Preliminary results from coordinated SOHO-Ulysses observations S. Parent!*, G. Poletto1", B.J.I. Bromage*, S.T. Suess**, J.C. Raymond*, G. Noci§ and G.E. Bromage* * Centre for Astrophysics, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK ^ Osservatorio diArcetri, Firenze, Italy **Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, USA ^Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA § Universita di Firenze, Firenze, Italy Abstract. SOHO-Ulysses quadratures occur at times when the SOHO-Sun-Ulysses angle is 90° and offer a unique possibility to compare properties of plasma parcels observed in the low corona with properties of the same parcels measured, in due time, in situ. The June 2000 quadrature occurred at a time Ulysses was at 3.35 AU and at a latitude of 58.2 degrees in the south-east quadrant. Here we focus on the UVCS observations made on June 11, 12, 13, 16. UVCS data were acquired at heliocentric altitudes ranging from 1.6 to 2.2 solar radii, using different grating positions, in order to get a wide wavelength range. The radial direction to Ulysses, throughout the 4 days of observation, traversed a region where high latitude streamers were present. Analysis of the spectra taken by UVCS along this direction shows a variation of the element abundances in the streamers over our observing interval: however, because the radial to Ulysses crosses through different parts of streamers in different days, the variation could be ascribed either to a temporal or to a spatial effect. The oxygen abundance, however, seems to increase at the edge of streamers, as indicated by previous analyses. This suggests the variation may be a function of position within the streamer, rather than a temporal effect. Physical conditions in streamers, as derived from UVCS observations, are also discussed. INTRODUCTION 4" x 4" rasters within the same field of view, out to 1.2 solar radii. SUMER data were acquired in the range between 1.04 and 1.6 solar radii. UVCS will be discussed SOHO-Ulysses quadratures occur when the SOHOextensively in the following. LASCO data were providSun-Ulysses angle is 90°. At such times, we may obing the overall coronal configuration at the time of the serve the plasma parcels that leave the corona in the quadrature. direction of Ulysses first, remotely, with SOHO, and It is hard to overestimate the role that studies of ellater on, in situ, with Ulysses. This geometric configuement abundances have played in our understanding of ration occurs twice per year and a number of coordinated the coronal-solar wind relationship: here it suffices to reSOHO Ulysses campaigns have been run at those times. mind the reader of those analyses [e. g. 1], which, from The June 2000 quadrature occurred when Ulysses was the depletion of the He/H ratio, at magnetic sector boundat 3.35 AU and at a latitude of 58.2 degrees in the south-east quadrant. A JOP - JOP 112 - was running aries, lead the authors to suggest streamers as plausible source regions of the wind measured at those positions. at that time, with the participation of CDS, SUMER, Where, within streamers, does slow wind emerge from, UVCS, LASCO on SOHO and SWOOPS and SWICS is still a matter of debate: Raymond et al. [2], from the experiments on Ulysses. The JOP aimed at deriving eleoxygen abundance measured in the streamer legs, proment abundances along the radial to Ulysses, at different pose streamers lateral branches as the site where slow heliocentric distances, with the purpose of establishing wind originates, Noci et al. [3], on the other hand, point whether and how the element abundance varies with alto a more complicated configuration where the open retitude and compare coronal and in situ abundances. CDS gions between substreamers are possible sources of the data are composed by normal incidence telescope (NIS) slow wind. Because JOP 112 occurred at a phase of maxrasters of 120" x 120" centred at altitudes that reach up imum activity in the solar cycle, we may expect to obto 1.18 solar radii, and grazing incidence telescope (GIS) CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 83 FIGURE1.1. LASCO LASCOC2 C2images imagesofofthe thewhite whitelight light corona corona taken taken on on 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 16 16 June June 2000. FIGURE 2000. The The inner inner and and outer outer circles circles indicate, indicate, respectively,the thesolar solardisk disk and and the the lower lower edge edge of of the the C2 C2 coronagraph. coronagraph. The respectively, The radial