Ion Fractionation and Mixing Processes in the Turbosphere and the Solar Wind Formation Region: Scaling Approach I. S. Veselovsky Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia Abstract. The kinetic theory of the ion distribution function formation in the plasma is briefly considered. Models are discussed of the individual particle and collective behavior. Governing dimensionless parameters are presented for numerous collisional and collisionless regimes of the ion generation, separation and mixing in the solar atmosphere. Global steady state and local non-stationary processes are shown to be interrelated in a complicated manner possibly leading to the observed diversity in composition variations of the solar wind. The strongest composition variations are produced at the shocks, but the mixing prevails in the sense that protons remain the dominant component even under these extreme conditions. The dynamical balance between the mixing and fractionation depends on many space-time scales simultaneously present in the plasma and electromagnetic fields, which explains the lack of simple universal classifications and poor understanding of the laminar or turbulent processes of the ion composition formation. For example, it is not clear if the persistent difference between the composition of the quasi-stationary slow and fast solar wind streams could be related mainly to the vertical stratification or to the horizontal inhomogeneity of the solar corona and dynamical processes in holes and streamers. INTRODUCTION Variations of the solar wind ion composition and their origins are poorly known and understood in many instances (see, e.g., reviews, [1, 2, 3, 4] and references therein), though the thermal diffusion, electric fields and Alfven waves are often involved in the separation processes. The aim of this paper is to bring theoretical arguments helpful in attempts of a qualitative understanding of the observed diversity of the solar wind composition variations as a result of the multi-scale plasma evolution with a competition of different physical processes of the ion separation and mixing in the turbosphere and the solar wind formation region. The term turbosphere is used here to designate the region around the Sun where the velocity of the regular radial outflow v is less than the velocities Sv of irregular vertical and horizontal motions: v < Sv. KINETIC REGIMES In the deep regions of the solar atmosphere (chromosphere) where ionization and recombination processes happen with other atomic and radiative transitions and many-particle interactions are essential, one should consider correlation functions which could be in the equi- librium state or not. The macroscopic diffusion approximation can be used only when collisions are sufficiently frequent. Dimensionless parameters like ratios of the ionization, recombination, excitation and radiation times are very important physical quantities which are needed for the better understanding of the situation. In addition to this, several dimensionless parameters are useful indicators of the importance (unimportance) of the local/nonlocal conditions (the so called Trieste numbers which are ratios of internal and external energy, momentum and mass fluxes in the coronal and heliospheric structures under consideration). Trieste numbers characterize the openness degree and vary from zero in the open system to infinity in the isolated structures. They are of an order of one for many morphological entities in the solar wind formation region, which makes the analysis of the turbulent and "recuperating" systems very difficult and sensitive to the imposed initial and boundary conditions. It is very important, but sometimes neglected without sufficient grounds, that the plasma in the solar wind formation region is radiative. The useful dimensionless parameter in this respect, Ve, is the ratio of the kinetic plasma power to the emitted radiation power. The parameter Ve is small for active regions and large for coronal holes as a rule [5]. In the fully ionized coronal regions with the negligible radiation role (coronal holes) the one-particle distribu- CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 305 tion functions F(r,v,r) obey the kinetic equations with the Landau collision term permagnetosonic. Because of this, the cold gas of noninteracting particles can be a valuable zero order approximation when considering the kinetic equations for the ion distribution functions. In this approximation, the forcefree radial motion is used in the method of characteristics neglecting transversal thermal velocities, electromagnetic and gravity fields [8]. The gas-kinetic theory of weak and strong inhomogeneities in the collisionless solar wind was developed using the small parameters M"1 and M^1, where M and MA are the Mach and Mach-Alfven numbers for ions. Distribution function corrections were analytically calculated in this way for ions in response to the nonstationary plasma density, bulk