Study on Gas Kinetic Algorithm for Flows from Rarefied Transition to Continuum Zhihui Li and Hanxin Zhang China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center 621000, Mianyang, Sichuan, China Abstract. An unified numerical algorithm is presented for the flows from rarefied transition to continuum based on the nonlinear Boltzmann model equation. Based on the discrete velocity ordinate method, the optimum Golden Section method is extended to discretize velocity components, and then the simplified velocity distribution function equation adapted to various flow regimes will be cast into hyperbolic conservation law form with nonlinear source term. The time-splitting method and the NND finite difference method are employed to solve the equation. Four types of quadrature rules, such as the modified Gauss-Hermite formula and the Golden Section number-theoretic integral method proposed by Hua L. K. and Wang Y., are developed to evaluate the macroscopic flow moments. To test the present method, the one-dimensional shock-tube problem, the flow past two-dimensional circular cylinder and the flow over three-dimensional sphere with various Knudsen numbers are simulated. The computational results are found in high resolution of the flow fields and good qualitative agreement with the theoretical, DSMC, and experimental results. INTRODUCTION In order to study the aerodynamics from various flow regimes, the traditional way is to deal with them with different methods, such as the Monte Carlo method for the rarefied flow and the N-S equation for the continuum flow. Both the methods are totally different, and the computational results are difficult to be linked up smoothly with altitude. In this study, it’s to be considered whether an unified numerical algorithm to predict the flows over the complete spectrum of flow regimes can be developed. The Boltzmann equation based on the kinetic theory of gases can describe the molecular transport phenomena from various flow regimes and act as the main foundation for the study of gas dynamics[1]. However, the equation describing flow characteristics in the view of micromechanics is a nonlinear integral-differential equation. It’s very difficult to accurately solve the equation describing complex flows. On the other way round, based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation laws, many scholars have put forward kinds of kinetic model equations resembling to the various moments on the Boltzmann equation with applying the basic characteristics of molecular movement and collision approximating equilibrium[2,3]. Based on the zeroth, first and second order approximations of the Maxwellian distribution, the Euler, N-S and Burnett equations can be respectively deduced by the ChapmannEnskog procedure from the BGK kinetic model equation. In the nineties, a new BGK type scheme applying the asymptotic expansion of the molecular velocity distribution function to the Maxwellian distribution based on the flux conservation at the cell interface has been presented according to the thoughts of the shock capturing difference method. The scheme has successfully simulated some problems, such as one-dimensional shock wave structure and two-dimensional shock wave reflection[4] etc. In the computation of the rarefied gas flows, the finite difference method solving two-dimensional BGK equation has been set forth based on the applications of the reduced velocity distribution functions and the translation from BGKBoltzmann equation into partial differential equations[5,6]. In this study, the unified simplified velocity distribution function equation adapted to various flow regimes can be presented based on the nonlinear Boltzmann equation. The discrete ordinate method[7] is applied to the distribution equation in order to replace its continuous dependency on the velocity space, and then the equation will be cast into hyperbolic conservation law form with nonlinear source term. The time-splitting method is used to split up the relaxing procedure on the distribution function into the collision relaxation and the convection movement. The non-oscillatory, containing no free parameters and dissipative (NND) finite difference method[8] is employed to solve convection equations and the second order Runge-Kutta method is used to numerically simulate the colliding relaxation equation. To improve the computational efficiency for various Mach number flows, four types of quadrature rules, such as the modified Gauss-Hermite quadrature formula[7] and the Golden Section integral method which is developed out of the original works of Hua L. K. and Wang Y.