The Solar Wind Helium Abundance: Variation with Wind Speed and the Solar Cycle Matthias R. Aellig*, Alan J. Lazarus* and John T. Steinberg1^ * MIT Center for Space Research, Cambridge, MA 02139 ^Los Alamos National Lab., Los Alamos, NM 87545 Abstract We investigate the helium abundance in the solar wind and variations thereof on a time scale of years. Data from the WIND/SWE experiment gathered between the end of 1994 and early 2000 are analyzed. In agreement with similar work for previous solar cycles, we find a clear dependency of the He/H ratio in the solar wind on the solar cycle. In the slow solar wind, the average He/H rises from a minimum of less than two percent around solar minimum to about 4.5% in early 2000. The solar cycle dependency is stronger the lower the speed that is used to sort the data. We observe the strongest dependency of the He/H ratio on the solar wind speed around solar minimum and it weakens as the solar activity increases. We speculate that the expansion factor of the magnetic field close to the Sun changes over the solar cycle and thereby changes the efficiency of the Coulomb drag. Inefficient Coulomb drag leads to a low helium abundance in the solar wind. INTRODUCTION DATA This contribution is a somewhat expanded version of a poster given at the SOHO-ACE Workshop 2001 in Bern. A formal paper on our results will be found in Aellig et al [ 1 ]. Some of the figures and text from that paper have been used by permission. The solar wind helium abundance was first reported to vary over the solar cycle by Ogilvie and Hirshberg [2]. Combining data sets from several spacecraft they found a solar cycle variation ofna/np of 0.01 ±0.01 with the average helium abundance being higher during periods of higher activity. Adding data from Imp 6, 7, and 8, Feldman et al. [3] confirmed the solar cycle dependency, but they found that the maximum difference in helium abundance between the low- and high-speed wind occurred near solar minimum in contradiction to the results reported by Ogilvie and Hirshberg [2] who reported the maximum speed variation near the peak of solar activity. Analyzing ISEE-3 data from the ICI instrument, Ogilvie et al. [4] reported the solar cycle dependency of the solar helium abundance for solar cycle 21. They suggested that the smallest dependence on speed occurs during the period of decreasing activity but before solar minimum. In this paper we report the abundance variation with wind speed from one year before solar minimum to nearly solar maximum. An overview of previously reported He/H in the solar wind plus the work described in this paper is shown in Figure 1. For this study we used data from the Faraday Cup portion of the SWE instrument on the Wind spacecraft, Ogilvie et al [5]. The Faraday Cup data allow the determination of the solar wind proton velocity, thermal speed and density. The same parameters can be derived for solar wind alpha particles under most circumstances. Isotropic Maxwellian velocity distributions are assumed for both the protons and the alpha particles, and every energy/charge sweep (lasting approximately 90 seconds) is fitted individually. Depending upon the quality of the data and how well the two ion populations are separated, different fitting approaches are taken or some parameters may be subject to a constraint. In all cases that are used, the distinction between protons and alphas is clear. The data analyzed cover the time period from the launch of the Wind mission in late 1994 to April 2000, i.e., about half a solar cycle. The average helium abundance over a certain period was calculated as the ratio of the integrated number densities of helium and protons. This corresponds to a weighted average of the He/H ratios where the weights are the proton densities. As a measure of the variability of the individual values we use the central interval in which 68% of all measurements fall. We stress that CMEs, current sheet crossings, and shocks have not been excluded from the analysis since it is our intention to characterize the solar wind He/H at large. As a proxy for the solar activity we used the monthly CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/01/$ 18.00 89 ium abundance in the solar wind. 350 8 n of a Bern. lig et ted to 1974. und a he avds of Feldy, but abunurred ts red the ivity. gilvie solar d that e pem. In wind y soHe/H per is + Mariner 2 (1962) XVelo 3 DOGO 5 O Explorer 34 O Explorer 43 (1971.5) *Alsep (1972) WIND SWE FC Ulysses SWICS In-Ecliptic ISEE-3ICI IMP 6,7,8 LANL SIDC Sunspot Number * A 300 250 _o 200 =3 150 Q. CO cu I c 100^ 50 0 1960 0 1970 1980 Year 1990 