Energetic Particle Composition Measurements at High Heliographic Latitudes Around the Solar Activity Maximum M. Y. Hofer*, R. G. Marsden*, T. R. Sanderson* and C. Tranquille* * Space Science Dept. ofESA, ESTEC, P.O. Box 299,2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Abstract. From 1999 until the end of 2000 the Ulysses spacecraft was traveling back towards the southern solar polar region from about 5 AU to less than 2.5 AU. In this time period the solar activity was close to the maximum. The results of a preliminary analysis of energetic particle composition data covering the energy range 4-20 MeV/n recorded by the COSPIN/LET instrument are shown. We attempt to use the composition signatures to identify the sources of energetic particles observed at high latitudes. INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA Following aphelion passage in 1998 the Ulysses spacecraft began its second climb to high southern heliolatitudes, reaching its maximum latitude of 80.2 ° in November 2000. During this time period the spacecraft's heliocentric distance decreased from about 5 AU to less than 2.5 AU. In contrast to the first south polar passage in 1994 (e.g. [1], [2]), which took place as the level of solar activity was approaching the minimum of cycle 22, the recent high-latitude observations correspond to nearmaximum activity conditions with large transient phenomena. In 1994, the 1-10 MeV/n particle fluxes measured at Ulysses consisted mainly of corotating interaction region (CIR)-related events and of the anomalous cosmic ray (ACR) [3] component, what was obtained based on the elemental abundance ratios. A decrease of the proton to alpha ratio towards around 10 is often used for the identification of particles accelerated at CIRs (e.g. [4], [5]). At the beginning of solar energetic particle (SEP) events the 3He/4He and the Fe/O ratios are often found to increase as a result from resonant wave-particle interaction in the flare plasma (see [6], [7]). In this preliminary analysis the low energy fluxes recorded in 1999 and 2000 by the COSPIN/LET instrument on the Ulysses spacecraft are plotted in order to select two major events for a detailed analysis. For these selected time intervals the elemental abundance ratios are calculated to gain insight into the possible origin of the particles and the likely acceleration history. In particular, we are interested in identifying time intervals dominated by SEP events or CIR passages. The low energy particle data used in this study is from the Low Energy Telescope (LET), one of the five telescopes in the Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle Investigation (COSPIN) onboard the Ulysses spacecraft [8]. The LET instrument records the fluxes and the composition of SEPs and of low energy cosmic ray nuclei from hydrogen up to iron over a range of energies from ~ 1 MeV/n to 75 MeV/n (For details see [8], [3]). RESULTS In Figure 1 the proton and alpha intensities (upper panel) recorded by COSPIN/LET on Ulysses and the proton/alpha ratio in the in the ~1 MeV/n range (proton: 1.2-3.0 MeV; alpha: 1.5-5.0 MeV/n) are plotted for the years 1999 and 2000. In addition, a panel showing the latitude of the spacecraft's trajectory (for the distance see [3]) is added to the figure. In 1999 and 2000 the spacecraft is traveling for the second time towards the highest southern heliolatitude of the trajectory reached in November 1999. The horizontal bars in the first panel in June 1999 and in July 2000 mark the time intervals selected for the current analysis. The maximum proton intensity (1.2-3.0 MeV) in 1999 is about 60 protons/cm2/s/sr/MeV at the beginning of July. In 2000 there are more than five events observed with maximum intensity above this level. Furthermore, the minimum value in the proton intensity recorded at the end of September in 1999 is never reached in 2000. At the end of 2000 the spacecraft is located above the southern solar pole where major particle events are observed. CP598, Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber © 2001 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0042-3/017$ 18.00 189 0 u (0 10' 10° 10" 10 CM * 0 10 a 10 10'1 o 10 '+ffl 1 0) 45 0 I; Heholatitude of the Ulysses spacecraft J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 1999 2000 FIGURE 1. The proton (1.2-3.0 MeV) and the alpha (8.4-19 MeV/n) intensities, and the proton( 1.2-3.0 MeV) / alpha(1.0-5.0 MeV/n) ratios recorded by COSPIN/LET on the Ulysses. The heliolatitudes of the trajectory of the Ulysses spacecraft are plotted in the third panel. The horizontal bars in June 1999 and in July 2000 mark the selected time intervals. In 1999 the smallest proton/alpha ratios are lower than those in 2000, and the proton/alpha decreases are more frequent than in 2000. Based on these parameters there seems to exist a tendency for an increase of the activity from the beginning of 1999 towards the