resemblance analysis. While this time period bears some resemblance analysis. While time period bears some resemblance to fast fast solar wind, the NSO coronal hole show to solar wind, the NSO coronal hole maps show to fast solar wind, the NSO coronal holemaps maps show Æ of no no likely coronal hole within 50° thethe equator, and no likely coronal hole within 50 the equator, and likely coronal hole within 50 Æofof equator, and magnetometer data from thethe ACE MFI instrument shows magnetometer data from the ACE MFI instrument shows magnetometer data from ACE MFI instrument shows thethe signature of aof a magnetic magnetic cloud time, the the signature of cloud atatthis time, sososo the signature a magnetic cloud atthis this time, the identification of this time period as a CME associated identification of this time period as aasCME associated identification of this time period a CME associated oneone reasonable. one isisreasonable. is reasonable. University of Maryland so ho/eel fa s/mtof/PM 2 2 10 was found. For the coronal hole time period, 2 was 00.30 30 found. For the coronal hole time period, 0 30x10 10 was found. For the coronal hole time period, 2 2 the abundance ratio was measured to be 1.74 x 10~ 74 10 the abundance ratio was measured to be 1 the abundance ratio was measured to be 174 10 2± 2 2,,and 10~ for theCME-associated CME-associatedtime time period, 00.31 31 x10 for the period, a aa 031 10 2and , and for time period, 2 the CME-associated 2 2 2 value of 1.59 x 10~ ± 0.29 x 10~ was found. The 2 2 value of 1 59 10 0 29 10 was found. The ervalue of 159 10 029 10 was found. Theererrors estimates are based uncertainty instrument rors estimates are based onon uncertainty ininin instrument re-rerors estimates are based on uncertainty instrument response, primarily due the yields sponse, primarily due totouncertainty ininin the +1+1 yields forfor sponse, primarily due touncertainty uncertainty the +1 yields for chromium after the carbon foil. chromium after thethe carbon foil. chromium after carbon foil. The results for the comparison the three events The results for the comparison ofofof the three events ofof The results for the comparison the three events of different flow types are shown in Figure 6. As can different flow types are shown in Figure 6. As can be different flow types are shown in Figure 6. As can be be seen, the values are consistent, within errors, with seen, the values are allallall consistent, within errors, with seen, the values are consistent, within errors, with each other and with both meteoritic and photospheric each other and with both meteoritic and photospheric each other and with both meteoritic and photospheric values. values. values. The result the average the three 1-year periods The result ofofof the average ofofof the three 1-year periods The result the average the three 1-year periods 22 2 2 2. 20 was 0.30 error estimate here was 11.73 73 x10 30 x10 error estimate here was 173 10" 10 ± 030 10~ 10 .The .The The error estimate here includes counting statistics, but was still dominated includes counting statistics, butbut was stillstill dominated byby includes counting statistics, was dominated by uncertainty instrument efficiency. This also shown uncertainty ininin instrument efficiency. This isisis also shown uncertainty instrument efficiency. This also shown ininFigure 6.6.6. inFigure Figure The results from the three time periods and the average The results from the three time periods and the average The results from the three time periods and the average the one year periods are shown Table along ofofof the one year periods are allallall shown ininin Table 1,1,1, along the one year periods are shown Table along with values from [10] for comparison. with values from [10] for comparison. with values from [10] for comparison. Chromium to to Iron Ratio Chromium Iron Ratio Chromium to Iron Ratio Chromium to Iron Abundance Ratio FIGURE PMPM solar wind parameters forfor time period with FIGURE solar wind parameters a time period with FIGURE 5.5. 5.PM solar wind parameters for aatime period with CME associated solar wind. LASCO saw a halo CME about CME associated solar wind. LASCO saw halo CME about 6666 CME associated solar wind. LASCO saw aahalo CME about 66 hours prior to arrival the arrival of the shock near beginning of May hours prior the arrival the shock near thethe beginning May hours prior totothe ofofthe shock near the beginning ofofMay 12.12. 