2000 FIGURE 1. Solar wind He/H over several solar cycles (from [1]). FIGURE 1. From [1] DATA For this study we used data from the Faraday Cup portion of the SWE instrument on the Wind spacecraft. The Faraday Cup data allow the determination of the solar wind proton velocity, thermal speed and density. The same parameters can be derived for solar wind alpha particles under most circumstances. Isotropic Maxwellian velocity distributions are assumed for both the protons and the alpha particles, and every energy/charge sweep (lasting approximately 90 90 seconds) is fitted individually. Depending upon the qual- with a robust fit are shown in Table 2. Based on the variation of b over the solar cycle, the speed dependence is four times stronger around solar minimum than during 1999 and early 2000. Another way to display the increasing He/H ratio for lower speed wind as solar activity increases is shown in Figure 3 which displays a histogram of the measured ratios in 1996 and 2000. sunspot number provided by the Sunspot Index Data Center (SIDC). The He/H data that fall into a certain speed range were averaged over 250 days. The speed bins cover the speed below 350 km/s and then bins 50 km/s wide for higher speeds up to 600 km/s. Typically those averages are based on several tens of thousands of measurements. Since the observation period contains the solar minimum around 1996, faster streams are not that prominently represented in our study particularly around 1996. Nevertheless averages between 550 km/s and 600 km/s contain at least 1600 data points (see Table 1). SUMMARY We have found a strong variation of the solar wind helium abundance between the end of 1994 and early 2000. The lowest values are observed around solar minimum in 1996. Those finding are in agreement with previous reports about the solar cycle dependency during earlier activity cycles [2,3,4,6], We find the dependence of the helium abundance on the solar wind speed to be strongest during solar minimum which agrees with results reported by Feldman et al. [3] but that solar cycle speed dependence disagrees with those reported by Ogilvie and Hirshberg [2] and Ogilvie et al. [4]. Our value for He/H that was averaged over all speeds around solar minimum is considerably lower than the speed-averaged helium abundance around previous solar minima. It is not clear, however, to what degree this is a real effect and to what degree it is a systematic difference between different sensors. RESULTS The result of our analysis is shown in Figure 2. For the slowest wind considered, i.e., for wind speeds below 350 km/s the average He/H at the beginning of the observation period is 1.8 % and then drops to as low as 1.4 % close to solar minimum. Then, the average He/H in that speed range starts to increase and reaches 4 % by the beginning of the year 2000, tripling within three years. For larger speeds, the average value at the start of the observation period increases as well as does the value observed around solar minimum. Furthermore, the change over the observation period becomes smaller. While the uncertainties of the mean values of He/H (indicated by error bars) in the speed range below 350 km/s shows a cycle dependency with the smallest uncertainty around solar minimum, no obvious pattern is observed for the speeds from 550 km/s to 600 km/s. We also analyzed the speed range between 600 and 850 km/s in which a slight linear increase of the average He/H is observed from 1995 to 2000 although there are only relatively few measurements in that speed range, especially around solar minimum. Because the number of observations is large, the mean values of the He/H ratio are well-determined. Nevertheless, the range of values contributing to each mean value is also large: the long error bars in Figure 2 show the ranges of the ratios corresponding to the 16and 84quantiles of the measured He/H The range spanned by those values contains the central range into which 68% of the He/H determinations fall. In summary, throughout the observation period increasing solar wind speed implies increasing helium abundance in the solar wind. The strength of that speed dependence also varies over the solar cycle. Using a linear fit to the observed He/H ratio as a function of speed, we get He/H = [He/H] = DISCUSSION In the following we discuss a possible explanation for the solar cycle dependency of the helium abundance that also would explain the observed speed dependency. Many theoretical studies indicate that the proton flux is the most important parameter regulating the behaviour of the alpha particles in the solar wind Burgi [7] and references therein. Coulomb collisions between the protons and the alpha particles and the minor ions play an important role in accelerating the latter two constituents Geiss et al. [8]. The proton flux transfers momentum to helium ions and accelerates them out of the corona. The larger the proton flux, the more efficiently helium is accelerated and the more helium is observed in the solar wind. It turns out that, under coronal conditions, among all heavy ions 4He couples the least efficiently to the protons. Although the proton flux at 1 AU varies only by little over the solar cycle Wang [9], the proton flux in the acceleration region of the solar wind does not necessarily have to be constant as we shall now discuss. In a stationary case, the continuity equation along a flux tube with (1) where the parameter b indicates the strength of the speed dependence. The resulting values for a and b derived 91 11.2_______9J________10.4 10.6 11.2 7.212.8 10.311.9 11.6 12.0 120 • • • 600-850 toil/I--T-T-"" — 4 r i, 2 x 3 - " 100 v_ 0) _Q 500-550 km/ : V - - -1 • 80 60 40 1 E D o Q. CO | 20 0 : - 1 . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i...." 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 2000 FIGURE data. The solid error shown FIGURE2.2. The The solar solar wind windhelium heliumabundance abundancederived derivedfrom fromthe theWind/SWE Wind/SWEFaraday FaradayCup Cup data. The error barsbars shown for for each each represent the uncertainty of the plotted mean value. The dotted errordiscussion bars indicate which 68/the pointpoint represent the uncertainty of the plotted mean value. See text for more of the the range rangeinfrom which theobservations mean value is fall; see text. The The figure numbers across[1]the top of the figure are the values of range error bars when they fall outside the figure. The figure determined. is from is from [1] close to the Sun and the subsequent depletion of helium that case, the fast wind cannot serve as a test for the Alpha Abundance Distribution ions because of inefficient Coulomb drag. Solar wind hypothesis. streams close to the current sheet have very large expanIf indeed variations of the proton flux close to the Sun 0.08 sion factors close to the Sun Wang and Sheely [13] which via Coulomb drag cause Wind speeds between 350 ond 400 km/s the observed helium abundance lead to a low helium abundance in the solar wind Bürgi variation over the solar cycle, the same effect should be Jan-Decpresent in other elemental or even isotopic ratios. In those [11]. So far, we have discussed a potential 1996 explanation N=76,532 c 0.06 for the solar cycle variation in a low speed bin. We can ratios, we expect a considerably less pronounced effect <D apply the same concept of flux tube expansion close to since 4 He has the strongest dependency on the proton D CT why during solar minimum we the Sun to the question flux Bodmer and Bochsler [14]. CD dependence of the helium abunobserve a strong speed 2000 Jon-Apr dance. Wang and Sheeley0.04 [13] reported an inverse correN= 10,501 lation between the rate 0> of magnetic flux-tube expansion ACKNOWLEDGMENTS > at 1 AU. With increasing solar and the solar wind speed wind speed at 1 AU they associate smaller expansion facWe are grateful to the many individuals who contributed •§and0.02 tors close to the Sun therefore a larger proton flux in to the success of the Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) on QL above, that leads to a higher He/H corona. As discussed the Wind spacecraft. Furthermore, we thank Yi-Ming in the solar wind which is observed in Figure 2 around Wang for valuable suggestions and discussions. This solar minimum. work was supported in part by NASA Grant NAG5-7359. 0.00 tu:_____ We tried to verify our hypothesis also for the fast The figures and tables from [1] are used by permission of 0.00 19770.02 0.04 0.08 Geophysical 0.10 Union. 0.12 wind. In the time interval between and 1994 there 0.06 the American was also a solar cycle dependence of the protonAlpha flux at Abundance 2.5 R for near-Earth wind speeds larger than 550 km/s FIGURE [Y.-M. Wang, private communication, 2000]. Following FIGURE3.3. REFERENCES the arguments given above for the slow wind, we should therefore also expect a solar cycle dependence of the Aellig, R, A. J. Lazarus, andparticles J. T. Steinberg, The 2. Ogilvie, K. W. and J. Hirshberg, The solar cycle 11.1.Bürgi, A.,M.Dynamics of alpha in corosolar wind He/H the wind fast wind, we do J.not wind type helium abundance: variation wind variation of theforsolar heliumwhich abundance, nalsolar streamer geometries, in Solar Windwith Seven, observe. Still,Res., it can79, be4595–4602 argued, that(1974). the fast solar wind is speedbyand the solar cycle, Geophys.pp.Res. Lett., in Geophys. edited E. Marsch and R. Schwenn, 333–336, wave-driven and that the helium ions are not accelerated press, 2001 Pergamon Press, Tarrytown, N. Y., (1992). 