end of 2000. The high variability in the particle data is accompanied by frequent changes in the magnetic field, in the solar wind velocity (for details please consult the Ulysses data archive: http://helio.estec.esa.nl/Ulysses/archive/) and by a complex shape of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS). During the entire time interval the HCS is highly tilted resulting in low speed streams coming from streamer belts and a well defined sector structure observed even over the pole [9]. Two large events in June 1999 and July 2000 are selected for the further analysis as marked by the horizontal bars in the first panel of Figure 1. In Figure 2, the the oxygen intensity and the three day averaged abundance ratios for helium, carbon, nitrogen, neon and iron with respect to oxygen are shown for the selected time intervals and energy ranges as indicated. The ratios are represented in both panels of Figure 2 by symbols and the corresponding errors by vertical lines. In case of a single count, (which may cause an error larger than the value), the lower part of the error bar is not drawn. The black arrows at the bottom of the figure mark the time of the shock occurrence as determined from magnetic field and solar wind parameters ([10], [11]). The upper panels in Figure 2 show the oxygen intensity and the elemental abundance ratios for the days 140210 in 1999. Only three significant Fe/O values are obtained for this event. The lower panels of Figure 2 show the same results for the selected (mainly gradual) event from day 180 until 250 in 2000 having less variations in the abundances than the event in June 1999. From day 220 on in 2000 the particle flux decreased rapidly, and therefore no statistically significant abundances can be derived. Generally, the abundance ratios of He/O evolve in a mirrored way compared with those of the heavier ions what is visible in both events. In Table 1 the averaged values of the statistically significant elemental abundances within a common regime in the selected time interval for helium, carbon, 190 Ulysses: COSPIN/LET COSPIN/LET Ulysses: 10-3 Intensity [particles/cm2 s sr MeV] + Oxygen: 4.25-5.25 MeV/n 10-4 10-5 10-6 1000.00 He/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n C/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n N/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n Ne/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Fe/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Abundance Ratio 100.00 10.00 I f t l 'I 'f It ' f 1.00 0.10 I II 0.01 140 150 16O 160 17O 18O 170 180 Day of of the the Year Year 1999 1999 Day I I 19O 190 200 210 Ulysses: COSPIN/LET COSPIN/LET Ulysses: 10-2 Intensity [particles/cm2 s sr MeV] + Oxygen: 4.25-5.25 MeV/n 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 1000.00 He/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n C/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n N/O 4.25-6.75 MeV/n Ne/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Fe/O 5.5-7.5 MeV/n Abundance Ratio 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 II 0.01 18O 180 19O 190 2OO 200 210 22O 220 Day210 of the Year 2OOO Day of the Year 2000 23O 230 24O 240 25O 250 FIGURE 2. 2. Three Three day day averaged averaged elemental elemental abundances abundances and and corresponding corresponding oxygen FIGURE oxygen intensity intensity recorded recorded during during the the selected selected events events in 1999 and 2000. The values are represented by the corresponding symbols and the errors by vertical lines. The black in 1999 and 2000. The values are represented by the corresponding symbols and the errors by vertical lines. The blackdownward downward arrows mark mark the the time time of of the the shock shock occurrence. occurrence. Upper Upper panels: panels: Three Three day arrows day averaged averaged values values of of the the abundances abundances of of helium, helium, carbon, carbon, nitrogen, neon, and iron with respect to oxygen from day 140 to 210 in 1999. Lower panels: Three day averaged nitrogen, neon, and iron with respect to oxygen from day 140 to 210 in 1999. Lower panels: Three day averaged values values of of the the abundances of of helium, helium, carbon, carbon, nitrogen, nitrogen, neon, neon, and and iron iron with with respect respect to abundances to oxygen oxygen from from day day 180 180 to to 250 250 in in 2000. 2000. 