[9], are applied to the discrete velocity space to evaluate the macroscopic flow parameters at each point in the physical space. To illustrate the feasibility of the present numerical method, the one-dimensional Riemann shock-tube problem, the supersonic flow past circular cylinder and the flow past three-dimensional sphere with various Knudsen numbers are simulated. FOUNDATION OF THE SIMPLIFIED VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION EQUATION Based on the Boltzmann equation[1] which describes the molecular transport phenomena from various flow regimes in the view of micromechanics, the basic characteristics of molecular movement and collision approximating equilibrium is used. The local equilibrium distribution function f N is taken as the expansion in Hermite polynomials with the local Maxwellian distribution f M as the weighting function. The collision frequency ν and the appropriate f N are related to the molecular transport, thermodynamic effect and molecular power law from various flow regimes. The unified simplified velocity distribution function equation adapted to various flow regimes can be presented with the non-dimensional form in the Cartesian coordinates[10]. H ∂f ∂f + V ⋅ H =ν ( f N − f ) ∂r ∂t H H f N = f M ⋅ 1 + (1 − Pr )c ⋅ q 2c 2 T − 5 (5 PT 2 ) [ f M = n (πT ) 32 ν = 8nT 1− χ (5 [ exp − c 2 π Kn ) ( T] ) ] (1) (2) (3) , K n = λ∞ L (4) H H Where f is the molecular velocity distribution function which depends on space r , molecular velocity V and time H t , Kn is the Knudsen number, Pr is the Prandtl number, c is the peculiar velocity of the molecule, χ is a constant of the molecular power law. Each dimensionless quantity is referred to its equilibrium values at upstream ( n∞ , T∞ ). The reference speed C∞ is 2 RT∞ and the reference time t∞ is L / c∞ , L is the reference length. The macroscopic flow parameters, such as the number density, mean velocity, temperature, pressure, viscosity stress and heat flux vector, can be determined by the moments of the distribution function on the velocity space[10]. H H n(r , t ) = ò f dV H H nU i (r , t ) = ò Vi f dV H H 3 nT (r , t ) = ò c 2 f dV 2 P = nT H H τ ij (r , t ) = 2 ò ci c j f dV − pδ ij H H q i (r , t ) = ò c 2 ci f dV (5) (6) (7) (8) (i、j = 1,2,3) (9) (10) APPLICATI ON OF THE DISCRETE VELOCITY ORDINATE METHOD Applying the discrete velocity ordinate method[7] to Eq.(1) for the ( Vx , V y , Vz ) velocity space, the unified velocity distribution equation can be transformed into hyperbolic conservation equation with nonlinear source term. ∂Q ∂F x ∂F y ∂F z + + + =S ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ( (11) ) Where, Q = fσ ,δ ,θ , F x = Vxσ Q, F y = V yδ Q, F z = Vzθ Q, S = ν fσN,δ ,θ − fσ ,δ ,θ ; fσ ,δ ,θ and fσN,δ ,θ denote values of f and f N at the discrete velocity points ( Vxσ , Vyδ , Vzθ ). The selection of the discrete velocity points and the range of the discrete velocity space in the discrete ordinate method are somewhat determined by the problem dependent. For various freestream Mach number flows, four types of discrete velocity quadrature rules are used in the discrete ordinate method. One is the modified Gauss-Hermite rule which is ò ∞ −V 2 0 e N f (V )dV = å Wσ f (Vσ ) σ =1 (12) Where, Vσ (σ = 1,L, N ) are the positive roots of Hermite polynomial of N th degree and Wσ are the corresponding weights. The discrete velocity points and corresponding weights can be obtained by two ways. One relies on the table of the Gauss-Hermite quadrature, the other is to solve the nonlinear Eqs. (12) and (13) in terms of the decomposing principle. ò ∞ −u 2 l u du 0 e 1 æ l + 1ö = Γç ÷ 2 è 2 ø (13) The advantage of using Gauss-Hermite quadrature is its high accuracy, but