radial to toUlysses, Ulysses,atat-58.2° -58.2Æ in inthe the south-west south-westquadrant, quadrant, hasbeen been superposed superposed on on the the images. images. The The UVCS UVCS slit slit was was set set normal normal to has to the the radial radial to to Ulysses; Ulysses; the theCDS CDSFOV FOVisisshown shownininfigure figure2;2; theSUMER SUMERslit, slit,which whichcan canbe bemoved movedonly only along along the the North-South North-South direction, direction, was the was set set at at altitudes altitudes allowing allowing SUMER SUMER to to observe observe areas areas alongthe theSun-Ulysses Sun-Ulyssesdirection. direction. along servestreamers, streamers,ininthe thedirection directionpointing pointingtotoUlysses Ulysses and and serve relateabundances abundancesatatcoronal coronallevels levelstotoininsitu situabundances abundances relate andwind windspeed. speed. and In this contribution we we present present preliminary preliminary results results In this contribution from JOP 112, focussing on an analysis of UVCS data. from JOP 112, focussing on an analysis of UVCS data. After a description of the observations we made and of After a description of the observations we made and of the morphology of the regions traversed by the radial to the morphology of the regions traversed by the radial to Ulysses,we wedescribe describethe thetechniques techniquesused used to to derive derive eleeleUlysses, ment abundances, and discuss the results we obtained. ment abundances, and discuss the results we obtained. We conclude by outlining future work. We conclude by outlining future work. observations. As observations. As we we might might expect expect at at this this phase phase of of the the solar cycle, cycle, streamers solar streamers extend extend to to high high latitudes, latitudes, and and the the radial to radial to Ulysses Ulysses either either runs runs at at the the edge edge of of streamers streamers or or crosses the streamer core. crosses the streamer core. UVCS acquired 1.9 R UVCS acquired data data at at 1.6 1.6 and and 1.9 RQ.. The The slit slit (100 (100 jum wide) was set normal to the radius of the Sun, µm wide) was set normal to the radius of the Sun, with with its center center along its along the the direction direction to to Ulysses. Ulysses. Spectra Spectra have have been obtained using different grating positions been obtained using different grating positions (usually (usually 5), with a spatial resolution of w 70" and a 2 pixel spec5), with a spatial resolution of 70 00 and a 2 pixel spectral binning (1 pixel = 9.25 mA). Observing times at each tral binning (1 pixel = 9.25 mÅ). Observing times at each grating positions were on the order of 90 to 120 mingrating positions were on the order of 90 to 120 minutes. Spectra span the 951 A - 1117 A interval, in the utes. Spectra span the 951 Å - 1117 Å interval, in the O VI primary channel and the 1180 A to 1250 A interO VI primary channel and the 1180 Å to 1250 Å interval in the redundant channel and include the HI Lya, val in the redundant channel and include the H I Ly α , Lyp, Ly lines, the O VI 1032 and 1037 A lines, several Lyβ , LyYγ lines, the O VI 1032 and 1037 Å lines, several lines from minor ions in different ionization stages, e.g. lines from minor ions in different ionization stages, e.g. Fex through Fe XIII, S X and , Ar XII andAr XIV, in Fe X through Fe XIII, S X and , Ar XII and Ar XIV, in addition to Si XII, Mg X, Ca X and N V lines. XII , Mg X , Ca X and N V lines. addition to Sihow To show coordinated observations have been To show how have been made during JOP coordinated 112, we giveobservations in Fig. 2 the position made during JOP 112, we give in Fig. 2 the position THE OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS THE The June 2000 quadrature campaign extended for two The June 2000 quadrature campaign extended for two weeks, around the quadrature date, which occurred on weeks, around the quadrature date, which occurred on June 13. JOP 112 has been run during the second week June 13. JOP 112 has been run during the second week of the campaign. Here we focus mainly on observations of the campaign. Here we focus mainly on observations taken on 11, 12, 13 and 16 June. Fig. 1 shows the mortaken on 11, 12, corona 13 and on 16 those June. Fig. shows the morphology of the days1from LASCO C2 phology of the corona on those days from LASCO C2 84 contribution to to the the line line intensity intensity is is given given by by plasma plasma in in contribution the plane of the sky. In this