191 values decrease. Reames et al. [16] interpret at least the initial part as a sign of an evolving non-Kolmogorov Alfven wave spectra. Furthermore, the abundance values found in this study for the year 2000 are within the errors equal to the maximum values of in-ecliptic measurements recorded by the Wind spacecraft [17]. A possible small ACR contribution might be present in the data, but could not be distinguished during the selected SEP time intervals. nitrogen, neon and iron with respect to oxygen are listed. The corresponding standard deviation is given in parentheses. The time intervals of each regime in days are given in the first column. The last row of the Table contains SEP values from Mason and Sanderson [12] derived in 1991, before Ulysses data were available. TABLE 1. Averaged elemental abundance ratios during the selected time intervals in 1999 and in 2000 recorded by COSPIN/LET and the SEP reference values from [12]. (He/O, C/O, N/O: 4.25 - 6.75 MeV/n; Ne/O, Fe/O: 5.5-7.5 MeV/n) He/O C/O N/O Ne/O Fe/O 151-170, 1999 32 (6) 0.25 (0.05) 0.06 (0.015) 0.14 (0.02) 0.22 (0.02) 194-209, 2000 48 (3.8) 0.39 (0.04) 0.12 (0.02) 0.2 (0.04) 0.17 (0.04) SEP [12] 55.2 (3) 0.48 (0.02) 0.13 (0.01) 0.15 (0.01) 0.16 (0.02) SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The heliospheric conditions encountered by the Ulysses spacecraft during its second passage over the south pole are clearly different from those recorded during the first southern solar passage in 1994. Throughout the recent high-latitude pass, the solar wind is highly variable, showing little or no recurrent structure, an no evidence of the high speed flows from polar coronal holes seen earlier. Shocks related to stream interactions are also seen in 1999 and 2000, but these did not have the recurrent character associated with CIRs. Gosling et al. [13] refer to these structures as stream interaction regions (SIR). The contributions to the particle fluxes recorded by the COSPIN/LET instrument from these shocks are not yet fully determined. Enhanced solar activity gave rise to a large number of transient particle events, observed up to highest southern latitudes. The occurrence of major energetic particle events around solar activity maximum over the solar poles is not unexpected based on the general understanding of the solar evolution. But, the corresponding observations shown here with even surprisingly large amplitudes and large time durations are made for the first time. The abundances measured for the two mainly gradual events discussed here are consistent with the particles having a SEP origin and are equal to in-ecliptic values [17]. We suggest that they are accelerated by CME driven shocks. If the acceleration occurs at lower latitudes, the particle have somehow to be brought up to the higher latitudes. The propagation mechanism that allowed the particles to reach Ulysses is not certain, but the rapid onset suggest an important role for perpendicular diffusion. A future detailed analysis based on this preliminary identification of the SIR and SEP dominated time intervals might give an even deeper understanding of the ongoing acceleration processes for particles in the MeV energy range. DISCUSSION Marsden et al. [4] used a proton/alpha ratio around 10 to identify particle fluxes associated with CIR passages. In 1999 there are about six and in 2000 two periods with values around this level. Gosling et al. [13] refer to these structures as stream interaction regions (SIR). Lario et al. [14] found a tendency for a recurrent structure in the first half of 1999. Nevertheless, based on the corresponding shock occurrence there is little or no recurrent structure present for the rest of the time interval and therefore no CIR could be identified. The Fe/O abundances for SEP and CIR given by Mason and Sanderson [12] are 0.16 ±0.02 and 0.097 ± 0.011, respectively, and even lower for the ACR component. The average of Fe/O values in both selected event are above the 10 percent level, indicating a probable SEP source. Cohen et al. [15] claim that most of the large SEP events in 1999 and 2000 are rather not Fe-enriched with respect to the coronal values, what is consistent with our findings. The first of the selected events in June 1999 has an average Fe/O value only slightly above the SEP value as visible in Table 1. The two shocks on the days 155 and 161 mark the boundary of a central regime as shown in the upper panel Figure 2. The peak in the He/O ratio around day 181 occurs in vicinity of three shocks on the days 181,183, and 184. In 2000, in particular, around day 200 two high Fe/O numbers are derived which could be associated with the shock on day 203. During the following 10 days the 192 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the use of the Ulysses Data System in the preparation of this paper. We thank Marek Szumlas for the help in the preparation of the figures. REFERENCES 1. Simpson, J.A., et al., Science, 268, 1019-1023, (1995). 2. Sanderson, T.R., et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 22(23), 3357-3361 (1995). 3. Tranquille, C., Marsden, R.G., and Sanderson, T.R., in Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R.F. WimmerSchweinegruber, (AIP Conference Proceedings), in press (2001). 4. Marsden, R.G., et al., Adv. Space Res., 13(6), 95-98 (1993). 5. Simnett, G.M., Sayle, K.A., and Roelof, E.G., Geophys. 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