velocity and temperature perturbations at the given boundary near the Sun. The leading terms are of the order M"2 and M^2. The details of calculations were described earlier [8, 9, 10]. In the fast streams from coronal holes 7} ~ w/ and VTI are the thermal velocities of the ion species nearly equal to each other, hence partial Mach numbers M/ ~ V/VTI are also approximately equal to each other for different ion species. As a result, the variations of the composition should be canceled in the linear approximation for this case. In the slow wind, Ta ~ Tp because of the sufficient collisions and M2 ~ 4M2. Hence, composition fluctuations are mostly produced by the proton parameter variations which are four times stronger than alpha particle variations in the linear approximation. The linear approximation breaks down when SM~2 ^ > 1, where S = ^p is the Strouhal number, 8A/A being the relative amplitude of parameter variations (density, velocity, temperature). It is clear that short time composition fluctuations are steepen and mixed at the corresponding distances because of the nonlinear evolution with the formation of interpenetrating streams or they are preserved when the nonlinearity is saturated. Saturation processes are difficult to evaluate a priory. For this purpose the a detailed information is needed about the dynamics taking into account the kinetic plasma and electromagnetic field characteristics in the real geometry situation. These considerations probably explain the lack of the universal composition behavior and the presence of the observed diversity with temporary mixed and fractionated regions. Nevertheless, the nonlinear mixing processes are obviously very important limitative factors during the ion separation. As a result, the fractionation is not sufficiently strong to eliminate protons from the ion composition or make them a secondary component in the known regions of the heliosphere. It appears that protons remain dominant ions everywhere and every time in the corona and in the solar wind in spite of many different ion separation mechanisms operating in the rarefied plasma. The ballistic motion of particles in the force-free space and in the gravity field preserves the composition only where is the transport operator in the phase space, St is the Landau collision term [6]. The dimensionless Knudsen number Kn = A//, where A is the Coulomb mean free path and / is the characteristic length, delimits collisional and collisionless regimes, Kn <C 1 and Kn ^> 1, correspondingly. Ion separation and mixing processes under frequent collisions when \St ^> \D\ or Kn <C 1 can be described in the Coulomb diffusion approximation. The diffusion coefficient along the magnetic field is proportional to £)|l ~ A/ ~ a"1, where A/ is the mean free ion path, a is the Coulomb cross section in the fully ionized plasma. The laminar diffusion across the field is suppressed accordingly: D± K, D||(r//A/) 2 ~ Aj"1, where r/ is the ion Larmor radius, D± ~B~2. The laminar diffusion regimes [7] are violated by the multi-scale convection and waves in the turbosphere around the Sun where the plasma is out of equilibrium. In this case, some effective turbulent mixing length L should be used instead of A in the corresponding transport estimates. The mixing length L in the chromosphere and in the corona is generally comparable to the standard heights. Morphologically, vertical motions in both directions along the loops and open magnetic structures take place here together with horizontal shuffling motions due to convective electric drifts, magnetic stresses and thermal pressure gradients in the intermingled low- and high-beta regions. Turbulent processes could enhance or depress the local and global transport of the bulk mass and its ion components depending on the situation and the geometry of the problem. It is very likely, that vertical and horizontal turbulent mixing efficiency is different in the sources of the slow and fast solar wind streams because of different plasma parameters and the magnetic field geometry. Nevertheless, the vertical mixing apparently prevails over the gravitational settling and other separation mechanisms. As a result, composition variations are observed to be rather moderate in the solar wind as rule. GAS-KINETIC APPROXIMATION FOR THE SOLAR WIND IONS The free energy of the solar wind plasma resides mainly in the inhomogeneous radial motion of ions, which is su- 306 when interpenetrating streams and the corresponding mixing processes are absent. Such laminar flows are locally and temporary possible under appropriate boundary and initial conditions in the solar corona. Due to the nonlinear kinematic steepening of the velocity profiles interpenetrating streams could appear in the kinetic approximation. Otherwise, the ballistic approximation breaks down and shock fronts develop. The mixed state with interpenetrating streams, once created, develop in different ways depending on the ratio of relaxation and dissipation