case we can write [6] the plane of the sky. In this case we can write [6] f Il 12 2 = I 13 /13 C12 N1 + 4π hνj1212 C13 N1 + 4π hνj1313 (1) (1) where 1,2,3, 1, 2, 3, indicate, indicate, respectively, respectively,the the ground ground level level and and where the lower lower and and upper upper level level of of the the transitions transitions from from which which the the O O VI VI doublet doublet lines lines originate originate and and 712,713 j 12 ; j13 are are the the line line the emissivities. Eq. (1) can be rewritten as emissivities. Eq. (1) can be rewritten as I12 In I13 = g2 g 2 1 + g3 θ g3 1 + θ i+e (2) (2) withgg statistical statistical weights weightsof of the the levels levels and and the the ratio ratio 6θ == with I13 rad between the radiative and collisional component of between the radiative and collisional component of I13 coll the O OVI VI 1032 1032AÅline linegiven givenby by the ; ; from an HIT EIT image in 195 A Å taken taken FIGURE 2. An excerpt from the direction direction to to Ulysses Ulysses and and the the positions positions on 13 June, showing the and GIS GIS spectromspectromwhere CDS made observations with the NIS and eters. The CDS SUMER slits are along the north-south north-south direcdirection. NIS NIS the the full full spectra spectra are are taken taken in in 120" 12000 x 150" 15000 rasters; rasters;GIS GIS spectra are acquired at several positions within within the the NIS NISrasters rasters in in a 4" 400 by 4" 400 pixel. λ2 exp EkT13e 2 13 p R 13 Iex (λ)dλ Rsun 2 h(r) 1 r gNe (∆λ2cor + ∆λ2ex) 2 (3) (3) theexciting excitingchromospheric chromosphericradiation, radiation, other other whereIIexex isis the where symbolshave havetheir theirusual usualmeaning meaningand andh(r) h(r) isis aa geometgeometsymbols rical ricalfactor. factor. θ = 5:75 10 Te b) b)Electron Electrontemperatures temperatures As we we mentioned, mentioned,our our spectra spectracontain contain lines lines from fromFe Fe inin As different different ionization ionization stages, stages, as as well well as as HHII Lyman Lyman lines. lines. Then, Then,ififwe weidentify identifythe thecollisional collisionalcomponent componentof ofthe theLyp Ly β line linel 1, ,calculate calculatethe theratio ratioRR betweenthe theobserved observedFeFe 0bobs s between ion ion intensities intensities toto the the observed observed Lyp Ly β component componentand andthe the ratio ratioRRththbetween betweenthe thepredicted predictedFe Feion ionintensities intensitiesand andthe the predicted componentatat different different temperatures, temperatures,we we predicted Lyp Ly β component may vs.log log T, T , for forall all maybuild buildaaplot plotof of log logRR == log(^-) log ( RRth )vs. obs the Fe ions of the spectra [7]. The common intersection the Fe ions of the spectra [7]. The common intersection of of the the curves curvesbuilt built from fromdifferent differentions ions gives gives aa good good inindication dication of of the theplasma plasmaelectron electron temperature. temperature. Clearly, Clearly, ifif the theplasma plasmaisisnot notisothermal, isothermal,curves curvesintersect intersectatatdifferent different temperatures. temperatures. Temperatures Temperaturescan canbe bederived derivedalso alsovia viathe theDEM DEM(Differ(Differential entialEmission EmissionMeasure) Measure)technique: technique:aaplot plotof ofthe theDEM DEM of ofdifferent differentfrom fromdifferent differentlines linesvs. vs.TT indicate indicatethe thetempertemperature atureatatwhich whichthe thepeak(s) peak(s)ininemission emissionoccur(s). occur(s).We Werefer refer the reader to Raymond et al., this volume, for a definition the reader to Raymond et al., this volume, for a definition of ofthe theDEM. DEM. of the CDS field field of view: as we mentioned, CDS CDS -– and SUMER -– made spectra along the radial to Ulysses (or at nearby positions) at altitudes 11.02 < r/R® 1.6. :02 r=R < 1:6. These These observations will allow us to find find the profile profile of of abunabundances vs. height, as well as the density density and and electron electron temperature profile profile vs. height [see e.g. e. g. 4], over several days at the different different positions traversed by the radial radial to to Ulysses. In this preliminary analysis, however, we report report only on results from from the analysis of 4 days of UVCS observations. In the next section diagnostic techniques techniques to to derive derive density, density, temperature temperature and and oxygen oxygen abundance abundance will will be be