for high freestream mach number flows the number of discrete points needed to cover the appropriate discrete velocity range could become quite large. The equally spaced three-point composite Newton-Cotes formulas and the Gauss-Legendre numerical quadrarure rule whose integral nodes are the roots of the Legendre polynomial have been applied to this study. The use of the above mentioned integration rules, although capable of treating high Mach number flows, is computationally expensive. The Monte-Carlo-Integration (MCI) technique has been exclusively used to evaluate multi-integrals[11]. It has been noticed that the drawback to the MCI technique is the large consumption of CPU time, the MCI procedure must be executed at each time step, and the selection of the discrete points is random in all directions. To simplify the numerical integration over the discrete velocity space, in particular optimize the distribution of the discrete velocity points, and improve the computational efficiency to multi-dimensional flows, the theory of the uniform distribution and the algebraic number-theoretic method of the calculability and finality are tested to replace the Monte Carlo method based on statistical experiment, and the Golden Section method is used to discretize the velocity components, where the discrete velocity points in a direction are increasingly determined by fraction and those in other direction are appropriately controlled by the principle of the Golden Section. Based on the intrinsic relation between the asymptotic fraction (Fibonacci number) of the golden number (0.618) and the numerical integral, the Golden Section number-theoretic integral formula[10] is developed to evaluate the macroscopic flow moments on the discrete velocity space by applying the Hua-Wang’s method[9] that the multi-integral is approximated by single summation. In particular, the double-integral can be evaluated by 1 1 ò 0 ò0 f ( x, y )dxdy ≈ 1 Fm æç k ì Fm −1k ü ö÷ ,í å f ý Fm k =1 çè Fm î Fm þ ÷ø (14) Where, F0 = 0,F1 = 1 and Fm + 2 = Fm +1 + Fm is the Fibonacci number. The ternary-integral can be evaluated by 1 1 1 ò0 ò 0 ò 0 f ( x, y, z )dxdydz ≈ 1 n æ k ì h1k ü ì h2 k ü ö å f ç ,í ý, í ý÷ n k =1 çè n î n þ î n þ ÷ø (15) Where, (h1, h2 , n) can be taken as the extension of the Fibonacci number collection[9]. NUMERICAL ALGORITHM ON THE VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION EQUATION To treat arbitrary geometry configuration, the body fitted coordinate is introduced, and the Eq.(11) in general coordinates ( ξ ,η , ζ ) can be written as ∂U ∂F ∂G ∂H + + + =S ∂t ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ (16) Where , U = JQ, F = U U , G = V U , H = W U , S = JS ; J = ∂ ( x, y, z ) / ∂ (ξ ,η ,ζ ) ; U = Vxσ ξ x + Vyδ ξ y + Vzθ ξ z , V = Vxσ η x + Vyδ η y + Vzθ η z , W = Vxσ ζ x + V yδ ζ y + Vzθ ζ z . The transformed coefficients A = ∂F ∂U , B = ∂G ∂U and C = ∂H / ∂U of the Eqs. (16) have real eigenvalues a = U , b = V , c = W . Based on the Taylor expanding with the second-order accuracy in time, the time-splitting method for the unsteady equation has been developed by use of the second-order Runge-Kutta method and the NND-4(a) scheme[8,12] which is two-stage scheme with second-order accuracy in time and space. For the first step, the Eqs. ∂U ∂t = S with non-linear source item can be solved by the Runge-Kutta method. For the second step, the convection movement equation ∂U ∂t + c ∂U ∂ζ = 0 can be numerically solved by the NND-4(a) scheme. For the third step, the Eqs. ∂U ∂t + b ∂U ∂η = 0 is also solved by the NND-4(a) scheme. For the fourth step, the Eqs. ∂U ∂t + a ∂U ∂ξ = 0 is equally solved by the NND-4(a) scheme. Considering the simultaneously proceeding on the molecular movement and colliding relaxation in real gas, the computing order of the previous and hind time steps is interchanged to couple the computation in the time-splitting scheme. The finite difference second-order scheme has been constructed as n +1 U ijk = LS ( Where, ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t n ) Lζ ( ) Lη ( ) Lξ (∆t ) Lη ( ) Lζ ( ) LS ( )U ijk 2 2 2 2 2 2 (17) U * = Ls (∆t )U n = U n + ∆t (1 − ν∆t / 2) S n é ù c 2 ∆t 2 