12. ONE YEAR PERIODS ONE YEAR PERIODS ONE YEAR PERIODS a one year period beginning inApril April 1996, data For aaone year period beginning ininApril 1996, allallall data ForFor one year period beginning 1996, data with bulk speed determined PM) with the bulk speed (as determined by the PM) ininin aa a with thethe bulk speed (as(as determined byby thethe PM) narrow speed range (380-400 km/s) was summed over. narrow speed range (380-400 km/s) was summed over. narrow speed range (380-400 km/s) was summed over. This method gives very good statistics, and efficiency This method gives very good statistics, and the efficiency This method gives very good statistics, and thethe efficiency (which is a function of speed) varies very little over the (which is a function of speed) varies very little over the (which is a function of speed) varies very little over the small speed range. The TOF spectrum resulting from small speed range. The TOF spectrum resulting from small speed range. The TOF spectrum resulting from analyzed as described above. This method does this was analyzed as above. This method does thisthis waswas analyzed asdescribed described above. This method does distinguish between data from different flow types, not distinguish between data from different flow types, notnot distinguish between data from different flow types, however. however. however. This process was repeated time period from This process was repeated for the time period from This process was repeated forfor thethe time period from April 1997 to April 1998, and for the period from April April April1997 1997totoApril April1998, 1998,and andfor forthe theperiod periodfrom fromApril April 1998 to September 1999. Because of temporary loss 1998 totoSeptember 1999. Because ofofthe temporary loss 1998 September 1999. Because thethe temporary loss of SOHO in the summer of 1998, and the loss of data of SOHO in the summer of 1998, and the loss of data of SOHO in the summer of 1998, and the loss of data during December 1998 to early February 1999, the last during December 1998 totoearly February 1999, the last during December 1998 early February 1999, the last time period was actually of similar length to the other time period was actually of similar length to the other time period was actually of similar length to the other two. two. two. RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS Chromium to Iron Abundance Ratio 0.0250.025 0.0200.020 Meteoritic Meteoritic 0.0150.015 Photospheric Photospheric 0.0100.010 Interstream Coronal Interstream Coronal Hole Hole Average CME Average of of of CME CME Average 1-Year Periods Associated Periods Associated Associated 1-Year 1-Year Periods Flow Type Flow FlowType Type FIGURE Comparison ofthe the chromium toiron iron abundance FIGURE 6.6.6.Comparison ofofthe chromium totoiron abundance FIGURE Comparison chromium abundance ratio indifferent different solar wind flow types and for the average ratio inindifferent solar wind flow types and for the average ofofof ratio solar wind flow types and for the average three one-year periods to the photospheric and meteoritic valthree one-year periods to the photospheric and meteoritic valthree one-year periods to the photospheric and meteoritic values. Inthis this figure, the lighter shaded region represents the 1-σ ues. InInthis figure, the lighter shaded region represents the 1-σ ues. figure, the lighter shaded region represents the 1-a range of the meteoritic abundance ratio reported by [10]. The range of the meteoritic abundance ratio reported by [10]. The range of the meteoritic abundance ratio reported by [10]. The darker shaded region isthe the analogous photospheric abundance darker shaded region isisthe analogous photospheric abundance darker shaded region analogous photospheric abundance ratio also from [10]. Note that the wider error range of the phoratio also from [10]. Note that the wider error range of the phoratio also from [10]. Note that the wider error range of the photospheric value completely encompasses the meteoritic value tospheric value completely encompasses the meteoritic value tospheric value completely encompasses the meteoritic value with error range. The points shown the plot are for the with itsitsits error range. The points shown ononon the plot are for the with error range. The points shown the plot are for the average ofthree three periods ofaproximately aproximately year-long periods and average ofofthree periods ofofaproximately year-long periods and average periods year-long periods and three much briefer events; one interstream flow, another for three much briefer events; one ananan interstream another forfor three much briefer events; one inter streamflow, flow, another a coronal hole flow, and the last a CME-associated flow. a acoronal hole flow, and the last a aCME-associated coronal hole flow, and the last CME-associatedflow. flow. For the the interstream time period, a value of