times and lengths to the transit times and scales of the inhomogeneity given by the corresponding Reynolds numbers (ordinary and magnetic). In the one-scale approximation, only two possibilities exist in this respect: the homogenization of the mixture or its segregation after the transit stage. But the large free energy (kinetic and/or magnetic) of the interpenetrating ion streams could be a source of ion instabilities and the generation of new small-scale structures is possible [11]. Hence, the fragmentation, segregation and relaxation coexist with the merging, mixing and increase of structures. Both tendencies, the decay and growth of the structures are observed in the solar corona and the heliosphere permanently. They are documented in the composition measurements of quasistationary and transient solar wind flows, but the knowledge and understanding of the evolution is rather limited. Interpenetrating ion streams in the solar wind are sometimes observed, but their role in the overall plasma mixing is not clear and needs additional studies. SELF-SIMILAR ION FRACTIONATION IN THE SOLAR WIND The collisionless cold ion dynamics with the compensating electrons near the thermal equilibrium can be described by multifluid equations taking into account electric and magnetic fields [6]. The nonstationary selfsimilar variations in the ion composition of the solar wind have been analyzed based on this approach [12]. The governing equations for protons (/ = 1) and alphaparticles (/ = 2) in the case of motions along the external magnetic field are written as follows: , .drii dui x du\ du2 - kriiUi „,. ^ _ 1 dn 1 miZ2dn + =Q 307 aredimensionless ion velocities and the self-similar variable, k = 0, 1,2 for the planar, cylindrical or spherical geometry. The electric potential (p in the corona is of an order of 100 V. There are two possible asymptotics at t ^> 1 : 3 m\Z2 -a, where Ci}2 and n 10,20 arc arbitrary constants; In the both cases (I and II) the condition n2 <C n\ is assumed. The formulae are applicable also for other types of ions (/ = 2), and not only for alpha-particles. It is seen from these formulae that enhanced (depleted) n2/n\ regions could propagate faster or slower than unperturbed plasma flow depending on the boundary and initial conditions (which are beyond the scope of the self-similar assumptions). In the case (I) for weak perturbations, alpha-particles are moving faster than protons. For strong perturbations (II), alpha-particles are moving slower than protons. The potential electric fields and the electron distributions are controlling factors. The velocity difference u2 — u\ is positive in the case (I) when Ci w c2 and u2 — u\ ~ i~2 decreases with increasing distance from the Sun, in a qualitative accordance with the Helios observations [13]. Theoretically, it is obvious that electric fields are involved in the ion dynamics not only along the magnetic field, but also in the nonstationary and quasistationary drifts across the magnetic field, which are strongly inhomogeneous and variable in the solar wind formation region. As a consequence, the characteristic velocities of the nonstationary ion mixing or separation along the magnetic field could be determined by the ion sound speed, and by the drift velocities across the magnetic fields [14, 15]. The drift velocities are often scaled as L/t, where L and t are characteristic lengths and times of the magnetic field variations. Contrary to the prejudice that magnetic fields always suppress the transport processes across them, observations in space and laboratory experiments, as well as theoretical arguments show many examples of the enhanced energy and mass transports perpendicular to magnetic fields in the presence of the inductive or potential electric fields due to the imposed initial or boundary conditions. Both external nonlocal fields and local fields generated in situ by the free energy available in the open, closed and partially open plasma systems of the solar corona and the heliosphere could be and are the drivers of the electromagnetic "separators" or "mixers" operating there. The dimensionless Faraday number F = -j™, where j and p are the electric current and the electric charge densities, could indicate on the dominance of the potential F <C 1 or inductive F > 1 electric fields. The case F <C 1 was considered here. for example due to the nonlinear acoustic wave damping. The opposite case r < 1 could mean the nonequilibrium Joule heating of electrons. The situation in the high P regions is much more complicated because of the anisotropy introduced by the magnetic field. The dimensionless scaling approach is useful for a better understanding of the different physical situations in the binary cases (inertia and collisions, inertia and electromagnetic forces, inertia and gravity etc.) as well as the ternary and more complicated regimes when several physical factors are essential, for example, combined inertia, gravity and electromagnetic forces. In addition