illustrated. illustrated. DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES We We give give now now aa short short description description of of the the diagnostic diagnostic techtechniques niques used used to to derive derive density, density, electron electron temperature temperature and and oxygen oxygen abundance. abundance. We We refer refer the the reader reader to to Raymond Raymond [5] [5] for for aa more more detailed detailed discussion discussion of of these these methods. methods. c)c)Element Elementabundances abundances Element Element abundances abundances can can be be derived, derived, atat the the same same time time as T is derived, from the techniques briefly e as Te is derived, from the techniques briefly described described a) a) Electron Electron densities densities In In the the hypothesis hypothesis that that the the plasma plasma speed speed is is negligible negligible at the positions where UVCS took data (heliocentric at the positions where UVCS took data (heliocentric altitudes: 1.6 and 1.9 R R®, in streamer streamer areas) areas) we altitudes: 1.6 and 1.9 we can can , in make a crude evaluation of the electron density in make a crude evaluation of the electron density NNee in the the streamer streamer from from Ovi O VI lines, lines, assuming assuming that that the the major major 1 1 this thiscan canbe beevaluated evaluatedfrom fromthe themeasured measuredintensities intensitiesofofthe theHI H Ilines, lines, taking takinginto intoaccount accountthe thepredicted predictedratios ratiosbetween betweentheir theircollisional collisionaland and radiative components, see [2]. radiative components, see [2]. 85 above. For instance, iron abundance is derived from the log R vs. log T curves: at the temperature where the curve intersect, log R — 0, if the abundance used in the theoretical calculation were corresponding to the abundance in the regions where observations were taken. The shift in the log R vs. log T profiles, required to make log R — 0, gives the correct value of the iron abundance. The above method cannot be applied to oxygen ions, though, as we do not have oxygen ions from different ionization stages. Hence, we used an alternative technique, which requires first the identification of the radiative and collisional components of the O VI doublet lines. From the radiative components we have A l/ra</ = an anomalous behaviour also as far as densities are concerned: while its density at 1.6 RQ is lower, its density gradient is less steep than in any other day. We notice, however, that an error of 20% will raise the density at 1.6 RQ to values found on other days. 16 JUN, R=1.6 7^(1032)____________ J«w/(Lyp) Qr/#0F//10327<//5£(1032) 8v/// 6.00 (4) 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 log T while from the collisional components we have 'col — 4o/(1032) C/// #Lyp #LyB — ——— -—— ——— 7co/(Lyp) toy/BQVI qm2 ,-, (5) FIGURE 3. Plot of log fy vs. logT for June 16, 2000, at the heliocentric altitude of 1.6/?0. Data refer to the UVCS pixel lying along the radial to Ulysses. Lines from three ionization stages of Ulysses - FeX, Fexn, Fexm- have been used to build the plot, theoretical line emissivities have been taken from [8].The streamer appears to be approximately isothermal. where (Afo/MOco/ and (No/Nu)raei indicate the oxygen abundance value derived from the collisional and radiative components of the line intensity; 7CO/ and7ra</ are the collisional and radiative components of the intensity in photon cm~2 s"1 sr"1; Covi/Qii is the ratio of ion concentration (which, in the log T interval 6.1-6.3 changes by < 16%); / is the oscillator strength; B is the branching ratio; I^isk is the disk intensity in O Vl/Lyp lines; 5v is the line width and q the excitation rate. 16 JUN, R=1.6 R 0 RESULTS Figure 3 gives an example of the application of the technique described in b) of the previous Section to observations acquired at 1.67?0 on June 16,2000. The plot shows that plasma is isothermal, at the position to which data refer, as the log-K-^vs. log T curves for different ions interobs sect at practically the same temperature. Figure 4 gives an example of the DEM technique, mentioned in b) of the previous Section, applied to data taken on the same day as in Figure 3. Both methods yields approximately the same temperature. Results for the four days we are analyzing appear in Table 1. Temperature and densities are given along the radial to Ulysses at 1.6 and 1.9 R®. On June 11 we made observations only at the lower altitude, hence physical parameters are