the For For the the the the interstream interstream time time period, period, aa value value ofof the the 2 chromium to iron abundance ratio of 1 65 10 chromium 65 x1010~2 2± chromium toto iron iron abundance abundance ratio ratio ofof11.65 98 TABLE 1. Chromium to Iron Abundance Ratio Cr/Fe Abundance Ratio Photospheric (Grevesse and Sauval, 1998) Meteoritic (Grevesse and Sauval, 1998) This Work (Interstream) This Work (Coronal Hole) This Work (CME associated) This Work (1 year beginning Apr 1996) This Work (1 year beginning Apr 1997) This Work (1 year beginning Apr 1998) This Work (Average of three 1-year periods) CONCLUSIONS W. I., Livi, S., Marsch, E., Wilken, B., Winterhoff, H. P., Ipavich, F. M., Bedini, P., Coplan, M. A., Galvin, A. B., Gloeckler, G., Bochsler, P., Balsiger, H., Fischer, J., Geiss, J., Kallenbach, R., Wurz, P., Reiche, K.-IL, Gliem, K, Judge, D. L., Ogawa, H. S., Hsieh, K. C, Mobius, E., Lee, M. A., Managadze, G. G., Verigin, M. L, and Neugebauer, M., The SOHO Mission, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995, pp. 441^81. 2. Ipavich, F. M., Galvin, A. B., Lasley, S. E., Paquette, J. A., Hefti, S., Reiche, K.-IL, Coplan, M. A., Gloeckler, G., Bochsler, P., Hovestadt, D., Griinwaldt, H., Hilchenbach, M., Gliem, F, Axford, W. L, Balsiger, A., Biirgi, A., Geiss, J., Hsieh, K. C., Kallenbach, R., Klecker, B., Lee, M. A., Managadze, G. G., Marsch, E., Mobius, E., Neugebauer, M., Scholer, M., Verigin, M. I., Wilken, B., and Wurz, P., Journal of Geophysical Reasearch, 103, 17205-17213 (1998). 3. Oetliker, M., Charge state distribution, scattering, and residual energy of ions passing through thin carbon foils; Basic data for the MTOF mass spectrometer on the space mission SOHO, Master's thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland CH3012 (1989). 4. Gonin, M., Interaction of low energy ions with thin carbon foils; charge exchange, energy loss, and angular scattering, Master's thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland CH3012 (1991). 5. Gonin, M., Ein semiempirisches ModeII des Ladungsaustauches non niederenergetischen lonen beim Durchang durch dunne Fallen, zur Eichung von isochronen Flugzeit-Massenspektrometern, Ph.D. thesis, University of Bern, Switzerland CH3012 (1995). 6. Geiss, J., Space Science reviews, 85, 241-252 (1998). 7. Bohlin, J. D., Coronal Holes and High Speed Streams, Colorado Associated University Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1977, pp. 27-69. 8. Solar geophysical data prompt reports, Tech. Rep. 623Part I, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder CO 80303 (1996). 9. Plunkett, S. P., Thompson, B. J., Howard, R. A., Michels, D. J., Cyr, O. C. S., Tappin, S. J., Schwenn, R., and Lamy, P. L., Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 2477-2480 (1998). 10. Grevesse, N., and Sauval, A. J., Space Science Reviews, 85, 161-174 (1998). As can be seen from Table 1, all of the abundance ratios are consistent (within errors) with the photospheric and meteoritic values. It is also true that all of the values are slightly higher than both the meteoritic and the photospheric values, but without increased accuracy in the measurement of the ratio, little can be concluded from this. It is possible that a small systematic error was introduced in the assumed chromium +1 yields. Since both chromium and iron are low FIP elements, the agreement of the values from various flow types with each other is to be expected. The fact that they also agree with photospheric values is consistent with the "plateau" of constant fractionation that is often shown (e.g in [6]) for low FIP elements. Further study of this question might include consideration of more events of each flow type. Since most of the uncertainty in the measurement of the ratio is due to uncertainty in the chromium efficiency, precision could be improved either by measurements of the post-carbon-foil charge state distributions for chromium, or by calibration of the the MTOF spare instrument to better determine the overall chromium efficiency. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by NASA grants NAG57678 and NAG5-9282. We would also like to thank the many individuals at the University of Maryland and at other CELIAS institutions who contributed to the success of MTOF. NSO/Kitt Peak data used here are produced cooperatively by NSF/NOAO, NASA/GSFC, and NOAA/SEL. REFERENCES 1. 1.48 xlO" 2 ±0.19 xl(T 2 1.55 xlO" 2 ±0.051 xlO" 2 1.65 x!0~ 2 ±0.30 x!0~ 2 1.74 xlO" 2 ±0.31 xlO~ 2 1.59xlO" 2 ±0.29xlO~ 2 1.77xlO~ 2 1.75 xlO" 2 1.67xKT 2 1.73 xlO" 2 ±0.30 xlO" 2 Hovestadt, D., Hilchenbach, M., Biirgi, A., Klecker, B., Laeverenz, P., Scholer, M., Griinwaldt, H., Axford, 99