to the one-scale approximation and classification, multiscale states and mechanisms represent very interesting practical applications. There are many tens of the physically different regimes of the dissipative macroscopic plasma behavior in the stratified solar atmosphere and the turbosphere around the Sun [5]. Electromagnetic and gas-kinetic drivers are known to be effective in the "mixers" and "separators" of the ion composition. Subsonic thermal pressure pulses in the low P regions, field aligned interpenetrating streams, secondary field-aligned flows driven by the nonstationary electric drifts and the continuity conditions steepen and decay with the formation of the 7} ~ rnt states. The same states can be obtained as a result of the ion cyclotron In the situations far from the thermal and mechanical equilibrium in the solar corona and the heliosphere anomalous transport processes by Alfven waves and convective motions are ubiquitous. Collisions between particles tend to equalize the temperature differences. Both mechanisms, the convective mixing of different plasma parcels and wave-particle interactions are also capable of producing observed deviations from the relation 7} ~ m\. Stronger or weaker dependences could result from different initial or boundary conditions in the case of the mixing. Instead of these nonlocal causes, locally steeper or shallower wave spectra can also lead to same qualitative results. Subphotospheric convective motions generate electric currents and magnetic fields seen in the photospheric and chromospheric network elements, granules, spicules, loops and other nonstationary solar activity manifestations. These nonstationary magnetic fields produce inductive electric fields according to the equation [V x E] = — ^^. As a result, nonstationary electric drifts DIMENSIONLESS MULTIFLUID MHD SCALING The demarkation of physically different regimes is possible with the use of the following dimensionless parameters and their combinations: Kn =fki/l is the Knudsen number, S = l/vt is the Strouhal number, M = v/cs is the Mach number, MA = V/VA is the Mach-Alfven number, Fr = v2R(MQGl)~l is the Froude number, where R is the heliospheric distance, M0 is the mass of the Sun, G being the gravitation constant, and VA, the Alfven speed. Additionally, the group of dissipative parameters appears: Re = vl/v is the (viscous) Reynolds number, Rem = alv/c2 is the magnetic Reynolds number, Pr = v/% is the Prandtl number, where v is the kinematic viscosity, % is the temperature conductivity and a is the electric conductivity. All dissipative coefficients are tensor quantities in the strong magnetic field [7]. In the multifluid approximation, relative abundances of the species oc/J = nt/tij are important dimensionless parameters where n\ and HJ represent corresponding number densities. All parameters above are assumed to be partial quantities referred to the given type of ions (indexes i,j). For example, nonstationary S > 1, quasistationary S < 1 and intermediate S ~ 1 regimes are delimited by the corresponding Strouhal numbers S = ^. The high (low) ion-electron temperature ratios r = Ti/Te could indicate on the dominant ion (electron) heating. The situation is rather simple in the low P regions: r > 1 usually means the viscous mechanical heating, V(r,t) = c ^i arise. Small-scale plasma elements are mixed across the magnetic field under the action of fluctuating transversal electric field. The corresponding mixing lengths L for the mentioned motions could be less, comparable, or greater than the standard height //,- (0.1-100 Mm) for ions in the solar atmosphere at different levels with characteristic times 102 -105 s and velocities of an order of ~ 0.1 -100 km/s, 308 but usually they are comparable to standard heights ///. Local vertical up- and down motions are nearly sonic or trans-sonic in spicules, jets, loops. Horizontal motions are sometimes faster, but sometimes slower than vertical ones. Convective flows and wave branches are involved in the motions in different proportions. The turbulent mixing length L could also be less, comparable or greater than the Coulomb mean free path for ions A,/. Accordingly, different diffusion and mixing regimes are locally possible: molecular or turbulent ones under essential or negligible gravitational sedimentation convective or wave-like, with subsonic or supersonic motions in a magnetically dominated or unmagnetized conditions. DISCUSSION Ion-atom separation mechanisms in the partially ionized chromospheric plasma lead to the fractionation of elements according to their first ionization potentials, see e.g. the review of models [16]. Solar wind charge states are used in attempts of obtaining rough estimates of temperature profiles in coronal holes, when comparing calculated expansion times and ionization-recombination times assuming local collisional equilibrium with electrons. The situation in the slow wind and coronal mass ejections is much more uncertain, variable and