given only at the lower height. The error in temperature values is on the order of 50 103 K, in densities is on the order of 20%. Temperatures at 1.6 RQ are w 1.2 106 K, for all days but June 16. It also looks like temperature decreases with altitude, with the exception of June 12. This day may have K log T [K] FIGURE 4. Plot of logDEM vs. logT for June 16, 2000, at the heliocentric altitude of 1.6R0. Data refer to the UVCS pixel lying along the radial to Ulysses. Lines from different ions have been used (see symbols); the temperature at which the DEM peaks is approximately the same as given by the plot of log ^ vs. logT" (Figure 3). In order to interpret our results we need to understand which feature we are observing. To this end we cannot rely on LASCO images, as they refer to higher altitudes than our data. Hence we made plots of the total intensity of the O VI 1032 A line vs. distance along the UVCS slit, at 1.6 and 1.9 RQ. Because the UVCS slit 86 TABLE 1. Electron temperature, Te, and density, Ne, along the radial to Ulysses \\June 1 2 June 1 3 June 1 6 Jt/fle 1.6*0 .6*© .9*© .6*0 .9*0 .6*0 .9*0 Tel MK Nel 106 cm~3 1.17 1.20 1.48 1.23 1.03 1.38 1.26 5.00 4.62 1.73 5.60 1.52 5.58 2.50 technique described in c) of the previous Section we need to know the disk intensities in the H Lyp and O VI 1032 A lines and to identify the collisional and radiative components of the O VI and hydrogen lines. As disk intensities vary with time, a precise knowledge of these parameters is essential to a good determination of the oxygen abundance. Also, to identify correctly the collisional and radiative components of the Lyp line, we need to know the ratio between the radiative and collisional components of the Lya and Lyp lines, which depend as well from the chromospheric illumination. There is no room here for a detailed description of how we evaluated these factors. Briefly, we can say that, as we do not have disk intensities measured at the time our data have been acquired, we estimated disk intensities starting from measured values (SOLSTICE values for Lya and UVCS Lya and O VI 1032 disk measurements in 1996 and 1997) and extrapolated these to the time of our observations on the basis of the temporal increase predicted by [ 10] for the Lyman continuum and the NeVIII and NV lines, assumed to be representative of the Lya, and of the Lyp and O VI lines, respectively. Extrapolated intensities agree with indications given by [11] for the variation between maximum and minimum of the solar cycle for Lya and other lines. As for the separation of the collisional and radiative components of the lines, Raymond et al. [2] give values for these ratios. But, as we mentioned, these as well depend on disk intensities: as a consequence, we estimated new ratios, from the disk intensities we predicted. However, in evaluating abundances from Eq. 4 and Eq. 5, we let the ratios vary in between Raymond et al. values and the newer estimates, until (^a)rad = (^ a )coii- In this way, we sort of took care of uncertainties in the determination of disk intensities, as well as of the unknown short temporal variation they may go through over the time interval when data were acquired. Alternatively, as more usually done, we might have considered average values from the collisional and radiative abundance determination. Practically, the two technique are equivalent, as values from the two determinations are pretty close: the maximum discrepancy we had, using the old vs. the new factors, is on the order of 35%. Oxygen abundance values are given in Table 2. As with other parameters, the behavior of June 12 is anomalous, as abundances increase with altitude. In the other days, we find an higher abundance value, when observing the streamer edges (June 11 and 13), than when observing the streamer body (June 16). This result confirms previous determination by [2, 12], at altitudes comparable to those of this work, and by Zangrilli et al. [9] at higher heliocentric distances. center lies along the radial to Ulysses, those plots show that the direction to Ulysses traverses a region with an approximately flat intensity distribution, i.e. through the streamer body, on June 16, while it is adjacent to a region of very steep intensity gradient, i.e. intersects a streamer edge, on June 11 and 13. On June 12, however, there is an ambiguous situation, because we have contrasting information at the two altitudes: it looks like we observe the streamer edge, at the low heliocentric distance, and the streamer body at high heliocentric