3. Feldman, J. by R. Asbridge, S. J.interaction. Bame, andIn by Coulomb W. dragC.,but wave-particle J. T. Gosling, Long-term variations of selected solar 12. Borrini, G., J. T. Gosling, S. J. Bame, W. C. Feldwind properties: Imp 6, 7, and 8 results, J. Geophys. man, and J. M. Wilcox, Solar wind helium and hyRes. 83, 2177–2189 (1978). drogen structure near the heliospheric current sheet: a signal of coronal streamers at 1 AU, J. Geophys. 4. Ogilvie, K. W., M. A. Coplan, P. Bochsler, and 92 Res. 86, 4565–4573 (1981). J. Geiss, Solar wind observations with the Ion Composition Instrument aboard the ISEE-3/ICE space13. Wang, Y.-M. and N. R. Sheeley Jr., Solar wind craft, Sol. Phys. 124, 167–183 (1989). speed and coronal flux-tube expansion, Ap. J. 355, 726–732 (1990). 5. Ogilvie, K. W. et al., SWE, a comprehensive plasma TABLE 1. The number of spectra contributing to each speed range for the year centered about the average year indicated. Note that speeds are given in km/s. Year 1995.3 1996.5 1997.9 1998.6 1999 .4 2000.0 56238 44296 36686 21150 15064 14600 24849 35432 74580 52124 31590 15624 8800 3597 88786 67348 41666 14940 6440 1600 132 34608 55370 45650 25290 13440 9160 7722 40376 46556 41168 21420 13216 8200 7392 21012 35934 30544 20790 17248 16800 15147 Speed range <350 350-400 400-450 450-500 500-550 550-600 600-850 TABLE 2. Parameters for the speed dependence of He/H given in eq. 1. The mean absolute deviation between the measured He/H and the linear fit is denoted with 6. Year, Month 1995, Mar 1995, Nov 1996, Aug 1997, Mar 1997, Dec 1998, Aug 1999, May 2000, Jan a[%] -1.4 -2.4 -2.8 -1.9 0.63 -0.62 2.36 3.03 b [% s/km] 8[%] 2 0.19 0.21 0.09 0.09 0.19 0.08 0.18 0.07 1.07 10~ 1.20 10~2 1.30 10~2 1.05 10~2 0.54 10~2 0.96 10~2 0.30 10~2 0.32 10~2 and Wang's [9] profiles to calculate the proton flux at 2.5 /?0, we find that during solar minimum it is lower by a factor of nine assuming a cycle-independent flux at 1 AU. A quantitative study showed that indeed the proton flux at 2.5 RQ varies by about a factor of ten over the solar cycle between 1977 and 1994 [Y.-M. Wang, private communication, 2000] when near-Earth wind speeds of less than 400 km/s were analyzed. A parameter study by Burgi [11] has shown that with decreasing proton flux close to the Sun (induced by a locally increasing overexpansion) the helium abundance in the solar wind decreases because of the decreased momentum transfer via Coulomb collisions. The change of the expansion profile, i.e., the magnetic structure, over the course of the solar cycle leads to a decreased proton flux at around 2.5 RQ during solar minimum. We suggest that this reduction of the proton flux close to the Sun decreases the efficiency of the Coulomb drag and therefore reduces the He/H ratio in the solar wind around solar minimum. Our measurements during solar minimum were taken close to the heliospheric current sheet. It is known that the helium abundance drops considerably upon current sheet crossings Borrini et al. [12]. Indeed, their observation fits the idea of strong reduction of the proton flux close to the Sun and the subsequent depletion of helium ions because of inefficient Coulomb drag. Solar wind streams close to the current sheet have very large expansion factors close to the Sun Wang and Sheely [ 13] which lead to a low helium abundance in the solar wind Burgi [11]. So far, we have discussed a potential explanation for the solar cycle variation in a low speed bin. We can apply the same concept of flux tube expansion close to the Sun to the question why during solar minimum we observe a strong speed dependence of the helium abundance. Wang and Sheeley [13] reported an inverse correlation between the rate of magnetic flux-tube expansion and the solar wind speed at 1 AU. With increasing solar wind speed at 1 AU they associate smaller expansion factors close to the Sun and therefore a larger proton flux in corona. As discussed above, that leads to a higher He/H in the solar wind which is observed in Figure 2 around solar minimum. the areal expansion A (r) — r2 /(r) reads n(r)v(r)A(r) = const. (2) From the measured proton flux at R — 1 AU, the proton flux O(r) at any given radial distance r can be inferred using = n(r)v(r) = <&(/?) A(K) A(r) (3) The ratio of the expansion factors of the