complicated. First ionization potential (FIP) fractionation takes place in the solar wind: elements Fe, Mg, Si with the low FIP (< 10 eV) corresponding to the Lyman-alpha radiation contribution are more abundant than high FIP elements like inert gases. In the models of this phenomenon (VonSteiger and Geiss, 1989) the ratio of the ion trapping time in the magnetic field to the ionization time by UV radiation is important controlling factor and different types of the solar wind flows exist according to the role of the ion-atomic separation processes in the partially ionized solar atmosphere. The difference between elemental compositions and charge states of the fast and slow solar wind streams was confirmed and investigated in detail in the recent study of the Ulysses data [17]. The charge state distributions are consistent with a single frozen-in temperature for each element only in the fast streams. The first ionization potential fractionation is clearly seen in the slow streams, it is much more weaker in fast streams. Biirgi [18] have considered the steady-state three-fluid model with the cusp geometry and found the depleted alpha to proton flux ratio in the coronal streamer. The useful dimensionless parameter here is the geometry expansion factor / = j1- for the corresponding flux tube cross 309 sections with a possible focusing (defocusing) of flows and wave energy fluxes in the low P solar wind formation region [19]. Bochsler [20] have integrated numerically the energy balance equations for a buoyant expanding plasmoid taking into account its heating and radiative losses together with the ionization state changes which were shown to be a sensitive indicator of the physical processes in the inner corona. Useful dimensionless parameters here are represented among others by the oc/-ionization degrees, Ve - the ratio of the plasma kinetic power to the electromagnetic radiation (absorption) power [5]. The behavior of minor ions in the models is very complicated and depends on many factors: masses, charges, gravity, thermal pressure, magnetic stresses, thermal diffusion, expansion factors etc. [21]. The Coulomb friction plays different roles in the rapidly expanding magnetic structures near coronal streamers and in polar coronal holes. The solar wind composition and the composition of the source regions in the solar atmosphere needs additional comparative studies. In this respect, recent SOHO and ACE measurements of heavy ion composition variations can be used as a sensitive tool for the classification of the solar wind acceleration conditions in the transition region and in the solar corona [22, 23]. Ion composition measurements of coronal mass ejections bring some features which might be interpreted as signatures of non-equilibrium plasma mixtures of different temperature components [24]. Turbulent mixing processes could be much more effective than molecular or Coulomb diffusions in producing such mixtures. CONCLUSIONS Individual particle degrees of freedom (one-particle molecular kinetic approximation), few or many particle correlations (ionization and recombination processes, atomic and radiation phenomena) as well as collective (macroscopic radiative MHD description) behavior are possibly important ingredients to be taken into account when considering fractionation and mixing processes in the solar atmosphere. Turbulent mixing makes the fractionation mechanisms less effective in many instances. Sufficiently strong quasistationary magnetic fields are sometimes stopping the transversal mixing and fractionation processes and could preserve the memory of the original composition formation in the solar wind. The scaling approach is useful for a better qualitative understanding of the ion separation and mixing processes in the solar wind. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Res., 105, 27217-27238 (2000). 18. Biirgi, A., "Dynamics of Alpha Particles in Coronal Streamer Type Geometry", in Solar Wind Seven, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991, pp. 333-336. 19. Veselovsky, I. S., Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 36, 1-7 (in Russian, also translated in English) (1996). 20. Bochsler, P., "Minor Ions - Tracers for Physical Processes in the Heliosphere", in Solar Wind Seven, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991, pp. 323-332. 21. Bodmer, R., and Bochsler, P., /. Geophys. Res., 105, 47-63 (2000). 22. von Steiger, R., and Zurbuchen, T. H., "Solar Wind Composition as a Diagnostic Tool", in Solar and Galactic Composition, Conference Booklet, Joint SOHO-ACE Workshop 2001, March 6-9, 2001, Bern, Switzerland, 2001, p. 45. 23. Ko, Y.-K., Zurbuchen, T., Strachan, L., Riley, P., and Raymond, J. C., "A Solar Wind Coronal Origin Study from SOHO/UVCS and ACE/SWICS Joint Analysis", in Solar and Galactic Composition, Conference Booklet, Joint SOHO-ACE Workshop 2001, March 6-9, 2001, Bern, Switzerland, 2001, p. 52. 24. 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