distance. Possibly, projection and/or temporal effects do not allow us to identify clearly where the radial to Ulysses is lying. Hence, from now on, we consider data from June 11 and 13 as representative of conditions of the streamer's legs, data from June 16 as representative of conditions of the streamer's "body" and leave the June 12 case apart. In a later study, we plan to check whether coronagraph observations at lower heights (e. g., from Mauna Loa) provide any useful indications to understand the morphology of the June 12 case. In this scenario, we may conclude that the electron temperature is lower at the streamer's edges, than in streamer's cores. This conclusion should be further tested calculating the electron temperature distribution across a streamer, because we cannot rule out, so far, the possibility that the lower Te of June 11 and 13, is lower throughout the streamer than the Te derived for the streamer's body on June 16. However, should the present indication be confirmed by a more detailed analysis, the abundance obtained in streamer's legs by different authors should be rediscussed in terms of a core-leg variation of the streamer electron temperature. Densities, on the other hand, appear to have, at 1.6 *0, the same value independent of whether they refer to the streamer edge or to the streamer body. In the streamer body the density gradient is possibly less steep than in the legs, but once more we need to confirm these indications by a more extended analysis. We notice, however, that densities inferred by LASCO at higher altitudes seem to give analogous indications (see Zangrilli et al., this volume [9]). In order to derive the oxygen abundance with the 87 TABLE 2. Oxygen abundances along the radial to Ulysses Oxygen Abundance (Phot. = 8.93) 1 1 June \2June 1.6*0 1.6*© 1 3 June 1.6*0 1.9*0 1.6*0 1.9*0 1 6 June 8.61 8.38 8.53 8.67 8.55 8.43 8.49 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have presented results from a preliminary analysis of UVCS data taken in June 2000, at the time of an Ulysses-SOHO-Sun quadrature. Our analysis provides further evidence in favor of an enhanced oxygen abundance in the legs of streamers, with respect to the streamer's core. This enhancement favors the hypothesis that streamer legs are sources of the slow solar wind: because abundances in the core are too low to be compatible with abundances in the wind, as measured by in situ experiments. It may be worth pointing out that the § ratio in the slow wind, takes the value § = 1890 ± 600 while in the fast wind g = 1590 ± 500, [13]. The oxygen abundances we derived from June 11 and 13 are consistent with the slow wind estimates, while both the June 12 and 16 values are inconsistent with reported values. One of the aims of quadrature campaigns is the comparison between coronal and in situ data. Hopefully, we might be able to check values of § from data measured by Ulysses versus our coronal values. However, the two values quoted above for slow and fast wind are only marginally different and it may be difficult to draw definite conclusions from this kind of comparison. Obviously, we need to extend the analysis of quadrature observations to the other days when we acquired data. Also, we are planning to extend the analysis of element abundances to include other elements as well. Estimates of the Fe abundance lead to values higher than found by [2]. For instance, Figure 3 shows that the iron abundance is photospheric on May 16, at 1.6 RQ. Fe is a low FIP element: it will be interesting to check whether this overabundance is common to other low FIP elements. Also, analysis of CDS and SUMER data will allow us to compare the values we find from UVCS with values derived from other data sets, at different altitudes. Another interesting result we got is related to the electron temperatures in streamers. There have been a few estimates of Te in streamers, but no attempt has been made, yet, to derive the profile of Te across a streamer. We plan to extend our analysis to different location than so far examined, to check whether the indications from this work, which favor an increase of Te towards the streamer edge is confirmed. This would allow a better evaluation of the abundance profile across streamers. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work of GP has been partially funded by MURST - the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research. SP acknowledges support from ASI, the Italian Space Agency. 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