magnetic field is likely to change over the solar cycle since the large scale magnetic structure of the corona changes from a well-organized morphology with polar coronal holes and an equatorial streamer belt around solar minimum to a much more complicated structure with small coronal holes and small streamers at all solar latitudes. The expansion factors of the magnetic field can be inferred using solar magnetograms and the assumption of a potential field model, either with or without a heliospheric current sheet Wang and Sheely [10]. Wang [9] gives two expansion profiles /(r) of the magnetic field for the slow solar wind during solar minimum and solar maximum. The expansion profile for solar minimum shows a very strong over-expansion around 2.5 RQ before it decreases at larger radii and levels off at about 5. Contrarily, the solar maximum expansion profile monotonically increases to about 20 at large heliocentric distances. Using eq. 3 93 6. Neugebauer, M., Observations of solar wind helium, Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics 7, 131-199 (1981). 7. Biirgi, A., Proton and alpha particle fluxes in the solar wind: results of a three-fluid model, J. Geophys. /tes. 97,3137-3150(1992). 8. Geiss, J., P. Hirt, and H. Leutwyler, On acceleration and motion of ions in corona and solar wind, Sol. Phys. 12,458-483(1970). 9. Wang, Y.-M., Two types of slow solar wind, Ap. J. Lett. 437, L67-L70 (1994). 10. Wang, Y.-M. and N. R. Sheeley Jr., The solar origin of long-term variations of the interplanetary magnetic field strength, J. Geophys. Res. 93, 1122711236(1988). 11. Biirgi, A., Dynamics of alpha particles in coronal streamer type geometries, in Solar Wind Seven, edited by E. Marsch and R. Schwenn, pp. 333-336, Pergamon Press, Tarrytown, N. Y, (1992). 12. Borrini, G., J. T. Gosling, S. J. Bame, W. C. Feldman, and J. M. Wilcox, Solar wind helium and hydrogen structure near the heliospheric current sheet: a signal of coronal streamers at 1 AU, /. Geophys. Res. 86,4565-4573(1981). 13. Wang, Y.-M. and N. R. Sheeley Jr., Solar wind speed and coronal flux-tube expansion, Ap. J. 355, 726-732(1990). 14. Bodmer, R. and P. Bochsler, Influence of Coulomb collisions on isotopic and elemental fractionation in the solar wind acceleration process, J. Geophys. Res. 105,47-60,2000. We tried to verify our hypothesis also for the fast wind. In the time interval between 1977 and 1994 there was also a solar cycle dependence of the proton flux at 2.5 RQ for near-Earth wind speeds larger than 550 km/s [Y.-M. Wang, private communication, 2000]. Following the arguments given above for the slow wind, we should therefore also expect a solar cycle dependence of the solar wind He/H for the fast wind, which we do not observe. Still, it can be argued, that the fast solar wind is wave-driven and that the helium ions are not accelerated by Coulomb drag but by wave-particle interaction. In that case, the fast wind cannot serve as a test for the hypothesis. If indeed variations of the proton flux close to the Sun via Coulomb drag cause the observed helium abundance variation over the solar cycle, the same effect should be present in other elemental or even isotopic ratios. In those ratios, we expect a considerably less pronounced effect since 4He has the strongest dependency on the proton flux Bodmer and Bochsler [14]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the many individuals who contributed to the success of the Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) on the Wind spacecraft. Furthermore, we thank Yi-Ming Wang for valuable suggestions and discussions. This work was supported in part by NASA Grant NAG5-7359. The figures, some text, and tables from [1] are copyrighted 2001 by the AGU and are used with permission. REFERENCES 1. Aellig, M. R, A. J. Lazarus, and J. T. Steinberg, The solar wind helium abundance: variation with wind speed and the solar cycle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2767-2770(2001). 2. Ogilvie, K. W. and J. Hirshberg, The solar cycle variation of the solar wind helium abundance, J. Geophys. Res., 79,4595-4602 (1974). 3. Feldman, W. C, J. R. Asbridge, S. J. Bame, and J. T. Gosling, Long-term variations of selected solar wind properties: Imp 6,7, and 8 results, J. Geophys. /tes. 83,2177-2189(1978). 4. Ogilvie, K. W., M. A. Coplan, P. Bochsler, and J. Geiss, Solar wind observations with the Ion Composition Instrument aboard the ISEE-3/ICE spacecraft, Sol. Phys. 124,167-183 (1989). 5. Ogilvie, K. W. et al., SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the Wind spacecraft, Space Science Reviews 71,55-77, 1995. 94