U ** = Lζ ( ∆t )U * = ê1 − c∆tδ ζ + δ ζ 2 úU * 2 ë û 2 2 é ù b ∆t U *** = Lη ( ∆t )U ** = ê1 − b∆tδη + δη 2 úU ** 2 ë û 2 2 é ù a ∆t U n +1 = Lξ (∆t )U *** = ê1 − a∆tδ ξ + δ ξ 2 úU *** 2 ë û Considering the basic feature of the molecular movement and collision approximating equilibrium, the time step size ( ∆t ) in the computation should be less than the local mean collision time size ( ∆tc ). ∆t = CFL ⋅ min(∆tc , ∆t s ) , CFL = 0.95 (18) Where, ∆ts = 1 max(ν / 2, U / ∆ξ , V / ∆η , W / ∆ζ ) ; ∆tc = 1 ν max . In order to specify the interaction of the molecules with the solid surface, it is assumed that molecules which strike the surface are subsequently emitted with a Maxwellian velocity distribution fully accommodating to the wall temperature TW and velocity (UW ,VW ,WW ) . The density of molecules diffusing from the surface, nW , which is not known previously, may be determined from the mass balance condition on the surface. é (Vx − UW ) 2 + (V y − VW ) 2 + (Vz − WW ) 2 ù nW exp ê− ú TW (πTW )3 / 2 êë ûú H H H 1 π nW = − ( )1 / 2 ò(VH ⋅nH <0 ) (V ⋅ n ) fdV 2 TW fW = H (19) (20) Where n is the outward unit vector normal to the solid surface. The distribution function for outgoing molecules through boundaries is determined by using the characteristicsbased boundary condition which is in accord with the upwind nature of the interior point scheme[13]. The distribution function for incoming molecules through boundaries is assumed that there is no gradient along the outward direction. The numerical algorithm for one- and two-dimensional gas flows can be found by the above mentioned method[14]. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES AND RESULTS To test the accuracy and efficiency of the present numerical method in solving the gas dynamical problems from rarefied flow to continuum, the one-dimensional shock-tube problem, the flow past two-dimensional circular cylinder and the flow past three-dimensional sphere with various Knudsen numbers are simulated. Case I One-dimensional Riemann Shock-Tube Problem Density A diaphragm located at x=0.5 separates two regions, each in a constant equilibrium state at t=0. Here we consider a case with initial states: ρ = 0.445, T = 13.21,U = 0.698 for 0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and ρ = 0.5, T = 1.9,U = 0.0 for 0.5 < x ≤ 1 . The ratio of specific heats is 5/3 for a monatomic Maxwell gas. The computational results of non-dimensional density profiles for Kn = 0.01,0.005,0.001 ,0.0001 at time t = 0.1314 are presented in Fig.1. To see the contribution of the collision relaxation term in the Boltzmann model equation to the distribution function, we 1.2 test a numerical method which is generated by neglecting the nonlinear collision source term rieman-exact--Density and setting the distribution cal. euler limit solution 1 function in convection terms cal. Kn=0.0001 cal. Kn=0.001 equal to the equilibrium cal. Kn=0.005 Maxwellian distribution. The cal. Kn=0.01 solution obtained by such a 0.8 scheme is named as the continuum Euler limit solution. In Fig.1, the symbols ( ) 0.6 denote the computed Kn = 0.01 results, the symbols (∇) denote Kn = 0.005 the computed results, the symbols (<) denote 0.4 the computed Kn = 0.001 results, the symbols (à) denote the computed Kn = 0.0001 results, 0.2 the symbols (ο) denote the 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 computed Euler limit solution, Position the solid line denotes the Riemann exact solution by FIGURE 1. Density profiles of the shock-tube problem for various Kn numbers using the Euler equations of gas dynamics. The smaller is the Knudsen number, the more crisp shock, rarefaction and contact profiles are given. The results appropriate to Kn = 0.0001 are in good agreement with the Euler limit solution and the Riemann exact solution. Case II Supersonic Flow past Circular Cylinder The steady supersonic rarefied flows past a circular cylinder under different freestream Mach and Knudsen numbers are computed. The computational results of the density contours are shown in Fig.2, respected to the states of M ∞ = 1.8 , Pr = 1 , the ratio of the wall temperature to the total temperature TW / TO = 1 , Kn = 1,0.1,0.03,0.001( M ∞ = 4) . The obvious shock wave disturbing region doesn’t exist for the state Kn = 1 of fully rarefied flow. It’s shown that the smaller is the Knudsen number, the more crisp is the front bow shock. For the near continuum flow of Kn = 0.001 , the flow structures including the bow shock, stagnation region and near wake are well captured. The computational results of the Mach number contours are shown in Fig.3 related to the state of Kn = 0.0001 , M ∞ = 1.8 , Pr = 1 , TW / TO = 1 . Fig.4 shows an enlarged view of the streamline past the circular cylinder for the foregoing case of Kn = 0.0001 , M ∞ = 1.8 , as is only the feature of the continuum flow. In Fig.5 and Fig.6, the stagnation line profiles of gas density and flow velocity are shown together with the DSMC results[15] for two FIGURE 2. Density contours of the supersonic flow past cylinder with various Kn numbers Knudsen numbers ( Kn = 1,0.3) with the state of M ∞ = 1.8, TW TO = 1 , Pr = 1 , respectively. The solid line denotes the computed ( Kn = 0.3 ) results, the symbols ( ) denote the DSMC ( Kn = 0.3 ) results, the dashed line denotes the 5 U/U00 R/R00 Kn=1 Density 1 4 0.8 3 0.6 2 Kn=0.1 1.2 Cal. Kn=0.3 DSMC Kn=0.3 Cal. Kn=1 DSMC Kn=1 Velocity 0.4 Cal. Kn=0.3 DSMC Kn=0.3 0.2 Cal. Kn=1 DSMC Kn=1 1 0 Kn=0.03 0 -12 -0.2 -10 -12 -8 -10 -6 -8 -4 -6 Kn=0.001,Mach=4 -2 -4 0 X/LMD00 -2 0 X/LMD00 FIGURE 5. Stagnation FIGURE line 6. density Stagnation profiles line for velocity a cylinder profiles for a cylinder computed ( Kn = 1 ) results, the symbols ( ∆ ) denote the DSMC ( Kn = 1 ) results. In general good agreement between the present computations and DSMC solutions can be observed. Mach contours:20 Kn=0.0001,M00=1.8,Time=2.9,error=2.4e-3 Kn=0.0001,M00=1.8 Case III Supersonic Flow past Sphere with various FIGURE 3. Mach number contours for Kn = 0.0001 FIGURE.4. Enlarged view of the streamlines past cylinder (a) Pressure (b) Mach number Knudsen numbers In Table 1, the comparisons between the calculated sphere drag coefficients and experimental data[16] are shown for the cases of M ∞ = 2.0 , Pr = 0.72 , TW / TO = 0.7 , γ = 1.4 , Kn = 0.0126,0.02324,0.126,0.248,1.26 . The computed results agree with the experimental data very well. The computational results of the density and Mach number contours in the symmetry plane (xoz) are shown in Fig.7 for the forementioned case Kn = 0.0126 . It’s shown that the thickening of the front bow shock and the dimmer recompression shock at the wake are the noticeable characteristics in the rarefied transitional flow. TABLE 1. Drag coefficients of sphere for the flow ( M ∞ = 2 ) with various Kn numbers Knudsen ( Kn ) Cd (Cal.) Cd (Exp.) 0.0126 1.7049 1.5997 0.02324 1.7467 1.6621 0.126 2.2472 2.1779 0.248 2.3771 2.3287 1.26 3.1902 3.1494 Error 6.58% 5.09% 3.18% 2.08% 1.30% CONCLUDING REMARKS The simplified molecular velocity distribution function equation describing microscopic transport phenomena is transformed into the hyperbolic conservation equation with nonlinear source term by introducing the discrete velocity ordinate method. The time-splitting method and the NND scheme are employed. Four types of quadrature rules are developed to evaluate the macroscopic flow parameters. As a result, a simplified unified kinetic algorithm from rarefied flow to continuum has been developed. The computations of one-, two-, and three-dimensional flows from rarefied transition to continuum indicate that both high resolution of flow fields and good qualitative agreement with theoretical, DSMC and experimental results can be obtained. The present method provides an economical and efficient way that the gas dynamical problems from rarefied flow to continuum can be effectively simulated. FIGURE 7. Pressure and Mach number contours in the symmetry plane (XOZ) past sphere for the state of Kn = 0.0126 , M ∞ = 2 (a) Pressure, (b) Mach number contours ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Nature Science Council of the People’s Republic of China under Grant. No.19972008 and the national laboratory of CARDC on computation fluid dynamics in Beijing. REFERENCES 1. 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